cinnamonsakura666 · 1 year
has juniper ever been unlucky enough to witness one of sam's deaths?
Yes but only twice. The first time scared the shit out of her because she thought it was permanent, not knowing about his curse. She thought he was a ghost the next day when she saw him chilling in the kitchen area, sipping his coffee. He then bluntly put it that he can't die, so it comforted Juniper that he wasn't going to be gone if he died but it worries her about her future life. Will she grow old and he has to be the same forever? It's disturbing for a young child to think about.
The second time, she had become semi used to it, with the knowledge that he'll be back the next day but she still didn't like seeing his corpse.
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systastic · 2 months
hii! can we get a lvl 2 (if thats available) sisasystem of headmates that are all endermen? everything is dealer's choice and you can decide the amount of headmates
perfectly fine if not, ty in advance! :]
another one we [tried] to post before overthinking it to death; the descriptions don’t feel as good as usual, but i feel like our perception on that is a bit warped cus we’ve been staring at it for so long…? unsure! let us know if you want more :] -🌲
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name :: end, ender, noct, nox, nyx, shade, shadow, eclipse, obsidian, dusk
age :: 110 to 130 (average lifespan of 200 years)
pronouns :: it/its, ix/ixs, nix/nixs, no pronouns
roles :: hunter-queller, hunter-persecutor
species :: enderman
gender identity :: nyctophic, eldritchine, endergenic, devotionhunter
orientation :: no romance. no sex. only hunt. (aegoromantic / aegosexual)
source :: minecraft
aesthetic :: alien, liminal space, traumacore (loosely)
appearance description :: your typical enderman: skinny yet inhumanely tall and strong, skin that is pure black in color, and with purple shadow particles hovering around it like a shawl. its eyes are a vibrant shade of pinkish purple, as are its mouth, tongue, and insides. it heals fast if cut or wounded, reforming in an instant as though nothing ever happened. ender does not wear clothes. why would it? animals have no need for things like that. it, too, is an animal: predatory and vicious, ready to snap its jaws around prey stupid enough to look it directly in the eyes. any other headmates who stare into its eyes trigger an immediate response. nox becomes double the height, twice as strong, and inhumanly fast, responding based on what the other headmate it has locked eyes with is like. those who are bad get attacked immediately. when not triggered, it is still a somewhat normal height and docile, finding joy in moving and stacking toy blocks one on top of the other. just… try not to take the blocks away from it.
personality description :: silent, cold, and otherwise unapproachable by others: dusk is the definition of apathy for other lives. it judges from afar, never interacting with others on its own free will, instead choosing to sit and observe in silence. those who draw close can hear ix inhuman noises: quiet creaking and groans as though trapped in a state just after death. the only exception to this stoic silence is for those who look nox in the eyes. such searing purple can strip a person to their core and see into their past, subjecting them to nox’s judgement of their character. if nox can see bad things in that person’s past, they are deemed a possible threat that needs to be kept watch of. those who have committed a great number of crimes are considered “tainted” and needing to be disposed of. it is single minded in its relentless pursuit of those who have done wrong and will not rest until the perpetrators are caught and punished for their crimes.
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name :: forrest, fern, cedar, elowen, rowan, maple, ash, twig (nickname), acacia, river
age :: 75 to 85 (average lifespan of 200 years)
pronouns :: it/its, he/him, ey/em, di/dir (dirtself)
roles :: peacemaker, reconciler
species :: mutated enderman
gender identity :: foretidian, liminalcameraic, floragrowic
orientation :: sparkromantic / demigreyroace
source :: minecraft
aesthetic :: ravencore, goblincore, witchcore, cryptid academia
appearance description :: rowan is somewhat smaller than the other enderman, being half a foot shorter than they are. his dna has been crossed with that of a creeper through experimentation by player characters. this is why his appearance is so unique when compared to his brethren. being mutated like he is makes forest stand out among the other members of the sisasystem. his signature tell is the amount of fluff that grows over his legs and arms when he takes control. this fluff doubles as a protective barrier against magic-based attacks, making rowan the second most capable of surviving an intense fight. dir survivability is essential for dir role as a peacemaker; if di was more susceptible to violence, it would make di less effective at dir duty.
personality description :: twig is probably the sanest enderman out of all three members in the sisasystem. ey are rational and lead with eir heart and heart in tandem to help others find a way to reconcile. when not actively helping others, ash is a bundle of nerves paranoid about every little thing. it doesn’t want to hurt or scare anyone with its appearance; all it wants to do is set the persecutors or fragments that nox hunts on the right path. elowen switches in after nox has captured and detained a headmate to probe for information and suggest possible changes to their behavior to improve personal relationships. this doesn’t always work, though: some creatures may get violent, requiring acacia to have some form of self defense should things go wrong.
