#florencia & drew.
petalsfm · 1 year
LOCATION: ignition kingdom STATUS: closed / drew @xallmywolvesx
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it felt as if life was playing a huge practical joke on them. yes, they've dedicated their life to studying plants but that didn't mean they wanted to see any sprouting out of their engine. "have you, um, seen this before? is it, um... is it something we can just pull out and call it a day? or... or do you think it's a bigger issue?"
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justatiredlesbian · 7 years
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softfairies · 3 years
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drew the reyes family before trauma! nora and callie are characters from @if-mirrormine and florencia (the one in the back) is my mc from the story <3
this photo was taken before flor disappear and actually is the photo shown on the last frame of this post !
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our-time-is-now · 2 years
August 14, 2019 (2): Florence-i
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.
Wednesday, 1:13 pm:
Matteo: *they managed to make good time and only stopped once to go to the bathroom* *they left the express highway and are now approaching Florence* *sees the city sign and grins at David* This will be an awesome Florenzi-friday…
David: *they are just outside of Florence and he just hopes that they can stop somewhere close to the city sign so that he can take a photo of Matteo* *grimaces briefly when he sees that this doesn’t seem to be the case when the sign comes into view* *then hears Matteo’s words and has to laugh quietly* Oh yes - only the people who know your last name will get it, but still… *passes the sign and is relieved that it doesn’t only say “Firenze” on the sign but below it also says Florence, Florenz and Florencia* *keeps an eye out for any place they could stop and murmurs to Matteo* I can’t stop anywhere here… we’ll have to walk back some distance… *then simply leaves the main road and turns into a side street and smiles happily when he sees that there are empty parking spots* *parks Rudi and turns him off, takes his phone from the holder, gets out and grabs his backpack from the back seat* *points his head toward the main road* Let’s go?
Matteo: *laughs and shrugs one shoulder* Well most people do… *then nods at David’s words* Yes that’s okay, we have time… *gets out when David stops since he still has his phone in his pocket, anyways* *closes the door and waits for David to lock the car* Yep, let’s go! *walks next to David in a good mood* Why did you bring the backpack? We just want to take a photo, right?
David: *nods when Matteo says that they have time* Yes, sure, that’s okay! We got here really quickly… *then looks at Matteo questioningly and says* If we stay here then maybe we can really finally inaugurate the tent… I mean we’ve had a comfortable bed for four nights now… now we could try a camping ground for a change. Or would you rather continue today? *starts walking with Matteo and smiles slightly when he asks about the backpack* *tilts his head* Hmmm… maybe we’ll need something to drink… *grins slightly* ...or the letter I.
Matteo: *nods immediately* Yes, sure… we don’t want to have brought the tent in vain… *then tilts his head when he hears his answer about the backpack* Letter I? What letter I? *then realizes what he means and nudges him* Dude, did you really make an I for the city sign?
David: *looks at him tellingly when he asks about the letter and wiggles his eyebrows* *grins slightly when he figures it out himself and then says* Maybe? *but then laughs and adds* Maybe make is a little exaggerated… I drew it on a piece of cardboard… I thought it had to be somehow realistic… *continues walking next to him and adds a little quieter and more embarrassed because he hopes that he didn’t plan too much again* And just to be safe I also made a Z in case the German town name wouldn’t be on the sign and it says “Florence” instead of “Florenz” on the sign and at one point I was a little scared that it would only say “Firenze”... but we were lucky in that regard… because I’m not sure if your followers would have understood the joke if it had said Firenze…
Matteo: *can’t help but to laugh when he says that he also made a Z* You really are the best loon… *then hugs him from the side and squeezes him* If it had only said Firenze then I would have put a google translate link under the photo… *laughs again* And it actually doesn’t really matter, I’m the one who should find it funny… that’s the main thing… *laughs again* Unbelievable… but then I also want a photo of you with the improved sign!
David: *hears Matteo’s laugh and looks at him again* *has to smile because he always looks so beautiful and carefree when he laughs* *gets hugged from the side and grins* “The best loon”, that’s quite the title… thank you… *then grins and nods* Yes that’s right, that’s the main thing… *than laughs briefly* It would have been funny if it had only said Firenze and if you would have held up the I above the E… I would have loved to know who would have figured it out by themselves… Firenzi… *has to laugh again* *then looks at him questioningly* With the cardboard sign? Or do you mean one with the I? *wiggles his eyebrows* David Florenzi?! *grins at him very widely but can actually feel a pretty strong tingling in his stomach*
Matteo: *grins* That suits you… *but then laughs as well* That’s actually true… there’s still some time until it’s Friday, I’m sure we’ll also be able to find a sign that’s only in Italian and then I can still decide which photo I’ll use… *looks at him when he hears his question* Well with the I… *grins when he wiggles his eyebrows* *then suddenly feels his heart beat faster when David says the name* *can feel a tingling and shrugs one shoulder* *grins a little cheekily* Why not? Sounds good…
David: *grins at Matteo’s reaction to his suggestion* I’m sure we’ll manage… or you’ll post the “Firenzi” photo first and if there are weird questions then next Friday the one with “Florenzi”... *nods at his answer to the I and then sees him grin as well* *still feels a tingling in his stomach while he’s looking at Matteo and then sees the slightly cheeky expression on his face* *grins a little less when he hears his words because his stomach is doing a few somersaults, laughs quietly, swallows slightly and nods* Yes, I think so, too… *looks straight ahead again and takes a deep breath* *slightly grins again and murmurs* At least we’ve already settled the matter of our last name for when we get married one day…
Matteo: *tilts his head a little at his suggestion* Oh, no, I can’t post something similar two Fridays in a row, or the same joke, that’s not good… but maybe simply both of them together? *tilts his head a little when David’s grin lessens and when he sounds more serious* *wonders what he might be thinking right now* *then hears his words and immediately shakes his head* No, hang on… that wasn’t serious just now… I might possibly want to discuss this again, please... I think Matteo Schreibner also has a nice ring to it…
David: *nods when Matteo says that he can’t post something similar two Fridays in a row and laughs quietly when he tells him his plan* You’re the insta expert - you’ll figure it out… *then looks at him again when he says that he wasn’t serious and at first thinks that he over-exaggerated a little with the name question by immediately thinking about marriage, but then has to grin slightly when he realizes that Matteo wants to discuss the matter of the name* *takes his hand and slows down a little since they will soon reach the sign and says with a small grin* I was being very serious about this just now… and besides, I’m being very serious about a lot of things… *then tilts his head* And Matteo Schreibner!? Hmmm… I don’t know… I like David Florenzi better…
Matteo: *squeezes his hand when he takes it and automatically walks a little closer beside him* *immediately feels a flutter in his stomach when he hears his words* *asks quietly* Yeah? *then also tilts his head when David obviously really wants to settle this* Matteo Schreibner, David Florenzi… hmmm… I’d agree to a maybe… and should we really get married one day then we’ll talk about this again, okay? *somehow doesn’t really realize right now that David is serious about this and that they might really decide on this right now*
David: *looks at Matteo when he asks like that and thinks that it should actually be obvious that he’s serious about a lot of the things he’s saying* *but then thinks that he often grins or makes it sound funny when he says those things because he’s scared that Matteo might find it stupid that he can already imagine a future with him this early on and that therefore Matteo surely isn’t aware of how serious he is about many of those things* *stops grinning and instead simply looks at him with a slight and loving smile and eventually says quietly* Yes! *squeezes his hand a little tighter as if to emphasize it* *then hears Matteo’s suggestion and grins a little at first, but then shakes his head* Well I could agree on us talking about the name again when we get married one day… without the “should we really”... “should we really” sounds like “I think” or “I hope”... *doesn’t know where he’s taking the bravery and safety from right now to talk about this so openly - maybe really because of Matteo’s question about the seriousness of his words, but can feel that it’s somehow good to talk about it out loud* *still grins slightly at Matteo and nods exaggeratedly* Yeah, yeah, now you can call me meticulous, but your grandmother would surely agree with me!
