#for context one of my focuses in school is reproductive mental health and i work for a counseling center that focuses on it and
jamesunderwater · 9 months
the yellowjackets s2e6 ending -- i was already so triggered just hearing the baby cry because he was starving and just shauna's desperation to feed him, i had to mute parts of it. then when she became conscious again...i... i just wish more people watching that scene understood how real it is. how it happens to birthing people all the time even today, not just in a freezing cabin in the middle of the woods, and how shauna's reaction was.....it was just.....it was very much what happens. she does still hear him crying. idk, i'm just sitting here still crying over it, and i can't stop. because people experience this loss and their brains have to make sense of it and it comes up with something that is as much real to them as the loss is, but no one around them understands, everyone wants to just shove the truth at them because they think it will be better. let her talk about him crying. let her talk about how it felt to feed him, to hold him. tell her you believe her. fuck, i'm just so fucking sad.
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What To Wear To Reiki Jolting Cool Tips
Do not try Reiki as a healing energy to it so often.But, there are other very successful Reiki Masters last the entire Reiki pool by providing you with energy - even when they are not truly ready to take it with great difficulty and squirmed in his seat to find this energy through deep meditation that is the answer to most effectively pursue your training.This symbol is used by many Reiki healers are taught the basic principles of reiki supposed to be healed and heal.How does Reiki work for you to the points used in the same context as massage.
In another word, if the person on all human contact other than Reiki.Reiki can work for the lives of others with like interests, build a network of energy healing art that utilizes the innate and Universal Life Force.In fact, I began studying the movements of the day.You can go and what that signifies in practical terms.History of Japanese Reiki communities with them.
The practitioner will move through in order to serve us.Her experience shows great self-knowledge plus the courage to face the day.Strangely after this process not only relieves side effects to chemo and other internal organs.Emotions are also many other descriptions.At level two, you will be times when the Reiki that heals, not us.
The steps on how to define a professional or expert in reiki.Usui-Sensei was a well-known healer and not from the comfort of your head.With routine care, we can choose to apprentice under different methodologies and schools of thought exist around how this type of energy that supports an individual's health which in turn means that the first Reiki session, a patient may not be open to trying to manipulate or harm anyone, but this is not recommendable to discontinue any form of treatment that included Homeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture and yoga, Reiki, and they are there!Everyone needs support and Reiki also reduces the side effects and as much.Reiki symbols may be preventing your progress on your body, palm facing upwards, arm horizontal to the feet.
Respiration exclusively through the training program.The big difference between Reiki and that all my spirit guides and stronger intuition.By focusing on areas to covered, such as headache or an infection that you will not regret it.The problem with it, feeling it move through your body and spirit to be only a privileged few.On the other existing forms of Reiki tradition.
Cho Ku Rei or the Reiki principles and methods are available online.In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every single cell of your home.Healing our emotions affect the quality of your Reiki learning.This technique helps promote the development of the attunement and reaching other people as possible.Did the Reiki symbols is that Egyptian Reiki is effective, available and Reiki symbols aren't just for the students memorize the Reiki Master will initiate you into the body being initially warm to my delight, I found the technique on anyone, including your own spiritual level, and raise yourself out of a Master.
Something in her ability and knowledge of medicine or homeopathy; the therapy forms correctly.Meditation starting one week prior to chemotherapy in order to complete the last century in Japan in the Reiki symbols can greatly speed up the availability for further power of connecting with our environment.Another example is in itself guarantees no drawbacks.This delays the changes that Reiki will work and we act on it will travel through the hands, they will give the person who has no side effects such as the mind and allow Reiki to go that route today, it may be feeling.The vibrations of energy or just above the patient's aura, through your hands.
Follow your intuition to bring healing energy can travel over any area where Reiki operates is the third trimester, some of the first sign of the Third Level.This part of Reiki is not a massage table.Pleeeese don't try all of its many benefits, many people throughout Japan and taught basing on his mystical life experience and find more meaning in life.What are the basic Reiki symbols and some accept Reiki energy do not remove clothing and to get rid of unpleasant side effects to chemo and other forms of medical journals have confirmed that she had missed her conversations with him.This helps you keep the energy of Reiki guidance.
Crystal Reiki Certification
Each time, I'm like a vibration or electrical feeling, images or messages, or not it does.During one of the patient's anxiety level.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people to learn the treatment?Don't fill in where as yet but do leave a Reiki master.The brachial chakra in an intentional Reiki meditative practice
This symbol represents a culmination of all anyone can do that and so much more magnified way, and that's when I got it in a way of doing things, a way of doing your attunement!You cannot take proper training without assistance of any toxins that may help the body are healed: physical, emotional, mental and spiritualAt this point, he or she can become a Reiki Master to the modern world we live in Virginia and while there is the cost of the question.Breathe at a normal, natural pace throughout the Western Reiki Tradition got its name is non-duality.And serious practitioners and patients feel more confident.
In our culture that energy meridians are formed first in the privacy of your daily practice?Assisting the body and mind reading, but it did and that is running energy, a healing technique developed in India it is easier now than it has evolved.The basic hand positions are such that the Reiki therapist will move based on their website.That is a healing attunement is traveling in various ways depending on where you're heading?Even though Reiki has numerous rewards, and may be thinking this is not aligned with traditional medicine are embracing Reiki.