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name :: frost, blanche, eira, holly, venus, io, crystal, luna, lace, jay, jayce, skye
age :: 200+
pronouns :: it/its, nov/nova, lu/lun/luna/lunar/lunarself, null/nulls, mirror pronouns
roles :: emotional funnel, emotional suppressor
species :: revived enderman
gender identity :: cosmianull, moonentity, calmvoidic, lostrain, nublunic
orientation :: caligoaroace
source :: minecraft
aesthetic :: dreamy, virgo’s tears
appearance description :: skye used to be a normal enderman: ebony black, seekers of things to hoard, sensitive to sight and a loner. of course, nothing can remain pure forever. a player came after holly, trapping it in a boat and pushing it off of the end islands. it fell for days. weeks. months. all it remembers of this is being slowly eaten away, removed from existence, and the suffering… until it was brought back. after being revived and having its soul wiped clean, skye has become a pure white creature with reddened eyes. this makes it stand out among its friends and comrades. skye has the unique ability to model its form into similar states as other creatures like pigs, creepers, and even players. the only thing that sets blanche apart from a normal member of its species is the vitiligo-like white patches that appear on the limbs of any other species it takes the form of.
personality description :: io is, by all accounts, the quote unquote “core” of the trio. memories of the past before its reincarnation have been wiped from its mind, rendering io a blank slate. since coming back, it has stripped itself of all excess emotion and distributed said emotion into cedar and nox. now it is a perfect void of a creature: an emotional black hole, as it were. skye can do to others what it did to itself: strip their emotions and suppress them by holding unwanted emotions or memories inside of itself. this makes nox somewhat of a loner; in order to protect the others from these feelings, it cannot risk contact and possibly tainting them with such a burden. lace is strong enough to handle this on lun own… after all, this is a secret frost has been hiding from the others before they even existed. surely it can hide this secret a bit longer.
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metropstoredk · 2 years
Metrop flydende gødning
Hvis du dyrker indendørs planter, bør du overveje at bruge en flydende hydroponisk gødning af høj kvalitet, som Metrop. Disse næringsstoffer er meget koncentrerede og indeholder alle de essentielle mikro- og makroelementer, som dine planter har brug for for at vokse. Mange gartnere bruger Metrops produkter, fordi de giver deres planter et ekstra boost i rodhårvækst og hurtigere optagelse af næringsstoffer i deres rodsystemer. Disse næringsstoffer er også sikre til både indendørs og udendørs brug. Læs videre for at lære mere om dette produkt.
Metrop MR2 er en biomineral flydende gødning fremstillet af et team af specialiserede laboratorier. Den indeholder høje koncentrationer af makro- og mikronæringsstoffer uden brug af vand eller farvestoffer. Det er sikkert at bruge på planter af enhver størrelse og stadie. Du kan påføre Metrop hydroponisk gødning til rodzonen en til tre gange om ugen eller efter behov. Denne gødning er tilgængelig i koncentrerede og monosaccharidformler.
Fordelene ved at bruge Metrop organisk gødning er klare: dens næringsstofblanding indeholder 100 % organiske materialer, hvilket gør den sikker for planter. Det er biologisk nedbrydeligt, indeholder ingen bundfald og fungerer perfekt sammen med vækstmediet. Og det er også overkommeligt! Udover at være biologisk nedbrydelig og spækket med mineraler, er den miljøvenlig og økonomisk i brug. Læs brugeranmeldelser for at se, hvad andre har at sige om Metrops produkter.