Matteo: *slightly presses his lips together when he hears David’s “yes” and even more so when he goes into more detail* *but then has to chuckle slightly when he sounds like his grandmother and when he apparently does that intentionally* *then looks at him and thinks that he really wants this, this life with David, that he can make him so happy, that it’s enough* *smiles slightly and tilts his head* Okay, I’ll have the “should we really” erased from the transcript. *runs his free hand through his hair* *thinks that sometimes you just have to say what you want* When we get married then we’ll talk about the name again, okay?
David: *smiles when Matteo says that he’ll have the “should we really” erased from the transcript and murmurs quietly* Very good! *then hears his addition and realizes how good the sentence sounds now that the “should we really” has disappeared - so good that he can feel it tingling everywhere again* *slightly presses his lips together because otherwise he’d probably beam pretty widely and nods* Deal! *holds his free hand out to him for a high-five, which works a little awkwardly if you’re holding hands at the same time* *laughs when Matteo still somehow high-fives him and then stops because they have reached the city sign* *leans against it and pulls Matteo close* *wraps both arms around his waist and looks at him* *says quietly* And if we should ever find a place called “Schreibner” then we’ll also take a photo of the two of us in front of the sign… so that we have all the combinations… depending on which name we’ll eventually settle on… okay? *runs one hand over his cheek, leans forward and kisses him tenderly*
Matteo: *laughs slightly* Deal! *then high fives him with his free hand, misses by some at first and therefore does it again* *laughs again* *wraps both arms around David’s neck when he pulls him close* *smiles at his suggestion and nods immediately* We’ll definitely do that… *gets kissed and deepens the kiss a little* *runs his right hand through David’s hair* *then quickly kisses him again before he slowly pulls away* Well then get your I out, Schreibner…
David: *smiles into the kiss when Matteo deepens it and tenderly runs his thumb over his cheek* *then also pulls away from Matteo and grins slightly at his words* *takes the backpack off and murmurs* Okay… let’s make Florenzi out of Florenz… *had put the I into his sketchbook so that it wouldn’t crease and pulls it out now* *hands it to Matteo and puts the backpack back on* *moves a few meters away from the sign and tilts his head* *says a little louder to Matteo* Should just fit - if not then you’ll have to climb the sign and jump up… try it… *grins slightly, pulls his phone from his pocket and opens the camera*
Matteo: *takes the I from David and has to shake his head again* Looks great… *waits for David to get into position* *then laughs and lifts the I* *looks up to see if it fits* *then asks David* How does it look, Mister photographer? Like that? Or do I have to jump?
David: *waves it off when Matteo says that the I looks great* *has only quickly drawn it and was glad that he was able to find a piece of cardboard in the first place* *briefly puts a hand on his neck when Matteo holds up the I and asks and gnaws on his bottom lip* Yes… hang on… *takes a few photos and then laughs* Don’t wobble… otherwise it’ll say Floreni… a little more to the right… *takes a few more photos and finally calls* Get a little on your tiptoes, after all… *nods when Matteo does just that and gets a little closer with his camera to also get a different angle and finally also takes some photos of Matteo and the sign from below before he’s finally satisfied and ran out of ideas* *was just about to hold out the camera to Matteo when he has another idea, after all* *murmurs* Stay like that… *then steps beside him and activates the selfie mode* *has some difficulties fitting Matteo, the sign and himself onto the photo but manages it somehow and also takes a few more photos of this position before he lowers the camera and presses a kiss to Matteo’s cheek* *murmurs quietly* You’re my favorite model…
Matteo: *does everything David tells him to do, jumps and pushes and grins until he has taken enough photos* *thinks that it’s his turn now* *but then gets told to stay where he is* *wraps his free arm around him and holds the I up* *grins when he gets a kiss* Thanks, now I feel honored. *kisses him properly and then presses the I into his hand* *waits for David to get into position* A little more to the right… and higher… yes, that’s good! *then also takes a few different photos of him* I think now we have enough for a photo series…
David: *laughs quietly when Matteo says that he feels honored, but then gets more serious again when he kisses him* *sighs quietly and takes the I from Matteo* *glances up to see if he’s standing in the right spot and holds the I up* *grins into the camera and positions himself again when he gets instructions from Matteo* *then takes the phone from him when Matteo’s done and looks at the photos* *grins slightly at his words and positions himself so that he can also see the display* Definitely… I’ll have to sort them a little tonight… I already have so many photos of the holiday that I have lost track myself... *then puts the phone away and puts his hands in his pocket* *smiles at Matteo* And now? Do we want to check out Florence first and then go find a camping ground or first the camping ground and we’ll check out Florence after?
Matteo: *nods* Yes, we’ll have to put our photos together and sort them chronologically… but we’ll better do that at home, right? *then looks at him when he asks what they’ll do now* Hmmm, first the camping ground? At least then we’ll already know that we have a place?
