gegengeschichte · 1 year
"Immer schlau zu sein ist dumm, man muss auch mal dumm sein um schlau zu sein"
- Florentin Will nach seinem siegreichen WC3 Relegationsspiel im N811-Mirror
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snek-panini · 1 year
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At long last, I've finally finished a new book! And it's actually not a fanfic this time! This is a bind of Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days. This was supposed to be my fourth book for Binderary, but I didn't finish it in time. Procrastination's a bitch. Fun fact: the first thing I ever bound was a public domain short story called The Machine Stops, but since it was the first it is...not a good skill showcase. This one is so much better. More pics and process talk under the cut!
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Close-up of the cover, and a pic of the spine. The blue bits are cardstock, and brown ones are faux leather left over from when I bound Pray for Us, Icarus. The images and author's name are in black embossing ink. Something weird happened with the texture on these--the author's name came out nice and smooth and solid like always, but the stamped images have a bumpy texture to them and some leather visible through the powder. They were done with rubber stamps on an ink pad and the text was done with an embossing pen, so I think it's a difference in the ink. It's a nice texture though, so I don't mind. I had originally thought to put the title on the front, but I really liked both stamps and I like how it came out.
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Top view and endpaper. I'm really pleased with how the case fits; that's been something I struggle with on a lot of projects and I think I'm finally getting it down. The endpapers are a floretine print that I bought from Hollander's and cut to size. They got a little wrinkled when I cased in, especially in the back. It's my first time working with this kind of paper and I used too much glue. I also tried stitching them to the text block this time, but I don't think I'll bother with that again. I didn't like how flimsy the single-sheet signature felt next to the thicker ones in the text block. Fun fact for those who've seen an adaptation of this story but not actually read it: there is actually no hot air balloon in the book, even though it's in all the adaptations. There was a movie made in the 1950s which added the balloon and it's been in every version since then.
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Title page and chapter header. I've been saying for a while that I wanted to up my title page game, and I really love how this looks. The image here is a free vector pulled from Seekpng.com. It's the same image on both pages, the one on the chapter header is just smaller and in gray instead of black. I've also chosen a name for my bindery, largely because other people had names for theirs and I thought it was cool and wanted my own. It's Paper Snake Press, you can see it at the bottom of the text. I want a logo too but haven't gotten around to making one yet. 2d art is, uh. Still not a strength for me.
The text I used was pulled from Project Gutenberg. Typesetting it was and interesting experience, surprisingly different from typesetting fic. When I do fic I keep the editing very light, just really obvious things like misspelled characters' names and quotation marks that are flipped the wrong way, but it always needs something. This one didn't need any of that, which was nice. It also has way longer sentences and paragraphs than fic, and I thought that might be a product of its age, that writers just wrote longer sentences and were more verbose in 1873 than they are now. But then this week I started working on another fic that has the same features, from someone I've suspected for a while is a published author, so I wonder if it's actually a professional author thing instead of a shift in reading tastes over time. I'm not really going anywhere with this speculation, I just thought it was interesting.
I have two more works-in-progress printed and waiting. One is an author copy and just needs casing in, the other's in a halfway stage and has a lot to be done, so it might be a bit before I have more books to post. But there's a whole stack of things I've typeset that I'm waiting to print, so there are good things coming.
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meep9898 · 2 years
If you see the following tags, it means LORE:
#Sarah’s Story
#Evelyn’s Events
#Minerva’s Memories
#Rika’s Recollections
#Fiorella’s Fantasies
#Floretine’s Files
#M.A.I.’s Metadata
#Thessalia’s Tales
That’s all.
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auntbee · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DOONEY & BOURKE Large Front Pocket Florentine Satchel Natural.
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janetburston · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Marc New York Andrew Marc Congac Ballon Sleeve Faux Leather Top Size Small
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electrobaubles · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Authentic Dooney & Bourke Chestnut Florentine Medium Satchel - EUC.
