#for going all the way to copperdale and not even meeting helena face-to-face
thebramblewood · 5 months
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If I can find you, so can Lilith. Not to alarm you, but she already knows where you live. I'm sorry I can't do more. - CV
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Helena: Since when do you read the newspaper? I’ve barely seen you crack a book in your entire life.
Julia: I’m catching up on the latest Copperdale Creep atta- [glances up from paper] Holy crap. You look terrible.
Helena: Gee, thanks.
Julia: And you still don’t think you should see a doctor?
Helena: Stop pestering me! Must I remind you who’s the adult here?
Julia: Barely. And being an adult doesn’t mean you can’t be a dumb-ass. You’re more stubborn that Banjo when I try to drag him into the bath!
Helena: I can’t believe you just compared me to a dog.
Julia: Well, if the collar fits…
Helena: [laughing] You’re the worst.
Julia: Anyway, this says a park ranger was ambushed while she was on duty a couple nights ago.
Helena: Oh my God. [hesitantly] Did she survive?
Julia: Just barely. She told the police her attacker was definitely human but, like, freaky fast and strong. Who is this weirdo? It’s like they get off on leaving people almost for dead, or else they’re just a super crappy murderer, in which case they’ll 100% be caught soon.
Helena: [shifting uncomfortably] Yeah, I hope so.
Julia: By the way, you got a package. I found it on the porch this morning. It’s only got your name on it, no return address or postage. Strange, huh? Are you sure you don’t have a stalker? Oh, maybe it’s a bomb! Wait, I picked it up and brought it inside, so it’s probably not a bomb. What if it’s anthrax?
[partially visible glimpse of Helena's handwritten name on the box]
Helena: I think it’s from a… friend.
Julia: What kind of friend dumps a box on your porch without stopping to say hi? Hey, come on! You’re really not going to let me see what’s inside?
Helena: What is this? A fucking care package?
[close-up of a handwritten letter: If I can find you, so can Lilith. Not to alarm you, but she already knows where you live. I'm sorry I can't do more. -CV
Helena: [scoffs incredulously] Coward.
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