arituzz · 7 years
Famous Last Words 3
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Summary: When your family was a wreck and your perfect girlfriend just left you for your irritating classmate, the only way to carry on was to make a truce with the enemy, right?
High school AU in which Simon and Baz pretend to be boyfriends to save Simon’s love life.
Chapter word count: 5.2k
Rating: T
Tags: High School AU, fake boyfriends, mutual pining, fluff, a little bit of angst (later on), music, theater, rock band
Also on AO3
Thanks to @velvetnoodle for being my amazing beta :)
Cherry and Scone had been Simon’s only friends until Penny came along. He told them everything. Simon was fully aware they were just cats, so they didn’t understand what Simon was saying, but he also knew that they could understand his feelings; they were always there for him when he was sick or sad.
Simon had taken them in from the streets when he was ten years old. He took pity of them and decided to hide the kittens in his room. Eventually, Davy found out about them and tried to kick them out on many occasions. But they always came back to Simon.
“Baz kissed me,” he told them. Cherry looked at him and meowed. “Yeah, yeah, I know he only did it because Ebb was standing behind me.” Simon brought his finger to his lips “He kissed me…” It was now Scone who looked at Simon as if accusing him. “Don’t look at me like that! I know he isn’t my real boyfriend. I don’t want him to be.” Cherry yawned and left for the dining room. Scone started licking his brown fur. “Okay, fine, I’ll shut up,” he said, picking Scone up and going to his room. “But, for the record, I’m not obsessed. And I didn’t like it.”
Simon tried to sleep. He really did try. But all he managed to do was: Toss and turn in bed for thirty minutes, get some midnight snacks, roam some more, annoy the cats, zap through the many TV channels—no, seriously, so many; but sadly, quantity and quality were often indirectly proportional and Simon always ended up watching the Nature channel. But today he couldn’t even enjoy the Nature channel. He couldn’t stop thinking about how the following day would go. If Baz would kiss him again…
He walked out of the sofa and decided to go to the school roof. At least there he could see the stars.
Simon knew that the trip to Watford would take him half an hour. He also knew that it would be dark in the streets, and that the autumn weather wouldn’t be gentle. Another thing he knew was that he would have to climb the entrance in order to get in. What Simon didn’t know was what he’d find once he was there. Or rather, who.
There was Baz, leaning against the wall. It was not his usual, smugly, casual Baz Lean that he pulled off to pretend he didn’t care about anything. It was quite the opposite. The back of his head was resting on the wall with his right arm up above his forehead, his face tilted upwards. His eyes were closed and his chest moved up and down as he breathed. It almost looked like he was crying. A cigarette was consuming itself between his fingers. 
Baz took a deep breath before opening his eyes. “Snow,” he said, and tossed the remnants of the cigarette on the floor. He quickly shifted from his position to a full-on Baz Lean — arms and legs crossed, shit-eating grin. “Have you been following me again?”
“What? No!” Simon protested. “I couldn’t sleep,” he confessed. Then he added, “Just like you.”
Baz arched his eyebrows. “What makes you think so?”
Simon didn’t know how he knew it. He just did. It was always like that with Baz. Simon shrugged.
Unexpectedly, a comfortable silence followed, in which Baz slid down, sitting on the ground, and Simon took the opportunity to look at the night sky. It was one of his favourite things about the roof. Sometimes, Simon liked to imagine he could fly and leave all his problems behind. Except, this time he didn’t really feel like escaping. Simon didn’t exactly understand why, but, right then, Baz felt more like a solution than a problem.
Simon looked back at Baz, who was staring straight into the distance, a blank look on his face. There was clearly something troubling him and Simon was determined to know what it was. “Twenty questions,” he said, like a revelation.
That seemed to bring Baz back to Earth. “What?”
“We could play twenty questions,” Simon explained. “You know, to get to know each other better. Since we’re boyfriends and all.”
“We are nothing,” Baz spat.
“I know. But we should know about each other if we’re going to pretend to be dating.” Simon sat on the floor beside Baz, leaning his shoulder against the wall.
“Fine,” Baz said after a long silence. “Let’s play your stupid game.” He took his packet of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and lit one.
Simon asked the first thing that came to his mind: “Why do you smoke?”
“I like it.”
“It’s gross. Stop it.”
“Because you tell me to?” Baz bitterly laughed.
“Well, yeah,” Simon said, matter-of-factly. “I don’t want to kiss an ashtray.”
“Fine,” Baz said, puffing out smoke. “Then I won’t kiss you anymore.”
“You know what?” said Simon, his fingers fidgeting in his hoodie pocket. Forget it…”
“What?” Baz smirked. “You want me to kiss you again?”
“No! I mean… Yes?” Simon said, playing with the palms of his hands. Baz never failed to make him nervous. Ever. “For the sake of our relationship.”
“Our fake relationship,” Baz supplied.
“Then you’ll have to bear with it,” Baz said, taking a puff on his cigarette. “The smoking.”
“Can’t you at least try?”
“Mind your own business, Snow,” he said. “Why do you work?”
“It’s my turn asking,” Baz said. “I didn’t know your family had economic problems.”
“Well… Technically we don’t. But my dad encourages me to work,” Simon said, quoting his father. “He says that’ll sharpen my sword. Whatever that means,” he continued. “But it’s fine, I love working at the flower shop. Ebb is great. I think I want to be a florist, too,” Simon confessed. “Do you like flowers?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“Just answer.”
“No,” Baz said, hurriedly. “Do you have a bad relationship with your father?”