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inky-duchess · 4 years
21 History Ancedotes for my 21st Birthday
So today I celebrate my 21st birthday and I have decided to gift you all with 21 of my favourite historical Ancedotes. Some are funny, some are sad and some are plain bizarre but I hope the make your day 💜
Mary Maloney, an Irish-born suffragette in England followed Winston Churchill around while he was campaigning for a seat in Parliament, drowning out everything he said with a very large bell and calls for him to apologise for his comments on women's rights and suffrage movements.
Clodius Pulcher was a well born Roman noble during the last day's of the Republic. He gave up his Patrician status to become Tribune of the Plebs (an office in which one had to be a Pleb) by being adopted by a much younger Plebian man who became his "father". Clodius was a bit of a riot, sneaking into religious festivals dressed like a woman to sleep with Caesar's wife, building a shrine to Liberty in the ruins of the Conservative Cicero, vetoed the last speech of one of the Consuls (who basically did nothing all year and was apparently going to roast Caesar) and burned down the Senate House with his funeral pyre (the Plebs who loved him literally tearing up the furniture to build his pyre). He was honestly the best fun.
When laying on her deathbed, Queen Caroline of Ansbach turned to her husband George II of England and told him he should marry again. George refused to ever wed again... But added he would have mistresses. Caroline said , likely with a roll of her eyes, "oh my god that doesn't matter."
Florence was a pretty cool city in the Renaissance until Savanorola came to town. He disliked the loose living artists that crowded the city, with their naked pagan gods and rampant homosexuality. He expelled them all with help of the French hoping to make Florence Holy Again. When the Borgia Pope excommunicated him and sentenced him to death, one man in the crowd was reported to have said. "thank God, niw we can return to sodomy." One Floretine man in the 1490s said Gay Rights.
So this list couldn't be complete without an entry of the only American politician I love, Alexander Hamilton who was just a walking entity of sass. I could go on about his sharp sarcasm or his disaster bi vibes with John Lauren's but my all time favourite Alexander Hamilton ancedote has to be this exchange with Thomas Jefferson "There are approximately 1010300 words in the English language, but I could never string enough words together to properly explain how much I want to hit you with a chair."
Caterina Sforza was an Italian noble woman during the Renaissance. She was apart of the powerful Sforza family, which drew many enemies to her. One fateful day at Forli, Caterina's children were snatched as hostages. The besiegers threatened to kill her children if she did not cede the castle. Caterina refused, lifting her skirts and shouted to the besiegers that she had the means to make more children.
Hannibal Lecter's creator Thomas Harris was happy to end his great character's story with the original trilogy. However his publishers forced him to write an unneeded prequel explaining why Hannibal became Hannibal. Thomas Harris agreed lest he lose the rights to his character so he wrote Hannibal Rising, where Hannibal as a young man hunts down the Nazis who ate his sister with a katana.
Nell Gwyn is my favourite mistress of Charles II, mainly because of her sass. Once while trapped in the middle of a riot where Londoners swamped her carriage thinking she was Charles's Catholic mistress. She popped her head out the carriage and told the people "Pray good people be civil. I am the Protestant whore." She also dosed her rival Moll Davis with laxatives in order to free up some of Charles's time and she once flashed her underwear at the French ambassador after asking him why the Franch King did not pay her to spy on Charles because she was with him every night. A true Queen.
Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty of China once rose from his bed to go do some ruling when he realised his lover, Dong Xian was sleeping on his sleeve. Rather than disturb his lover, the Emperor cut his sleeve off at the wrist to leave Dong Xian nap. Nothing has ever been more romantic than that. Y'all could never.
Princess Margaret the sister of current Queen Elizabeth II was a socialable Princess and often tasked to visit the up and coming music stars of the day on behalf of the Crown. When meeting the Beatles one evening, she noticed George Harrison was acting a little odd. When she asked what was the matter, he replied "We arent allowed eat until you go." Princess Margaret laughed and promptly left so the Beatles could get some dinner.
