#they have an Affinity for a specific type as well]
mg549 · 9 months
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juanita-botanokinetic mercreature-2012 through 2013
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elysiansparadise · 11 months
Hello! 👋 I was wondering if there are any synastry placements that could make someone believe their partner is really smart or look up to them because of their intelligence. Thank you!!!
Hello love! I really like your question, thank you so much for suggesting it. 💖
Intellectual Admiration in synastry 
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🤎Sun conjunct the MC/Sun trine MC/Sun falling in the other’s 10th house. It makes you see your partner as a very capable, intelligent and ambitious person. You can admire the other person for their tenacity, professionalism and because you see their personality as something appealing or something you can aspire to be. MC/10th house person feels mesmerized by the other person's essence, their creativity and their way of behaving.
🤎Mercury conjunct the MC/Mercury trine MC/Mercury falling in the other’s 10th house. This meaning is a little more direct, since Mercury shows intellect, skills and abilities. This overlay or aspect can cause you to see in your partner someone with great mental capacity, someone who is mentally agile, and you may even admire a particular skill he or she has. You see in the other person someone very capable, and not only in the areas they master, but in any other area due to their great learning capacity.
🤎Jupiter falling in your partner’s 10th house. Similar to the previous one, let's remember that Jupiter represents complex knowledge, going beyond the details, so in this case you admire the other person's ability to see the big picture, how they understand things that seem simple at first glance, and the depth of your mind and heart. You see in them a very cultured person, open-minded and very capable in certain specific areas.
🤎Saturn falling in your partner’s 10th house/conjunct or trine MC. House person find it admirable how the other's mind operates, how they take many things into consideration, their ability to reason, their expertise and how they seem to have a plan for everything. Various types of admiration come in here, from the professional, the personal and the intellectual. You may even be inspired to put your life in greater order with the other person's presence.
🤎Uranus falling in your partner’s 10th house. Something interesting happens here, and it is that they admire both the unique, witty and fascinating personality of Uranus person, and that quality of genius that they perceive when working with them/knowing them well. They can put their intellectual abilities and capabilities, as well as their creativity and inventive spirit, on a high pedestal.
🤎Mercury falling in your partner’s 5th house. House person admires and finds the other person's cunning and skills very attractive. They see this person as a mixture of mischief and great intellectual abilities, a combination that they consider lethal, interesting and somewhat hot. They like to listen to this person talk about what they like or are passionate about and it is very easy for them to pay immediate attention when they start a conversation.
🤎Mercury aspecting the other’s Sun [especially conjunction or trine]. Besides the fact that communication flows in an ideal, dynamic and constant way, Sun person will feel very interested in talking with Mercury person due to the affinity of ideas, while Mercury person will directly see Sun person as someone very sharp and clever. 
🤎Mercury aspecting the other’s Jupiter. Both may feel fascinated by the amount of hours they can spend without getting bored, they see in the other someone with an interesting mind and, in general, as very smart and witty. They love being with each other, as it helps them notice details that may go unnoticed [Mercury person] or see things from a new perspective [Jupiter person]. They love how each other's minds work and have a lot of intellectual affinity.
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🤎Jupiter aspecting the other’s Sun [especially conjunction, opposition, trine or sextile]. Jupiter person will see in Sun person someone from whom they can learn many things, someone with whom they feel very comfortable and is very likely to leave very positive lessons in their life. For its part, Sun person will see in Jupiter person a reliable, wise and very cheerful or positive person. They will contribute a lot to each other's lives, they will support each other and there will be respect, approval and acceptance for what the other is and knows.
🤎Jupiter harmoniously aspecting the other’s Saturn. They both have experience and maturity that they love to share with each other, because they feel that they understand each other on a deep level. Beyond admiring the other's ability to listen and immediately understand what they want to say, they feel admiration for the way the other behaves, sees life and their ideas.
🤎Saturn making harmonious placements with the other’s Sun. Sun person will admire Saturn person's stable, hard-working and clever personality, and will feel more grounded by their presence. Saturn person sees in the other person someone with a lot of potential, with many capabilities and can admire certain traits of their character and mind.
🤎Saturn making harmonious placements with the other’s Uranus. Even if they initially seem very different, on an intellectual level they connect in interesting ways. Saturn person will see in them someone with great intelligence, someone very unique in their way of thinking and seeing things, and can be greatly inspired by this. Uranus person will see in Saturn someone admirable, respectable and someone in whom he will place a very high esteem. Despite their differences, they understand each other and find in each other someone who is intriguing to say the least.
🤎Pallas conjunct or trine Sun. I remember mentioning it in some synastry observations, and these aspects usually indicate that the Pallas person sees the Sun person as someone admirable, rational and in general can have a very positive opinion about them. Sun person is very the mix of creativity and intelligence in the eyes of the Pallas person. You may think that the person is very prudent and mentally skilled. 
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esprei · 2 years
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pla role swap where emmet is the one sent to hisui rather than ingo SO to explain the second image: i asked some friends in a discord thoughts on his noble pokemon, aka would it still be sneasler or another pokemon entirely? @arrowsperpetualcringe suggested luxray as an alternative which... really kind of works well? because not only does it have some design similarities to submas (more specifically ingo as the second image shows), but emmet also has an affinity for electric types (joltik/galvantula, eelektross...) plus, bonus points - luxray is also a cat! so the warden twins are both cat dads in their respective universes ;w; with all of that said, i’ll leave you with this: imagine that every time emmet looks at lord luxray, he feels like he’s on the cusp of remembering something... or rather... 
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
hi, i'm not the same anon but i would like to hear more about the fyuuture kid au 👉👈 especially about riddle!!
hello new friend, you picked someone who is having a real bad time in this au (゚ω゚;)
I am going to give some general information about Yutu and then move on to some Riddle specific stuff.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, general au explanation can be found here, and the posts can be found on my masterlist under the series section.
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General Yutu Facts
"Yutu" is supposed to be a fake name fyuuture kid is using to help hide his identity, but I am open to suggestions on that. Originally he didn't remember his name and Crowley picked it out for him, but I like the idea of "Yuu two" being a nickname he had in both your world and Twisted Wonderland and picked as his alias to honor his parent. Yutu really admires Yuu, he has nothing but empathy for your situation and respect for your strength, and while he certainly fought with you from time to time (some Yutus more than others) he wants to be like you.
That desire was very much cemented when he heard about how you won against the overblot phantoms. Yutu's unique magic changes depending on who his dad is, but all Yutus have extensive experience in combat magic and have fought a lot of monsters. Including overblot phantoms, same as you. His fights didn't go as well though... he's extremely afraid of the Great Seven's phantoms and has regular nightmares about them.
Back to the names... I didn't have names picked out for every version of Yutu, but Riddle does happen to have been one of them. His real name was supposed to be March, yes like the march hare but if I'm honest I was more thinking about the saying "in like a lion out a lamb" because I thought that described Riddle's temper pretty well.
The other ones I picked out I still like are Merrin (I swear I found it on a list of mountain themed names??? But it means sea born or pearl of the sea), Laurie (yes like little women, his unique magic was supposed to something to do with painting), and Roland (I have an unironic love for French peerage ok please do not judge me).
Some of the Yutus were meant to have older siblings who stayed behind in Twisted Wonderland (Riddle! Yutu wasn't one of them), but that was very much an idea I didn't develop extensively since it was more left over from Fire Emblem Awakening. I wanted there to be a Lucina type older sibling character who was very protective of Yutu and wanting a future where he gets to stay in Twisted Wonderland and they get to be a happy family. But again I didn't cook this idea extensively so idk how to feel about keeping it as a part of the ayuu.
Anyway on to the Riddle specific stuff ¬‿¬
So that bit about Yutu's real name coming from a description from Riddle's temper: I like to leave what Yutu looks like up to the reader, but Riddle! Yutu if nothing else took two things from his father, his (lack of) height and his temper. His facial expressions when pouting and angry are eerily similar, and they both have a strong affinity for fire. Riddle! Yutu is a lot like Riddle Tsum now that I think about it? Very high energy and likes to jump around all over the place, but determined to be at least somewhat dignified.
Since traveling back in time Yutu has been "studying" with Grim to try and get his flames hot enough to burn blue to flex on his dad and to bond with the monster. He usually just ends up watching him though, the mental image he had of Grim vs what the little guy is actually like is really wild.
Back to the temper, unlike Riddle Yutu wasn't home schooled so he got into a lot of trouble for losing it on other students. He had a chip on his shoulder about not having a dad, having a parent with amnesia, and especially about being short oh god he is so spiteful about that. He got sent to detention a lot, and shamefully it made him fight with Yuu a lot too. Not that he hates Yuu, he was just very emotional and not always the easiest to deal with. His last few interactions with Yuu before they died were very strained, and he is filled with remorse for a bunch of stupid things he said.
When he gets to the point where he has to admit to Yuu who he is there is going to be a lot of crying and begging for forgiveness. He was a stupid, angry kid who just wanted to know who he was and didn't feel like he belonged lashing out at the one person who he knew wanting nothing but the best for him. He doesn't really feel the need to ask for forgiveness from his dad (yet)... by the time Yutu was isekaid into Twisted Wonderland Riddle had been corrupted by his overblot phantom and was wrecking the Queendom of Roses so he never really met the real Riddle until he traveled back in time.
He also got compared to Riddle a lot, Yutu isn't stupid by any means but because of all that time spent in detention he is a bit behind on the fundamentals. Not to mention all Riddle has done up to this point is practice magic and Yutu only just found out it was real so of course there was going to be a skill gap! But still, he's Riddle's son and Riddle was a very memorable student for Crewel, so Yutu was guaranteed to hear some comparisons. It didn't help the daddy issues though...
