mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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Valentine's Day birthday!馃挐
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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A lot of the Claude fans on my timeline have been excited about this upcoming character since they spotted him on the cover art.
Still don't know anything about him though. lol Other than, it's nice to see diverse skin tones, and he is reminiscent of some ideas that went into Claude's character/background.
I wonder if Intelligent Systems is reusing whatever research they did for Claude's backstory. It'd be nice if they could show us more of their ideas for Claude/Almyra that got cut or unused from FE3H.
If he turns out to be Claude von Riegan 2.0, maybe I'll get interested in Fire Emblem Engage.
But I'm like, sure, some things about him are a bit reminiscent of Claude. But why would I move my fixations onto this new character, just because he reminds us of Claude, when we've still got Claude right here? Maybe it's just me. I have a history of being touchy and even defensive over my favorite characters, as well as reluctant to move on with my fandoms (aka obsessive fixations). Maybe I've gotten too out of practice in taking on new fandoms with every new anime season and every new game. Why take the time/effort to get into new things instead, when I'm already very happy staying obsessed with Claude and my current ships?
I'm still not really interested in Fire Emblem Engage. FE3H was the first Fire Emblem to catch my interest, and I wouldn't be surprised if it stayed that way. I've seen a lot of veteran FE fans joke that you never really move on from your first Fire Emblem. But I can't seem to even concurrently be interested in FE Engage. I didnt even finish watching the new trailer from this week. I couldn't even finish watching Faerghast's analysis vid for it. (I only knew about this new character making an official appearance in the trailer, because everyone was posting about him.) Engage looks pretty, but unless Claude and Dimitri are summoned, I can't stay interested. My fixations are always obsessive and often singular. But also, I get this weird feeling of overwhelm, whenever I think about looking into all the new characters and lore for other FE games. And Engage has its own story, on top of calling back to previous games' characters and their lore. I feel like each Fire Emblem is essentially asking me to get into a whole other series. Maybe FE3H was already a lot for me---so much lore, character backgrounds, motivations, relationship dynamics, and all to get a full grasp of, before any of my thoughts on FE3H would feel safe to post, without getting yelled at for being incomplete information---and maybe the subconscious idea of starting that all over again is too much for me. Maybe the idea of getting into another FE, FE Engage, is just too overwhelming for me.
In any case, those are my impressions, for my personal fandom records. We'll see how badly this post ages.馃槀
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
I feel kind of bad that I've ended up more attatched to Alfred, when Fogado was the one we were all excited about because he seemed like Claude 2.0.
But I'm guessing it's because the playthrough i was following didn't reach the point in the story yet where Alear meets Fogado. I've only seen disconnected Support clips with him.
Time to fix that.
Though, i hope skipping ahead in the narrative doesn't give me the same disconnect, instead of attatchment.
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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mysticdragon3md3 2 years
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Fanart of FE3H Dimitri and Claude dressed as Engage's Alfred and Fogato by hksi1pin鉁笍鉁笍鉁笍:
https:// twitter.com /hksi1pin/status/1616109355526676482?t=g5iq26iWy5skTCpyifFv6A&s=19
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