During the Siege of Jadotsville, Irish soldiers under the flag of the UN were attacked and besieged by local insurgents allied with the Katanga Regime. The insurgents numbered thousands while the Irish only had 158 soldiers, all who were lightly armed. They radioed to their allies assuring them that "we will hold out until our last bullet is spent. Could use some whiskey though".
Napoleon was famous for writing raunchy letters to his wife, the Empress Josephine while he was away. She used to reply with really mundane letters or not at all. She really just could not be bothered with him.
Josip Broz Tito was so fed up with Joseph Stalin sending assassins to kill him, he wrote to Stalin personally to say "If you don't stop sending assassins to kill me. I will send one to Moscow and I won't have to send another." It didn't work but Big Dick Energy.
Successful Roman soldiers returning from war often got to march along in parades known as Triumphs. During this, it was customary for them to sing bawdy songs about their commander. One surviving one about Caesar goes like this "Romans, lock up your wives. Here comes the bald adulterous whore. We pissed away your gold in Gaul and come to borrow more."
Matilda, Lady of the English was a woman so badass that history cannot handle her. She was the daughter of Henry I who left his throne to her after the death of her brother. She was away in France when her father died and her throne was snatched by her cousin Stephen. They battled back and forth for years with neither side ceding any ground. Matilda was once besieged in a castle during a snow storm, with Stephen's men all around her. Instead of fighting her way out. She simply donned a white cloak and walked out of the castle. Just walked out without any of Stephen's men seeing her.
Pedro of Portugal once fell in love with a beautiful lady in waiting called Inez de Castro. For years, they lived as man and mistress, popping out a few kinds. Pedro's dad really did not like Inez and wanted Pedro to find a legitimate wife so he had her killed. Pedro returned home to find the mother of his children dead. Pedro went a little crazy. He had all his father's assassins killed, ripping out their hearts as they had done to him. When Pedro ascended the throne, he demanded the Pope legitimize his children by Inez. The Pope not wanting to upset the King, said he couldn't because Inez was never crowned Queen. Pedro dug Inez up and crowned her as Queen, having all the nobility swear loyalty to her corpse. The Pope had no choice but to agree to his request.
A famously clever general once saved an entire city with an ingenious stragety to sit outside the city waiting for the attacking army to come. The attack had come to fast for the city to ready themselves for a Siege so, the general had to move quickly. He evacuated the city and took his place waiting for the army to come. The enemy forces stopped and took one look at him and bolted, thinking he meant to lure them in one of his famous traps.
Michaelangelo was really badly treated by the Vatican when he was painting the Sistine Chapel. He constantly fought with the Popes over the design and his work, which he was paid peanuts for. Michaelangelo got his revenge in his work, painting the gates of Hell behind the Papal Throne and an angel flipping the ol' fig (the Renaissance version of the bird) toward the Pope's chair.
Peter the Great was not a perfect guy. He kept serfdom as a practise in his kingdom, he had his son tortured to death and he could be an unpleasant guy. But Peter was a dreamer. He wanted nothing more to build a fleet for Russia and bring Russia beyond its borders. Peter took a gap year from ruling Russia to wander around Europe. When he stopped in England, he was granted Leicester House to chill in while he did his shipwright studies. It was here that Peter found a new passion. The wheelbarrow. Cue Peter and his new found English buddies drinking in Leicester House, punching the artwork and rolling each other around in barrels across the house's Great gardens.
Diogenes is hands down a walking shit post. He was a great thinker in Greece during the reign of Alexander but a rather dry, sarcastic wit. He lived in a pithos/a jar because he shunned all vanities and values of society. He trolled other philosophers, attending their debates to heckle them and eat loud foods through them. When Alexander the Great came to fan boy over him, saying that if he were not Alexander he would like to be Diogenes to which Diogenes just said "yeah me too, now get out of my sunlight."
