#florian munteanu x geneva shaw
lady-olive-oil · 4 years
I have an idea
I think imma do a time jump for Work Out. Have Geneva and Florian not talk for a year or 2.🤔
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Birthday Boy
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A/N: In honor of our big bears birthday, here is an imagine between him and Geneva in the midst of all the craziness. This will serve as a filler and an imagine of sorts. And idk his middle name, so I gave him one🤣This will also lead into the big halloween imagine I have planned as well. Without further ado: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FLORIAN MUNTEANU!!🎉🥳
Word Count: 1,063
Warning: none of ya squint
Halloween. A grand holiday that lasts for the whole month of October for some people, or just a day to get candy. Yet for my boyfriend's sake it’s a combination of his birthday and Halloween, so we decided to celebrate the whole month.
Parties for me is a big deal and all my friends and family know that for a fact. So for the morning of Florian’s birthday, I decided to make him breakfast fit for a king. I’m talking the works; French toast, eggs, bacon, fruit, and orange juice. Most guys I’ve dated haven’t gotten this type of treatment, unless you counted Jake with his whack ass. But Florian was different, and a good different at that.
“I smell food, and I hear r&b music.” His deep sleepy, baritone voice echoed through the halls of the condo as he journeyed towards the kitchen where I was. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my head, as I flipped the bacon strips in the copper cast iron skillet.
“You were supposed to stay in bed my love.” Angling my head to kiss his cheek, I smiled gently and watched him move to lean against the opposite counter.
“You know I can’t sleep without you next to me. Besides, I smelled bacon too.”
“Listen here Mr. Romania, if you plan on marrying me, this is what you have to look forward to at least once a week.”
He chuckled lovingly at me, causing a warm feeling to erupt in me. My love for this man transcending into another realm and I’m thankful for the people who brought us together. Finishing up his birthday breakfast, he dug in like the big bear that he is.
“After you eat, get ready for the day. It’s my turn to spoil you.”
“Florian Cristian Munteanu, don’t talk back to me. I’m doing this because I want to and it’s your day. Chop, chop.” Kissing his cheek before I left to get changed, he smacked my ass one good time.
“Ouch! Florian!”
“Yeah uh huh. Hurry up so we can go, I got plans for you today.”
“Yes ma’am.” He smirked back at me.
“Good boy.”
-20 min later, in the New York weather-
“Babe slow down already, we’ll get there.” Trying to calm down the giant 29 year old, as we walked down Times Square was a mess in itself.
“Listen, you said we’d go to Shake Shack and i've never been. Plus it’s my cheat day.”
“Duh. Who do you think called you trainer to get the ol to do so?”
He looked teary eyed as he hugged me close to his heated body. “You’re the best draga.”
“Oh I know.”
Of course he took a few photos with those who recognized him, I may have done a live video too for his Instagram just to up the ante. Seeing his smiling face was all I wanted and more. Upon our shopping he managed to get several pairs of shoes; a few jackets and jeans, fall like hats and a new chain. But it didn’t stop there.
“Gege, let me get you something please? It only seems fair for me to do so.”
“Florian, this is your day baby. Not mine, I appreciate the gesture but-”
“Genevieve Leona Shaw, no buts. I want to do this because you’ve done so much for me and you’ve been through a lot. So let me do this.” The way he looked at me was with pure love and adoration, like a little puppy. How could I not say no to that?
“Ugh fine. What do you wanna get me?”
“3 pairs of shoes that match mine, matching velvet jackets and matching chains.” There goes his Cheshire like grin.
“So basically everything we just got you, minus the jeans?”
He decorated my face in little kisses, this caused a few giggles to erupt from my full lips. “Yup. I want the world to know who my baby is.”
“The world already knows I’m your girl. But more recognition wouldn’t hurt.”
“That’s my girl.”
The shopping and feasting on burgers continued, and his smile grew even more. His happiness meant the world to me and then some, even in tough times. What relationship doesn’t have issues? Gotta work out any kind of way, shape or form.
When we got home, I had mentioned that a cake was made for him and frosted by my mother. His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. He loved my mother’s cooking and baking, and would always ask where I got it from. Now he knows.
“Thank you for today Gege. I can’t thank you enough my love for being the best present I’ve ever received this year.”
He kissed me gently, holding me like I was a fragile piece of art. He just knew how to handle me mind body and soul. The kiss deepened slightly, causing me head to spin a little.
“Ok ok, slow down there big boy. Let’s go eat your cake, not me.”
“Aw man.” He smirked and sent me a wink.
“Nasty ass.”
Singing happy birthday to my man the best way I knew how, in a room of just us two, made it more special.
“Make a wish.”
He closed his eyes and thought of the best wish he could think of, then blew out his candles once he figured out his birthday wish.
“What you wish for?”
“If I tell you, I won’t come true.”
“Touché. Hammock and cake time?”
“Hammock and cake time.”
I'm surprised he can even fit in the hammock without breaking it. I must’ve gotten the good kind of stakes for it. Resting against his chest as I fed him a few bites of the marble cake, he just stared up at the stars.
“Thank you Gege, for everything. It’s been a great day.”
“Oh baby, I’m just getting started. I’m planning a big Halloween bash for ya too. I do parties big so get used to it.” Looking up at him sweetly, he chucked.
“Alright, matching costumes then?”
With an arched brow I nodded cutely. “Hell yeah. The Hades to my Persephone.”
“I can dig it. Again thank you for today my lady, I love you.” Nuzzling his nose against mine, I smiled once more.
“I love you too bear. Happy birthday Florian.”
@honeychicana @dc41896 @themyscxiras @crushed-pink-petals @maddiestundentwritergaines @designerwriterchic @ljstraightnochaser @mimigemrose @fumbling-fanfics @screamingdrago @amelatonin @breddiefrooks @ellixthea @madamslayyy @chaneajoyyy
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Long Week: Social Dummy
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A long week that has been forthcoming for a while, has brought Geneva peace and serenity. She is finally free of a huge burden off her shoulders🗣👏🏾
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out: Chapter 8
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A/N: FINALLY!!!! Good lord it took me 2 months to finish this chapter because if how long I wanted it ti be but hey it’s done!! I want to thank my tribe for helping me out with this and everything and you guys! My readers mean the world to me for all the love and support. As my Christmas gift to y’all, after 3,000 years later, here’s Chapter 8 of Work Out!!!!
Warnings: Slightly dirty if ya squint, and tear jerky
Word count: 3,934
Tag Squad: @maddiestundentwritergaines​ | @themyscxiras​ | @designerwriterchic​ | @dc41896​ | @honeychicana​ | @crushed-pink-petals​ | @chaneajoyyy​ | @titty-teetee​ | @ljstraightnochaser​ | @mimigemrose​ | @fumbling-fanfics​ | @madamslayyy​ | @amelatonin​ | @screamingdrago​ | @breddiefrooks​ | @ellixthea​ | @uranoscope​
Tuesday: (3 weeks later)
It had been some time but I finally managed to get through my classes; just needed to take my biology final to officially finish class. And speaking of one ending, the day I’d been longing for had finally come. The day I would finally be free. Mostly of my burdens; my insecurities, my sorrows and the never ending pain in my ass.
