#flutters my eyelashes I'm just sayin
chipistrate · 1 year
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"Just another unimportant Japanese coast city."
Hi @thekenikaridevblog :D
Found out about this game a bit ago when trying to find an old RPGmaker sources masterlist for my own game, and hearing that the demo is coming out soon is sick!! Very excited for it! Soooo I figured I'd draw something before it drops!
Admittedly dunno a whole lot about the game, but I went off what I did know/could find + vibes!
Can't wait for the demo!! From what I've read/seen on the blog it all looks really cool and interesting!! Can't wait to know more about these little guys,,
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dalilacherie · 2 months
Darbit is one of my fav ships could you write anything abt that?
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦
[𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐓𝐰𝐨-𝐛𝐢𝐭 / 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐭]
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: I wanted this to be longer but I guess I can't complain. It's a decent chunk of writing. Love y'all, have a nice day/night.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 824
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The house was quiet, too quiet. I sat in my chair, trying to lose myself in a book, but the words on the page kept blurring together. Sleep had evaded me, as it often did these days. There was too much on my mind.
Steve was crashed out on the couch, snoring softly. It was a peaceful sound, a reminder that at least someone in this house could rest. I glanced at him, feeling a pang of something between envy and affection. The kid had been through hell, same as the rest of us, but he seemed to find sleep.
It was well past midnight when I heard the front door creak open. My heart skipped a beat, and I tensed up, but then I saw it was Two-Bit, stumbling through the doorway. He was drunk, as usual.
Two-Bit spotted me and grinned, his eyes glassy and unfocused. "Darry," he slurred, staggering towards me. "Darry, I... I gotta tell you somethin'."
I closed my book and set it aside, watching him carefully. "What is it, Two-Bit?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
He stumbled closer and grabbed my hand, his grip surprisingly firm despite his condition. "I love you," he said, the words slurred but unmistakable.
I blinked, not sure I had heard him right. "What?"
Two-Bit frowned in concentration, then lifted my hand and positioned it to make half a heart. He completed the other half with his own hand, our fingers intertwining awkwardly.
"I love you," he repeated, more clearly this time. Then he sat on the arm of my chair, pulling me into a sideways hug. His head rested on top of mine, and I could feel his breath against my hair.
I sat there, frozen for a moment, before I let myself relax into his embrace. Two-Bit had always been the joker, the one who kept us laughing even when things were at their darkest. But tonight, in the quiet of our living room, he was just Keith, my Keith, needing to be close, needing to be loved.
"I love you too," I whispered, my voice barely audible.
He squeezed me tighter, and I felt the warmth of his body seeping into mine. It was comforting, like a blanket on a cold night.
“Why don’t you ever tell me this when you’re sober?” I asked, my voice gentle.
Two-Bit let out a soft laugh, his breath ruffling my hair. “'Cause I'm a chicken,” he admitted. “Always been better at jokin’ around than sayin’ what I really feel.”
I reached up, gently rubbing his back. “You don’t have to be scared with me, Keith. You know that, right?”
He nodded, his head still resting on mine. “I know, Darry. Just... sometimes it’s easier to let the booze do the talkin’.”
We sat there in silence for a few minutes, just holding each other. I could feel the tension in my body slowly melting away, replaced by a sense of contentment I hadn’t felt in a long time.
“You smell nice,” Two-Bit mumbled, his voice sleepy.
I chuckled softly. “You’re just drunk.”
“Maybe,” he said, his words slurring more. “But I mean it. You always smell good. Like home.”
I felt my heart swell at his words. Keith had a way of making the simplest things sound like the most important truths. “Thanks,” I whispered, giving him another squeeze.
Two-Bit shifted, sliding off the arm of the chair to sit on my lap. He was heavy, but I didn’t mind. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, and I could feel his eyelashes fluttering against my skin. “Can we stay like this?” he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.
“Yeah,” I said softly. “We can stay like this.”
Steve stirred on the couch, mumbling something in his sleep, but he didn’t wake up. I glanced at him, then back at Two-Bit, who was already starting to drift off.
“I’m gonna take care of you, Keith,” I murmured, more to myself than to him. “I promise.”
Two-Bit’s grip tightened on me, and he mumbled something I couldn’t quite make out. I rested my cheek against his hair, breathing in the scent of him – a mix of alcohol, cigarettes, and something uniquely Two-Bit.
