#football drablle
percervall · 2 years
Pumpkin spice lattes
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Player: Jan Oblak Words: 1221 Requested: - Warnings: Mentions of injuries A/N: Jan seemed like the kind of person who'd secretly enjoy a PSL 🤷‍♀️ Let me know what you think!
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“Hey,” she said, peering around the doorframe, “ready?”
Jan turned around and groaned when he saw it was her, making her grin. 
“Come on, you know you’ll feel better afterwards.” 
Jan rolled his eyes at that.
“She’s right, it’s important to build up strength through low impact exercise,” his physical therapist said.
“Not you too,” Jan groaned.
“Come on sunshine, I’ll buy you a coffee.” 
The prospect of something that tasted better than the stuff they offered in the dining hall finally swayed him. Jan sighed and got up from the massage table. 
“Fine,” he grumbled, following her out of the training facility. It was a hell of his own making, if he was being honest. They had met during an Atletico press day a few years ago. She had played as a goalkeeper for the women’s team, so they ended up chatting about the differences between the men’s and women’s leagues, and swapped stories about their favourite saves. Long story short, they became best friends. And then she suffered a career ending injury. Jan came to see her every day while she was still in hospital. When she got out, Atletico offered her a job on the social media side of things. During the first six months, he would come by her office and drag her along for walks while her shoulder was still healing, and later he’d drag her along to the gym for workouts. And now she was returning the favour while he was recovering from a ligament injury in his ankle. 
“You get to pick, 1k or 2k?” she asked, referring to the distance. Jan knew he should go for the longer distance, but that involved stairs which he wasn’t looking forward to after today’s session in PT.
“1k, my ankle already took a beating thanks to Óscar.” She chuckled and linked her arm with his.
“Alright, 1k it is then.” 
Jan was grateful to be able to sit down once they got to the café they both loved. His ankle wasn’t hurting per se, but it had started to throb. He let himself fall on the bench with a groan.
“Same as always?” she asked. Jan nodded as he tried to breath through the pain. He turned sideways so he could rest his leg on the bench as well, and the elevation eased some of the pain. Jan enjoyed the sunshine for a while, closing his eyes and tilting his face up. He noticed her leaving the café, pretty much dancing towards him. 
“An Americano for the grump and a PSL for me!”
“A PS-.. What’s a PSL?” Jan asked as he took his coffee from her. He pointedly ignored her calling him a grump. It was one of her nicknames for him and he begrudgingly accepted that. To be fair, he was grumpy. The rehab was taking longer than he’d like and it was wearing him down. She lifted his injured leg and sat down, resting his foot in her lap. 
“Only a gift from the coffee gods; Pumpkin spice latte. I was hoping they’d have them. These are my fave this time of year,” she beamed at him. 
“Can’t say I’ve ever had one,” Jan said, taking a sip from his own coffee. She gasped, turning to look at him with wide eyes. 
“Jan Oblak, you my friend have not truly lived. Here,” she said, handing him her cup. He looked at her, not fully trusting she wasn’t pulling his leg, and took a tempative sip.
“Jesus,” he muttered. She laughed and took the cup back.
“That’s diabetes in liquid form!” Jan said incredulously. 
“I know,” she said, eyes twinkling with mirth, “isn’t it the best?” 
He threw her a look, eyebrows raised as if to say are you kidding me? which only made her laugh again, head thrown back. Jan shook his head and took another sip of his black coffee to rinse out the overly sweet drink. 
“I don’t always get them, but I came to realise life’s too short to only drink boring coffee,” she said, shrugging one shoulder and taking another sip of her latte. They were quiet for a moment while he mulled that over in his head. If he was honest with himself, Jan had to admit that she was right; life was too short to only do the things you had to do and not do the things you loved. 
“Could I try another sip, now that I know to expect pure sugar?” Jas asked. She chuckled and handed him the cup. Jan took another sip, picking up on the different spices this time. Yes, it was still sweet, but it was.. Nice. The spices were very autumnal. He could see the appeal.
“Not bad. Still prefer something that won’t decrease my lifespan with each sip, but I can see why you like them,” he admitted. 
“I’ll make a PSL-lover out of you yet, just you wait,” she said with a grin, taking her coffee back from him.
“The club nutritionist will love you for sure,” he said sarcastically.
“They don’t have to know I’m smuggling you PSLs. I ask for an extra pump of the pumpkin spice syrup, but they’re normally not this sweet. Make you a deal: if you can run 1k without pain on the treadmill, I’ll treat you to one.” She held out her hand. Jan thought for a moment. Maybe this was the kind of bribery he needed to get through physical therapy. 
