#Kenikari Lare
He has like 10-ish and I don't even know what they are (yet)...
"I'll just not eat--"
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chipistrate · 1 year
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"Just another unimportant Japanese coast city."
Hi @thekenikaridevblog :D
Found out about this game a bit ago when trying to find an old RPGmaker sources masterlist for my own game, and hearing that the demo is coming out soon is sick!! Very excited for it! Soooo I figured I'd draw something before it drops!
Admittedly dunno a whole lot about the game, but I went off what I did know/could find + vibes!
Can't wait for the demo!! From what I've read/seen on the blog it all looks really cool and interesting!! Can't wait to know more about these little guys,,
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
Summary: Lare is dead, as expected she freaks out a bit- it's her first time! Who can blame her? She'd like to consider herself lucky that someone else is there, if that someone else was helpful.
Warnings: Implied character death, check Ao3 port for full tags
Authors Note: @bree-sae wrote a fic, and I went, 'crossover time' and proceeded to explode. @sobredunia it's a Kenikari fanwork, I am obligated to tag you in every single piece of Kenikari I write ever.
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Why is it so bright? And warm? And never fucking ending, everywhere her eyes land all she can see is white.
Panic settles into her form and she's frozen where she stands, unable to move her legs. Wait, standing. She can, she can probably sit down if there's something that she's standing on. But she should be looking for an exit before anything else, try to scrape up some idea of how she got here.
So Lare walks. Presuming she's heading north instead of south. Or east instead of west. But she walks, she walks through the blank void laid out below and above and all around her.
She walks into someone and they both fall, she's quick to start apologizing. It's returned with a couple shockingly low it's fine's as she takes a moment to look at what she bumped into.
A humanoid, dirty blonde, orange outfit- snow gear in every essence of the word. He's got a knife stuck in the side of his throat but he doesn't seem to notice it. He blearily blinks himself back to awareness and he has indigo eyes.
"You're new here," Was what he said before anything else and that only left Lare with more questions than before.
"Where even is here?" Lare asked, trying her hardest to not ask a hundred other questions.
"This? This is death, you are dead, and so I am," He said and Lare could feel herself panicking, It must've shown because he was quick to try and rebuttal, "Don't worry! You aren't dead dead, you're just yet to return."
"You have a knife sticking out of your neck," Lare said, he feels around for it blindly. He gives a hum before tugging it out, there's almost no blood.
"Almost forgot about that, you get used to it after a while," He said as he drew his knees to his chest, "What's your name?"
"What's yours?" Lare spits back defensively.
"Kenny- Kenny McCormick, from South Park Colorado!" He wears a grin as he speaks despite the fact he's dead.
"I'm Lare," Lare said stiffly as she held out a hand to shake, Kenny gladly took in a shake.
"Look, I doubt you wanna talk about it but how did it happen?" Kenny asked.
Lare stiffens up, "Why would I tell you?"
"Helps the process go faster," Kenny answered with, "I mean, if you like purgatory I'm not judging."
"I'm pretty sure I froze to death," Was Lares response.
Kenny gives a hum, "Skill issue, anyways, my good friend stabbed me over something stupid- probably pissed I'd rather fuck Kyle than him, might've been monopoly."
Lare has so many questions at the statement.
"I don't know when you'll die next, but if your life is as cruel as mine I doubt we won't see each other again," Kenny said as he tightened his grip on Lare's hand, already fading.
She glanced down to her hand, "Oh fuck what's happening now?!"
"Relax man, you're just reincarnating," Kenny said calmly as Lare started to fade.
"What?!" She sounded distraught at the notions, Kenny placed a hand on her shoulder.
"You aren't gonna wake up a tadpole or some shit, you'll just end up back at home, or somewhere near your death- I don't know how your shtick works," Kenny said in an attempt to console her.
And then Lare passed out.
The time between her first death and the next death blur together in a horrible mix of everything and nothing at all. She can still hear him, that stupid voice singed into the back of her head and it's driving her mad. It was some dumb dream her brain produced while she was passed out in the cold room, nothing more.
Which leaves her with the question of how it felt so real.
The ice grasping at her skin. Chills seeping deeper into her lungs. Hands shaking her. Voices begging her to stay awake. It all felt so real, but when she asked questions, ever so subtle, worded carefully at that, they all looked at her like she was insane. Murasaki, Chuyo, Bee, even Mako and Detah- and maybe for a second she believed them that she was insane.
It had to be a dream, it could be nothing else. She pushed it all down and acted like it never happened because who would believe her if it had? No one, no one would believe her even if she wanted to act like they would.
She really hopes that releasing the cart when she trips is the right choice, that Bee and Mako make it out while she doesn't. She can feel the pain start at her feet and then crush the rest of her in an instant, she's sure she's been flattened into a paste rather than a pancake. She can hear Uzomi's scream of her name even after she's been thoroughly killed, the few seconds she gets before being thrust back into the void.
She finds that idiot in orange sipping on a juicebox with a slice down his throat that's still oozing. She walks over and takes a seat down beside him, he perks up a bit and has the audacity to smile.
"You're back!" Kenny sounds happy when he speaks, placing his juice box down beside his thigh as he speaks.
"I actually died," Lare got out quietly, disbelief heavy on her voice. She draws her knees to her chest, "And it's happened before."
"Yeah, the first couple times are always rough," Kenny said, voice softening a bit. He slings an arm around her shoulders, "I had an Italian who only communicates in wahoo! and yippee! with a heavy dose of body language for my first deaths."