David: *hums in agreement at Matteo’s suggestion about the photos* Yes, true… but we could delete a few that we have twice or some that aren’t as good… we can already do that now… *then nods again, pulls one hand from his pocket and puts his arm around Matteo* *turns them both toward the way they came from and starts walking* Okay… the camping ground first… then we’ll put up the tent and then we’ll go out again… sounds good… *grins slightly* And maybe we’ll also have some time to google what kinds of things there are to see here… apart from Michelangelo’s David - we’ll definitely have to go see that, of course...
(next play)
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merrique-bathory · 3 years
Pride Month—LGBTQIA+ History: Paraguay
1959, Aranda, 108 and the letter of an amoral
On September 1, 1959, radio host Bernardo Aranda, who worked at Radio Comuneros, died of calcination in the room of a tenant, in the Barrio Obrero de Asunción. The police indicated that Aranda had been murdered in strange circumstances, in a "settling of accounts between homosexuals." His alleged murderers left his body on his bed and set fire to the room to erase evidence or leave some macabre message.
The repressive reaction on the part of the Stroessner dictatorship unleashed a veritable "witch hunt" against the alleged members of the homosexual community of the time. The authorities drew up a list of 108 people, all male, whom they considered homosexual, and proceeded to arrest and torture them without mercy, in the search for Aranda's murderers.
"It was never proven whether any of the 108 detainees was related to the Aranda crime. It is believed that the operation was carried out to cover up the relationship that Aranda had with a member of the stronist power circle," highlights a statement by the SomosGay organization.
The case became known as the story of "the 108 and one burned," which was told in a low voice, since there was an implicit agreement not to speak publicly on the subject. Those who made up the list of "the 108" came to be considered undesirable people for a large part of society and, by extension, those who were considered to be homosexual or gay were told: "It's a 108."
On September 12, the Paraguayan newspaper El País, akin to the dictatorship, opened its edition with the following headline: “108 People of Doubtful Moral Conduct Are Being Interrogated. Intense Police Action. They expect Results ”. Days later, the newspaper published the complete list of the detainees, whom it accused of having “amoral behavior”. Since then, 108 has stopped appearing in the room numbers of some Paraguayan hotels and houses, in cars and even in the lists of students in schools.
One of its editors loosely counted 108 suspected suspects in the murder, ”explains the Brazilian historian, Clara Cuevas. "Likewise, while it was degraded through articles without criteria, letters from readers, cartoons, etc., the social rejection of any glimpse similar to an individual cataloged as 108 was mainstreamed, ”says the anthropologist Florencia Falabella.
People (mostly men, sometimes included even bouncing on the charts), were also called amoral.
The artistic circuits frequented by Aranda (who reminded him as very fierce, eloquent and avant-garde), the "scientific" characteristics described in the media about amorality, a regional and global conjuncture that sought the internal enemy and persecuted communism, the cut to any idea remotely contrary to the regime, hatred and ignorance, were some of the factors that started a ridiculous persecution of any sign considered "dangerous". Anyone who seemed to be moving away from the dictatorial regime was tortured, their property confiscated, sent into exile, or their media closed. For 10 years, the police raided opponents and entertainment venues linked to the gay community. They were arrested in the street, tortured in police stations and the press echoed the discrimination
On 09/30/1959, the newspaper El País recorded the anonymous publication of “La carta de un amoral”, in protest against the massive and arbitrary arrests.
A fragment of the letter states: “We follow a vocation that is as old as humanity itself, and in this century of consecration of all human rights, no one can deny us the right to make of ourselves, of our physical continent, what we want to without bothering others who do not want to do the same ”.
In 2010, the Paraguayan filmmaker Renate Costa released her documentary film "108 Cuchillo de palo", in which she approached the case from the personal story of an uncle of hers, Rodolfo Costa, who had appeared dead in his home in 2000, naked and lying on the ground. Researching this story, which her family covered up, she discovered that his uncle was one of the 108.
"History must be known so that certain events are not repeated. Such is the case of the 108 and one burned, because throughout the government of the dictator Alfredo Stroessner, this modus operandi - of accusing a certain number of people of being gay - it was repeated on several occasions, "says the SomosGay organization.
The letter "La carta de un amoral" was a manifesto that opened the public fight for sexual diversity. It was in full dictatorship and 10 years before Stonewall. It's due to this letter that September 30 commemorates the right of TLGBI people in Paraguay. This letter is claimed by the TLGBI organizations of Paraguay as the first public demonstration for sexual freedom known in the country.
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bloomingfleur · 4 years
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𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒊'𝒎 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒘 & this is my baby fleur! just a little about me ooc i’m 20 & in the est tz but honestly alive and active at all times.. i go by she/they pronouns && also haven’t been in a tumblr rp for a hot sec so pleaseee bare with me, i know i’ll figure it out bUT all that asideee if you wanna plot or even just .. talk dshhsdhfd drop a like and i’ll come bother you on discord
[ pasabist, cisfemale, 21 ] did you see FLEUR AQUINO ? looking as broke as ever. rumor has it SHE is usually - CHILDISH and -ALOOF but is also known to be +HUMOROUS and +KIND HEARTED. we’ll see about that. they kind of remind me of STRAWBERRIES & CREAM, LIPSTICK STAINS AND HALF USED BOTTLES OF PERFUME. maybe because they’re an ARIES. they’ve been living around here for 5 MONTHS. i wonder when they’ll make it out… [ drew, 20, she/they, est ]
extra infro: 
birthday: april 16 1999
hometown: miami, florida
sexuality: pansexual
pronouns: she/her
full name: florencia ‘fleur’  aquino
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telenoveladamore · 5 years
Errico Foresta
Carmen Ligin Foresta
Gianni Foresta
Serena Foresta Chiummi
Louis Chiummi
Stefania Foresta
Stuard Chiummi
Sarah Ligin
Connor Foresta
Shelley Chiummi
Becky Horton
Jason Foresta
Haley Foresta
Daniel Walter
Jeff Horton
Brady Horton
Quata Fisher Foresta
Wak Chiummi
Caitlin Foresta
Sonia Evans
Dean Nero
Rose Ligin Foresta
Max Chiummi Jr.