Speaking of Yutu's time at NRC, he did get placed into Heartslabyul by the Dark Mirror and he does know all 810 rules of the Queen's rules. He's not as obsessed with them as Riddle is but he still knows what he's supposed to do and tries to be on his best behavior. He was not interested in being dorm leader and wanted to instead focus on the things Yuu always encouraged him to do, like controlling his temper and getting good grades.
I sort of like the idea of his unique magic being the ability to grow/shrink because in the book Rule 42 of the Queen of Hearts says “All persons more than a mile high to leave the court" and I like the idea of him trying to use his spell to get out of arguments with his dad.
Riddle has no idea that Yutu hates him... at first. This is partially because Yutu is usually very polite to him and partially because he is utterly unaware of how much people are afraid of him in general, but he starts to pick up on it when he tries to interact with Yuu. He wants to have a private tea party with just Yuu? Well Yutu immediately starts acting like this is somehow scandalous and calls him out on his feelings in front of the prefect and he wants to lose it so badly- Yuu agrees anyway and Riddle immediately gets unreasonably smug while Yutu pouts. Take that sucker! He's going to study with the prefect all alone and since it's Riddle you know you really are just going to study.
I don't think Riddle really considers Yutu a rival for Yuu's romantic attention, partially because he isn't fully aware of what it is he feels for Yuu, but even if he was. Riddle knows that Yuu sees Yutu as someone under their care similar to Grim, they actually talk to him about it quite a bit and he has no issue with that. He is actually sort of grateful for Yutu's existence since it has given him an excuse to talk to Yuu more and let them know how he respects them.
Yutu's academic struggles are something that actually bring him closer to Riddle ironically enough. Riddle has created study guides for Yuu and Grim before, he has no problem doing that for Yutu and inviting himself over to give instructions.
"Did you not get a lot of help from your parents?" Riddle sounds nervous, and he should it's an invasive question to ask. Yutu wants to be angry, but when he looks at Riddle, he just feels sad. "Not that it is any of my business really but well. I just noticed you never really talk about them, even to Yuu."
"My dad wasn't really around." He forces himself to look at Riddle when he says it, but it doesn't make him feel any better. If anything it makes Yutu feel worse, he knows about as much about Riddle as Riddle knows about him now that he's forced to look at him. "And my other parent... they tried really hard. But I wasn't always willing to accept it."
"I can't say I understand what that would be like." Riddle looks like he is trying to and that should be what he wants, right? "My mother home schooled me so it's hard for me to understand that someone's parents wouldn't be a constant figure in their schooling."
"You were home schooled?"
Yutu didn't know anything about his grandmother, it didn't even really occur to him that he had one and once he learns about her... well it certainly makes things make a lot more sense. He doesn't want to meet her, but he is curious about what she thought about his parent. What would she think about him? Does he even want to know?
My last concrete thought is that Yutu doesn't really get the whole horse girl thing. He is sort of afraid of horses actually, but I can see him maybe wanting to ride with Riddle once their relationship gets a bit better just to do something with him.
I like the idea of Riddle! Yutu being very into baseball for some reason and there's no way he's going to convince his dad to do that with him ha. Well not in this timeline anyway, I can see good timeline Riddle doing a bunch of research on baseball so he can talk to his kid about it. And showing up to all his matches to scream in support of his kid instead of at the coaches. He is breaking the cycle we love to see it.
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
Hello, hello! Idk if this counts as a request, but in your opinion, who is the most to least likely able to survive and adjust in the human world among the nrc boys? Cause like i can see malleus going ?!?? in every direction and i can see deuce adjusting well but like other than that im not sure about the other boys lmao (btw if u consider this a request u can just ignore this !!)
Most of the human cast would have an easy time, I think Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater would all be fairly solid. They come from fairly normal families and would adjust pretty quickly. Jamil and Vil would have an easier time too, though Vil might throw a fit that he can't get his same skincare and beauty supplies, because I would do the same if I was realistically sent to twst I have a very specific and rigerous skincare and make up routine.
I think Riddle, Kalim, Epel, and Rook would have a harder time. Kalim and Riddle come from richer, more privilege families with an affinity or involvement with magic. Kalim is pretty easy going so he can go with the flow, Riddle would struggle though especially since he can't logically react to things with “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD—” Epel comes from a small town and that just generally comes with a culture shock a lot of the times, but after a while he'd be fine. Rook is such a weird mf that I guarantee that he'd open his mouth and someone would try to beat him up for saying weird shit. He's also Rook though, so he's gonna be fine.
All of the rest of the cast is going to have a hard time just because they're nonhuman, and everyone from our world are gonna… stare at best. Even Silver, despite being human, was raised like a fae, and he's gonna be having a difficult time. The only ones I could see being able to get by smoothly are Lilia, Jade, and Leona. Leona and Lilia have experience dealing with other cultures as a prince/old ass general, and idk Jade just feels like he could do well in our world (fake it til you make it type vibe). Everyone else is fucked tho.
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oneknightstand-if · 5 months
how good would the ROs be at comforting MC?
to be specific, not in a situation where the ROs would be in danger or anything, to put aside the ROs own like reactions to stuff. more like phobia/anxieties/personal issues type shit
sorry I'm bad at asking stuff, i hope u have a good day
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Merlin: They will certainly try but it's a bit like the wolf trying to comfort a traumatized sheep. There really not the best choice here. They're still one of the best human-adjacents acting like a human though.
Adrian: High affinity Adrian who's been friends with the MC for years would definitely be the best here. He already knows the MC's quirks & what sets them off and you can already see this in action in Chapter 1 if the MC starts hyperventilating or freaking out.
Arthur: He'd definitely be empathetic, but he's more the type to find out what's wrong and then try to deal with the root cause of the problem then the cuddly comforting type.
Percy: How well does the MC speak cloudcuckoolander? But more seriously, he'd be one who could suss out what's wrong with the MC even if he didn't know them as long as Adrian. Considering the reaction to him handing over comfort guinea pigs, it might go well?
4̷0̷4̸ ̵E̷r̴r̴o̵r̷ ̶N̷o̶t̴ ̵F̸o̸u̷n̶d̸: Why? Why would you even...
Cassandra: More the type to lend a sympathetic ear and give advice then Adrian's or Percy's brand of more cuddly empathy. And if you're acting dumb she's going Edna Mode on you.
Gwen: Would be the type to wind herself up into empathetic fit while trying to comfort the MC (you cry? she cries too!) , so not sure how helpful that will be in the end. You get all the commiseration, however?
Vivian: You know how I mentioned how Merlin's still the best of the human-adjacents at acting human? She is definitely not. If the MC is upset that they had a fight with someone, she'd be the type to try and drown that someone. That's how one deals with these things, right?
Lorelei: Definitely the stiff upper lip type. She'll lend her quiet presence for comfort, but don't expect any cuddly hugs from her until she's well down (the good version) of her subplot.
Broderick: Will be sympathetic in own crotchety way. I mean, this situation is crazy and all attempts to flee from it have failed, who wouldn't be freaking out or having personal problems right now?
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capnsaltsquid · 1 year
Minecraft 1.20.2 villager changes
It looks like Mojang is finally making the long-anticipated rebalancing of villager trading. Here are the details from the snapshot news release:
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As a long time user of villager trading halls, I'm cautiously optimistic about this update. Some of my thoughts:
I like the idea of making trades biome specific, but only if the villagers maintain their trades if moved out of the biome (i.e. to a central trading hall). This change breathes new life into exploration, and reduces the number of rerolls needed to get a specific book type.
I'm against capping the book trades at LV3 since it will be much harder to avoid the dreaded "too expensive" error from anvil enchanting. If they remove the ridiculous anvil level cap or lower enchantment costs significantly I will drop my opposition to this change.
I don't mind the removal of stacking discounts for multiple zombification / cure cycles as long as farmers still drop their pumpkin and melon trades to 1 item per emerald after one cure cycle. This would mitigate the much higher cost for getting LV5 enchanted books (which would now require the purchase of four LV3 books).
I also like the fact that most of the trades match well with the biomes. Having efficiency and infinity trades makes sense in the desert where resources need to be conserved. Having depth strider and respiration is useful in the swamp where you are likely to have to go underwater to traverse terrain. In a snowy biome, you can fall into water under ice, so aqua affinity will help you break ice underwater before you drown. I love these little touches of lore.
Feel free to add your own thoughts ...
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Any chance you'd expand on the hank hill trans guy post? (Sorry, best indicator I could come up with.) The concept interests me as I decidedly know my maleness, yet don't feel impeded by for the most part, any male gendered norms/boxes. I am fairly masculine, though I rarely use those kinds terms to describe myself. I have found I often do stray outside of what society pushed for me when I transitioned, yet I again do not feel it has taken from my right to maleness whatsoever. I am just me, who happens to be male. I have had friends try and suggest I am NB adjacent but I do not feel this way whatsoever. I feel more people are outliers to gender expectation than we care to admit and it's disappointing the way cis-people deny that. Hope this wasn't too long winded, I value your writing and perspective, and wanted to hear more of your thoughts on this.
Yeah, well so many things all get conflated by gender labels, and it's all so personal, you know? Masculinity does not have to mean maleness, and a person's gender identity might be a reflection of some innate quality they experience themselves as having, or a general summary of their tendencies, or their desired presentation, or their sense of affinity with other people, or an interpersonal tool, or something they just go along with because it was given to them by society, or any other number of things.
