khaotunq · 6 months
i wobbled back and forth on whether to do a follow forever but decided against it for reasons of sheer laziness.
if you're following me and not following people i regularly interact with, i'm baffled because i'm the absolute least of them, in every respect.
thank you very much for the support, reblogging and liking my gifsets, bookmarking/kudos/commenting on my fics, sending me asks i don't reply to because i'm a useless flake. i appreciate every tiny interaction and am not at all articulate enough to express it fully.
thank you, everybody. and i hope all your 2024s (and onward) are wonderful ♥
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daphne-miles · 1 year
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hi everyone!
i wasn’t planning on doing a follow forever this year, but it didn’t feel right not doing one so here we are! i decided to group this with my 1k follower celebration, since i reached that milestone a few weeks ago.
i want to say, from the bottom of my heart, how grateful i am for each and every single one of you who follows me and/or interacts with my content. i read every single tag which always leaves a smile on my face. i can’t believe so many of you are following my little blog - it means a lot! thank you, thank you, thank you 💗
since i am busy and don’t want to put too much pressure on myself because when i do that i lose all motivation to gif, this celebration will be for mutuals only and you can only send in one request. to participate in the celebration:
- send me 📺 + a tv show episode
- send me 🎬 + a movie
below the cut is a follow forever. i follow very few blogs so it’s a small list but I love following every single one of you - you make my dash experience so much better and i appreciate every interaction (no matter how small) we have!
@agentoutofdiaz @aimeegbbs @alexisrosemullens @annacoleman @b99peraltiago @bakerolivia @brittas-perry @burgesskims @castlesrichards @chrissiewatts @chrrispine @chuckclayton @damn-salvatore @daniel-bruehl @danieljradcliffe @daptainholt @darcyscarden @deckerschloe @donnaamoss @drbrennans @eizagonzalezs @elliewlliams @fionagallaqher @jakejperalta @jakeperalta @jakeyp @jennifersbod @joedarling @katherineebishop @kitty-forman @laylakeating @leojfitz @mauraeyk @maya-hawke @maygrant @milesgmorales @naiey @nancysdrevv @nateliedormer @nathanbyrne @nessa007 @nick-nellson @pranink @robert-englund @salvatoreselena @sambergscott @seeleybooth @scullay @softdavidrose @star-kovs @tedllasso @trueloveistreacherous @tylrgalpins @usereloise @userlarri @wakandasforever @wyvanvck 
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discoidal · 2 years
Hi! I'm looking to follow more personal/poetry blogs that are similar to yours (various aesthetics/slice of life/poetry posts/photos of beautiful and whimsical and strange things). Do you have any recommendations? Thank you! Also I love your blog and as someone who knows nothing about American psycho I'm enjoying vicariously learning about good ol Patrick hahaha
okie okie so ! i dont have access to my laptop so i will def be adding to this (ill tag it #followforever if u need to find it on my blog) but ill list some off the top of my head
these are just blogs i like, not necessarily mutuals (altho i wish they were 😔😔) you might know a lot of these already haha but i hope i introduce u to some fun people! @candiedspit @ursidaez @taxidermychrist @deer-intestines @worm-bus @wormbus-art @birchblood @venusbirth @teenbeachmovie3 @heavensghost @lastparty @oozins @uglyfruit @eyegutz @figtreeification @neutrofer @phagocytics @thegoldencasket @boyhood @satansloveclub
ill make a better blog directory after this weekend <33 mutuals if u want me to add ur name to this list just hmu! sorry for anyone i left out it is past midnight and im nauseous <33
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multitrackdrifting · 1 year
knowing im on peoples followforevers out there on tumblr from like 2014 is turning my bones into acid dude EUGHH!H!!!!
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brightereyes · 2 years
I love You mcr tumblr i barely even go here but you are all saying things like “normal about his chin here” hashtag followforever
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solaciummeae · 6 years
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So it’s been a while since I did one of these. I haven’t really hit any kind of milestone. I’ve been hovering around 115 followers for like two years. But that’s not really why I do these things. I do them because I’ve met some incredibly special people on indie and I want to recognize those people and tell them just how much they mean to me. So without further ado...
I feel like it’s obvious that you would come first. You were the person who brought me into this crazy world of tumblr indie five years ago now. I really don’t even know where to start. First and foremost, I love you. Without question, without hesitation. You’ve been one of the single most important people in my life to date and I’ve been blessed to call you one of my best friends for years now. 
You’re so incredibly special to me. You’re also incredibly special to this world. You’re one of the best people I know. You never cease to amaze me with your compassion and true goodness. I just have never met anyone quite like you. You’ve got this incredible head on your shoulders. Your attitude toward life, your perspective on the world around you. You just have such a uniquely special way of looking at things. 
You’ve been endlessly patient with me. And I’d know because you’ve helped me through the hardest times of my life. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you today. I really could go on and on about how truly special you are. And rare. So so very rare and precious. 