“Get some sleep,” I whispered, stroking his back in slow, soothing circles. “I’ll be right here.”
As Two-Bit’s breathing evened out and he finally fell asleep, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. The world outside might be falling apart, but in this moment, with Keith in my arms and Steve snoring softly on the couch, everything felt right.
I closed my eyes, letting myself relax completely for the first time in what felt like forever. The house was quiet, but it was a comforting kind of quiet now. I knew that come morning, we’d have to face the world again, but for tonight, we had each other. And that was enough.
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lupeloto · 1 year
mickey birthday ficlet🥳
i wrote a little drabble about mickey’s birthday morning in the gallagher-milkovich household. it’s quick and maybe slightly ooc bc fuck it we hall but yes here you go!
The Sun is peaking through the light gray curtains draped across their bedroom window. Ian stands in the doorway, mesmerized by the way it shines against his husband's pale skin, the brightness making his long eyelashes flutter slightly. He had planned to let Mickey sleep in on his special day, but it had been a couple hours and Ian had already made breakfast, so he decides to wake him up in an extra special way.
However, he finds himself paralyzed in that position, admiring the beauty of the curves in his toned arms, the stubble scattered across his face, the light dusting of freckles that Mickey never even really noticed he had before Ian started doting on them.
"Fuck you starin' at, Gallagher?," Mickey opens one eye slightly, not moving from his position on the bed.
A smile spreads across Ian's face, "Oh nothing, just a very special person on his very special day..." Ian know he sounds corny, but he doesn't care, besides, he knows Mickey loves it.
"Huh?" Mickey question, rubbing his eyes and turning over on his back.
Ian makes his way over to the bed, placing his legs on each side of Mickey's waist, straddling him. He reaches his hand down every so slightly beneath the waistband oh his boxers, "Happy Birthday," he says with an endearing grin that Mickey can't help but respond to with an even wider one.
At that, Ian pops up, "Alright, come on, I made breakfast." He reaches his hand out for Mickey, a smug smile spread across his face.
"You fuckin' tease." Mickey scoffs, placing his hand in Ian's and letting his husband yank him up.
"So what do you wanna do today?" Ian asks, as if he doesn't already have a whole day planned, knowing Mickey would try to brush off the day as if it's just like any other one.
"Dunno, man, kinda forgot about it anyway," Mickey shrugs, hesitating before continuing, "Didn't really do that stuff growin' up. Most I got on my birthday was a comment from Terry about how glad he is that I'm another year closer to getting out of his way and some little homemade gift from Mandy most years."
Ian yanks him closer, one hand on his hips and another cupping the back of his head, scanning his face with slightly sad eyes. He attempted to maintain a neutral expression, but he isn't exactly known for "playing it cool."
"What?" Mickey spits, "Don't gimme that pity shit, man," he shakes his head, looking down and attempting to pull away. Ian, however, strengthens his grip and brings him back,
"I'm not pitying you, Mick. I'm just happy that I've got you now, that's all. You haven't lived till you've had Ian Gallagher's special birthday breakfast, that's all I'm sayin." He shrugs with a cute one-sided grin. Fuck, Mickey loves him so goddamn much.
With that, Ian turns Mickey around, covering his eyes with both hands, his large hands practically covering his entire face.
"Jesus christ, Ian, is this really necessary?" Mickey asks, but Ian can feel his grin against his hands.
"Shut up, yes it's extremely necessary."
"Better not open my eyes to a fuckin' baby and a crib or some shit."
Ian ignores him until they reach the kitchen, uncovering his eyes to reveal his whole birthday setup. There's a homemade streamer, clearly made by Franny, that reads "Happy Birthday Uncle Mickey" in sideways, messy lettering. There are a couple of paper-bag wrapped presents under the banner and a full breakfast set-up at the table with a stack of banana pancakes, topped with whipped cream and sprinkles, a pot of fresh coffee, and one little blue balloon tied to the chair. Personally, all that sweet shit so early in the morning makes him a little nauseous, but he knows Mickey has always liked sweet shit, so he whipped something up.