I think my recent substack piece on detransition goes into this pretty well, and I have an upcoming piece of what @pastimperfection calls "bilateral dysphoria" that comes out next week that delves into it too.
I think I mostly saw taking on a male identity as a means to an end more than any kind of innate reflection of who I was, though I did feel an affinity with effeminate men for a lot of reasons. I think I also discounted how much I have in common with my fellow nonbinary people of all stripes, because that identity became so strongly associated with being an annoying type of queer person that everybody else just wrote off as ultimately being their assigned gender at birth anyway no matter how much they protested. it doesn't help that 'nonbinary' is a catchall term for literally thousands if not millions of very distinct experiences and desires.
transitioning gave me control over how i was perceived, finally, but hormones are a throttle that only go in one very specific direction, and you don't really have all that much control over which changes kick in at which times and what people will make of you once you do start registering to them as some identity other than what you were first saddled with. it's an incredible gift to be able to toggle that throttle. but it's limited, not because medical transition isn't incredible and needed for so many, but because there is no escaping the goddamned binary cissexist logic that influences everything about how people treat you, how you navigate institutions, who finds you desirable and what they want out of you, and so much else.
if you're able to cast a lot of the external societal bullshit aside and feel strong in your maleness, maybe you're stronger than me or maybe our orientation to these things is just different, i don't know. i was never all that sensitive to feedback that i was doing the whole being-a-woman-thing all that wrong. i reveled in violating those rules to an extent. succeeding at being a woman despite my best attempts was what felt super dysphoric. and now i guess im succeeding at being a man, insofar as im always read as one, and it feels just as uncomfortable and objectifying and false. i thought that with manhood i could probably just grit my teeth and deal with it, but i'm finding that i can't.
ive always been very open that for me, gender is a thing I Do, and i guess to those who know me well it wouldnt be surprising to hear that i have gotten tired of Doing Being a Man and dont feel like playing that particular gendered game anymore. I tend to get bored of things! and find the flaws in things. and find my comfort in being fault-finding and contrarian and not being a joiner. and thats okay. i learned a lot along the way. not having to try any more is a huge relief. i can just do whatever. and know actively that people will more often than not be wrong in what they make of me.
maybe it was natural feeling for you to decidely 'know' your maleness without a care for masculine standards because that is the right identity for you! and maybe i only feel secure in the "not knowing" realm and in letting go of what people think of me or finding any kind of tidy categorization for it because that's the right spot for me. for now. until i find a new interesting way to be unhappy and striving for more and different again. :) that's just part of being alive, for me.
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steamberrystudio · 26 days
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26/08/2024 Devlog
Hallo everyone!  Tumblr devlog time. Sorry I missed the last one. Sometimes I just miss the notification when it pops up. Sometimes I remember on the off week but don't want to throw off the schedule and end up just waiting for the next one to roll around.
Finished Yren's Play test
Finished Raif's Play test
Finished Noel's Play test
Started Kav's Play test
Finally got the colour slider in the game with help from Windchimes
New music room (slightly redesigned)
New gallery screen
Bonus scene page
Wrote the rest of the ch1 bonus scenes
Got the affinity indicators coded
Multiple new BGs
Finished Yren's Ch 2 CG
Started Noel's Ch 2 CG
Worked on coding sprite expressions
Set affinity scoring up through Ch 5
Worked on the premium and public game guides
I have been working on my own play test of the game which is essentially another round of reading and editing. Last time I said the script was 616,000 words. Well it's now 621,000 words. 
I'm not just cramming in filler. A lot of that is additional choice options. Sometimes I would find places where you went a really long time without choices. Others I would encounter a choice menu that had 3 options when it needed 5 or 6 options (one for each LI).
Adding menus and choice options can increase your word count pretty rapidly so that is where most of the increase has happened.
I'm also fixing a lot of small continuity issues. This usually results in a small variation or callback being added into the script for clarity or to correct a seeming contradiction. For instance, at one point I realised that I  needed an additional variation in Ch 5 to account for a game state that wasn't accounted for in the existing options. And I had to do it for all 6 LIs. Which meant that a 200 word variation became a 1200 word addition to the word count.
So yeah, those things add up fast when you have 6 LIs.
I am continuing to work on this. And I will do one full play test of everyone's "best" ending before beta testers touch it.
I also have decided to add in "bonus scenes" these will basically unlock at the end of some chapters. Some of these will be POV scenes and some will be other scenes and content told from the MC's point of view. These are just extra scenes that I think help flesh out the characters and relationships but really didn't fit into the main story because you just...can't fit everything in the main story. I will be writing any bonus content as I work on the episodes and as I get ideas for them.
I don't have any specific rules I'm going to hold myself to for bonus content. They're just fun extras. They may be quite short in some cases. The ones for Chapter 1 are 1400 or so words.
Art wise, I've received new BGs - they're about 90% done at this point.
I also completed Yren's CG and started on Noel's. Raif's is already done, Kav doesn't get one for Ch 2.
So yeah. Getting those completed bit by bit.
Other Stuff:
Lots of other stuff. 
We managed to get the colour slider set up for Wil's sprite (we being me and my friend from Windchimes games). This required re-colouring the original sprite and original CG for Wil in greyscale and then coding in everything necessary to have Wil colourised by Ren'py rather than by  me.
As you can see from this Wil's hair and eyes are not colourised. Wil's eyes being silver/grey are just kind of a plot element and is related to their species. And while I contemplated having Wil's hair be on a slider too the reality is that the hair styles were not designed to be colourised in this way and some of them don't look as good. Particularly the curly hair which doesn't have strong outlines or, really the same type of shading to give it depth. Some colours looked quite good on it and others looked quite bad.
I tried redrawing that hair half a dozen times to see if I could make it look better while retaining the same overall look and feel and it just was not possible. I could have redone the hair but frankly. I didn't want to. And some of the other styles didn't look *amazing* recoloured. They were just okay.
I think if I want to revisit the slider in the future then I just need to approach the art with that in mind versus trying to add it to art not designed for it.
But in any case, Wil having only black/silver options was also originally with intent so I don't mind keeping with that set up.
In terms of other features that are finally in game we have affinity indicators, a newly designed music room, the bonus scene page, the gallery screen and things like that.
I did the affinity scoring up through Chapter 5 which is when the route gets locked in. That was primarily so I could test that section properly. But yeah. That's done.
And I've been working on coding sprite expressions. If you have been following me for a while you know that sprite expressions are an *ordeal* for me.
I have a lot of expressions coded in which means I tend to change the expression every 1-4 lines - especially for the main character. Gilded Shadows had about 6500 expression changes per route. Including the common route, that's about 60,000 expression changes coded manually. Which is a lot.
About half of those probably...were Morgan. She is on screen more than anyone else, of course. All the narration is her internal dialogue. She is on screen for it and her expressions are changing based on what she's thinking.
WSC is very much the same.
So the expressions are a lot.
I got Wil's expressions completed through Chapter 2. This chapter is about 50,000 words and of course I've been working on a ton of other things so I've only dedicated an hour or two a day to work on expressions. It's very tedious. It's also impossible to not edit as you go because you have to read the script line by line to decide what expressions people are using. Inevitably you see typos and stuff that you fix as you do expressions.
So it's just kind of a time sink that isn't *difficult* but does tend to take some time.
Upcoming Weeks:
My huge checklist has become smaller and smaller over the last few weeks.
The main things now are...CG creation, flowchart set up, coding expressions and getting my play test done. 
Those are kind of the things that have to get done before Episode 1 can go to beta testers on Patreon.
There are always features and elements I consider big milestones when they get ticked off the main list. The colourised sprite was one of the remaining "big ones" - the flowcharts are another.
Anyway, that is all for this update. I will hopefully see you all again in *two weeks* this time.
(I swear I need a less easy-to-miss reminder). LoL
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wxlfbites · 3 months
A Werewolfs Guide to Terminology - an update
Authors Note: Below is an ever developing glossary which will be used by a new, yet familiar, branch of the nonhuman community known as the were community. For all those who wish to distance or no longer associate themselves with the current alterhuman, otherkin and therian communities, respectively, this glossary provides ways of describing one's experiences and identities that are more reminiscent of the "old days". While terms used within all of these communities will be listed here, you'll notice they're written a bit differently, to distinguish between "new" and "old" variations. Any and all questions about terminology are welcome. Any terms coined by individual Were's may not appear in any official Were community glossary unless it proves to be a useful, popular term; we want to avoid as much micro-labeling, excessive coining and term hoarding as possible.
Animality - the experience or state of being an animal.
Awereness - when one comes to understand their nonhumanity/animality; they become "awere".
Alt.Horror.Werewolves (AHWW) - a usenet group created in 1992 to discuss werewolves and the werewolf genre, it became the birthplace of The Were Community when others began discussing their experiences with nonhuman identity.
Calling - feeling drawn to something, someone or someplace as part of ones nonhumanity, this could be used for a nebulous experience that one might not be able to label otherwise, a placeholder while one is discovering what an experience means to them, or a standalone label : "I feel the call of x" or "I'm having a strong calling toward x".
Clinical Zoanthropy - a psychological condition wherein one experiences delusions of being, transforming into or having previously transformed into a nonhuman animal.
Daemon - a thoughtform representation of someone's subconscious, inner thoughts, or soul which is given a name, animal form, gender and, in most cases, sentience.
Daemian - one who has a daemon.
Drop - to no longer identify as or with a specific identity for whatever reason; typically seen in the context of voluntary identities.
Flicker - one who experiences a nebulous or temporary identity which is often brought on by the consumption of some source material; the thing one identifies as : "my x-flicker" or "I'm flickering as x".
