#football club trio remains superior
seventeenlovesthree · 5 months
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Did you know that there is a clear "pecking order/priority list" Taichi and Koushirou have in common when it comes to calling their friends in case of emergency?
Did you also know that, even though there are exactly 10 episodes between these two moments, they both still take place on August 1st 1999?
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Welcome to the Frederick Buchanan Institute located in scenic Quantico, Virginia, a senior high academy that shapes the best and brightest minds. Its motto is “Behavior, Analysis, Unity,” the mascot the Submariners, colloquially “the Unsubs”. The small school supports the most accomplished faculty from across the country. 
Nov. 15, 2016 7:07am
“Hey, kid, got a minute?” Derek asked, leaning into the kitchen door after catching a glimpse of the lanky doctor chatting idly with the chef.
“The school bell rings at 7:30, for you Coach, I’ve got roughly twenty minutes.” Spencer answered in his soothing ramble.
“Right.” Derek remained in the doorway, “Mind if we walk and talk?” Spencer waved to Rossi and followed the football coach into the dark wooden halls. Derek was wearing a suit again, it had been rumored that he owned a few, but now that he was on office detail during his non-teaching hours, he liked to look the part. Spencer sighed internally, despite wearing ties 96% of his working days, he would never pull off the look like Derek Morgan could.
“So, midterms grades are back and I am worried about my guys.” Derek began. “Sciences are crucial and I was hoping that you and I could tag team some study sessions.”
“I am impressed, Coach, certainly I can arrange perhaps a weekly after school tutoring group. But I have obligations that keep me rather busy at night.” Spencer grimaced before sipping his coffee to avoiding continuing on the tangent.
“Sure, no problem. What night does your chess club meet?” Morgan continued.
“Tuesdays, in the Library, until five o’clock.”
“Right, well, my afternoons are open since football season is over.” Derek trailed off.
“Oh, right, sorry? I mean, wasn’t there a loss?” Spencer tried to be conciliatory.
“Yeah, Reid, there was a loss, in the playoffs,” Derek shook his head. “Should we try for Wednesdays?”
“Derek? Aren’t you a little busy? Since Hotch is on paternity leave?” Spencer hinted, trying not to overstep. They had reached his office door, nestled in the middle of the science wing, which contained a meager three classrooms and a storage closet.
“Fair point. Well, I will talk with the kids struggling the most, but maybe we start this after the holidays?”
“That would help their performances in time for finals.” Spencer agreed. Derek patted him on the back robustly, and he chuckled.
“Good talk, thanks Reid.” The deputy headmaster hustled back the way he came.
“Good talk.” Spencer Reid called after his superior, staring awkwardly after his retreating form.
Nov. 16, 2016 3:58pm
Emily Prentiss strode into the library with her head buried in her phone, just in time for the monthly staff meeting. She had been ignoring the emails from her parents, obligatory apologies for not being “home” for the coming holiday. She sighed, sitting down with a long screech of her chair against the floor. The arm beside her retracted, causing her to glance around the table. She had inadvertently sat between JJ and Reid. Perfect.
“Alright, looks like we’re all here. Thanks for spending your afternoon with us, but I feel we need to meet early before the break next week. Penelope? Care to start us off?” Derek’s smooth voice gained everyone’s attention, even the mopping Elle Greenaway and tired Mrs. Kyle.
Penelope started, her list of activities and concerns made up most of the meeting. Emily zoned out when it came to the teachers she had little interaction with, unfortunately she didn’t need anymore to worry about at the moment. The enthusiastic voice behind her began and she tilted her head to pretend to listen, still not looking directly at him. Spencer added that he and Derek would be tutoring students in the new year. God, could he be any more noble, this kid was such a boy scout. Emily cleared her throat after Derek called her name, leaving her jealous annoyance fade from her expression.
“Department is solid this semester. I know some of my Shakespeare kids were hoping for a spring play, but Forensics take priority. I am hoping to take them on a day trip to one of the local universities if I find a scholastically pertinent production.” Emily was concise, letting JJ take over.
“Let us know if you need anything for the outing, Emily. Coach Jaraeu?” Morgan wrote as he talked. Emily’s eyes followed to JJ’s, her voice falling over Emily’s tense form like a cherished blanket, warm and comforting. She watched JJ’s mouth without hearing her words, the conspiratory smirk sneaking onto Emily’s face. The meeting continued, the world falling away as Emily silently gushed over her gorgeous girlfriend.
Derek was the last to address the group, reminding everyone about alerting him to any building issues with the students. “Alex and Stephen have a lot on their plates over the next few weeks, so please be willing to help out if they come a knocking. Thanks everyone, good meeting.” Derek Morgan concluded with a proud grin.
As Emily gathered her things, trying not to obviously brush against JJ, Derek chatted quietly with the school counselor, rubbing his sweaty palms on his slacks more than once. Spencer sat back and observed Emily and JJ making small talk that was overly casual, even for colleagues. He cursed himself for not noticing the hints before, his perspective had been too narrow, too focused and he had missed the now obvious message. Emily pushed in her chair, accidentally nicking Spencer’s foot.
“Oh, sorry, there.” Emily said offhandedly. Spencer shrugged it off, keeping his eyes on his yellow memo pad instead. They caught each other’s side glance just long enough to call it a stalemate, Spencer blinked first.
Nov. 17, 2016 12:55pm
Chloe Roycewood had stormed away, still clutching her lunch tray in front of her. The tears stung her eyes as she looked for a safe space to sit in the familiar tables of the cafeteria. Anywhere but with him, Brayden was being impossible today. She soon spotted Lucas Turner and Jake Hernandez, diving beside the large blonde boy for cover, inadvertently bringing the kind guy into her boyfriend’s warpath. She didn’t mean to start a fight, but she needed someone big enough to protect her and Lucas was sweet.
“What’s up Chloe?” Jacob asked quietly, glancing over at the table that she had practically ran away from. Lucas had already turned toward the girl, patting her back in smoothing circles.
“Brayden is being a jerk,” Chloe tucked her hair behind her ear, “Can we just talk about homework or something?”
Lucas and Chloe were both sophomores, so they had more classes together than her and Brayden or her and Jacob. “Uh, isn’t Brayden always a jerk?” Lucas shared a knowing look with his fellow actor, trying not to be insensitive, but failing completely.
“Lucas!” Chloe groaned, hiding her face in her hands. The boys motioned back and forth, finally breaking the silence.
“So, uh, what do you think the Pipe Cleaner will put on the test next week?” Lucas asked, referring to their Chemistry teacher. He knew he had done well as the girl’s back shook with her muffled giggles, she let her head fall onto his meaty shoulder as she slowly relaxed.
From across the cafeteria Stephen Walker was watching the exchange over his third cup of coffee. Elle had caught his stare and followed it to the unusual trio laughing together.
“Since when are Brayden and Chloe unattached at the hip?” Ms. Greenaway asked, impressed.
“About five minutes, she stormed off, perhaps she is finally coming to her senses.” Stephen whispered, keeping his opinions from the nearest table of students. Just as the teachers looked away a collective gasp escaped the tables between Chloe and Brayden Jennings. Someone (obviously Brayden) had thrown a carton of milk at Lucas Turner’s face, Chloe was frantically trying to wipe the liquid from her face as the other students had all backed away, forming a misshapen circle around the conflict.
The teachers were on the move, but not before some words had been exchanged and the two boys had started pushing chests.
“Brayden! Stop it!” Chloe screamed, her voice cracking under the volume. No one had ever heard her raise her voice, let alone at her controlling boyfriend.
“Why don’t you listen to the young lady, Mr. Jennings?” Mr. Walker asked pointedly, forcing his arm between the two boys like a toll bridge. Lucas backed away instantly, taking some napkins that Jake had collected in the chaos. Chloe had crossed her arms over her chest, but she refused to meet her boyfriend’s glaring eyes.
“Beat it, Jennings, or I’ll drag you to the headmaster’s office myself.” Ms. Greenaway spat, spinning Chloe away from the gawking eyes of the nearly silent cafeteria.
