flythesail · 1 month
If the show had Drewson endgame, I think I would still want to see them break up in season 1. Season 1 Nancy seems very not ready for a relationship to me, so I think it would have been neat if we got to see Nancy grow a little as a person, then realize how great Nick is and how close they’ve gotten, and then have them get back together in a later season—but not too late! Late season 2 or sometime in season 3 maybe. I think it’s such a waste that the show was started with Drewson and then they pretty much never acknowledge it again after s1! Anyway sorry for sharing my ramblings here
Yeah, me too! Though I personally wouldn't have them get back together until late s3 or s4 because I love drawing out a relationship haha. I think if you're going to start a show with a couple established, break them up, and have them reunite to be endgame, *the* key thing is developing their relationship along the way. I hate nothing more than throwing a couple back together at the end just because "they were always meant to be" when nothing was done to further develop their relationship past the reasons they broke up.
Nancy and Nick, however, had some good growth over the four seasons even no longer being romantic. If they had been endgame, they easily could have played that up more for a satisfying reunion. It's fun to do it that way too because when you have a couple together at the start, you miss out on the slowburn. Yet this way you kinda get the best of both in a reverse sort of way.
Now, drewson to me seems like a case of right person, wrong time. I think s4 made that clear to me because they work well on screen together and after some individual character development, they'd have been a lot more equipped to work through their issues. Earlier I'd probably have been like oh no they wouldn't have worked just because I was more invested in fanson and nace. But rewatching after the show is over I've really been loving looking at all the what-ifs. And I love Nick and Nancy too so... !
On the topic of closure, I just rewatched 1x13 and the one thing that stood out to me is that The Whisper Box is far from closure for Nancy re: Nick. Later when they're all back at the Claw, you can tell she's almost ready, even wanting, to open up to him. But by that point fanson is developing so she's missed her window.
I suppose there is some focus on it from s2 up until 3x01. In 2x01 everyone's reminiscing about the day they met. 2x04 has Nancy acknowledge she never knew he took stuff apart as a kid (leading to his mechanic job). Nick says she never asked. The idea being now they're building the foundation for a relationship they didn't before. So I'd agree Nancy wasn't ready for a relationship in early s1. The issues she had with Nick weren't even necessarily unique to a romantic relationship. Nancy was having the same issue letting the entire crew into her life.
Back to Nick, though. I think 2x18 could be considered closure. In the dreamscape:
"But you can't give in to it, cause you did feel okay again. Right?"
"You were a part of that. That's why it hurt so much when you chose George." "But I'm still here with you." "Thanks for still being my friend."
But! The problem is this is dreamscape!Nick. So he never gets to hear it.
Then, by 3x01 it's clear Nancy is at peace with it all. She tells Nick she likes the green when he's picking a paint color (George's color, specifically).
So I wouldn't say they don't acknowledge drewson after s1, but they mostly do in a roundabout way where it's either in Nancy's head or just symbolism to show she's happy for him and George now. I suppose if the dreamscape is *the* closure, it's on par with the rest of the show. It's not the only time something happens in a "supernatural" way. The downside is that it just doesn't include Nick and is more for Nancy.
My one thought is maybe they'd have given them a more direct conversation if we didn't drop down to 13 episodes. Or, if they knew s4 was the final season prior to the very end of making it. But then again, I can also see why they wouldn't have prioritized it since by s2 fanson was well established and nace was starting to be intentionally written.
Regardless of closure, I think they have a really beautiful relationship. Sure, they break up early on. But by s4 they've become to each other as friends what they needed to be back then for a lasting relationship.
(Please don't apologize for rambling because I just did the sameeee exact thing haha.)
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flythesail · 9 months
It sounds like Nancy has a ‘real’ soulmate and Ace is more like a blip. Not sure if that’s a good thing. But maybe we read too much into the idea of Nace all along and that just wasn’t really the story the writers wanted to tell, I feel like I might have expected too much and that is on me at the end of the day.