I could talk about how you’re also endlessly talented and how I know that someday people are going to know your name. But you’ve heard me say all of this numerous times. I could honestly write an entire book about you and what our friendship means to me. 
You make me a better person. But not only that, you make me healthier. And not by anything like pressure, but just by being who you are. You inspire me to no end and my life is forever changed because of you. Thank you for everything. Everything you’ve done and everything you are. You are truly one of a kind. I love you more than words can express.
You were one of the first blogs I followed on here. I was drawn in by your amazing characters and the concept of your blog. You were an OC multimuse which is my favorite flavor. And just from interacting with you the first few times, I knew you were so special. 
You’re like human sunshine and one of the most beautiful people that I know. You’ve got such a gorgeous heart and a brilliant soul. If someone had asked me five years ago if we’d still be friends today I would’ve laughed in their face. Because I’ve always looked on you in wonder. You’re way too good for me and we all know it. And still, you give me love and endless support. You’ve picked my sorry ass up off the ground so many damn times I’ve lost count. With your realness and your infinite wisdom. 
You give this world and the people in yours so much of yourself. I’m so amazed by you and everything you do. You’ve got to be one of the strongest women I know, you’re just so much more powerful than I think you even know. 
I love you so much. You’re just the most incredible person. I know your future is going to be so damn bright we’ll all need protective eyewear. Never ever forget your worth. You too, are one of a kind. The best kind.
@exxxquisites​ @deathtake​ @pescaprincipessa​
My Ami. My goodness. Going through my list of OG partners in crime. Exxxquisites was followed immediately after I followed Ash. I saw your blog and instantly fell in love with everything you did. It was close to my heart because a long time ago I’d had Emma as a stripper in a far off distant world. And so the whole concept of your blog just spoke to me right away. Your characters are absolutely incredible, your writing is infectious. 
You are so insanely talented, and so ridiculously modest about it. You are truly a treasure. For the longest time I looked to you as this untouchable god tier blog. I only dreamed about writing with you and being one of your friends. Likewise, if someone had asked me back then if I would be friends with you today? I would’ve been like naw Ami’s way too good for me. There’s no way in hell. 
But here we are. And you’re one of my closest friends. You too have helped me through so much. Whenever I’m struggling or going through something. It’s like somehow you have this innate ability to know that and you never fail to reach out and dust me off and help me find my way to being okay again. 
You’re such an incredible woman. And so so strong. I know you’ve been through your fair share of hell and you’re honestly just this warrior. I’m so incredibly blessed to consider you family. You light up my world in the darkest of times. You’re a wonderful friend and ally no matter what the case. I always know you’re in my corner and I can’t thank you enough. You’re just so special. Not only to me, but in general. I love you so so much babygirl. If it weren’t for you, I might not still be here.
Beautiful soulmate of mine. You know, I haven’t randomly sent you an inbox about how much I love and adore you in a long time. So strap in and get ready because I’m going to take full advantage. 
God, where do I start? You’re such a beautiful woman, inside and out. And there’s not a doubt in my mind that you can take on any challenge and come out on top. You’re such a fighter and so so strong. We met and instantly clicked. I knew you were special because of our effortless chemistry and that of our characters. That was back when you only had Caroline and to this day she’s my favorite of your muses. You know, the real Caroline Forbes. You should have that shit trademarked to be honest.
You’re my family in a way that most people can’t comprehend. You just get it. You get me. You know me better than most people do. You’re the kind of friend that everyone wants but doesn’t realize that they actually need. Your realness. Your fiery spirit. You just have such a beautiful mind and your heart is so precious. 
I love you more than I can adequately express to you. I’m so effing grateful to you for all you’ve ever done for me. For all that you are. You just have this way and it’s honestly addictive. We’ve done so many great things together as writers and I know we’re only going to continue to do that. You’re one of the easiest people to write with, you and your characters inspire me and mine. 
There’s just never gonna be another you that comes into my life which is why I’m so intent on holding onto you for the rest of it. You’re absolutely perfect. Please don’t ever change.
This is beginning to get incredibly long so for the sake of not making a post a mile long, I’m going to try to condense.
@theimpalpable​ @thewillfulones​ @elenaloveablekotsala​ @bloodbulletsandbytes​ @soulsunforgiven​ @mindsunmerciful​ @heartsunholy​ @cfneglect​ @arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark​ @warxpaiint​ @teaganbennett-irp @ariahmontero @samarariley @asheraxxx @sinfulhymns @theharpieoftroy
Those of you listed above fall into your very own category. You guys make tumblr such a joy. Having you on my dash makes this experience everything that it is. To each and every one of you. You’re so special to me. Whether we’ve been friends for a few years or a few months. You guys make this worthwhile. 