Gear - accessories, including jewelry, clothing, taxidermy, etc. worn to express and connect to ones nonhumanity and/or relieve species dysphoria.
Greymuzzle - an older, well respected member of the were community who has been active for several years; equivalent to an elder.
Hearted - the strong connection one feels to something nonhuman which may include an affinity for, relation to, resonance or familiarity with; the thing one feels a connection with : "I am x-hearted".
Howl - an organized gathering of Were's, typically in a physical location.
Link - a nonhuman identity that is voluntarily chosen or created; the thing one voluntarily identifies as or with : "my x-link" or "I link to/as/with x".
Mundane -  indicating those who are not part of any nonhuman community and do not consider themselves to be nonhuman in anyway, particularly those who do not know of these communities or who do not believe in them.
Nonhuman - someone who identifies as something other than human.
Nonhumanity - the experience or state of being nonhuman.
Pack - a tightly knit group of Were's who communicate regularly and function as a chosen family; may or may not have ranks.
Polywere - a Were whose identity is that of multiple separate species at once.
Shifting - when one feels more like their nonhuman identity at any given moment; refer to part two of this glossary.
Species Dysphoria - a type of bodily dysphoria (i.e. anxiety, distress, dissatisfaction) arising from the perception that ones body is of the wrong species.
Transspecies - one who identifies as a species that is different from the one they are assigned at birth; typically used only by those who are also transgender, experience species dysphoria and desire body modifications which may resemble medical transitioning to resemble their species more on a physical level.
The Were Community - the overall population who identify themselves as Were's.
Were - one who identifies as nonhuman, specifically as some creature or animal; this can be a physical, spiritual, psychological or mixed-belief identity : "I am a Were" or "I am a Were-x".
Werefeels - the feeling of being closer to or reminded of one's nonhumanity; sometimes triggered by an image, item or sensation.
Weresona - a character created by a Were member of the furry fandom, based on their nonhuman characteristics; for use in furry circles.
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Part Two - Shifting
Astral Shift - a shift where one takes on the form of a nonhuman creature within the astral plane
Aura Shift - when one's aura changes to reflect their nonhumanity.
Berserker Shift - when one's animality takes over, characterized by loss of control or an altered state of consciousness.
Bilocation Shift - a shift where one's spirit leaves their body and takes on the form of a nonhuman creature.
Cameo Shift - a shift of any kind that is not representative of one's established nonhuman identity.
Dream Shift - a shift experienced in an unconscious state or dream, where one takes on the form and/or mentality of a nonhuman creature.
Mental Shift - when one experiences what they believe to resemble the mentality and cognitive processes of a specific nonhuman creature.
Phantom Shift - when one experiences non-corporeal body parts associated with a nonhuman creature.
Sensory Shift - when one experiences heightened or altered senses that they feel resembles that of a nonhuman creature.
Transformation - a physical shift which is acknowledged by the one experiencing it to be a hallucination.
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batsplat · 9 days
could you say that marc is the best flag to flag pilot, at least in modern motogp?
idk if it's recency bias or what but I just rewatched misano 2015 and brno 2017 and like beyond his actual skill in the wet (which I think is pretty up there) honda and him usually nailed the strategy i think
misano 2014 was obv not great bc he came in too late but I think on the whole
oh yeah, it's not particularly close. and 'modern motogp' is in this case a completely unnecessary caveat! f2f was only introduced in 2005 as a more tv-friendly format and the first f2f race was phillip island 2006. until 2015, there's not like... any real patterns amongst the winners - and generally they're rare enough that you can't draw that many conclusions from who's winning them. marc's first f2f is technically phillip island 2013, which wasn't a weather-related bike switch but did of course feature the notable team fuck up that got him disqualified and could have cost him the title. then it's aragon 2014 where he fucks it and crashes because he didn't switch bikes when he should have, yes. but after that, the record's flawless: wins misano 2015, argentina 2016 (also a tyre-related bike swap), sachsenring 2016, brno 2017 - the full set until 2021. I do have another ask sitting in my drafts sent well before misano, which requires a longer response because it's about what makes a rider good or bad at f2f... so I'll go into more detail there. for now, yes there's a little bit of luck involved in some of these wins, a gamble or two that paid off because his race wasn't actually going all that great until he swapped bikes, but it's a record that kinda speaks for itself. it also probably speaks for itself that I spent much of the season pre-aragon attempting to singlehandedly manifest rain clouds. representative sample included here of my dispassionate analysis of the situation:
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which made me initially quite irritable when the rain showed up at the race after aragon, but that's neither here nor there. anyway, I will go into this in a little more detail for that other ask, but I do think it's the f2f format specifically that suits marc. it's just those specific conditions where it's not wet wet but kinda slippery and gross where he really thrives - which of course you also see with stuff like his affinity for low grip conditions in general. plus, he developed a knack for picking the correct strategies in this genre of races. his record in proper wet races is significantly worse... if I had to make a list of the best wet weather riders this century, a few names would sneak ahead (dovi, casey and valentino being the obvious picks, and some of those riders were..... not so great at f2f). here's the comparison:
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so yup - he's not a bad wet weather rider by any stretch of the imagination, but it's the type of mess thrown up by f2f where he really thrives. neat skill to have
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curryfury13 · 2 months
KHOC Week 2024 - Day 5 - Unique
We're over half way through @khoc-week ! Today's prompt is what makes our oc(s) unique.
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Hinata possesses the ability to manipulate and create water. She's eventually able to harness other types of magic, but she has an affinity with water. There's also a tattoo beneath her eye that glows when she is utilizing her magic or feeling intense emotions. The tattoo strengthens and focuses her magic.
But how did she get the tattoo? Weeeeelll....
Sometime in Third Beginning, Hinata is sent on a mission to the Lost City of Atlantis. There she meets Queen Kida and a royal guard named Kamash. She helps them with their recent Nobody infestation and in return, Queen Kida shows her the city's most sacred place.
Here's the part of the chapter (written years ago so forgive the quality) of Hinata getting her magic.
Afterwards, Kida gives Hinata the tattoo as a way to channel her magic.
From Third Beginning, Chapter 18
"This is the most sacred room in all of Atlantis." Kida explained. "It was once where the Kings of our past resided, protecting the Heart of Atlantis."
"Where are they now?" Hinata quietly asked.
"Above the city, serving as a symbol of hope and change." She replied. "Even though they are no longer here, I still feel their presence when I come here to pray."
With a rumble the platform melded into the ground of the cave that edged the body of water. Kida stepped forward, the crystal around her neck lighting up and floating higher in the air with every step she took. As she reached the edge of the water, she went to her knees and began to whisper in Atlantean. Hinata walked up beside her, silently listening to her prayers and examining the area. She didn't know anything about the Kings of their past, but she couldn't deny the power within the room. Just breathing she could feel an abnormal mixture of peace and adrenaline rushing through her. Hinata knelt down next to Kida and closed her eyes, focusing on the power around them.
After several minutes, Kida ceased her prayer and asked, "Can you feel it?"
Hinata slowly nodded and whispered, "Yes, it's… strange."
"The magic you asked of before, I believe it is my connection to this place." She explained, "Several months ago my soul was connected to the Heart of Atlantis, it called me to it to protect this city." She looked at her necklace that was still glowing. "Just as it called my mother when I was a child."
"What happened?" Hinata asked, looking over at her.
"I do not know exactly." She admitted, "I confess that I do not remember the specifics. Just that I came here and the light of Atlantis reached out to me… consumed me. Our city was in grave danger and my father near death; but when I awoke from my trance the city was safe. Perhaps that is the magic those orbs are attracted to."
"Maybe," Hinata agreed, "Do you think we could use that power against the Organization?"
"I would be able to place a wall around the city as protection, but if they appear within our walls as you have predicted, there is not much I can do."
"Well if I'm able to get them out of the city, that wall would be helpful." Hinata stood from her spot and wiped off the dirt from her pants.
Kida looked up at her, "That was not the only reason I brought you here."
"It wasn't?" She asked. "What else is there?"
"This place unlocked the power inside of me; perhaps it can do the same for you."
"I-I don't know." She stammered. "I'm not even sure I have any sort of magic inside me. I mean, Ben's magic theory is just a theory."
"But there is no harm in trying." Kida smirked, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.
Hinata frowned and took a deep breath, "Alright… how do you propose we unlock this power?"
"Take off your shoes." Kida told her standing up.
"O-kay," Hinata replied, unlacing her boots and taking them off completely. Placing her shoes beside her, she stood up and felt the cool mud against her bare feet. She looked over at Kida and awaited the next step.
"Follow me," Kida softly told her, stepping onto the water.
Hinata watched in awe as Kida's bare foot touched the surface of the water but did not sink into it. With every step the liquid rippled around her, but she remained on the top of the deep trench of blackened water. Reluctantly, Hinata stepped forward, barely touching her foot on the lake. The moment her skin touched the liquid, the blue light in the cave suddenly transformed into a deep red. Hinata gasped and quickly retracted her foot, watching at the red light turned back to blue. She looked around; trying to find the source of the light but was unable to find anything.
Kida stopped in her tracks and turned towards Hinata, "Do not be afraid."
Gulping, Hinata nodded and tried again. She placed her foot on top of the water, trying to ignore as the light in the cave transformed to a deep red. Following Kida's steps, she walked along the surface of the water. She stared down at her feet, seeing the dark depths just beneath her, going down for what seemed like eternity; but she somehow stood on the exterior the water rippling around her shaking feet. Glancing up, she saw Kida waiting for her on the round platform in the center of the lake. Taking a deep breath, she quickened her pace and stepped onto the rock beside Kida; the moment she left the water the red light changed back into the calm blue.