I know exactly how you're feeling having had that experience with another show before, but as of this point in the season I don't believe any less that nace is the story the writers want to tell!
Most importantly, 4x09 and 4x10 are two episodes. It doesn't worry me to get episodes with 'no nace' because Nancy Drew has an ensemble cast with multiple big storylines.
I still think it's all going to lead back to nace. The key thing right now is what sin Nancy confessed at the end of 4x08. The fact she confessed it right after that phone call with Ace is MAJOR. If that phone call is what led her to confess, the confession for sure altered their memories and explains behavior in 4x09 and 4x10.
Just to play advocate - if it turns out Nancy's confession had nothing to do with Ace and/or didn't alter their memories at all, the lack of nace in the last two episodes still doesn't concern me. For one, these episodes were doing a lot of work to further the main mystery of the season. Second thing is that if Ace shared scenes with Nancy, it would take away from the establishment of a 'connection' between Tristan and Nancy. Logistically it'd be tricky too, considering Ace has his own storyline going on at the moment.
Is this 'connection' between Nancy and Tristan romantic? I think *they* think so. Or, in Nancy's case at least that it's worth exploring when it's clear Ace has no interest in breaking the curse and they've mutually decided to move on. But point being: it's not going to be romantic in the end. As soon as Ace agrees to curse break any attraction Nancy has to Tristan won't compare. Nancy being the counterpart to the Sin Eater might also be a factor to the way they feel now.
Nancy being the counterpart to the Sin Eater does seem to suggest Tristan will be her 'real' soulmate. After all, reincarnation is involved. The way I view that, however, is that it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter that their connection spans several lifetimes, because Nancy's connection with Ace over one lifetime is what Nancy will choose.
What's beautiful to me about nace is that in a story with all these 'larger than life' supernatural things, their love is simple. It's Ace knowing Nancy's handwriting. It's Nancy knowing his blue pullover is his lucky one.
It feels complicated now because of the curse, but their love is also real.
The connection Tristan and Nancy share is a supernatural one. Tristan is the Sin Eater and Nancy is whatever the opposite of that is.
I think a lot of it comes back to what Nancy herself thinks too. At the end of 3x13 in her conversation with Carson, Nancy points out that Kate is Carson’s soulmate. In a world filled with all these supernatural things, Nancy's example of soulmates is her own parents.
It's simple and it's every day and it's true.
It doesn't matter who Tristan is to her, it matters who she chooses. And like she chose Ace over the entire town in 3x13 if only for a moment, she's going to choose Ace again regardless of her connection to Tristan.
That connection to Tristan is pre-existing too. Not as special or personal as one that was built with Ace.
It's worth bringing up, 3x13 also introduces the idea of having more than one soulmate. When this point is made, Nancy is saying Ace is her soulmate. So yeah, her second would then have to be Tristan. Let's call him her 'supernatural' soulmate.
Because after all, Ace is the one she loves. If Ace is the soulmate she loves, doesn't that make him her 'real' soulmate? Fate doesn't matter. Choice matters. Simply by breaking the curse, Nancy and Ace will defy fate. Who your real soulmate is can be a matter of perspective.
I also wouldn't be surprised if the Sin Eater and whatever Nancy is no longer exist by the end. They will both be free of this fate, restore truth and save Horseshoe Bay in the process, etc.
If that's the case, Nancy's soul won't reincarnate. The last life her soul lives will be with Ace.
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flythesail · 10 months
omg!!! can you share how you know the ace line to nick in 4x06 is improv?? (“i know a great seafood place. i used to work there”)
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Via Larry Teng, the director for that episode!
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flythesail · 10 months
Do we think there is a reason Bess is acting so gung ho about tristan like there has to be because it's insane for her to be doing things like this? Isn't Ace supposedly her best friend, she seems so happy about the prospect of nancy moving on and I would think it was fine if she was doing the same thing for ace but it's crickets. I love this show but I think Ace has suffered a lot this season from having his only SL be about nace and it sucks as someone who loves him...
