#for all mankind 3x09
booasaur · 2 years
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For All Mankind - 3x09
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moocowmoocow · 3 months
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For All Mankind rewatch
Margo Madison in 3x09 "Coming Home"
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philippageorgiou · 2 years
rosie! i don't know if you are up to date with it, but your thoughts on the latest season of for all mankind? i actually really hate where they've gone with it and feel like it's a totally different show now, but curious to see what others think!
ok turns out i have a lot of thoughts
i really loved the first half of this season, but god there have been soooo many narrative choices i’ve hated in the second half. 
the treatment of kelly and her pregnancy has been so gross. and it’s so narratively stupid and unbelievable on so many levels! you can’t tell me she (and nasa under margo fucking madison) hadn’t made sure there were precautions so this couldn’t happen. and it’s just gross that the russians knew she was pregnant before she did. and i hate that we don’t know how she felt or feels about the pregnancy. and why is no one talking about how risky it is for her and the baby! they took away her agency and continue to use her only as a plot device and i hate it! it’s lazy and bad! and the way the characters/world within the show are treating it as some cutesy novelty thing instead of a serious dangerous unprecedented health risk? bad
karen has really grown on me over the seasons, and i actually love this milfy lil business savvy girlboss and her ambiguously-aged grey hair and single wrinkle, but a lot of what has played out in the last two or three episodes with her and her work and everything with dev has just felt clumsy. not bad, but just badly thought out. kinda infantile. idk i can’t pinpoint it. 
i don’t like that we didn’t see any of the immediate fallout of the shit that went down on mars. that felt weird. something that catastrophic, that the whole season had basically been building up to and all we got was a time jump and a throwaway line that basically told us danny got off scot free?? wild
perplexed about the jimmy thing. what is his deal! can’t figure out whether i just don’t know where they’re going with this or the writers don’t either. the trajectory has been weird and felt a little all over the place.
ellen! i like her, don’t get me wrong, but she is very much a slimy republican and i can only sympathise with her so much. however, i really loved her lil speech and coming out moment. kinda think it’s bizarre that the public reaction seemed to be overwhelmingly positive, but maybe the writers just wanted to enjoy the positive vibes for a moment. i’ll take it, but like… considering the homophobia of not only the republican party but the wider society at that time? the whole thing felt a little too nicey nicey. but i’m sure there’s a lot more nastiness to come. anyway hate to say it but i’m not really invested in her and pam. oh also the fact ellen and larry’s son has appeared like twice and doesn’t even have a name is so funny to me like ok kiddo you literally just exist for future seasons’ sake huh
i like how the whole aleida/margo thing has played out for the most part. their relationship is one of the most interesting things in this show imo and seeing it totally tear aleida apart has been so stressful!!!!!!
the reveal at the end of 3x09 was very… American… idk but i’m intrigued to see where they go from here and what happens in the finale!! if anything happens to margo madison or sergei nikulov i will actually kill someone though
i’m absolutely dreading the 2000s vibes of the next season though. worst era for fashion and music and aesthetics! 
unfortunately i don’t care much for any of the second generation characters. the main characters who’ve been around since the beginning are great (except ed. he’s getting more boring by the minute) but i’m concerned about where the show can go from here character wise because none of the kids are interesting enough to carry it
this show stresses me out so much lmao
also forgot to say yes i actually kinda agree that it’s starting to feel like a different show. it’s always toed the line between realism and soapy pretty well but these last four or five episodes to me have felt a little too reliant on the shock factor, and veering too far from the Brutal Reality vibes and made it more Shocking Drama idk idk i just really feel like it’s gone downhill so fast lmao
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zelroy · 1 year
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I just watched For All Mankind 3x09 "Coming Home"
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signsportals · 2 years
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I'm watching For All Mankind 3x09 "Coming Home"
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pirathotten · 2 years
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I just watched For All Mankind 3x09 "Coming Home"
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mklopez · 2 years
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For All Mankind 3x09 "Coming Home" ★★★★★★★★★★
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mikeylito · 2 years
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Watching: For All Mankind 3x09 "Coming Home" #ForAllMankind
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fire-of-the-sun · 6 years
Kane & Abby: Marriage
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My thoughts on a potential marriage between Marcus Kane and Abby Griffin.
In the world of The 100, the idea of a formal marriage can easily be viewed as too idealistic to occur when the biggest concern is always survival. However, what a better way to represent the strength of hope than the union between two people irrevocably in love? To defy fate and bind themselves to each other in a world where nothing is certain? More than anyone else on the show, they are in the best position to enter into this new dynamic: their development, age and experience making them the perfect candidates. If this is an idea the writers ever wanted to pursue in some fashion, I have no doubt it will be through them. 