As I looked in the mirror to finally put the final touches on my outfit, I felt more confident than I ever have. This year really showed my strengths and weaknesses, and how I want to grow further into my life as an independent woman.
“Soon as I get home, I’ll make it up to you, baby I’ll do what I gotta do.” Using the bathroom acoustics to my advantage, I centered myself singing that verse as a reminder of the happiness I currently had, which immediately put me in a positive mindset. The pinstripe, black and white jumpsuit, made a statement more than anything. It was saying “I may be short but I’m fashionable.”
“Florian! You getting ready yet babe?” Finishing my last curl, I fluffed it all out and decided to pull it into a low curly ponytail.
“Almost draga. All I’m wearing is a nice black dress shirt, slacks and those dress shoes you bought me for my birthday.”
Taking a glance at him, with a wolf whistle in tow, I was impressed. “Damn baby, you look good as hell.”
“Oh stop, I only look good when I’m next to you.”
“Boy, you do that on your own.” Applying my red lipstick, I winked at my reflection ready to turn heads and drop jaws.
“Ready to be free of his bullshit?” He offers his hand to me to hold, and I took it with pride.
“Baby, was born ready.”
The whole process was very tedious. It took a full year for this settlement to go through with the constant changes of his demands; my demands, who’s going to get what at the end of it all and how much money each of us get. Luckily have a great lawyers and support system with me, that kept me level headed through all of this. My dad knew how much of a gutter rat Jake could be, so he took over my case with open arms.
Jake’s lawyer was a high siddity blonde with a bad nose job. Needless to say she was one of the best according to my dad, because he’s heard that a few of his associates have trials against her. Georgia Augustine was her name, making men break character was her game. All I know is Mandy recommended her to him and we all know how that went down. Just sitting across from him made my stomach churn in disgust, with his dumbass face of his. With Florian by my side, I knew I was going to be ok and yet I had an inkling that Jake would try something.
“Now Miss Shaw, is it?” Georgia began, pushing up her glasses, and gave me a look that was irritable. As if she wanted to leave my presence, as to say I was the one irritating her. “It seems as though my client has a few demands as to how this divorce should go.”
“As does mine, Ms. Augustine.” Once my father stepped in, it was go time and he meant business. “My client came into the marriage with her own income from her business, which accumulated sales on it’s own. Your client asked her for support for a child that may not even be his.”
The look on both of their faces was priceless. It seems that his lawyer didn’t know about the little meeting we had a while back. How did my dad know that the baby Mandy had wasn’t Jake’s? Lets just say I have eyes and ears in high and low places. To the point where anything that goes on in the WWE, I will be informed one way or another even though I don’t work there anymore.
“As that is legible, my client doesn’t understand why he was in the wrong for asking her alimony to help raise the child. Regardless if the child is his or not.” Georgia was not backing down from the given statement and it made my stomach churn.
The day he asked me for money for the child, I wanted to ring his neck so hard to make his dumbass pass out. But nonetheless, I made sure I kept it calm cool and collected. My dad proceeded with the rest of my demands.
“Well, your client violated the first court order that my client issued at the first hearing. He wasn’t supposed to ask my client for any form of payment for anything, while he did and forgot the agreement.”
I’m elated I went with my gut to have my dad as my lawyer because he's hitting all the points and not letting Jake breath.
My dad smirked in triumphant. “With that being said, let’s go talk to the judge and reach the final verdict.”
Well gathered in the hallway to await our case being called to have this all be over with.
“You won’t win, Geneva. You won't have anything left by the time I’m done with you.” Jake spoke with venom in his voice as his teeth clenched like a piranha. Florian places himself in between us and sneered down at him.
“They one thing preventing me from beating your ass into the ground right now, is the fact that we’re in a court house. Watch what you say to my lady.”
“Or what? You gonna punch me again?”
This time Florian was ya eye level with him. “I’m going to do far worse than that to you.”
“Case number 7861090, proceed.” As the bailiff called out to us, my nerves vanished and I put on a brave face to get this over with.
Walking into the room, it was quiet and serene making it all better to focus. What seemed like hours, were a mere few minutes. The judge had granted our divorce legal and we could live on for the world to see, as two separate individuals. Jake gave me one last annoyed look before leaving with his lawyer.
The tears racked through my body as Florian and I walked out of the courthouse. He held me close to his warm body, letting me release my tears of triumph. I was finally free, and I felt liberated.
“It’s all over Geneva. It’s all over, you’re safe now love. You’ve got me.” His reassuring voice soothed my tears.
Leaning up on my toes, in my red bottoms, I kissed him gently, pouring out every ounce of love I had for him into this one kiss. Once he kissed me back, my whole body froze and shivered in delight.
Once the kiss broke, I rested my head on his. “And you have me. Let’s go home, I could use a nap after all this.”
“We can after I take you to lunch. You have earned it my love.” Kissing my head, I smiled gently and gave him a nod.
“Lunch then a nap. I'm pretty sure I’ll be up studying till midnight then go back at it tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a plan. Almost done baby girl, almost done.”
My support system was always there, It was just what I needed to come back down the earth. Now it’s time to crush the rest of the week.
Wednesday Night:
Don’t ever procrastinate when studying to take exams or major tests. Because that’s what I’m doing right now and it’s not helping. Trying to remember the names of the bones in the human body, is harder than I thought.
“There's tibia, the femur and uh shit why can’t I get this?” Groaning in agony and frustration, I gripped my head. The intense pressure of everything piling up at once, caused me to study the night before.
My exam was tomorrow morning, bright and early at 9 am, in a cold ass room full of 30 plus students. This is the last test I have to take to be a certified personal trainer and I couldn’t be more nervous.
“Patella, calcaneus, cuboid and fibula. You got this G, just focus. Now in the upper body it’s the humerus; occipital bone, sternum, scapula, hyoid bone, clavicle and the ethmoid bone.”
I could sense another presence in the room, not taking my focus off the millions of notecards places in front of me. “If you plan on helping me studying Munteanu, then I’d suggest you walk on your cuboid and your metatarsal, and sit on your firm as down.”
“There isn’t a scientific name for ass?” I could hear his smile in his statement.
“Nah. If there was id say it a lot, trust me. What’s up with you? Why aren’t you getting ready for your night out with the boys?” Arching a brow, I bit into a peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich.
“I decides not to go. Told the boys I wanted to help my wonderful lady, who is studying for her exam.”
“Flo, you didn’t have to do that. I honestly would’ve done fine by myself.”
Grabbing my flash cards, sitting on the couch behind me, Florian cleared his throat as he began giving me the definition of the words.
“I want to help my lady, be more successful than she already is. Besides, you’re getting this degree and we’re all going to celebrate. For each one you get right, you get a kiss in the place of my choice. Are you ready?”
