relaxxattack · 11 months
idk i like seeing aradia and sollux's relationship as a vague nebulous thing with no actual concrete answer to the "matesprites or moirails" question. i do think objectively speaking they wouldn't be very good moirails without some serious work needing to be done, for reasons you've already mentioned lol, but i like the answer being "who fucking knows". they were very young and it seems like the perfect time for a mildly unstable clumsy experimental relationship. plus it's also extremely hilarious how casual it is that they're just boyfriend and girlfriend and don't technically have a quadrant label, maybe just not yet or maybe not ever, meanwhile karkat is over there being karkat about quadrants and his own troll queerness
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i've really liked all this analysis i've seen from different people on how aradia and sollux might be like... too flustered and young and unsure to really put a label on "what they are", it's interesting!
i think my only gripe with the whole 'oh they can be both' thing is, again, just that they would be TERRIBLE moirails if they were, lol!
i am ALL for panquadrantness in trolls-- for instance i am a number one advocator of panquadrant (NOT human boyfriends) davekat, and i also try to spread my panquadrant rosemary agenda when possible.
the difference with sollux and aradia is that i don't really see a desire in them to be moirails. i mean, they may occasionally get short with each other over communication issues, but they never actually evolve beyond that; they're never shown attempting or even wishing to start treating each other that way.
i feel like if it WAS a weird nebulous thing, it'd be more along the lines of, "hey i feel pity for you but i'm not sure about it beyond that so let's not get too crazy about it". you know, something where they don't even know or maybe don't even want to label it
i don't think it would be a situation where they're actually both actively feeling flushed and pale feelings simultaneously or panquadrantly-- because from what we see they simply don't act pale for each other, is all.
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mountain-deweys · 2 years
tagged by @daisyrandonegf AAAAA THANK U CHARLIE :]] shuffle one of your playlists and list the first 10 songs:
funeral grey - waterparks
oleander - mother mother
soda - nothing but thieves
any way the wind blows from hadestown
kissy kissy - isaac dunbar
in the lobby - the happy fits
dumpster - penelope scott
poser - weathers
since i saw vienna - wilbur soot
youth - glass animals
obligatory apology for minecraft youtuber music showing up there I TAG um um @transmono @lilacsprouts @flower-nebula-hangout-time @slimer509 do it you wont. gun emoji
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Gyroids clad in plaid
It’s gyroid hunting time and we’ve got a busy week ahead! Emilie’s back at the camp with a familiar face - Kat - and two new faces - Amy and Natara. Dixie’s joining us too, though she won’t be here until the day after tomorrow. 
It’s nice to see Emilie again, especially since we had so much fun at the last gyroid hunt. She’s doing a lot better as she extended her short break from work for a few months longer and time has been good for her. While she’s not working at her main job, Emilie’s been focusing on hobbies, self care, and the agency - her side gig. In fact, she’s been strongly thinking about leaving the bureau and transferring to Dixie’s agency as an agent. 
Considering how stressful working in the FBI is and how it’s been burning her out, I think it’s a good idea for Emilie to step down. Also with people like Rocky, Lex, Kat, and Jamie on the team, I know she'll fit right in. 
The thing is that it’s gig based so on one hand, you’re not working 40 + hours a week, but you might have times when you’re in the office for six months and then spend the next six months globe hopping. But it’s super flexible and since it’s not like a full time job, it leaves you with plenty of time to focus on other stuff when you’re not on a mission. So those kind of hours might appeal to some and detract others. In Emilie’s case, I think that’s a plus for her.
Even though she’s not doing field work, Emilie’s busy training two new recruits who were handpicked by Dixie - Natara Lakshmi and Amy Leang. Both are students at Spectrum University studying in psychology and computer science respectively. If Dixie chose you to join her team, then it’s a big deal. 
Up until today, I never got to really know Natara and Amy that well. All I knew is that they’re friends of Jamie and Delanie so our circles kinda overlapped, but never really meeting up completely. I’m glad that after all these years, our paths finally crossed!