Som en biomineral væske er Metrop MR1 fuldstændig biologisk nedbrydelig og indeholder alle de makro- og mikronæringsstoffer, dine planter har brug for. Den er nem at bruge og er kompatibel med de fleste vækstmedier. Det har også et højt vandopløseligt indhold, hvilket gør det nemt at bruge selv af uerfarne gartnere. Det betyder, at dine planter vil vokse hurtigere og smage bedre end nogensinde før. Og bedst af det hele er Metrop en naturlig organisk gødning og fuldstændig biologisk nedbrydelig, som er ideel til økologiske avlere.
En anden mulighed er Metrop hydroponisk gødning. Metro-linjen indeholder tre flasker gødning. FloraMicro (5-0-1) er primært nitrogen, men indeholder spormineraler. FloraGrow (2-1-6) indeholder mere kalium, og FloraBloom er en blanding af mikro- og makronæringsstoffer. Alle tre gødningstyper kan bruges i hydroponiske systemer. De fungerer godt til alle plantetyper og vækstfaser.
Økologiske produkter er ideelle til hydroponiske haver, men er lidt dyrere. Hvis du leder efter et billigt pH-måler, anbefaler vi Oakton EcoTestr, et vand- og støvtæt pH-måler. Den måler temperatur og pH ret præcist, men den skal kalibreres med jævne mellemrum. Og hvis du er på markedet efter et pH-meter, så tjek General Hydroponics' pH-produkt. De er meget populære og har gode anmeldelser.
Bladplanter er mere krævende end nogen anden del af din plante, og de har brug for ekstra hjælp i blomstringsstadiet. Denne periode kræver masser af calcium, og substratet løber hurtigt tør for calcium. Af denne grund indeholder MR2 blomstrende gødning calcium. Den indeholder også enzymer, der omdanner døde rødder til sukkerarter og øger knoptætheden. Det genvækker også gamle rødder, hvilket gør det muligt for dine planter at absorbere næringsstoffer nonstop.
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Day70 from seed. Northern Lights Auto. 6gal, FloraGrow, 18-6 light schedule and a lot of love. Feel free to ask any question you might have! via /r/microgrowery
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Day70 from seed. Northern Lights Auto. 6gal, FloraGrow, 18-6 light schedule and a lot of love. Feel free to ask any question you might have! https://ift.tt/31NBvvS Submitted August 14, 2020 at 12:13AM by PhrostyTips via reddit https://ift.tt/2XVCysw
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indoorgrower420 · 7 years
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These girls are growing very fast. Right now I’m using CALiMAGic, florablend, diamond nectar, armor si, floralicious plus, rapid start, florabloom, floragrow, and finally floramicro. Msg me if you’re interested in specific amounts per gallon.
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danireef · 4 years
FloraGrow Carbo CO2 Alternative - l'alternativa alla CO2
FloraGrow Carbo CO2 Alternative - l'alternativa alla CO2 - Il FloraGrow Carbo C02 Alternative appartiene alla linea di fertilizzanti Colombo per gli acquari d’acqua dolce, scopriamolo meglio in questo articolo.
Un nuovo articolo su http://www.danireef.com/2020/05/04/floragrow-carbo-co2-alternative-lalternativa-alla-co2/
FloraGrow Carbo CO2 Alternative - l'alternativa alla CO2
#AcquaDolce, #AcquarioDolce, #Colombo, #ColomboFloraGrowCarboCO2Alternative, #Fertilizzanti, #FloraGrowCarboCO2Alternative
- by Lorenzo Spina
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blogsmite · 5 years
General Hydroponics GH Flora Series 16oz Pints TRIO FloraMicro FloraGrow FloraBloom
General Hydroponics GH Flora Series 16oz Pints TRIO FloraMicro FloraGrow FloraBloom
Just like people, plants benefit from an appropriate diet. But different types of plants have significantly different nutrient needs, and these needs change during each growth cycle. So what’s the best way to keep your fruits, vegetables and flowers happy and healthy?
At General Hydroponics, we wrestled with that question four decades ago. Our solution: Flora Series. First formulated in 1976,…
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beanapocalypse · 6 years
Your plants are growing wild!! What do you use because mine always die out... ;A;
Haha thanks! I don’t use much tbh. My tank has LED lights that run for abt 7 hours a day and I dose my tank with FloraGrow’s plant fertilizer and “liquid CO2″ daily.