I nodded in triumph, with a sweet blush, and anxiousness. This went on for the next 2-3 hours, filled with dirty and sweet kisses left and right until Florian got a little handsy and had me straddle his lap.
“F-Florian. Baby- oh my god. Ok I gotta study.” The noise I made was a combination of a giggle and a heated moan.
“Nuh uh. You’ve studied long enough, and it’s time for a more physical test.” His lips ghosted across my neck, causing shivers to rack through my body.
“More physical test? Bring it on baby.” My voice betrayed me once again, as I felt his lips trailing down my torso.
“Oh I plan to.” The wicked smirk etched on his face only proved that I would be in a whole lot of pain soon.
And sweet delicious pain it was.
Thursday: test day
Seconds turned to minutes; minutes turned to hours and hours turned into built up anxiousness. Anybody that knows me, knows I hate the waiting game and his tedious it is.
It was around 6pm the very same day, laptop on my lap, my left leg was shaking and my nerves were shot. Florian was playing Mortal Kombat 12, next to me, with Michael through his headset.
“Baby girl, it'll all be alright. You’ll receive good news.” During the break, he kissed my head reassuring me.
“You and me both, tell Mike I said hi. I’m gonna get some snacks.” Heading towards the kitchen, I practiced my breathing.
All my years of working and going to school, trying to provide for myself, I couldn’t help but think about how much my life will change. After I get a better more stable paying job once I graduate, my life will go back on track.
I grabbed a bowl of fruit I had sliced earlier, from the fridge, then felt something was off. Reaching for my phone buzzing in my back pocket, I saw a notification stating ‘Final grades posted. Congrats to everyone!’ As the label.
The nerves got the best of me. As I quickly opened the update: gasped out loud and screamed joyously!
“Uh babe..” I called out the Florian.
“I passed my test.” I ran toward the living room, forgetting about the fruit bowl on the counter, and showed him my phone. “I passed my tests.”
“Hold on Mike. My baby girl is official!” He actually paused the game to hug and console me.
“I’m so proud of you.”
I couldn't help but cry against his shoulder.
“Thank you. Thank you for believing in me.”
“I knew you could do it. We should celebrate.”
“How about dinner with the crew? I could use the company after studying the last few weeks and dealing with this divorce.” Sniffling gently I heard Mike yelling over the mic through Florian’s headset.
“Invite me too, cuz!”
Picking up the headset I answered him back. “You already know Mike. Let’s go call the boys, Flo.”
“Sounds good. Luckily Sandro and Masias are still in town.”
“Thank you my love.”
Friday Night: Family and Friends Bonding Dinner
Food, fun and laughter. All the special ingredients to bring a family together, to increase a bond and make the stress go away.
Even though my parents had already met Florian’s, it was as if they met for the first time whenever they were around each other. If they were in town, of course that’s when I knew Florian would be with his folks for a bit, since whenever I had work to do.
Earlier today, Florian and I managed to finish writing the last few verses on 2 songs I was putting on my album, that’s coming up. This album is my gift to my daughter and how I want my legacy to skyrocket from here alone. Worth the help of my tribe I knew it would be a hit.
The kitchen reminded me of my childhood times. My mother had made her signature dish, roasted garlic chicken and potatoes. Enough to feed an army, but in this case about nearly 20 people in her dining room. One by one they all shared something they loved and how proud they are of me. Florian’s parents, along with my own, made me tear up the most.
“My sweet Genevieve.” My dad began with a tender smile. I was always a daddy’s girl even though I was close to both parents, the bond I have with my dad is like no other. “We all have watched you grow into the successful woman you are today. We are so very proud of you and know you’re going to do great things in the future.”
Smiling as best as I could, I nodded and sniffled.
Then it was my mother’s turn to speak. “We all know how hard you’ve been working so, your father and I episode like to send you and Florian on a trip wherever you’d like to go.”
“Wait seriously?” I was dumbfounded and in shock.
“Yes seriously. Think of it as a graduation trip, you’ve earned it and we’re so proud of you.” With that I hugged both my parents tightly, with so much love and joy.
Once it was all said and done, I knew I had to give a speech. Even though I am not the best at public speaking, I had to give it my best. I tried to dry my crocodile tears as best as I could, but to no avail they came back with a force.
“This dinner means a lot to me.” I began as I stood to make a toast with all those around me. “It’s been a journey and I’m so blessed to have you all around me, as an encouraging force in my life.”
I let the tears fall, hearing my tribe of loving people around me try to console me, I felt the love and acceptance. Florian had reached for my hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb.
“I just appreciate you all so much, and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to have in my life. Salude.” Raising my wine glass to toast to them all.
Cynthia, Destiny, John and Ryan were also a little teary eyed when it came to my speech. They have been there for me through it all, and have never made me question their loyalty.
“Congratulations Geneva. You’re gonna do amazing things.” Florca and my mother both had placed a sweet kiss upon my cheeks, reminding me that I had a great foundation.
Florian‘s infamous smile made me full all warm inside, as he gestured to the group. “Now, let’s eat!”
I knew this was the man I was going to marry someday. It was only a matter of time before our new lives started. I was ready to begin a new life with him.
Saturday: Remembrance
July, 12th, 2017, was the day I lost my new light in the world. I never felt so much pain and agony in my life, that I have vowed from that day forward I would love and cherish any child I have. A few times in the past couple of years, mainly around her birthday and Christmas, I come to her grave sight and place daffodils down upon the base of the headstone.
“Hi Delaney, It’s mommy. Um..” I sniffled gently, trying to hold it together as I touched the letters on the dark grey stone. Florian was right there next to me, kneeling down. He has been the only man I’ve brought to see my daughter, I don’t trust anyone else but him.
“I brought you, your flowers for the month you would’ve been born and a new friend.”
I looked at Florian, nodding gently for him to go ahead, he placed the red and yellow flowers next to mine.
“Delaney Marie Shaw. Words can not express how much you mean to me even though I never got to officially meet you. The way your mother speaks so highly of you is amazing and I know you’d be proud of her at such a young age.”
The love Florian has for me is unmatched. Whether I’m upset or feeling down, he manages it to make the moment better. He single handedly knows how to turn any moment a grand one, and I am the one who is truly blessed.
Gently rubbing the stone, I sighed with a sniffle. “You know, you’re the greatest moment I have ever had in my life. When I met Florian my whole life changed and I knew he’d be there to take care of me, when I needed to move on from your father.”
“Every now and then, I look up at the stars and ask for advice. I keep you close to my heart, my precious baby girl. I love you forever and always.”
Helping me stand back up again, Florian kisses my cheek softly and hugged me close. “I want to thank you for giving me the honor to do this with you.”
“You’re more than welcome Florian. I couldn’t have thought of anyone better to do this with.”
“I will never leave you my love. My promise to Delaney is to never let you fall.” Before heading to the car, I glanced back at the headstone one last time, smiling with peaceful reassurance.
“I think she’d like that. She’d like that very much my love. Now let’s go home and get warmed up with some chili.”