"Well that was unsettling." Hinata whispered under her breath, her heart racing as she looked back at the water she had just treaded.
Getting straight to the point, Kida explained, "On one of our city's many murals, Milo found an entry about elements."
Hinata turned around to see Kida walking around the platform. There were three pedestals, one at each corner of the carved triangle. Kida approached a pedestal and tapped her crystal on the top. It shined a blue light and was replaced with a small floating flame. She did the same to the next pedestal and a floating orb of water appeared over the top of it. Nearing the last one, Kida pressed her crystal against it and a green plant with stringy roots appeared, also floating like the other elements.
"After my father's passing I came down here often," Kida enlightened her, "I felt that there was something special about this place and once Milo decrypted enough of our lost language, he discovered that these elemental pedestals could be created."
"What do they do?" Hinata finally found her voice again.
"They allow us to unlock the power of our people." She answered. "Our ancestors once had grand powers beyond our imagination, but such knowledge was lost to us since the time of Mehbelmok." Turning towards Hinata, she continued. "The offspring of those ancestors have the remains of the power, passed down to them over generations; but we had no way to unlock them."
"But with this you can?" Hinata asked, looking at the floating elements. When Kida nodded, she asked. "What exactly do you want me to do?"
"Stand in the center." Kida ordered.
Taking a deep breath, she nodded and stepped forward. As she entered the carved triangle, the carving began to glow, already activating. Once she reached the center, Kida began chanting quietly in Atlantean and held up her crystal. She tapped the tip of it onto Hinata's forehead, causing a sudden rush to enter her.
Removing the crystal, Kida stepped back until she was out of the triangle. "Can you still feel the energy around you?"
Hinata nodded, "Yes."
"Close your eyes and focus on it." She ordered her. "If there is indeed magic inside of you this will aid you in unlocking it."
Taking a shaking breath, Hinata forced down the nervous lump in her throat and did as she was told. Closing her eyes, she cleared her mind and focused on the overwhelming energy around her. With the boost given to her from Kida's crystal it was difficult for Hinata to contain the feelings around her. She could feel the heat of the fire as if it was right in front of her face despite it being a small flame several feet away. The freshness of the plant filled her senses with the feelings of spring and life. Without realizing it, she clenched her fists and tightened her muscles. In a faint voice she could hear Kida telling her to relax.
"What are you feeling?" Kida asked.
"Um…" Hinata spoke in a hushed raspy voice as beads of sweat began appearing on her skin. "It's hard to tell…"
"Single out the elements." Kida told her. "Feel them with their own individual power."
Giving a quick nod, Hinata focused on the heat of the flame; but the more she spent her energy on it the fainter it became. Shaking her head, she moved away and engrossed herself in the fresh sensation of the plant, imagining herself back home in the gardens; yet little by little everything withered and the entire perception of the plant disappeared. The once overwhelming elements suddenly went silent and Hinata was about to inform Kida about it before a cooling rush overtook her. The currents in the water surrounding them were all she could focus on. She could feel the movement of the liquid as if it were a part of her. Her very being felt like it was being overtaken by waves and she felt like she was losing control. Stumbling a couple steps back she clenched her hands and took a deep breath. As her new breath filled her lungs she also felt energy from the room around her swell into her. Lifting her hand out in front of her she imagined the orb of water in her mind and tried to lift it.
Kida watched from the edge of the platform, her eyes widened when Hinata outstretched her hand towards the pedestal of water. The orb lifted into the air and floated to be in front of Hinata. A smirk appeared on Kida's face and she called out, "Hinata, open your eyes!"
Hinata immediately opened her eyes and grinned when she saw the water floating in front of her. "Am I the one doing this?" She asked her.
"Yes!" Kida called back, "Focus on the power, control the water!"
Taking a deep breath, Hinata focused her eyes on the floating orb of water in front of her. Lifting her hand the orb followed suit, rising above her head and dancing whichever direction Hinata wanted it to go. The coolness of the surrounding water itched at Hinata's senses. Closing her eyes, she broadened her horizons.
The black water around the platform began to wade in in small waves, splashing against their feet. Kida stepped back, standing at the edge of the carved triangle and gasped when a spiral of water shot up from the lake around them. The water went straight up before curving and merging with the orb of liquid Hinata was already controlling. As the waters merged the blue light of the cave instantly changed to the deep red.
"Hinata!" Kida yelled, trying to get her attention, but Hinata was inside of a trance.
Another spiral of water shot up also adding to the growing orb of water and another and another. Soon Hinata lifted the large mass of water high above them in the cave, reaching up to the ceiling as its size soon grew greater than the platform they stood on.
"Hinata!" Kida yelled again, "Hinata, open your eyes!"
"W-what?" Hinata rapidly blinked her eyes open. Looking up she saw the mass of water above their heads and immediately retracted her hands with a gasp.
Releasing her power, the gigantic orb of water rippled around the edges suddenly losing its form and falling in a massive downpour. Kida closed her eyes and braced herself to be soaked but was surprised that even though she could hear the drops falling around them, she wasn't getting the slightest bit wet. She opened her eyes to see Hinata holding her hands above her head, stopping the rain drops from falling against them.
As the water absorbed back into the lake, the red light transformed back into the welcoming blue and Kida laughed, "Well my friend, I believe I can say without a doubt that you do indeed have magic. In all my years I have never seen someone with such control over an element!"
Hinata looked down at her hands in front of her and exclaimed, "That was amazing! I've never felt anything like that before!"
"Come, let us return to the city." Kida outstretched her hand towards the lake.
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ladylakebees · 4 months
I made this a little while back ago but I wanted to post this here so I have more room to explain my thoughts!!
Persona 5 Royal Characters as PKM Trainers, and why I chose their Mons:
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OGERPON: This one I feel is fairly obvious, Ogerpon having multiple masks for different elements just screams wildcard.
MEW: Mew can use almost every single move of all types in existence, plus it can change its form into any Pokémon it battles...... yeah this is literally just a reference to Beneath the Mask. If the amount of legendaries/mythicals on this team bothers you, pretend this is a Ditto instead.
BLACEPHON: Outside of it being very jester-y just in looks, it's also Ghost type.... kinda like Arsene is of the Curse arcana. Also the fact that it explodes it's head to be able to rob people [of vitality] is just funny to me. Imagine the PTs exploded to distract Palace Rulers so that someone can steal the treasure.
SYLVEON: Sylveon is from the Eevee line, which can evolve into multiple different elements, which I feel is very wildcard-esqe, as well as the affection mechanic reminding me a bit of the confidant system. However I chose shiny Sylveon specifically because I thought it was funny to pretend Sylveon is his pseudo velvet assistant!
MEOWSCARADA: Meowscarada is Joker in pokemon form, I don't take criticism, thanks! .... but if you want more reasoning behind it, Meowscarada also doubles as his Morgana.
KELDEO: This one is a bit more out there, but. Hear me out. This is Goro Akechi's pokemon, his "Proof Of Justice," passed on after his death.
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BOLTUND: I chose Boltund specifically because of Ryuji's golden retriever type personality, as well as invoking his elemental attribute!
CROBAT: Crobat is a rather menacing looking Pokémon..... that only evolves at maximum happiness. I think it fits Ryuji perfectly!
YANMEGA: Yanmega was chosen due to it being known for its speediness, and I thought it'd be a bit fun if Ryuji has a big dragonfly zipping ahead of him during track meets. (I know Boltund technically fits this as well, but I didn't really connect that dot until after making the team, haha)
OBSTAGOON: Obstagoon has a very punk-like appearance, and is known to taunt its opponents before using its signature Obstruct move. If you've played Royal, I just thought this Pokémon would make that One Scene in January make so much sense in the pokemon universe. Also the fact that it's abilities consist of Guts, Reckless, and Defiant was just too funny and too Ryuji to pass up.
TYRANITAR & POLIWRATH: I'll be honest, these two I put mostly to fill out the team, however I really do feel like these two are mons that Ryuji would enjoy having on his team!
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LIEPARD: If you don't think this is the most Carmen-esqe Pokemon, I don't know what else to tell you.
TSAREENA: Tsareena I feel has a very model-esqe vibe to her! She'd be Ann's partner during photo shoots :)
HISUIAN SNEASLER: I know Sneasler is based off a weasel not a cat, but I feel like Sneasler is a pretty good representation of a sexy anime villainess Ann views herself as (aka Panther's inspiration)
MEGA BLAZIKEN: Representative of Ann's fire affinity!
LAPRAS: Lapras is known to be a very gentle and kind pokemon, which I feel fits Ann's position in the PTs as the "heart."
ALCREAMIE: Ann loves sweets, so Alcreamie is the PERFECT mon for her! I think she'd have the Ruby Swirl Alcreamie with strawberries specifically :)
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KINGAMBIT: I feel like shiny Kingambit looks pretty close to what his PT outfit looks like, as well as being a good representative of Goemon!
ALOLAN NINETAILS: Beautiful and representative of Yusuke's ice affinity!
HISUIAN SAMUROTT: Yusuke's idea of rebellion is that of a samurai, which is what Samurott is based off of. I think the Hisuian form really embodies that vibe!
MIENSHAO: Mienshao is a fighting type physical attacker, which I feel fits Yusuke's access to strong physical attacks.
ESPATHRA: You know that fuckass scarf Yusuke has? Yeah.