Angelica Ligin
Lina Ligin
Jame Barton
Theresa Foresta Horton
Lucas Chiummi
Jasmine Horton Chiummi
Luke Chiummi
Thessa Foresta
Xander Chiummi
Aurora Foresta
Noah Chiummi
Julia Foresta
Lucky Chiummi
Hayley Foresta Chiummi
Luca Chiummi
Jen Horton
Nathaniel Chiummi
Allison Young
Lukas Chiummi
Phoebe Chiummi
Felix Light
Todd Young
Jessica Horton
Theo Foresta
Valerie Stevens
Mary Specchio
Travis Foresta
Francesca Walter
Amelia Wood
Andy Young
Quinn Shiley Young
Liam Young
Brenda Mitchell
Philip Young
Jackie Malloy
Aaron Young
Jade Malloy
Matt Walter
Dylan Shaw
Stephanie Young
Jake Milkon
Elizabeth Horton
Ethan Milkon
Ginevra Foresta Milkon
Austin Milkon
Bella Foresta
Edward Milkon
Jean Milkon
Adam Young
Clara Light
Brody Young
Camila Hernandez
Aiden Young
Alec Hernandez
Arthur Hernandez
August Hernandez
Arthuro Hernandez
Mya Milkon
A.J. Young
L.J. Shiley
Addison Cooper
Samuel Young
Kevin Wood
Patrick Young
Ciara Light
Tyler Mitchell
Lindsay Stevens
Marcus Light
Alisha Stevens
Brad Light
Adrianna Gonzalez
Cane Milkon
Vanessa Stevens
Karla Stevens Light
Owen Light
Jan Gonzalez
Taylor Wood
Dario Milkon
Shauna Walker
Nicole Gonzalez
Dinni Dinto
Jacob Milkon
Josh Milkon
Sacca Specchio Jr.
Justin Stevens
Alejander Evans
Drew Foresta
Pierina Donglas
Julie Malloy
Sasha Falton
Rocco Buckingbill
Zoey Buckingbill
Florencia Ligin
Krystal Horton
Kyle Avery
Camilla Young Jr.
Mirko Foresta Jr.
Sabina Specchio Jr.
Cassie Gonzalez
Zack Shiley
Leo Shiley
Viktoria Stevens
Mark Foresta
Victoria Hopes Stevens
Janet Foresta
Jude Store
Fabian Gonzalez
Brittany Foresta Walter
Billy Walter
Alisa Stevens
Shawn Walter
Nancy Wood
Sabina Specchio
Sabrina Specchio
Vincent Walter
Sean Specchio
Ben Horton
Sydney Rogers Gonzalez
Robert Gonzalez
Rex Gonzalez
Nora Wood
Xavier Gonzalez
Natasha Wood
Jesse Stevens
Rafe Gonzalez
Raphaela Wood
Rafael Gonzalez
Alan Spencer
Chris Underwood
Henrique Spencer
Ian Spencer
Joseph Store
Keith Light
Abby Logan
John Foresta
Addy Logan
Julian Horton
Clarissa Taylor
Jason Horton
Lisa Shiley
Annalisa Johnson
Alexis Morgan
Dorian Milkon
Dante Milkon
Susan Specchio Shiley
Jack Shiley
Dina Angels Milkon
Rey Donovan
Tracy Horton
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feralcomplex-blog · 5 years
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Drew my JJBA character, Florencia, with his stand ^-^ I drew this a little while back, but I never got around to posting it oops.
I know theres some stuff I could to better in terms of anatomy and color here but it was the first pic I drew of Florencia and PIB together so /shrug
Art by me 💖
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espanolnews · 2 years
Primer tráiler de la búsqueda histórica 'El rey perdido' con Sally Hawkins por Alex Billington 18 de agosto de 2022Fuente: Youtube "Esto empieza a parecer una obsesión enfermiza". Pathé UK ha revelado el primer tráiler oficial británico de el rey perdido, una investigación sobre la historia británica basada en un hecho real. Se estrenará en el Festival de Cine de Toronto de 2022 antes de que se estrene en el Reino Unido en octubre, aunque todavía no hay una fecha en Estados Unidos. Coescrita por Steven Coogan y dirigida por Stephen Frears, la película sigue a una historiadora aficionada que desafía al pesado establecimiento académico en sus esfuerzos por encontrar los restos del rey Ricardo III, que estuvieron perdidos durante más de 500 años. "The Lost King es la historia real que afirma la vida de una mujer que se negó a ser ignorada y que se enfrentó a los historiadores más eminentes del país, obligándolos a pensar de nuevo en uno de los reyes más controvertidos de la historia de Inglaterra". Sally Hawkins interpreta a Philippa Langley, con harry lloyd como Ricardo III, más steve coogan, james flota, Sinead MacInnes, John-Paul Hurleyy phoebe price. ¡No te saltes esto! Sí, se ve bastante bien, si puedo decirlo. No me sorprende considerando todo el talento involucrado. Estaré viendo esto. Aquí está el tráiler oficial (+ póster) de Stephen Frears el rey perdidodirecto desde YouTube de Pathé: En 2012, después de haber estado perdido durante más de 500 años, los restos del rey Ricardo III fueron descubiertos debajo de un estacionamiento en Leicester. La búsqueda había sido orquestada por una historiadora aficionada, Philippa Langley, cuya implacable investigación había sido recibida con incomprensión por parte de sus amigos y familiares y con escepticismo por parte de expertos y académicos. The Lost King es la historia real que afirma la vida de una mujer que se negó a ser ignorada y que se enfrentó a los historiadores más eminentes del país, obligándolos a pensar de nuevo en uno de los reyes más controvertidos de la historia de Inglaterra. el rey perdido está dirigida por el veterano cineasta británico Esteban Frearsdirector de muchas películas incluyendo Alta fidelidad, Cosas bonitas y sucias, La reina, Querida, Tamara Drew, Filomena, El programa, Florencia Foster Jenkinsy victoria y abdul previamente. El guión está escrito por Steve Coogan y Jeff Pope. Esto se estrenará en el Festival de Cine de Toronto 2022 este otoño. Lanzamientos de Pathé el rey perdido en los cines del Reino Unido a partir 7 de octubre de 2022. No se ha establecido ningún lanzamiento en EE. UU. Encuentra más publicaciones: Ver, Tráiler
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frvnscos · 2 years
{ CHARACTER BIO; gabriel graves travers } a man’s worth is no greater than his ambitions.
Name: Francisco Gabriel Travers; formerly Graves. Nicknames: he goes by his middle name, Gabe or Gabriel. He still goes by Graves professionally because he works with his husband. Name Meaning: Francisco; free man. Gabriel; hero, strong, hero of God. Age: 41 Gender: male Sexuality: bisexual Place of Birth: Santiago, Chile; grew up in Washington D.C. Birthday: April 18th Currently Lives: London, England Nationality/Species: Chilean-American, wizard Languages Spoken: Spanish, English, French. Occupation: auror / deputy head auror’s partner Blood Status: pure-blood Patronus: black mamba Army Affiliation: Crimson Allies sympathizer, former Death Eater
Build: tall, lean muscular Height: 6′ Hair Color: dark brown Eye Color: dark brown Distinguishing Marks or Tattoos: he has various tattoos on both arms, a black snake tattooed along the right side of his neck/collarbone, and a Dark Mark he keeps charmed to be hidden, but is currently covered by a tattoo his daughter drew for him. Face Claim: Pedro Pascal.
