fearsmagazine · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: “Jess has finally found her hook: secretly filming creepy interactions she encounters via online job listings, and using the kinks of others to fuel her streaming success. For her next episode, she’s been hired by Tom to write the ending of a screenplay in a remote, lavish cabin. Once there, the alluring self-proclaimed screenwriter hands her a script in which the two of them are the main characters. This client isn’t what he seems, and even though the money’s great… the real payment here could cost her life.” - Quiver
REVIEW: FOLLOW HER is a cleaver idea that deals with the take down of an aggressive influencer whose karma catches up with her. Actress Dani Barker is also the film’s writer and a producer. She weaves together some interesting ideas, creates a character you’ll love to hate, and is an overall above average independent genre film.
The screenplay for FOLLOW HER tackles the arc of the main character Jess. It is made clear early on that she gives little thought to taking advantage of everyone, including her family, to get what she wants. She exploits people’s fetishes, she is usually careful, but something goes wrong with her latest encounter. Instead of taking it down, she leaves it online as it continues to trend and reaches a new level. When she comes across a writing opportunity that deals with themes she is familiar with, and pays good money, she throws caution to the wind and heads to the country to meet the screenwriter. What ensues is a game of cat-&-mouse as Jess comes to realize the setup is too perfect and there is something more going on than she expected or planned for. There are moments when Jess’s ego and greed overcomes her sense of self-preservation and ultimately the climax presents a strange twist that is an overthought “Absence of Malice.” The story does not end there. There is a scene with Jess, her father and the police that feels out of place and almost like an afterthought to the entire narrative. There is a final sequence that adds another level of the strange and bizarre, which also provides the title of the film. I was in for the majority of the tale, however the subsequent scenes felt unnecessary and bewildering.
Dani Barker and Luke Cook, the two main actors, carry the story. Barker portrays a mean girl, a self-absorbed influencer of today, and I enjoyed seeing her in danger. Yes, I was rooting for the bad guy, Tom. Luke’s Tom is a charming and twisted character, and the humor flows naturally. His performance reminds me of a cross between Christian Bale’s Patrick Bateman and Jack Nicholson’s The Joker. The actors have a strong rapport and their on-screen interactions are believable and engaging. The actors have excellent chemistry, but their rapport creates a light-hearted atmosphere that undermines the suspense and makes it difficult for the audience to become fully invested in the story.
The production values are solid, the editing creates a nice pace for the majority of the film. The barn is an excellent location, the others are adequate. Jess has some interesting costume designs and Barker seems very comfortable in them.
FOLLOW HER, an adult-themed film that never achieves a level of seriousness and peril that I believe it should. There are excellent performances and some witty banter, but the story has two additional scenes, the first feels awkward and the second is an additional punchline that feels like it is there to simply set up the title of the film. Still, it is a deadly frolic where you can’t help but cheer for Jess’ demise.
CAST: Luke Cook, Dani Barker, Eliana Jones and Mark Moses CREW: Director / Producer - Sylvia Caminer; Screenplay / Producer - Dani Barker; Producer - Michael Indjeian; Cinematographer - Luke Geissbuhler; Score - Alexander Arntzen; Editor - Alex Gans; Production Designer - Noa Rachel Bricklin; Costume Designer - Caycee Black; Visual Effects Supervisor - Alex Noble OFFICIAL: www.followherfilm.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/FollowHerFilm TWITTER: twitter.com/FollowHerFilm TRAILER: https://youtu.be/19ELKe8IKXo RELEASE DATE: In Select Theaters & VOD June 2nd, 2023
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay), or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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