“Yeah…” Simon said. And then, God knows why, he added, “We’re just very different people.” Simon didn’t know why he was opening up to Baz, of all people, but he kept talking, “Davy has great plans for me, and I just… I just want to be happy.”
Baz stood in silence for a moment. “It’s your turn, Snow,” he finally said.
“Right,” said Simon. “Where have you been?”
Baz didn’t answer.
“Baz?” Simon asked, more worried than impatient.
Baz pressed his fingertips into his forehead. “I’m too sober for this.”
“Baz…” Simon pried.
It wasn’t until after some minutes, that Baz looked back at Simon and said, “Do you promise me you won’t dig in if I tell you?”
“No,” Simon said. “You have to tell me, it’s how the game goes.”
Baz got up to leave. “Then fuck the game.”
“Baz! Wait,” Simon shouted after him. “I won’t ask any more questions,” he said. “I promise.”
Baz stopped on his tracks and turned to look at Simon. His eyes were piercing him. He let out a breath and then, very quietly, he said, “I was in jail.”
It took Simon a moment to process Baz’s words. Baz had been in jail. It took Simon the best of him not to ask why. Simon wondered if that was why he wanted his help. “It’s your turn,” he managed to say.
“I don’t want to play anymore,” Baz said. “Let’s go to sleep.”
“Okay,” Simon conceded. “Uhm… Can you drive me home?”
“Fine. But no questions.”
“No questions,” Simon reluctantly agreed.
They were silent for the rest of the trip home; except for Simon’s thoughts, that couldn’t be louder. His brain couldn’t stop providing possible scenarios for Baz’s incarceration: Drunk driving, drug possession, drug dealing, stealing…
“Get out of the bloody car.”
Simon hadn’t realized they were parked before his house. “Oh. Right.”
Out of the blue, Baz said, “You should sleep through all morning.”
“I work at nine.”
“Then call and say you’re feeling sick.”
“No… I’ll be fine,” Simon said. “Why are you so worried about me?”
Baz tsked. “I’m not worried about you,” he said. “I don’t want to be the boyfriend of a zombie, that’s all.”
Simon looked at Baz’s eye-bags and guessed that one zombie in the relationship was enough. Although, Simon had always thought Baz was secretly a vampire. No human could be that fast on the pitch. Or that bloody good-looking. But he didn’t tell Baz. “Sure,” he said and went out of the car. “You should sleep, too.”
“Goodbye, Snow,” Baz said, starting the engine. Simon could barely close the door before Baz drove off.
Simon went to work without sleeping at all. Ebb insisted that he should go home and rest, but Simon was just fine. Sleepy, yes, but he could still work. There was no way he was going back home. (Simon would rather slip into a coma than miss a day of work.)
Plus, it was Saturday, which meant flower deliveries. Simon fucking loved flower deliveries. Not only because he got to drive a scooter, but also because he loved the way people’s faces lit up when receiving flowers. It was one of the greatest feelings ever.
Time passed quickly, the way it always did when Simon was working–when he was happy–and soon it was noon and his thoughts about Baz and the date they were supposed to be having that day made their way back to the top of Simon’s head.
If they weren’t really dating, did they have to go through the trouble of going on dates? Did Baz just say it because Dev and Niall were there? That would make sense. But… he also said he’d come, when none of his friends were around. That made less sense.
Soon enough, Simon stopped obsessing over Baz and The Date and started panicking instead. It was almost four in the afternoon and he hadn’t even changed. Not because he hadn’t tried, though. He’d spent the last half hour rummaging through his wardrobe, but everything was useless. Suddenly, it felt like he didn’t have any clothes at all. At least, none that were good enough to impress Baz.
Then, a thought smacked him: Why was he trying to impress Baz?
But before he could get the answer, the doorbell rang.
Simon looked at his phone. It was four o’clock sharp. Shit. Simon sighed, slipped into the first shirt and pair of jeans he saw, hoping it wouldn’t be too terrible, and went for the door.
“Hey,” he tried to say but his voice faltered. Because, holy fuck: Baz was all dressed up and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand — red carnations, which in flower language meant “my heart aches for you.” (Not that Baz knew, of course.) (In Baz language it probably meant something along the lines of  “I really despise you but, since I am so cool, I bought you roses. Or whatever these are.” )
Baz wasn’t in a suit, but close. He was wearing a black, fitted blazer, dark jeans—not shredded!—a silk plaid shirt, and a pair of shoes that were probably made in Italy.
Baz looked at Simon from top to bottom in a disgusted face. “Seriously?” he said.
“What?” Simon asked, and then he realized Baz was looking at Simon’s clothes. Oh. “What’s wrong with my clothes?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
Baz cocked an eyebrow. “Everything?”
“Should I go change?”
Baz hesitated and pursed his lips in an awkward face, avoiding Simon’s stare. “No,” he said. Simon had seen that face before — Baz was probably blushing. “We’ll be late for the movie.”
“Okay,” Simon shrugged. “Let me put these in water,” he said, taking the flowers. “And, uhm. Thanks.”
They arrived at the theater with plenty of time to spare.
They discussed which movie they would watch, while they stood in queue. Baz wanted to watch a belic movie, Dunkirk or something, whereas Simon prefered a comedy. Or an animated movie.
“We’re not watching Cars 2,” Baz argued.
“Three,” Simon corrected. “Why not?”
Baz rolled his eyes. “I won’t. If you want to watch it, go by yourself.”
Fine. If Baz wasn’t ready to acknowledge that some animated films were brilliant, it wasn’t Simon’s fault. Whatever. “What about a horror one?” Simon suggested.
