americanedpsycho · 1 month
[  𝒔𝒎𝒔:    received:  johann    ]      yeah  well  you're  also  ceo  of  the  stinky  butthole  corporation
[  𝒔𝒎𝒔:  johann.  ]  wow,  you’re  being  harsh.  what’s  the  matter  with  you?  has  no  one  gave  you  any  attention  lately?  haha.
[    𝒔𝒎𝒔:    received:  johann    ]      shut  up  i'm  gonna  poke  you  in  the  pee  hole
[  𝒔𝒎𝒔:  johann.  ]    you’re  drunk.  malibu  with  milk?  you’re  such  a  lightweight.
[      𝒔𝒎𝒔:  received  johann    ]      WHAT  KIND  OF  PSYCHOPATH  DO  YOU  THINK  I  AM  OBVIOUSLY  I  USED  MILK  :3
[  𝒔𝒎𝒔:  johann.  ]    i  am  a  psychopath.  go  to  bed  dreyman  before  i  put  you  to  bed  myself.
@flmed unhinged text messagess meme
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wellfell · 8 months
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@flmed , jo trying to convince akina and her cat that they should keep the ferret . 🙄 they'll scratch him .
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cartelheir · 2 months
monster & ghost :')
OC ASKS: not so nice edition. status: accepting.
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monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
answered here!
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
her past does, more specifically all the things she went through as a teenager: falling in love with a grown man and having a relationship with him, and all the abuse that followed it. in a lot of ways, she still hasn't fully processed it. it took pat years to acknowledge it as abuse and not just a love affair gone wrong, and even after this realization she still alternates between (rightfully) feeling angry and disgusted, and fooling herself into thinking she had any control over the situation.
she handles it quite poorly, often feeling like what happened still dictates her behavior and her decisions even now, over a decade later. fantasizing about revenge is one of the only things that brings her comfort, but even then it won't erase what happened and the likelihood that this will continue to haunt her for a long time is very high.
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t0mbraid · 2 months
‘  i  am  an  archaeologist.  i  try  to  discover  the  mysteries,  but  sometimes,  danger  finds  me instead. ”
@flmed requested one liner starter.
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diemauergone · 5 months
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@flmed : they told me the truth. you can stop lying now. (for alex.. maybe the injury,,)
                                and  here  he  thought  he  was  playing  it  off  as  if  it  would  go  unnoticed.  how  he  didn't  survive  but  two  days  at  national  team  training.  and  how  he  now  was  forced  on  the  sidelines  during  this  interational  break,  watching  as  his  team  took  the  pitch  without  him  as  their  goalkeeper.  sure  ,  he  was  confirmed  as  the  starting  goalkeeper  for  the  euro  but  –  it  still  bothered  him  to  not  be  out  there  right  now.  to  be  back  in  munich  and  resting.  this  also  meant  he  wouldn't  be  back  a  few  games  once  the  interactional  break  was  over  with.  six  weeks  of  hell.   a  small  laugh  came  from  him  before  alex  sighed.  "  coach  doesn't  want  me  to  take  any  chances  ."  and  he  understood  that.  it  didn't  mean  he  was  happy  over  it  .  "   it's  just  something  in  my  leg.  i  still  have  moments  of  pain.  and  i  tend  to  play  through  it.  " 
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foxtaeil · 5 months
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a long - perfected smile is plastered to porcelain features as the former first lady stands with the turn of the doorknob signaling his arrival. the man singled out after a long few weeks of deliberation and a sea of qualified candidates. god knows her campaign could use the help ━━ it's funny just how little perks, security included, come with divorcing a sitting president. a lesson learned the hard way, when her office had been broken into just a week prior. the senator moves quickly, meeting him at the door with an outstretched hand. " mr. dreyman, welcome. it's a pleasure to have you. "
@flmed : 21.  EMPLOY :  for one muse to be hired as the other’s bodyguard, tutor, assistant, etc.
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tartt9 · 11 months
Happy birthday Jamie!! Arsenal will win the league.