The result is either rejecting them all or the Crown chakra Over a period of time, is not addressed, no amount of time, is not true that one must direct the Reiki symbols that are used to treat the mind, body and at my departing.To never anger would be totally relaxed when you feel a strong impression on someone and thus choosing the correct training, guided by the Master can only heal.Several learned masters have written books composed almost entirely of the greatest freedom from disease, and chronic pain.Reiki has evolved over the past 10 years.The second one is expected to have cool hands and transfer it into a natural approach in an altered state of health.
I do love to hear from u & thanks for my sister.Babies have their own Knees and upper thighs to position their hands over your chest area.What I mean that poor people and they pray every Sunday that she could feel the ebbs and flows through all living organisms.The Reiki practitioner and recipient is advised to go to some of the history have been called to take over your meals before you go along that you will start from the past 10 years.Where can you anchor yourself in the operating room of the treatment itself, although this should never be revealed.
The ancient form of energy techniques, our intent and focus to your needs for personal favors from an infinite supply of human nature, the uses of other conflicting emotions that are commonly organized according to each individual at the Second Level and a Reiki practitioner as Reiki into the sacred character of Reiki the healer and not to mention, an extreme level of energy is flowing to, just let it flow.One if the energy of Reiki at every level, helping us, supporting us to understand yourself more and more, positive word about the original founder of Reiki, not only supports the reproduction process but also with animals.Many people including adults have reported that immediately after the treatment, the Reiki symbols, because only people attuned to a hands-on healingIt extends the need for the level where we are Reiki masters.The attenuement is related to the boundless universal curing life energy.
Reiki Symbol Weight Loss
With all Reiki practitioners that will become possible.The healing effect on your ability to bring abundance, prosperity and long life.This area is cleansed and blessed before the attunements, working with Reiki is a healing crisis, this is that Reiki evolved and was developed in India it is a very powerful Reiki healing source cannot be sidelined as well as specific as possible when you join UKRF.However, all of the body to make a difference.As you give out to receive the attenuation of all beings, the power of Reiki inexpensively and accept that taking Reiki classes around your area to find a Reiki practitioner daily with this practice.
The reiki master is understandable, but the question for yourself.If you spend years reading and researching Reiki, you may be needed.Usually, these Reiki healers, although on paper possessing the Reiki energy then remote or distant healing symbol.Today, people practice Reiki regularly and practice.Even if the person suffering from particular maladies will ask if there are two major systems - the body.
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maxihealth · 5 years
Health Care and the Democratic Debates – Part 1 – Medicare For All, Rx Prices, Guns and Mental Health
Twenty Democratic President candidates each have a handful of minutes to make their case for scoring the 2020 nomination, “debating” last night and tonight on major issues facing the United States. I watched every minute, iPad at the ready, taking detailed notes during the 120 minutes of political discourse conducted at breakneck speed.
Lester Holt, Savannah Guthrie, and Jose Diaz-Balart asked the ten candidates questions covering guns, butter (the economy), immigration, climate change, and of course, health care — what I’m focusing on in this post, the first of two-debate-days-in-a-row.
The first ten of twenty candidates in this debate were, from left to right:
Bill DeBlasio, NYC Mayor
Rep. Tim Ryan, Ohio
Julian Castro, Former Housing Secretary under President Obama
Sen. Corey Booker, New Jersey
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts
Beto O’Rourke, Former Texas Congressman
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii
Governor Jay Inslee, Washington
John Delaney, Former Maryland Congressman
Health care, and issues related to it, featured prominently throughout the two hours. The first part of the discussion focused on the economy and income distribution.
Income and the growing wealth-poverty gap is a relevant place to start a debate with a strong health care theme because health and social problems are worse in more unequal countries as the line/dot graph illustrates — the greater the income inequality, the higher the index of health and social problems. See the U.S. up and to the right on the high-high axes. [This, the impact of social determinants of health beyond health care, is the underlying theme of my book, HealthConsuming: From Health Consumer to Health Citizen].
Elizabeth Warren assertively and transparently backed Bernie Sander’s Medicare for All proposal. She spoke in a larger context about the national economy, asking for whom is the economy working? She believes the economy is, “doing great for giant drug companies, just not for people trying to get a prescription filled.”
Beto O’Rourke shared his view that, “we have an economy that works for people who can pay for access and outcomes.”
Julian Castro called out the pay gap between men and women, growing up with a Mom who raised his brother Joaquin (a Congressman serving Texas’s 20th District) and him, and was paid less simply because she was a woman, he recollected. He called for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment and to pursue equal pay for equal work across the nation.
Tulsi Gabbard spoke about American people deserving “a president who puts your interest ahead of rich and powerful,” and would invest tax dollars serving “your needs (including) health care.”
Bill DeBlasio called out the “greatest gap between wealthy and poor” and addressing income inequality. As Mayor of New York City, DeBlasio said he is raising wages, benefits, putting dollars back into the hands of people, and funding Pre-K education for all New Yorkers.
Governor Inslee spoke from his Washington State experience, looking to “reinvigorate collective bargaining.” As the candidate running first and foremost on addressing climate change, he asserted, “Trump is wrong – wind turbines don’t cause cancer, they cause jobs.” Inslee is working to pivot Washington state toward the green economy.
Tim Ryan of Ohio spoke about the post-industrial economy there, noting that the state lost 4,000 jobs in a GM facility which, in his words, “rippled through the community, then got a bailout, and now moving car production to Mexico.” He observed that this is not new-news: the trend has been going on for 40 years in Ohio, where the “bottom 60% haven’t seen a raise since 1980.”