Hey! There's two ways I view what's going on with Bess.
1. I think it's important to look at what's going on from the pov of the characters. Bess was there when Nancy nearly died. So she went through everything Ace did in nearly losing Nancy that day. She's also in a tricky spot, as she is close with Nancy and Ace. First and foremost: she wants her friends to be happy. Which, they are currently not.
Ace has made the decision to not curse break. So Bess is going to respect that decision.
If she's respecting that decision, that is where you get Bess encouraging Nancy to move on. Now, does it have to be right away? No. It is fast for Bess to encourage Nancy to date again. But considering circumstances, I don't think it's odd for her to want Nancy to move on. In 4x06, Nancy did share good moments with Tristan, where we saw her smiling. It was a break from the pain of the curse, if only for a moment. This is what Bess wants for Nancy. To be happy.
Is a relationship the only way to get over a "breakup" and be happy? Again, no. But that's the direction Bess has taken. She's also maybe 19 years old at most if that at all explains this process of thinking lol.
Point being though, I wouldn't put Bess's support of Tristan as her giving up on nace and the importance of that relationship. It's just an all around horrible situation. If Nancy and Ace act on their feelings, Ace dies. If they try to break the curse, Ace or Nancy could die. Her interest in Tristan for Nancy is more or less the safest option as a third party observer to the mess nace currently is. And who knows, maybe she's still working on curse breaking quietly.
2. My other way of viewing this is MUCH simpler lol. Simply put, there's not enough time. This season is 13 episodes, the cast is 5-7 main characters at any time, and there's a lot of ground to cover. If there was more time, they could throw in a conversation where Bess explains why she thinks Nancy should give Tristan a chance and how this doesn’t devalue the importance of her relationship with Ace. Or maybe, a conversation with Ace and Bess where he could have told her he no longer wants to try curse breaking. In some regard, I also wouldn't be surprised if Bess is the one to support Tristan just to keep things moving. There's a limited amount of time to introduce him and establish a relationship of any form between him and Nancy. So having Bess point him out is a way to speed that along and make time for other things. Yet, even if Bess's support of Tristan is influenced by the amount of time available, I don't think it's entirely ooc. It could just use more time that we don't have.
Switching to address Ace: YES. I agree he has suffered a lot this season. 😭 I'm really hoping the nace storyline starts to shift very soon as we get closer to curse breaking. Regardless of when the curse is broken, I'd love to see them in a better place before that.
However, with Ace’s storyline this season being about nace, I don't think his storyline is only about nace.
It's also about him and the journey he has been on the entire show.
From the start, Ace was someone with self-esteem issues. That improves when he finds his purpose with the crew and working with Nancy. Yet that does section off into other things: whether he feels worthy of Nancy and still, what he's worthy of in general.
4x06 addressed how much Ace bases his worth on what he can do for Nancy. What I think this is leading toward then, is a realization that what Ace wants is just as important. He deserves to want things and not just go by what everyone else wants. He's worthy of a relationship with Nancy, and she loves him because of who he is. It's more than loving him because he does all these things for her, even if it's nice of him to do those things.
This in turn, becomes Ace fighting for his relationship with Nancy. By doing so, he's also fighting for himself. (Granted, his fear of losing Nancy in order to break the curse will still need to be addressed. But the risk of losing her is there whether they attempt to break it again or not.)
And so, while Ace's last storyline is nace-focused, it is also Ace-focused in what could bring his character to a very nice conclusion. When we first met Ace, he was the dishwasher who "puts up the slacker front." He's smarter than he lets on, and that's intentional on his part. He doesn't know what he wants, who he wants to be, and he doesn't think much of himself at all.
By the end of the show, he'll have found a group of people who he feels confident to be himself around. He'll have found a career at the morgue he's passionate about, a purpose. He'll feel worthy of wanting things and of his relationship with Nancy.