Sunday: Graduation Day
The day has finally come. My bachelors and doctoral degrees finally become mine and mine alone. All these years of finally having something of my own, it doesn’t even seem real yet it is.
After taking pictures with everyone in my cap and gown; having rehearsals for 2 ½ hours and practicing how I was going to walk, I was running my speech through my head. You see, I was one of the few to do a farewell speech seeing as though I am one of 300 students graduating to it. There was about 3 of us giving one: welcome speech, intro speech for our speakers and farewell.
“You’re gonna do great sis. Everyone knows you will do wonderful.” I kept reassuring myself as I sat on the stage, looking over the crowd of so many warm faces full of love for their loved one's.
One by one everyone’s name was called to receive their case that holds their diploma, cause everyone knows we don’t actually get the diploma till it comes in the mail. As soon as it was my turn, I felt the nerves kick in as I shook hands with the dean and the faculty of the school.
“Genevieve Leona Shaw.” My name was announced by dean McIntosh, and I knew which section my family was in, cheering me on like a raging fire. He gave me the ok to deliver my speech after the president of the school had spoken.
“I could not believe we finally made it here, you guys.” I began my speech, wiping my tears that fell from my eyes. Seeing all my classmates, that were in my nursing program, in the front row with our matching caps that said ‘eaRNed It’ in various decorations.
“These last few years have been amazing and heartwarming. I couldn’t believe after all our hard work and determination, we made it to this day. Graduation day, our day.” I found my family, smiling at me with so much love and admiration. I knew I would be just fine with this new venture in my life going forward.
“Now without further ado, turn your tassels from right to left, cause class of 2019 we did it!” just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, a gang of balloons fell from the ceiling along with confetti. For someone who has a fear of public speaking, the speech wasn’t so bad after all. Marching out with my classmates I signaled towards my family to meet me out by the south stairs in the front.
Good thing I had brought my flats because my feet were hurting in these heels. Taking pictures with my fellow Deltas and a couple of AKA’s, never felt so real to finally be done with this program. Mike had met me at the location first so he was able to take the pictures for me. Donnie, Leilani and Luca were crying again as soon as they got to me again. Giving me hugs and kisses and the celebratory sibling picture.
“There she is! There’s my hardworking queen, I am so proud of you.” Florian picked me up and spun me around in complete bliss and happiness. I knew I was going to cry because I felt the tears fall down my rosy cheeks.
Receiving hugs from all my friends and family meant the world to me, even from Florian’s family too. Masias and Sandro gave me the type of hugs that you’d sway people from side to side. Made me feel like I gained 2 more brothers.
“So Miss Graduate, what are you going to do now?” Cynthia asked as she and Destiny linked their arms with me to take pictures.
“Well I am going to put my album out,with an interview coming up with the Breakfast Club and maybe even grow my personal trainer business.” I sighed with glee then a thought appeared. “Also I do know for a fact that somebody is getting married this weekend. So we are gonna live it up in Vegas and then get you hitched in Hawaii.” I smirked towards Cynthia who was blushing mad at me.
“So with that being said, tonight we party!” Going into these new moments with the people I love, was all I needed in this life. Especially since I am finally free of a burden that wouldn’t let me thrive. Now, I can soar without regret or remorse.
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Halloween Bash
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A/N: Hey y’all! This is gonna be chapter 7.2 leading up to chapter 8. I’ve been meaning to get this out and it’s a day late🤣but hey it’s out! Let’s get into it! Oh! And make sure to read Lore Olympus on Webtoon!
Warnings: blood, gore (spooky right?)
Word count: 3,111
Tag Squad: @maddiestundentwritergaines @themyscxiras @designerwriterchic @honeychicana @crushed-pink-petals @dc41896 @chaneajoyyy @titty-teetee @ljstraightnochaser @mimigemrose @fumbling-fanfics @madamslayyy @amelatonin @screamingdrago @breddiefrooks @ellixthea __________
Two weeks after Florian’s birthday, some would say I had a break from planning. No that is a lie, I have several things to do. With Halloween Bash coming up: graduation, Cynthia and John’s wedding and trying to figure out when Florian and I were going to move everything was a blur.
Yes we’re moving in together and we haven’t told anyone yet. He practically lives with me now in my barely manageable condo, but we make due with what we have once he’s finally ready to pick a city to stay with me. I’m ready to move to either Atlanta or LA, at most.
Last minute touches on my costume, Persephone from Lore Olympus on Webtoon, I had to make sure my pink wig and black dress were presentable. The black spiked crown on my head was a pretty durable headband, which presented me as the queen of the underworld. The different shades of pink from Mehron body paint, made my body look like a decedent piece of strawberry laffy taffy.
“Is Hades ready to go? We gotta meet the folks at the venue, the planner picked an old mansion.”
The lipstick I picked was a subtle dark pink, but doable. Grabbing my heels and my black clutch, I saw my giant bear struggling with his tie.
“Florian! We gotta go, now”
With his cute pout, he huffed in defeat. “I’m trying draga. But I think the blue paint is coming off.”
“I told you I had to spray you with setting body paint spray.”
“Come help me please?”
“Fine.” Grabbing his tie and folding it for him gently, then grabbing the setting spray for the body paint. The paint was on his forearms: his chest, face and neck. I’m surprised it stayed in place, not to mention the white hair wax I did for his hair or the 2 inches of hair he does have. This man looked like the perfect king of the underworld.
The white button up was opened at the 4 buttons, his sleeves were rolled up a quarter of a way on his forearms for the body paint to work out better. The black vest made a great contrast with the whole ensemble, pulling off the perfect king look with the chain around his neck.
“So you make a really hot looking Hades. I’m Surprised you didn’t let me do the wig.”
“Me in a wig, baby girl? Nah not gonna happen at all. Now you can put the iridescent contacts in my eyes.”
Grabbing the prescription contacts and placing them in his eyes gently, I did the same with my red one's. I never knew I’d look hot as the queen of the Greek mythology, and I make it work.
“Ready to go my queen of the underworld?” He offered his hand to me, after putting.
Lacing our fingers together, tugging him behind me as we headed towards the car, I got into character and praying to the gods that I didn’t trip on my dress.
“I hope Minthe won’t be there, because I’d hate to rip her a new one.”
“Oh please, she wouldn’t dare- Gege what is that?”
His eyes went wide at the sleek black convertible that I had rented for the night. My uncle let me borrow it and I promised I’d bring it back in one piece.
I dangled the keys in front of his face being all tantalizing. “You can’t be Hades, king of the Underworld, without a good car. Now can you?”
“Damn I love you.” He grabbed them keys from me with a giddy expression.
“Oh I know. Let’s go, we got a party to host.”
-The Party-
The spooky ambiance of the mansion was alive, despite the fact that there were a few zombies in the place. Receiving compliments about our costumes felt magical and so heartfelt, we showed a lot of pride into making these costumes and for people to say they loved them meant all the difference.
“You know how to throw a party Geneva. This is amazing.”
“Amazing set up Geneva.”
“Thank you guys! Enjoy the party.”
