#flowified asks
Continuing on the flowified goners thing, how would flowey be affected? Would they not be at full strength due to gaster having influence over the souls, would they be more powerful since they are stuck between some sort of limbo or something, and would it change his omega forms appearance since most of his power would be with gaster and make him look kinda gray?
((I think the strength would be half and half, though possibly more Gaster, since I am pretty sure that Gaster is stronger!
And yes! I think it would definitely change Flowey's Omega form! I would draw a concept sketch, but sadly I'm going through a bit of an art block rn- though I'm sort of coming out of it!
Anyway, I think he'd turn mostly grey, maybe with his thorns or golden flowers on him being colored? I also think his claw hands would be like Gaster's hands, and the mouth that shoots like a canon would be a gaster blaster! Thats my take on it, anyway! Feel free to let me know your ideas for a Omega Goner Gaster-Flowey lol!
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askswordfrisk · 2 years
(Mun ask)I hope to see more of that flowified fan story whenever you can find the time to post more of it
Mod: As I said the shift arc is in full swing so it will be a bit before I can even think about working on it. Plus my irl stuff doesn’t help. We will see…
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Wait, so I know you said no asks to the flowified kids, but I got a question about their environment, why are there vines? Surely the weed is back to being a goat, after all it took the equivalent to 7 human souls to become him and he does has 7 now, unless the frisk being captured is not canon to that timeline and was just a one off thing?
((Oh...thats a good point, actually!
I'm not sure how I'd explain that other than it being a corrupted timeline in general. Maybe the Flowey part in Asriel took him completely over, therefore even with 7 souls he isn't turning back to his regular self.
Even in the Asriel battle in the game he still doesn't completely act like himself until Frisk SAVEs him (or Chara SAVEs him, however you want to see it) so I'm sure thats likely a possibility. The vines are also there to represent that Flowey has control over the kids movements and such.
But yeah! You can ask me stuff about the Flowified timeline, just dont ask specific questions to the Flowified souls! I haven't been working on the Gonertimeline much...but I'll try to post an update after Adam leaves the Void!
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An angel has heard the calls of help from the children who can’t be saved…
A hero is coming to save them.
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Hru flowified Matt: BOO!
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(Alright, gang... I think it's possible! If Frisk can save them, WE can save them! Thought it might take a little more effort from us...) So what's it like being controlled by Flowey? Is it, uh... painful?
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Does flowified Matthew and Justin still have crushes on pate and Amy
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I’m tempted to make a fan story about a certain someone of mine rescuing the Flowified. Let’s just say I happen to adore a group of heroes and I kinda wanna see if I can have them save the kids. Not just cuz of their personalities matching but cuz I’m a sucker for heroes helping people. I am no artist but I can at least write something for each soul. Do you mind giving me a personality and power ref so I know what I am working with? I know it may not be canon but. I REALLY wanna try and make these stories. Trust me they inspiring.
((Sure! I'm totally ok with that! Honestly, I think that would be super interesting and I'd love to see what you write!
I should have just mentioned what the personalities/powers are of the Flowified kids in the first place, but I didn't think I would have to since its sort of obvious to tell that their personalities are the opposite of their trait, and their magic is basically the attacks that are seen in the Omega Flowey battle!
Still, I'll write it down! These asks are...fairly new? It might help if I describe their personalities and magic!
Flowified Pate
Personality: Basically just doesn't care about anything, emotionless and cold, as her trait has now changed to Indifference.
Magic: Summons knife projectiles
Flowified Matthew
Personality: He can be terrified and clingy at one point, and then super aggressive the next. Though most of the time his aggression seems more for show, and if anyone gets too close to him he'll most likely panick as his trait has changed to Cowardice.
Magic: Glove projectiles that spin in circles
Flowified Amy
Personality: Likes to lie, cheat, steal, etc. As her trait is now Deceit. She is mean and snarky, when she isnt acting innocent to get what she wants.
Magic: Star projectiles and ballet shoe projectiles
Flowified Lucas
Personality: Pretty much a screaming mess...he'll go on for hours ranting, but he wont do much other than that. He wont try to fix a problem by working hard, but he will scream and rant about it. His trait is now Aversion.
Magic: Negative word magic
Flowified Kaden
Personality: Again, just a panicking and screaming mess...like a little kid throwing a huge fit. He sometimes will cry, but most of the time he just hates everything that is going on around him, as his trait is now Hatred. Also he can't control his magic well, so when he summons it, its completely out of control and theres LOTS of fire.
Magic: Fireball magic
Flowified Justin
Personality: Only cares about being the strongest, and thinks he has completely control over the other 5. Him and Amy often bicker and get on each others nerves, mostly because when Amy tries to deceive him, he takes this as her not recognizing his authority and he immediately tries to get back at her, because not being in authority makes him uncomfortable. Also he is super prideful. His trait is now Vengeance.
Magic: Shoots magic bullets
((Hopefully this is useful! :)
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Huh, Pete kinda just let him stay there
Probably mean
In fact
Care for him
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((She...really doesn't care about him :'(
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For flowified pate the world isn’t just filled with suffering. There are still many things in the world that make you happy. Maybe you could try to focus on the stuff that make you feel happy
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For flowerized kaden I think you need a hug
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I noticed that when the asker said that flowified Matthew was brave, he started to remember things and flowey stopped him
((Yes, thats right! He did do that ;;u;;
Mainly because if they remember anything about their self, or trait, it can make them resist his control, or question it, at least.
When Matthew heard the word 'brave', he was reminded of how he stood up for Pate and went to the mountain to find her. He remembered the feeling of having Bravery, which could have led him to resist...
But, of course, Flowey had to stop that before it happened ;;u;;
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For flowified Matthew: I think you are a very very brave kid
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(Flowified kids ask) if I could save you guys I would and I would not stop until I do
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For flowified Amy: if by having a thick skull you mean sticking to my morals and believing that anyone can be saved then yes I do have a thick skull
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[The Flowified AU asks will now be CLOSED. Asks for this AU will open back up once the Goner timeline is completed!]
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Maybe you could do flowified incorrect quotes too
Frisk, meeting the flowified kids for the first time: *You tell them sorry...whos in charge here?
F! Pate: Usually it is whoever yells the loudest.
F! Matthew: You need to start reacting when people cry...
F! Amy: I did. I rolled my eyes.
F! Pate: This is frustrating and everyone annoys me.
F! Matthew: Everyone? :(
F! Pate: Especially you.
F! Pate: How did you guys get arrested?
F! Amy: I don't know! We didn't do anything wrong!
F! Justin: When the cops pulled us over and said 'papers' you said 'scissors' and drove away.
F! Amy:
F! Lucas: I just saw Amy and Justin hugging.
F! Lucas: But when I looked closer they were actually strangling each other, which makes more sense.
F! Amy: But who can I trust?
F! Matthew: ...Yourself?
F! Amy: *scoff* No.
F! Kaden: Can I get some advice?
F! Amy: Y'know, I'm not great at that.
F! Amy: Could I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
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