Overall, Ace's story is about the shift from letting life pass you by to acknowledging you deserve to live it.
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flythesail · 9 months
Hi! I just wanted to say thanks for all the positivity and good vibes you've brought to the Nancy Drew fandom 🫶 you're the blog I check after an episode airs because going on the tag is sometimes like getting whiplash 😪 it's so refreshing to see the genuine love you have for the show and the faith you have in the writers! These next few weeks are gonna be hectic and I can't wait for all the plot twists and revelations but I also can't believe the show is nearly over! It'll definitely be bittersweet 🥰😭 sending you love and strength for the last episodes 💜💜💜
Hi!! Glad to know that and sending it right back to you! 💕💕
It's the last episodes of the last season of my favorite show so I want to enjoy it as much as I can! I think a lot of the disappointment has to be we're running out of time for a lot of (nace) things to happen. I want nace too so I get that.
But I love this show for many reasons and the writers have always come through in the end. Three more to go and with how crazy these theories have been I'm SO excited to see what has actually been written.
It really is bittersweet! I always have to come back to how lucky we are to get a real ending. As much as ND being canceled was the worst day ever, I have to be glad it happened before they wrapped! S4 took so long to premiere so it was lucky they found out in time. These characters are going to get the endings they deserve and that means a lot to me.
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flythesail · 6 months
For the fic ask game, autumn or winter seasonal nace fluff - specific to maybe fall or winter activities?
OOOH!! Winter, I'm taking this opportunity to rec one of my favorites:
The Secret Ingredient - Nace
For a lead on a case, Nancy and Ace sign up for a holiday cookie contest. The only problem is, they’re in the married division.
Here's another holiday one:
Christmas Seagull - Nace
Nancy is having a hard Christmas, and Ace has an idea.
AND! A winter one. If you're nace, sleuthing in the cold should count haha.
The Case of the Missing Scarf - Nace
Nancy isn't cold, and Ace finds out why.
Send me an ask about whether I’ve written a thing [ship, trope, dynamic, category of fandom, etc.] and if I’ve written it, I’ll link you. If I haven’t written it, I’ll tell you how I would write it if I did.
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flythesail · 11 months
hello! i'm what can only be generously described as on the outskirts of the nancy drew fandom but this has been bugging me a lot, so i'd figure i'd ask: has there been any theories on ace's last name and (i'm /really/ attached to this) do any of them consider that he is one of the hardy boys?
Hey! Yeah, the fandom consensus is that his last name is Hardy! Making Ace and his half-brother, Grant, the Hardy boys. I'm REALLY hoping we get Hardy confirmed since this is the last season. But I'd assume whether or not that's possible comes down to copyright reasons!
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flythesail · 3 months
I am so sad :( the cast from season one was really good and they were not aiming for an anthology series. and even in the interviews the cast and writers were talking about a season 2 so this is definitely a sudden decision made by disney to change demographics. and it’s unfortunate because with a little more marketing this could’ve been a really marketable show. and i think it must feel disrespectful that they felt like starting all over again and discard the cast like that
Same. I feel so bad for the cast! I wonder how recently they found out. You're right, it was clear everyone thought a second season would continue with them. So it has to be crushing to lose what could have been a years long role.
Even if the second season is good, I don't want to watch it. I loved season 1 because of the cast and that's what I hate about TV today. It's so hard to find shows that you can watch for years and grow with the characters.
I'm thinking it has to do with demographics too. It sounds horrible to say, but maybe this is their chance to "sanitize" it for a more general audience. Which sucks because the characters are what drew me in. It seems the YA genre of TV with any sort of fantasy/supernatural element is rarely renewed nowadays as is. I really wanted this one to stick.
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flythesail · 11 months
i keep seeing your nancy drew posts and i’m becoming invested in a pairing that i literally know nothing about …. may need to start watching this show !!!