Cosimo de Medici was the son of a Floretine banker with a great knowledge and love of art. Cosimo wished for Florence to release its potentially and join the Renaissance. He hired Filippo Brunelleschi to finsh the Great Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore which had láin unfinished for over a century, a symbol of a failure of ambition. The builders had lost the knowledge of creating a dome so large so it remained unfinished. Despite much opposition from the other nobility and denouncers of the Renaissance, Cosimo's dream of the completion of the dome was completed, making it the largest brick dome in creation at that time. There is nothing like achieving your dreams and certainly nothing like leaving a lasting reminder that screams 'I was right and you were wrong' to stand for centuries.
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thearmoury · 5 years
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Jan of @thearmouryhk in his brown herringbone cotton sport coat from Liverano & Liverano at Pitti Uomo 96. Taka and Vittorio of team Liverano will be in Tribeca this week for a bespoke trunk show. Email [email protected] or DM us for more information on appointments and be sure to check out the link in our bio to see more on the famed Floretine tailoring house. (at The Armoury New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/By20_LdnZhw/?igshid=13tcbnpnilg63
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survivalistjunpei · 5 years
I heard Lis is really a vampire and is only protecting Floretin cuz he feels guilty
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Vampires aren’t real, but if they were, Lis has shown no signs of being one...
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If y’all start harassing me-- or my girlfriend, for that matter --over these damn vampire rumors, I’m gonna bust your lights out--- and it won’t be with my teeth. I’m not as polite as Flor, and there’s no room for superstitious assumptions with me.
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They say Caledonians are the epitome of refinement, but it seems that stereotypes aren’t always true, haha...
Anyways, Lis is protecting me because he cares about me! He’s seen how people harass me over these rumors. 
((His bat crawls out of his sleeve.)) 
Oh, little Fasole! Did grumpy Lis wake you up? ((Fasole looks around and then crawls back into Florentin’s sleeve.))
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Damn, you’re already so attached to a little fruit bat...
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He wasn’t even a vampire bat! That one person was a tad odd...
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morienmacbain · 3 years
An Acrostic in Rime Royal
Certes the truth's a sword men fear to field,
Having edges twinned, but truer yet
Remains a king with twofold blades to wield,
In mated mettle is his fury met.
So coupled peril flows from second threat,
Two-fanged snakes and bulls of doubled horns,
O see the rose of York grows mighty thorns!
Poets Floretine have put the question:
How best do princes thrive, by love or fear?
Each path is prized, but honor's true suggestion
Requires doubled virtue, both held dear.
Revered in war and peace, this crowned peer,
Each justice-framed vict'ry stores up glory.
Xerxes, famed of old, left no such story!
       Rime Royal was introduced into the English language from the French by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Fourteenth Century, and was employed by James the First of Scotland for his poetry.  The form dictates seven-line stanzas of iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme ABABBCC.  
        As an acrostic, the first letter of leach line of this piece may be read vertically to reveal the subject's name.  
        The badge of the House of York was the white rose.  The "Florentine poet" referred to here is Niccolo Machiavelli, author of The Prince, in which he posited that it is far better for a ruler to be feared than loved, if both are not possible.  "Florentine" is also a Scadianism for the practice of two-weapon fighting, at which Duke Sir Christopher excelled.
      Xerxes I, commonly known as "Xerxes the Great", was the fourth King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire, ruling from 486 to 465 BC.  He was notable for being feared rather than loved, and may be familiar in a heavily-fictionalized form from his appearance as the principal  antagonist in the graphic novel and film 300.   
       Christopher of York and his lady, Maurya Etain Sableswan, were Prince and Princess of the Principality of Aethelmearc in 1992-93.  After Aethelmearc became a kingdom, they ruled repeatedly as King and Queen between 1998 and 2003.
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Best Rosacea Skin Care Regimen
New Post has been published on https://skin-care-routine.com/best-rosacea-skin-care-regimen/best-rosacea-skin-care-regimen/
Best Rosacea Skin Care Regimen
A. How To Find The Best Skincare For Rosacea
Taking care of your skin for rosacea is not just about the products you use, but also about how you use them. You may be working with a dermatologist to treat your rosacea. However, if you can follow a good skin care regimen for rosacea sticks, it can make a big difference in the look and feel of your skin. Here’s how to find the best treatment for rosacea skin in order to get rid of redness and make way for clear, glowing skin.