You’ve all got such incredible blogs with an abundance of fantastic characters. It’s been such an honor to write with you and interact with you out of character. You are such blessings to me and gifts to this community. You guys are the reason I still have threads to work on, on the regular. Without you, my life would be so boring and my writing experience on here wouldn’t be the same. 
You’re all special in different ways but the same in one respect. And that is, that I couldn’t ask for better friends or partners. Every single person listed above has been so supportive of me, not only in my creative endeavors with this massive blog that is constantly under construction that you continue to follow-- but also in general. I’ve had some shitty stuff happen during my time on indie and each and every one of you have come out for me on numerous occasions. 
Each and every one of your blogs is a must follow. You guys have no idea what you mean to me. I love all of you so much more than I can say. I admire each and everyone of you and am blessed to have you in my family on here. 
Thank you so much for sticking with me. Through the ups and the downs you guys have been nothing short of stellar. My God, I just love you so much. Keep shining like the very stars in the sky because that’s what you guys are. Beautiful lights that remind me why I do this.
And finally, to those of you who I either haven’t interacted with or don’t as much, but am dying to.
@bluclights @ofhexxedclaws​ @writteninthestcrs @darkestbeforedxwn @frombrokenplaces @powerlesstwin @advrn @camillelafaye @londonmob @fcrinas @hostilitics @telegion @daayaan @unrcvelme @cxrleonis @down-in-dixie
Know that I admire all of you from a far. I’m always impressed by what I see from all of you and if we haven’t spoken. It’s honestly because I’m too intimidated by your quality to approach you. But believe me when I say, I follow you because I want to interact with you and do every last damn thing. I’m just a baby bird who doesn’t know how to approach you. 
You guys have some serious skills and the things I see from you on my dash are pure magic. I’m blessed to be mutuals with most of you and I hope that someday extremely soon we will break the ice and start interacting with each other. 
Each of you bring something completely different to the table and I just love it. Know that even if we have never spoken I’m sending you every bit of love and light and positive energy that I can. You guys are absolutely wonderful. Take this an as open invitation to hit me up to do things. I’m so so down.
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sillywhimsicalgirl · 2 years
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Hello everyone! It was about time I did one of these again! I can’t thank my followers enough for your daily posts to make my blog so pretty and filled with awesomeness! There are just a combo of people I’ve been following for a while or people I just recently noticed how cool their blogs are. Here the y are! And if you want to be in my next one, don’t be afraid to ask! In no particular order,
rinlanddess || kmuiyato || naotarou || cinness || shizukku || manga-meow || || koujakous || sairenji || roronoazooro|| zombielandsaga|| kawaiinohime ||  disarrayedbeauty || chickenisyum || fumiiko || tsunderefairy || cardcaptorstea ||     aprettyfire || ahiddenfantasy || tylily || xsetmyheartablaze ||  airaishi || kotorii ||       nyarisu || mikamochii || sakurayukihimesama || bomnabi || puduindomito ||           a-sakuras || chokotiramisu || zenythia || kilruas || oneechangoddess || ryuko ||      yakisobagirl || lilium || animepopheart || tohmura || yakshiaos
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irwinkitten · 3 years
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teej’s year in a nutshell basically
a bit morbid but it do be true. this year has been a fucking rollercoaster and i know that people are starting to do these and i will be no exception so put up or shut up kthxbye. (yes i should’ve done this yesterday but retail life)
moving swiftly on, under the cut is gonna be a few soppy words for friends and then a cut down follow forever because i can.
@sexgodashton: my twin. my best friend. my god what a year we’ve had lmao. i have told you numerous times and i will tell you again how utterly thankful i am to the universe for putting us together at clearly the right time in our lives. it genuinely feels like i’ve known you forever vs the approaching two years of friendship. i love you and i’m so very proud to be your friend with the next step you’ve taken in life with the move. love u endlessly twin. i hope next year is kinder to both of us and we can finally see in 2022 together, a year later than we originally planned. 
@pxrxmoore: my literal knight in shining armour this year. And we finally occupied the same space and actively knew about it! 😌 I am so so lucky to have you in my life and I know stuff has been weird but I’m thankful for you and the fact that our chaos together is fucking hilarious. I love you so so much Beth and I cannot wait to spend 2021 singing n maybe dancing (or dying) at concerts with you.
@cashtonasfuck: Lucy, I literally cannot begin to explain how happier I am with you in my life. From us chatting about spiritual stuff to you telling me and Beth off when we’ve been chaotic to you dropping lasagna over the kitchen floor, this year has certainly been strange. But you’ve certainly made it more better. I know shit is difficult but you’re an incredible person who continues to amaze me and I love you so much. Please keep being you because we are all better for it with you in our lives, I know I am ❤️
@loveroflrh: considering we were meant to have met back in 2019, we really do be playing the delay game here lauren. But for real, you’ve been an incredible friend for the last what, three years? Is it three? I’m sure it is. Regardless. It feels like I’ve known you forever and I am blessed to have a friend like you. I’m also very proud of everything you’ve achieved, and how far you’ve come as a person! You’re doing amazing and I look forward to seeing where you get to in this coming year.