“No,” Baz said, almost too quickly and averting his eyes. “I’m not in the mood for a horror movie.”
Yeah. Sure. Right. Simon didn’t buy it, not even for a second. He was delighted to know that Baz I-put-a-lot-of-effort-into-having-a-scary-appearance Pitch was actually afraid of horror movies. Best thing he’d heard all day.
“Why are you grinning like an idiot?” asked Baz.
“Nothing,” Simon said, biting his lip.
“Stop it.”
Simon faked a stern face but only made it worse and had a laugh attack.
“Boys,” someone brought their attention. It was the girl in the ticket window. “Less flirting, more choosing,” she said. “I don’t have all day.”
“Two tickets for Wonder Woman,” said Baz. “Please.”
They entered the theater room a couple of minutes late because Simon wanted to buy popcorn and candy bars. Who the hell doesn’t? thought Simon. Baz was annoyed because he missed the movie teasers, one of the best things about going to the theater, he said. Simon wondered from what fucking planet he’d come. Probably one far from the Solar System, like Kepler-22b. Or Qo’noS.
It turned out, Wonder Woman was the best freaking movie ever. Simon didn’t really like Superhero movies that much, but this one was different. Plus, Diana was fucking cute.
When the movie ended, Baz didn’t say anything, he just smirked at Simon.
If Baz weren’t evil, he’d be bloody perfect, too. Actually, Baz would make a pretty competent superhero, Simon thought. And so he told him.
“Are you shitting me, Snow?” asked Baz.
“What? No,” said Simon. “Why?”
“Are you saying that, among the two of us, I would make a good superhero?”
“If you weren’t evil.”
Baz smirked. “Everyone knows you’d be the chosen one, Snow.”
“What do you mean?” Simon asked.
“Are you honestly telling me you don’t see your fucking giant hero complex?”
“My what?”
“You like to take sacrifices for the rest,” Baz explained. “So everyone can go behind you, licking your bloody arse.”
“It’s called being nice,” argued Simon. “You should try it sometime.”
Baz simply said, “You’d be the Chosen One.”
“I’m not Chosen One material,” Simon protested. “I’m not special.”
Baz swallowed, frowning at Simon. “You’d be the worst Chosen One that’s ever been chosen.”
Yeah, there he was right. “And you’d be the broody villain, making everyone unhappy because of how deeply misunderstood he was.”
Baz looked like he was about to deny it but he was cut off by a member of the theater staff, asking them to leave the room so they could clean. Apparently, they’d been talking for some time after the movie ended.
They decided to go to the Wavering Café by foot, since it was only a five minute walk away.
They were arguing about something stupid when Baz grabbed Simon’s hand and pulled him into an alley.
Two thoughts immediately crossed Simon’s mind: Baz was going to beat him up; or, Baz was going to snog him senseless. That’s what always happened in movies and fanfiction.
But he did neither. Thankfully. Baz was looking carefully at the main street, as if he didn’t want someone to see him. Then it clicked for Simon: They were hiding.
Simon tempted a look at the street and recognized a woman, Baz’s aunt Fiona. “Why are we hiding from your aunt?”
“She may or may not think I have a date,” Baz explained.
“Why would she think that?” asked Simon.
Baz looked at him as if he was utterly stupid. “Because I told her?”
“Then why are we hiding?”
“I didn’t tell her the date was with you,” Baz said. “She doesn’t like you.”
Simon was well aware Baz’s family hated him and his father, but he couldn’t care less — the feeling was mutual. Plus, Baz’s dad was a dentist, and Simon didn’t trust dentists. (The electric chair was invented by a dentist.)
And despite all his makeup and all the effort he put into looking like a bad boy, Baz was kind of cute right now. He was just a boy, hiding from his aunt. Simon thought he liked Baz like that, when he forgot to be evil. It almost didn’t feel like a fake date.
But yeah, no. Baz was the enemy. And the fact that they were still holding hands didn’t make it any easier to hate him.
“Okay, she’s gone,” he said. “We can go.”
Baz let go of Simon’s hand and they resumed their way to the Wavering Café.
As Simon had expected, Agatha was working today. Simon knew she liked her work way more than she liked Watford. Agatha was a good student, she also did ballet and was in the school chorus, but only in the Wavering Café did she look like she was in her place.
Mindy was working today, too.
Baz supported his arm against the bar counter and looked at Simon. “What do you want, love?” he asked.
“Uh… I…” Simon was suddenly nervous. “Tea, please,” he said to Mindy. “And cherry scones.”
Baz said, “Pumpkin mocha breve for me.”
“Pumpkin what?” Mindy asked.
Baz explained Mindy how to prepare his ridiculous beverage while Simon made an apologetic face to her.
“Thanks, Mindy,” Simon said when she gave them what they ordered.
They settled on a nearby table, just the right distance from Agatha that it didn’t seem too deliberate.
“Did you know that a snail can sleep for three years?”
Baz looked at Simon over his cup. “Why the fuck would I know that?”
Simon shrugged. “Just trying to make conversation,” he said, stuffing a scone into his mouth. Then, he pointed at Baz’s cup and asked, “Is that good?”
“Try it,” Baz said, handing the cup to Simon.
It was the second time he had offered Simon an indirect kiss. Of course Baz wouldn’t think of that as much as Simon did… He probably didn’t think about it at all.
Simon took the cup, his fingers brushing Baz’s and took a sip. “It’s too sweet,” he concluded, and gave the drink back to Baz.
Baz snorted. “Says the one who’s just eaten his weight in sweets.”
“Yeah, eaten,” said Simon. “Drinking is different.”