Mickey fails to fight the smile that takes him over as Ian stands to the side, clearly proud of his ensemble. He knows Mickey isn't one for flare or big celebrations, but he had to do something,
"Franny made the banner," he smiles shyly, "Forgot that when I told her to make one for you, she would write "uncle" in front of it."
"Yeah I can see that," Mickey laughs, "It's fuckin perfect," he turns to Ian, his hand coming up to caress his cheek, "You know you really are the softest motherfucker I know?"
Ian closes his eyes playfully, "Mmhm, you love it," he kisses Mickey gently, "Happy Birthday, Mick." He studies the pattern of freckles on Mickey's face a moment longer, his eyes scanning up and down before pulling away and lightly shoving Mickey towards the table, "Okay gimme a full pancake review. Don't spare me," he says dramatically as Mickey rolls his eyes before taking a seat.
He takes his first bite, moaning dramatically.
“Okay I get that they’re good…but that’s scarily close to you orgasm face,” Ian jokes.
“What can I say, you bring it out in me, Gallagher…” he raises his eyebrows with a smirk before returning to his pancakes. Ian smiles to himself as they finish breakfast, admiring the look on Mickey’s face, admiring that he is the one who put it there. It’s fucking perfect.
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lu-undy · 3 years
Chapter 100 - SBT
Here it is! Ladies and Mentlegen, we did it, 100 chapters, and the story’s not finished yet ;-;
"Hey, you alright?" Mundy looked down but Lucien did not want to part from his arms.
Hearing the stutter did not convince Mundy. 
"What is it, love?"
"I don't want to leave your arms. I know it is selfish of me to say but I need to get it out of me." He slowly raised his eyes to Mundy. "I cannot live without you, Mundy. I mean this in the most serious way there possibly is. The thought of you leaving me puts tears in my eyes uncontrollably fast. I…" Lucien sighed. "I know that your father would rather you left me but…" He lowered his head and gently headbutted Mundy's chest. "I don't want that to happen. I-I just can't." 
Mundy gave Lucien a second but he saw how distraught and preoccupied his lover was. He raised his head and slowly, the context appeared. The dance floor, the people, the musicians, the restaurant. They had all disappeared for God only knew how long.
"C'mere, we gotta go back home." 
There was no dessert, no final full stop to their dinner. Both of them needed to have a serious discussion and Mundy felt that Lucien was boiling to burst out but held himself back only out of habit, because he used to bottle it up all the time. 
When they reached home, they entered hand in hand and Mundy turned to remove Lucien's long, black coat from him. The Frenchman was paralysed. It was taking him that much energy and focus to not spill what the walls of his lips struggled to contain, that the rest of his body couldn't afford to move. The Aussie helped him out of his high-heeled boots and turned to him.
"Let's get upstairs." 
"I…" Lucien raised glistening eyes to Mundy. "I can't…" 
"Then, I'll carry you, c'mere, gorgeous." Mundy slid a hand behind Lucien's knees and another behind his back. "There we go…" Lucien curled up in Mundy's arms as he carried him upstairs, in the bedroom. "And… There we are… on the bed." He gently laid Lucien there and the minute his arms left him, Lucien reached for him and clawed on his arm. 
"Please…! Stay with me…" 
"I am, I just wanna remove my jacket… Here… Now the bowtie, the vest… Open up a few buttons on the shirt, and here I am, sweetheart. Now I can hold you, there we go, and you can tell me everythin', go ahead…" 
They were lying on the bed, on their side, facing each other. The bedroom was dark so Mundy just switched on one of the night lamps.
"I am so sorry…" Lucien closed his eyes, out of shame.
"I organised all this for you and now it's all about me, I'm… I am a disgrace…" Lucien hid his face in his gloved hands. 
"No, Lu', please…" Mundy gently took his wrists and pulled them off of his face. "Tell me." 
"But I was supposed to surprise you and take care of you, not…"
"Not what?" Mundy brushed a lock of Lucien's hair behind his ear.
"Not… Not fall in love again with you." 
Mundy smiled. 
"Hey, I feel the same for you, darl'. It's alright." 
"Non, Mundy, I wanted to take your mind off things, to make you dream, for one evening, and now I am just realising that… Mon Dieu…" 
"Whatever it is, get it out, Lu'."
"I love you so much and so deeply… I cannot afford to see you go! My head tells me that you might and my body just cannot bear it. I am sorry, this does not help you at all, in any way." Lucien looked away. 