@malumsmermaid: Merrick trash. Forever in my heart lmao. I know this year has been so tough on you and I wish I could give you the tightest hug. Maybe one day. But I’m so super proud of you, especially getting the job you’ve been after! You did that!! You’ve been so amazingly considerate for me and I could not have found a better friend in you. I love you lots.
@wildflowergrae: my sunshine, Hawaii buddy and all around ball of energy that lights up my life. WHERE TF DO I START WITH YOU? I know this year we should’ve met, possibly enjoyed Taylor together and should’ve definitely enjoyed 5sos together. I’m sad that it didn’t happen and I’m hoping it can happen soon. Thank you for being such an angel and giving me joy and laughter when I struggled and I cannot wait to give you the biggest squish in the world.
@goth5sos: I know you’re rarely on here but I get to publicly gush about how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I know that for you in particular, this year has been such a shitshow and yet you’re still coming out on the other side and it’s amazing to watch you grow into this incredible person. This should’ve been our year but rona decided against that. But know how much I love you and how proud I am of you. Because you’re amazing.
@cakesunflower: summer i cannot begin to tell you how proud i am of you!! there’s been so much going on yet you still have managed to get your next book in the works and it gets published soon!!! i’m so so proud to call you a friend and i really do hope that this coming year treats you with kindness and love and as many good things as possible!!
@spicycal & @calmlftv you are literally the best surprise friendships that I made this year. Like. You two have been godsends. You came into my life when I was in such a bad space and I honestly could not be more grateful. I hope that we can continue to torture each other and also bring so much joy as well I love you both so fucking much.
@mermaidcashton & @maluminspace : Claire and Laura. My literal angels during a time where it was honest to god hell on earth. I am so lucky to have you both in my life and I wish I’d been able to meet up with you guys back at the start of March, but it just means we’ve got something to look forward to when the time comes for us to finally meet. I absolutely cannot wait for squishy cuddles. I love you both so so much!! 
@rosecolouredash & @calpops: Rose and Eve. My soulmates. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that I have you both as friends. And I know that we all drop off the radar every now and then, but I see you both doing your own things and I am so incredibly proud of both of you. I’m always cheering you on and I love you both so so much.❤️
blogs that are rad af and u should follow: 
a - k
@ashtonlftv, @ashtonsunshine, @be-ready-when-i-say-go, @burncrashbromance, @calmfolklore, @calmlukes, @calswildflower, @converse-luke, @feliznavidaddycal​, @frontmanash​, @fucking5sos​, @h0tsos​, @hummingluke​, @kaleidoscopeminds​, @karajaynetoday​, @kindahoping4forever​
L - #
@lashtonswildflower​, @littledrummeraussie​, @lostincalum​, @mastasof-ravenkroft​, @morningfears​, @n-ctarinenga​, @oldmes​, @sadistmichael​, @talkfastromance4​, @talksopretty​, @tigerteeff​, @wildmichaelflower​, @5sosofficial​, @5-secondsofcolor​
non 5sos related blogs
@aubergine-lips​, @dreamboypeach​, @mullingarkisses​, @rewrotethestars​, @singledadharrington​, @sirrgwaine​, @thatvioletdreamer​, @starshonerose​, @truly-charmed​, @wandering-caz​
Happy New Year to all of you and may 2021 be one where you are your best selves ♥
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heliarae · 3 years
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Happy 2021 everyone! It’s 11:37MST  as I’m writing this, but I know quite a few of you I’m about to mention here are already in the new year. I wasn’t going to do a wrap up, but everyone’s wrap ups just made me so sentimental, coupling with the year this has been, I figure I might as well write my own. As everyone has already mentioned, 2020 has been one wicked ride, and while we’re all inclined to look at the totally awful things that have happened this year, please take a moment to reflect on the things you’re grateful for, on the lessons you’ve learned, on the skills you’ve honed, on the friends you’ve made, on the growth you have encountered and the troubles you’ve overcome.  It will be very liberating to let go, but please bring these things with you into the future. We are all stronger than we were before, and I think that’s something to celebrate despite everything. 
I just want to thank everyone who has followed me since I established this blog in February of this year; little did I know I’d be thrown so far into it. You all are amazing people who give me great support and encouragement, but there’s many of you who are my mutuals (although you may not know it! since this is not my main blog) who really have lit up my 2020 in a special way. There are some of you I have grown to be close with, and a few of you that I hope to get to know more in the coming year! 