By this point, there should be no question as to the depth of their bond. Theirs is a dynamic that continually shows how far they’ve come as they’ve taken huge steps forward together each season. We know that Abby has placed Kane on the same level of her late husband, Jake, as displayed in 3x09 when, before his execution, she tells Kane that she “can’t do this again”, referring to the all too familiar pain of losing not just a loved one, but more specifically, a man that loves. Given his reaction, it’s clear the weight of these words and what they truly mean is not lost on him. After the events of this episode, their feelings for each other and their desire to enter into a relationship together are shown to be mutual and sealed with their first kiss. 
At the beginning of season 4, Abby makes the momentous decision to remove Jake’s ring - a symbol she’s worn continuously since the day he died. In a state of uncertainty, Kane reminds and reassures her that Jake will always be a part of who she is and proceeds to return the ring to its home around her neck. Later however, he notices that she did in fact decide to take it off. This is a clear sign to him (and the audience) that she’s ready to officially move on and be in a committed relationship with him. This powerful moment, of course, dissolves into sweet smiles and a heart-stopping kiss, gestures fueled by the ecstasy that what they have is mutual and lasting. This shows the audience, without a shadow of a doubt, that what they have is forever. 
Their dynamic on the show has always been punctuated by milestones of a positive nature that continually bring them closer together. I’d naturally expect for that trend to continue. Given how far they’ve come, I believe the idea of marriage is something that would cross their minds at some point and perhaps something they’d eventually pursue in an ideal world. The only time it would seem appropriate would most likely be during a time of peace - where they are not being pulled physically and mentally into the throes of conflict. But peace is hard to come by on this show and acting on it will take time, dialogue, and a viable opportunity. 
Their relationship as a whole, promotes some very positive messages and marriage only further strengthens them. If Abby can lose her husband and still find love again, so can others. If Kane can find himself and turn his life around and find the love he never thought he’d have, then so can others. They portray the much-appreciated message that love is ageless and that it’s okay to find it later in life than conventionally shown. Abby was blessed to spend two decades of her life with Jake, but now she’s equally blessed to be able to spend the rest of it with Kane. 
Marriage would also continue to reinforce them as the symbols of parenthood on this show. They’re already dedicated guardians to their ‘children’, sharing the responsibility throughout the series. This is a logical and satisfying way to help further the concepts of love and family on this show as we unite two families - repairing something that was broken and making it whole once more.
Other potential evidence includes the season 5 set photos of a church location. Without knowing its true purpose yet, it instinctively draws the mind towards what a church represents and what it what once so often used for. However, even if it did happen, the likelihood of seeing anything remotely similar to our modern-day weddings is almost zero. I’d expect anything they come up with to be incredibly practical, small and unceremonious. Their ‘wedding’ could present itself as nothing more than them making the decision to take that step together and sealing it however they wish.
Of course, being officially married isn’t something they need. In fact, it wouldn’t alter the nature of their relationship much at all. Being able to officially call each other husband and wife is not a far leap from where they are now. They’re already irrevocably committed to each other, they already share the same quarters/sleep together, look after their people/children together etc. - behaviors we’d expect to see from two spouses. The lack of an official union or ceremony would do nothing to lessen the scope and impact of their love. Nor is it needed to prove to the audience, and each other, the strength of their bond.
Overall, I think a marriage between them, no matter how unconventional, would be a lovely way to cap off the series and their relationship on a satisfying, emotionally resonant, theme affirming note. If the characters finally succeed and claim a new home for themselves, what better way to usher in a new era of peace and solidifying the hope that brought them through than by marrying each other? It’s such a human tradition and a reclamation of what mankind has lost. It embodies hope, love, family, and promise of future they’re fighting so hard to achieve...
You can read more of my Kabby/The 100 related meta HERE
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booasaur · 2 years
For all mankind spoilers***
I would’ve loved to have seen a Karen reaction to Ellen’s announcement. I always had a feeling she knew about Pam and Ellen. And didn’t Pam one time say something about her “girlfriend” or something and Karen didn’t even bat an eye? In the early episodes of season 2 Idk lol
I know! I was actually looking back to see if Margo knew, I thought she'd been in that meeting where Ellen was Heavily Encouraged to marry Larry to stop the rumors back in s1 but she wasn't, so did she know? I'm drawing a blank.
Definitely would have loved to see Karen's reaction, after having been more intertwined in their story. Hell, Molly's too, and Dani and Ed, the whole class, and maybe include a pic of Deke in the Oval Office as she was looking around and making a decision. But I guess if a show can't give us everyone's initial reaction to Kelly being pregnant (including any of Karen's this ep??), we're lucky we got this much.
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booasaur · 2 years
I thought Larry was gonna do something right for once BUT HE COULDNT DO IT. Then Ellen stepped in and was like “ILL SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE LAR”. I’m so happy for her, I mean I know she’s gonna be going through a lot of backlash but I hope the shitstorm ends with her and Pam OR ANYONE AT THIS POINT I JUST WANT ELLEN TO BE HAPPY 😭😭😭
Awww, I do actually give credit to Larry for deciding to do it in the first place, and if Ellen hadn't walked in like a badass, I think he'd have been able to stumble through it. So, I think I'm in a better place with him.