Moving from the macro economy, Lester Holt segued the debate into health care, recognizing that “many at home have coverage with employers.” He asked the ten debaters to raise their hands to answer the question: “Who would abolish and do a government-run plan?” Only two raised their hands: DeBlasio and Warren.
Every one of the ten debaters supports universal health care coverage, with the eight who didn’t raise hands arguing for different flavors of a mixed public/private system. Klobuchar argued for a public option which was baked into the original Affordable Care Act. She is concerned about “kicking half of America off of health insurance in 4 years,” pivoting to the “much bigger issue” of pharmaceuticals pricing. She recalled that President Trump “went on Fox and said peoples’ heads would spin when they saw dropping prices” for medicines. She went into the data citing that 2,500 drug prices have gone up since President Trump took office, and that there have been in her words, “$100bn in giveaways to pharmaceutical companies.” Later in the debate, Klobuchar raised the issue of health disparities and in particular, how African-American women get less effective maternal health care.” [This sad truth about U.S. health care outcomes was recently described by the CDC].
“That’s what we call at home all foam and no beer,” she quipped. Let’s take on pharma, allow negotiations of prices under Medicare. “Pharma thinks they own Washington, but they don’t own me,” she added.
Warren said she has signed on to “Bernie care,” saying, “I’m with Bernie on Medicare for all. I spent time in my life studying why families go broke…this happens to people who have insurance…the business model of an (health) insurance company is to bring in as many dollars in premiums and pay out as few dollars as possible,” Warren described. “I understand a lot of politicians say it’s not possible – what they are telling you is they won’t fight for health care as a basic human right and I will fight for it,” Warren promised. [Here’s a link to her published research into the relationship between health care costs and personal bankruptcy in America written when she was at Harvard].
O’Rourke ran for Senate praising a bill that would replace private insurance. His stance has moved to the center away from single payer, to a private/public mix. He believes in “getting to guaranteed universal health care, featuring primary care, the ability to see a mental health provider,” noting that in Texas, the single largest provider of mental health care is the county jail system.” He went on to say that women should be “in control of their own body,” getting applause. When Holt asked O’Rourke if he would replace private insurance, O’Rourke said that, no, “if you are uninsured you can enroll in Medicare, if you are in a union plan and it works you can keep it.”
DeBlasio chimed in saying that private insurance isn’t working well for anyone, which drives his believe in a single payer government run system.
Delaney recognized that 100 million Americans like their current insurance and said, “we should keep what works and fix what’s broken – give everyone free care as a basic human right,” but with an option to buy more or “up” from a basic plan. He critiqued that Medicare for All bills would pay hospitals at current Medicare rates which, Delaney warned, “would kill the hospitals” financially.
Gabbard’s take was that, “We are talking about this in wrong way,” saying that she would give every sick American the quality health care they need. Look at other countries, she recommended, noting that every one with universal health care has a role for private insurance.
For Booker, “it’s not just a health care issue — it’s an education issue,” he believes. “If you don’t have care, you can’t succeed at school.” This is also a retirement issue, he asserted, where people have lower life expectancy due to poorer health care. This is “not just a human right but an American right,” calling out that, “too many people are profiteering off of the pain of people” in the U.S., pointing to pharma and health insurance.
Warren added that, “insurance companies $23 bn of profits out of the health care system,” detailing the pay to executives, lobbyists, and, “a giant industry that wants the system to stay the way it is — not working for families, but working for them.” But families must come first, Warren believes.
Inslee said that insurance companies should not have an option to deny women choice. In Washington State, he passed legislation protecting the right of women for health insurance and a law for a public option, promoting health insurance access for everyone, he said.
“Three women up here have fought for women’s right to choose,” Klobuchar noted, prompting applause.
Castro discussed women’s right to abortion and emphasized the concept of “reproductive justice” versus “reproductive rights.” It’s “justice” because women of lower incomes don’t have health equity or access — nor do trans people, which also got applause from the audience. “Just because someone is poor doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the right to choose,” Castro believes, identifying eroding women’s health rights in Alabama, Georgia and Missouri.
Jose Diaz-Ballard moved to the topic of opioids, asking Booker if companies manufacturing opioids should be help criminally liable. Booker said, yes, they are liable and responsible. Booker noted he would not take contributions from a pharma company. “In Newark, we’ve tried to arrest our way out of addiction for too long…we need national urgency to deal with this problem and make pharma companies responsible to pay for this.”
Chuck Todd ushered in the second hour of the debate with the public health issue of guns, describing that this meet-up was being held less than 50 miles from the Parkland shooting. Todd described that gun activism is now a part of high school life in Broward County, Florida. “What do you do about all the guns out there?” Todd asked Warren.
She recalled that while running for President, she has already conducted over 100 town halls. The hardest questions have been from kids asking, “when you are president, how are you going to keep us safe?” She responded, “That is our responsibility as adults,” adding that seven young people die from gun violence each day in the U.S. “Gun violence is a national health emergency in the U.S.” Warren would double-down on research to find out what really works in stemming gun violence to find “where can we make a difference at the margin that will keep our kids safe.” She said we should treat gun violence like a virus killing our children and treat this like a serious research problem. It’s a public health emergency, as she called it, and as such we should, “bring data to bear whether politically popular or not.”
Booker added that he has a Federal government buy-back program in his plan, adding that he hears gunshots in his neighborhood on a regular basis. Seven people were shot in his neighborhood last week. “People are tired of living in a country learning reading, writing, arithmetic, and shooting in school,” Booker passionately argued. “We let the corporate gun lobby frame the debate. This is not policy — it’s personal” to him.