If your handle has a ⋆ next to it, I’ve included a probably sappy message about how much I love you after all has been said and done. If there is a ♡ next to your handle, we’re not mutuals but I admire your work so much. So without further ado, these are the people who have made my 2020 a little bit brighter:
@3tbz​ ♡ // @anyhao​ // @babysejun​ // @baejoonyoung​ ♡ // @cchanhees​ ♡ // @chaeunwoo​ ♡ // @chanheeh​ // @chawoongs​ // @creker​ ♡ // @crekeranti​ ♡ // @djxiao​ ♡ // @ericz​ // @forjh​ // @haknew​ // @hanbinist​ // @heartsjoy​ // @heoneyology​ ⋆ // @hwqll​ ⋆ // @hyeopz​ ♡
@jaemtens​ ♡ // @jaeyounqz​ // @jjyubi​ ♡ // @jnugsubin​ // @joonyoungs​ ⋆ // @jsuh​ ♡ // @juyexniez​ // @kevcob​ ♡ // @kpophours​ ⋆ // @leehajoon​ // @leeseungjuns​ ⋆ // @leeshyunjaes​ ♡ // @lhyunjaes​ (@/realstraykids, @/hwiyyoung) ♡ // @likealwaysmp3​ // @lkeonhee​ ♡ // @lovcobie​
@minhos​ ♡ // @monunivers​ ⋆ // @neomark99​ // @praydastle​  // @prince-dongju​    // @puppyseunghun​ // @runawayera​ // @saltys​ ♡ // @seungs​ ♡ // @seungssik​ // @shuhuas​ ♡ // @soppasofi​ ⋆ // @stealerz​ ⋆ // @su-beanie​ // @subinis​ ⋆ // @sunlightwoo​ // @taeks​ // @taeyongleee​ ⋆ // @youngjo​​
⋆ Rainah;; We’ve been talking for just over a year at this point, but I consider you one of my closest friends. You’ve always been super supportive, and although you are incredibly stubborn at times, I actually am quite fond of that about you lmao. You always hype my creativity and let me vent to you about it when things are being difficult. You’re really just all around an amazing person and I’m so thankful to have met you because you made me 2020 pretty dang special when it was turning out to be pretty dang poopy. Thank you for being you! 
⋆ Han;; Your bubbly personality always makes me smile whenever we interact and you’re honestly one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. Although we became mutuals in late 2020, I hope that in 2021 we will interact more when I stop being incredibly shy. I hope to become friends with you in the new year!  
⋆ Dani;; Although we’ve been mutuals for a little longer, I’m slowly becoming less and less intimidated by you. You’re honestly so sweet and lovely; yet another person I want to get to know better in 2021 because you really have made my 2020 that much better. You are super friendly and open and I hope that 2021 will give me the courage to be more talkative with you!  
⋆ Anna;; Another one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. One of the few people who consistently reached out to me to ask me how I was doing as a person, and let me just say, I think for a lot of us that means so much more than any kudos of our work. You really made an effort to see me as a human, and you’re so sweet and friendly. I’m very glad to have met you, and I hope we can become closer in 2021. 
⋆ Shelby;; My best friend in the whole universe. 2020 took us on a great ride in January and all was well, but it has kept us apart for too long at this point. You are the most wonderful person I’ve ever met; the most supportive, encouraging, compassionate, wonderful sunshine of my life. Although it’s been many years since we first began speaking, I feel every year we grow closer! I hope that 2021 will grant more opportunities for Shelea time because 2020 totally jipped us!  You’re the best.
⋆ Bom;; We haven’t been mutuals for very long and we’re both so multi I honestly do not know which fandom I associate meeting you with (but I think it was verivery?) Anyway you are so super sweet and supportive and although, again, we’ve only interacted a few times (are we seeing a theme here? It’s me who is shy) I want to get to know you more in the coming year! Thank you for always supporting my things and overall just being a wonderful human being. 
⋆ Sofi;; one of my mutuals I’ve gotten closer with this year! We still don’t interact much, but you are such a ray of sunshine and one of the sweetest people I know; you deserve the best. Thank you for always hyping up my creations and being there to vent about anything and everything. I still hope we’ll talk more this coming year and become even closer friends! 
⋆ Qiu;; Again, again, again, someone I wish to talk to more in the coming year. We’ve interacted a very limited number of times but I can tell you’re the type of person I want to be closer with. You are sweet and considerate. Here’s to interacting more with you in the coming year! 
⋆ Paula;; One of the sweetest and most supportive people (I like these types of people as you can tell). You are always willing to gas everyone up about their creations, and I just think that’s wonderful, because we all need some great encouragement in our lives. I’m always jealous of your super perfect and beautiful coloring, but I know what you’ll say in response to that. Let’s talk more in 2021! 
Everyone have a safe, wonderful, productive, inspiring, and liberating 2021! ♡
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SOOOO We Reached 7,000 followers?!
I’m very overwhelmed thank you to all of you thank you to all the graphic/gif makers on this blog thank for the fantastic creators on this site dedicated to honouring black girls in media even if you’re not a larger fansite blog you rock my world.
Mod Nik
Anyway here’s a follow forever to celebrate. Please feel free to use this as a resource cause all these blogs are bomb.