“Poor Lucas!” Chloe whimpered, crying into the teacher’s soothing embrace. Elle looked back at Stephen, he nodded, escorting the belligerent junior boy to be dealt with.
Nov. 18, 2016 10:20am
The entire school had heard about the blow up between Lucas Turner and Brayden Jennings, leaving many speculating if quiet Chloe had been messing around behind the arrogant boy’s back. Those who knew Lucas well, knew that wasn’t the case, between the musical and football, he barely kept up his grades. Romance was not something that had crossed his overworked mind. The approaching holiday break and gossip had created a ruthlessly distracted atmosphere throughout the school.
Emily Prentiss had no qualms answering students’ questions about the matter, if it squashed the rumor mill once and for all. She had explained that Brayden had received detention, helping Mr. Anderson clean the cafeteria for the next week. Her senior seminar was oddly wrapped up in the affair, despite it affecting the lesser beings that were their underclassmen.
“Didn’t Mr. Walker have to break up the fight?” Andrew Heathridge asked enthusiastically.
“There wasn’t a fight, Drew. They had just stood up when Ms. Greenaway and Mr. Walker showed up.” Camille explained.
“Wait, Ms. Greenaway was there?!” Lizzie Strauss balked. “Brayden is lucky to be alive.”
“That’s enough Miss Strauss, I will answer your questions.” Ms. Prentiss stood from her resting position leaning back on her desk. “But you will not disrespect the staff of this school, is that clear?”
The classroom grumbled in agreement, Lizzie’s blue eyed stare challenged her teacher’s piercing brown gaze, glibly.
Nov. 18, 2016 3:42pm
“Ah! Here she is, the only sunshine in this dark and dreary cave!” Chef Dave called, grabbing Penelope’s face between his lined palms, kissing her heartily on each cheek. Michel and Cissy stood behind their fearless leader, awkwardly, their arms full with paper sacks.
“You know, I should come down here more often, it’s good for my ego.” Penelope teased, hugging the older man firmly, yet awkwardly with shopping bags hanging from each of her hands.
“Now, tell me, are we going to beat last year?” David said firmly, inspecting the bags’ contents before setting them on one of the many counters lined with boxes. He motioned to the kids where to set down their loads.
“I hope so!” Penelope prayed, “I would hate to see President Strauss’ face if we didn’t continue to further the school’s good name.
“Don’t worry about Erin,” Dave Rossi muttered, “With all the work you do, no one could ever claim that.” Penelope shrugged at the compliment, her pleased grin staying put.
“How many students participated?” Michel asked as they folded the brown paper into neat rectangles. The chef had already finished sorting the foodstuffs from Penelope’s bags, adding their totals to his tally sheet.
“Out of the 216 students currently enrolled, 154 brought in items,” Penelope closed her eyes reciting from her memory, “Though 89 students brought in more than one item.”
“This is phenomenal, between the staff and students we have over 500 non-perishables to drop off at the food bank.” Dave nodded, pleased with their haul. Cissy and Michel shared a shocked expression, hugging with excitement and pride.
Nov. 21, 2016 11:16pm
Aaron felt like his eyes were going to roll back into his head, but the involuntary reaction to his work email account was valid. There were twelve emails, from Regent President Strauss alone, since he had been on paternity leave. The six weeks had flown by in a sleep deprived blur. He had another six weeks until he was due back to school, but he couldn’t leave all matters lie for so long. He chose one from the middle of last week, hoping it was still relevant.
Erin Strauss
To: Aaron Hotchner
Nov. 15 6:47pm
Mr. Hotchner-
  I hope you and your family are well. While I hate to take away from the adjustment period, I hope you understand my alarm. It has been brought to my attention that Mr. Gideon fell asleep during a film strip he provided as a supplement to teaching this week. Now, I agree that documentaries are beneficiary, but we have standards at FBI and I hope he can adjust and meet the students’ expectations, if not the board’s.
All my best,
Hotch knew what film strip she was eluding to, as Jason had been showing it annually since before Hotch was a student in his class. It was a fail safe to cover up his hangover from the anniversary of someone’s death. Now that he thought about it, Jason had never told him the whole story. Either way, it was unprofessional and a rather outdated cover for it. For the first time since Jack’s birth, Aaron worried about how Derek was handling the reigns.
Nov. 22, 2016 5:45am
The alarm kept whining across the room, but the athletic body beneath the sheets rolled away from the annoyance, burying her face in a pillow of ebony. Emily groaned and smiled to herself, there were worse ways to wake up, in fact she couldn’t imagine a better way to do so. This relationship was turning her into a softy, she thought to herself. She stroked JJ’s golden locks out of her determinedly sleeping face, letting the harsh sound fade from her attention.
When Emily’s phone alarm woke them twenty minutes later, they both began the early morning scramble. Since they had stayed at JJ’s there were energy bars and breakfast shakes for breakfast, the coffee was even less satisfying as it was instant packets. But the easy high of watching each other get put together, made the mediocre caffeine worth it. There was always Rossi’s La San Marco when they got to work.
JJ stopped Emily as she lifted her signature lipstick to her mouth, Emily briefly panicking, double checking her make up in the bathroom mirror. She eyed JJ suspiciously before taking another glance at her eye makeup. Then JJ dove in, taking Emily’s still bare lips in a hungry, yet playful kiss. Laughing making the kissing all the more angled and all the more sweet. At some point JJ had hopped up on the bathroom sink, leaning down to continuing the pecking between discussing plans.
“So, your mom is aware you are bringing me home for Thanksgiving?” She verified, warily.
“Yes, Em,” JJ rolled her baby blues.
“And she knows I am a woman?”
“Actually I told her you were an escaped convict?” JJ shrugged, mouthing ‘sorry’.
“How awkward is it going to be, waltzing in to dinner?” Emily’s nerves were starting to show, her thoroughness fading away as she allowed her vulnerable voice to surface.
“Emily, I played sports growing up. I spent years playing professional soccer, let’s just say, no one was surprised.”
“No one? Really?”
JJ bit both of her lips, shaking her head, completely at ease. Her calm broke through to her girlfriend as Emily let out a long deep breath.
“Pennsylvania, here we come?“
“I’ll pick you up after school, four thirty?” JJ verified.
“Four thirty.” Emily kissed JJ cheek quickly, nudging her from the sink as Emily carefully checked the mirror to apply her deep coat of crimson.
It was closing on five o’clock when Derek Morgan sauntered into the decorative hideaway that was Penelope’s office. She sat silently typing on her computer, her back shaking. He couldn’t tell if she had earbuds in until the sob broke from her chest, he crossed the linoleum floor in three easy strides.
“Hey, hey now. What’s going on?” His deep voice, tender in a way that was seldom heard on campus.
“Uh-huh,” Penelope squeaked out, diving into Derek’s soothing arms. Her whole body shook with the emotions she had been holding inside her. The tears streaked her makeup and pooled on to his shirt, but still he held her warm, soft body in his arms. She gasped and stepped away to clear her throat, coughing until she could calm down further. His dark eyes pleaded with her, waiting for an explanation or some signal that this was a fleeting problem, a pain soon to be rid of.
“I was, uh, I was just filling out a report on one of the kids. I noticed some self harm signs with one of the girls and when I followed up, she denied it.” Penelope dried her cheeks with a nearby tissue from atop her desk, the box was swirls of primary colors. Derek leaned back to sit beside her, ignoring the open door and the late hour.
“Do you think she is still at risk?” Derek asked concerned.
“Yes, of course,” Penelope tossed her tissue and sighed, a belly deep groan of a sigh. “I mean, they’re teenagers. It feels they are always at risk, no matter how much money they were born into, they’re just a bundle of insecurities and neglect, mixed with hormones.”
Derek nodded to the side, understanding on a unique level the emotional stressors of the students. “Have you contacted her parents? Does she need intervention?”
“Oh, you know I did.” Penelope’s voice turned, “They said that she was just trying to get attention and that it would be handled.From what I get out of her, nothing has changed, she hasn’t gotten help, it has been two months!”