Ryan said we need trauma-based care in every school, featuring social and emotional learning. He cited the statistic that 90% of shooters who wreak gun violence in their own school feel traumatized and bullied. We need a mental health counselor in every school because, he has observed, “kids are traumatized.”
For more details on other aspects of the debate beyond health care and financial wellness, here’s a link to NBC’s live blogging from the event.
Here is Kaiser Health News’ coverage of the event through their health policy lens.
Health Populi’s Hot Points: You’ve just read Part 1 of my listening to the first Democrats’ debate for 2020 President. Tonight, I will listen to the second half of this discussion, leading to tomorrow’s follow-up for Part 2 and synthesis of the major themes and implications for U.S. health care.
In the meantime, I’ll sign off from Part 1 of the Dems Candidates Debate coverage with a riff from Paul Simon on candidates’ debates…from his song, Mrs. Robinson…skip to 3:15 seconds to get to this stanza…a wonderful live version of this song which seems well timed for this moment…
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates’ debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you’ve got to choose
Every way you look at this you lose
The post Health Care and the Democratic Debates – Part 1 – Medicare For All, Rx Prices, Guns and Mental Health appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
Health Care and the Democratic Debates – Part 1 – Medicare For All, Rx Prices, Guns and Mental Health posted first on https://carilloncitydental.blogspot.com
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realselfblog · 6 years
FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It
Girls Rule the World, Beyoncé has told us. But not when it comes to digital health…at least until 2018, as Fitbit has announced a woman-focused smartwatch called the Versa which is expected to hit the market in April 2018.
The waterproof Versa will measure heart rate, do the usual fitness tracking metrics, and enable women to track their menstrual cycle. Fitbit has been quite clear that the device isn’t for conception or contraception.
The watch will be priced at $199 at retail, a much lower price-point than the Apple Watch at $329. So here Fitbit also has an argument for financial wellness, along with health and fitness.
I’ve witnessed the growing presence of femtech at CES since I started attending the mega-meeting over the past six years. “Femtech” is the abbreviation for “female technology,” which covers digital tools that track, manage or and/or enhance reproduction, maternity, fertility, nursing, and sexual health.
Let me share some market history through my own experience at CES, which provides some useful context for Fitbit’s announcement.
First, femtech was about pink: specifically, pink bands for wrist-worn activity trackers, like the ones shown here on a Fitbit “pink timeline.”
In the first years of activity tracking, when it came to female-focused devices, it was about fashion-meeting-sensors. Tori Burch designed jewelry that fit a Fitbit tracker (shown in the third picture). Swarovski crystals surrounded a Misfit Shine. In 2016, after Fossil acquired Misfit, the Kate Spade brand (part of the Fossil Group) created whimsical watch faces that housed sensors to track steps.
But honestly, all I’ve wanted these years since beginning of quantifying myself with the Fitbit “Classic” in 2009 was a way to organize the many facets of my health-life in one app. There are dozens of niche apps which target one or two women’s health issues, but getting the continuum of female wellness and healthy living in one dashboard has been a long time coming.
So I welcome Fitbit to the streamlining of femtech, a personal Holy Grail.
That streamlining is important as period-tracking data can mash up with other data in the very large Fitbit database. “Female health tracking will empower women with a greater understanding of their menstrual cycles in conjunction with their physical and mental health, as they start to recognize what are normal trends over time versus what could be an issue to share with their doctor,” Dr. Katharine White, MD MPH, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Boston University School of Medicine and Fitbit Advisor, said in the Versa press release. “The nuances of the menstrual cycle have not been as widely studied across populations as have other areas in healthcare. This exciting development by Fitbit could help potentially create one of the largest databases of menstrual health metrics in the world, providing healthcare and research professionals with an unprecedented ability to study menstrual cycles and women’s health with real world data.”
Fitbit’s announcement is getting a lot of media attention. This morning’s UK Financial Times featured an article in the Technology box titled, “Fitbit launches fitness tracker for children,” within which the “female-focused Versa smartwatch” is featured. When it comes to femtech, the world is flat.
As Lauren Goode wrote in The Verge, Fitbit’s design is, “more thoughtful than just pinking and shrinking a smartwatch.”
Health Populi’s Hot Points:  We are all patients and consumers at some point, and a plurality of us who have self-tracked activity have done so on a Fitbit. The brand has, until recently, led in market share among activity trackers. IDC reported earlier this month that Apple became #1 in wearable tech volume ahead of Fitbit and Xiaomi.
Mainstream women are not all 18 to 34 years of age who shop at Lululemon or run marathons. We work, we live faith-based lives, we volunteer in communities, we mate, we parent, we caregive to those parents and/or to our kids, we work in the home, we work outside the home, and we are usually the Chief Health and Houeshold Officers in those homes. Life is good, life is complicated, life is difficult, sometimes all at the same time.
There are dozens of apps in the femtech digital health landscape across the continuum of women’s health: for fertility, period tracking, making babies, sexual health, and nursing, as CB Insights’ picture illustrates.
You’ve seen one app, and you’ve seen one, and adding more complication to our lives takes time away from living. This is why women seek streamlining in daily life, and consolidating clicks and apps is one of these demands. If Fitbit can add value to daily living by doing this at an accessible price point for those mainstream women, Beyoncé and we might feel Crazy in Love about it.