AND GOSH! I knew Ellen'd do it this season but it was still so cool to watch. At first I was just taking in that it was happening at all, and Margo and Pam's reactions, and how Will specifically was mentioned, and his reaction after. I warmed so much to the Helios + NASA crew around him in that moment. FAM's always been so good with those scenes, like mission control after a daring rescue, and it's kinda lovely that they treated this as a similar climactic emotional payoff.
On rewatch though... Well, y'all know how I feel about people being treated like they're liars and in the wrong for being closeted. I get that this is an extremely complex situation because she did lie in actually significant ways and did indeed do wrong with DADT and Will Tyler, but the other part of me was like, screw the armed forces and the American people, you were right to distrust them, they should be apologizing to you! And the situation with Pam is so much more complicated than just refusing to come out.
But I don't feel those objections toooo strongly, they were just kinda in the back of my head and I didn't want to put them in the tags of my gifset, lol. Ultimately I'm quite pleased.
And indeed, quite interested to see what happens now, considering she's still president. Executive order everything, President Waverly! And I mean, if the season doesn't end with her and Pam together now, I'm really gonna be crying foul. This is one of those times I really wish we didn't get side character love interests because I'd have loved to see more of what was happening around Pam, a whole group of queer friends, and what the reaction this would have been in those circles.
At the end of the ep, lol, I have to laugh. That kinda thing seems as silly as Kelly's pregnancy. Just like it really stretches our credulity to believe that grown adults didn't realize what could happen if they had sex and it wasn't already drilled in them not to and everyone else wouldn't have stopped them and NASA wouldn't have fitted them with fancy alt reality birth control, we're supposed to believe this country with no resources was able to get a whole alive astronaut to Mars, okay. Or maybe I'm just salty that Dani wasn't the first on Mars, haha. I guess I'll wait to see what happens now.
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booasaur · 2 years
I didn’t get to watch FAM yesterday, so i’ve been avoiding the internet to not spoil myself, despite how tempting it was to see if there was more Pam/Ellen stuff… I will be pissed if, after all this, they don’t do an emotional reunion in the next episode. It seems like the logical choice. Of course, this show does not always go with the logical choice (what was that ending?? How are we supposed to believe that man survived months on Mars? It seems very very unlikely that they would send him there with any food).
All to say, FINALLY they do something different with Ellen’s character arc. I thought they might continue this until she dies… the press conference was a very emotional scene, I have been waiting a long time for this. I was prepared to have Larry confess his affair, they fooled me there. I am glad it went this direction and hope they continue on this next episode, and please, please, a happy ending for Ellen…
I'm glad you were pleasantly surprised, anon! It was a long time coming, but finally.
Definitely agree that this all but demands a happy Ellen/Pam ending, but as you said, with this show one never knows. Really hoping the finale gives more to Ellen but as usual, they've left a lot for this ep, have to deal with this NK astronaut, getting everyone off Mars, the Danny drama, and even the Helios drama. Oh, and freaking Jimmy. Worried what his pals will do too.
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booasaur · 2 years
Honestly as much as I like seeing Ellen as president, they’ve really lost sight of her original ambition to go to mars. It seems like almost every astronaut from season 1&2 has made it to mars except her. Larry has really struck me as snake. He feels to me like Grima Wormtongue to Ellen’s Theodin. Also, Ed must be surely older than Ellen but he’s on mars as a likely 60(?) year old?
I wanted Ellen to be like Elon Musk (except better and nicer) and be the one pushing NASA.
IDK I feel like she’s so disconnected from all the other characters now. Like we haven’t seen her in a scene with Dani or Ed or anyone else than Larry for almost 2 seasons now.
Oh, man, I forgot I had these to answer.
I agree with a lot of that, but I think they had in mind a lesbian president coming out from the start and were writing her for the whole three years just to get to that. So i'm glad we got her with space as much as we did. Her first season trajectory was about as positive and heroic as one would want, and then it was time to move on to the rest of her plot. Better hers than what poor Molly and Tracy got. Not to say we can't be dissatisfied with all three, but I'm quite pleased with her at least coming out so publicly and the show making such a big deal about it.
And you'll notice I mentioned those two but not Dani, but Dani's story for a very long time was barely there. If it's a choice between Dani and Ellen getting the rational, mentor role on Mars, I think I'm okay with how it worked out.
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moocowmoocow · 3 months
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For All Mankind rewatch
Pam Horton in 3x09 "Coming Home"
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moocowmoocow · 3 months
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For All Mankind rewatch
Louisa Mueller in 3x09 "Coming Home"
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moocowmoocow · 3 months
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For All Mankind
Kelly Baldwin in 3x09 "Coming Home"
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