“That’s why you’re so upset. Because the parents completely are missing the point.” Derek took Penelope’s hand in his, gently stroking her wrist and forearm.
“I know my kids, you know?” Penelope continued while Derek nodded, “She was hiding the cuts beneath jewelry and clothing, Derek. She was not doing this for attention, at least not for attention here.”
“We’ll talk to Hotch, keep the other teachers on guard, but still hands off.” Derek tried to soothe her. “These kids are important to us all, let us help you. Can you do that?”
Finally Penelope’s natural grin returned, “Yeah, I can do that.” She swung Derek’s hand in hers playfully. He used the gentle momentum to pull her to him, framing her within his prone legs. “So, why are you really here, Coach?” She asked his chest, avoiding eye contact.
Derek smiled up at her, with her cat eye classes and her bubble of bangs. He carefully dodged and weaved until he caught her furtive glances. “I was hoping you would let me take you out before the long weekend, but I didn’t want to bring it up when I found you like this.”
He grew quiet, the confidence fading as he waited, the anticipation of her response freezing him, as she shifted from foot to foot holding his hands. She kept looking at him and then looking at their hands, her feet, never one place too long. She let out a stuttered breath, “Like a date?”
“Yes, Penelope, exactly like a date.” Derek kissed her fidgeting hand carefully, his eyes smoldering her into a quiet squeal.
“Okay,” She grinned, her nose scrunching up the way that always melted him. “So, yeah, just give me twenty minutes to wrap up this report and we’ll be on our way. And Derek? Thank you.”
“Anytime, Baby Girl.”
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/sports/how-mbappe-usurped-neymar-to-become-psgs-main-man/
How Mbappe usurped Neymar to become PSG's main man
Come 10 p.m. on Tuesday nobody at Old Trafford was talking about Neymar. All the talk was about Kylian Mbappe.
When Gianluigi Buffon made his Champions League debut for Parma in 1997, Mbappe was not yet an embryo. When Ole Gunnar Solskjaer — then 26 — scored the last-gasp goal that won Manchester United the 1999 competition, Mbappe was just five months old.
Last night, their paths crossed at Old Trafford to devastating effect.
And while a eulogy of the Frenchman’s blistering pace and frightening speed of thought is hardly a radical stance, his performance in Paris Saint-Germain’s 2-0 win felt like a significant moment for a man whose stock could scarcely be higher following last summer’s World Cup.
It is not that his talismanic virtuoso was unexpected, but that it went against the talk of the game’s pre-match buildup — that PSG, beaten at Lyon nine days previous, might struggle in the absence of two thirds of their big-name attacking trio. As well as Neymar, PSG was also missing Edinson Cavani.
Prior to last night, Mbappe had contributed 71 goals in 71 games for the Paris club, with 43 goals and 28 assists — 47.9 percent of which have directly involved either Neymar or Cavani.
“We need to stop with the scare stories,” Mbappe told RMC Sport after the victory. “People need to stop being afraid. Of course, Neymar is hugely important and Cavani is fundamental to us, but football is played on the pitch and we showed that today.”
Of course, in Angel di Maria and Julian Draxler, PSG’s front three remained well-stocked. In fact, Mbappe was rarely at his clinical best. Yet, his sheer fleet of foot — and mind — came to the fore as he raced into a penalty area to latch onto Di Maria’s cross for his side’s second goal.
As the Daily Telegraph’s Sam Wallace wrote: “This was Champions League football played by grown-ups, and when Mbappe turned on the jets it felt like anything was possible.”
Even Solskjaer could not help but admire the goal. He acknowledged: “The second goal was quality — the ground he makes up to get into the box is brilliant.”
It feels almost paradoxical to suggest that Mbappe’s display defied expectation — this, after all, is a man whose talent justified a $166 million price tag as an 18-year-old, whose goal sealed World Cup glory and whose 2018 saw him finish fourth in the Ballon d’Or vote.
His efforts were only handed a seven out of 10 by French newspaper L’Equipe, with Di Maria topping the marks with an eight. Yet, bigger than his overall display was the symbolism of Mbappe leading from the front in the absence of his Brazilian teammate, his reputational superior.
It was Neymar who was brought in by Qatar Sports Investments’ millions in order to facilitate nights like these, to act as a figurehead for an era of continental domination by the Paris club. Thus far, it is a project from which the fruits have failed to fully materialize.
Even pre-Neymar, the 6-1 rout at the hands of Barcelona in 2017 — the very definition of defeat stemming from the jaws of triumph — proved a humiliating lesson to a club desperate for European success.
Last year, with Neymar in tow, they fell in the round of 16 — comfortably disposed of by Real Madrid, a club whose Champions League pedigree, one feels, is all to which PSG’s ambition aspires.
Chuck in the presence of a rejuvenated Paul Pogba — another of France’s global stars, the pressure on Mbappe to perform last night was immense. That he lived up to both the hype and the reliance is, perhaps, the greatest testament possible.
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artwalktv · 6 years
With massive urban sprawl and a reputation for being the cold Lombard capital, Milan doesn’t feel like a quintessentially Italian metropolis, but with settlers from all over the country making their home here, visitors will find all of Italy in one city. Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: [email protected] http://bit.ly/2DobR3P http://bit.ly/2p7Z4iR http://bit.ly/2DmIizE Youtube: https://youtu.be/D0ZxNdXUWKc Music: Colorful Auras by Cymatix Equipment: Canon 60d, 70d, 5ds Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8 Canon 17-55 mm 2.8 Canon 70-200 mm 4L Canon 16-35 mm 2.8L Canon TS-E 17 mm 4L Manfrotto 190 carbon tripod Software: Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse Known as a centre of fashion, finance and football, Milan is indisputably the country’s most stylish city. Trendy bars and boutiques rub shoulders in the back streets, while on the busy thoroughfares mighty towers signal the city’s superior economic clout. Milan is also the home of two big football clubs, A.C. Milan and Inter Milan, who share the historic San Siro stadium. As the epicentre of Italian fashion and interior design, there is certainly a buzz about the city. International fashionistas, designers, supermodels and paparazzi descend upon Milan twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Many high-end designers still use the city’s trusted producers and it remains one of the best places in the world to shop. Despite the air of modern flair, there is a rich history here too. Cut through the modern metropolitan bustle, and you will stumble across countless impressive churches and palaces. Start with the breath-taking Duomo di Milano in the city centre, a colossal Gothic cathedral, one of the largest in the world. Then there’s the Santa Maria delle Grazie church, which houses Da Vinci’s restored Last Supper painting, and survived bombing raids in WWII. There is plenty to see near the Duomo too, including the city’s fabled opera house, La Scala, and Sforza Castle, a grand medieval fortress. Nearby is Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, an ancient and glamorous arcaded shopping gallery. Not all of Milan’s aesthetic appeal lies in the historic centre. The pretty Navigli area in the south has become popular for its many bars and restaurants, as has the chic Brera district and lively university quarter. Meanwhile, former industrial areas are undergoing urban renewal schemes, such as the old Fiera area, which includes new apartments, a park, a contemporary art museum and a trio of futuristic skyscrapers. It’s bold reinvention like this which reminds us that Milan is truly Italy’s most dynamic city. Probabilmente si pone all’attenzione per altro o preferisce mostrare una delle sue due facce, quella della città capoluogo dell’economia italiana, quella di una città dinamica ai limiti della sopportazione, la città del “lavoro, guadagno, pago, pretendo!” per citare una delle parodie più classiche del milanese tipo... Milano probabilmente nasconde o preferisce non mettere in mostra quelli che sono i suoi veri tesori (che sono quelli per cui in altre città, il turista rimane incantato): gli angoli più nascosti e defilati, magari anche lontani dal centro, le stradine meno frequentate e dove si possono trovare sia lussuosi palazzi settecenteschi e ottocenteschi sia le più modeste case di ringhiera, un must dell’attuale concetto dell’abitare in città, le botteghe degli artigiani, importanti musei e pinacoteche, un patrimonio monumentale tra i più ricchi della penisola …un vero e proprio volto parallelo diverso da quello divulgato dai mezzi di comunicazione…. luoghi comuni compresi! Milano è bella immersa nella nebbia, quando i rumori sono attutiti e i palazzi sembrano ancora più monumentali, e i giardini diventano i luoghi delle favole con strane creature che scopri essere semplicemente dei cagnolini al guinzaglio. Milano è bella sotto la neve, quando quella magnifica”torta” ( è uno spettacolo, qualcosa che lascia a bocca aperta anche per l’unicità dello stile) che è il Duomo lo diventa ancora di più profilata da un sottile strato di brina e quando una strana eccitazione sale tra la gente che cammina per le strade imbiancate. E Milano è bella con il sole nelle belle giornate di primavera, fresche, con un cielo azzurro uniforme e che lascia risaltare le evidenze architettoniche della città: il Duomo, il Castello Sforzesco, la Stazione Centrale, il Pirellone, la Torre Velasca. Milano è bella anche in pieno agosto, con le strade vuote e le saracinesche abbassate, con l’afa che trasforma i Navigli in canali veneziani e con le zanzare in agguato che, come tutti sanno,.... amano l’aperitivo in uno dei tantissimi locali di questa zona.