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ARMAROUGE: Armarouge is a loyal warrior, who directly opposes Ceruledge. I feel it represents the PT's sense of justice really well. You'll also see later down why Makoto has this :)
MEGA LUCARIO: Lucario I feel represents Makoto's physical affinity as well as her aikido skills really well, I think he'd be her ace (hence the Mega!)
DREEPY & CYCLIZAR: I don't really know how to explain the Dreepy, but with the Cyclizar it's easier to see how I associate with Johanna! I guess this fits the Nuclear affinity as well, if you turn your head sideways.
NIDOQUEEN: Queen. Self explanatory I think!
PANGORO: it's Buchimaru!!!!!!!!!
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STAKATAKA: I feel like this fits the vibe of Futaba's palace pretty well, especially the top floor of her pyramid (not the outside part)
XURKITREE & PORYGON-Z: These two are representative of Futaba's technical genius, with Xurkitree in reference to her abundance of technology, whereas Porygon-Z is in reference to her actual hacking abilities.
ORBEETLE: There was no other Pokémon I feel like represents Necronomicon, however dynamax Orbeetle I feel really encapsulates that alien sort of vibe Necronomicon has!
RUNEREGIS: Directly in reference to Futaba/Wakaba's "tomb."
TOXAPEX: A bit more on the subtle side, I feel like this represents Futaba's agoraphobia and unwillingness to leave her room at the beginning of the game (baneful bunker anyone?)
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ARBOLIVA & POLITOED: Both mons are representative of her gardening prowess!
TINKATON: Small pink girl with big fucking weapon
SINISTEA: I chose the shiny version of Sinistea because it reminded me of Haru's AOA finisher! It can also represent her love for coffee, even if it's technically supposed to be tea.
GOTHITELLE: Partially representative of her affinity, but I specifically chose Gothitelle as a representation of Milady!
GALARIAN SLOWKING: Also representative of Haru's Psy affinity. I chose Galarian specifically 1) because I associate purples with Haru, but more importantly 2) the Shellder on Slowking's head is said to be infinitely more intelligent than the Kantonian's form, leading it to be able to control Slowking. Kinda like how Kunikazu Okumura controls the employees he views as robots—
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CERULEDGE: Ceruledge is the embodiment of lingering malice of a fallen sword wielder, directly opposing Armarouge. This represents not only his rivalry with Makoto, but how his justice differs from the PTs. Also a very heavy handed nod to Loki :>
DECIDUEYE: Decidueye represents, obviously, Robin Hood. Also symbolic of his more easily digestible thoughts of justice (the less destructive path of taking down those who oppress the weak) .
MEOWSTIC: I'm not really sure how to explain that Meowstic gives me Detective type partner pokemon but. It does.
GLIMMORA: Glimmora within the game seems to be strangely connected to Area Zero, being found in both the Depths and Underdepths of AZ, yet also very rarely in caves above ground or within mountains. I kinda see this as a "hint" to Goro's deception, and his hidden knowledge of Mementos/the Metaverse.
HONCHKROW: Representative of his codename Crow :> I chose Honchkrow over Corviknight because I felt Ceruledge satisfied the dark knight vibe more than enough.
GARCHOMP: Needed to fill out his team, so I thought Garchomp would be a powerful and fitting addition! If you squint, you can see this as representative of Goro's physical attributes and affinity for Almighty skills!
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ABSOL: A Pokémon that senses danger before it happens, leading it to mistakenly thought of as the bringer of omens; it is Kasumi's Pokemon that alerted her of the oncoming car that Sumire was running in front of.
SWANNA: Kasumi and Sumire have a sort of Swan Lake motif, with Sumire being the Black Swan of the two (too bad shiny swanna is not black :( )
GASTRODON: I just thought it was really cute how there is a pink and blue Gastrodon, sort of representative of the gymnastics uniform that the Yoshizawa siblings wear.
RIBOMBEE: Shiny Ribombee is directly representative of Kasumi's red ribbon. Can also be interpreted as representative of Sumire's Bless affinity.
FROSLASS: Froslass is said to be the soul and lingering regrets of a dead woman who's possessed an icicle. You can interpret this as either being Kasumi herself, or the narrative of Kasumi's death haunting Sumire.
HISUIAN LILLIGANT: There's no real confirmation that Lilligant is a dancer pokemon itself, however I personally feel it has the appearance of a gymnast/dancer, and it's feet being similar to dance shoes. It's signature ability being Victory Dance, as well as being known for its ability to jump high and gracefully are added bonuses :>
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DARKRAI & CRESSELIA: These two pokemom are essentially the same; Pokémon who can control dreams. Cresselia is for what Maruki THINKS he is accomplishing, as well as being known for being great at healing techniques, whereas Darkrai is for what Maruki is ACTUALLY causing in terms of his goals.
JIRACHI: Jirachi is known as the "Wish Maker" Pokémon. I'd like to think Maruki encounters Jirachi when it's still asleep, and it doesn't awaken until he catches Hydrapple.
ZOROARK HISUI: Representative of the false reality itself, being the Illusion Pokemon. You could also kinda interpret it as the actual shadows within the Palace as well. However, I specifically chose Hisuian Zoroark for it's appearance of the embodiment of death, as a sort of nod to Maruki's grief over Rumi.
BLISSEY: Being a therapist, I thought Chansey would be a perfect mon for Maruki! However, I thought the evolved form, Blissey, being called the Happiness Pokémon, was too good to not have on his team. Representative also of his goal to achieve ultimate happiness for all.
HYDRAPPLE: Hydrapple is the representation of the forbidden apple from the Garden of Eden, also the name of Maruki's palace. Not only is it the forbidden apple, but also the serpent that tempts Eve into betraying God. Hydrapple is Maruki's ace.
Feel free to let me know what you think of my teams! I had fun making them and brianrotting about their place on the team :> I also made teams for Caroline/Justine, Lavenza, Sophia, and Zenkichi! Let me know if anyone is interested in seeing those as well ♪ヽ(´▽`)/
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princesscolumbia · 11 months
So about the musical episode...
This is specifically geared to "Subspace Rhapsody," which if you haven't watched it shame on you go now and watch go go go go!!!
So by the end of the ep everything goes back to normal and it turns out the real musical ensemble was the friends we made along the way etc., but what if it didn't?!
Yes, there'd be immediate consequences; highly classified secrets getting out, relationships starting and ending, etc.
But humans adapt, and since the other species in the galaxy are the same kind of "fuck you, I'm surviving!" results of evolution, they'd all adapt, too.
First off, the big one: It'd be like that post where somehow Anakin and Obi-wan can hear the musical score an realize Palpatine is a sith lord; the bad guys would be outed, like, the SECOND their musical number started up. Khan would have been identified before the Enterprise even finished scanning the Botony Bay, the Prime Directive would have to get a big 'ol asterisk pointing to a clause describing the specific mathematical properties of different types of music the crew can expect to hear when approaching a potential first contact. Science experiments would be (metaphorically) killed on the spot because the "mad scientist" theme would start playing.
But a century on? Well, everyone would have adapted...
The Vulcans would have come up with an entirely new discipline; Rhythmic Logic. Rather akin to rap, it'd be syncopated speaking with periodic inflections to denote emphasis on certain points, and the passive aggressive sass levels would be off the CHARTS. Counterintuitive to most Vulcan training for centuries, to properly learn and master this new discipline, the Vulcans would need to induce moments of high emotion to properly initiate the musical triggering conditions, but once started their logic and ability to freestyle would then be put to use to focus and direct the song.
Andorians would be less about the singing and more about choreography. Their troop movements would be works of martial art and their ability to synchronize with each other during operations (any operation, whether medical, business, black-ops, etc.) would be legendary throughout the galaxy. When xenoanthropologists start proposing theories, the truth is swiftly buried for the sanity of the galaxy; since the "musical universe" is based on human musicals, Andorian affinity for good choreography is rooted in figure skating.
Tellarites would unabashedly embrace Weird Al as a sort-of prophet/god once they figured out that parody is the sincerest form of insult. Whatever musical number you're performing, the Tellarites will ride on top of it and twist it in crass ways until the song they sing drowns out whatever they're parodying and is considered the superior work. This, amusingly, results in relations between Tellar and Earth to improve as "bards" of both races across every strata of society compete to see who can make the better parody.
Romulans would lean into the villain pieces, like, unironically. Go to a diplomatic party on Romulus and you're beset by a massive orchestral work of interweaving harmonies as a melody of every big number and quiet ballad are melded together in a symphony of intrigue, emotion, politics, and betrayal. Yes, there's good Romulans, but because their music is JUST as "villainous" as the heroes, it's nearly impossible to tell them apart. Somewhat ironically, it's That One Romulan who only sings spritely songs in a major key that turns out to be the baddest, most lethal Romulan of all.
Klingon society would fracture into new houses based on musical style. The "Old Guard" would be the Klingons who break out into Klingon Opera on the regular. K-pop would be known for being vicious berserkers. Shakespere may be beloved by the Klingons, but the Soviet Anthems would become THE way to unify the Klingons during the "cold war" era.
Once the effect stretched into the Delta Quadrant (nobody in the quadrant knows why they've suddenly started breaking into song, and it isn't until well after Voyager returns home that someone in a university history department is given access to the full history of the Borg's interaction with Starfleet that they realize that it was Q launching the Enterprise D into the Delta Quadrant that created the contact), the Hirogen would come to be known for their absolutely epic power-metal ballads. Their "hunting axes" would become some variety of electric guitar almost overnight.
