#fo4 radstorm
shatinn · 2 months
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Fallout 4 - Radstorm
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
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Fallout 4 + RADSTORMS
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geaibleu-gaming · 2 years
I play Fallout 4 with mods and this weather mod is one of one of my favourites
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[bonus Nick in that last one]
[anyone else having trouble posting today? App works fine, but I keep all my game stuff on my drive and have to post from my laptop and the browser is sloooow]
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telethrutime · 1 year
So we all know that organisms sometimes react to extreme environmental stressors by undergoing rapid evolution
It's reasonable to assume that hundreds of nuclear bombs going off count as extreme stress, and we see rapid evolution (or radiation damage but not all of them are funky looking so for argument's sake let's say rapid evolution) in the plants and wildlife in fallout 4.
There is a lot more substantial direct radiation exposure in fo4 than in other fallout games, with the radioactive barrels, radstorms, and such. While there are medications to remove and lessen the effects of radiation exposure, they're mentioned and used by NPCs much less frequently than other chems.
I think some rapid evolution occurred in the people of Boston and the surrounding area to deal with the constant radiation they were exposed to, and as a result, they're less sensitive to radiation than a prewar person. Irradiated food and water are more common than not, and it's rare you can walk a mile without being exposed to some stray environmental radiation.
All this to say I think sole is or should be a lot more sensitive to radiation than any wastelander out there because the only radiation they experienced before coming out of the vault was from power armor and a small bit when the bombs near Boston dropped. They would get absolutely bodied by a radstorm.
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white-eagle-roleplay · 6 months
FO4 Jayne Drabble
"He's just a kid!" ~ Jayne, FO4 I asked myself what if Billy, the kid in the fridge, was released and abandoned in the wasteland, far away from his home. What if my character, Jayne found him? And what if she was trying to seek refuge in Diamond City from radstorms, raiders, and super mutants, completely unaware of the city's biggest rule?
"...we can let you in, but not the ghoul." The Diamond City guard's voice sounded unapologetic as it garbled through the speaker. "What?" Jayne stared incredulously at the speaker before glancing over at the green gate, hoping that this was all some cruel joke and that it would open. It didn't. She wanted to say a lot of things then, but bit back her tongue because said kid was right next to her, and his parents (if they were still alive) would be less than pleased to discover that their son had learned a few new words once he reunited with them. "But he's just a kid!" A radstorm crackled in the distance, warning of its approach. Jayne's shoulders tensed. Shit. And the raiders and super mutants were probably not far behind, either. They did not have much time; they needed to find shelter, and fast. "Please?" she tried again, a bit more politely this time. "Can't you just make this one exception?" "Sorry, but rules are rules. Mayor McDonough's super strict on that." "Mayor McDouchbag is more like it..." Jayne muttered too herself. What kind of place bans people based on how they look, let alone kids? But before she could take a more agressive approach, Billy spoke up. Having been abandoned before, he was already expecting the worst. "You aren't going to leave me out here, are you?" Jayne glanced down at the ghoul boy standing by her side. She had found him wandering alone a few days ago. Apparently, some asshole had let him out of a refrigerator a few weeks ago before abandoning him in the wasteland, miles away from his home. Billy was still searching for his parents when Jayne found him. Knowing what it felt to lose everything, Jayne agreed to help him. "No," Jayne said gently, "Of course not. Come on, let's go find some place else to hole up in. I'll let you play Red Menace on my pip boy, while we wait out the storm." She placed an arm around the boy's shoulder as she led him away. Then, making sure that the boy wasn't watching, Jayne quickly flipped the bird at the green gates of Douchbag City. Screw them.
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unpleasant-ghoul · 1 year
'Bout FO4 again. No screenshots.
Last few in-game days were SHIT. I'm playing with Advanced Needs 76 mod and it was raining. When it wasn't raining it was dusty as fuck. And it all ended with a great big radstorm. So, no removing the gasmask except very, very, very briefly to eat and/or drink. For several days. Even sleeping in it.