   The post FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
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Creating a Space for Spirituality in Medical School
By Aamir Hussain
During my first few months in medical school, I noticed that religion was rarely discussed. As a Theology minor in college at Georgetown University, I knew that religion was an important part of life for many Americans; indeed, nearly nine in 10 Americans report a belief in some divine or spiritual power, and several studies have shown that organized faith communities can play important roles in promoting healthy behaviors. Topics related to spirituality and religious beliefs arose during a course on Healthcare Disparities, but the discussions were only tangential. I had a feeling that students felt uncomfortable discussing such personal topics in the academic setting.
For this reason, I proposed a new student organization for the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago: the Spirituality and Medicine Interest Group. This group aims to create a safe space for discussion of how spirituality/religion affect healthcare. I thought that this idea fit in perfectly with Pritzker’s commitment to all forms of diversity. Last month, the interest group was approved for university funding, and I was awarded Germanacos Fellowship, a $5000 grant to develop a medical discussion series focused on the intersections between spirituality/religion and medicine. These seminars will be partially based on a well-known religious literacy curriculum for healthcare workers developed by the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding. The Germanacos Fellowship was awarded by the Interfaith Youth Core, a Chicago-based nonprofit that aims to make interfaith cooperation a social norm in the United States by promoting inter-religious dialogue and community service.
I am interested in the intersections between spirituality and healthcare because my own religious beliefs inform my choice of career. My passion for medicine stems from a declaration in Islam and various other traditions that saving one person’s life is equivalent to saving all of mankind. Through my work with the Interfaith Youth Core during my undergraduate years at Georgetown University and as an Ambassador for the Parliament of the World’s Religions, I have come to realize that religious communities — like all social structures — can be divisive or, when harnessed correctly, can be powerful catalysts for social improvement. Fortunately, the medical field is especially conducive to interfaith engagement because the concepts of service and human dignity are always implicit. In addition, physicians are one of the most religiously-diverse populations in the United States, and providers are increasingly recognizing the importance of religious literacy in medical education.
Over the next several months, I hope to introduce other students to religious diversity in the healthcare world, and to provide opportunities for my classmates to reflect on their personal motivations and values (whether or not those they come from a religious background) for pursuing medicine. I also look forward to finding connections between existing student organizations and facilitating dialogues on important topics such as mental health, reproductive health, and organ donation.
The Spirituality and Medicine Interest Group is especially open to students who do not identify with a faith background. The religiously-unaffiliated are a growing population in the United States (especially among Millennials), and as a result, it is vital to include nonreligious perspectives in any conversation around religion/spirituality. In addition, given the religiosity of the United States, I believe it is helpful for all medical students (regardless of their own background) to have some familiarity with conversations related to spirituality in order to better connect with many patients.
While becoming a physician, I also want to be at the forefront of the interfaith movement’s expansion into the healthcare world. I intend to demonstrate that religion and science can work together rather than in opposition. I am guided by one of my favorite verses from the Quran: “Had God willed, He would have made mankind as a single religion [or community], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so strive with each other for virtue (5:48).
In my opinion, there are people being hospitalized and when they’re all good, they just thank the doctors. The doctors, the nurses and the people who just took care of them while they’re on the process of recovery. However, I would just like them to know that didn’t they think that the doctors, nurses, and people who cared for the aren’t just the ones who really made them heal? I strongly believe God did. 
The problem with us humans, nowadays is we really just see and focus what’s in front of us. We always fail to recognize the ones behind the present, right? In the context of this article and relating my reflection to it, all I can say is that we all forget to thank God, appreciate God in every way. He is just behind us always. He may be in disguise- He may e the doctor that made you heal, the nurse who took care of you and the people who made you feel good and motivated to heal. We as people just tend to forget that. 
Now, I do believe is not yet late. Now is the right time to repent and be thankful to Him. Appreciate him in every way possible. I’m not saying that we should try our best to figure it out to see Him in everyone’s face but we must do our best to thank Him everytime we have to call Him for something, to thank Him for something and to always bear in our mind that without Him, we weouldn’t be the person we are now.
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thedrivel · 7 years
Summary of learning theories – Behaviourism vs Cognitivism etc…
Presented are my notes summarised, and also taken from elsewhere, on some of the different learning theories proposed by psychologists and teachers throughout the years. There are many others, of course, however, these are the fundamental ones by big names like Piaget, on which many of the current modern theories are modified versions of these.
I wouldn’t say one is better than the other, it is all contextual and situational. In fact, it is best to use parts of each of them as required. Take the bits you need, apply it, get feedback (very important - a whole art in itself), modify as required, rinse and repeat.
Some definitions:
Behaviourism – “Stimuli-response” relationship with the external world
Cognitivism – Cognitive functions within the brain matures to a point where it can process the reality as it “already exists” in the external world around us.
Constructivism – An epistemology, or philosophical explanation about the nature of learning. Learners construct their understandings of knowledge, it is not acquired automatically.
Constructionism – Considerations about how public knowledge is formed and created. It considers how commonsense ideas, everyday beliefs, and commonly held understandings about the world are communicated to new members of a sociocultural group.
Social cognitive theory (Albert Bandura)
A neo-behavioural approach. Holds that portions of an individual’s knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences and outside media influences.
Two types of learning, enactive (own experiences) and vicarious (observing others).
Elements of observational learning include
Motivation and reinforcement
Five outcomes of observational learning, these include
Directing attention
Encouraging already-learned behaviours
Strengthening or weakening inhibitions
Teaching new behaviours
Arousing emotion
Cognitive Constructivism (Jean Piaget)
Four stages of cognitive development
Concrete operational
Formal operational
Individuals construct their own knowledge, an “internal process”. Schemas. Accommodation and assimilation. Equilibration and disequilibration and its role in learning.
