#for all your dustbringer aesthetic needs
talns-scar · 7 years
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Smoke curled from the occasional patches of growth or heaps of burning corpses. Even some sections of rock smoldered. The Dustbringers had done their work well.
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mistralrunner · 7 years
Running Reads Oathbringer: Interludes and Part III.I
Time to jump back into liveblogging!
Spoilers for pages 555-605 below!
You know as nervous as I've been not knowing what Taravangian is up to, I really don't feel like going back to his twisted pov right now
At least with Venli there's hope of possiblyspren!Eshonai
Also where are Szeth and Nightblood?
It's nearly halfway through the book why can't they get pov
Kaza gets visions? I am concerned
What are they storming doing. No pun intended
Twisted face? Soulcaster?
We're finally going to learn more about Aimia yes!!!
There's yet another storm though beyond Everstorm and Highstorm?
"Closer and closer to oblivion" yeah friendly reminder that soulcaster fabrials are concerning and makes me wonder if Regrowth fabrials would also have dark side effects
Slowly becoming smoke? That's almost even more chilling than the stonelike thing mentioned before
You can soulcast pieces of an object when more proficient? Huh. Although casting air to anything is technically always a piece of an object so I guess those ones are automatically proficient?
Soulcasters start being able to see into Shadesmar?
So they see nothing beforehand?
Hmmm...being drawn into another world, another will reinforcing her own, something commanding and powerful attracted by her request for aid, so powerful spren are involved in soulcasters?
I wonder why there’s limited modes to a soulcaster, is it related to the spren involved?
Tricky to try to make generalizations from this cause it’s uncertain how ordinary Kaza is for a Soulcaster
Ooh soulcasters came from Akinah
Of course they did
Hey a shadow stretching in the wrong direction like Jasnah's from the WoR prologue!
The Shadesmar sun is where dying souls stretch toward maybe?
Well all the sailors not breathing is concerning
Is that odd cremling a larkin?
So the royal family keeps a soulcaster/tool weapon and she was forced to become slave to it and sacrifice her life in a way yikes
I did not see that coming with the cook well played ensuring everyone ate
Tattooed face I should have known like Axies
"There are those who could pull secrets from your soul, and the cost would be the end of worlds."
I am concerned
And disappointed we didn't really learn much about Aimia apart from Soulcaster connection
Oh no Taravangian's smart today I'm scared this is going to be disturbing
Nope Malata is Diagram I'm sad
I was rooting for you
Kind of praying for double agent but not counting on it
I want to like the Dustbringers just cause they're the maligned group but if they follow the Diagram and division alas
I forgot that there are no record/cd players so when Taravangian asks for music he actually gets a live children's choir singing outside his room while he plans atrocities
And here we go with the eugenics thinking preventing "stupid" people from reading although frankly that's foolish cause reading can improve one’s mind but I guess if your goal is a bunch of elites and a mindless serving class
Seriously the singing children is this eerie juxtaposition
Pfft the “Dalinar paradigm” is such an amusing name
What effect is Renarin having (although I'm proud he is a wild element the Diagram can't predict)
I'm concerned about the contingency plan
Those poor children
"The monster you sometimes become"? Adrotagia he is generally already acting monstrous this is merely a step further
I guess it's comforting that at least the Diagram will resist him going too far for a certain definition of too far
Well the Listeners used the gemhearts to help grow food right? I think?
It is interesting that plants can photosynthesize stormlight, or something like it
Sad backstory still murder Taravangian
"Now he'd save the world. Well, the part of the world that mattered."
Yeah, not good
Hey Diagram do you think you should really be following the plans and agenda of a guy who is in favor of wantonly killing kids and eugenics? Like sure he predicted the future but if the big plan was by a guy even more morally terrifying than this one don't you think that might be a problem
Yeah I figured that was the plan, let Dalinar do the work of arranging the coalition then usurp him
Nooo why is the Dustbringer spren being sent for evil spying I want the Dustbringer to be a good guy
So the endgame is negotiate with Odium for a piece of the world at the cost of the rest I'm sure that's not going to backfire horribly
"Only one man would be strong enough to make that sacrifice"
Again with the "Some of you may die, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make" mentality
So Voidbringers do have gemhearts?
Also Venli, I'm suspecting trap. Just saying. You were used. You have a horribly inflated sense of self importance.
Eshonai help us here
"You must embrace it...you have to want it." Nope definitely not a trap nope totally innocent
The Everstorm is just ash and thunder without rain?
Stormfather font?