Because Voyager's crew had grown up with the "random" musicals, Voyager has a leg up on the entire Delta Quadrant, further solidifying Janeway as an unmitigated badass when she uses her absolute mastery of the musical forms to kick ass in every genre.
Cultures that had been introduced to warp flight badly (turns out the Federation had the right idea with the Prime Directive, just not for reasons that anyone could have ever predicted) can always be identified as being...cut rate. It'd be like going from a Broadway Musical production of Hamilton to encountering that one "Christian" production where they butchered the lyrics and the "b-list" actors were the best they could get.
Cardasians would be all about the martial themes. Even their counterculture movements would be all about the percussion-heavy 4:4 musical numbers.
Bajorans would be split between Broadway Musical-style numbers that seem to take inspiration from plays like "West Side Story" and Epic Battle Hymns sung by every Bajoran involved in a given conflict that reach deep into your soul and make you feel simultaneously victorious and deeply sad for reasons you can't quite identify.
The Borg would be EDM for some reason. Nobody is quite sure why.
Even the species that sent the whale probe in the 23rd century wouldn't be spared. Dubstep...dubstep everywhere!
Section 31 and the Tal Shiar would be in a black-ops weapons race to see who can weaponize the musicals the most effectively.
Time travelers would have a blast. Turns out the big reason for the Temporal Cold War was to stop a massive Temporal Prime Directive violating wave of time tourists who just want to go back to a time before musicals were a fact of life. Mariner and Boimler wouldn't even realize they hadn't broken out into song once until they returned to the 24th century.
Humans would be driving everyone nuts. A species that had adapted to using Rent-style musical numbers to form social collectives that were so "in-crowd" that nobody else could even think of joining would suddenly find this one asshole human that picked up on it and was fitting in perfectly. Klingon slasher ballads would be met with children's cartoon bubbly pop music. Andorians would be simultaneously overjoyed at having companions that could work so perfectly with them and appalled that another species dared to get on the ice with them.
The only beings immune to the whole thing would be the Q. The reason Q was the one interacting with Picard? He's the only Q that can stand the whole universe turning into a musical! He's "the band nerd" in Q high school, the one that'll break into a situationally appropriate musical hit number from that one Broadway play when nobody wants to hear you singing Q! Q doesn't have to sing like the lesser species, but by golly he WANTS to and he's GONNA!
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dipperdesperado · 1 year
guerrilla gardening is very cool
I’m really stoked to talk about praxis and solarpunk today. Hopefully, you all know what solarpunk is. I imagine fewer of you know what praxis is. Essentially, praxis is a term, used a lot by leftists, to talk about doing stuff. It’s a practice or activity, informed by theoretical and experiential knowledge. In our goal to create an ecological society informed by appropriate technology, we should think not only about the massive upheavals but the things that we can do right now. That’s where guerrilla gardening comes in.
Gardening in general is activism, but guerrilla gardening is like, super solarpunk. The rundown is essentially when you and/or a group of homies take some love-starved land and turn it into a garden (or just plant stuff there) without permission from the owner of said land. That lack of permission is what makes it guerrilla. This can lead to a better community, and supports abolition (of private property), autonomy, and collective resiliency. Ideally, you can get public support behind ya, and be able to work with the municipality to not get in trouble. The classic asking for forgiveness than permission, until you’re the one that can decide.
Where to Start: X Marks the Spot
When you (and your small-but mighty collective/affinity group) decide that you want to set up a guerrilla garden, the first thing you want to do is find a good spot. It can be that little line of grass that split up two sides of the road, a sidewalk bed, or an empty lot. You want to make sure there’s good sunlight and decent soil. If the soil ain’t good, but you wanna do stuff there, I’d recommend researching how to rehabilitate it. Obviously, that’s more work, though.
Once you have your target spot, you’ll need your tools and plants. Some basic things will be gloves, a trowel, a water source (like a can or hose), and plants/seeds. Some nice-to-haves could be mulch, compost, or soil amendments. It depends on what you’re planting and what your conditions are to know what you’ll need to bring. If you’re in a high visibility area, it could be nice to have some clothing that makes sure you don’t look suspect. That’s probably a good general rule of thumb. Act like you deserve to be in the space because you do! If you look suspect, people will think as much.
Prepping the Garden
Once you have everything you need, you’ll need to get the garden site ready. If you need to clear it out, whether there’s vegetation you’re not interested in, trash, debris, etc., do that. Ideally, you can also improve the soil quality with stuff like compost and organic stuff if you need to.
Time for Plants!
Here’s where the real fun begins. Get some plants going! You want the ones you pick to be a good fit for the target climate and soil. Even better if some of them are edible. When you’re planting, be sure to space the plants out and water them pretty well. If you're planting seeds, be patient! It can take a few weeks for the plants to sprout.
Garden Tending
Now that you have a garden going, it’s time to keep it up. You want to water them regularly and watch out for any invasives or weeds that could crowd out your plants. You might also have to add additional amendments to the soil, to keep the plants happy. Try to make sure to think about and account for issues in the garden. Whether that’s nonhuman neighbors or mean vandals, you want to try to think of ways to uphold the values of the project while protecting its continued existence.
I also want to touch on some more specific types of guerrilla gardening. Firstly, let’s talk about permablitzing.
Permablitizing is a portmanteau between permaculture and blitzing. Permaculture is a type of gardening and farming that aspires to copy natural ecosystems to create harmonious gardens that are self-sustaining. It generally will include a mix of native, edible, and wildlife-attracting plants. Permablitzing is taking that permaculture idea and rallying the community to create a permaculture garden in a single day.
It looks a little something like this: volunteers collectively design and install the garden. They put in garden beds, plant trees, and shrubs, and install irrigation. There might also be compost systems, raised beds, or accessible walkways through the garden. Permablitzing is great because it’s relatively quick, it’s tangible and immediately garners buy-in. It’s more about finding the space to do this and finding people who are willing to participate.
If you’re not able to work with a group, or you just want to be able to very quickly deposit new plants in places, you can seedbomb!
Seedbombs are small packages of seeds wrapped in soil that can be thrown or dropped onto the ground. This kinda stuff is great for rewinding and restoring neglected or degraded areas. Just make sure you do research! You don’t wanna introduce invasive or incompatible plants.
The basic seedbomb recipe is:
Clay or compost
You mix them together, roll them into small balls, then let them dry. You can just toss them into your target areas. Seedbombing is great because it’s fun and creative while being a great way to un-neglect neglected areas. You can also do it alone or with the homies. It’s a very flexible guerrilla option.
Final thoughts
One of the most important things to think about when trying to enact social change is aligning your ends (the liberatory future you envision) with your means (the things you do to get to that vision). Guerrilla gardening is great to this end as a form of praxis because it allows for this to be realized in the here and now. It helps us realize that we don’t have to wait until people let us do what we think is right. If you see an issue, you can respond to it. Also, gardening is fun, gets you outside, and allows you to be more connected with the earth, which is just so so so good for you. Be smart, keep each other safe, and good luck with your gardening!
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beigetiger · 6 months
Here is what I think various realms might have been like in the Kingdom of Sky pre-fall, this will be a VERY long post and I might have to do some of it in reblogs. Some of what I say will be based off what I see in the game and other stuff will just be ✨vibes✨, so feel free to share if you have any thoughts.
And with that, on with the headcanons!
➡️ Isle of Dawn:
- The Two Ember’s trailer shows that the environment of Isle used to look a lot like Prairie, so I reckon they may have served similar purposes that I will elaborate on later.
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- Was probably mainly comprised of villages and had a pretty small population, was overall pretty quiet.
- Isle seems to have had many different religious groups there who did various things.
- The Prophecy people seemed to celebrate the four elements and a value attached to each of those elements, as well as keeping track of what was happening on the wall, which we can unlock by doing Prophecy quests.
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- Passage folks seemed to give animal masks to its more mature members, perhaps associating different traits with different animals and then assigning kids that animals based on what talents they express.
- While the Isle of Dawn wasn’t always a desert, I do think it had transformed into one by the time the kingdom fell.
- Near the end of the kingdom when everything has turned into a desert, people would hand off their kids to various religions because the groups had more resources to take care of the kids than the families. After all, not all of those Passage kids seemed super enthusiastic to be there…
➡️ Daylight Prairie:
- This area (and this also goes for Isle) probably had a lot of farms and mainly engaged in farming and keeping light creatures, as we see many spirits whose job seems to be watching over a type of creature (e.g. the Butterfly Whisperer). They also seemed to like free-roaming creatures.
- Farming light creatures means they probably produced a lot of light involved in creating darkstone.
- Aside from beast keepers, they probably had people whose job it was to construct things like boats that could carry people around, because there is a lot of clouds and a lot of open air in Prairie.
- They probably mainly lived in caves that were formed in the rock, perhaps carving out a few areas as well. After all, there are many caves in Prairie that seemed to serve some use, and some of the caves actually look pretty cozy.
- They were also probably a pretty big vacation destination, so they set aside areas like Sanctuary Islands (and maybe Prairie Peaks) specifically for that purpose.
- They probably had something like bridges between the various floating islands so skyfolk without wings could access it.
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- The Flight Guide was apparently a former apprentice of the Prairie Elder Ayin, so it was possible that they helped train new beast keepers, since they seem to have an affinity for butterflies.
➡️ Hidden Forest:
- People tended to either live in giant, hollowed out trees or treehouses. Either way, trees were involved.
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- Rain made life much more difficult, which meant that everybody was probably pretty hard workers, and more “no-nonsense” than other realms.
- They made more basic, non-darkstone fueled inventions such as various kinds of chairs, torches, and other stuff. Maybe they helped invent shared spaces.