0 notes
footballghana · 4 years
FEATURE: Should an African have won the Player of the Year award?
It felt like a bit of justice had been done when the Premier League announced on Sunday that Kevin De Bruyne had been named Player of the Season. After the uproar that ensued following Jordan Henderson claiming the Football Writers award, the Belgian’s success seemed like common sense finally prevailing.
Not only did eye test prove the Manchester City midfield playmaker was exemplary, but the stats were also undoubtedly in his favour. He set up 20 goals, matching Thierry Henry’s 17-year record, which had hitherto been impossible to equal by esteemed creators like Cesc Fabregas, Mesut Ozil, David Silva, and Juan Mata in his best years at Chelsea.
He posted a staggering 33 goal contributions, beating his 24-goal-and-assists returns in 16/17 and 17/18 under Pep Guardiola to cement his undoubted status as the division’s leading star.
Even a pair of his 13 goals were nominated for the competition’s Goal of the Season, eventually won by Tottenham Hotspur’s Son Heung-min, demonstrating that he not only picked out incredible passes but scored worldies as well.
Unfortunately, KDB’s near-perfect season was marred by City’s disastrous title challenge which saw Pep’s troops end second, a staggering 18 points behind champions Liverpool.
This was a sticking point by a small portion of critics, consequently leading to other names springing up, including Englishmen Jamie Vardy and Danny Ings.
From an African persuasion, three names immediately spring up: Liverpool pair Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane, as well as Arsenal’s captain and talisman Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.
A case can be made for all three but which of the trio could challenge the impeccable Belgium star?
Salah & Mane
Another successful year on Merseyside saw Egypt’s best export thrive in the Premier League, in a campaign that culminated in league success – the Reds’ first in three decades.
The odd case against Salah certainly seems to be that he is a victim of his outstanding 17/18 season, where he shattered a plethora of scoring records at the club and in the division.
Since that 32-goal campaign (a staggering 42 goal contributions), the ex-Chelsea wideman hasn’t hit those heights, statistically at least, making critics unconsciously water down his achievements in the final third.
In 19/20, the North African scored 19 and assisted 10, thus having a hand in 29 of Liverpool’s 85 goals, 34 percent of the world champions’ total. The setup of Klopp’s team is such that not one player is a standout, meaning a drop-off by one man wouldn’t lead to the collapse of the team.
It’s why Mane, the current African Footballer of the Year, and his colleague in attack have both thrived especially in the just-concluded season, with the Senegal talisman hitting 18 goals – his personal best since moving to England.
A further seven assists took his overall contributions to 25 (29 percent of the team’s strikes), interestingly four behind his African teammate.
Nevertheless, the ex-Southampton attacker remains viewed as the more dynamic of the pair owing to his overall play and superior aesthetic style.
Both are, however, top wide forwards in their primes who make each other better and have been essential figures in Liverpool’s rise to the pinnacle of football domestically and abroad.
Trophies are often used to judge players in modern football but, with Auba, it’s the consistency to keep churning out remarkable numbers regardless of the talent pool surrounding him that underlines his greatness.
While Arsenal, on paper, should be doing better with the personnel in their ranks, the Gunners have tended to underwhelm in recent years since the Gabon forward joined in January 2018. Having equalled his 22-goal haul from 18/19, the feeling was 19/20 was an even better year for the former Borussia Dortmund marksman.
Despite an encouraging summer window that saw Nicolas Pepe – the third-best player in Ligue 1 in 2019 – join, along with Kieran Tierney, David Luiz and Dani Ceballos on loan, the Gunners struggled for form and results in the autumn, leading to Unai Emery’s sacking in November.
Still, Auba’s return barely suffered. He did have a brief lean spell just before the Spaniard was jettisoned but found his feet quickly to deliver arguably the best-ever campaign of his career, given the circumstances at the Emirates Stadium.
While Pepe took time to settle, Alexander Lacazette struggled for consistency early on largely due to injury and Mesut Ozil was mostly absent for varying reasons, it was Aubameyang who carried the can for the majority of the North London side’s season.
This probably puts the Arsenal man as the main challenger to KDB, because his success came in an unpredictable side without the ability or cohesion of the Citizens and Liverpool.
An honourable mention goes to Riyad Mahrez, who was at his most consistent since that incredible 2015/16 year at Leicester City. The African champion’s raw numbers – 10 goals and nine assists – fourth-highest at City pale in comparison to the aforementioned quartet, yet, his underlying statistics emphasise his importance.
The Algerian was involved in 6.34 shot-creating actions per 90, only De Bruyne with 7.09 did better, and he topped the goal-creating actions metric ahead of the midfield playmaker. His City teammate was the only player in the Prem to play more in-play passes leading to goals (25 to 17) while Mahrez led the way for successful dribbles leading to goals.
For a greater understanding of the Algeria star’s influence, Salah, Mane and Auba were involved in 3.69, 3.51 and 1.51 shot-creating actions per 90 and 0.50, 0.49 and 0.26 goal-creating actions per 90 respectively.
Salah, though, outdoes the African contingent for Expected Goals per 90, while Mahrez, second to only KDB in the league, unsurprisingly leads the continent’s attackers for Expected Assists per 90.
Indeed, while latent statistics may not favour Aubameyang, Gooners will argue he had a more influential season than Salah, Mane and Mahrez. This claim will prompt debates among supporters of the forwards throwing their weight behind who they think did more than enough to challenge the imperious Belgian star.
Still, it’d be tough making a solid case for anyone over the breathtaking De Bruyne whose 19/20 campaign was simply out of this world in a slightly volatile City side.