1. The basics of the best skin care products for rosacea
What can the best rosacea skin care do for you? If you have this condition, you can establish a good routine using the best skin care products:
Reduce the rate of rosacea outbreaks
Improve the results of each treatment you receive
Increase your skin’s health
Make your skin look better and more comfortable
For best results, you need to make sure that:
Wash your face with a mild cleanser twice a day, morning and night
Protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun
Avoid certain ingredients in skin care and makeup products (see below).
Test new products on a small area of ​​your skin before applying them to your face
Understand your triggers
2. Gentle cleaning
Young woman portrait in the mirror of her bathroom after taking shower.
Most people with rosacea do not wash their skin enough, which is easy to understand, as some cleansers dry out the skin and worsen the condition. You should wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, but you need to use the right type of rosacea cleanser.
What does that mean? The first step is to avoid exfoliating and aggressive detergents. These types of cleansers can remove natural oils from the skin and cause inflammation and dryness. For rosacea-affected skin, consider using mild soap-free cleansers that remove dirt and makeup without removing moisture from the skin.
You should avoid detergents with these ingredients:
Pepper mint
Eucalyptus oil
Witch hazel
Perfume added
Using mild cleansers can help prevent tripping and keep your skin healthy.
3. Moisten, moisten, moisten!
One of the best products for rosacea skin is moisturizer. This is because applying a moisturizer to rosacea-prone skin can help maintain a barrier that prevents irritants from coming into contact with the skin and keeps all resulting symptoms under control.
Choosing the right moisturizer is important, otherwise the symptoms and redness can get worse. Always choose a moisturizer without fragrance and oil, as well as a hypoallergenic. A general rule of thumb is: the fewer ingredients on the label, the better for your skin.
4. Protect your skin from the sun
If you have rosacea, sunscreen is one of the best skin care products in your arsenal. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is. You should use sunscreen in summer and winter if you have rosacea, as exposure to the sun can make symptoms worse and lead to a severe outbreak.
Choose a sunscreen that does not irritate your skin. This can be challenging, but if you can find a sunscreen that meets these criteria, you should be ready:
Offers broadband coverage with SPF 30 or higher
Contains silicone (often listed as cyclomethicone or cyclomethicone or dimethicone on the label)
It is fragrance free, not just “odorless”
5. Avoid certain ingredients in skin products
When choosing the best skin care products for rosacea, it is often what you do not choose that can make all the difference. To reduce irritation, avoid skin and makeup products that contain any of the following ingredients:
Lactic acid
Sodium Laurisulfate
Glycolic acid
The best rosacea skin care products are often available as a gel or lotion. Avoid toners that can be very aggressive.
6. Test It Out
Whenever something new is added to your skin care regimen for rosacea, it should be tested before applying it to any part of the body. To properly test a rosacea skin care product, place a small amount close to the affected area. If you feel a burning or stinging sensation within 72 hours of use, you should not use this product.
7. Know your triggers
Rosacea can be a condition that affects many people, but it can also affect two people in different ways. Your triggers are individual for you, so take the time to find out what is triggering rosacea outbreaks. If you are having trouble figuring this out, keep a diary listing the things you ate, the stress, the weather and the skincare products you used. Once you discover your triggers, there are steps you can take to avoid them. If you are having a seizure, you can soothe your red and irritated skin with a gentle cleansing or a cold shower. Just avoid rubbing, as this will make the situation worse.
Rosacea can be a difficult condition to learn and navigate, especially when it comes to finding the best skin care products for rosacea. With these tips, you will be on the right path to healthy, glowing skin that will make you confident.
8. Best skin care products for rosacea
a. EltaMD – FPS with UV transparent tint
Your rosacea-prone skin can be sensitive. That’s why you need to choose soft and protective products, like EltaMD’s UV Clear Tinted SPF. This daily sunscreen is formulated with zinc oxide to protect your skin from the sun’s rays. It is evident that it continues and does not worsen rosacea, which allows daily use.
b. Skinceuticals – Phloretin CF.