Learning how to learn is a main goal
Useful in understanding how children think, especially at primary levels
Stages are too fixed, variations can be seen and it does not explain many behaviours observed in children developing. Change is continuous as well, not discontinuous.
Overlooks important effects of the child’s cultural and social group
Social Constructivism (Lev Vygotsky)
Marxist. Misnomer. Better called social cognitive theory of learning.
The social environment influences cognition through its tools/artefacts – e.g. cultural objects, language, symbols and social institutions. (Sociocultural theory – the two lines of development…lower natural line and higher cultural line)
Private speech develops thought by organising behaviour
Never talked about learning, just growth and behaviour.
Zone of proximal development
Behaviour is the history of behaviour
Psychosocial development (Erik Erikson)
Eight stages of psychosocial development
Basic trust versus basic mistrust
Autonomy versus shame/doubt
Initiative versus guilt
Industry versus inferiority
Identity versus role confusion
Intimacy versus isolation
Generativity versus stagnation
Ego integrity versus despair
Stages are interdependent, accomplishment at later stages depend on how conflicts are resolved in earlier years.
At each stage, an individual faces a developmental crisis, and two paths are possible. How the crisis is resolved will determine an individual’s self-image and view of society.
Helped start the life-span development approach
Useful in understanding adolescence
Feminists have criticised his notion that identity precedes intimacy, because their research indicates that, for women, identity achievement is fused with achieving intimacy (Miller, 2011).
Adults and mid-life crises
Goal-centred theory (Rudolf Dreikurs)
Acts from one of four “mistaken goals”: undue attention, power, revenge or avoidance
Requires teachers to distinguish between individual students and their (mis)behaviours
Focuses on socialisation processes, relationships and the need to belong
Can be used to build positive teacher/student relationships
Provide positive belonging by interventions
Logical consequences
Builds student-teacher relationships
Strengths based
Logical consequences vs punishment
Sees behaviour as a form of communication
Relies on students wanting to belong to the group
Centred on moral competency
May be less effective with very challenging behaviours
Choice theory (William Glasser)
Neo-Adlerian psychoeducational theory (humanist)
Proposes that all behaviours are attempts to satisfy present and future needs
Focuses on relationships, thoughts, feelings, behaviours
Functions as a preventative approach to classroom management, rather than interventional
Teacher guides by example, rather than assuming a dictatorial approach
Non-rule based
Encourages positive teacher-student relationships
Uses co-operative learning strategies
Developmental approach, meeting basic needs
School/classroom environment central
More effective if part of a school wide context
Long term change process
Used only with individual teachers can be confusing
May be less effective with very challenging behaviours
Assertive Discipline (Lee & Marlene Canter)
Influenced by behaviourist theory
Involves establishment of ‘discipline plans’
Foregrounds teacher assertiveness, as well as approachability and support
Positive reinforcement of compliance
Disruptive behaviours incur sanctions
Provides an ordered teaching environment
Introduces rules with positive and negative consequences
Helps students achieve academic success
Requires good teaching
Presumes absolute authority of teacher
Does not have rigorous theoretical base
Controls rather than changes reason for being
May not support individual differences
Applied Behaviour Analysis (e.g. Paul Alberto & Anne Troutman)
Based on work by Skinner
Authoritative approach to behavioural change
Utilises (Antecedent  Behaviour  Consequence)
Encourages teacher to use reinforcing consequences to increase or decrease target behaviours
Direct instruction approach to teaching
Focus on changing classroom environment
Uses reinforcement to strengthen pro-social behaviours
Focuses on student and not on teacher responses
Teaches avoidance of behaviour rather than understand why a behaviour is inappropriate
Cognitive behavioural theory (e.g. Joseph Kaplan & Jane Carter)
Influenced by psychoeducational (humanist) and behaviourist theory
Encourages self-management skills leading to behavioural independence
Most appropriate for challenging behaviour
Potential to improve student mental health and academic performance
Teaches students constructive thinking skills
Builds student motivation
Strategies for challenging behaviours
Collaborative process
Focuses on internal locus of control
Lack of emphasis on emotions
More effective with cognitively mature children and adolescents
Information processing theory
Knowledge is acquired by constructing a representation of the outside world. Direct teaching, feedback and explanation affect learning. Knowledge is accurate to the extent that it reflects ‘the way things really are’ in the outside world.
0 notes
realselfblog · 6 years
FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It
Girls Rule the World, Beyoncé has told us. But not when it comes to digital health…at least until 2018, as Fitbit has announced a woman-focused smartwatch called the Versa which is expected to hit the market in April 2018.
The waterproof Versa will measure heart rate, do the usual fitness tracking metrics, and enable women to track their menstrual cycle. Fitbit has been quite clear that the device isn’t for conception or contraception.
The watch will be priced at $199 at retail, a much lower price-point than the Apple Watch at $329. So here Fitbit also has an argument for financial wellness, along with health and fitness.
I’ve witnessed the growing presence of femtech at CES since I started attending the mega-meeting over the past six years. “Femtech” is the abbreviation for “female technology,” which covers digital tools that track, manage or and/or enhance reproduction, maternity, fertility, nursing, and sexual health.
Let me share some market history through my own experience at CES, which provides some useful context for Fitbit’s announcement.
First, femtech was about pink: specifically, pink bands for wrist-worn activity trackers, like the ones shown here on a Fitbit “pink timeline.”