Positives: ambitious, confident, determined, logical, paternal. Flaws & Weaknesses: closed-off, dramatic, hotheaded, over-protective, stubborn. Personality Type: INFJ “the Advocate,” introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging, they tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness. their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things. Character Label: The Catalyst Likes & Dislikes: likes - thunderstorms, cooking, nature, traveling. dislikes - feeling out of control, know-it-alls, hospitals, airplanes. Fears: losing his husband in their field of work, his daughters being affected or hurt by his Death Eater past. Etc:
Former House: Wampus; he would have been Slytherin if he’d gone to Hogwarts Best Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts Worst Class: Astronomy Quidditch: Extra-Curricular: Dueling Club
Body Count; Justin Timberlake
Play With Fire; Sam Tinnesz
South of the Border; Ed Sheeran & Camila Cabello
Teeth; 5SOS
bad guy; Billie Eilish
Husband: Jasper Travers Children: Ava Melody (7) and Abigail Gabriella (1) Travers. Parents: Pervical Graves and Camila Calzadol; he’s extremely close to his dad and has no contact with his mom or her side of the family. Step-Mother: Nora Martinez Graves Husband: Jasper Travers. Daughters: Ava Melody (7) and Abigail Gabriella (1) Travers. Siblings: Javier Martinez Graves; one year-old half-brother. -- Marcelina Graves-Weasley; she’s his cousin, but always been more like his baby sister. -- Bella Martinez; eleven year-old step-sister. Niece: Poppy Rowle Other Family: Dylan and Emmett Rowle; brothers-in-law. -- Catalina Perez; cousin on mom’s side. Pets: he claim’s none of Ava’s. Ex-Wife: Alice Rowle Ex-Partners: Emmett Rowle, Daniela García Best Friend:  Emmett Rowle
Gabe was born in Santiago, Chile. His father was Head Auror of MACUSA and met Gabe’s mother, Florencia, the astronomy professor at Castelobruxo, while on business in South America. His mom and her family had ties to Death Eaters. When Gabe was six, his parents got a divorce after his father found out his mother still had involvement with the dark arts. He took Gabe back to the States full-time, where he attended Ilvermorny. Talk of a Successor to Voldemort began during his last years of school and he found himself, by choice like his mother, mixed up in a group of American Death Eater sympathizers. Despite being a pure-blood, Gabe never had a strong opinion when it came to blood purity, but always had an interest in the dark arts and power. After he graduated, Gabe went to university to study wizarding law, all while still being an active Death Eater. However, he started to have conflicting feelings once the threat of war came overseas. Unable to safely leave, Gabe came clean. He was given an alternative to arrest, which was to train as an auror and work with them, using his extensive knowledge on Death Eaters to track them down. Around this time, he married his ex-wife, Alice, mostly for social appearances but, like his Dad with his mom, divorced her when she started moving her way up the Death Eater ranks. He eventually worked his way up to working as an investigator for the President, but accepted a temporary transfer in England after his cousin, Marcie, was involved in a Death Eater attack and nothing came of the investigation. He made the move permanent after he married his now-husband and occasionally works as a liaison between the Ministry and MACUSA. Iniitially neutral, Gabe started leaning towards supporting the CA after the birth mom of his and Jasper’s youngest daughter was killed by, what was believe to be, Death Eaters.
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softfairies · 3 years
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I drew my oc from @if-mirrormine , their name is Florencia and even though she has no fashion sense I love them very much 💚
they are very much confused but she can't wait to charm Kennedy once again 😌 and perhaps annoy her in the process
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en24news · 5 years
Child prodigy says what will happen to the president in 2020
Child prodigy says what will happen to the president in 2020
Víctor Florencia, better known as El Niño Prodigio, is an astrologer and is known in the world for his accurate statements and on this occasion he drew attention as he foresees the future for Donald Trump, leader of the most powerful country in the world, Donald Trump. These revelations were made in the…
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telenoveladamore · 5 years
Errico Foresta (1987-in corso)
Carmen Ligin Foresta (1987-in corso)
Gianni Foresta (1987-2012, 2013-in corso)
Laura Humilton (1990–2002, 2004, 2005–2013, 2014, 2018-in corso)
Serena Foresta Chiummi (1998-2002, 2004-2005, 2006-2014, 2015-2017, 2018-in corso)
Stefania Foresta (1999-2006,2008-2013,2015-in corso)
Mirko Foresta Jr. (2019-in corso)
Lina Ligin (1987–1991, 1994–1996, 2001, 2006-2015, 2016, 2017, 2018-in corso)
Angelica Ligin (1987-1989, 1991, 1994-1998, 2000-2001, 2003-2004, 2007-in corso)
Rose Ligin Foresta (2002-2014, 2015, 2016, 2018–in corso)
Florencia Ligin (2019-in corso)
Sarah Ligin (2019-in corso)
Max Chiummi Jr. (2009-in corso)
Louis Chiummi (2010-2018, 2018-in corso)
Stuard Chiummi (2010-in corso)
Wak Chiummi (2013-in corso)
Quata Fisher Foresta (2013-in corso)
Shelley Chiummi (2019-in corso)
Lucas Chiummi (2015-2018, 2018-in corso)
Luke Chiummi (2015-2018, 2018-in corso)
Noah Chiummi (2017-in corso)
Lucky Chiummi (2018-in corso)
Luca Chiummi (2018-in corso)
Nathaniel Chiummi (2018-in corso)
Xander Chiummi (2019-in corso)