"You had Jumpman Mario around when you died?" Lare asked, she sounded a bit hysterical.
"The one and only, he was hard to deal with, but I doubt he enjoyed consoling an idiot third grader who got turned to a platypus and mutilated," Kenny said as though it was common. Lare rested even more of her weight on him.
"Kenny when is it gonna stop?" She choked out quietly.
And Kenny didn't know how to tell her the truth.
"Well, I've been coming back here since the third grade and I'm what, fifteen? Yeah, about fifteen, so, a while," He got out sheepishly, "But hey! You aren't dying a lot which is nice, I used to die every single day."
"Really?" Lare asked, wrapping her arms around her legs as she spoke.
"Really, and then I got some weird ass disease that destroyed my muscle cells. I really thought that I was gonna stay dead when that happened, just me and Kyle, and then I was gone. I was here, but I wasn't there, and then I stayed here for weeks straight," Kenny said, he heaved a sigh, "But I'm back to my usual death schedule with slight alterations, so far you've only died twice which is rather impressive."
Lare was crying now.
"It'll be fine," Kenny said, "Promise," He rubbed Lares arm a bit.
Lare didn't answer.
"Ready to say how it happened?" Kenny asked.
"I was crushed to death by a rolling stone," Lare choked out on a strangled sob, "It was fast, but really shitty- children watched it happen Kenny! There were two kids who I hope lived even though I died."
"I'm sure that they did," Kenny said, he tightened his grip on her a bit, she wasn't fading yet.
"How about you? Who slit your throat over a game of monopoly?" Lare asked, almost jokingly. She had a gut feeling it would be much worse than that.
Kenny quirks a brow before realizing what she means, "Oh, that, that's nothing- most of the damage is internal. I don't know what they slid in through the hole," He brought his fingers to pull it open further and Lare gagged, "But it was something sharp and probably poison coated."
"Nasty," Lare said, sticking out her tongue a bit as she spoke.
"Super, but I've had worse deaths," Kenny said, he grinned a bit as he thought back on them, "Wanna hear?"
"Why not, pass the time or whatever," Lare said dismissively before her partner in death started to ramble.
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bree-sae · 1 year
I won't say too much but I'll just say that there will be a scene later on with Mura and Lare alone >:3
Oh my god
You are overfeeding us
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sobredunia · 25 days
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I'm writing the dialogue of a certain scene and i couldn't help but imagine everyone's faces as it happened. so i doodled it
You can play Kenikari here!
@rotkad @sansxfuckyou @7hefear @beetroot-merchant @ashingtonkisihita
@h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
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thekenikaridevblog · 5 months
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Happy lesbian visibility week to the lesbians ever
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astro-inthestars · 1 year
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Remember Dream Trail? Awesome indie game made by just some fellas with awesome talent???? HAVE ANOTHER ONE!!!!!
If YOU like games that include a buncha different characters with funky personalities (all of which you can befriend) getting stuck in a situation where they can all DIE (just like Danganr- Your Turn To Die!! (it's actually inspired by that!)) and you have to solve puzzles to make it out alive, THEN YOU'RE IN LUCK!!!
THIS IS KENIKARI learn more and download HERE hi the DEMO IS OUT AND IT'S SO GOOD!!!! (watch the trailer that's on the site btw it's amazing and so silly) Here's the devblog too <;3 @thekenikaridevblog
Here are the characters you meet!!! (minus the characters in the art above <3)
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Shoutout to @sobredunia (CREATOR!!! BTW!! SHE'S AWESOME!!) and @chipistrate (fellow Kenikari brainrotter and whO GOT ME INTO IT!!! YOU!! 🫵)
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Yes!! I'd love to see what the gang's up to :D
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[The screen darkens with the snap of his fingers. Without his presence or voice, the low buzzing noise of the monitor becomes noticeable. It hums for a few seconds before...]
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"They're all tasked to escape the room, simple as that. Though as a twist, these rooms will decrease in temperature every 5-10 minutes or so. If they don't want to die of frostbite, I say they should finish this quickly before the temperature reaches deadly degrees."
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thekenikarirpblog · 5 months
Who's the fruitiest in the group
everyone points in the direction of either Uzomi or Alex, except for Detah, who points to Murasaki.
i don't think you wanna know
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dr-mothman · 7 months
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@sobredunia woe, Lare be upon ye
(sorry for bad quality, CamScanner works horribly when rising the quality of drawings made by normal pencils)
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chipistrate · 1 year
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Lowkey burnt out on drawing from all the AF prep I've been doing, so here's some Kenikari doodles I made during my quick break
You should play the Kenikari demo Now <3
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sobredunia · 4 months
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Based off of this post
Your honor they're idiots but they're my idiots
@rotkad @sansxfuckyou @blackfright @ashs-hellhole @beetroot-merchant
@h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
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Kenikari as Limbus characters part 2 the electric boogaloo
[previous post here!]
My brain thought of something and it made me go into this shit so deep and now we have this...
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Me looking at IshmaLare and Queequeg Uzomi :
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sobredunia · 3 months
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Taking a quick break from doing art fight shitposts to do lesbian shitposts
@rotkad @sansxfuckyou @blackfright @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole
@h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
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I turned her into a moth :D
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sobredunia · 3 months
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a small lare for your consideration
headpat gifs and art taglist under the cut
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@rotkad @sansxfuckyou @blackfright @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole
@h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
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