YESS you should!! 👀❤️
Nace is imo the slowburn of all time, and I'm sure that's mostly what you're seeing from my posts. But really, nace is only scratching the surface of Nancy Drew and all the reasons I love it. The found family is incredible. There's a variety of relationship types that get a great amount of attention (parental, friendship, sibling, other ships). Plus the mysteries and the humor and the drama and the world building and—
It's the last season and they knew ahead of time, so no need to worry about renewal or an unfinished story. I'm so sad about it being the last, but I trust the writers.
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flythesail · 1 month
I follow the drewson tag on the off chance that someone will throw me a bone, and today I discovered you'd created two new beautiful additions and I'm so happy right now, you have no idea. makes me want to dive back into my half-formed "what if they never broke up" fic
Aww I've been doing a *very* slow rewatch and I feel like I just love them more every time. Especially knowing how close they are by s4! I say go for it 👏👏👏
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flythesail · 2 years
on this gifset of the scene of Ace asking Nancy, "Why did you hesitate at the veil? You said you were doing this for us. What does that mean?" you said in your tags: #i am SOOOO obsessed with the way it was filmed
I would like to invite you to talk a little more about that, if you wanna, because I would love to hear your thoughts. ♡
Hii, YES I will talk about that!!
*Pulls out 3 hour long presentation I've had sitting in a folder labeled just in case.*
The short answer is: I love how much movement there is in the scene through the camera work. Also, how the camera work is used to reflect what's actually happening in the scene.
Yet because this is possibly my favorite scene in the finale, here's the LONG answer + bonus narrative analysis! ->
To recap, this is right after the veil. Nancy comes back to The Claw, saves Ryan's life, and soon after, the rest of the crew arrives. They discuss damage, casualties, and what's next. Nick and George are off to the youth center to open it as a shelter. Bess and Ace are going to empty the freezer and cook food for people.
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Ace watches Bess and the others go, and immediately turns to Nancy: "We could use some help if you're up for it."
The important thing to note here is this is right after the veil. The last Ace interacted with Nancy, she told him to run from the veil ("I'm doing this for us, okay?") and right after, grabbed the front of his jacket, apologized in tears, and left. So he's definitely concerned!
Yet instead of being like "what happened back there at the veil?" he takes the I know Nancy route, and invites her to help him and Bess.
It's comparable to 3x01. There, Ace could tell Nancy was off. So when she says this:
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He says, "I can help you carry it."
And it works! She accepts. Whereas he's asking if she literally wants help carrying it, it's also his way of saying "hey, I'm here if you want to talk." It gets them alone and leaves the decision to then talk up to Nancy (who we all know tends to not want to do that) (unless it's to Ace 😉).
But in the finale, that method does not work. Nancy does not want to talk. She shakes her head and tells him she's going with Nick and George instead.
In terms of the camera work here (gif below), it's incredibly quick. We jump from Ace, to Nancy saying no, to her grabbing the first aid kit and making a run for it.
It highlights how badly Nancy needs to get away from him. She just held him dead in her arms, found out that wasn't even real, came back to reality only to give him up to save the town, and now here she is at The Claw - needing to pretend none of that happened. Which is more or less impossible because she just experienced some of The Worst moments of her life.
Yet this time, Ace doesn't let her run.
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Technically, this is uncharacteristic for him. He never pushes Nancy. He knows that only pushes her away. But this is really important. He also knows it involves him.
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So Ace follows her into the back of The Claw. The camera as Ace follows Nancy is another example of how much movement there is in the scene.
We stay right behind him as he practically jogs after her. The camera is a bit shaky, and that highlights the lack of stability in the scene. He knows something's wrong (is probably panicking because of that). Nancy is incredibly upset (needing to get away so he doesn't see her cry, further proving that something is wrong).
Here's where we end up next, with Nancy in the back putting the first aid kit on a shelf. Maybe expecting Ace to not follow, she begins to let herself cry. She's alone now.
