#for both sonamy and sonadow
fantasiac · 4 months
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i finished it :]
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here he is next to not-good-enough-to-be Faker
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piko-power · 7 months
Every time I encounter a ship war with Sonic and Amy or Shadow, etc, I just smile to myself and believed that I'm the only smart shipper in the fandom because Sonic is bisexual and I'm the only person who knows that. 😎
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iridescentmidnights · 7 months
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The Valentine's Day idea I had but won't be able to finish. Thought it was cute and there's some things I wanted to change but never had the time to fix. I hope you see the vision, it not actually meant to be a competition I really like every aspect of all three of them 💖🥰💖
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papaiyatree · 1 year
people saying that it's ridiculous for sonadow fans to be "eating good" from the sonic prime ep bc most of the ep was them beating up e/o just don't get it. where do you think the appeal is coming from ?
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eyestrain-addict · 1 year
Funny how both Sonic and Shadow are "Even if I'm exhausted and broken I'll keep moving forward, and I'll hide it from everyone because they need someone to believe in/ I won't let anyone emotionally close to me" type characters but Shadow is loud about it and Sonic is quiet about it
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beezybuzzn · 4 months
Uhh Rouge x Ursula🦑🦇
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chaos-snap · 1 year
also, now that there's a new season of Sonic Prime, lets remember not to fight over ships. It's a TV show. please don't harass people for thinking your ship isn't going to be canon or their ship is better who cares, just ship ur hogs and lets go about our days. the block button exists for a reason
<3 peas and love
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kaylatoonz · 5 months
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Before anyone ask
I love Sonamy
I like Shadamy
I don’t like Sonadow
And I think Sonshadamy is neat (don’t ask how that works if I don’t like Sonadow, I don’t completely understand it myself😭).
I know that we will most likely get more Sonamy, Shadamy, (if Amy is in the third movie), and …. Sonadow, but what about Sonshadamy? I really hope we get some movie Sonshadamy fan content (but I’m also ok with just some movie Sonamy or Shadamy content).
I love the idea of both Sonic and Amy helping heal Shadow from his trauma. Sonic could help bring out a bit of his childish side with their rivalry. While Amy reminds Shadow of his true promise to Maria, through her kindness and compassion. And maybe both can go super to save the shadow from falling (not likely, but I can dream 🥲).
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If they reveal Shadow and Amy in the next Sonic 3 movie which one is the movie gonna push more?
I mean, they tend to push both Sonadow and Sonamy pretty equally from what I’ve seen. But not both in the same content at once.
So if both characters appear, which ship is gonna get the spotlight?
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Me being a silly lil multishipper again lmao because I will go from being obsessed with Sonadow and then randomly obsess with Sonamy (bc I love both of those ships) and then I’ll feed myself some sonknux and sonjet every once in a while because I like those ships too lmao
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tacorerooster · 8 months
A bit of a rant. Sonic Tumblr is extremely obsessive with Shadow and by extension Sonadow. It also doesn’t help that they make both Shadow and Sonic, out of character a lot of the time. Along with putting Shadow in the main group of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles when he actually doesn’t like most people or being around them. Plus most of these same people exclude Amy from said group or just all of their art but have every other character included. Or just giving all of Amy’s traits to Sonic so he goes after Shadow. Then you got tumblr recommending Sonadow in the main sonic the hedgehog tags. And if you take Canon into account Sonadow just comes off as Klance 2.0 (I know Sonadow came first). Also did a little look in the explore tab and just typed in Sonic. In that such I say 55 post for Sonadow, 5 post for knuxouge, 2 for Metamy and Surgamy before even seeing 1 post with Sonamy. You have so many people here talk about how female characters and femininity is treated poorly by fandom, then go around and ignore characters like Amy in favor of yaoi ship bait of two dudes that only hag out together bc the world is ending.
