colleendoran · 4 months
I experimented at working without Focusmate last week just to see what effect it would have on my focus, and my output dropped by a whopping 50%. https://www.focusmate.com/
I honestly don't care how it works at this point, I only know it works.
Six weeks in, the best investment I've made in a long time, and since the monthly cost is the price of a Starbucks, I can't recommend it enough.
This combined with binaural beats and deep focus sound bath music (all free on youtube) and I'm good to go.
I'll sit there and work two hours and it feels like twenty minutes.
This migraine relief video above also has the green light that seems to soothe the pain.
None of the "instant migraine relief" videos really cure it, but they do seem to give some relief.
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soysaucevictim · 7 months
Will brain soup let me write today or not.
That is the question.
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oediex · 10 months
I was listening to an older episode of the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast and a listener mentioned this really interesting website people here might like
It's a website where you can go if you need to Get Something Done™ and you prefer doing it with someone else just Being there, doing their own thing.
Basically, you can work together with someone else somewhere in the world who also needs to get something done. You do have to be on camera, so that's important to keep in mind. Having audio on is optional.
You're encouraged to talk at the beginning and the end of the session. In the beginning, you say hello and tell each other what tasks you're trying to get done. At the end, you ask each other how the session went for you.
It's free for three sessions per week and no payment information is needed in order to get started. If you want to use it more, there is a subscription option.
I haven't used this myself, just heard about it in the podcast and thought people might be interested. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has used this, or would be interested in using it!
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How to stay focused when studying.
Staying focused while studying can be challenging, but here are some tips that might help:
Record Yourself Studying: Set up your webcam or phone camera to record a video of yourself studying. This creates accountability and can help you stay focused.
Use Focusmate: This tool pairs you with a real-life accountability partner. You must turn on your webcam during the study session, which can help you stay on task.
Prepare Mentally: If you don’t feel like starting work, take a minute to prepare yourself mentally. Set a timer for a minute and tell yourself that you’ll start work when the timer goes off.
Eliminate Distractions: Reduce or get rid of as many distractions as possible. This could include moving to a quiet area, turning off notifications on your phone, or closing out of non-essential programs on your computer.
Drink Coffee in Small Doses: Caffeine can positively affect sustained attention, but it’s important to consume it in moderation.
Have a Study Plan: Organize your study plan and break it into small steps.
Use Smart Learning Techniques: Employ effective study techniques that work best for you.
Stay Fueled and Hydrated: Make sure you’re eating and drinking enough. Being hungry or dehydrated can affect your ability to concentrate.
Prioritize Sleep: Regular sleep is essential for maintaining focus. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
Set Goals: Having clear goals for each study session can give you a sense of direction and make it easier to stay focused.
Remember, everyone is different, so what works for one person might not work for another. It’s important to try different strategies and see what works best for you. Good luck with your studies! 📚
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poetrylesbian · 2 months
has anyone here ever used focusmate for body doubling before?
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fraddit · 30 days
Okay, I just found out about this, and it looks like a potential game changer. Instant body doubling/accountability???
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dodgebolts · 1 year
oh my god I was looking at valo stats for the vct leagues and got jumpscared who the fuck abbreviates detonation focusme as dnf
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forthelanterns · 2 years
Weird Questions for Writers: 22 & 25
How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Organized? Ahaha...haha...ha... Okay but seriously, I'm scattered as all hell. I have notebooks, various apps, including Scrivener, Dabble, Notion as well as stuff in my email, bookmarks saved with prompts to do, notes saved in my browser...I think you get the idea.
Lets see if I can break this down though:
Ideas and pre-drafting: Bookmarks, post-its, Vivaldi notes, email drafts, likes, Notepad
Drafting and revising: Scrivener, Dabble, Vivaldi notes, Notepad, Open Office, GDocs, text to speech software (rn, I'm using Speak Aloud which is a chrome extension but I want to look into others like Naturally Speaking)
General focus and tracking stuff: Focusmate (on and off), pomodoro sprints using various Discord bots, Google Sheets for keeping track of word counts, sprint times, and submission possibilities/tracking submitted pieces, the Submission Grinder (finding subs to put in the spreadsheet), Pacemaker (another way to keep track of wordcount)
What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Mr. Death crew:
Dora: Uses chocolate chips as rewards for when she's feeling like she can't focus. For every ten minutes of writing/studying/stuff like taht, she lets herself have as many chocolate chips.