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Jamie pauses, blinking. “What, are you some bloke in the England Twitter replies?” Tartt versus Saka. Arsenal versus Richmond versus City. It’s his fucking birthday and he’s fucking done with it. “We’ll see. Got a lot of football to play.”
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@flmed | jamie’s 26th birthday !!
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accustiv · 11 months
@flmed sent: ‘ you should fear me, but you don’t. i will be eternally puzzled, yet grateful. ’
“ i’ve met worse than you. ” i said, flatly. i wasn’t without fear, sometimes it gripped me completely, made me completely useless, but i wasn’t afraid of everyone who could bring harm to me, that would mean i never set foot outdoors, never worked, never spoke to anybody i knew. no, i had to pick my battles, and i reserved fear for the people i knew wouldn’t stop at killing me, or destroying everything i had built. anything less than that was nothing at all.
“ no offence. ” i added as an afterthought, and shrugged at him, non-committal and unconvincing. “ it’s just that you’re, you know, not as intimidating as you think you are. ” it was, unfortunately, the truth. perhaps i should have been more concerned about what that meant for the people i spent the majority of my time around, maybe i should have taken his statement as more of a threat - you should fear me… one day that wouldn’t be something all my acquaintances had in common. but for now, i let out a slow sigh and allowed a small smirk to dust over my lips.
“ besides, where would the fun be if i was scared of you? ” a hollow chuckle, “ be grateful, i’m a lot more interesting like this. ”
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americanedpsycho · 3 months
‘you’re  right.  you  can’t  judge.’  he  says  as  he  swirls  his  spoon  in  the  tea.  ‘  you’ll  give  mcdermott  an  early  heart  attack,  bryce  will  be  back  in  hospital  for  more  rehab,  and  van  patten  will  lose  all  of  his  hair.  ’  he  laughs  as  he  sets  the  spoon  down  on  the  table,  as  if  this  was  some  plan  to  do  exactly  that.  ‘  you  should  mind  your  own  business  but  …  that’s  the  irony.  we  want  to  stay  out  of  each  other’s  businesses  and  yet,  here  we  are,  judging  others.  ’    at  least  johann  isn’t  constantly  talking  about  restaurants  or  asking  for  fashion  advice.  ‘  but  let’s  stop  being  boring  bastards.  ’  he  leans  forward,  ‘  where  have  you  been?  ’
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@flmed asked, who  am  i  to  judge?
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wellfell · 3 months
‘ my darling, Kathryn Morrison, ’ 💖
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cartelheir · 2 months
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@flmed : peach. my muse groping your muse’s ass during grinding. :3
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it feels like this has been going on all day; gazes meeting in fleeting moments, teasing touches here and there, subtle but oh-so effective. pat would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy this, if there weren't times she asked him to hurry up knowing it would make him go even slower, agonizingly slow, keeping her wanting and aching for as long as possible before taking her over the nearest surface available. it's almost a game for her, trying to find out which one will give in to frustration first. and right now, she's at her fucking limit.
she lets out a shaky breath as johann's hands slide down her back, right at the curve of her waist, pushing her into a deeper arch. she's on his lap, straddling one of his thighs as their lips meet over and over. their bodies are too close together for her to reach the waistband of his pants, and she wonders if that's deliberate; probably. the hands continue their path down until they push down over her ass, grabbing at her rough and possessive. she whimpers an ungodly sound when he moves her to grind over the high line of his thigh. his grip controls her pace effortlessly, moving her however he pleases, the friction inside her panties not perfect but it makes her head spin even faster. she's soaked with her own wetness, so much that she's sure johann can feel it through the layer of fabric that separates them.
" ah━ baby, " her cheeks burn with the pet name, reserved only for two occasions: when she's being sarcastic, and when she's too horny to think straight. she takes his bottom lip between her teeth gently, soothing the bite right after with another kiss. " please. aren't you gonna fuck me? "
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soleiltm · 9 months
@flmed liked this post!