“Deal,” he said, shaking her hand.
“How’s it going, sunshine?” she asked as she walked into the gym of the training facility. It had been five weeks since they made their deal and Jan had been working hard in PT to reach his goal. He grunted a response from his position on the floor. She waited for him to finish his reps before she spoke again.
“Heard you’re making vast improvements,” she said. Jan nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow.
“A little birdie told me you ran even more than 1k this morning,” she continued. Jan looked at her, eyebrows raised. He then threw a glare at his physical therapist. Óscar raised his hands.
“Don’t look at me, Oblak. Wasn’t me.” 
“Marcos told me,” she explained, “he and I go way back. But great job Jan! 1.3 kilometres, that’s huge!” Jan grumbled a reply, not looking at her. 
“Oi, if you keep up this act I’ll just have to give this to someone else. Maybe Marcos will appreciate it. Or Anto. That man loves his sugary drinks,” she said, pulling a to-go cup from behind her back. 
“Ah, now it all makes sense,” Óscar said with a laugh. Jan slumped his shoulders.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you. It’s been… It’s been a week,” Jan said. 
“I know. Here,” she said gently, holding the cup out to him. Jan took it from her, wrapping his hands around it.
“Thank you,” he muttered, taking a temptative sip. Jan would be lying if he said he hadn’t been looking forward to this. After she had introduced him to the PSL as she called it, he’d gone back a couple of times to get one himself with less of the syrup. He absolutely loved them now. 
“You’re welcome. Told you I’d convert you to a PSL-lover,” she said, grinning wide. 
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lankylevi · 7 years
Heard you were taking drablle request so I'm gonna try to get one^^ I'd like a college Au where eren is super popular and levi a regular student. Then eren ask levi to go on a date with him, levi ask why and eren have to find proper reason for him to accept. I think some nsfw will be good at the end but that's up to you, if you put some I'd like to see eren on top. That's all hope I'm not demanding too much ^^
I didn’t include anything nsfw so I hope you don’t mind but otherwise it would have been around 3k words lol so 1.5k will do for now ;)
Wrote this while listening to Kodaline - one day (thanks @hey-heichou-suz for recommending this :D)
“Stop joking around Jaeger” Levi snapped at the famous football player to which the latter grabbed him by the shoulders.
“I’m not joking around, I’m serious Levi” he pleaded, trying to sound as convincing as he could. His hands and voice were shaking as if he were an old man, and the fact that the whole school was glaring at them surely didn’t help his cause.
“Yeah right” the raven laughed as he got free from Eren’s grip and turned around to walk into the opposite direction.
“What the hell is his problem” Levi wondered as he walked away from the brunet, who seemed to be nailed to the ground.
Levi would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a bit disappointed that Eren didn’t go after him, but it only proved his point; the guy wasn’t being serious about this, and it was probably some stupid bet for him to ask Levi out.
He turned around the corner and saw his friend Hange being the chaotic mess that they are, struggling to hold up their books while they rummaged through some papers.
“Need some help shitty glasses?” he mocked as he stood in front of them.
“No.. ish towtafy fine” to which Levi rolled his eyes and took the papers out of their mouth and turned up his nose at the sight of the string of saliva that lingered from Hange’s mouth.
“Fucking disgusting” he muttered as he placed the papers onto the books they were holding.
“Well thank you Levi,” they said as the pair continued walking towards the cafeteria.
They bumped their elbow into Levi’s side as they waited in line to get their food.
“What was that for?” he asked as looked at them in confusion.
“Come on Levi-” they sang, throwing their hands up in the air as if they were making a prayer. “You gonna tell me what happened or not?” they suddenly said in a soft voice.
Levi’s eyes widened, Hange never spoke in such a soft tone unless they were serious about something and it honestly scared the shit out of him.
“Fine,” he sighed, knowing it wouldn’t benefit him in any way if he lied to them. “Jaeger asked me out today…” he trailed off, suddenly trying to look interested in what was on the menu today as they were about to place their order.
“What?!” Hange yelled to which Levi shushed them. He pointed at the people a couple metres away from him and gestured that Hange should keep their voice down so Eren’s friends wouldn’t hear them.
“Ow ow okay, we’ll talk later” they whispered.
“So you understand it now?” Levi said annoyed, rolling his eyes and leaning back in his chair as he waited for Hange to answer.
“I mean, yeah I understand where you’re coming from but-” “But what?!” he cut them off and slammed his fists on the table.