Baz turned out to be a pretty decent company, when he wasn’t trying to make Simon’s life miserable. They talked about their schedules, even though Simon already knew exactly when and where Baz dedicated his spare time. (Except for the band thing.) (And the being in jail thing.)
“What a mess,” Baz said all of a sudden, with a displeased look. Seeing that Simon didn’t understand, he elaborated, “Your shirt.”
Simon looked at his white shirt. Except it wasn’t white anymore. Eating the scones had led to accidentally staining the shirt, which was now of a reddish colour. “Yeah… S’okay,” said Simon.
Baz arched an eyebrow. “It’s not?”
“It’s an old shirt anyway… Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not fucking worried about that, you idiot.” Baz lowered his voice because some people were looking at them, Agatha included. Then, he put his hand over Simon’s on the table, intertwining their  fingers. “I’m worried because now everybody will see me, and you, like this,” he said, gesturing towards Simon’s shirt. “They will all know you don’t care.”
“Care about what?”
“About me.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry,” Simon said. “When does the gig start?”
“At ten, why?”
“We can go to my place before it starts, so I can change,” said Simon. And then he added, “I can also make sandwiches if you want.”
“Will you perform like that?” Simon asked Baz.
“No,” he replied. “I have spare clothes in the car.”
“Oh. Okay.”
The first and only person Simon had brought home was Penny. Although they both prefered to hang out at hers, she often visited him and helped him with his homework before settling on the sofa and marathoning Doctor Who. Penny was used to Simon’s mess of a room and even though she didn’t like Davy, they tolerated each other.
With Baz, it was a whole new experience. It was like he himself was seeing the house for the first time, noticing everything that was wrong with it: the awkwardness of the decoration, the severe lack of family pictures… His eyes localized every speck of dirt, every little imperfection and maximized it ten times.
“Sorry for the mess,” was all Simon could say. Baz didn’t say anything but, knowing him, Simon was sure he was regurgitating inside.
Cherry and Scone abandoned their place on the sofa–they fucking knew how much Davy hated them sleeping on his cross-stitched pillows, Simon couldn’t be more proud of them—and came to say hi to Simon.
When they saw Baz, the cats started rubbing against him—of course they did, cats went to negative energy, and Baz was a giant focus of it. He was like the Santa Claus of negativity, delivering it indiscriminately. Negativity for everyone. Simon was almost 100% sure that was Baz’s life motto.
Baz looked like he was constipated.
“Wait. You’re not allergic to cats, are you?” asked Simon.
“No. I’m not,” he said it like it was a bad thing. “My jeans are ruined.”
Fucking hell, no. Baz wasn’t allergic to cats. He was allergic to happiness.
“Your bathroom,” Baz said. “Can I use it?”
“Sure,” said Simon, shrugging.
Baz waited.
“Oh. It’s down the corridor,” Simon explained. “I’ll be in my room,” he said, gesturing towards his room door.
Baz nodded and went for the toilet.
Simon fed the cats and went to his room. He yanked off his shirt and threw it on the dirty clothes pile, aka the floor. He opened his wardrobe again and had this feeling of deja vu. What was the clothing etiquette for attending your fake boyfriend’s gig?
Simon had never been to a concert. Not because he didn’t like music, he loved music. But he prefered the theater over the club.
He decided to consult the oracle, which was normally Penny or, in her absence, google. Simon grabbed his phone and typed ‘appropriate clothes to wear to a satanic band concert.’
Dark clothes, apparently. Was he supposed to wear makeup, too? Simon looked at his clothes. There were many white shirts: Red shirts, yellow shirts, orange shirts, a couple of blue shirts, a grey shirt—with green letters that read Everyone deserves a chance to fly from Wicked, that Penny had given him last Christmas—and one single dark shirt with a glow-in-the-dark TARDIS on it.
“I couldn’t find your–” Baz started as he entered the room. Simon turned around and caught his eye. Baz looked away, swallowing. “Hand soap.”
“Davy doesn’t let me buy it,” Simon explained. “Says it’s harmful for my skin. We have hand sanitizer…”
Simon suddenly felt self-conscious and exposed so he grabbed the Doctor Who shirt and put it on.
Baz was looking intently at the room walls — they were filled with Simon’s drawings. Mostly portraits of Cherry and Scone, some of Penny and Agatha, and also some weird surreal stuff that came to his mind. (Dragons, vampires, magic…)
Baz shifted his gaze to Simon’s shirt. “No way,” he said. “You’re not wearing that to my concert.”
“Why not?”
Then Baz said, very carefully, making a full stop after every word, “My boyfriend is not going to wear a fucking Doctor Who shirt to my fucking gig.”
“Uhm. Then you choose,” Simon told him, gesturing towards his wardrobe.
Baz sighed. “I’ll just give you one of the band.”
“Yes, I’ll be right back.”
Meanwhile, Simon went to the kitchen and prepared the sandwiches.
Baz came back completely changed: he was still wearing jeans, but these were black and shredded, and he wore a black T-shirt that read THE INSIDIOUS HUMDRUM in blood red decorative letters, and a red skull with a pair of drums instead of bones. He handed Simon another one. “Large, right?”
“Your size.”
“Oh,” Simon realized. Everyone always guessed he used a medium size but Simon’s shoulders were actually too broad, so he had to take a larger size. “Yeah. Thanks.”
Simon took the shirt and put it aside for later, he didn’t want to ruin it while eating the sandwiches.