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Which does not last. Ace arrives and as soon as she realizes that, she has to put all that emotion away.
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Interesting to note here is that Ace wastes zero time before asking Nancy what's up. He needs to know, and maybe he's thinking if he doesn't hurry and ask, she'll slip away again.
What I like about this part is the camera is focused on Ace. Yet we can see Nancy too. Ace is focused on Nancy. The perspective doesn't change much from when Nancy puts the kit away and when Ace shows up. He's there that fast, so all she can do is turn to him. I think because of that, the way it's filmed feels personal. To stay with the idea of movement, we've moved with them. We're with Nancy, and then Ace shows up, and we see that from her perspective.
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Since Nancy can't run, she gives him an answer. She hesitated because she's never killed someone.
For what it's worth, it's a decent attempt at an answer. Even if it's entirely a lie, as Nancy already killed Temperance once before in the future forecast. But in that sense, there's still truth to it because killing Temperance is something she struggled with in the forecast too.
To discuss perspective, we are now from Ace's. Nancy is now the one talking and Ace is the one listening. Yet look how close we are to Ace, basically at his shoulder. It still feels personal. This entire scene is very personal for them. The camera is still not steady. Even as Nancy gives her explanation, she's starting to move away from him. She's talking fast too, sniffling as she does. There's an urgency here, just like there is in the entire scene.
The second she's said what she needs to, Nancy leaves. She doesn't give him a chance to ask follow-up questions or even respond.
She pushes past him as she leaves, and the camera responds to that.
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The camera pushes back as she pushes past Ace. The perspective ends lower and further back than where it started. This distance works in contrast to the moment prior, where we were very close to Nancy and Ace. This shows how alone Ace is. Literally alone because Nancy is gone, and also figuratively as he has no idea what's going on.
I'll also point out that Ace does not move. So much of this scene is movement because the camera is following them. Jumping from Ace to Nancy, the walk to the back room, Nancy leaving, etc.
Now, he's still as the camera moves without him. The camera moving shows the tension isn't gone, but Ace is now at a loss. His attempt to talk to Nancy failed because all he got was a lie (or half-truth). He can't follow her as he knows she's upset. Following her would further upset her, increase the emotional distance between them, etc. He's doing the right thing in letting her go.
As the scene ends on this new angle, he just looks smaller. He looks helpless. He's left to contemplate what just happened, and we don't learn his conclusion until a month later during the famous Apartment Scene. (Where he blames himself, completely unaware of the moth curse via great aunt).
But to wrap things up and return to the point, I don't know that Nancy Drew is a show with a ton of noticeable camera work in every episode. Or maybe it's just that I've only recently started paying attention to it. I'm no expert lol, but I will say 3x13 is a very standout episode.
Another good 3x13 example is after the car crash. How the camera goes low to show Temperance towering over Nancy. Temperance is powerful, and she is in control.
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There's also the odd angle (a disoriented feeling after the crash combined with the realization this is not reality). That's in addition to the (not pictured) close-ups on Nancy's face. Getting close and personal highlights how distraught she is.
With Nancy Drew, if there's episodes with cool camera work, there's a good chance Larry Teng directed. Recently when I rewatched 1x17, I was all of ten seconds in when I realized it reminded me of 3x13. And no surprise! Larry Teng directed that one too.
So I feel like it's one thing to just film what's happening, but another entirely to use the camera to emphasize emotions/the story itself. 3x13 is just a perfect example of that, and that's interesting to me.
And if you made it to the end, hopefully this was interesting to you!
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flythesail · 2 months
I didn’t watch Goosebumps, but I’m SO mad for you because I hate how much stuff keeps getting cancelled because of corporate greed, and also what happened to tv shows that last several seasons and you get to grow with the characters???? Those are the best shows and I swear that used to be the norm for tv and now it’s so hard to find, ugh. Like is it so much to ask for.