Because with AN76 trying to go maskless in even slightly bad weather can be very deadly. Thought I'd forget what my character even looks like!
Out of stimpacks, out of food (well... At least I got to start on Jonathan's descent to cannibalism by having him eat some raw (animal for now) meat), pretty much out of ammo.
Plenty of ferals, raiders and muties, both ones I had to deal with for quests and random ones.
Honestly, a wonder I only died about ten times.
But! But, I've managed to get back to Sanctuary! And those, by the looks of it, were the last quests Preston hangs onto me without asking, seeing how he didn't immediately told me of some other settlement in need of my help. And Vault Tec Rep got to the Sanctuary safely! And I've built him a house of his own (pre-fab. Too low on mats to do anything fancy) AND finished the bar/market building, so he now works at the bar stand on the second floor.
I, of course, still need to gather caps for the first floor's market stands, and glass for more illumination, and wood for more proper houses (I'm NOT cutting down all the dead trees in the settlement for the resource. It'll look like shit if I do).
So, some good things happened after all the rain, and radiation, and "am I in FO4? Feels like Dark Soul in here!".
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The Glowing Sea
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kemendin · 2 years
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Love me some radstorm screenshots
Caspian, aka Seeker
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minilev · 3 years
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Been going through Fallout concept art and stuff today and noticed a lot of blue in Fallout 4. Realistic clear blue sky ingame and in concept art.
I’ve seen a lot of “ew Fallout 3 is so green / NV  is so orange” and “here are mods to fix the visuals/sky/weather”... WELL YEAH, IT’S AN AIR FULL OF IRRADIATED DUST! It’s not supposed to look crystal clean and to mod nuclear wasteland to have normal  and familiar to us weather is the most boring thing to do
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nukaghoul · 2 years
imagine the destruction that wildfires bring to the commonwealth at large. all that dead tinder littering the ground, long-dead trees and ruined houses alike; with sparse enough rains, the flames could start in the forests to the west, last months, and spread as far as the coast without stopping. no settlement is safe from it, save for the looming metal and concrete of the inner cities in and around boston. just think about it
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County Crossing during a radstorm
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shatinn · 27 days
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Fallout 4 - noir
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themojaveexpress · 4 years
Imagine if Fallout 4′s radstorms were an actual, y’know, threat? Like the Emissions/energy storms from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 
Where seeking shelter is vital because the rads you take exponentially increases the longer you’re in the storm, if you’re careless it will kill you. The harder the difficulty setting = the quicker you take on rads. (I realise this may be an issue in the open areas of the game, but there’d be a way around that. Give the player a camp building function or make sure there’s more simple shelters scattered around the map or something idk). 
If you have serious protection like power armor, then you can stay out for longer. But the rads aren’t the only danger. Imagine the “glowing” variants of creatures converging on your position. Radroaches and mole rats at first, but the longer you stay out there the more likely it’ll be that stronger creatures will emerge, like deathclaws and radscorpians. 
The trade-off could possibly be that you find more valuable or rare loot on the glowing creatures. Maybe have a quest that involves the Glowing Sea....’expanding’ or something, and you need to stop it. Whatever, I’m just brainstorming (ha, get it?) if anyone else has ideas I’d love to hear it.
Anyway, the radstorms were a cool addition, but like with most things in Fallout 4 it’s yet another aspect that hasn’t been fleshed out and doesn’t reach its full potential, in regards to gameplay affecting conditions.
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portergage · 3 years
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Gage and Nate when everyone is asleep aboard the Prydwen
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makkuromurasaki · 4 years
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And here’s MacCready in 07 Radstorm from the fallout challenge palette
2nd request from @slothssassin
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mayihavethisdanse · 4 years
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“That’s enough Danse art for a while,” I said.
“I’ll draw other things next,” I said.
...so anyway, here’s a WIP...
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