They were almost late for Baz’s gig at the World of Mages. And, surprisingly, Baz wasn’t too grumpy about it. Although it wasn’t entirely Simon’s fault—they both had forgotten to look at the clock—Simon expected Baz to blame him anyway. But he didn’t. And it was not like Baz to miss the opportunity to practice his favourite sport: complaining about Simon.
Baz left Simon on the entrance and went to the backstage without saying a word.
“Simon!” His thoughts were halted by Penny’s arms around him. She loved to hug him. “Oh my God, you’re wearing a band shirt! Wait, are you wearing makeup?”
“Just eyeliner.” Simon shrugged. “Baz insisted.”
“Look who’s there,” said Penny, visibly annoyed, pointing towards the other side of the room where Rhys, Gareth, and Trixie were.
“Great!” Simon said, excited. “The guys came too.” He wasn’t sure they’d come, he knew Rhys didn’t like pubs. (Mostly because pubs didn’t like Rhys, either, since many of them weren’t exactly wheelchair friendly.)
“No,” Penny said. “Trixie. Did you invite her, too?”
“Uh… I don’t think so?” Simon didn’t bother to tell her that the Penny-Trixie rivalry was ridiculous and completely one-sided, he had already tried many times before, unsuccessfully. Penny and Trixie were deskmates, like Simon and Baz, but all Penny could complain about was Trixie’s girlfriend, Keris, sometimes occupying her seat. At least her deskmate wasn’t an evil ex-con who tried to bring her downfall.
Besides, Simon liked Trixie. She was with him in drama class and it was fun. She was a bit manic, but she was nice.
A few minutes afterwards the lights of the club went out and someone started playing the drums. A few people whistled in excitement. Then, the stage came to life as the rest of the band started playing, too, illuminated by a couple of light focus: Niall at the bass, Dev at the drums, Baz at the guitar. Simon could feel his heart on his throat. It was an incredible sensation, actually.
A girl came into the stage and started singing. Keris.
“Guess that explains the Trixie thing,” Simon whispered into Penny’s ear. She just harrumphed.
Penny and Simon went to the front with Gareth, Rhys, and Trixie.
For some reason, Simon couldn’t look away from Baz. He couldn’t stop watching how his slim dark fingers danced along each string. He couldn’t help notice how he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip. He also sang the chorus alongside Niall.
They played a few songs Simon hadn’t heard before and then one caught his attention.
I’m strong on the surface… Not all the way through.
Baz was singing it, not just the chorus. Simon knew what song it was because he’d listened to it many times in Baz’s car. It was “Leave Out All The Rest”, by Linkin Park. Simon liked that song. He loved it, actually. And hearing it played by Baz—and sung!—was… otherworldly.
Baz’s voice was raspy and deep, which kind of contradicted another adjective that came to Simon’s head: Sweet.
After the concert, the band reunited with the rest and Simon didn’t know why he did it but he went to Baz and hugged him. Baz stiffened under his touch but Simon felt his cold hands grazing his back.
For the record, if Baz asked, he’d hugged him to keep the appearances.
“That was amazing,” Simon said, pulling away. “Honestly, wow.”
They stayed for a while before everyone went separate ways.
Simon didn’t remember how he’d got to his bed.
The last thing he remembered was dozing off in Baz’s car. He was so tired.
He decided it didn’t matter, and went to the kitchen to prepare himself breakfast. It was already midday, but it was also Sunday and that gave him the liberty to follow his own meal timetable, which was: Breakfast at noon, lunch sometime in the afternoon, dinner at 10ish, all kinds of snacks in-between.
Simon stepped into the kitchen, almost missing Davy eating spaghetti on the small table.
“Simon,” he said with his mouth full. “Sorry, I finished all the pasta. I think there’s a couple of eggs or something in the fridge.”
“Don’t worry,” said Simon, even though he knew Davy didn’t really worry. “I’ll go buy something later.”
“Good, great,” said his father. “We need after-shave, too. Can you buy it?”
By we Davy meant I, because Simon didn’t even grow a beard yet. “Sure,” he said, and went to prepare himself a couple of toasts.
Simon took the butter from the fridge and put it on the table while the toasts were making. Davy added his empty plate to the pile of dirty dishes filling the sink and resumed reading his newspaper with a cup of coffee. Simon guessed he’d have to clean that later.
Almost overlapped, two thoughts—memories, rather—flashed through Simon’s mind. One: Baz’s face when he saw the dirty dishes pile. Two: Baz carrying him to his room.
Like, in his arms.
Just as Simon was absorbed by this new mental image, the bread popped up out of the toaster, making Simon step back. And his heart almost explode.
Davy seemed to notice Simon’s distress. “Are you alright, Simon?” he asked, without looking up from his newspaper.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Simon replied, recovering from the heart attack. Simon couldn’t see his own face but, judging from the surge of heat rushing through his cheeks, he was sure he could be easily mistaken with a tomato.
“How’s your girlfriend, Amanda?” his father asked.
“Agatha is fine.” Simon pondered what situation would piss Davy off most, given the improbable event that he was genuinely interested. He went with the truth. “We broke up.”
“Good, good.”
“I’m going out with Baz.”
“That’s great, Simon,” his father said, finishing his coffee.
“Basilton Pitch, you know?” Simon insisted.
“I have to go, Simon,” Davy said, standing up. “You tell me about your little quarrel with the Pitch boy later, okay?” He gave Simon a pat on the shoulder and left.
Simon took his lunch and brought it to his room.