Evan: Writes fanfic. It was how they realized they were queer and nonbinary, found friends, and realized there was stuff to be had outside of their abusive family.
Rainbow crew:
Dahl: While she's taken on several different faces and shapes over the many years she's been alive, she has found she gravitates toward femme presenting stuff just because she likes the variety of textures.
Kealan: While he loves tending to Lore and the building itself, he also sometimes just needs someone, anyone, but especially Lore, to tell him to self care. Particularly by taking a long shower while playing music and singing along.
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recommendedtoelle · 2 years
Academic Time Management
Bloom Planner Templates (@oledanyeller)
Brain dump, then organize into the planner
Can split brain dump into categories
Treat School Like a Job
Pick a 9 hour block of time, i.e., 9 to 6
Include an hour lunch break
Try to get as much of your work done as possible during this time every day, including when you’re out of class
Must be up and moving *before* this “shift” starts
Start by making an outline and doing research
Find an accountability group — try focusmate
Work in small increments
Working When Unmotivated (via @college_ta)
If there’s a task you really need to do, convince yourself that the other tasks you could be doing are worse
Write a to-do list right when you finish class
Try numbering your tasks by how much brainpower they will take
Using a Planner
Add homework assignments on left
Add clinical hours on left
Add work on left
Tasks like groceries and cleaning on right
Workouts on right
Appointments on right
Try to list things in chronological order during the day
Color code and use stickers (@planitwithstickers)
List top 2 priorities for the day
Making a Study Schedule
List what you need to do that day and add an amount of time
Give yourself a 30 min buffer: eg 1 hour to 1.5 hours as an amount of time
Also set times for breaks!
Sample Schedule
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Menstrual Phases
Menstrual cycle business planning
Follicular: create content, outreach, networking/events
Ovulation: live broadcasts, sales meetings, workshops, in-person meetings
Luteal: clean up computer files, assess and redesign workflow, deep clean home and reorganize office, recap what has and hasn’t worked, catch up on courses and professional development, journaling, create recommendations to consider when planning next month
Menstrual: plan month, create SMART goals, organize computer, plan content, find events/new connections to pursue
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better-buy · 4 months
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colleendoran · 5 months
I started using Focusmate, and it profoundly changed my ability to focus and commit by providing mutual accountability partner sessions up to 75 minutes each. A free account gets you 3 sessions a week, a paid account ($6.95 per month for a year if you pay in advance,) gets you unlimited sessions.
I schedule several per day so I can clock in to go to work and have someone there to be my partner while I do.
This isn't just for businesspeople, and home workers like me: you can schedule a session to commit to whatever task you absolutely must do: cleaning out the closet, or washing the dog. Whatever you want.
If you've been putting off writing that novel, or getting that art started, well then get an accountability partner who will be right there when you are.
You don't have to show anyone what you are doing, you simply state an intention, mute your mic, and get to work.
Since last year meant I could not work most of the year, my work habits, energy, and focus atrophied badly. Focusmate really, really helps me stick to my goals.
This is not a paid endorsement.
You may use it for FREE for three sessions per week and there are no hidden costs.
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soysaucevictim · 5 months
Friday was the designated rest day.
The DD was side-to-side jumps, decided against it because I didn't feel like being especially noisy.
Today, I had a more full docket in this department.
The DD was 60 side kicks. Managed it in one string of 30/30. That was a lot of fun. =w=
Day 19 of the SOP was a Leg Day. Level 3, one superset. II keep pondering about trying to do those (front) leg raises/swings from standing. But decided to do it from seated position - because it's more isolated and better loading of those tendons at this juncture. Still been doing stuff like the squats (technically called sit-to-stands) and calf raises w/o chair assist.
Pretty fun. Decided not to weasel out of my Steam FocusMe Plan for the day. May poke at writing some more of that Hero!Remus fic.
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kawazokokaradetekoi · 6 months
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DetonatioN FocusMe、ストリートファイターリーググランドファイナル進出おめでとうの絵 最終戦でキメた板ザンさんすごかったね!