Doesn’t help that Sega themselves seem afraid to put Amy, a “girly girl”, in the forefront as Sonic, Tails and knuckles bc Sonic the Hedgehog tm is for boys. Looking at the Sonic Movie, multiple different products and marketing (only recently got better with this, only for it to be gone once THE YEAR OF SHADOW started)
Sorry for the long text. Just wanted to say stuff
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papaiyatree · 2 years
yes i like [insert sonic ship here], yes i'm very picky about it so most of the time i don't see content that i don't like
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lyrarizi · 4 months
sonic ship rant time: (sonamy vs sonadow)
tbh i think both of them have toxic shippers who are obsessed with the ship
in sonamy its always people saying sonic secretly likes her back but is too shy to admit his love. when has this ever been stated?! the only thing we ever got is him avoiding her or treating amy like his little sister or one of his best friends. yea sure he accepts a hug in frontiers? friends can hug too, i do that all the time with my best friend
in sonadow its also really problematic maybe even worse. and i am myself a sonadow shipper but i cant stand those toxic shippers in sonadow. they always make it about sonadow in other ship media and see the tiniest bit of friendly interaction as flirting its infuriating honestly
anyways that was me ranting baii
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visionoasis · 3 months
One of my Sonic fanfiction romance icks is cheating stories.
It’s not the act of cheating itself that’s the problem for me. It’s everything around the cheating. I feel like the writing is often weak, the characters almost never feel like themselves, and I think the Sonic franchise is not suited for it. At all.
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And I’m not even talking about the act of the cheat for the characters feeling out of character. I mean yeah. That’s obviously part of it. But the personalities are often so… out of character that I just don’t buy it. For example: a lot of sonamy vs sonally stories the characters get venomous so fast! This happens in a lot of Sonadow cheat stories too! I’m sure it’s across the board. (A lot of people pick the same few “victims” too. Which is an interesting commentary in itself.)
I’m not blind. There are certainly some examples of the behavior in “canon”. Like in the Archie Comics. I like to think I’m not closed minded either. I like crackships. I like AUs, canon x OC, gay, weird scenarios, whatever. You don’t have to stick to the canon guideline. I dare say it’s better if you loosen up and do your own thing. I do.
But I feel like in addition the writing is often very bare bones reasoning as to why the cheating happened? The motivation is almost always the same across works. “New person hot, I’m attracted”. And while this is a very real reason people cheat it often comes with weak character writing. People often sacrifice character depth for the drama of the cheat. Especially for the person being cheated on, they’re often a blank slate because the obvious focus is the ship they wanted to write.
Which that… works... that’s fine. Nothing wrong with that. But it doesn’t make the story compelling either. Especially in long form. It reminds me of the other irks I have with the trope too. Like the victim killing themselves or the victim secretly being an abusive asshole all along to justify the actions, etc etc. For me it’s not fun to read. They’re narrative shortcuts to write the happily ever after of the ship and I think ruins the point. I tend to like stuff that embraces the messiness and characters that own they aren’t being nice. It should be messy because they made a messy choice.
Don’t confuse these as judgements. These are blatant preferences of mine. Not every fanfiction has to be a grandiose art piece that we will tell tales of for eons to come. You should write what you like. And undeniably people clearly like reading it, as that’s why there’s so much of it. You damn well shouldn’t be writing to make people like me happy. I am so obviously not your demographic and that’s very okay for both parties!
But I can still have thoughts on it and reflect why it doesn’t bring me enjoyment. If that bothers you; write more fanfiction about it for the real ones. I respect that.
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annon-secretcave · 5 months
Sonadow, Sonamy...
OK so we all know that there's a civil mid-joke war inside the Sonic Fandom about preferences between Sonadow and Sonamy, right?
And yeah I don't care barely at all about ships or ship wars and stuff, and everyone can have their opinion! But as someone who loves to relate the lore to everything because autism I really like analyzing things and it helps me understand everything better, I thought to maybe give all the canon/non-emotions related stuff to explain how these relationships, friends or something more (spoiler alert, something more does not exist in canon), work inside canon and how they would work in the far future.
THERE'S ALSO AN ANALYSIS! But at the end, since it's more of a personal analysis that is not fully factual, just a study of the characters.
Yeah so here it goes...