Give your skin a powerful injection of antioxidants with Skinceuticals Phloretin CF. It harnesses the power of ferulic acid, vitamin C and floretine to improve the appearance of the skin, evens out skin tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines and improve discoloration. An ideal choice for skin prone to redness and inflammation.
c. SkinMedica – Lytera 2.0 pigment correction serum
Do you want to face the discoloration of stubborn skin? You can now use the Lytera 2.0 Pigment Correcting Serum from SkinMedica. As part of a skin care routine designed specifically for redness, discoloration and skin irritation, this serum has been developed to help improve the overall tone and uniformity of your skin, optimizing the effectiveness of other treatment approaches. A fabulous choice for all skin types.
d. Skin care review – serum with vitamin K
Vitamin K is important for skin regeneration and helps to correct and protect the skin from rosacea symptoms. With the Vitamin K Serum Revision Skincare, you can transfer the healing powers of Vitamin K directly to the skin, reducing the occurrence of damage, moisturizing the skin and protecting the cells. It is light, without oil and a great option for all skin types.
e. Alastin Skin Care – Restorative Eye Treatment
The skin around the eyes is delicate and can easily show signs of aging, fatigue and other skin problems. This restorative eye treatment helps to improve the elasticity of this fragile skin in the eye area, hardening it and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also brightens the skin, reduces dark circles and puffiness, while being soft enough to use in the morning and evening.
f. Skin growth factor serum ZO
Soothes rosacea redness and irritation with skin growth factor serum ZO. It strengthens the skin, provides moisture and maintains the skin’s natural protective barrier. It also helps to promote brighter and healthier skin, as it assists in repair, improving natural collagen production.
g. Is Clinical Cleaning Complex
For rosacea sufferers, balance is essential. You need a cleanser that cleanses the skin, but is also soft enough not to make the symptoms worse. The IS Clinical Cleansing Complex is a great choice to prevent rosacea from worsening while removing oil, dirt and residue from your pores for clean, fresh skin.
h. Alastin Skin Care – Neck Restoration Complex
In the fight against rosacea, do not neglect the throat! The skin on your neck is unique and has its own challenges. From discoloration to sun damage and the effects of aging, this Neck Restorative Complex used botanicals and peptides to tighten and tighten the skin. Also treat redness and dry skin with this special formula.
i. SkinMedica – HA5 Rejuvenating Moisturizer
Soften and soothe your skin while supporting its natural healing and protection capabilities with SkinMedica’s HA5 Rejuvenating Moisturizer. A great option for all skin types, this oil-free and fragrance-free moisturizer will promote your skin’s health, encouraging you to replenish your own hyaluronic acid stores and stay hydrated.
j. Alastin Skin Care – Gentle Cleaner
This self-foaming cleanser is gentle enough for daily use, even on the most sensitive skin. It is formulated exclusively to soothe the skin while cleaning and smoothing without causing irritation or dryness. Free of parabens and sulfates, this is a great daily cleanser option for people with rosacea.
k. Sente – skin repair cream
Improve your skin’s appearance, texture and firmness with the Sente Dermal Repairing Cream. This formula has been specially formulated to treat the appearance of damaged skin, improve the skin’s natural tone and make it look young and shiny. You can find out more about Sente products on our blog.
l. Skin Care Review – Gentle Cleansing Lotion
People with rosacea need to cleanse their skin without removing its natural moisture and antioxidants. The Revision Skincare gentle cleansing lotion removes just that: it removes dirt, residue and makeup from the skin, while helping to maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance.
m. Alastin Skin Care – Skin Nectar
Help your skin heal naturally with Alastin Skincare Skin Nectar. Its patented TriHex technology improves healthy skin and supports the skin’s ability to produce collagen and elastin. The antioxidants in this product also help to soothe the skin and reduce redness, a must for anyone dealing with rosacea.