"Hey." Mundy put a hand on his cheek and made him face him again. "It's not all about helpin' me. We gotta help you too. Now, listen here." Lucien raised his eyes to his lover's lagoon blue ones. "I'll say it now and I'll repeat it every bloody day if needs be. I won't go away from you. Whatever happens with my Dad, it's lasted for long enough. If he accepts us, he does, if he doesn't, he doesn't. I'm not gonna run after him my whole life; did it for forty-odd years already, and it didn't amount to anythin'. Now you look me in the eye, pretty thing." Mundy slid both hands on Lucien's cheeks and pushed his forehead against his. "I won't ever go away from you, you hear me? Ever. D'you hear me?"
Lucien nodded. 
"Say it." 
"You won't leave me…?" Lucien's voice broke. 
"I won't leave you. Wherever I go, you come with me, whether he likes it or not. I don't live for him. I live for myself. And Mum's fine with us, she understands. Dad's never understood me anyway, and if it's not gonna change even after the ten years away and all, then so be it."
Lucien's eyebrows jumped. 
"Yeah, I'm not sayin' this like that. I really thought about it. Not only is he weighin' a ton on my shoulders but he's preventin' us both to sleep and he's puttin' tears in your eyes now? It's unfair. You don't deserve to cry for this, you don't deserve to cry for anything, baby." Mundy closed his eyes, his forehead still against Lucien's.
And the Frenchman broke. His tears started streaming like two black rivers of diluted mascara down his cheeks and his overall face.
"M-Mundy, you don't have to…" He sniffled. "You don't have to be so harsh."
"I'm just so bloody tired of it. I was happy and he's breakin' it all now? No, I won't let him, c'mere." Mundy wrapped his arms around his lover and pulled him close. "Cry if you want to, gorgeous angel, but I won't let him hurt us anymore. The only reason he thinks he can make me change my mind is because he assumes I'm listenin' to him. Well, that's it, not anymore! He will have to listen, bloody hell!" 
Mundy rolled such that Lucien was lying on top of him. 
"I am so sorry… I don't want to push you to make such drastic decisions… Because…" 
"Why, beautiful? Tell me everythin'." Mundy asked confidently.
"Because you are being exactly like him if you do…" 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. He hadn't thought of that, he hadn't seen it that way. 
"Then, tell me, Lu'. Tell me what I should do…" 
Lucien looked into Mundy's eyes and smiled. 
"Stay as you are, mon amour, please. Continue living your life the way that you have, continue to smile at whatever makes you happy, continue to… continue to please, love me." 
"I…" Seeing Lucien plead with his voice, his tears and his eyes was a strong sight to behold. "I never stopped lovin' you, Lu', and I won't."
"I am so sorry…"
"Stop apologisin', please." 
"Non!" He exclaimed. "I am supposed to be the older one, the calm one, the one with reason! And look at me now! In tears, I am in tears… This is shameful, I sincerely apologise to you, please, don't look at me…" Lucien covered his face again but Mundy pulled his hands away. 
"No, luv'. It's you and me in this couple, not just me. You don't have to carry everythin' on your shoulders. I'm a grown up man and I'll carry everythin' with you!"
"I… I love you." 
"Love you too, sweetheart. But hold on, your make-up's sinking everywhere, let me grab some tissue and some water. I'll clean you up." Mundy kissed Lucien's forehead before going to the bathroom, he came back not a minute later to find Lucien sitting on the bed, his back against the bedhead. Mundy sat next to him. "Here… Let me wipe all that mess, yeah?"
"My apologies."
"Told you, don't apologise, beautiful…" Mundy wetted a tissue with some water and Lucien closed his eyes. He then felt the cold tissue gently wipe his eyes and eyelashes. "There… Hold on, need more tissue, that stuff's really sticky, eh?" And it soothed Lucien, the periodic movement of the cold tissue on his eyelids lulled him slowly. 
"Oh, I think most of it is gone on your eyes. Now, let me wipe your cheeks… There we go… You can open your eyes, now." 
Lucien obeyed and his eyelids fluttered slightly. He saw Mundy give him the first earnest smile in weeks…!
"Mon Dieu, your smile is a delicacy for my eyes." 