The smirk Florian gave me was full of conviction and love. He knew exactly how much I loved party planning and decorating, it was like my zen time.
“Time for an announcement?” Florian arches a brow.
“That it is my dear king, that it is. But first I need to remain calm and find my voice. I’ll be down soon.” Placing a kiss on his cheek, I headed towards the big dining hall to give myself a quick pep talk.
“See you soon love. I’ll go find the boys.”
Greeting the guests on my way, I noticed an cat statue on the counter in front of the mirror. Why would anyone want to leave part of their just laying there?
“Someone must be missing this.” As soon as I touched it, I noticed a reflection looking back at me in the mirror.
“Well, well. You freed me from my prison, I thank you oh great queen.” The voice echoed at me, I realized it was a goddess trapped in the statue once the image was clear.
“Your prison, you were trapped in there? Why exactly?”
The goddess smiled at me and leaned out of the mirror in front of me. “Crimes of death I didn’t commit. Love and all that craziness. I, Minthe a naiad-nymph of Mount Mintha, have been summoned by the next great queen to help carry out her destiny.”
“Next great queen?” Was I losing it or can anyone else see her in the mirror? A few guests walked by and gave me a strange look, I assured them I was getting ready for a speech soon and they carried on.
“Yes you.” Without missing a beat, Minthe slithered out of the mirror and into me without warning. I glanced into the mirror once again and noticed one darker red eye opposite of my contact.
“Now you’re dressed a Greek goddess from a comic book is it? Now you have a nymph inside of you, I am going to help you feel confident and sexy again. Along with having fun, besides I am going to give you the confidence boost you have craved for so long.”
How did she know I was struggling with my confidence? Was I being watched from deities?
“How did you know that?” I asked while trying to keep my cool.
“The gods know all, my dear. Now let me do my work.”
“But I-” She took over my body and somehow added more sex appeal to my whole demeanor.
“Ah ah. Now we have a speech to deliver. Let’s go.” Once again she took over my body and guided it towards the foyer railing that looked over at everyone in the galley.
As Minthe had full control of my body, I knew this wasn’t going to end well. As she clapped my hands in an attempt to get everyone’s attention, the room got quiet and all eyes were on me. Well I’d say Minthe to be exact.
“Hear ye, hear ye! Ghouls, goblins, vampires, wolves and everything in between. Let’s do what others deem rather odd: let’s party!”
The crowd roared in cheers and hollers, the music played through the giant mansion and I had enjoyed the ambiance of it all. Much to Florian’s discretion, he was just hanging with the boys for the rest of the party. Till he caught up with me to see how I was doing, he places a kiss on my cheek and I let him know I was doing alright.
“Let me know if you need my queen.”
“I will my king.” I chuckled nervously, trying to tell him but he left. He didn’t know about Hathor being stuck inside me, and I had to tell him, Hathor however had other plans.
“Ah ah ah. Little Geneva, I’m here to help you out and get your sexy back. Because your man deserves a queen after all, as fine as he is.”
“News flash your royal ass-ness, I am all the queen he needs and then some. I’m just not as confident anymore as i used to be is all. Back off my man now and listen to me good: I love all things Greek, but you’re pissing me off now.”
With a slight huff, as I attempted to lean against the wall Minthe yanked my body away gaining full control over me. “Now, now princess, let a real queen show you how it’s done to make a man quiver in desire. He’s like now.”
I had no control over my own body, it was as if I were floating across a cloud just hanging on by a thread of sorts. Now I know how Eddie Brock feels when Venom took over. Hathor had a filled time at the party, she even decided to be sneaky and slip my thong off, slipping it into Florian’s back pocket all the while smacking his as one good time before venturing off into the sea of people.
“Geneva, you’re gonna get it.” I could hear him growl playfully but I couldn’t tell him anything. I felt like Ursula took my voice, and I needed to get to the bottom of this spell.
“Catch me if you can, Hades.” the seductive tone the deity used in place of my own voice, was like a siren calling a sailor to shore and my own boyfriend fell for it.
If anyone knew it wasn’t like me to be this way, and if I tried, I'd be embarrassed from the jump. The next several days were antagonizing to say the least, being that she never left my body and the way Florian worshipped the ground I walked on was astounding. He was under a spell of sorts, but not completely.
Whenever Hathor would take over she’s get the special treatment of Florian’s kisses and soft touches. It wasn’t me getting the loving at all and it hurt me, to the point where I had to seek help. Surprisingly, there was a woman in Cairo that specializes in these types of situations and could help me out. There was just one problem: I had to go to Athens.
Upon the research I have done, I may have surprised my man and all our friends with a random trip to Athens. So much for getting a few new pairs of shoes with that money, but my life was more important. Needless to say, it all went all for everyone. Well all except for me anyway, I couldn’t sleep with a rambunctious goddess in my head wanting to fuck my boyfriend for the millionth time.
I was never one to show excessive PDA in public and Florian knew why. Jake has ruined it for me to be affection in public and it did hurt Florian so much because he loved showing me off. I would do a Little yet, I feared he’d be annoyed with me.
I shouldn’t compare him to Jake, because that’s a low blow. It’s just as if I was afraid of him, we promised to be honest with one another and I wasn’t doing my part. So when he noticed I was being all on him like a hyena on a dead animal, and the times I drew back, he knew something was wrong.
Everyone was enjoying what Athens had to offer, I was as well a few times but today was worse. I couldn’t go to the oasis with everyone else and Hathor was screaming inside my head.
“Geneva? Are you ok, because you’ve been acting funny.” Florian asked gently, holding my hand as I looked out the window. Minthe didn’t sneak up on me this time around, so I could actually talk to him.
Breathing in and out, to catch my bearings, to explain to him what’s the reason for this random trip.
“I need to explain to you what all this is for.”
“What is going on?” He sat by me in the bed, holding my right hand genuinely and kissed my head.
“You know those times when I would basically pounce on you or be extra touchy feely and not remember?”
“Well there’s a nymph inside of me, not the good kind, but at the party someone left a cat alter in the formal dining room of the house and I touched it.” I sniffled and felt a few tears falling down my cheeks.
“So she is why I've been acting strange. I want to be more confident and sexy around you, and I can’t even do that without feeling insecure.” My voice cracked and I started sobbing.
Next thing I know, Florian hugged me close to his warm body to console me. “You will always be the only one for me. Regardless of how you show affection towards me, I can help you break out of that my love.”
Somehow that switched Minthe over but I fought her back a bit. “There’s this old lady I met with earlier, that can do rituals with deity separation. I could either keep her, or do the separation.”
Now why would you want to separate from me?
“Because I want you out of my life you dingbat!”
“Geneva..” Florian arched a brow, looking at me in shock.
“Florian, Florian baby listen to me- leave her and be with me Munteanu~” the switch was nonstop, my eyes changed from what I could tell from the mirror behind him and I could tell Florian seemed like he was losing his mind.
“Uh you guys! I need help!”
Our friends rushed in, in shock at how dark and sinister my eyes seemed as I kept looking in the mirror. Next thing I knew, Hathor moved my body over towards the mirror; punches it and grabs a broken shard waving it around scaring our friends.