God Tier
@blackwomencharacters @blackfemmecharacterdependency @lavandnoir @blackgirlnerds @blackactressesdaily @blackwomenontv @blackfemalesuperheroes @theblackpearlofwakanda @blackwomeninstarwars @blackwomeninentertainment-blog @blackgirlswhorock @blackwomeninvideogames @throwbackmovie @livingsinglesource
@jpcsource @x-menandstorm @zalrb @afro-elf
@aboutiriswest @iriswestallengifs @iriswestdaily @iriswestgifs @womenofwakandachallenge @ladiesofwakanda @josiemccoyweek
@bonniedaily @foreverbennett @bonniebennettkingdom @bonniebennettficrecs @bonniebennettdaily @bsmaxedits @maiarobertsgifs @michaelburnhamfanclub @anissapiercegifs  @amayajiwedaily @marijiwe @mgannmorzzsource @wakeemahollis @piercesistersgifs @ashleighmurrayfan @alluradaily @tonitopazdaily @clairebrownedaily @nafessawilliamsgifs @nolasource @theblvckvenus @dicapitoe
@livingsingle-tv @supagirl @shaloved30 @yellehughes @insecuretvshow @jazminesullivan @nerd4music @theblerdgurl @yemme @gracesgirl @wahgifs @ahsokamyqueen @blackcindy @queentianas @husssel @wayblackwhen @darkskinwomen @blacknerdwrites @thelaziestmotherfucker @insecuregifs @blackfangirlsunite @blackdollsmatter @yetidebadaki @michaelburnhamsource @carlyleverdeservesbetter @blackgilrsthings @jenniferslightning @iriswestallenweek @prudencenight @doctorannie
Creme de La Creme
@superheroesincolor @awesomeblackcharacters @black-n-animated @blacktv@blackinmotionpictures @blackontelevision @blackincomics @blackfolksmakingcomics @blactionfiguresandcomics @blackfilm @darkmattersproj @blacksinperiodfilms  @ wakandagifs @its-a-different-world @blackscifimatters @queensugardaily @dailystillstarcrossed @charactersofcolour @blackcartoons @dailyblacklightning @90skindofworld @veronagifs @incorrectdearwhitepeoplequotes @anissaspierce@blacknerdproblems @blackscifimovies @r-batac  @blackcinemandtv @blackpantherdaily @blackintelevision @imgrown-ish @kryptondaily @dearwhitepeopledaily @fycraigofthecreek @freshprincesubs @geniuscomputerhacker @awrinkleintimesource @discoverysource @yoblackpopculture @blackhollywoodandbroadwayelite @filmandtvnoire @allamericanonthecw @onmyblockdaily @black-characters-of-fantasy @pambrose-chati @blackcosplayersofficial
Best of the Best
@wonderfulwoc @wonderfulwoc-backup @dailymarvelwoc @dailymarvelpoc @poc-character-of-the-day @pocdisneys @pokemonpoc @dctvpoc @peopleofcolornetflix @fansofcolor @startrekfandomh8speopleofcolor @fandomshatepeopleofcolor @mcufandomhatespeopleofcolor @starwarsfandomh8speopleofcolor @writingwithcolor @empoweredwoc @scifipoc @filmsofcolor @shadowhunterspocdaily @riverdalepocdaily @pocsuperheroes @nerdsagainstfandomracism @pocinmymedia @mixedincomics @representativecharacters @pocblog  @fancastsofcolor @visibilityofcolor @geeksofcolor @shadowhuntersrarepairnetwork @imaginepoc @classicladiesofcolor @pocinscifi @wocsource @animated-poc  @wochub @exceptbetty @pocsuperheroimagines @classicalallure @ouatcharactersofcolor @historicalfcsofcolour  @irisdaisysource @dailyindiecomics @thundergracesource @southsidegifs @disneydiversity @richincolor @skamofcolor @dcuofcolor @thecharactersofcolor @lopazsource@dailyanimatedpoc @westallenfamily @dailypoctv
@womeneatinginmovies @womenofdc @fandomshatewomen @bsladiesonly @femalesource @fuckyeahxwomen @marvel-women @dctvladies @dcladiessource @dc-comics-women @dcladies @lotladies @fuckyeahladiesofthemcu @xmenladies @historicwomendaily @womenscreenwriters @badassladiesdaily @aosladies @womenofpowerdaily @wonderfulwomendaily @dailywomen @helyeahfemalevillains @dctv-ladiestrash @dctv-ladies-archive @dailybirdsofprey @ladiesofdceu @dcbombshellsdaily @dailymarvelqueens @comicswomen @dailykilljoys @twdladiesdaily @theflashladies @swladies @marveltvladies @wocinsolidarity @women-in-horror @fystargatewomen @scifi-women @startrekladies @womenofmcu @womenofshadowhunters  @thefeministencyclopedia @asoiafgirls @westerosiladies @riverdaleladiesdaily @fictionalwlwocsource @femaledirectedfilms @dailywcmengifs @marvelladiesdaily @dailydcqueens @ladiesofthegalaxy @womeninmovieswearinghats @fuckyeahwomenfilmdirectors @womeninthewindow @murderbitches @girlsofcomics @the100ladiescaps @bondgirlsdaily @titansladies @batwomannetwork @femaledaily  @girlsonthetv @bratzsource @agmolina-blog@agameofgirls @gotladies @femalepopculture
