#for clarification my dad's info is on the lease and car registration
celiaelise · 3 years
My apartment complex just had my DAD call me and wake me up to tell me I needed to move my car because they are DIGGING UP THE WATER MAIN!!!!
They were supposed to do this yesterday but for some reason it got pushed to today? Y'know, the day when everyone's stuck at home because of inclement weather? So we apparently won't have water for most of the day. On Tuesday they were like, "oh btw no water tomorrow guys sorry lololol!" And then towards the end of the day we got another saying, "actually Thursday okay thanks!!"
But at NO POINT did they indicate that those parking spaces (the ones right in front of my staircase) should be left empty!!
And so my dad called me, sounding rushed and possibly annoyed, like, "hey Lis you need to move your car cause they're digging up the water main okay bye!" And then, WHILE I'm half asleep, pulling on some pants and my rubber boots (these would prove to be good foresight) with, like, literally shaking hands, and a strange man is repeatedly knocking on my front door, I get a call from my psychiatrist's office asking if I can do an appointment in an hour and wanting my credit card information!!!
Anyway, I did it all. I said yes to the appointment, asked if I could call back in a few minutes to pay, managed to more or less tie my boots, put on a mask, got downstairs, (past the shivering, strange man in nice leather shoes who had been banging on the door, "hi ma'am, they already told you about the little red car?" yup I guess so) waded through the gross gray puddle they'd already created surrounding my car, relocated my car to the other side of the parking lot, trudged back up to my unit on the third floor, breathed in a bunch of cold air, locked the door, took off the boots, called the doctor's back, didn't get a response, put some rice in the microwave, called them again, and gave them my card info.
And now, I have to stay awake enough to talk to my doctor in 45 minutes! (And there are men yelling and ripping apart the ground with a bulldozer right below my window) Which is fine, we're all good. This is good and fine!! I am just not quick to wake, and I hadn't been asleep for very long, and that was kind of an overwhelming twenty minutes or so!!!! Not my favorite! Would not recommend!!!!!
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