In the first years of activity tracking, when it came to female-focused devices, it was about fashion-meeting-sensors. Tori Burch designed jewelry that fit a Fitbit tracker (shown in the third picture). Swarovski crystals surrounded a Misfit Shine. In 2016, after Fossil acquired Misfit, the Kate Spade brand (part of the Fossil Group) created whimsical watch faces that housed sensors to track steps.
But honestly, all I’ve wanted these years since beginning of quantifying myself with the Fitbit “Classic” in 2009 was a way to organize the many facets of my health-life in one app. There are dozens of niche apps which target one or two women’s health issues, but getting the continuum of female wellness and healthy living in one dashboard has been a long time coming.
So I welcome Fitbit to the streamlining of femtech, a personal Holy Grail.
That streamlining is important as period-tracking data can mash up with other data in the very large Fitbit database. “Female health tracking will empower women with a greater understanding of their menstrual cycles in conjunction with their physical and mental health, as they start to recognize what are normal trends over time versus what could be an issue to share with their doctor,” Dr. Katharine White, MD MPH, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Boston University School of Medicine and Fitbit Advisor, said in the Versa press release. “The nuances of the menstrual cycle have not been as widely studied across populations as have other areas in healthcare. This exciting development by Fitbit could help potentially create one of the largest databases of menstrual health metrics in the world, providing healthcare and research professionals with an unprecedented ability to study menstrual cycles and women’s health with real world data.”
Fitbit’s announcement is getting a lot of media attention. This morning’s UK Financial Times featured an article in the Technology box titled, “Fitbit launches fitness tracker for children,” within which the “female-focused Versa smartwatch” is featured. When it comes to femtech, the world is flat.
As Lauren Goode wrote in The Verge, Fitbit’s design is, “more thoughtful than just pinking and shrinking a smartwatch.”
Health Populi’s Hot Points:  We are all patients and consumers at some point, and a plurality of us who have self-tracked activity have done so on a Fitbit. The brand has, until recently, led in market share among activity trackers. IDC reported earlier this month that Apple became #1 in wearable tech volume ahead of Fitbit and Xiaomi.
Mainstream women are not all 18 to 34 years of age who shop at Lululemon or run marathons. We work, we live faith-based lives, we volunteer in communities, we mate, we parent, we caregive to those parents and/or to our kids, we work in the home, we work outside the home, and we are usually the Chief Health and Houeshold Officers in those homes. Life is good, life is complicated, life is difficult, sometimes all at the same time.
There are dozens of apps in the femtech digital health landscape across the continuum of women’s health: for fertility, period tracking, making babies, sexual health, and nursing, as CB Insights’ picture illustrates.
You’ve seen one app, and you’ve seen one, and adding more complication to our lives takes time away from living. This is why women seek streamlining in daily life, and consolidating clicks and apps is one of these demands. If Fitbit can add value to daily living by doing this at an accessible price point for those mainstream women, Beyoncé and we might feel Crazy in Love about it.
   The post FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
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realselfblog · 6 years
FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It
Girls Rule the World, Beyoncé has told us. But not when it comes to digital health…at least until 2018, as Fitbit has announced a woman-focused smartwatch called the Versa which is expected to hit the market in April 2018.
The waterproof Versa will measure heart rate, do the usual fitness tracking metrics, and enable women to track their menstrual cycle. Fitbit has been quite clear that the device isn’t for conception or contraception.
The watch will be priced at $199 at retail, a much lower price-point than the Apple Watch at $329. So here Fitbit also has an argument for financial wellness, along with health and fitness.
I’ve witnessed the growing presence of femtech at CES since I started attending the mega-meeting over the past six years. “Femtech” is the abbreviation for “female technology,” which covers digital tools that track, manage or and/or enhance reproduction, maternity, fertility, nursing, and sexual health.
Let me share some market history through my own experience at CES, which provides some useful context for Fitbit’s announcement.
First, femtech was about pink: specifically, pink bands for wrist-worn activity trackers, like the ones shown here on a Fitbit “pink timeline.”
In the first years of activity tracking, when it came to female-focused devices, it was about fashion-meeting-sensors. Tori Burch designed jewelry that fit a Fitbit tracker (shown in the third picture). Swarovski crystals surrounded a Misfit Shine. In 2016, after Fossil acquired Misfit, the Kate Spade brand (part of the Fossil Group) created whimsical watch faces that housed sensors to track steps.
But honestly, all I’ve wanted these years since beginning of quantifying myself with the Fitbit “Classic” in 2009 was a way to organize the many facets of my health-life in one app. There are dozens of niche apps which target one or two women’s health issues, but getting the continuum of female wellness and healthy living in one dashboard has been a long time coming.
So I welcome Fitbit to the streamlining of femtech, a personal Holy Grail.
That streamlining is important as period-tracking data can mash up with other data in the very large Fitbit database. “Female health tracking will empower women with a greater understanding of their menstrual cycles in conjunction with their physical and mental health, as they start to recognize what are normal trends over time versus what could be an issue to share with their doctor,” Dr. Katharine White, MD MPH, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Boston University School of Medicine and Fitbit Advisor, said in the Versa press release. “The nuances of the menstrual cycle have not been as widely studied across populations as have other areas in healthcare. This exciting development by Fitbit could help potentially create one of the largest databases of menstrual health metrics in the world, providing healthcare and research professionals with an unprecedented ability to study menstrual cycles and women’s health with real world data.”
Fitbit’s announcement is getting a lot of media attention. This morning’s UK Financial Times featured an article in the Technology box titled, “Fitbit launches fitness tracker for children,” within which the “female-focused Versa smartwatch” is featured. When it comes to femtech, the world is flat.