Honourable Mentions
@bonkaishippersclub @josie-mccoy-here @jmvalerie @jatpfanblog @ablackgirlsguidetonerdculture @dailycandicekpatton @candicanesunited @katgraham-updates @katgrahamweek @katgraham-news @katerinagrahambrasil @kgrahamfan @dailygetdown @tgdsource @bklynmusicnerd95 @ckpaesthetic @nicolebehariewce @tgddaily @lifelovemusiq @htgawmsource @getawaywithgifs @violadavissource @zoekravitzdaily @fyclairedevil @celebsofcolor @boldtypesource @theboldtypedaily @olivia-bakers @theboldtype-gifs @dailytheboldtype @theboldtypetv @fyboldtype @boldtypesource @htgawmdaily @simplyamberriley @dailyajanaomiking @vanessamorgandaily @claiadaily  @dailykadena @clawsgifs @westallengifs @irisandtheflash @shawnandangelalove @fylauraharrier @aisha-dee-dee @fyeahstormandwolvie @zendayasource @lupitanyongoweb @spideyxchelle @motionpicturesource @reginaking @darkskinnedstorm @chonidaily @dailysonequa @fromthemotionpicture @michonneforlife @fyeahchoni @filmgifs @dailygoodgirls @zaziesource @pattonfangirl @fuckyeahantoniathomas @blackpeopledoshittoo @bwwmswirl @dailydickkory @kendicep @iriswestsallen @athena-bobby @josiesbraids @dickkorysource @josiescabot @kim-possible-and-kc-undercover @westallenolicitygifs @dailyclaia @blacklightningriverdalerants @kikilaynedaily @sirensource @dailyrichonne  @pattonicons @candicekpats @incorrectwestallen @prunight
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kqtiny · 4 years
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when I first created this blog 7 months ago i would have never guessed that i would end up here! is this some kind of fever dream?? lmao
to my followers : thank you for appreciating my blog and the content i make- it really brings me a lot of joy to make gifs and i hope you enjoy the outcome as much as i enjoy the creative process! 
to my muts : there are so many of you that i still have yet to get to know, but i hope that we continue to stay online buddies for a long time!!! i love each and every one of you!!
a ➔ i
@aitny , @alltoateez , @alltoozero , @anewz , @ateazes , @ateezdata , @ateeztiny , @ateez-reaction-pics , @atinysketch , @celestial-yunho , @choiisan , @choisans , @chwejongho , @cultursan , @clingymingi , @eboyeosang , @foratinys , @hongjooong , @honjoong , @hwarizon
j ➔ r
@jonghours​ , @park-seonghwa​ , @runawayera​
s ➔ #
@seonghwaz​ , @seonqwha​ , @songmingki​ , @sonqmingi​ , @wonstal​ , @wooyoungs​ , @wouyoong​ , @wygf​ , @yeeosang​ , @yunhohs​
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rbbsbb · 4 years
i missed u<33333
i missed you too baby ❤️❤️❤️
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perspective · 6 years
What are your favorite blogs that you follow on here? :)
ahhh tbh this is a really tough question because i have so many? some at the top of my head include @lovefulls @rcmeomontague @archistratego @merflk @illuminosity @nycs @undermyanumbrella @softhalcyon @cactuc @patroclusgf @ahsteria @annalightwood @beatpoets @coffeeandmagazines @levieenrose @passsionatt @wtevva @sweetsourapplepie @cleopatras @colorfuls @cliffedges @vectorspaces @tartts @thaleias @lovroot @vitruvians @professorkirke @expatesque @monstress @homesickstars @icariens @fireis-catching @thermonous @audite @kaafka @aphrodihe @edmundspevensie @bookbisexual and i’m probably missing a lot of people whoops but i tried 
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brothersgrim · 5 years
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WELP. I guess it’s that time. I’m bad with expressing my love in a coherent way - So I’ll just attempt and fail to sum it up. I’m honestly kinda shocked, and super humbled. Didn’t think I’d get this far. I love you all, and your support on this spooky journey has meant the world to me, letting me explore the brothers and scream about whatever comes to mind. Below are a few people who stood out among the crowd, in no particular order:
@teardownheaven | @wildpawed | @90smagicalboy | @mtchstck | @ofgrief | @girlsgoneflossy @strcngered | @ivakir | @wickedwyrms | @legendsriise | @voyageranimus | @builtchaos @x060214 | @texasrcttlesnake | @vamphunted | @onefalling | @keyraised | @gxrdiansoftherxng
And, of course, whoever sends me a picture of their pet. 