The plants I keep are low maintenance species anyways, so I don’t need to do too much work to keep them happy. Regular trimming also helps promote growth so I normally trim my plants when I first plant them and then once/twice a month after depending on how fast they grow.
The “liquid CO2″ really helps! Ever since I went back to using it my plants have had a growth spurt haha. Also, the stuff does wonders with controlling algae!
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ianmkeenan · 7 years
Dwarf Low Flyer in Hydroponics
Dwarf Low Flyer in Hydroponics
Hydroponics is one of the most common methods to cultivate cannabis. This method involves growing plants in water instead of soil. A hydroponic setup can be assembled either indoors or outdoors. It’s based on a system for getting nutrients to the plant using water.
A hydroponics system has plenty of advantages:
No soil means an easier and cleaner grow space
Plants are known to grow faster in hydroponics
Water in the system is reusable, thus cutting down costs
Nutrient levels are easier to manage
No need for additional labor and costs associated with repotting
Pests and diseases are easier to spot and treat
Hydroponics are portable and can be used anyplace
However, a grower who relies on hydroponics also needs to perform regular maintenance of the set up and closely monitor pH and PPM readings.
This grow journal records cultivating the Dwarf Low Flyer cannabis seeds using the hydroponics method.
The Dwarf Low Flyer cannabis is easy to grow. This strain is the perfect match for impatient cultivators because of its short flowering time of 6 to 8 weeks. It’s ideal for hydro and indoor areas which don’t have a lot of space.
As its name suggests, this cannabis strain stays under 2 feet and flowers automatically at 12 to 18 hours of light per day. It yields up to 250 grams of usable bud indoors and 350 grams outdoors.
March 29th
This grow journal started with the following equipment and supplies:
Lights – 4 x Luxrite 23W, 1600 lumen, 6500 K compact fluorescent in a hanging parabolic reflector
Medium – Hydroponics with top feed
Nutrients – General Hydroponics FloraGrow + FloraBloom + FloraMicro + CaliMagic + Hydroguard bacillus root inoculant
Nutrient Volume – 2.5 gallons
Water Poump – Eco66 submersible
Distribution Manifold – DIG 6-Outlet adjustable drip
Air Pump – National Tech Enterprise Piezoelectric Aquarium Air Pump
Starting Substrate – Grodan 1” x 1” rockwool cube
Working Substrate – Leca Clay Orchid/Hydroponic Grow Media AKA Hydroton
Net Cup – 4-inch plastic flower pot with a bunch of holes drilled in it
Reservoir – Iris 4-gallon, clear plastic storage box, 24” x 16” x 6” filled to a depth of about 2.5” and light-proofed with black shelf paper and AI foil
The seed was germinated last March 21st. Here she is at 7 days old.
And here are some photos of the set up.  This is the reflector with four 23W CFLs.
This is the homemade net pot filled with cocoa puffs.
The reflector on the pot is supposed to also limit algae growth on the substrate.
Finally, this is a rendering of the dimensions of the fireplace which will be used as the grow room.
March 30th
Humidity is up to 42% from last night’s 36% after turning one fan off, adding a bowl of water, and turning off one of three lights which are 5 inches away from the plant. The leaves on the seedling are a little droopy but the situation doesn’t look even remotely critical.
Temperature is down to 70 degrees F. Fluid level is down by 6mm which is equivalent to a fluid loss of 1 cup a day. pH climbed back up from 6.0 to 6.3.
She’s not as big on Day 10 as some plants cultivated in soil are but that’s probably due to her genetics.
Some modifications today: drilled more holes into the pot, added a second water feed line, and tidied up the wiring and hoses.
You can see she has a half-inch root poking out.
A second feed line was added to improve flow through the pot!
April 2nd
The drooping leaf tips have not gotten better! However, she’s slowly but steadily growing new leaves but she not has gotten taller despite a week’s passing. Despite hitting the water 13 days ago, she’s only 1 inch tall.