“But he’s uhm, he’s standing by the doorframe…” they trailed off as they stood up and walked past the brunet, who was in fact standing by the doorframe and waiting for Levi to notice him.
So Levi turned his head around to make another comment, but his breath hitched in his throat as soon as he saw Eren standing in front of him with a soft smile on his face.
He could feel his own heart beating in his chest and had difficulty breathing accompanied by his pen falling down on the floor because of his sweaty hands.
“God dammit” he murmured and reached down to pick up his pen but stopped when he saw the brunet kneeling down and it picking it up for him.
“Are we in some kind of stupid movie Jaeger?” he snapped as he grabbed the pen from Eren and looked at him with his piercing grey eyes.
“If that makes you go out with me, then sure” Eren laughed and Levi had difficulty of keeping a straight face as well.
“Do I see a small smile Levi?” the brunet commented as he took a few steps closer and lowered himself to Levi’s height to take a closer look to the very rare event of Levi smiling.
“Hell no and don’t you dare take another step Jaeger, you’re close enough as it is” he said annoyed. “Plus, you stink from practice” he said as he waved his hand in front of his face and giving him a disapproving look.
The brunet took a sniff from his shirt followed by a low laugh that sent a shiver down Levi’s spine and made a blush popping up on his cheeks.
“Okay maybe you’re right about that” he laughed as he ran a hand through his chocolate brown locks.
“But you’re not right about me not taking this-” he faltered while he repeatedly pointed at Levi and himself, “seriously” he exhaled.
Levi chuckled to that and stood up from his chair while not losing eye-contact with the brunet.
“Get your ass out of here Jaeger, I thought I was clear about not having time for your jokes” he said as he took a few steps into Eren’s direction, forcing him to take a few steps back and basically making his way out of the raven’s room again.
“No, you’re wrong!” he yelled as he felt Levi pushing him out the room.
“God dammit even your shirt is wet” Levi said disgusted with the feeling of sweat resting on his hands.
The raven noticed people’s laughter echoing through the hallway, and figured that the brunet’s friends were probably waiting for him to complete his bet.
He pushed Eren out of his room and wiped his hands of onto his pants as he tried to come up with a comment that would make sure he didn’t try to come back again.
As he did so, he noticed that the latter was staring at the floor beneath them and had a troubled look on his face.
Eren raised his head again and turned it to his left to face the people who were still laughing to this second.
“Get the fuck out of here you disgusting pieces of shit!” he screamed as he stormed into their direction.
Levi heard fists meeting faces and grunts of pain, followed by a door being slammed shut and footsteps making their way down to his room again.
The raven popped his head from behind the doorframe and looked at Eren walking back into his direction.
Both were shaking their heads as the distance between them got smaller, and both sighed when they stood in front of each other.
“Look-” they said simultaneously followed by quirking an eyebrow at each other.
The raven gestured that Eren could speak first and waited for him to open his mouth again.
“What do I need to do for you to take me seriously Levi?” he whispered, suddenly showing his vulnerability which made Levi’s heart ache.
“I-” the raven trailed off, not knowing the answer to his question, and feeling ashamed of that.
He could feel a faint blush popping up on his cheeks again and tried to hide it in his collar as he avoided the brunet’s gaze.
“I’m sorry,” Eren paused, clenching his fists and focusing those bright green eyes on Levi’s pursed lips.
“Sorry for wh-” Levi wanted to ask, but couldn’t finish his sentence since he felt warm and soft lips being pressed against his own.
He felt a strong hand cupping his cheek while the other played with his hair as they deepened their kiss.
Levi felt ashamed and excited at the same time, loving the feeling of their tongues connecting and soft moans filling up the empty hallway, but also feeling ashamed that he was kissing the brunet while he remembered what an ass he had been to him before.
So he broke up their kiss and pushed Eren a step back as he tried to even out his breathing and compose himself again.
“I don’t kn-”
“I can appreciate that you don’t know how you should react to this, but I hope you finally understand that I’m serious about asking you out” the brunet finished his sentence for him as he closed the distance between them once more and placed a soft peck on the raven’s lips.
“Uh… yeah I, I understand I guess” he muttered.
“Okay good, I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow” Eren winked followed by him turning around and leaving Levi’s room.
The raven sat himself down again and let out a breath that he didn’t know he had been holding as he tried to figure out what had just happened.
“This guy has some balls” he laughed but accepted the fact that they were going on a date tomorrow and decided to text Hange about it.
He sent the message and his phone screen lighted up not even 5 seconds after he had hit ‘send’
“Don’t forget to buy condoms ;) ;) ;)”
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