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bloomingyouths · 5 years
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HI HELLO HEJ! Welcome to my first follow forever! And probably last because omfg the time this took to make. I clean out my followings a lot, like a lot lot. And I’m bad at keeping track at who is who unless we talk a lot but if I follow you, I LIKE YOU. So here’s a little shout out to celebrate I passed 4 digests after a decade on this stupid site! ✨ mutual  extra cute  extra cute mutual
A - C acciolalisa acousticjin ahyoung a-hyeeyeon ashawol aishbaek aquariusrosie artifixiulove babymeetsevil baekhyuns baekhyun-ah baekhyunie-l baekhyunsama baekhyuntella baekphia baekpedia baekintime baekhugme baekthru baekchelor baekstempo baeqhyuns bkish blackpink blackpinkvevo blackpinks bleackpink blondprincewoohyun boxianb bobinnie byunvoyage canadianbaekhyun ceohan chaenie chengf chenpire cin2min cherryxiu cherryblossombaek chogisad chkikon citrusomi chanbhaeks chanshine chantor chanwho choiminoh cottonhyun chnyeollie chaichanyeol chanyeolsolo chanyeolol chuuing culcifer cytaoplasm
D - H dazzlingkai dayafterdae day6sbum demigod-dems dear-pcy dyomino donghyuk dovounq dotbae eggpuffs elizasclarke exos exoo exoistheuniverse ethernalbbh exo-stentialism eon1bugi fatenumberfor fawnave fivegems fluffypcy fluerdelaluna fxxkitup gingerfany girlslikesus gnhwan gowontvs gummyminseok gugudan hanbabi hanified hangeuk happyshawol herewegobebe heungtanbts heeyoens hoshees hilight honeybyunnies honeybeeloey hobiga holdmehoseok hwan-tastic hyewn hyunnes hyunniebaeked hyotaengsic hyyerin hyoyu hyoy3on hwasangs huffnpwff 
I - J i-doled ikonis infireation iyeolie intojennie intopcy itsmeayishaa itzryujin ireone jadethirwall jaelesbian jaetaime jeonify jeonkookd jeonpuffs jongosaurus jjonghyun jonghyunar jonqins jisoonnie jiminsmrs jieunnie jinsoul jisooyoongis jisooes jissoo jisooq jaendeukie jihyo jjks jiwoos jiwooes jiwoojisoo jonisuh jonmyoen jongace jonginssoo jonginflicted jungshiii justpcy jungtaekonme jongdaestan  K - L  kaibility kaiuary kaiternity kai-tholic kamikoy kangseulgis kemjennie kimjongdaely kimhanbins kim-hyunnah kimjuncottons kimjaehwan kim-jr kimseongkyu kimhanbin-ssi kimdaily kihyunsbabe kireinakai kitaecat kjws kkun krstals kyuunqsoo kyungsohs kwoncept lalalalisamm lavenderbyun lavenderosie lisamanobans lawlietts lee-sejoo leader-jb leekangdoo lets-love-exo9 letsflytoasiarenata littlepcy littlesunshinedae lisa-manoban limyouna loeychateau loeverbky luckyexo lunarbaek  M - P maerinah mcnlight minhyuun minsoek monsieur-kimjongin moomhyuna markticseas myoongi min-agust-d myouimina myeonsjun myeondolf monstaexo nanzse nakamotens nhilism nakamoto nish1noya nctaezen nctjaemin ot-nine ot4archives oohsenun ohsehunpai ohsehuns ohwondae oh-beyond okaybaekhyun paekwoojin park-chaewon pilot-kun peachybyuns punkzs pikayeollie pcycult pcybby pcys-l puppykyoong prkroseannes prkchaeyoung primirene peachboydyo  S - V sanhapup sefuns sechens sehunniiie sehunsface sehunnnified sehunlyone sehunicorne seuhgi simplyyeol sinrinity sooyulti smoldinopup sooquishy solodae somin softsnuper soft-chaennie scftuan sugacoups sundropsoo sunsmileyeol subaek spring-day renjunhuang ryn-s rabonghee taexkai taetaes ttae-ttae tayegi taeyongshi thug-hyung thesammtimes tipannies thedeviousdo tempochanbaek twices vividteals vogueksoo  U - ... untouchabyeolman yeoldontknow yeolhighness yehet-me-up yixinglays yixingsosweet ygnj yoonggi yoonau yngkyun youngseongjin yuqi-s yxxna whalien5243 wonnhao woozis waitinginthedarke winterwIdow whenxoxosmilesunshines xing-a-tune xiudaengerous xiumincheeks xingelic xingmithefool zhangzjs 2nep1nk 81st 1aeil LOVE YOU ALL! Hope every single one of you have a wonderful day 🌸
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