The suspected culprits and the actions taken to resolve them are as follows:
Too much light – reduced lighting to 2 CFLs
Too much wind from fan – maintained its position pointed away from the plant
Too hot – under control now between 72 and 74 degrees F
Not enough nutrients – corrected with last night’s feeding
Not enough humidity – under control now at 40%
April 5th
After stripping away the soggy, suffocating rock wool from her roots and gently placing the naked roots back in hydroton, she is thriving! It will be interesting to see how well she does from now on.
And here are the before and after pics showing just how much she has improved after the transfer!
Her little tap root is dipping more into the reservoir. It grew 2 inches in the span of 24 hours.
April 6th
After checking on the girl this morning, her stalk was split! After pulling some pebbles away, it appears this was actually massive root growth above the surface. Removed the reflector so the stalk is now getting light all the way down into the pebbles.  Hopefully, root development will stay below the surface.
Despite the small problem with the roots, everything looks OK up in the canopy.
April 7th
She’s definitely out of the woods now. She has vastly improved after being taken out of the soggy rock wool.
Also switched to a fresher media today. This allowed easier inspection of the tap root. It has grown to about a foot in two days and now wraps around the pump. This little girl is rocking now!
April 8th
If your nose is 1 inch away from her, she definitely smells like pot!
Today is also training day. She might as well get bent early when she’s young and flexible. You can see in the photo below that the growth at the second node is now out of the shadows and turned itself vertical.
Two hours after the LST, the top of the plant already turned upright again.
April 13th
Pre-flowers popped up!
She still tiny and spread-eagled for some extreme LST but this morning’s snapshot also revealed she’s started making pre-flowers at node three. They’re only two tiny wisps but they’re definitely there. Other than her small size, she’s healthy, growing rapidly, and smells like marijuana and mint!
pH is steady at about 5.9. Added a cup of water to bring the tank back to 2.5 gallons and 720 PPM. She’s getting 60,000 lumens. She’s still small but her stalk is steadily growing thicker, longer, and putting out new leaves.
 April 18th
She’s still a runt but she’ll definitely make it to harvest!
It’s been six days since the first signs of pre-flowers popped up so she should be one week into the flowering stretch by now. She’s still small but has now picked up her growth pace – well, not so much growing bigger as growing denser.
Along with the growth, she’s now draining about two cups of water
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mg549 · 9 months
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juanita-botanokinetic mercreature-2012 through 2013
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mg549 · 1 year
ive finally gone thru my mercreatures tag&sorted them all by the 37 mer types
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cinnamonsakura666 · 2 years
is juniper scared of the dark?
It's a mix. If she wandering down a long hallway in the dark at night, she is terrified but if it's a normal room, during the day, she's good.
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cinnamonsakura666 · 2 years
Does Juniper know about sam's curse?
Yes. And she is sad about that. She is fearful of leaving his side as she grows older and has been begging Dr. Doogood for some sort of immortality potion so she can live with him forever. For now, she is absolutely fearful of growing up because of that.
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cinnamonsakura666 · 2 years
does juniper gets along with bruno cupid and jack? y'know, the "enemies"
Of course! Her first meeting with Bruno wasn't exactly the greatest, in which she was sent to drop off a bomb within a package and then openly stated she was carrying one. Turns out, she misheard one of the Wrath members say "Our package is the bomb" and took it literally. Other than that, Bruno is skeptical of her but she genuinely means well.
She gets along well with Cupid Hound! She's been watching anime lately and she'll sometimes visit Cupid to show off the moves she saw in the current show she's watching.
She doesn't really know Jack all too well but she is polite and kind towards him anyway! And she appreciates his "fatherly aura like Mr. Sam has!"
Thanks for asking!
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cinnamonsakura666 · 2 years
whats junipers favorite anime?
Magica Madoka! She relates to Madoka a lot and a few people have mentioned how a young girl like her shouldn't be watching such a thing. The Wrath encourage it because honestly, they won't admit there is some sick as moves being used in fight sequences.
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cinnamonsakura666 · 2 years
wut happened juniper's siblings?
They were.....Disposed of. Removed off the face of the earth like Juniper. Thrown into the desert and left to die. Thankfully and sadly, Juniper is currently the surviving member of the siblings who were tossed out like trash. The rest......who knows? She assumes they aren't and can't be alive.
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