#for multitudinous reasons… i relate to captain jim more than any other maud character
gogandmagog · 4 months
Your dog is named Captain Jim? I can’t, that’s so precious.
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Yes! Lol. She’s so precious. Here she is presently (on the right, anyway). She answers to a lot of names, though. It’s excessive. Cap’n, Captain Crunch, JimJim, Jiminy, Jiminy Cricket. 😅 She has freckles on her nose like Anne, too.
Captain Jim shook his head. “I had a dog once. I thought so much of him that when he died I couldn’t bear the thought of getting another in his place. He was a friend—you understand, Mistress Blythe? Matey’s only a pal. I’m fond of Matey—all the fonder on account of the spice of devilment that’s in him—like there is in all cats. But I loved my dog.
— Captain Jim, Anne’s House of Dreams
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