Natara’s an aspiring criminal profiler who not only has strong intuition, but she can also ready people like a book. She began taking an interest in criminology after she and her friends managed to thwart a crooked businessman’s attempt at taking over her father’s company. Although she saved her father’s name, Natara lost his respect as she disobeyed him and put herself in danger. 
While her friends are happy that Dixie recruited her - a dream come true for Natara - her family’s not so keen on it. Growing up in a strict Asian family it sometimes feels like you’re twice as pressured to pursue your own ambitions and meet your parents’s expectations. If they contradict each other, you can’t help but blame yourself because you shouldn’t have to struggle so much to gain approval.
At least for Amy, her family’s a lot more supportive. But the pressure to succeed is just as high, as well as the pressure to excel. Her mom works as a data analyst, which is what Amy wants to do too, except instead of finances, she’s interested in law. 
Amy’s also a self taught hacker and was notorious for clearing her school’s name when they were accused of leaking test answers. She also played a role in helping Natara take down her father’s rival and was partially responsible for taking down a criminal hacker group - both happened when she was in high school. In short, Amy’s got an interesting history as a vigilante hacker, which I’m pretty sure was what caught Dixie’s eye.
And there’s Kat, who’s been having a crazy year so far. From having to take her mother’s place as queen, becoming a prisoner in space, getting her friends out of trouble multiple times, ending a long war, and reuniting with her presumed dead father - it’s a lot for anyone to handle. Though compared to her father and brother - who never met each other until then - Kat feels like she’s the least disoriented out of the three.
Reuniting with someone you thought was dead for almost two decades is as jarring as it sounds. While things are a bit awkward as Kat’s dad still sees her as a little girl he’s slowly adjusting to having not only one but two almost grown kids. I still can’t get over the image of Micah - the kind of guy who runs headfirst into trouble - hiding behind his sister like a little kid after seeing his father for the first time.
The elder Micah’s adjusting well for someone who was thrown to the frontlines after a long absence - or at least that’s how he comes across to everyone. Now that things have settled down Kat thinks the full impact of everything that has happened is finally getting to him. Since then he’s been keeping himself busy by making up for lost time, which according to Kat’s aunt, is his way of avoiding dealing with his own problems. 
After confirming that he’s in fact not okay, Kat, Micah, and their friends staged a coup by forcing him to do absolutely nothing for a month, which he wasn’t too keen on. So they threatened to lock him in his room and tie him down to the bed if they have to. In the end he gave in so now he’s trying to relax as well as make up for sixteen years worth of lost time with his son. 
Kat would’ve invited her friends and family to join us for the gyroid hunt but they’re all obviously busy. Everything’s still a bit of a chaotic mess, but it's nothing that Kat and the others can’t handle.
So the theme for this event is a cozy plaid aesthetic, which is totally my thing! After the success of the matcha mint gyroids, Reese and Cyrus enlisted Daisy Jane to help design the furniture we’ll be building with the gyroids. Knowing Daisy Jane, this kind of aesthetic’s totally in her element!
First stop is Lost Lure Creek, where we took the time to catch some fish as my inventory was running low. We had a pretty early start so we’re in no rush to collect gyroids. Plus it’s nice to sit down and hang out with the campers. There were a lot of gyroids hanging from trees so Emilie and Kat had a lot of fun swinging branches as well as finding special fruit and bells hidden under the leaves.
Next stop was the Market Place, where we met up with Isabelle, Tommy, and Timmy. I don’t normally drop by there on a regular basis during my rounds but for gyroid events, it’s a must. It’s also a good thing that we did because Natara found a book that Pecan dropped yesterday. Sometimes there’s a lot of gyroids lying around and sometimes there’s none. We lucked out today!
