Flusser, Die Schrift CD emulator site
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citeifoucault · 9 months
Partindo das imagens técnicas atuais, podemos reconhecer nelas duas tendências básicas diferentes. Uma indica o rumo da sociedade totalitária, centralmente programada, dos receptores das imagens e dos funcionários das imagens; a outra indica o rumo para a sociedade telemática dialogante dos criadores das imagens e dos colecionadores das imagens.
Flusser, 2012, p. 4.
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thurstongrey · 11 months
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belacqui-pro-quo · 2 years
The technical images currently all around us are in the process of magically restructuring our 'reality' and turning it into a 'global image scenario'. Essentially this is a question of 'amnesia'. Human beings forget they created images in order to orientate themselves in the world. Since they are no longer able to decode them, their lives become a function of their own images: Imagination has turned into hallucination.
— Vilém Flusser, Towards a Philosophy of Photography
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ascensao-a-queda · 1 year
Esquecer é uma função tão importante da memória quanto lembrar
- Vilém Flusser
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permanentstyle · 1 year
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How much do you actually know? An interview with Alan Flusser
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humidity12 · 27 days
“For there, the gesture of producing information can be given over to apparatuses, leaving human beings free to focus on evaluation.
The photographer, for example, can leave the process of making the image to the blind camera and concern himself with the construction of a filter that either accepts or rejects images made in this way.”
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albannikolaiherbst · 7 months
Die Tage auch davor. Im Arbeitsjournal des Mittwoch, den 20. Februar 2024.
[Arbeitswohnung, 9.25 UhrWollny & Kühn, → DuoVon dieser Einspielung kann ich gar nicht mehr lassen(meine Kritik liegt schon bei Faust, doch möcht’ ich nicht “spoilern”)]           Daß Faust meine Horcynus-Orca-Rezension → übernommen hat, zumal mit meiner bösen Bemerkung zum Zentralorgan der AfD für die deutsche Linke((Womit selbstverständlich die Junge Welt gemeint ist)). ist durchaus nicht ohne…
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edmy · 11 months
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… We are such chauvinistic Metazoa that we deny these life forms their animality. … Viewed "objectively" the latter—especially ants and bees—represent the highest stage of life's development. Humans and vampyroteuthes, in comparison, have advanced down blind alleys. Among Hymenoptera, life has managed to supersede the individual organism and cultivate a highly cerebralized superorganism (ant hills, beehives). It can be expected that Hymenoptera will one day come to dominate all life on earth.
Vilém Flusser & Louis Bec: Vampyroteuthis Infernalis
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citeifoucault · 9 months
One cannot come near the problem of media with a view of the everyday as degraded, debased, and baleful.
Poster, 2011, p. xxiv.
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thurstongrey · 1 year
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belacqui-pro-quo · 2 years
This apparently non-symbolic, objective character of technical images leads whoever looks at them to see them not as images but as windows. Observers thus do not believe them as they do their own eyes. Consequently they do not criticize them as images, but as ways of looking at the world (to the extent that they criticize them at all). Their criticism is not an analysis of their production but an analysis of the world.
This lack of criticism of technical images is potentially dangerous at a time when technical images are in the process of displacing texts -- dangerous for the reason that the 'objectivity' of technical images is an illusion. For they are -- like all images -- not only symbolic but represent even more abstract complexes of symbols than traditional images. They are metacodes of texts which, as is yet to be shown, signify texts, not the world out there. The imagination that produces them involves the ability to transcode concepts from texts into images; when we observe them, we see concepts -- encoded in a new way of the world out there.
With traditional images, by contrast, the symbolic character is clearly evident because, in their case, human beings (for example, painters) place themselves between the images and their significance. Painters work out the symbols of the image 'in their heads' so as to transfer them by means of the paintbrush to the surface. If one wishes to decode such images, then one has to decode the encoding that took place 'in the head' of the painter.
With technical images, however, the matter is not so clearly evident. It is true that with these images another factor places itself between them and their significance, i.e. a camera and a human being operating it (for example, a photographer), but it does not look as if this 'machine/operator' complex would break the chain between image and significance. On the contrary: The significance appears to flow into the complex on the one side (input) in order to flow out on the other side (output), during which the process -- what is going on within the complex -- remains concealed: a 'black box' in fact. The encoding of technical images, however, is what is going on in the interior of this black box and consequently any criticism of technical images must be aimed at an elucidation of its inner workings. As long as there is no way of engaging in such criticism of technical images, we shall remain illiterate.
— Vilém Flusser, Towards a Philosophy of Photography
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rwpohl · 2 years
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keepingitneutral · 10 months
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"Hytta's," Finnish sauna, Lípa nad Dřevnicí, Czech Republic,
Dominik Ilichman and Adam Hofman,
Photography: Studio Flusser, Julius Filip
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bernhard-brause · 4 months
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Die Fotografie ist ein programmgemäß von Apparaten erzeugtes und distribuiertes Bild, dessen angebliche Funktion es ist, zu informieren. (Vilem Flusser, Für eine Philosophie der Fotografie, 2006)
Mein Dank für die heutigen Bilder geht an Lockenfeuer 🙏
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viktorbezic · 29 days
"Images no longer represent the world. Those new images are now articulations of thought. They are not copies, but projections, models. A new attitude toward the image is necessary"
- Vilem Flusser
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