Source: goal.com
source: https://footballghana.com/
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sportsleague365 · 6 years
Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane have each scored six league goals this season (Getty Images)A dozen games into the season and Liverpool are still clinging on to Manchester City’s coattails in the Premier League table with just two points separating the top two. While City are two points worse off at this stage of the season than they were this time last year, Liverpool have drastically improved, cutting the deficit between them by eight points. The fundamental factor behind Liverpool’s title challenge has been their defensive solidity as they rank joint-top with City for fewest goals conceded with five apiece. By the end of November, 2017, Liverpool had shipped 17 league goals. The signings of Virgil Van Dijk in January and Alisson in July, have solved two major areas of weakness, while the development of youthful trio Trent Alexander-Arnold, Joe Gomez and Andy Robertson has been profound. MORE: MUSIC Cheryl is accused of ripping off new single Love Made Me Do It from 80s singer Paul YoungI’m a Celeb is back, and so are the pervy headlines about the shower scenesCorrie death shocker, EastEnders killer crash, Emmerdale twist and 22 more spoilersSo impressive has Liverpool’s defence been in fact, that they have even managed to take some of the shine away from their much-vaunted front three of Roberto Firmino, Sadio Mane and last season’s goalscoring record-breaker, Mohamed Salah. Although Liverpool are still renowned for the potency of their attackers, they have actually scored fewer goals (23) than every other team in the top five with the exception of Spurs (20) so far this season. Their goals against columns might be identical, but City’s overall goal difference is far superior than that of their nearest challengers as they have scored 13 times more. As happy as he will be with the stinginess of his defence, Klopp will want his attackers to reduce that gap in the coming weeks. Roberto Firmino has found goals tough to come by so far this season (Getty Images)While much has been made of the form of Salah and Firmino in particular, it is interesting to compare their respective goal tallies now from 12 months ago. Salah is three goals worse off with six compared to nine, but only three players have outscored him in the division. Firmino, meanwhile, is down by just one, from three goals to two and his output noticeably improved from December onwards in 2017-18. Making up for the deficit in Salah and Firmino’s goals has been Mane, who has doubled his total from three to six following a strong start to the campaign. Overall, Liverpool’s attackers have scored just one goal fewer between them at the 12-game mark. There is an argument to be made that Liverpool’s ensemble of talented central midfielders need to do more to reduce the goalscoring pressure on Salah, Firmino and Mane, yet Liverpool’s front three can also do more to help narrow that goal deficit with City, starting against Watford on Saturday. MORE: FOOTBALL Why Liverpool's front three can get back on track against high-flying WatfordZico's future with Block B uncertain as he officially parts ways with Seven SeasonsBungle freed from doggy prison for nipping cop trying to drag him from under lorryAside from a shock 3-0 defeat against Watford in the first meeting between the two clubs after the Hornets’ promotion in 2015, Liverpool have a good record against this weekend’s opponents, winning four and drawing one of the other five games and racking up 17 goals in the process. Watford might be seventh in the table and on the verge of handing manager Javi Gracia a new long-term contract, but history suggests they are the perfect opponent for Liverpool’s front three to rediscover their most devastating form. In just two appearances against Watford last season, Salah directly contributed towards six goals (five goals and one assist). Only Luis Suarez has a better goal involvement against an opponent in Premier League history, with seven (five goals, two assists) in two games against Cardiff. Salah walking off with the match-ball after scoring four times against Watford last season (Getty Images)Firmino, meanwhile, has been involved in seven goals from his previous five games against the Hornets, scoring four times and assisting a further three, while Mane has three goals and two assists to show from his three league appearances against them for Liverpool. Watford are much-improved under Gracia but the 4-0 home defeat to Bournemouth in October demonstrated that they can be pulled apart by teams possessing fluidity, pace and ruthlessness in attack. As good as Ryan Fraser, David Brooks and Callum Wilson have been this season, Salah, Firmino and Mane are another level above. Liverpool’s form has stuttered somewhat of late but it is a testament to their new-found resolve that they remain within touching distance of City. Should their front three click into top-gear over the festive period, Pep Guardiola and his players will certainly be looking nervously over their shoulders. MORE: LIVERPOOL FC Liverpool boosted as Sadio Mane signs new contractJurgen Klopp handed Liverpool injury boost ahead of Watford clashPSG dealt huge Neymar injury blow ahead of Liverpool clash #LiverpoolFC #MohamedSalah #PremierLeague
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fossadeileonixv · 6 years
Benvenuto, Lucas Paqueta
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Tudo bem? Tudo bem.
Our boy nine took the time to watch the latest Flamengo game and wrote a fantastic synopsis of what he saw. I had a little scouting report of my own, but to be honest, nine’s is so thorough I scrapped the whole thing. Enjoy and a huge round of applause to the author!
The Facts
Name: Lucas Tolentino Coelho de Lima
Country: Brazil
Height: 180 cm; 5′11″
Weight: 72kg; 160 lbs.
Foot: Left
Position: Central midfield, attacking midfield
Age: 21
Stat Line (Flamengo 2018): Brazilian Serie A, 24 appearances, 9 goals, 2 assists, 4 yellows
At just the tender age of 19, Paqueta secured a starting spot on Rio de Janeiro’s biggest club in Flamengo. Though he began his career as a center-forward, he has been employed deeper and deeper with each season as both his body and game matured. He’s settled into something of an attack-minded midfielder, shuttling possession up-field and involving himself in within the final third, while still dropping back and breaking up play. 2018 has been his breakout season with 9 goals and an assist in 24 league matches, earning his first senior call-up last month. The combination of his technique and intelligence have attracted the interest of some of Europe’s bigger clubs with Man U, Barca, PSG (I guess they’re a big club?) and Liverpool all courting the starlet over the summer months. Ultimately, Leonardo and if rumors are to be true, Kaka were enough to convince Paq that Milan’s project was the right fit.
And now the low cross to nine...
Nine’s Notes
Sooooo the international break is back upon us for what feels like the tenth time this season and like any sane person, I hate it. The timing of the break couldn’t have been any worse considering we are on a three game win streak and heading into the derby with maximum confidence. Regardless, I was tired of friendlies, which are still as meaningless despite now being masked as part of new Nations League so instead, I decided to scout out our newest, nearly-official Brazilian talent, Lucas Paqueta.
The Game
As TR has already touched on, Paqueta is a key player for Flamengo in the Brazilian Serie A and on Sunday, Flamengo faced off against Fluminese in derby match. The match itself ended as a massive 3-0 win for Paqueta’s side. Flamengo dominated until about the 70th minute, by which time, the score was already 3-0 and the points were secured. Truth be told, the result never seemed in doubt for the Brazilians in red and black with Fluminese struggling to create any chances. However, this shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering that Flamengo are currently in third, only four points off top spot in the league, and Fluminese are languishing in midtable mediocrity.
Also I just wanted to add a quick disclaimer before I go into discussing Paqueta’s performance. I have not watched a full 90 minutes of football in the Brazilian Serie A in at least a decade but the quality of play shocked me. I know I’m spoiled watching mostly Serie A along with some La Liga and PL footie sprinkled in, but this game was truly a chore to watch. The passing was disjointed, the defenders were rash, and both the offensive movement and defensive organization was amateurish. The GolTV commentator snoring around the 65th minute about summed up the state of Brazilian footie today.
Paqueta’s position and involvement
Flamengo’s formation was a hybrid between a 4-3-3 and 4-2-3-1 with Paqueta playing on the left side of the midfield trio (think of Jack’s position). He was clearly told by his manager to remain the furthest forward of the midfielders, serving as the link between midfield and attack.
Most of Flamengo’s attacks came through the left side with their left winger, Vitinho, as the main point of chance creation. Paqueta played the pass before the assist for their first goal (https://streamable.com/dhpqs) and his deflected shot directly led to a tap in for their third goal (https://streamable.com/c42sp).
Paqueta wasn’t dictating the pace, nor do I think he had a great game per his standards but his teammates were clearly looking for him every time they had the ball. And he didn’t disappoint when they did manage to get the ball to him: his passing was on another level compared to every other player out there and he did an excellent job striding out from midfield and transitioning the team to attack. So in terms of where he’ll fit in at Milan, I’d expect him to directly challenge Bonaventura when he gets here.
Ball control: One thing that really stood out was how difficult it was for the other team to dispossess Paqueta when he was on the ball. They essentially had to resort to fouling him if they wanted to stop him from dribbling right by them. His size is also a massive plus because he can shield the ball so effectively. I would compare him to Pogba in this sense. This is a players who knows how to use his size effectively to maintain possession and use strength to bomb past defenders. Paqueta does seem to be more of a flashy player than the other two, however, with more of an arsenal of tricks to whip out in tough situations.
Breaking through the lines: Paqueta was an excellent link between the midfield and offense. He effectively uses his close control to stride through the opposing midfield, meaning that the other team would resort to fouling primarily in this game. In the few times that Paqueta did break through the wall of Fluminese midfielders, he picked out some great lateral and vertical passes that either helped shift the ball into an area with more space or create a direct chance. I will admit that there were few moments where he created clear cut chances but near the end of the game, he did play a defense splitting through ball that put the left winger one on one against the keeper.