Minthe’s threats were sickening. “Oh now look, cowards all of you. How would you feel if I just hurt your little friend, hmm?”
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Florian growled.
Chris was right behind him. “Let her go now.”
She chuckled darkly while I tried to scream but it was to no avail. “No wonder Mandy wanted her gone. It was a good idea to plant the altar in the parlor.”
“Wait.” Roxie interjected. “Mandy planted the cat altar at the party?”
Miyah sighed shaking her head. “She wasn’t even invited and yet she knew where it would be.”
“She was dressed at Minthe at the party. It makes sense now.” Cleo gulped a bit and looked at Minthe who has full control.
“That’s right, and now I’m going to finish the job.” I could feel the glass shard dig into my wrist of my left arm and drag down causing blood to surface and drip on the floor.
Florian was too slow to catch the shard before it cut me. They were all trying to get the shard away from her, but she was too strong and moved towards the balcony. Once both arms were sliced from the wrists to the middle of my arms, nearly showing the bone, she then places the shard against my neck.
“Say goodbye to your precious Geneva.” One final slice upon my neck and I woke up in a cold sweat and blood curdling scream.
“Geneva! Gege, you ok? We heard screaming.” Florian must’ve ran upstairs quick.
“I think so. I guess- I guess it was all a nightmare.” Looking around the room, I saw my costume still on the chair by my vanity and Florian still in his workout clothes. Must’ve been some dream then.
“Wanna talk about it?” He rubbed my shoulders and kissed my head while sitting next to me on the bed.
“Well, it was all so dark and sinister. I had a Greek nymph trapped inside of me, to help me be more sexy and confident around you. Yet it backfired and she wanted you, and she tried to kill me. She was trapped inside of a cat statue and I touched it.”
The look of fear and dread was etched on Florian’s face, as he reached over and hugged me close.
“You don’t have to worry about being too sexy and too confident for me. I love you no matter what, and your sexiness is just perfect for me and only me. Confidence is out of this world too, so no matter what I will always love you. Now what caused this nightmare of yours?”
“I love you too Florian, forever and always.” Sighing gently, I looked around the room and noticed the Grecian wine glass on my nightstand that had Assyrtiko wine in it.
“This wine I had earlier. I just had some and- shit it was from Mandy to you.” I sucked my teeth and sighed angrily.
“When did she send the wine? And it was made a month ago, maybe it was the glass it came with.”
Sniffing the glass a bit, I smelled essence of geranium on the rim of the glass. I tossed it and it shattered on the floor.
“What the hell Geneva!”
“It had geranium essence on the rim. I’m gonna kill her, but after Halloween. I have a party to attend to.”
Getting up off the bed, I sniffled a bit and closed my eyes in thought. “I’m sorry for how I reacted. I just don’t like her at all and I need you by my side for this party. I need my Hades by my side.”
Placing a kiss upon my head, he hugged me once more. Making me feel secure and safe all over again. “I will be there right next to you, just like I am with everything else. The king does need his queen.”
His words always meant the world to me, kept me sane on most days and was the strength I needed.
“Let’s get ready. The crew is gonna come over soon so we can all get ready together.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll clean up the glass, don’t need anyone getting hurt.” He offered a sweet smile before leaving to clean up with broken glass.
What would I do without this man? Id probably be in my own head even more than I already am, and I’m so blessed to have him in my life. No matter what I went through, he was there.
“Let’s get this Halloween bash started right!” I heard Roxie’s voice downstairs, bringing a smile to my face. Time to get into the spirit.
Remember don’t accept gifts from people who have it out for you. Happy Halloween from my crew to yours!
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out: Chapter 7
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A word: I told yall i was coming in with the feels this weekend!! Here is the next installment of Work Out.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,313 {WOOOO}
Tag Squad (permanent): @honeychicana || @designerwriterchic || @crushed-pink-petals || @maddiestundentwritergaines || @dc41896 || @themyscxiras || @titty-teetee || @fumbling-fanfics || @ljstraightnochaser || @mimigemrose || @madamslayyy || @amelatonin || @screamingdrago || @breddiefrooks || @ellixthea
Graduation day was approaching. The stress was high and I was ready to get this shit over with. A vacation was really needed and it wasn’t coming fast enough.
The upcoming divorce finalization; trying to finish up the album on time, lunch with the parents soon and visiting my daughters grave. I haven’t bright anyone to her grave, besides my friends, because I never thought anyone was worth it seeing someone near and dear to me be gone.
When I lost my daughter, my whole world turned upside down: my marriage was in turmoil and I lost myself. I’m thankful for the new beginnings I’ve been receiving but, I can’t help but wonder what it would’ve been like to be a mother. The upcoming weekend was one to focus on and I wasn’t about to fail now. My baby girl Delaney wouldn’t want that for her mama.
Destiny and Cynthia we’re setting up the community pool area for my party, which is being combined with my birthday for a convenience for everyone. Seeing all my friends and family together in one spot, meant the world to me. Florian was the icing on the cake to my never ending endeavors.
Being his girl, his queen, meant everything and even more so. He’s been there through it all and I’m just blessed to have him in my life. Seeing wall in with his friends, and my cake, pulled me from my trance.
Roxie leaned in close to my ear. “Girl, there goes your future baby daddy.”
“Rox come on now, you know I need a ring first. But I do like the idea of having his kids though.” All the kekeing that went down was seized by a very happy giant.
“Ladies, what’s with all the laughter? Did I miss something?” Feeling a strong presence behind me, I leaned back against Florian with a gentle smile.
“No not really. Just chatting with my good friend Roxie, you know girl talk.” With a slight shrug, I laced my fingers with his. Feeling in complete bliss with the man I love.
Chuckling gently, whilst placing a kiss upon my head he held me close.“Mhm. Well the guys want to meet you formally, if Roxie doesn’t mind.”
Roxie shook her head with a smile, before heading to the present table. “G’head you two. Don’t get pregnant now.”
“She’s a mess. But anyway, so I get to meet the boys for the first time? Whose all here?” I was curious yet nervous at the same time.
“She is, but hey getting pregnant wouldn’t be so bad would it? The guys are harmless.”
I had to stop him, before we continued. Looking up at him with sweet hopeful eyes, I didn’t know what to think.
“Before we go talk to them, you want to have kids with me? We haven’t talked about it but I’ve always wondered, what if.”
It was his turn to become nervous. His cheeks were reddened a bit, he scratched the back of his head and chuckled softly. “I do want kids with you, Gege. I just didn’t know how to ask.”
“We can always try, I'm down for trying. There isn’t anyone else in this world I would rather have kids with, than you.” Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, I felt him smile against mine.
Nuzzling our noses together, we continued our walk towards the firepit that held a hookah. “And I you, draga. We can talk about all this later tonight after the party. Ok? I really want you to meet the guys.” 
“Let’s do it.”