Lukas Chiummi (2019-in corso)
Phoebe Chiummi (2018-in corso)
L.J. Shiley (2016-2018, 2019-in corso)
Brad Light (2018-in corso)
Owen Light (2017-in corso)
Marcus Light (2018-in corso)
Felix Light (2017-in corso)
Keith Light (2019-in corso)
Clara Light (2018-in corso)
Ciara Light (2018-in corso)
Justin Stevens (2019-in corso)
Jesse Stevens (2019-in corso)
Alisa Stevens (2016, 2019-in corso)
Karla Stevens Light (2017-in corso)
Vanessa Stevens (2018-in corso)
Alisha Stevens (2018-in corso)
Viktoria Stevens (2018-in corso)
Lindsay Stevens (2018-in corso)
Dylan Shaw (1994-1996, 2019-in corso)
Drew Foresta (2015-2017, 2018, 2019-in corso)
Theo Foresta (2016-2017, 2019-in corso)
Travis Foresta (2019-in corso)
Theresa Foresta Horton (2015-2018, 2018-in corso)
Thessa Foresta (2019-in corso)
Haley Foresta (2015-2018, 2018-in corso)
Ginevra Foresta Milkon (2018-in corso)
John Foresta (2018, 2019-in corso)
Cooper Foresta (2017-2018, 2018-in corso)
Connor Foresta (2019-in corso)
Jason Foresta (2019-in corso)
Julia Foresta (2019-in corso)
Hayley Foresta (2018-in corso)
Janet Foresta (2017-in corso)
Shauna Walker (2019-in corso)
Brittany Foresta (2018-in corso)
Mark Foresta (2018-in corso)
Aurora Foresta (2018-in corso)
Caitlin Foresta (2019-in corso)
Bella Foresta (2019-in corso)
Sonia Evans (2013-in corso)
Alejander Evans (2018-in corso)
Andy Young (2017-in corso)
Liam Young (2015, 2016, 2018-in corso)
Philip Young (2017-2018, 2018-in corso)
Aaron Young (2018-in corso)
Adam Young (2015-in corso)
A.J. Young (2015-2018, 2019-in corso)
Brody Young (2017-in corso)
Stephanie Young (2015-2017, 2018-in corso)
Aiden Young (2019-in corso)
Samuel Young (2016, 2017, 2018-in corso)
Allison Young (2014-2016, 2017, 2018-in corso)
Camilla Young Jr. (2019-in corso)
Patrick Young (2018-in corso)
Todd Young (2017-in corso)
Dina Angels Milkon (2018-in corso)
Dario Milkon (2017-in corso)
Dante Milkon (2019-in corso)
Dorian Milkon (2019-in corso)
Cane Milkon (2018-in corso)
Jake Milkon (2015-2016, 2017, 2018-in corso)
Mya Milkon (2016, 2018-2019, 2019-in corso)
Ethan Milkon (2015-2016, 2018-in corso)
Austin Milkon (2016-2018, 2018-in corso)
Edward Milkon (2018-in corso)
Jacob Milkon (2017-in corso)
Jean Milkon (2019-in corso)
Josh Milkon (2019-in corso)
Jack Shiley (2017-in corso)
Zack Shiley (2017-in corso)
Leo Shiley (2019-in corso)
Lisa Shiley (2015-in corso)
Quinn Shiley Young (2015-2017, 2018-in corso)
Taylor Wood (2017-in corso)
Amelia Wood (2018-in corso)
Kevin Wood (2018-in corso)
Raphaela Wood (2018-in corso)
Nancy Wood (2017-2018, 2018-in corso)
Nora Wood (2018-in corso)
Natasha Wood (2019-in corso)
Susan Specchio Shiley (2017-in corso)
Sabrina Specchio (2017-in corso)
Sabina Specchio (2018-in corso)
Sean Specchio (2019-in corso)
Mary Specchio (2017-in corso)
Sacca Specchio Jr. (2017–in corso)
Sabina Specchio Jr. (2019-in corso)
Pierina Donglas (2006-in corso)
Alexis Morgan (2018-in corso)
Alan Spencer (2016, 2019-in corso)
Chris Underwood (2016, 2019-in corso)
Ian Spencer (2016, 2018-in corso)
Henrique Spencer (2018-in corso)
Jame Barton (2009-in corso)
Joseph Store (2018-in corso)
Matt Walter (2017-2018, 2019-in corso)
Billy Walter (2017-in corso)
Shawn Walter (2017-2018, 2019-in corso)
Daniel Walter (2017-in corso)
Vincent Walter (2018-in corso)
Francesca Walter (2019-in corso)
Rafael Gonzalez (2017-in corso)
Adrianna Gonzalez (2017-in corso)
Cassie Gonzalez (2017-in corso)
Robert Gonzalez (2018-in corso)
Rex Gonzalez (2019-in corso)
Nicole Gonzalez (2018-in corso)
Rafe Gonzalez (2017-2018, 2018-in corso)
Xavier Gonzalez (2017-2018, 2018-in corso)
Jan Gonzalez (2018-in corso)
Fabian Gonzalez (2018-in corso)
Tracy Horton (2019-in corso)
Julian Horton (2018-in corso)
Jackie Malloy (2018-in corso)
Julie Malloy (2019-in corso)
Jessica Horton (2017-in corso)
Jeff Horton (2018-in corso)
Jen Horton (2017-in corso)
Jasmine Horton Chiummi (2018-in corso)
Becky Horton (2019-in corso)
Brady Horton (2019-in corso)
Ben Horton (2019-in corso)
Elizabeth Horton (2018-in corso)
Krystal Horton (2019-in corso)
Brenda Mitchell (2018-in corso)
Tyler Mitchell (2019-in corso)
Abby Logan (2018-in corso)
Addy Logan (2018-in corso)
Rocco Buckingbill (2018-in corso)
Zoey Buckingbill (2018-in corso)
Sydney Rogers (2018-in corso)
Sasha Falton (2019-in corso)
Alec Hernandez (2019-in corso)
Arthur Hernandez (2019-in corso)
August Hernandez (2019-in corso)
Arthuro Hernandez (2019-in corso)
Camila Hernandez (2019-in corso)
Annalisa Johnson (2019-in corso)
Dean Nero (2019-in corso)
Kyle Avery (2019-in corso)
Clarissa Taylor (2019-in corso)
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cisrjmu · 5 years
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With the Frasure-Kruzel-Drew (FKD) Memorial Fellowship, Program Management Fellow Laura Barela has had the opportunity to travel around the world with the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM/WRA). In October, Barela traveled to Albania for the 2018 Regional Approach to Stockpile Reduction (RASR) Conference and to Colombia to conduct various clearance site visits.
While attending the RASR workshop in Albania, Barela met representatives from the U.N. Development Programme/South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons, and Norwegian People’s Aid’s (NPA) Albania Operations, and discussed the aftermath of the 2008 Gerdec munitions depot explosion and the challenges with clearance efforts on difficult terrain. At the conclusion of the conference, Barela joined representatives from several Balkan countries and nongovernmental organizations to witness a hot spot clearance demonstration at the NPA’s field headquarters outside of Tirana.