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❛ Not t’ be rude or anythin’ but, can I fuckin’ help you? You’re kinda’ invadin’ my personal space bubble a bit, buddy. ❜
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diemauergone · 5 months
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@flmed : you're exactly the kind of soldier i'd want by my side in a war. (for lena.. transfer talk? transfer talk)
                            he  wasn't  the  first  manager  to  approach  her  with  such  a  generous  offer.  she  had  a  year  left  of  her  contract  ,  so  yeah  ,  it  was  about  that  time  more  of  them  came  around.  though  ,  aside  from  bayern  wanting  to  keep  her  –  he  had  made  such  an  offer  that  beat  most  everyone  outside  of  her  current.   eyebrow  raised  as  she  sat  across  from  him.  "  despite  my  most  recent  doing  that  landed  me   missing  two  games  ?  "   no  doubt  ,  lena  had  a  habit  of  being  overly  aggressive  on  the  pitch.  everyone  knew  it.  which  the  game  against  wolfsburg  had  been  rather  tense.  and  her  heated  argument  with  the  ref  showed  it.  even  after  some  of  her  teammates  made  an  attempt  to  calm  her  down.  she  still  managed  to  be  a  bit  mouthy.   small  grin  formed  though  as  she  kept  green  orbs  on  the  man.  "  i  appreciate  that.  i  do  though  –  "  she  trailed  off  leaning  forward.  "  i'm  not  sure  arsenal  would  be  a  fit  for  me.   i've  only  ever  played  in  this  league.  and  let's  be  real  here  –  both  leagues  are  different.  in  their  own  rights.   one  lacks  what  the  other  has.  vice  versa.  my  luck  ,   i  wouldn't  do  so  hot  there.  playing styles differences and what not . " 
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tartt9 · 8 months
@flmed [ liked ]
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"How're you feelin' about the season so far?" This is probably not a meeting he should be taking. But his club knows they've got him locked down, safe. Who cares what the public has to say, what rumours will spread? Richmond is top table, and Jamie hopes to hold on to that for the rest of the season, though it'll be a scrap.
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@flmed sent "maybe we should forget this even happened."
that wasn't something she particularly enjoyed hearing from anyone, but especially not him. the insecurity threatened to creep in, but she refused to let it, if only on the basis that it was simply too early in the morning to let herself get her feelings hurt. she nodded, casting her gaze towards the window momentarily while she collected her shoes and jacket. "no right, cause this totally wouldn't have worked anyway." vivian sat back on the bed and pulled her shoes on. she had dressed up for him, a little, but it wasn't like she'd be doing the walk of shame out of his building on a monday morning in stilettos. a dress, jean jacket and a surprisingly sensible pair of white air forces made up her outfit, though she wasn't actually sure where she'd set her purse down. probably by the door, hopefully by the door. she finished retying her laces to look back over at where johann was getting dressed. "so, how do you wanna do this? i could leave and then you wait like 5 minutes or so before you do." she wanted coffee and maybe a croissant for the ride back to her apartment, and she knew she'd passed a coffee shop on the corner on her way inside the night before. he didn't want to acknowledge it, but that didn't mean she couldn't offer, right? "or i could stop by that place on the corner and get you coffee before you go..."
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americanedpsycho · 3 months
‘  a  good  thing  that  at  least  one  of  us  resembles  him. ’    it  was  a  sting  to  receive  such  an  insult  like  that,  but  bateman  refuses  to  show  that  it  bothers  him.  ‘and  when  did  you  see  my  father,  hm?  we  both  work  here.’  on  the  other  hand,  sean  was  in  europe  for  the  summer,  and  both  of  them  were  keen  to  avoid  each  other,  only  dining  once  for  the  latter’s  birthday,  and  even  then,  he  didn’t  deserve  it.  his  father  barely  acknowledged  sean  at  times.  ‘  but  i  have  a  feeling  that  you  meant  it  in  an  insulting  way. ’  he  barely  looks  up  from  his  plate,  swirling  his  spoon  around  the  chocolate  mousse,  no  longer  feeling  hungry.  
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@flmed sent: "i  first  saw  your  face  in  your  father's  gaze.  "    🏃🏻‍♂️
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