Out of the gazillion things he wanted to ask Baz about the previous night—and the jail issue—he opted for just sending him a thank-you text. He typed:
thx for carrying me to my room
Simon dedicated the whole afternoon to some of his favourite activities: Drawing and listening to music. At the same time he realised what he was drawing—Baz and the band—a rather disturbing question plagued Simon’s mind. He grabbed his phone again and sent him:
WAIT did u undress me?
But Baz, who Simon was convinced had made a deal with Satan to make Simon’s life a living hell, didn’t reply until late in the night. All he said was:
You are welcome
[Chapter 4]
Rest In Peace Chester Bennington. You left so many reasons to be missed…♡
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threedillusionmusic · 6 years
3d Edit Songs by ~ Yaar Punjabian ~ Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel This Channel is Convert Normal Surround Sound Song To 3d 360° Surround Sound Song And This Channel Is Hindi. if You Like This Song Don't Forget To Like, Comment & Share Click Here To Subscribe For New Songs : #follow3dsongs, #follow8daudio #followpunjabi3fSongs #nawab, YOUTUBE :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqto2KCM-x8T3M5Cl6Tnwjw SOUNDCLOUD :- https://ift.tt/2QPjBSm ~~~~~#yaarpunjabian,___~~~~~~~ Kamli - Mankirt Aulakh ( 3D Audio ) | Virtual 3d Audio | 3D Song | 3D Audio Songs Hindi Song Credit & information SONG CREDIT : Presenting latest punjabi song of 2018: Follow sung by Nawab. The music of new punjabi song is given by Mista Baaz while lyrics are penned by Korwalia Maan. Enjoy and stay connected with us !! Song: Follow Singer: Nawab Music: Mista Baaz Mix & Master: Sameer Charegaonkar DOP: Iqbal Kamboz Project By: Inderjit Kumar Kaushal Video: Parm Chahal Lyrics: Korwalia Maan Music Label: T-Series Operator Codes: 1. Follow Vodafone Subscribers Dial 53710527118 Airtel Subscribers Dial 5432116548073 Idea Subscribers Dial 5678910527118 Tata DoCoMo Subscribers dial 54321110527118 BSNL (South / East) Subscribers sms BT 10527118 To 56700 BSNL (North / West) Subscribers sms BT 7122055 To 56700 Virgin Subscribers sms TT 10527118 To 58475 MTNL Subscribers sms PT 10527118 To 56789 ------------------------------------------------------------ Set " Follow" song as your caller tune sms FLW1 To 54646 Set " Follow - Dil Utte Dang" song as your caller tune sms FLW2 To 54646 Set " Follow - Jatt" song as your caller tune sms FLW3 To 54646 Set " Follow - Toor" song as your caller tune sms FLW4 To 54646 ---------------------------------------------- #PunjabiMusic3dAudioNumber1YoutubeChanne, 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS __ Disclaimer: I do not own all the material I am posting on My channel. If you are a copyright owner and want your work to be removed from My channel PLEASE contact at [email protected] or leave a comment or message me on social media i provided and I will remove your material right away. PLEASE do not opt for a youtube strike ___ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use👌👌👌👌👌 yaarpunjabian by 3d illusionmusic
0 notes
etsy2016 · 7 years
500 Vintage Thank You Stickers Size 40mm Square Labels 500 Labels On Roll by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
500 Vintage Thank You stickers For Envelopes Size 40mm Square Stickers On Roll • Peel and stick Thank You stickers for envelope seals • Quantity: 1 Roll of 500 thanks you stickers / labels • Thank you square stickers size is: 4 centimeters / 40mm • PEEL AND STICK circle stickers - than you stickers self adhesive labels with permanent Hot-Melt (HE15) glue • Glue HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers - 2,86mm and stickers roll core diameter is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: red / white • Material for thank you stickers labels: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : Thank You • Winding: outside • Perforation: no • Winding: outside • Used them on plain paper bags or to add a special finishing touch to any gift! ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - European Union: 5-14 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/513255669/500-vintage-thank-you-stickers-size-40mm?ref=rss
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arituzz · 7 years
okay no promises but i'm gonna try to post a fic on thursday and flw3 on sunday
6 notes · View notes
threedillusionmusic · 6 years
3d Edit Songs by ~ Yaar Punjabian ~ Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel This Channel is Convert Normal Surround Sound Song To 3d 360° Surround Sound Song And This Channel Is Hindi. if You Like This Song Don't Forget To Like, Comment & Share Click Here To Subscribe For New Songs : YOUTUBE :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqto2KCM-x8T3M5Cl6Tnwjw SOUNDCLOUD :- https://ift.tt/2QPjBSm ~~~~~#yaarpunjabian,___~~~~~~~ Kamli - Mankirt Aulakh ( 3D Audio ) | Virtual 3d Audio | 3D Song | 3D Audio Songs Hindi Song Credit & information SONG CREDIT : Presenting latest punjabi song of 2018: Follow sung by Nawab. The music of new punjabi song is given by Mista Baaz while lyrics are penned by Korwalia Maan. Enjoy and stay connected with us !! Song: Follow Singer: Nawab Music: Mista Baaz Mix & Master: Sameer Charegaonkar DOP: Iqbal Kamboz Project By: Inderjit Kumar Kaushal Video: Parm Chahal Lyrics: Korwalia Maan Music Label: T-Series Operator Codes: 1. Follow Vodafone Subscribers Dial 53710527118 Airtel Subscribers Dial 5432116548073 Idea Subscribers Dial 5678910527118 Tata DoCoMo Subscribers dial 54321110527118 BSNL (South / East) Subscribers sms BT 10527118 To 56700 BSNL (North / West) Subscribers sms BT 7122055 To 56700 Virgin Subscribers sms TT 10527118 To 58475 MTNL Subscribers sms PT 10527118 To 56789 ------------------------------------------------------------ Set " Follow" song as your caller tune sms FLW1 To 54646 Set " Follow - Dil Utte Dang" song as your caller tune sms FLW2 To 54646 Set " Follow - Jatt" song as your caller tune sms FLW3 To 54646 Set " Follow - Toor" song as your caller tune sms FLW4 To 54646 ---------------------------------------------- #PunjabiMusic3dAudioNumber1YoutubeChanne, 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS __ Disclaimer: I do not own all the material I am posting on My channel. If you are a copyright owner and want your work to be removed from My channel PLEASE contact at [email protected] or leave a comment or message me on social media i provided and I will remove your material right away. PLEASE do not opt for a youtube strike ___ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use👌👌👌👌👌 yaarpunjabian