(Everything with a "*" means that it will be explained at the end with the more "sonic" stuff, less related to the ship.)
Realistically, Amy was created to be more of "just an addition to the Sonic team" with more female representation. She started off as just Sonic's girlfriend or love interest, even though he never showed as much interest for her as she did for him. In short, her interest in him did show since she made her first appearance, clearly showing that that would be the main or most shown romantic relationship in the franchise.
At the beginning, she was completely a Sonic fangirl and had much interest in him, specifically shown in shows or some comics... but as they realized the potential of the character, they stopped making her whole reason to be there sonic, changing it slightly, but still firing the character. This also meant that they stopped making her be "madly in love" or that interested in sonic, who was never interested in the first place. This, outside of the franchise is clearly the creators noticing the potential of a character with a heart as big as Amy's, but inside of the franchise it was probably her maturing (going from typical teenage romance-obsessed phase to just a normal crush), which was (ok this one thing is my opinion, yeah...) a big improvement to the character, to give her a story, more personality...
Now, about the ship itself... Sonamy has always been one-sided, or at least in most cases. And this had been stated and was seen clearly throughout the franchise (ok realistically I did not watch sonic boom but that one is not really canon in the main story which is the one that I am talking about). At first, maybe it was not shown in a very modern or uh... less obvious way... but listen the 90's are the 90's ok. but they showed it nonetheless. So, respectfully, Sonamy has not been canon from both sides clearly in most of the canon storyline.
Sorry Sonamy shippers...
(further study of this ship is after Sonadow, but that is a more personal review so I understand if you are not so interested)
(I'd add a single picture of these two but all I can find is FANART...)
So yeah I think we can all accept that no matter how gay it looks we have no proof that they are canon with facts and from a less biased point of view...
We have Sonic's line "I heart you too, Shadow" hope that's enough to feed ya xd
Nah but seriously there is an analysis to these two, it's just not that based in facts and hints like Sonamy had.
The analysis...
Now that the factual part has been explained, let's see this from a more Sonic POV, okay?
Sonic is a character that likes to do everything, achieve everything, and be the fastest. His quote is quite literally "Gotta go fast". Of course, in a relationship, he would, not only be interested in, but also need, someone who can "keep up", as toxic as that sounds. He does not really need someone as fast as him, just someone that he can trust to be there by his side at every fight (or most of them), someone who will be at his level enough to fight by his side, otherwise it would be too dangerous. Something else that I've noticed is that the ones he is closest with, or has shown more attachment towards, are also people that can keep him with his feet on the ground, people that know when and how to say "You are not going to do this" and convince him, or, people to just keep him company and remind him who he is when he forgets (and, hey, it's Sonic, he also likes to have a few laughs).
As coincidental as that sounds, being able to both keep up and slow him down are traits that both characters mentioned earlier fulfil (yeah maybe Shadow more specifically... but shut up this is also supportive for Sonamy shippers ok LET THEM BE HAPPY LET THEM ALL BE HAPPY)
In any case, Sonic is a free-spirited supersonic hedgehog that will go wherever he wants whenever he wants, he helps people that are in trouble if he has the chance, and will fight and laugh alongside people who were once, currently are, or have tried to keep up. But being in a relationship itself is more effort than occasional visits, and Sonic knows that; he will be in a relationship with someone that can "keep up" and stand by him for the good of both of them. Obviously, he will also give, put in the effort to make the relationship work, but he knows who, when he gives 50, can give back 50, and those are people that will keep up with his adventures.
In my opinion... (the logic of the analysis applied to my train of thought, this is more biased from now on)
I understand why people see these two as a cute couple. Honestly, it makes sense. She does fulfil most of the traits and he does fulfil many of her expectations, from what I have seen of her...
But it's the keeping up part. Amy is a kind, warm hedgehog who loves nature and loves protecting nature. I have always had the feeling that, at some point (when she's a young adult probably), she would get a small house, near a natural area, where all her friends are, and stay there to protect them in that area. She would stay in one place that would fully grow on her and she would spend all her life there, protecting what she wishes to fight for and taking care of nature, as well as some visits every now and then to her friends if they are far away.