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esportscatch · 7 months
サッカーe日本代表メンバー決定 DetonatioN FocusMeのLevaら3選手 約1万8000人が参加した …
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designerdollar · 7 months
54 Best Blogging Tools in 2023 for Better Marketing, SEO, Writing, Social Media & Research 🔥
Life has become easier than ever to survive by the contribution of AI technology.
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54 Best Blogging Tools in 2023 for Better Marketing, SEO, Writing, Social Media & Research 🔥
1. RightBlogger
2. Free Keyword Research Tool
3. Blog Title Generator Tool
4. Ahrefs
5. Google Analytics
6. MonsterInsights
7. Serprobot
8. Yoast SEO for WordPress
9. Buzzsumo
10. Twinword Ideas
11. SimilarWeb
12. Can I Rank?
13. SE Ranking
14. Hunter
15. Respona
16. Voila Norbert
17. Ninja Outreach
18. Clearbit
19. Wordable
20. FocusMe
21. Inbox When Ready for Gmail
22. ConvertKit
23. Sumo
24. OptinMonster
25. Jasper
26. SocialSnap
27. Click-to-Tweet
28. Teachable
29. Buffer
30. Wishpond
31. YouTube
32. Adobe Rush
33. Rev
34. Albacross
35. Prezi Video
36. LinkMiner
37. SEO Web Page Analyzer
38. Placeit
39. Genially
40. Loom
41. Crush Image
42. Adobe Photoshop
43. Visme
44. Logo. com
45. Logaster
46. Unsplash
47. Skimlinks
48. Affilimate
49. Paperform
50. Easelly
51. SurveySparrow
52. MightyShare
53. Missinglettr
54. Grammarly
Bookmark it!
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thetoxicgamer · 8 months
Team BDS Demolishes PSG's Hopes and Qualifies for the Swiss Stage of the 2023 World Championship
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In a stunning turn of events, Team BDS achieved a remarkable upset in the final match of the 2023 League of Legends World Championship play-in stage, causing the elimination of PSG Talon, the first seed from PCS, in an exhilarating reverse-sweep series. The first five-game series was an incredible display of determination, adaptability, and resilience, keeping both on-site and remote fans on the edge of their seats. The conclusion of the Worlds play-in stage promised to be dramatic, and the second matchup of the day did not disappoint. PSG Talon, previously undefeated, clashed with LEC's 4th seed, creating anticipation for an intense showdown. The stakes were high, as the victor would secure a spot in the Swiss Stage, while the defeated team's journey in the Worlds would abruptly end. https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1713515068569325970 PSG Talon had displayed dominance throughout the tournament, showcasing exceptional team fighting, strategic decision-making, and drafting, establishing themselves as the most polished team at the event. On the other hand, BDS had a challenging start, losing to Team Whales in their initial match but recovering with a win against DetonatioN FocusMe, highlighting their resilience. Although PSG Talon initially took a comfortable 2-0 lead in the series, demonstrating a level of control that made them appear unbeatable, BDS mounted an impressive comeback in the third game. Game four was a complete domination by BDS, bringing the series to an intense 2-2 tie, accompanied by the iconic Silver Scrapes theme music well-known to League fans. https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1713495155146444961 The fifth and final game was a tense, nail-biting experience from the draft stage, with BDS locking in Darius for Adam. The European team maintained their momentum from the previous two wins, securing advantages with strong solo lanes and well-timed ganks from Sheo in the early stages. However, PSG Talon remained composed and executed a game-changing play, seizing the Baron and putting BDS on the defensive. https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1713498671256678779 As the game approached the 40-minute mark, the outcome was uncertain, with both teams securing multiple Barons and reaching Soul point. PSG Talon managed to take down two of BDS's inhibitors, but their base remained intact, resulting in each teamfight being a high-stakes standoff. In one of these pivotal teamfights, BDS aced PSG Talon and secured the victory, completing the remarkable reverse sweep. This thrilling first reverse sweep of the 2023 World Championship will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the tournament's most iconic moments. However, as the main event commences, fans can look forward to more legendary games and moments. Read the full article
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