0 notes
threedillusionmusic · 6 years
3d Edit Songs by ~ Yaar Punjabian ~ Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel This Channel is Convert Normal Surround Sound Song To 3d 360° Surround Sound Song And This Channel Is Hindi. if You Like This Song Don't Forget To Like, Comment & Share Click Here To Subscribe For New Songs : YOUTUBE :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqto2KCM-x8T3M5Cl6Tnwjw SOUNDCLOUD :- https://ift.tt/2QPjBSm ~~~~~#yaarpunjabian,___~~~~~~~ Kamli - Mankirt Aulakh ( 3D Audio ) | Virtual 3d Audio | 3D Song | 3D Audio Songs Hindi Song Credit & information SONG CREDIT : Presenting latest punjabi song of 2018: Follow sung by Nawab. The music of new punjabi song is given by Mista Baaz while lyrics are penned by Korwalia Maan. Enjoy and stay connected with us !! Song: Follow Singer: Nawab Music: Mista Baaz Mix & Master: Sameer Charegaonkar DOP: Iqbal Kamboz Project By: Inderjit Kumar Kaushal Video: Parm Chahal Lyrics: Korwalia Maan Music Label: T-Series Operator Codes: 1. Follow Vodafone Subscribers Dial 53710527118 Airtel Subscribers Dial 5432116548073 Idea Subscribers Dial 5678910527118 Tata DoCoMo Subscribers dial 54321110527118 BSNL (South / East) Subscribers sms BT 10527118 To 56700 BSNL (North / West) Subscribers sms BT 7122055 To 56700 Virgin Subscribers sms TT 10527118 To 58475 MTNL Subscribers sms PT 10527118 To 56789 ------------------------------------------------------------ Set " Follow" song as your caller tune sms FLW1 To 54646 Set " Follow - Dil Utte Dang" song as your caller tune sms FLW2 To 54646 Set " Follow - Jatt" song as your caller tune sms FLW3 To 54646 Set " Follow - Toor" song as your caller tune sms FLW4 To 54646 ---------------------------------------------- #PunjabiMusic3dAudioNumber1YoutubeChanne, 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS __ Disclaimer: I do not own all the material I am posting on My channel. If you are a copyright owner and want your work to be removed from My channel PLEASE contact at [email protected] or leave a comment or message me on social media i provided and I will remove your material right away. PLEASE do not opt for a youtube strike ___ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use👌👌👌👌👌 yaarpunjabian
0 notes
etsy2016 · 7 years
1000 Black Thank You Stickers Round Labels Size 25mm Labels On Roll by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
1000 Thank You stickers For Envelopes Size 25mm Round Stickers Labels On Roll • Peel and stick Thank You stickers for envelope seals • Quantity: 1 Roll of 1000 thanks you stickers / labels • Thank you circle stickers size is: 2.5 centimeters / 25mm / 1" Inch • PEEL AND STICK circle stickers - than you stickers self adhesive labels with permanent Hot-Melt (HE15) glue • Glue HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers - 1,46mm and stickers roll core diametre is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: black • Material for thank you stickers labels: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : Thank You • Winding: outside • Perforation: no • Winding: outside • Used them on plain paper bags or to add a special finishing touch to any gift! ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - European Union: 5-14 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/499767512/1000-black-thank-you-stickers-round?ref=rss
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etsy2016 · 7 years
500 Made With Love Stickers Size 40mm Square Labels On Roll by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
500 Made With Love Stickers For Envelopes Size 40mm Square Stickers On Roll • Peel and stick made with love stickers for envelope seals • Quantity: 1 Roll of 500 labels / labels • Stickers size is: 4 centimeters / 40mm • PEEL AND STICK square stickers - self adhesive labels with permanent Hot-Melt (HE15) glue • Glue HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers - 2,86mm and stickers roll core diameter is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: red / white • Material for made with love labels: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : Made With Love • Winding: outside • Perforation: no • Winding: outside • Used them on plain paper bags or to add a special finishing touch to any gift! ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - European Union: 5-14 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/534461229/500-made-with-love-stickers-size-40mm?ref=rss
0 notes
etsy2016 · 7 years
1000 Labels per Roll! Transparent Round Labels 1.25 inch / 30mm / 3cm Diameter - Peel And Stick! by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
1000 Envelope Seals Stickers Clear Labels Round 30mm For Product Packaging Size 3cm Diameter • Clear labels round 30mm are perfect as envelope seals stickers, box seal stickers or use it for sealing bags or package • 1000 pcs. adhesive labels roll clear round stickers for product packaging. • Label size for clear labels stickers is 3cm diameter 30mm • PEEL AND STICK circle stickers - self adhesive labels with permanent hot-Melt glue • Glue used for transparent round self adhesive wrap fixers is Hot-Melt standard (HE15) permanent. • Glue a HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers labels - 1,75mm and stickers roll core diametre is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: clear / transparent label stickers roll • Material: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : without print • Winding: outside • Perforation: no ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - Europe: 5-14 business days. - USA / Canada / Australia 10 - 25 business days. - Other: 15-30 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 White Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944862 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/498082727/1000-labels-per-roll-transparent-round?ref=rss