While in Albania, Barela visited a joint NPA-ITF Enhancing Human Security clearance site in Jube Sukth, and, as part of a PM/WRA delegation, participated in a program review at Jube Rukth to monitor the hot spot clearance progress.
Barela then traveled to Colombia to visit various clearance sites. In the last photo, Barela is shown preparing to enter a clearance site in Florencia that is being cleared by the Colombian Army’s Humanitarian Demining Unit. This clearance effort will benefit a dairy farmer and safely return his land to productivity.
The FKD Memorial Fellowship is a great opportunity for recent college graduates to explore the field of humanitarian demining and conventional weapons destruction. With sponsorship from the U.S. Department of State, the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at James Madison University has administered this fellowship since 1999 to provide career-development opportunities in national security and humanitarian assistance. Read more about this fellowship at http://jmu.edu/cisr/other/fellowship.shtml.
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tripstations · 5 years
Travel influencers: The good, the bad and the downright ugly
(CNN) — Amy Seder isn’t used to having the door slammed in her face. Her artfully posed Instagram posts of a glamorous life led in glamorous destinations has won her an army of online admirers that the travel industry is usually eager to embrace.
But when she recently contacted one hotel in Italy hoping for a free stay in exchange for social media exposure, she was bluntly rejected.
“Blogger infestation. Not interested,” came the curt response.
So-called travel influencers such as Seder make a living by sharing their globetrotting experiences on social media and personal blogs. They get freebies, discounts or payments for promoting places, products and experiences via their accounts.
The past few years have seen a relative explosion in the number of people apparently carving careers via this route. The many travelers who now plan their vacations based on what they’ve seen on social media make it a viable proposition.
But it’s a trend that, as Seder found, may now have reached saturation point with some hotels and other travel industry organizations growing weary of the demands placed on them by influencers and becoming increasingly doubtful of the commercial benefits.
Inspirational or loathsome?
Partly to blame for the disillusionment are a slew of recent headlines about entitled and inappropriate behavior that have exposed the fine line between inspiring the online community and incurring its unbridled wrath.
Gianluca Casaccia, a beach club owner in the Philippines, took to Facebook in April to tear into “freeloaders” he said were plaguing his establishment with requests for gratis food, drinks and accommodation.In another case, a Czech couple traveling in Bali drew ire after apparently splashing themselves with holy water at a temple and posting images of it to an Instagram account with tens of thousands of followers.
These incidents, while unrepresentative of the many influencers who steer clear of controversy, have helped shine a spotlight on a side of the travel industry of which many people were perhaps were unaware, highlighting some of the hard-nosed reality beneath the surface of the soft-focused dreamscapes on Instagram.
They also raise questions about the sustainability of the agreements between influencers and the travel industry and the lifestyles they support in a rapidly changing industry environment.
While travel blogging is a relatively young phenomenon, it has already evolved into a mature and sophisticated business model, with participants on both sides working hard to protect and promote their brands.
A working relationship
Those on the industry side say there’s tangible commercial benefit, provided influencers are carefully vetted.
“If people are actively liking and commenting on influencers’ posts, it shows they’re getting inspired by the destination,” Keiko Mastura, PR specialist at the Japan National Tourism Organization, tells CNN Travel.
“We monitor comments and note when users tag other accounts or comment about the destination, suggesting they’re adding it to their virtual travel bucket lists. Someone is influential if they have above a 3.5% engagement rate.”
For some tourism outlets, bloggers offer a way to promote products that might be overlooked by more conventional channels. Even those with just 40,000 followers can make a difference.
Kimron Corion, communications manager of Grenada’s Tourism Authority, says his organization has “had a lot of success engaging with micro-influencers who exposed some of our more niche offerings effectively.”
Such engagement doesn’t come cheap though.
All expenses paid
Trips or freebies often cover luxury experiences, meaning considerable outlay for the hotel or tourism body involved.
A night in the Serenity Club Junior Suite Ocean Front at Haven Resort in Cancun, Mexico, costs between $500 and $900 depending on the season. The Insta-famous Marina Bay Sands in Singapore can be upwards of $720 a night.
That means extra pressure in finding the right influencer to convey the relevant message — particularly when the aim is to deliver real-time social media exposure.
“We analyze each profile to make sure they’re an appropriate fit,” says Florencia Grossi, director of international promotion for Visit Argentina. “We look for content with dynamic and interesting stories that invites followers to live the experience.”
One challenge is weeding out genuine influencers from the fake, a job that’s typically done by manually scrutinizing audience feedback for responses that betray automated followers. Bogus bloggers are another reason the market is becoming increasingly wary.
“If comments are just emojis or slightly out of context, it indicates a bot,” says Anne Pedersen, the head of French travel website Atout France’s public relations. “If the comments all come from the same country, they could be fake accounts.”
While some businesses and organizations may be turning their back on influencers, many still find it profitable to engage.
Seder — who fell into influencing after she and fiance Brandon Burkley quit their jobs in New York to travel full time — soon found an alternative Italian venue willing to strike a deal, despite their rejection from the first “blogger infested” hotel.
Such hustles are part and parcel of a profession that, according to those making a living out of it, is much harder work than the sun-kissed Instagram photos would have you believe.
The most successful influencers spend the majority of their time working to grow their audience and develop content — often with a team of dedicated employees.
They also spend a fair amount of time looking for handouts in exchange for Instagram posts, branded tweets, YouTube videos and more.
Posts are typically valued — depending on audience location — at about $1,000 for every 100,000 followers. Some top-tier travel influencers are also paid a per diem or per deliverable rate.
Seder makes money working with tourism brands that pay for sponsored Instagram and blog posts. Additional earnings come from her professional photography and affiliate marketing.
She says her workis often made trickier by the fact that influencers are often lumped in with traditional travel journalists on regimented press trips that fail to take into account their need to constantly connect with their audience.
“There have been times where I was forced to get up in the middle of the night to meet my contracted deliverables because there was absolutely no time to do it during the day,” she says.
“The best press trips are those with a good balance of activities and shooting time, a mix of famous and local authentic destinations, and arrangements with popular sites before or after hours, to avoid crowds.”
Valeria Hinojosa, a Bolivian private banker turned influencer with 129,000 Instagram followers, specializes in promoting eco hotels around the world, for which she charges upwards of $3,000.
“My goal is to show that every destination has a story,” she says. “From sustainable hotels, the kindness of the locals, the exotic taste and aroma of food, and the connection with nature.”
Hinojosa says she doesn’t get too hung up on audience numbers.
“If I reach my readers’ souls through my words, then I’ve succeeded,” she says. “The overflow of love I receive from the people who follow me and the brands I work with is a good measurement.”