n. Nazarian Skincare – Increased collagen in the morning and afternoon
Keep your skin young with the help of this AM and PM treatment that will help rebuild and restore your skin’s collagen production as it promotes hydration. Boost AM reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and gives the skin more fullness, as Boost PM helps to rebuild the skin and protect it from further damage. These products offer a powerful double blow against premature aging and inflammation.
o. ZO Skin Daily Power Defense
Fight free radical damage while tightening and toning your skin with ZO Skins Daily Power Defense. This antioxidant-rich serum reduces fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration. It evens out the skin’s pigmentation, as it improves elasticity and promotes hydration to soothe the skin along the way.
  B. The Best Skin Care Routine for Rosacea, According to Dermatologists
Each editorial product is selected independently. However, we may receive compensation or an affiliate commission if you purchase something through our links. This common skin condition usually extends beyond the skin and can have devastating effects on self-confidence and self-esteem. The rosacea-safe skin care regimen can help delay outbreaks.
1. Avoid triggers
Stress, heat, hot drinks, alcohol and these seven foods are some of the common triggers of rosacea, but they are often different for different people when it comes to what leads to an outbreak, says Dr. Joshua Drawer, Director of Clinical and Cosmetic Research and Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. “Rosacea is a condition where the skin is overly sensitive to the environment and overreacts to triggers that are not supposed to disturb the skin,” he says. Stay one step ahead of your triggers by keeping a diary of daily activities, food and drinks and how your skin reacts to them.
2. Avoid excessive drying of detergents
Aggressive cleansers and scrubs remove essential oils from the skin, causing dryness and inflammation, warns Dr. Illustrator. “This can lead to an outbreak of rosacea,” he says. “Use mild, soap-free cleansers that remove dirt and oil without compromising the skin barrier.” The main products include Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Hydrating Cleanser for sensitive skin, Eucerin Redness Relief Soothing Cleaner, CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser and / or Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser. The cleanser should not contain rosacea irritants, such as alcohol, witch hazel, fragrances, menthol, peppermint and eucalyptus oil. Expert Rx? Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a soap-free cleanser and dry your face with a towel. Here is some advice on how to find the best rosacea skin care products that are right for you.
3. Smarter shower
We like long, hot baths, but our skin doesn’t, says Dr. Illustrator. “Excessive contact with water, especially hot water, can rid the skin of essential oils and cause dryness, irritation and flare-ups.” Instead, opt for short baths, ten minutes or less. “The water must have the temperature you imagine for a heated pool, around 84 degrees.” In fact, it may be better to shower less often (here are some other ways you may be showering incorrectly).
4. Moisten
Cropped shot of a mature woman applying moisturizer to her face
If you have rosacea, opt for mild moisturizers, without fragrance and without irritating anti-aging ingredients, says Dr. Illustrator. “In some cases, I even recommend using the mildest moisturizers that my eczema sufferers would use,” he says. Look for ingredients like purified petroleum jelly or ceramides. Some rosacea skin care moisturizers approved by MD include Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair Lotion, CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion or SkinMedica’s Redness Relief CalmPlex. “Although some products can be considered as body lotions, they can certainly be applied to the face,” he says. Always apply moisturizer to damp skin to stop hydration, adds Dr. Adam Friedman, professor of dermatology at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington DC, he added.
5. Be economical
“Less is more when you have rosacea. So you want to minimize how many things you put on your face,” says Dr. Friedman. Multitasking is his best friend. This may include a green-tinted base that also includes sunscreen. Green camouflages red according to the color wheel theory of complementary colors. Mineral makeup usually contains soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients, such as zinc, which is also a sunscreen. Cetaphil Redness Moisturizer SPF 20 or Clinique Redness Solutions Daily Protective Base SPF 15. There are some other makeup tricks that can help minimize flushing and flushing.