The vibes of the party were flowing nicely: the drinks were flowing, the music was pumping and everyone was in good spirits. Leon, Sandro and Masias have been Florian’s best friends for years. Getting their approval of me was important, as my friends impression on Florian.
Over the course of the conversation, I noticed the boys had switched to their native tongue which was German. The only person in the circle that was formed that knew I was fluent in German, was Flo. I was in tune with the whole conversation, and then some. 
Leon spoke first. “Es sieht so aus, als hätte Florian eine Königin gefunden.”
“er tat es sicher. Ich bin auch stolz auf ihn, das letzte Mädchen, mit dem er sich verabredet hat, war nicht so toll.” Sandro nodded in agreement, clinking his beer bottle with Leon’s.
“sie ist auch hübsch  klug, brachte ihr eigenes Ding in Schwung. Ganze neun Meter hat er Glück.” Masias smiled over at Florian and I. I snuggled deeper into his side and felt at home and secure.
“Well thank you boys for your kind words and sentiments. I’m gonna get me some cake.” Placing a kiss upon my man's cheek, I saw the shocked expressions of his friends. I made my way towards the cake table, where I was greeted by my parents and siblings.
I could hear Florian’s booming voice, in the distance, erupting in laughter. “Did I mention that she’s fluent in German?”
“That would've been helpful in the beginning.” Masias playfully hit his best friends arm.
“Mom, dad. I’ve missed you guys call thanks for coming.” Hugging them both I teared up a little, realizing that my parents have done so much to make sure I was okay and in the right mindset. This battle with Jake, has caused me to go to the hospital with heart problems. 
“3rd graffiti on, but second tuition I don’t have to pay for? Of course I’m coming.” My dad, always had jokes when it came to his kids. 
My mom, to everyone Mama Sasha or Mama Shaw, kissed my head and held me close. “Pumpkin, you know we wouldn’t miss your big week. This was all done by your strength; determination and hardwork. For that we’re proud of you.”
“Thanks it means a lot to me that y’all are here. Where’s Donny, Luca and Leilani?”
“Right here!” The twins ran up to me and crushed me in a big bear hug, while Donny strayed behind while limping.
“Don, why you limping? Football?” Arching a brow, I smirked teasingly.
“Yeah I rolled it, while playing. I’m out for a bit, but I couldn’t miss your celebration week.”
“Well I’m glad you’re here. All of you, because this week I want y’all to have lunch with Florian and I. His parents are here too.
“We can do that. Private setting just us as a family, I like it. You know his mother and I talk a lot, I love her already.” Normally most people wouldn’t get past hello with my mom, so for her and Florca to even have weekly conversations is a plus for me and Florian.
“It’ll will be fun. I think we can have it in my house, on the patio since it’s bigger than my dining room.” Relaxing with my parents and siblings by the other fire pit, I glanced over at Florian a few times and blew him a kiss. I love that man more than anything, and we make each other better.
Florian’s POV 
Winking back at Geneva, I felt my heart flutter every time she glanced at me. She has changed my life around even more so, and we build each other up. We’re each other’s rock and I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life.
Focusing back on the guys, I couldn’t help by chuckle. “I know I avoid I’ve told y’all she knew German, but what’s the point of spoiling the surprise?” Taking a sip of my beer, I could feel the guys eyeing me left and right. I could not fathom it at all with my laughter surfacing.
Glancing over at my lady once more, I couldn’t help but smile at how happy she is. I put that smile on her face: I’m the only that’s making her giggle every few glances she takes at me and I’m the reason she wakes up feeling safe and secure every morning.
We’ve had our moments where we have a small arguments here and there. But nothing too drastic, luckily we don’t go to bed angry. 
The other night however we had a fight, more like a small discussion about Jake, and it didn’t go over too well. It keeps poking his nose in our business where he doesn’t belong, sending subliminal messages to Geneva about needing to leave me because I’m not good enough for her and her standards.
I had the right mind to go find him and beat his scrawny ass, but I held back for the time being because I saw him with Mandy out and about a few days ago. But no child in sight, that she so called had. Needless to say, what you put out in the universe is what you get back. Karma is going to bite them in the ass, and I want a front row seat.
As the months went on, I’ve gotten accustomed to Geneva’s neighbors, as they have with me. Mrs. Patterson from down the street, who loves when I come by to help with her groceries at whatnot. Then there was Donna and Apollo Valentine, who always enjoyed having Geneva and over for dinner. Speaking of the Valentines’, they had just arrived with a giddy gif the lady of the hour and a strange bouquet of flowers in a grey frosted glass vase. 
I had to excuse myself from the guys, to greet the newly arrived guests. “Donna, Apollo. So nice of you to come by.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Florian. You and the guys did an amazing job decorating the place for Geneva. Speaking of which, where is- awe there she is!” Donna and Geneva had embraced one another in hug, and happy tears were shed. 
Letting the women catch up, I had asked Apollo about the flowers. Not that Geneva didn’t deserve them, she deserves the world, but why were they in a vase?
“I saw some fella place them on the porch, a few hours after you two left the condo for the party.” He began. “He looked suspicious, yet familiar.”
“About this tall; tapered fade, face looks like he could mess up someone’s life? And did he by chance have a blonde with him, that looks like she has too many injections in her face?” I arched a brow, causing Apollo to chuckle at my use of words.
“Yeah that sounds about right. They just sat the vase on the porch and ducked out.” The further he explained, the more aware I became of the flowers. 
Graciously taking the flowers, I went into protective mode. “Thanks for letting me know, I’ll have to tell Geneva before she gets a hold of them.”
“Anytime.” Heading back to his wife, I made my way towards Gege. As soon as she saw the flowers, her eyes lit up.
“Flo, you didn’t have to get me more flowers. I love the red daisies and sunflowers you gave me.”
“These aren’t from me, draga.” As soon I told, he face fell. Who else would give her geraniums? The type of  flowers she’s allergic to.
The closer she got, the quicker her facial expression changed. “Florian why do you have-” the sneezing began, causing a sneeze attack. “Geraniums?”
Covering her nose, she read the card as best as she could with her watery eyes. I had to get these away from her. “From your first love? Ah hell. Toss em, please.” 
Doing exactly that, I also ran inside the house to get her medicine. What kind of sadistic asshole, would give their ex flowers that they’re allergic to? I swear I’m going to kill him myself. I’m tired of these games he’s doing to cause a rift between Geneva and I.
“Thank you love.” She took the allergy pills, with a swig of water, I was in deep thought a hit what could’ve happened to her if I didn’t think fast.
“Just so you know, I’m going to murder him if hurts you again. Let alone come near you.” Holding her close to me, I swayed her to the rhythm of the music.
“Florian. Don’t engage in his antics, please. I don’t need any more stress built on me.” 
“Geneva I have to protect you from him. Who knows what he’ll do next, because-”
She gave me a stern look, filled with rage “Florian, I said no. Now go enjoy yourself with the guys, I’m done having this conversation. Ok?”
As she walked away, I felt defeated. I didn’t want her to be distraught with me, but I wanted her to understand that Jake can’t come near her and I was going to make sure of it. I guess it would have to be dealt with another time, maybe sooner than later.