Decision making: By far the biggest surprise was seeing Paqueta consistently make the right choices when in possession. Based off his highlight reels, he definitely seems like the type of player who values flash over direct football. His performance in this game completely dispels that myth, however. I can only recall one time when he used trickery to beat a defender and he ended up winning a foul in that play (https://streamable.com/43lve). For the most part, Paqueta knew when and where to dribble or pass, which was a massive plus. He is certainly not a ballhog or excessively flashy player – but he does know when to use his range of tricks and flicks.
Defensive work rate: The kid is absolutely willing to put in his shift when his team doesn’t have possession. There was one time when he was actually covering for his right back near the corner flag despite being the left mezzala. In fact, I would even say that he could put in a decent shift in the Kessie role but it would be a waste of his talents. His size and strength are key to making him a difficult opponent to dribble past. Also he’s a beast in the air in both defending and attacking on set pieces.
Did not impact the game consistently throughout the 90 minutes: It was a bit disappointing not seeing Paqueta take the game by the scruff of the neck and absolutely dominate it, which he certainly has the talent to do. There were times when it seemed as though the game was passing by him. I also believe that the lower quality of players around him could have contributed to this. His passing was much more intentional and crisp than his teammates, who often failed to pick him out in dangerous positions.
Not taking enough risk when on the ball: I’m being kinda nitpicky here and this is an extension of the previous weakness but I would have liked to see Paqueta create a few more goal scoring chances. He was involved in two of the three goals and should have had another assist but there were a few too many times where I saw him take a safer option. I think this would be less of an issue at Milan considering that we have a few other creative outlets who could press the issue but I would have liked to see a less risk-averse Paqueta. In the grand scheme though, being smart with the ball and knowing when to take risks is an important trait and I think we all expected Paqueta to be on the opposite side of the spectrum and be too risky. So this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just a surprising observation.
Paqueta has the talent and attitude to be a successful mezzala at Milan. It’ll be important for him to get some rest after a loooong year so I wouldn’t expect him to be starting for Milan before at least mid-February. But I’m optimistic on his chances of contributing in our very thin midfield. He has the propensity to show up from midfield and score a vital goal off a cross or through individual brilliance in the way that Bonaventura does along with a superior ability to create chances from the midfield or at least, push the team into dangerous positions in the final third in games where we need a more direct option. But, he’s gotta continue to work on his understanding of the game and being in sync with his teammates, something that I expect will come become easier for him as he upgrades his teammates in Milan. In conclusion, this move has the makings of another Leonardo coup but I wouldn’t place too much responsibility on him until the start of next season.
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emzeciorrr · 6 years
Milan in Motion. Italy. Timelapse & Hyperlapse from Kirill Neiezhmakov on Vimeo.
With massive urban sprawl and a reputation for being the cold Lombard capital, Milan doesn’t feel like a quintessentially Italian metropolis, but with settlers from all over the country making their home here, visitors will find all of Italy in one city.
Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: [email protected] facebook.com/kirill.neiezhmakov instagram.com/neiezhmakov/ vk.com/nk_design Youtube: youtu.be/D0ZxNdXUWKc Music: Colorful Auras by Cymatix
Equipment: Canon 60d, 70d, 5ds Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8 Canon 17-55 mm 2.8 Canon 70-200 mm 4L Canon 16-35 mm 2.8L Canon TS-E 17 mm 4L Manfrotto 190 carbon tripod Software: Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse
Known as a centre of fashion, finance and football, Milan is indisputably the country’s most stylish city. Trendy bars and boutiques rub shoulders in the back streets, while on the busy thoroughfares mighty towers signal the city’s superior economic clout. Milan is also the home of two big football clubs, A.C. Milan and Inter Milan, who share the historic San Siro stadium. As the epicentre of Italian fashion and interior design, there is certainly a buzz about the city. International fashionistas, designers, supermodels and paparazzi descend upon Milan twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Many high-end designers still use the city’s trusted producers and it remains one of the best places in the world to shop. Despite the air of modern flair, there is a rich history here too. Cut through the modern metropolitan bustle, and you will stumble across countless impressive churches and palaces. Start with the breath-taking Duomo di Milano in the city centre, a colossal Gothic cathedral, one of the largest in the world. Then there’s the Santa Maria delle Grazie church, which houses Da Vinci’s restored Last Supper painting, and survived bombing raids in WWII. There is plenty to see near the Duomo too, including the city’s fabled opera house, La Scala, and Sforza Castle, a grand medieval fortress. Nearby is Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, an ancient and glamorous arcaded shopping gallery. Not all of Milan’s aesthetic appeal lies in the historic centre. The pretty Navigli area in the south has become popular for its many bars and restaurants, as has the chic Brera district and lively university quarter. Meanwhile, former industrial areas are undergoing urban renewal schemes, such as the old Fiera area, which includes new apartments, a park, a contemporary art museum and a trio of futuristic skyscrapers. It’s bold reinvention like this which reminds us that Milan is truly Italy’s most dynamic city.
Probabilmente si pone all’attenzione per altro o preferisce mostrare una delle sue due facce, quella della città capoluogo dell’economia italiana, quella di una città dinamica ai limiti della sopportazione, la città del “lavoro, guadagno, pago, pretendo!” per citare una delle parodie più classiche del milanese tipo... Milano probabilmente nasconde o preferisce non mettere in mostra quelli che sono i suoi veri tesori (che sono quelli per cui in altre città, il turista rimane incantato): gli angoli più nascosti e defilati, magari anche lontani dal centro, le stradine meno frequentate e dove si possono trovare sia lussuosi palazzi settecenteschi e ottocenteschi sia le più modeste case di ringhiera, un must dell’attuale concetto dell’abitare in città, le botteghe degli artigiani, importanti musei e pinacoteche, un patrimonio monumentale tra i più ricchi della penisola …un vero e proprio volto parallelo diverso da quello divulgato dai mezzi di comunicazione…. luoghi comuni compresi! Milano è bella immersa nella nebbia, quando i rumori sono attutiti e i palazzi sembrano ancora più monumentali, e i giardini diventano i luoghi delle favole con strane creature che scopri essere semplicemente dei cagnolini al guinzaglio. Milano è bella sotto la neve, quando quella magnifica”torta” ( è uno spettacolo, qualcosa che lascia a bocca aperta anche per l’unicità dello stile) che è il Duomo lo diventa ancora di più profilata da un sottile strato di brina e quando una strana eccitazione sale tra la gente che cammina per le strade imbiancate. E Milano è bella con il sole nelle belle giornate di primavera, fresche, con un cielo azzurro uniforme e che lascia risaltare le evidenze architettoniche della città: il Duomo, il Castello Sforzesco, la Stazione Centrale, il Pirellone, la Torre Velasca. Milano è bella anche in pieno agosto, con le strade vuote e le saracinesche abbassate, con l’afa che trasforma i Navigli in canali veneziani e con le zanzare in agguato che, come tutti sanno,.... amano l’aperitivo in uno dei tantissimi locali di questa zona.
0 notes
kebee-s · 6 years
Milan in Motion. Italy. Timelapse & Hyperlapse from Kirill Neiezhmakov on Vimeo.
With massive urban sprawl and a reputation for being the cold Lombard capital, Milan doesn’t feel like a quintessentially Italian metropolis, but with settlers from all over the country making their home here, visitors will find all of Italy in one city.
Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: [email protected] facebook.com/kirill.neiezhmakov instagram.com/neiezhmakov/ vk.com/nk_design Youtube: youtu.be/D0ZxNdXUWKc Music: Colorful Auras by Cymatix
Equipment: Canon 60d, 70d, 5ds Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8 Canon 17-55 mm 2.8 Canon 70-200 mm 4L Canon 16-35 mm 2.8L Canon TS-E 17 mm 4L Manfrotto 190 carbon tripod Software: Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse
Known as a centre of fashion, finance and football, Milan is indisputably the country’s most stylish city. Trendy bars and boutiques rub shoulders in the back streets, while on the busy thoroughfares mighty towers signal the city’s superior economic clout. Milan is also the home of two big football clubs, A.C. Milan and Inter Milan, who share the historic San Siro stadium. As the epicentre of Italian fashion and interior design, there is certainly a buzz about the city. International fashionistas, designers, supermodels and paparazzi descend upon Milan twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Many high-end designers still use the city’s trusted producers and it remains one of the best places in the world to shop. Despite the air of modern flair, there is a rich history here too. Cut through the modern metropolitan bustle, and you will stumble across countless impressive churches and palaces. Start with the breath-taking Duomo di Milano in the city centre, a colossal Gothic cathedral, one of the largest in the world. Then there’s the Santa Maria delle Grazie church, which houses Da Vinci’s restored Last Supper painting, and survived bombing raids in WWII. There is plenty to see near the Duomo too, including the city’s fabled opera house, La Scala, and Sforza Castle, a grand medieval fortress. Nearby is Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, an ancient and glamorous arcaded shopping gallery. Not all of Milan’s aesthetic appeal lies in the historic centre. The pretty Navigli area in the south has become popular for its many bars and restaurants, as has the chic Brera district and lively university quarter. Meanwhile, former industrial areas are undergoing urban renewal schemes, such as the old Fiera area, which includes new apartments, a park, a contemporary art museum and a trio of futuristic skyscrapers. It’s bold reinvention like this which reminds us that Milan is truly Italy’s most dynamic city.
Probabilmente si pone all’attenzione per altro o preferisce mostrare una delle sue due facce, quella della città capoluogo dell’economia italiana, quella di una città dinamica ai limiti della sopportazione, la città del “lavoro, guadagno, pago, pretendo!” per citare una delle parodie più classiche del milanese tipo... Milano probabilmente nasconde o preferisce non mettere in mostra quelli che sono i suoi veri tesori (che sono quelli per cui in altre città, il turista rimane incantato): gli angoli più nascosti e defilati, magari anche lontani dal centro, le stradine meno frequentate e dove si possono trovare sia lussuosi palazzi settecenteschi e ottocenteschi sia le più modeste case di ringhiera, un must dell’attuale concetto dell’abitare in città, le botteghe degli artigiani, importanti musei e pinacoteche, un patrimonio monumentale tra i più ricchi della penisola …un vero e proprio volto parallelo diverso da quello divulgato dai mezzi di comunicazione…. luoghi comuni compresi! Milano è bella immersa nella nebbia, quando i rumori sono attutiti e i palazzi sembrano ancora più monumentali, e i giardini diventano i luoghi delle favole con strane creature che scopri essere semplicemente dei cagnolini al guinzaglio. Milano è bella sotto la neve, quando quella magnifica”torta” ( è uno spettacolo, qualcosa che lascia a bocca aperta anche per l’unicità dello stile) che è il Duomo lo diventa ancora di più profilata da un sottile strato di brina e quando una strana eccitazione sale tra la gente che cammina per le strade imbiancate. E Milano è bella con il sole nelle belle giornate di primavera, fresche, con un cielo azzurro uniforme e che lascia risaltare le evidenze architettoniche della città: il Duomo, il Castello Sforzesco, la Stazione Centrale, il Pirellone, la Torre Velasca. Milano è bella anche in pieno agosto, con le strade vuote e le saracinesche abbassate, con l’afa che trasforma i Navigli in canali veneziani e con le zanzare in agguato che, come tutti sanno,.... amano l’aperitivo in uno dei tantissimi locali di questa zona.
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mehdimedia · 6 years
Milan in Motion. Italy. Timelapse & Hyperlapse from Kirill Neiezhmakov on Vimeo.
With massive urban sprawl and a reputation for being the cold Lombard capital, Milan doesn’t feel like a quintessentially Italian metropolis, but with settlers from all over the country making their home here, visitors will find all of Italy in one city.
Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: [email protected] facebook.com/kirill.neiezhmakov instagram.com/neiezhmakov/ vk.com/nk_design Youtube: youtu.be/D0ZxNdXUWKc Music: Colorful Auras by Cymatix
Equipment: Canon 60d, 70d, 5ds Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8 Canon 17-55 mm 2.8 Canon 70-200 mm 4L Canon 16-35 mm 2.8L Canon TS-E 17 mm 4L Manfrotto 190 carbon tripod Software: Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse
Known as a centre of fashion, finance and football, Milan is indisputably the country’s most stylish city. Trendy bars and boutiques rub shoulders in the back streets, while on the busy thoroughfares mighty towers signal the city’s superior economic clout. Milan is also the home of two big football clubs, A.C. Milan and Inter Milan, who share the historic San Siro stadium. As the epicentre of Italian fashion and interior design, there is certainly a buzz about the city. International fashionistas, designers, supermodels and paparazzi descend upon Milan twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Many high-end designers still use the city’s trusted producers and it remains one of the best places in the world to shop. Despite the air of modern flair, there is a rich history here too. Cut through the modern metropolitan bustle, and you will stumble across countless impressive churches and palaces. Start with the breath-taking Duomo di Milano in the city centre, a colossal Gothic cathedral, one of the largest in the world. Then there’s the Santa Maria delle Grazie church, which houses Da Vinci’s restored Last Supper painting, and survived bombing raids in WWII. There is plenty to see near the Duomo too, including the city’s fabled opera house, La Scala, and Sforza Castle, a grand medieval fortress. Nearby is Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, an ancient and glamorous arcaded shopping gallery. Not all of Milan’s aesthetic appeal lies in the historic centre. The pretty Navigli area in the south has become popular for its many bars and restaurants, as has the chic Brera district and lively university quarter. Meanwhile, former industrial areas are undergoing urban renewal schemes, such as the old Fiera area, which includes new apartments, a park, a contemporary art museum and a trio of futuristic skyscrapers. It’s bold reinvention like this which reminds us that Milan is truly Italy’s most dynamic city.
Probabilmente si pone all’attenzione per altro o preferisce mostrare una delle sue due facce, quella della città capoluogo dell’economia italiana, quella di una città dinamica ai limiti della sopportazione, la città del “lavoro, guadagno, pago, pretendo!” per citare una delle parodie più classiche del milanese tipo... Milano probabilmente nasconde o preferisce non mettere in mostra quelli che sono i suoi veri tesori (che sono quelli per cui in altre città, il turista rimane incantato): gli angoli più nascosti e defilati, magari anche lontani dal centro, le stradine meno frequentate e dove si possono trovare sia lussuosi palazzi settecenteschi e ottocenteschi sia le più modeste case di ringhiera, un must dell’attuale concetto dell’abitare in città, le botteghe degli artigiani, importanti musei e pinacoteche, un patrimonio monumentale tra i più ricchi della penisola …un vero e proprio volto parallelo diverso da quello divulgato dai mezzi di comunicazione…. luoghi comuni compresi! Milano è bella immersa nella nebbia, quando i rumori sono attutiti e i palazzi sembrano ancora più monumentali, e i giardini diventano i luoghi delle favole con strane creature che scopri essere semplicemente dei cagnolini al guinzaglio. Milano è bella sotto la neve, quando quella magnifica”torta” ( è uno spettacolo, qualcosa che lascia a bocca aperta anche per l’unicità dello stile) che è il Duomo lo diventa ancora di più profilata da un sottile strato di brina e quando una strana eccitazione sale tra la gente che cammina per le strade imbiancate. E Milano è bella con il sole nelle belle giornate di primavera, fresche, con un cielo azzurro uniforme e che lascia risaltare le evidenze architettoniche della città: il Duomo, il Castello Sforzesco, la Stazione Centrale, il Pirellone, la Torre Velasca. Milano è bella anche in pieno agosto, con le strade vuote e le saracinesche abbassate, con l’afa che trasforma i Navigli in canali veneziani e con le zanzare in agguato che, come tutti sanno,.... amano l’aperitivo in uno dei tantissimi locali di questa zona.