6. Turn on the humidifier
Winter drought and indoor heaters that we use often in winter can make rosacea worse. To counteract this, turn on a humidifier to keep the air moist. This can help to keep the torches away. But summer also announces its fair share of rosacea triggers, including barbecue heat, explain experts at the National Rosacea Society (NRS). “Spend as little time as possible working on the hot grill,” they advise. “Use a long-handled spatula and tongs to get away from the heat. Have a cold towel or ice water on hand to cool off. “Don’t miss out on these other home remedies for rosacea that provide relief.
7. Easy on the eyes
Although it affects the skin mainly, rosacea can also affect the eyes. Eye rosacea is one of the causes of red eyes. In addition, your eyelids may become red and swollen, and styes are common. Severe cases can cause damage to the cornea and loss of vision without medical help, according to the NRS. Be kind to your eyes, selecting and using only allergy-tested fragrance-free formulas, such as mineral powder eyeshadow and mascara that can be removed with warm water. “Neutral colors, both in eyeshadow and eye pencil, can also be less irritating than strong jewel tones because they contain less pigment,” explains the NRS.
8. Shave safely
Men with rosacea should consider an electric razor to avoid irritation from a blunt blade, suggests the NRS. When choosing shaving cream, opt for mild and odorless products and then with a balm and / or moisturizer after shaving. When removing unwanted facial hair, “the idea is to cause as little trauma and inflammation as possible so as not to create a rosacea rash,” says Dr. Illustrator. For a woman with occasional hair, plucking is good, he says. But “if you have a lot of dark hair, permanent options like laser hair removal or electrolysis may be better because you won’t need treatment in the future,” he says. “Depilatories can cause irritation depending on your sensitivity,” he says. “Many women don’t like the idea, but I generally recommend shaving.”
9. Apply sunscreen
According to the NRS, 81 percent of people with rosacea cite sun exposure as the main trigger for rosacea. In addition, sunlight can also cause visible blood vessels (telangiectasias) and severe rosacea redness. Combat redness with non-chemical sunscreens that contain zinc or titanium dioxide and protect them from UVA / UVB rays with a sun protection factor of 30 or higher, says Dr. Friedman. Colorescience All Calm Clinical Redness Corrector SPF 50 is a 3 in 1 product that corrects, protects and soothes rosacea-prone skin. Remember that multitasking is your skin’s best friend when you have rosacea. Just make sure you don’t make these sunscreen mistakes!
10. Do not peel
Yes, you read that right. Exfoliating regularly is important for many people, but if you have rosacea, it makes the situation worse, says Dr. Friedman. “I really am against physical scrubs,” he says. They are abrasive and with the rosette the barrier is already destroyed. “If you have broken capillaries, try to erase them and avoid them this way.
11. Lose weight
Information published in the 2017 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology suggests that obesity may also increase the risk of rosacea in women. The results show that the risk of rosacea increases significantly with the increase in body mass index (BMI), weight gain after 18 years and greater waist and hip circumferences. Rosacea has also been linked to other conditions outside the skin, including Alzheimer’s disease. If you are overweight or obese, losing weight can be a remedy for rosacea. Of course, losing extra pounds can also help to lower your risk of a variety of ailments.
12. Contact your dermatologist
Is it acne or rosacea? Or is it acne rosacea? It can be difficult to say, says Dr. Friedman. Unfortunately, acne medication can make rosacea symptoms worse. Better safe than sorry. Contact your dermatologist for a final diagnosis and the best treatment for rosacea or acne therapy. Learn about ways to prevent acne forever.
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travelinghobby · 4 years
Why These Handmade Knives Are The Talk Of The Culinary World
Why These Handmade Knives Are The Talk Of The Culinary World
Florentine Kitchen Knives are custom made in Barcelona by knife-maker Tomer Botner Florentine Kitchen Knives Designer Tomer Botner launched Florentine Kitchen Knives in 2012. Named after the Floretin neighborhood in Tel-Aviv, where it began, the brand is known for its “stacked handled” custom blades, which are popping up in some of the culinary world’s top restaurants and kitchens. Botner…
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aveganfeast · 4 years
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Kami Agen
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janetburston · 2 years
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electrobaubles · 2 years
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