Realizing I forgot to replyyy to this and thank you!! Yeah, it is hard to find now because everyone wants an instant hit and doesn't have the patience to let shows find their audience. Particularly in Goosebump's case, it's an odd decision to switch to an anthology format because you're abandoning whatever audience you did pick up with the first season too!?
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flythesail · 2 months
I just want to say that you are one of the blogs that is single-handedly feeding my continued obsession with Nancy Drew and I'm extremely grateful for it lmfao <3
Haha you're welcome!!!! I will be here forever
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flythesail · 5 months
GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!!! I might have to rewatch tbh
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flythesail · 10 months
hi sunshine i’m back and i am all caught up with nancy drew! just finished 4x07. s3 definitely not as good as s2, but had some great storylines and episodes. the development of the characters and their relationships makes this show stand out to me in such a good way — it has everything you want in great television and is created with such care and love. favorite moments:
3x01 nancy decides to stay
3x04 the bess bus
3x07 saving george! and ryan and ace talking about nancy
3x11 nick’s speech to the jury (side note tunji is AMAZING i love him)
3x13 not a moment but the absolute breakdown i had during this episode and the hallucination was so extreme my reaction note is bananas lol
s4 has been so amazing so far!! 1, 3 and 7 are my favorites — the nace angst is killing me but i’m hoping it will let up soon? please? (can nancy be happy for a whole episode this is a serious question) the montages and callbacks and jokes and chunky velez are so fun and i’m so sad i’m only just arriving as the end nears. VERY intrigued to learn more about town history and see where the historical society/bess story goes (the allegory for queer repression is so well done).
anyways so glad i found you during my lockwood & co hyperfixation and now i have nancy drew!! it really is THE show of all time and i will never let it go ❤️ now to figure out how to watch live because i don’t have cable!!
Hello hello!!!
Agreed with s3!! I think a lot of it comes down to the overall plot and the way they lost 5 episodes. But with the latter, I think they're doing much better with pacing in s4.
3x01: that scene at the end ALWAYS GETS ME. You're our homegrown sleuth. 🥹
3x04: the whole dreams sequence is so so good. LOVE the directing in this one too.
3x07: this is just an episode you can watch and be like YES, this is Nancy Drew. The silliness of the dads as teens and the soul splitting stuff all in one. And it WORKS. That scene with Ryan and Ace at the end is really interesting to look at now too since we know how long Ace has had feelings. He really did know Nancy makes you want to be a better person. 🥺
3x11: I used to rewatch this episode SO much lol. It's a fantastic episode for Tunji. And really, when isn't he fantastic.
3x13: omg.. watching that live was an EXPERIENCE. Idk how else to describe it. It's horrible then it's amazing then it's horrible again and then YOU FIND OUT IT WASN'T EVEN REAL!?!?! INSANE.
1, 3, and 7 of s4 are all SO good!!! I'd probably pick 1 or 7 as my favorite. 7 especially just had instant comfort episode vibes.
I'm really hoping the nace angst lessens soon. And I think it will as they're still making progress every episode.
All the callbacks mean the WORLD to me. I know they didn't know it was the final season from the start, but the care put into all the little things makes it so special. This show also just *gets* itself (kudos to everyone who works on it for that) and s4 has had some great comedy.
Same with the town history!! I'm so curious to see where that all leads. That goes for Bess's storyline too. The way the show pairs the supernatural with 'real world' issues is definitely a standout thing.
I'm glad you found me too!!! Found family ghost shows for the win. As sad as I am about about s4 being the last, I'm so grateful we GET this season. It would make me so happy if Lockwood & Co. is saved someday, so we'll see...
🤞 you find a way to watch!
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flythesail · 7 months
i don't know anything about nancy drew so i totally thought for a sec that you meant horseshoe bay as in like, the actual place in vancouver 😭😭
Lol I didn't even know there was a real place called that in Vancouver! I did know there's a beach in Bermuda though.
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