"The whole of you's a delicacy for the whole of me, I mean… Look at all this, eh?" Mundy's head went down Lucien's silhouette. "You completely shaved your face, your legs, and even your chest, eh?" 
Lucien nodded with a smile. 
"I hope you don't find this too unsettling, it will stay like this for a week or so before it all grows back up."
"Unsettlin'? You joking? It's bloody sexy…" Mundy answered, his eyes still everywhere along Lucien's dress. 
"You prefer it if I shave everything off?" 
"I don't care… I just… You're hot anyway."
Lucien's eyebrows jumped. 
"I am surprised that you didn't… How shall I phrase this…? You didn't push me back when you realised that it was me."
"Lu', look at you… Gloves up to the elbows and, dress with a cut up to yer thigh, the stockings! Gosh, the stockings… And the boots you had! How the hell could you walk and dance with heels that high?"
"Well…" Lucien chuckled. 
"You did it a few times before, eh? Back when you were a spook, I guess?"
"Non." Lucien shook his head. "I never wore heels that high before. I trained on my own for this one occasion."
"You trained?" 
"I went to Richard a few times and put the boots on just to get used to them."
"Y-you what?!" 
"It is quite tricky if you are not used to it." Lucien explained. "It's all a question of delicate balance."
"No, I didn't mean it that way, I meant… You… How long've you been preparin' this then?" 
"Does it matter?" 
Their eyes met and Mundy smiled wider. 
"That bloody sentence used to get on my nerves so much from you." 
"Back when you were a spook, you were usin' it all the time to not answer a question." 
"And I still do, hm?" 
"Yeah, apparently." 
They chuckled. 
"But Lu'?"
"What now?" 
"Well, I would need some help to remove this dress. The zipper is behind my back." He answered nonchalantly. 
"But if I don't help you, does that mean you keep the dress longer?" Mundy raised a cocky eyebrow and Lucien smirked. He liked where this was all going. 
"I am afraid so, Mundy." Lucien faked his distress. 
"Don't be afraid, doll, c'mere…" Mundy went on all four in front of Lucien and pushed his lips against the Frenchman's, who sank to lie down on the bed. Mundy was on top of him, pushing him deeper and deeper in the mattress while Lucien wrapped his arms up around his lover's neck. 
"M-Mundy, wait." 
"Mh?" Mundy broke the kiss. 
"Are you feeling alright?" Lucien asked. "I did not organise all this to just… Have a moment of intimacy. It was first and foremost to help you think about something else, see something else." 
"And you did brilliantly, love. I feel back like I used to be. You're right. Let Dad do whatever he wants. I'm livin' my own life, and that life is with you. Hopefully he'll accept it in time, otherwise, bah… At least I've got Mum." 
Lucien cupped Mundy's face. 
"That sounds more like the compassionate Mundy whom I fell in love with, oui." 
"More than that, delighted. You?" 
"Impatient." Mundy answered. 
"For what?" Lucien asked. 
The Aussie lay down on him and went to his ear. He murmured a few words there and Lucien's eyebrows jumped before he bit his lip. 
"Me too, Mundy. Would you prefer me out of the dress and feminine attire?" 
"Tsk, tsk, tsk…" Mundy shook his head. "Can't say I don't like it if I never try it, eh? 'sides, I like it quite a bit…"
"Oh?" Lucien's eyes snapped wide when Mundy's hand went to his hip, on one side. 
"Your waist's so thin… I can almost hold half of you with one hand only." Mundy bent down and resumed his heated kisses with his lover. "Bloody sexy, you are…" 
His hand went from Lucien's hip, down to his thigh. Mundy pushed the slit on the dress wider and slipped his fingers through, to caress his lover's thigh on the black nylon stockings. Lucien breathed louder, almost moaned, and Mundy chuckled. 
"Come up here, need to open yer dress, doll." Mundy pulled Lucien to sit up on his knees and he went behind his back. He pushed Lucien's long hair to the side and took the zipper in his hand before sliding it down slowly. 
"Hm…" He then gently pushed the dress left and right, off of Lucien's shoulder. The Frenchman lowered his head and felt Mundy's strong hands on his arms left and right, while his mouth was busy on the back of his neck and shoulders. He was leaving a trail of hot, slow pecks, like the footprints of his journey across Lucien's body. 