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ozkamal · 6 years
With massive urban sprawl and a reputation for being the cold Lombard capital, Milan doesn’t feel like a quintessentially Italian metropolis, but with settlers from all over the country making their home here, visitors will find all of Italy in one city. Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail: [email protected] https://ift.tt/2qgWAtS https://ift.tt/2qh0CCB https://ift.tt/2nAze0W Youtube: https://youtu.be/D0ZxNdXUWKc Music: Colorful Auras by Cymatix Equipment: Canon 60d, 70d, 5ds Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8 Canon 17-55 mm 2.8 Canon 70-200 mm 4L Canon 16-35 mm 2.8L Canon TS-E 17 mm 4L Manfrotto 190 carbon tripod Software: Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse Known as a centre of fashion, finance and football, Milan is indisputably the country’s most stylish city. Trendy bars and boutiques rub shoulders in the back streets, while on the busy thoroughfares mighty towers signal the city’s superior economic clout. Milan is also the home of two big football clubs, A.C. Milan and Inter Milan, who share the historic San Siro stadium. As the epicentre of Italian fashion and interior design, there is certainly a buzz about the city. International fashionistas, designers, supermodels and paparazzi descend upon Milan twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs. Many high-end designers still use the city’s trusted producers and it remains one of the best places in the world to shop. Despite the air of modern flair, there is a rich history here too. Cut through the modern metropolitan bustle, and you will stumble across countless impressive churches and palaces. Start with the breath-taking Duomo di Milano in the city centre, a colossal Gothic cathedral, one of the largest in the world. Then there’s the Santa Maria delle Grazie church, which houses Da Vinci’s restored Last Supper painting, and survived bombing raids in WWII. There is plenty to see near the Duomo too, including the city’s fabled opera house, La Scala, and Sforza Castle, a grand medieval fortress. Nearby is Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, an ancient and glamorous arcaded shopping gallery. Not all of Milan’s aesthetic appeal lies in the historic centre. The pretty Navigli area in the south has become popular for its many bars and restaurants, as has the chic Brera district and lively university quarter. Meanwhile, former industrial areas are undergoing urban renewal schemes, such as the old Fiera area, which includes new apartments, a park, a contemporary art museum and a trio of futuristic skyscrapers. It’s bold reinvention like this which reminds us that Milan is truly Italy’s most dynamic city. Probabilmente si pone all’attenzione per altro o preferisce mostrare una delle sue due facce, quella della città capoluogo dell’economia italiana, quella di una città dinamica ai limiti della sopportazione, la città del “lavoro, guadagno, pago, pretendo!” per citare una delle parodie più classiche del milanese tipo... Milano probabilmente nasconde o preferisce non mettere in mostra quelli che sono i suoi veri tesori (che sono quelli per cui in altre città, il turista rimane incantato): gli angoli più nascosti e defilati, magari anche lontani dal centro, le stradine meno frequentate e dove si possono trovare sia lussuosi palazzi settecenteschi e ottocenteschi sia le più modeste case di ringhiera, un must dell’attuale concetto dell’abitare in città, le botteghe degli artigiani, importanti musei e pinacoteche, un patrimonio monumentale tra i più ricchi della penisola …un vero e proprio volto parallelo diverso da quello divulgato dai mezzi di comunicazione…. luoghi comuni compresi! Milano è bella immersa nella nebbia, quando i rumori sono attutiti e i palazzi sembrano ancora più monumentali, e i giardini diventano i luoghi delle favole con strane creature che scopri essere semplicemente dei cagnolini al guinzaglio. Milano è bella sotto la neve, quando quella magnifica”torta” ( è uno spettacolo, qualcosa che lascia a bocca aperta anche per l’unicità dello stile) che è il Duomo lo diventa ancora di più profilata da un sottile strato di brina e quando una strana eccitazione sale tra la gente che cammina per le strade imbiancate. E Milano è bella con il sole nelle belle giornate di primavera, fresche, con un cielo azzurro uniforme e che lascia risaltare le evidenze architettoniche della città: il Duomo, il Castello Sforzesco, la Stazione Centrale, il Pirellone, la Torre Velasca. Milano è bella anche in pieno agosto, con le strade vuote e le saracinesche abbassate, con l’afa che trasforma i Navigli in canali veneziani e con le zanzare in agguato che, come tutti sanno,.... amano l’aperitivo in uno dei tantissimi locali di questa zona.
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footballghana · 4 years
FEATURE: Is Eddie Nketiah proving he can be Arsenal's future?
Two games for Arsenal after the Premier League’s restart and the situation for Mikel Arteta is looking fairly bleak.
Before the lockdown, results suggested they had put their hat in the ring for a Champions League spot, a situation that looked inconceivable when Arteta replaced Unai Emery in December.
However, defeats by Manchester City and Brighton & Hove Albion have now seen the Gunners fall 11 points behind Chelsea and nine adrift of Manchester United and Wolverhampton Wanderers.
Those twin defeats, 3-0 at the Etihad Stadium and 2-1 at the Amex Stadium, in isolation may not have been overly criticised in normal circumstances, however, the manner of both losses were truly unacceptable.
David Luiz’s half-hour of madness cost the North London club dear in their game in hand against City, while they failed to hold on to a second-half lead against a Seagulls side that were winless in 2020 before Saturday.
Barring an encouraging opening half-hour spell against Pep Guardiola’s side, the three-time top-flight champions have been dire and largely listless in every area of the pitch.
One player who has impressed in the opening exchanges is Eddie Nketiah, who surprisingly led the attack when Alexander Lacazette would have been observers’ favourite to start in Manchester.
In a game devoid of any outstanding positives for the away side, as was the same at Brighton at the weekend, the 21-year-old frontman gave as good as he got until his substitution in the 67th minute.
Given the Gunners didn’t offer much in the way of attempts at the City goal (they could only muster three all night), it’s impossible to judge the youngster on his prowess in front of goal, for that game at least.
The England U-21 international got one of the visitors’ trio of attempts as he barely got a whiff of finding the back of the net, not to mention touch the ball inside the outgoing champions’ penalty area.
Still, with four of six ground duels won on the night, the talented striker sacrificed enough in and out of possession and showed he can thrive outside doing only the fancy stuff on the pitch. Only Kieran Tierney (won five duels) was more successful in his individual tussles out of Arsenal's players, and he played for the entirety of the match.
In Arsenal's troubled start back to action, few players have done a lot to commend them, but has Nketiah shown that he can be a key part of the club's future?
There have been positives and negatives in Arteta's time at the club, Nketiah being given a greater role in the team inclusive, but the enormity of the challenges facing the former Man City assistant threatens to overshadow the encouraging signs of the opening few months.
Despite the promising facets of his young frontman’s time in the side, the general feeling is that the 2019 Europa League finalists are at their best when Lacazette leads the attack and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang plays off the Frenchman on the left of the attack.
The former Olympique Lyon striker holds up the ball better and links play smoother than his wet-behind-the-ears teammate and still posts superior underlying numbers than the England youth international.
Lacazette creates one chance per game, while Nketiah manages 0.4 per match. This reflects in their assist numbers: three for the 29-year-old while the youngster is yet to set up a teammate in his embryonic time in the side. The experienced striker’s greater number of appearances (22 to seven) plays to his advantage and maybe fails to present a balanced view as a consequence.
Still, his superiority in possession is the minimum level Nketiah has to reach at least if he’s to have a shot at leading the line at Arsenal in Arteta’s system.
It also goes without saying, but his efficiency in front of goal certainly needs to improve as the Gunners’ number nine.
With Aubameyang’s future in the air, and Lacazette considering his future as well if the club fail to qualify for Champions League football yet again next season, the young Anglo-Ghanaian frontman could find himself playing alongside Gabriel Martinelli, another hugely talented forward, next season.
The Brazilian has caught the eye in his debut season in English football and has impressively become the first Gunners teenager since Nicolas Anelka to hit double figures in one season.
Chances of a consistent pairing with Nketiah remain slim for now given the established duo ahead of them in the pecking order, but the duo must persist in positioning themselves as the successors for their more established teammates.
While the 21-year-old has been decent since Arteta showed belief in him, Nketiah needs to improve his goalscoring and all-round play if he’s to win the hearts of Gooners and prove he can lead the line for years to come.
Source: goal.com
source: https://footballghana.com/
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