San Francisco-based Dimag Ozgum (539,000 followers) says he measures his impact by how frequently his photos get replicated and how many Instagrammers use his community hashtag, #VacationWolf.
“After we visit a region and share it, a massive amount of influencers get influenced and end up traveling there,” he says.
Walter DeMirci, USA country manager for the Qatar National Tourism Council, recognizes the limitations of using influencers, even if his organization is still willing to make use of them.
“While creating beautiful content is part of the requirement, having a successful partnership also means creating an organic brand ambassador that will share their positive experience with friends and families outside of social media,” he says.
In other words, tourism boards try to identify good influencers who will create educational posts about their destinations that will then inspire travelers to book a trip.
Value proposition
This is where things can get tricky. Not all influencers are necessarily interested in what value their posts lend their audience, leading to scenes like the Bali temple incident or outbursts like those of the Philippines club owner.
Los Angeles ice cream truck owner Joe Nicchi is another who lost his cool with constant requests for handouts. Earlier this year he announced he intended to charge influencers double.
Tourism reps, meanwhile, recount dealing with tantrums when demands weren’t met.
“One of our executives had an encounter with an influencer who said he ‘doesn’t f——- pay for anything, ever’ after she informed him that some of his meals weren’t going to be covered,” says Grenada Tourism Authority’s Corion.
Many luxury properties in the Maldives have terminated their influencer marketing programs after getting countless requests from fraudulent influencers.
For well-intentioned influencers such as Emilie Ristevski, who has over one million followers on Instagram, the rise in irresponsible “influencers” is frustrating.
“It’s disappointing to hear this is happening, it has extremely negative effects on the industry,” she says. “It’s a shame to see self-entitlement and unethical work practices be a recurring theme for some influencers.”
When the influencer and a tourism board mesh, the results can be tourism marketing gold. Influencers bring new perspectives to destinations and reach a broad, international audience.
Qatar’s DeMirci says influencers have been an asset in promoting his destination.
“With social media on the rise with regards to planning travel, we’re tapping into influencer partnerships which allows us to showcase Qatar from a variety of perspectives,” he says.
And, says Ristevski, in an age of runaway mass tourism, where travelers are often accused of harming the places they’re visiting by turning out in such large numbers, influencers can be a force for good, particularly when promoting lesser known destinations.
“Bringing sustainable tourism into remote areas supports smaller communities and their livelihoods,” she adds, “along with helping to compensate overtourism due to photographic locations.”
The post Travel influencers: The good, the bad and the downright ugly appeared first on Tripstations.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Women's World Cup: Five things we have learned from group stages
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/womens-world-cup-five-things-we-have-learned-from-group-stages/
Women's World Cup: Five things we have learned from group stages
After 36 games, it’s gone from 24 to 16 nations, and now we’re heading for the knockout matches at the Women’s World Cup in France.
But what have we learned from the group stages?
BBC Sport looks at the main talking points from the first two weeks of action.
Goalkeepers are making their mark
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Christiane Endler produces another ‘outstanding’ save
Should the goals be made smaller for shorter keepers? Do coaching methods need to change? Debates around the standard of goalkeeping in women’s football still exist, but brilliant performances have got people talking about female keepers for different reasons.
Christiane Endler was named player of the match for Chile against holders USA, while Argentina’s Vanina Correa drew high praise from England boss Phil Neville after making several stops in the Lionesses’ 1-0 win in Group D.
When England’s Karen Bardsley was asked about the quality of keeping at this tournament, she replied: “It’s like everyone has been bagging on us for so long that we’re just like ‘we will show you’.”
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Dramatic scenes as VAR penalty retake sends Scots home
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Relief for Wendie Renard as she scores retaken VAR penalty to beat Nigeria
It took just 28 minutes of action at the World Cup for the video assistant referee (VAR) to kick in but Griedge Mbock Bathy’s disallowed goal for France, after a marginal offside call against South Korea, was just the start of it.
Goalkeepers off their line and retaken penalties have become a recurring theme, with the most dramatic coming late on Wednesday when Florencia Bonsegundo’s second attempt was converted and earned Argentina a 3-3 draw against Scotland, which knocked out Shelley Kerr’s side.
Have the decisions all been correct as per the new laws? Yes. Will we continue to debate whether VAR is good or bad for football? Also yes.
One goal can mean so much
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Women’s World Cup 2019: Teenager Giulia Gwinn gives Germany a 1-0 lead against China
The USA’s record 13-0 demolition of Thailand in their opening group match was both brilliant and devastating to watch all at the same time.
The Thai players picked themselves up to face Sweden, and the emotion took over when Kanjana Sung-Ngoen scored their only goal of the tournament.
Players celebrated like they’d won the whole thing, while the coaching staff were in floods of tears. The same thing happened for Jamaica, when Havana Solaun scored their first World Cup goal against Australia. Both went out in the group stage, but both will go away with unforgettable memories.
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Women’s World Cup 2019: Watch as world champions USA demolish Thailand 13-0
You have to dance into the stadium
Cameroon started it as they exited the team bus to music, Nigeria took it to the next level with a formation routine, and then all of a sudden everyone is making an entrance on match day as they enter the stadium.
But perhaps the best performance award goes to Canada, who did a full-blown routine to Shania Twain’s Man I Feel Like a Woman on the team bus.
Watch highlights on BBC Football Instagram.
France v USA could be on the horizon
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Highlights: Sweden 0-2 USA
The top four teams in the world – France, USA, England and Germany – all came through the group stages with three wins from three games, along with Euro 2017 champions the Netherlands.
England will face Cameroon, who finished as one of the best third-place teams, in the next round. In the same side of the draw, there could be an incredibly tasty quarter-final between hosts France and defending champions USA. Watch this space…
Plus, some of the most memorable moments so far…
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‘What was she thinking?’ – Rennard scores calamitous own goal
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Taylor caps a sweeping team move as England finally break the deadlock
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Women’s World Cup 2019: Australia turn it around to win 3-2 against Brazil
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Kim Do-yeon own goal gives Nigeria lead after VAR check
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Women’s World Cup 2019: Lieke Martens or Johan Cruyff? Whose turn is better?
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Sinclair thunders in a goal at the back post to level the score for Canada
BBC Sport has launched #ChangeTheGame this summer to showcase female athletes in a way they never have been before. Through more live women’s sport available to watch across the BBC this summer, complemented by our journalism, we are aiming to turn up the volume on women’s sport and alter perceptions.Find out more here.
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