Then we went to Sunburst Island, where we went bug catching with Bea. I might have gotten a bit distracted with the horned dynastids but I had to catch them in order to shake the trees to get the gyroids so either way I get both. Kat was fascinated by the butterflies, Amy helped Gulliver log in his inventory, and Daisy Jane taught Emilie and Natara how to make flower crowns.
At Saltwater Shores we collected shells, went fishing, and harvested coconuts. There weren’t a lot of gyroids hanging around so we went for a swim for about an hour. Daisy Jane almost went overboard after catching a king red snapper so it took me, Emilie, Kat, Natara, Amy, and Buck to keep her feet on the ground. Looks like we’ll be having a big campfire dinner tonight!
After taking our well deserved break and making a quick stop at the campsite to drop off the big catch, off we headed to Breezy Hollow. I normally stop here at the end so I can restock on fruit without having to go back and forth between hangout sites. Today not only happened to be full of gyroids, but perfect fruit as well! While the others went picking fruit and wildflowers, I restocked my marketplace with grapes and crafting materials. I also bought some lychee and lemons for tonight’s bonfire.
Last stop is OK Motors, a place that I don’t visit too often unless my RV needs tuning up, someone lost something over there, or if I just want to hang out with Beppe, Giovanni, and Carlo. Like the Market Place, gyroids sometimes pop up here and there. Emilie, Kat, Natara, and Amy took turns playing Brake Tapper - Natara won the most caps with Emilie coming in  a close second. Amy did fairly well while Kat was all over the place. 
Maybe one day I’ll finally have enough caps to trade them in for a t-shirt. But right now I’m more interested in collecting plaid gyroids. Gotta make some trips to Shovelstrike Quarry sometime this week - with a group as big as ours, it won’t take too long for us to get in.
Then it’s back to either the campsite or cabin where we just hang out for a couple hours before going back out to hunt for more gyroids. At the campsite Amy taught Daisy Jane the basics of building a website - which will be very useful for her in the future. Kat showed off some cool spells she learned from her dad, including a fireworks one that’s perfect for tonight. Natara made coconut mango lassi while Emilie baked brownies and I made a pasta salad.
We had a pretty good haul today - not enough to build furniture yet, but it’s a good start. It was a busy but also a kinda chill day. It’s nice seeing Emilie and Kat again and just having a great time with them. 
At the bonfire Emilie and KK put together an impromptu show that was fun to watch. Celeste and Natara took turns looking for constellations and nebulas. Kat showed us how to manipulate fireworks into cool shapes (and accidentally caused a few small explosions here and there - nothing serious though, it’s just something that happens from time to time). Amy, Goldie, and Kitt went looking for shells, gyroids, and whatever treasures that were buried in the sand. 
While sitting by the waves I can see Daisy Jane sitting by a coconut tree, both of us scribbling in our journals while the memories of today are still fresh in our minds. Book in lap, pages full of words and sketches, ink smudged hands with an uncapped pen, plaid gyroids lying in the sand or hanging from a branch above, all illuminated by the moonlight.
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mountain-deweys · 2 years
tagged by @daisyrandonegf :DD
favorite time of year: mmm fall probably! not too cold (evil) yet chilly enough that i can wear the clothes i like! also it can be 6pm and not pitch black so that’s nice
comfort food: lasagna >:) also mint chocolate chip ice cream with just so much hershey syrup
something i collect: model ships!! like those little trinket ships you get at souvenir shops
fave drinks: cherry coke, raspberry tea, brown sugar milk tea, water (<—REAL)
current fave songs: new invention by idkhow, witches by good kid, good grief by bastille, and the entire glass animals discography ssjdjwjdjsjfje
all time fave songs: great vacation by dirt poor robins, cabo by ricky montgomery, the stand by mother mother, and epic iii from hadestown :]
sorry for so many songs shdwhdhwjdjej i taggggg um @transmono @bpdranboo @flower-nebula-hangout-time @gummysusie @slimer509 and anybody else who would like to
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