Lucien wrapped his arms around himself prudely and Mundy let his hands roam free on his lover's back. His fingers ghosted his spine, his shoulder blades, his sides. Lucien whimpered and his skin prickled everywhere. 
"A bit, oui." 
"Right… Let's get you out of this dress, yeah?" 
Lucien nodded and in a few seconds it was done. 
"Oh, wow… Didn't expect that…" Mundy's eyes discovered that from Lucien's black underwear hung a few satin bands that kept the stockings up. "Gosh…" 
"I might have overdone it, maybe." Lucien lay back down on the bed.
"No, what are you talkin' about… You're just… I could eat you…" 
Mundy originally wanted to remove his own clothes but there was no time, he was too eager…! He lay flat on his chest between Lucien's legs that he gently opened, while caressing them up along the stockings, all the way to his thighs. Yeah, Lu' had shaved his legs and thighs completely off, his skin was so smooth…! 
Mundy got closer and started kissing his soft thighs, to which Lucien moaned and trembled. 
"Guess you can feel it more now, eh?" 
"Oui…!" Lucien screwed his eyes. "You are so warm… Your lips… They burn…" 
Mundy smiled and went on kissing Lucien's inner thighs. He gently pulled his legs to rest on his shoulders and back and got closer to the Frenchman's nether regions. 
"Mmh, someone's in the mood, eh?"
"Guess whose fault it is…" Lucien looked down and they exchanged a smile. 
Yes, Mundy could clearly see the outline of his lover's masculinity through the underwear. But he didn't want to remove it, not when it was connected to the stockings. 
"Hah…! Mundy…!" 
The Aussie kissed his lover's member on top of the underwear, again and repeatedly, exploring everywhere along its length and underneath it. 
"Oui… Oui…" Lucien panted. He raised his head and arched his back while Mundy continued to push his hungry lips on his lover's most intimate regions, albeit hindered by the underwear. But he felt it nonetheless, the Frenchman was loving the attention there, and the restraint of the underwear just made his eagerness grow more. He slid his hands on Mundy's head and the Aussie growled. The vibrations of his deep voice sent bolts of electricity along Lucien's body. "Mundy… Please…" He started to sweat.
"Yeah? What is it…?"
"Please…" Lucien put his hands on the elastic band of his underwear and started pushing it down.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk…" Mundy pushed them away. "Let me do it for you, yeah?"
Lucien nodded. 
"Right, what do we have here…? We gotta loosen these lil' laces, yeah?" 
He nodded again. 
"C'mere…" Mundy pulled the black laces between Lucien's underwear and his stockings… with his teeth. One by one, they yielded and soon, the Aussie bit his lover's hip before his teeth slid down to grip onto his underwear and pull down as far as his head could reach. "Mmmh…" He removed Lucien's underwear completely and threw it away. "There we go now, much better, yeah?" 
"Oui." Lucien whispered, his hands still brushing Mundy's hair. 
"Oh wow…" Mundy's eyebrows jumped when his eyes ended up between Lucien's legs again. "You shaved there too?" 
Lucien nodded. 
"Wow… You look so… I'm… C'mere, I need you…" Mundy's hands went to touch where he was used to feel thick and short hairs, above Lucien's masculinity. It was smooth as it could be now and he loved it. He kissed the skin there repeatedly before a question popped in his mind and interrupted him. "Lu'?"
"Did you shave… behind as well?" 
"Take a look for yourself…" Lucien gently rolled and offered the sight that Mundy couldn't resist. 
"Hold on, 's too bloody hot in here, need my clothes off." 
"Oh, allow me, please." Lucien rolled again to face Mundy and the Aussie nodded.
They were both kneeling on the bed, facing each other, as Lucien kissed his lover in his neck while undoing the buttons of his shirt, one after the other, slowly. He threw his long gloves away and his hands slid on Mundy's torso, up, through his chest hair, on his upper chest and around his neck. 
Distracted. Lucien got distracted and just wanted to feel Mundy's chest against his own. He pulled him into a kiss and stuck his entire torso to him. Mundy took a second to remove his shirt before lacing his arms around his lover. 
"Mmh… Mundy… So virile…" 
"Course, I'm a man, eh?"
They spoke between the lapping sounds of their kisses, making the air gently snap.
"Non, you're my man." 