- Kids spent a lot of time grouper together in little daycare groups depending on their age, and caretaker duty rotated between adults. Is there a single source for this in-game? No, but I choose to believe it anyway.
- At first they mostly consumed light from candles and occasionally birds (they had hunters), but as birds started to become fewer in number due to over hunting and dark plants started growing in, people switched to consuming that instead.
- These giants eggs in a nest imply that something laid them, perhaps some species of creature that went extinct, in which case the eggs would be fossilized.
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- Fire was probably pretty important due to the wet conditions, and people preferred to stay cozy indoors when they weren’t working.
- Elder Teth oversaw more major projects, and while they were highly intimidating, you’d be damned if they overworked their workers.
- They had darkstone mines that were constantly in use, and these caves were prone to flooding as the end of the kingdom drew near, which resulted in several deaths.
- The shrooms that grew on trees were at first just used as a place to hang out and replenish light, but as the light creatures grew rarer, people started to scrape light out of those as well.
- Wind Paths had people who lived there as a full-time job who were supposed to make sure everyone going through the Wind Paths got where they needed to go and didn’t get lost or injured.
- They had mochi, but it was more of a treat than a main part of their diet.
➡️ Valley of Triumph:
- The Valley Twins totally have no identity issues. Nope. Never. Being a person whose identity is dependent on there being another person with them totally was not damaging at all.
- Valley prioritized the arts and produced a lot of athletes, artists, and musicians.
- The skyfolk usually took after their elders and were very playful and fun-loving.
- Majority of the population lived in the Village of Dreams, because those who didn’t had houses facing sheer, rocky cliffs.
- The kids spent a lot of time wandering around in groups having fun and doing what counted as enriching activities that made them skilled as adults. The adults encouraged this, and probably half the games played in the kingdom originated from Valley.
- Later on in the lifespan on the kingdom, a decent chunk of the Wasteland soldiers probably came from Valley because Wasteland didn’t have enough of a reproducing population to keep up with the mortality rates.
- The Valley Elders were basically everybody’s secondary parent figures and they absolutely loved interacting with their subjects. The twins regularly held big, realm-wide competitions that tested athletic and artistic ability.
- The graves in the waiting rooms for the races are the graves of various champions of those races throughout the years.
- That one grave in the Village Theatre is from when someone died and was buried, perhaps after Eden had blown up and so the others could only bury them and then run to escape the chaos.
- The big floaty things in the citadel are decorative art pieces because someone figured out how to do it and the twins loved it so much they stuck it there.
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- The bird statue in front of the citadel was a protest from a citizen near the end of the kingdom who was warning against the overhunting of animals.
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- The Valley people caged and killed wild mantas for their light that could be transformed into darkstone. Aurora was sent from Megabird to stop this behaviour, but sadly failed.
- When the first person died from a krill attack, both elders were INSANELY guilty and it still haunts them today.
- Slope race was run by Sah, flying race was run by Mek. This is one of those headcanons were I say it purely off of vibes.
- The Valley Twin’s masks are Priestess Sahmek’s mask split into two. I could unironically make an entire post about these two alone buuuut I’m gonna refrain from doing it here.
➡️ Golden Wasteland (this is a LONG one, buckle up):
- It was originally a very technologically advanced realm, it had a lot of inventors and worked a lot with darkstone. Their affinity for darkstone means that the corruption hit them first and hit them hardest.
- As I said, they originally had many inventors and people who worked on the pipes. But as the corruption and darkness started creeping in, more and more people became soldiers until there were pretty much only soldiers left.
- The Elder Room where you talk to Tsadi used to be different, and it was a room built exactly like Elder Teth’s room. I also want to make a post analyzing this. But basically, room used to be different but they were forced to change it because the corruption was threatening to take over that area.
- They used to have a population of whales who were over hunted and are now extinct.
- Late in the kingdom’s lifespan, child soldiers were used when necessary, but only teenagers. They also brought in people from Triumph because it was easier to train people who had been working out their entire lives.
- Those big pipes around the fortresses were used for transporting something but as of now I don’t know what it would be.
- Everyone slept in barracks and children had a designated mass caretaker, which did not rotate duties like in Forest.
- Resh was worshipped and looked up to a lot more in the Golden Wasteland than other places (which is why they had so many big statues of him) and Elder Tsadi was totally under Resh’s thumb. Some soldiers disliked this but didn’t speak up out of fear of punishment.
- The crashed boat in the crab fields was the Sky equivalent of the Titanic and had all sorts of people on board. The ship was taken out by the krill that now patrols it and many people died. One of the soldiers that survived made a small mass grave for as many of the bodies as they could bury.
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- The spirits from Season of Remembrance were originally Wasteland spirits that eventually fled to Vault (that or their spirits were transported there after their deaths for preservation purposes).
- The Forgotten Ark was similar to the crab fields crash but happened a while before and was eventually transformed into a space for spell merchants.
- The spell merchants tended to be from the Golden Wasteland but could move throughout realms, and they sold things to assist with everyday life for the various groups of people.
- There was a small community of merchants who lived full-time on the Forgotten Ark and worked together to collect supplies and sell their wares. The giant pot on one end of the ship was where they concocted the spells.
➡️ Treasure Reef (getting its own section because I have things to say):
- Treasure Reef was originally a colony from the Golden Wasteland to mine darkstone.
- A lot of the now-underwater structures in the reef look like they were created to be walked around in normally, so perhaps the water levels used to be much lower but went up over time, forcing the colony upwards.
- As the water level rose and it became harder to mine darkstone effectively, they would resort to simply swimming down and collecting whatever they could.
- They were deemed hardcore by the other realms (and the rest of Wasteland) due to their diet. Most areas were used to living off of candles and occasionally light creatures, while these people were cracking open clams and catching fish like nobody’s business.
- They probably had a lot of storms, and were one of the first areas in Wasteland to start experiencing krill attacks, which is why the King Krill is located there.
- This means they had an entire protocol if a krill was spotted, which involved moving any children somewhere safe (because the krill would target them) and grabbing a weapon.
- They were all very strong swimmers and spent much of their lives in the water, and swimming was a very standard way of getting around.
- The blue eel/water dragon was very rare and considered a symbol of good luck.
- They also might have been storers of information similar to what can be found in Vault. That or that was their way of containing darkstone.
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- They may have lived in caves carved out underneath the water to save space on land.
- Eventually, the krill attacked the colony as a giant group and killed many people, including the Abyss spirits we see today. Those who survived fled to join Wasteland.
➡️ Vault of Knowledge:
- It doesn’t exist naturally, it was built in a part of the void and is constructed entirely of rock and darkstone.
- The people who lives there were keepers of memories and information, and were regularly recording memories that summarized whatever big events were happening at that time.
- Any kids that lived in the Vault were also in charge of keeping the memories safe and organized, so many of them were quiet, under socialized and had never seen the sun.
- Great, wise philosophers and thinkers were the most likely to be transformed into spirits instead of memories. Some of the graves of these thinkers are kept behind the four-player door on the Vault’s first floor.
- The elevator was always moving up and down and people were always jumping on and off it, and it was certain people’s jobs to literally stand there charging the elevator each time for hours at a time.
- Certain, more important or delicate areas had designated keepers instead of being upkept by the general population.
- Speaking of population, the Vault had the smallest one in all the realms.
- People slept in the Remembrance area mainly, but also sometimes would curl up in a corner of the Vault and nap there instead. The conditions were not amazing and there weren’t enough bedrolls for everyone to sleep at once, but that was ok because Vault had no proper night/day cycle, and so there was always a group of people who were working and a group of people who were resting.
- The Nine-Coloured Deer area is a kingdom distinct from the Kingdom of Sky that Vault discovered and created a connective area to so they could keep in touch.
- The Little Prince area is more of a metaphorical dreamland than an actual place and it isn’t fully real. A group of people once did something very bad and were essentially damned to hell there, which is why they are chained up. What they did is up for debate, but these guys were very unaware of what was happening in Vault once they were locked up and are currently unaware that the Kingdom of Sky has fallen. They might never find out.
- Cosmic mantas are actually manta spirits that were brought to the Vault.
➡️ Eye of Eden:
- It had the biggest population in all the realms.
- The people there were friendly, albeit a tad vain.
- They also had pipes similar to those in Golden Wasteland, presumably serving a similar purpose.
- Resh didn’t created the corruption on purpose, and he was violently ignorant of it’s existence even as it was actively harming his own people. He only realized how badly he fucked up in his last few moments of life.
➡️ More general stuff:
- The Hopeful Steward tried to travel throughout the realms warning people of the corruption, but wasn’t listened to due to being a child and instead left to create a little village of their own. At first it was just them, but as the corruption started pushing people out of their homes, more and more people joined the village. It had most of the remaining population of Sky right before the crystal blew up and released the corruption.
- The four mannequins from the Season of Revival are what remains of four kids who were friends of the Hopeful Steward and tried to help them raise awareness about the corruption, but were sadly killed by a krill. This only fuelled the Steward’s determination.
- There used to be caravans pulled by mantas that would travel throughout the realms, and people jumping on the back of them to be carried around was quite common.
- The spirits all used to have names more resembling the Elder’s names, but none of the kids know what those names are. The names we refer to them by (cackling cannoneer, stretching lamplighter, etc) are what the skykids dubbed them.
And that is it, although maybe I’ll add to it later. Sorry again for making this so long, I’ve been slowly constructing this in my head for months and wanted somewhere to put my ideas down. I would’ve added more images, but I can only put ten so that’s gonna have to do it. Thank you for coming to my ted-talk.
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