As Lauren Goode wrote in The Verge, Fitbit’s design is, “more thoughtful than just pinking and shrinking a smartwatch.”
Health Populi’s Hot Points:  We are all patients and consumers at some point, and a plurality of us who have self-tracked activity have done so on a Fitbit. The brand has, until recently, led in market share among activity trackers. IDC reported earlier this month that Apple became #1 in wearable tech volume ahead of Fitbit and Xiaomi.
Mainstream women are not all 18 to 34 years of age who shop at Lululemon or run marathons. We work, we live faith-based lives, we volunteer in communities, we mate, we parent, we caregive to those parents and/or to our kids, we work in the home, we work outside the home, and we are usually the Chief Health and Houeshold Officers in those homes. Life is good, life is complicated, life is difficult, sometimes all at the same time.
There are dozens of apps in the femtech digital health landscape across the continuum of women’s health: for fertility, period tracking, making babies, sexual health, and nursing, as CB Insights’ picture illustrates.
You’ve seen one app, and you’ve seen one, and adding more complication to our lives takes time away from living. This is why women seek streamlining in daily life, and consolidating clicks and apps is one of these demands. If Fitbit can add value to daily living by doing this at an accessible price point for those mainstream women, Beyoncé and we might feel Crazy in Love about it.
   The post FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
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maxihealth · 6 years
FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It
Girls Rule the World, Beyoncé has told us. But not when it comes to digital health…at least until 2018, as Fitbit has announced a woman-focused smartwatch called the Versa which is expected to hit the market in April 2018.
The waterproof Versa will measure heart rate, do the usual fitness tracking metrics, and enable women to track their menstrual cycle. Fitbit has been quite clear that the device isn’t for conception or contraception.
The watch will be priced at $199 at retail, a much lower price-point than the Apple Watch at $329. So here Fitbit also has an argument for financial wellness, along with health and fitness.
I’ve witnessed the growing presence of femtech at CES since I started attending the mega-meeting over the past six years. “Femtech” is the abbreviation for “female technology,” which covers digital tools that track, manage or and/or enhance reproduction, maternity, fertility, nursing, and sexual health.
Let me share some market history through my own experience at CES, which provides some useful context for Fitbit’s announcement.
First, femtech was about pink: specifically, pink bands for wrist-worn activity trackers, like the ones shown here on a Fitbit “pink timeline.”
In the first years of activity tracking, when it came to female-focused devices, it was about fashion-meeting-sensors. Tori Burch designed jewelry that fit a Fitbit tracker (shown in the third picture). Swarovski crystals surrounded a Misfit Shine. In 2016, after Fossil acquired Misfit, the Kate Spade brand (part of the Fossil Group) created whimsical watch faces that housed sensors to track steps.
But honestly, all I’ve wanted these years since beginning of quantifying myself with the Fitbit “Classic” in 2009 was a way to organize the many facets of my health-life in one app. There are dozens of niche apps which target one or two women’s health issues, but getting the continuum of female wellness and healthy living in one dashboard has been a long time coming.
So I welcome Fitbit to the streamlining of femtech, a personal Holy Grail.
That streamlining is important as period-tracking data can mash up with other data in the very large Fitbit database. “Female health tracking will empower women with a greater understanding of their menstrual cycles in conjunction with their physical and mental health, as they start to recognize what are normal trends over time versus what could be an issue to share with their doctor,” Dr. Katharine White, MD MPH, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Boston University School of Medicine and Fitbit Advisor, said in the Versa press release. “The nuances of the menstrual cycle have not been as widely studied across populations as have other areas in healthcare. This exciting development by Fitbit could help potentially create one of the largest databases of menstrual health metrics in the world, providing healthcare and research professionals with an unprecedented ability to study menstrual cycles and women’s health with real world data.”
Fitbit’s announcement is getting a lot of media attention. This morning’s UK Financial Times featured an article in the Technology box titled, “Fitbit launches fitness tracker for children,” within which the “female-focused Versa smartwatch” is featured. When it comes to femtech, the world is flat.
As Lauren Goode wrote in The Verge, Fitbit’s design is, “more thoughtful than just pinking and shrinking a smartwatch.”
Health Populi’s Hot Points:  We are all patients and consumers at some point, and a plurality of us who have self-tracked activity have done so on a Fitbit. The brand has, until recently, led in market share among activity trackers. IDC reported earlier this month that Apple became #1 in wearable tech volume ahead of Fitbit and Xiaomi.
Mainstream women are not all 18 to 34 years of age who shop at Lululemon or run marathons. We work, we live faith-based lives, we volunteer in communities, we mate, we parent, we caregive to those parents and/or to our kids, we work in the home, we work outside the home, and we are usually the Chief Health and Houeshold Officers in those homes. Life is good, life is complicated, life is difficult, sometimes all at the same time.
There are dozens of apps in the femtech digital health landscape across the continuum of women’s health: for fertility, period tracking, making babies, sexual health, and nursing, as CB Insights’ picture illustrates.
You’ve seen one app, and you’ve seen one, and adding more complication to our lives takes time away from living. This is why women seek streamlining in daily life, and consolidating clicks and apps is one of these demands. If Fitbit can add value to daily living by doing this at an accessible price point for those mainstream women, Beyoncé and we might feel Crazy in Love about it.
   The post FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It appeared first on HealthPopuli.com.
FemTech is Hot, and Fitbit Knows It posted first on https://carilloncitydental.blogspot.com
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