-Geneva’s POV, 2 hours later-
After cleaning up; giving everyone love and hugs, enjoying everyone’s company and time, and just loving the vibes everyone gave off, it felt great to finally relax. Nothing but positivity, it was just what I needed and deserved after all the bullshit I’ve been through.
Jake was becoming more and more belligerent, as time went on. On top of that with the divorce being finalized soon, I have to deal with an overgrown Romanian child who doesn't want to listen at all.
I hated it when we fought. It brought the mood down for the rest of the night, and I didn’t want to go to bed distraught with him. I love him for god's sake, I’m in love with Florian and nothing will ever change that.
Hearing the TV boom through the halls, I knew he was in the living room watching a game. As I walked to the living room, I placed my hands on his shoulders, massaging gently. I had one of his blue hoodies and a pair of shorts.
“Can we talk?” My tone was soft, airy even. He nodded softly, holding my hand as I walked around the couch and sat on his lap.
Nuzzling into my neck, he sighed. “Geneva, I want to apologize for how I acted earlier.”
I kissed him tenderly, before gently rubbing the back of his head. “I want to apologize as well, my love. I shouldn’t have got upset with you earlier. I know we’re both going through a tough time, with this divorce and it’s taking a toll on not just me. More or so everyone around me, because I have a protective village.”
The look he gave, with his sweet baby blue eyes, was sincere and full of love. I snuggled deeper into his chest, taking in his warmth. He smelled of honey, pine and cinnamon. The aroma was comforting and intoxicating, like a campfire by a log cabin. 
Even a heated blanket, draped over you after a long day freezing day. That new body wash I bought him, seemed to be his favorite. I dragged my nails through his beard, which he seemed to enjoy, by the sound he made. Looking like a cuddly grizzly bear, needing a good night's sleep.
“It has taken a toll on me as well, because I don’t want to see you upset and stressed out by it all. I just want this to be over, and I want to protect you to the best of my ability.” He rests his head against the back of the couch, keeping his gaze on me.
Reassuring him, I laced our fingers together and squeezed. “I know baby, I know. I just want you to know that I am capable of taking care of myself though. I’m a big girl.”
“And I respect that about you, and your drive. I can’t help but get in defense mode over people I love. Whatever happens to you; my friends, my family, my parents. I will stand by those who have always had my back and are wishing good things upon me. Negativity doesn’t fly with me.” He was being real and truthful. That’s what I loved most about him, along with his work ethic. He doesn’t half ass anything, unlike most people I know.
“I just want you to know that I will always be here no matter what happens. I want what’s best for you and I can’t wait for you to finally be mine.”
Holding his face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs against his flushed cheeks, “Baby, I’ve been yours. Regardless of my situation, I will always be your girl. Even after it’s all said and done, I wouldn't mind getting married to you.”
“Really? You would want to get married to me, after all this? After all the bullshit?” His tone was hushed: his nose was against mine, our breath was mingled as one. I chuckled gingerly, fully straddling his lap this time.
 “Why does it sound hot when you say ‘bullshit’ like that?” I paused and saw a red velvet box. “Florian…”  
How does one breath again? Because my breath was halted, by the presence of a ring in front of my face. It was my birthstone, a ruby red princess cut diamond. This man was always full of surprises.
“Now, now. This is just a step in the right direction, but I figured I’d do at least this. A princess cut gem, according to your mother and Leilani, for my princess. Happy birthday and congratulations on graduating, baby girl.” He slipped the ring on my left ring finger, even though I knew my friends would ask, and kissed my nose.
The ring was gorgeous. The intricate and vintage swirl design was perfect, around the stone that held it in place. Hugging him tight, and letting the tears fall where they lay, I have never felt happier in my life. “You asked my mom and sister for help? God you’re so fucking perfect, baby I love it and you, thank you.”
Placing kisses all on my face, he made me giggle.”I love you too. So much, that words can’t even begin to describe how much I love me some Genevieve.” 
“And I love me some Florian. You’ve been so amazing with me lately, and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in this dangerous game called life. This just makes us closer to a goal, that we will fulfill.”
Sealing the night off with a sweet kiss, we stayed snuggled against each other on the couch, just enjoying others company. Occasionally, I’d steal a kiss from him as he'd watch his game. Typical further wife things, ya know?
Finally graduating with my second degree, was going to be so rewarding with all the blood; sweat and tears, I’ve put into it. I have a much better positive force with me now, and I couldn’t be more blessed.
Translations: loosely from google translate
1) Es sieht so aus, als hätte Florian eine Königin gefunden.”
2) Er tat es sicher. Ich bin auch stolz auf ihn, das letzte Mädchen, mit dem er sich verabredet hat, war nicht so toll.
3) Sie ist auch hübsch  klug, brachte ihr eigenes Ding in Schwung. Ganze neun Meter hat er Glück.
1) looks like Floridan found himself a queen
2) He sure did. I’m proud of him too, the last girl he dated wasn’t all that great.
3) She’s pretty too. Smart, got her own thing going. Whole nine yards, he’s lucky.
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Birthday Boy: Social Dummy
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
I’m still here, just gotta add stuff.
In other news, Chapter 8 of Work Out wilk he coming out in a couple of days. It’s been a hectic ass few months and this chapter is special to me because it’s broken down in sections and is long as fuck. My tribe and my boo have helped me with it too. So I thank y’all for being patient with me.
Love, Liv💋
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
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It only goes up form here for these two🥰
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Updates, Imagines, Requets etc etc
There is an update coming soon!! This semester has been a mess lately and trying to update has been stressful af. I will get to all the requests soon, and the series updates too. I got the following to do:
Work Out, Chapter 8
Dog Days, Chapter 2
So Into You, Chapter 4
9-10 imagine requestes
So lots of planning to do! It’ll get done on my time, so please be patient with me😭🙏🏾it’ll happen!!!!
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out Update: Coming Soon.
Hey y’all!! The update for Work Out will be posted this weekend. I recently started my college classes Monday (August 19th) amd I’ve composed a time slot of how I wanna do the updates. Which can be found here. It took me 2-3 weeks to come up with a way to round out the chapter fully, but recently I’ve just let my fingers do the typing. Just free typing😂So be on the look out for Chapter 7, it’s a long one, but a great one.
Sneakpeak cover:
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out: Heads Up
Just a heads up, because I was poked and provoked 😁, 2 people are going to die in this story. Have a nice day🤗
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
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For us it wasn’t love at first sight...
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...it was love at first kiss.
Work Out: Florian Munteanu x Genevieve Shaw
@crushed-pink-petals @dc41896 @themyscxiras @honeychicana @maddiestundentwritergaines
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Updates will be made soon, just gotta figure out a strategy around my homework. I gotta plan it out really well, along with an update schedule as well to get caught up. Thank y’all for hanging in there with me!!🤗
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
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They unleashed the gauntlet. Here we go!👏🏾😈
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
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No such thing as a day off in my world👏🏾🤓📚🖋
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