0 notes
etsy2016 · 7 years
Clear Round Stickers On Roll 1,000 labels, Size 30mm / 3cm Diameter - Peel And Stick! by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
1000 Envelope Seals Stickers Clear Labels Round 30mm For Product Packaging Size 3cm Diameter • Clear labels round 30mm are perfect as envelope seals stickers, box seal stickers or use it for sealing bags or package • 1000 pcs. adhesive labels roll clear round stickers for product packaging. • Label size for clear labels stickers is 3cm diameter 30mm • PEEL AND STICK circle stickers - self adhesive labels with permanent hot-Melt glue • Glue used for transparent round self adhesive wrap fixers is Hot-Melt standard (HE15) permanent. • Glue a HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers labels - 1,75mm and stickers roll core diametre is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: clear / transparent label stickers roll • Material: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : without print • Winding: outside • Perforation: no ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - Europe: 5-14 business days. - USA / Canada / Australia 10 - 25 business days. - Other: 15-30 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/484587956/clear-round-stickers-on-roll-1000-labels?ref=rss
0 notes
etsy2016 · 8 years
Thank You Stickers With Text "THANK YOU" Red Round Labels With Size 25mm - 1000 Labels On Roll by ENVO by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
1000 Thank You stickers For Envelopes Size 25mm Round Stickers Labels On Roll • Peel and stick Thank You stickers for envelope seals • Quantity: 1 Roll of 1000 thanks you stickers / labels • Thank you circle stickers size is: 2.5 centimeters / 25mm / 1" Inch • PEEL AND STICK circle stickers - than you stickers self adhesive labels with permanent Hot-Melt (HE15) glue • Glue HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers - 1,46mm and stickers roll core diametre is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: red / white • Material for thank you stickers labels: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : Thank You • Winding: outside • Perforation: no • Winding: outside • Used them on plain paper bags or to add a special finishing touch to any gift! ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - European Union: 5-14 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/499770630/thank-you-stickers-with-text-thank-you?ref=rss
0 notes
etsy2016 · 8 years
500 Vintage Thank You Stickers Size 40mm Square Labels 500 Labels On Roll by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
500 Vintage Thank You stickers For Envelopes Size 40mm Square Stickers On Roll • Peel and stick Thank You stickers for envelope seals • Quantity: 1 Roll of 500 thanks you stickers / labels • Thank you square stickers size is: 4 centimeters / 40mm • PEEL AND STICK circle stickers - than you stickers self adhesive labels with permanent Hot-Melt (HE15) glue • Glue HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers - 2,86mm and stickers roll core diameter is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: red / white • Material for thank you stickers labels: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : Thank You • Winding: outside • Perforation: no • Winding: outside • Used them on plain paper bags or to add a special finishing touch to any gift! ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - European Union: 5-14 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/513255669/500-vintage-thank-you-stickers-size-40mm?ref=rss
0 notes
etsy2016 · 8 years
1000 Black Thank You Stickers Round Labels Size 25mm Labels On Roll by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
1000 Thank You stickers For Envelopes Size 25mm Round Stickers Labels On Roll • Peel and stick Thank You stickers for envelope seals • Quantity: 1 Roll of 1000 thanks you stickers / labels • Thank you circle stickers size is: 2.5 centimeters / 25mm / 1" Inch • PEEL AND STICK circle stickers - than you stickers self adhesive labels with permanent Hot-Melt (HE15) glue • Glue HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers - 1,46mm and stickers roll core diametre is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: black • Material for thank you stickers labels: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : Thank You • Winding: outside • Perforation: no • Winding: outside • Used them on plain paper bags or to add a special finishing touch to any gift! ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - European Union: 5-14 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/499767512/1000-black-thank-you-stickers-round?ref=rss
0 notes
etsy2016 · 8 years
1000 White Wedding Stickers Round Thank You Stickers On Roll Size 25mm by PaddedEnvelopes
7.95 EUR
1000 Thank You stickers For Envelopes Size 25mm Round Stickers Labels On Roll • Peel and stick Thank You stickers for envelope seals • Quantity: 1 Roll of 1000 thanks you stickers / labels • Thank you circle stickers size is: 2.5 centimeters / 25mm / 1" Inch • PEEL AND STICK circle stickers - than you stickers self adhesive labels with permanent Hot-Melt (HE15) glue • Glue HOT-MELT provide strong adhesion to all types of surface. • Space between stickers - 1,46mm and stickers roll core diametre is 76 mm • Durable adhesive • Sticker color: black • Material for thank you stickers labels: FLW3 PE foil • Quantity of rows: 1 • Imprint : Thank You • Winding: outside • Perforation: no • Winding: outside • Used them on plain paper bags or to add a special finishing touch to any gift! ______________________________________________________ - SHIPPING DETAILS: Terms for the deliveries (may vary): - European Union: 5-14 business days. Check out our other items as well visiting my shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes Kraft Bubble Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17944860 Polly Mailers: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PaddedEnvelopes?section_id=17949013 Have a beautiful day!
from Etsy Shop for PaddedEnvelopes https://www.etsy.com/listing/513253853/1000-white-wedding-stickers-round-thank?ref=rss
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