Sonic does not seem to like physical affection too much, except for certain moments with certain people, and the way Amy keeps asking for affection might make him uncomfortable or even bore him most of the time. In a relationship? It might just bore Sonic too much, and Amy would not change to much anyway...
I have never been a fan of the concept of a one-sided ship, due to how toxic it can be. But there is something about the way that Amy, even with her crush, respects Sonic's boundaries, that makes me feel like this is the one single one-sided ship I find interesting and perfect as it is. Sonic is not uncomfortable with her, on the contrary, he enjoys spending time with her a lot, but when she goes to a more romantic mode, he does seem more uncomfortable in most cases.
Plus... this one small part is way more of a personal opinion, but Amy staying single and possibly being a single mother feels very in-character and sweet.
Shadow. As cryptic as he chooses to be at times, he has shown that he cares about Sonic before, which for the character, someone who lost everything in a person who meant the universe to him, is quite a lot. He has been open- or as open as he can be- with Sonic before, which clearly makes their friendship-rivalry slightly more different that his relationship with other people. Shadow's only "problem" is that at times he cannot express himself well.
They respect each other, even if they don't always show it. They care about each other, and even admire some actions the other does. Their rivalry is not toxic, it's just competitive.
Shadow does have the traits that Sonic would be most interested in, like Amy, but in his case, he is less feeling, but he can definitely keep up and even slow Sonic down. He has followed him when he thought he could put the world or himself in dagger multiple times, but he has not shown that well his ability to encourage Sonic (yeah no he has his own way with words and that way is not saying anything, much less to someone with Sonic's high self-esteem)
Sonic loves excitement and enjoying life to the last minute, doing everything that might sound extreme just for fun. He has always admired Shadow's power and angry determination, and found him and his powers amazing, even if he won't admit it. Shadow doesn't mind living extreme situations at all, apparently even enjoying certain activities that involve the excitement of a battle of any kind. Sonic finds that part of Shadow fun to mess with, and Shadow either doesn't care or is barely angry, but actually, in a way, enjoys having someone to fight or just spend time with that won't push any emotional talk or physical signs of affection too much.
Apart from that, my pov again for the future, both of them could make great parents, and their relationship in a family could be interesting since they already act like a married couple xd but then again, Sonic does not seem like the kind of person who will just have a kid unless something "eye-opening" or lifechanging happens to him.
But then again this is just an analysis that would be in case he would settle with either of them for life, so it might not be the best if we are just keeping them with their current age or a bit older xd
Plus, this is more related to their personalities, facts and lore... since I'm not the most adequate to judge how romantic and other kinds of attraction work haha (aroace nation rISE)
Also, as un-biased as this is, this still has a bit of personal opinion, so don't take it too canon and stuff
And remember everyone had the right to have their own opinions, even if we don't like them. Respect everyone and their opinions! They aren't hurting anyone anyway, right? (unless it's something highly immoral or just straight up not legal worldwide)
So yeah, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you ship Sonamy, Sonadow or something else, we're all just having fun after all, and if you insult people's opinion you're just being the angry bully in the playground who steals toys and breaks them because it's fun for them, a bitch.
Sonic's got 2 hands after all, ammaright
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(this is totally official art trust not al all made in 2 minutes in board with a mouse)
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quibbs126 · 1 year
I was thinking about Sonic ships just now, and I was thinking about how when I first got into Sonic, when I was around 11, I was a shadamy shipper, I think because I had this weird hatred of Sonic the character, and because I disliked sonamy due to the whole “Amy being a crazy stalker” thing. Don’t really know how Shadow factored into the equation, but also back then I assumed that all couples had to be a guy and a girl, and maybe I just thought that Shadow was the next best option (probably also because old bad fanfiction told me it was better. Didn’t read quality fanfics till I was in high school)
But then nowadays, I personally find myself liking both sonamy and sonadow, but I think Shadow and Amy should just be friends
I just find that ironic
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