"And you're my little doll, tonight, yeah?"
"Oui, tonight and forever." 
"Mmh, I like the sound of that… Let me get my trousers and the rest off…" Mundy removed his clothes and threw them away before turning again to Lucien, who was lying down on the bed, his long, slim legs seductively sliding against each other. "Gosh…" 
Mundy dived to Lucien's lips, he splayed his hands left and right flat on the bed. He kissed, lapped and licked as much as he tasted them. Sweet, Lucien's lips were so sweet. He pulled on his bottom lip and sucked on it gently. Gosh, he couldn't get enough of the taste. 
Lucien moaned beneath him, he let his jaw loosen, opened his mouth and let Mundy have his way. His lips were kissed, lapped at, but soon the Aussie moved to his cheeks. He delicately stroked them, and with restraint, he dropped equally soft pecks under his ear, down his neck. 
Lucien noticed that it was different. Mundy was being more… gentle, he was taking his time. When he arrived on the Frenchman's chest, he laced his fingers between Lucien's and took his time, kissing the bare and hairless chest, playing with the pink nipples, ghosting them with his teeth and pulling moans and whimpers out of Lucien's lungs. 
But Mundy soon stopped and moved away on the bed. Lucien's eyebrows jumped in surprise but soon he relaxed when Mundy crawled back and resumed his position between Lucien's legs. 
"Open yer legs, yeah… Beautiful…" 
Lucien looked down and bit his lip. 
The plastic bottle was opened. So much for taking his time, Mundy was preparing him already? 
"C'mere, sweet doll…" Mundy pulled Lucien's legs on his shoulders again and got closer to his aching member. He kissed it and lapped at it, gently swirling his tongue around it with closed eyes, hugging the thin hips and thighs wrapped around his neck. He caressed them, felt the softness of the skin, then the stockings and he loved it. He didn't want Lucien to remove them, no, he looked far too good like that. 
Mundy gently worked a first finger while his mouth was on his lover's needy end. Lucien tried to relax when-
"Hold on… You really…?" Mundy gently rolled him around and put his hands left and right where he loved it so much. Lucien thought he just wanted to get better access for his fingers but… "Gosh, it's so smooth…!" And without further ado, he dug in with his teeth and lapped enthusiastically with his warm and slick tongue. Lucien cried under the surprise and grabbed a pillow, clawing his fingers in because he needed to grab something, grasp it and hold on to it dearly.
But soon Mundy came back from his fit of lust and continued to prepare his lover. He had turned Lucien on his back again. 
"Oh, wow… Someone's… leaky, eh?"
Lucien tried to land back to reality and looked down on his body. The shy puddle on his abdomen screamed how much he craved his lover.
"S-sorry, my apologies-ha…!" 
Mundy added another finger and took his time.
"Don't apologise. Never apologise for this…" He kissed his abdomen around the proof of Lucien's lust crime and raised his eyes to the Frenchman. Their eyes locked. Tension for an instant. And Mundy gently stuck his tongue out and cleaned his lover's mess.
"Mundy-!" The sight made Lucien's head roll back and his back arch. He screwed his eyes shut hard. "Mundy! Mundy! Hah!" He panted and Mundy could see the throbbing along his lover's length. 
"Like it, eh?" 
"Nnnh…!" Lucien nodded, his eyebrows arched high up, and he bit his lower lip to shut himself up. Mundy gently removed his hand and coated his own masculinity generously before laying on top of Lucien. He was an inch away from his face. 
"C'mere, you porcelain, snow-white doll…" They kissed and Mundy didn't wait to lead it the French way. 
"Mh?!" Lucien got taken aback by the bitter taste on Mundy's tongue and his eyes snapped wide when he understood what it was. But the surprise was very temporary, because before he could fully realise, his eyes had rolled up in bliss and Mundy was positioning himself.
"Yeah, there we go, I'll go slow tonight, need to love you good…" 
And Mundy's hips rolled slowly until he was but one with his lover. 
"Hah… Huh… M-Mundy…?" 
"Breathe slowly… There you are, yeah…" He put a hand on Lucien's chest and lay down on his lover. 
"I love… I love you… I love you…" Lucien panted. 
"Me too, but let me love you good, yeah?" 
The Frenchman nodded, in a needy way, and that was it.
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