She's still bonded to a Voidspren unfortunately
Ah yes they've been possessed and a couple are the crazed ghosts lovely
"This corpse"? Oh ouch
So the Voidbringers essentially have an eternal ruling class minus some shifts due to rulers going insane
"See passion and forgive this child" well seems they've bought into the Odium relabeled as passion thing
You know I keep thinking about beauty products labeled passion and it's really amusing
Just imagine the Voidbringers spritzing gentle perfume into the air
"It's Passion...by Odium"
“A new fragrance suffused with the sweet Thrill of vengeance”
Ah Venli you finally realize your error
Too late
Ah confirmation the possession isn't reversible, stapling souls to new corpses yikes
The Cosmere has quite of bit of body horror and stapling investiture to corpses doesn't it
Oh dear what is Odium planning for Venli
Assuming it is Odium but given Odium seems to like using a warm, ancient, paternal voice
As romantic as the resurrected with a life partner for thousands of years in an endless battle you hope to win is, you’re doing so by destroying others including ironically another romantic couple
Ugh Venli that is not a good thought process
Okay Venli is protecting the hopefully Eshonai spren there's hope
but really Venli you are a horrible person
Part III!
What shall the epigraphs be this time
Hurrah we're back to Kaladin pov although I'll miss the Bridge Four povs
Part one feels like ages ago
Oh yay it's the musical gem library!
So Stonewards are self sacrificing?
Yeah the Stormfather whimpering is really disconcerting
Having the example of Ruin makes me wonder exactly how omniscient Odium is 
Ooo the potential for city hopping without going through Urithiru
Dalinar: Oh by the way Kaladin you're a landowner.
Deathbend river though doesn’t seem like the best labeled real estate
Kaladin's busy training the Windrunners he really doesn't need the responsibility of landlord as well
So Dalinar has a connection to each of the three Rosharan Shards. Odium from his dependence on the Thrill, Cultivation through his deal with the Nightwatcher, and Honor through bonding the Stormfather. Feel like that is going to be significant.
Yeah the downside of the Alethi being in the Shattered Plains or Urithiru-they were storming easy to conquer for a martial nation. Admittedly the Kholinar riots didn't help.
I love Thaylen city already this is my aesthetic...except it's horrifically in ruins
I'm sad about this city
Aww these gems are records of people's lives, records of people being people that's really heartwarming
Huh wonder why this chapter is called Bondsmith
I want to go on this tour
"It was a pity to see several statues with the faces broken off"
Will we ever solve the mystery of miss art defacer from that one interlude who’s probably Khriss
Heh Dalinar wants to go on the swords tour instead but I feel those would be well guarded from the Blackthorn especially
Huh uncertain Everstorm effects definitely would mess with planning and precautionary measures but I wonder if there's something more cunning going on with targeting
Also a storm of burning embers ouch
How is Shinovar doing I feel like the Everstorm really should be a problem for them
Ugh Taravangian is here too bleh
I love Queen Fen
Dalinar there are other options than punching people
Dalinar: I have a plan!
Navani: Does it involve punching people?
Dalinar: I have no plan.
Ironic that Taln's temple has the cave in
Or intentional huh
Dalinar I don't think this is how diplomacy works
Well that is extra
Especially the bit with shoving in the sword further
That was pretty cool but yeah making people fear you as some sort of quasi immortal being with eldritch magic not great
The spren of the temple is in pain?
We're going to see full Bondsmith abilities
Radiance used for civilization and healing, not terror
Repairing buildings damaged by war and storm that is one useful skill I love this
Wonder if any other orders can do that cause that’s really helpful and Bondsmiths are so few
Yes thanks for remembering you have a magical healer
"My son does the more important work" yeah Renarin appreciation!
But the magically rebuilding a city including symbolic parts
"Once the soul grows accustomed to the wound, it's much harder to fix" I kind of knew that but only thought of it in the extreme identity case, and didn’t consider recently dealt wounds might be easier to heal than several day old wounds cause you’d think the healing process would have started and it would take less energy to finish
Huh Dalinar almost got a communication Connection?
Yeah person talking into the recording gem I'm worried about Truthwatchers too
Who is on the infiltration team?
Ah Skar and Drehy for the Windrunners I'm so proud of Skar
I'm concerned that they can't wear Plate even if it wouldn't be great for subterfuge
Summonable Plate will be lovely when we get it
Who is the maidservant? Ishnah?
Kaladin, Shallan smiles because of unhealthy coping mechanisms
Syl stop it not a healthy match
You don't need romance to be happy Syl
I am really concerned about the wrongness in Kholinar
Of course it's right by the Oathgate
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