#for some reason i want to write but i am Not a writer 😣😣
nmakii · 5 months
you're so damn talented! seriously! i devoured the entire thing in one sitting. how ??? i have a major thing for manipulation ( its definitely not healthy save me ) and the plot is beyond words. Yandere Alastor is MADE for this masterpiece. can i ask how did you become so good at writing? i've always wanted to be a writer but can never seem to get it right. sorry if there any mistakes english isn't my first language so..........
OMFG 😣😣💞💞 ILYSM!!! tbh i dont have a particular reason why i got to where i am rn. it’s mostly just years of writing, but i think there are a few reasons so ill list them here
1. english lessons
i have an english class at my school that helps me improve my grammar, and also does literary analyses on books like macbeth and the great gatsby. we also write essays often so, that also helped my ability to comprehend myself on paper properly.
2. books
IM A BOOK NERD 😋😋 i love the writing styles of authors like dazai osamu, agatha christie, and fyodor dostoevsky. as well as the poetry of nakahara and yosano (BSD NERD IM SORRY). i went through a phase where i tried to embody the writing styles of dazai and dostevsky since they were very comprehensive in their characterizations and they gave many moral dilemmas that are common in stories (which gave me TONS of inspiration). but, i also like to read the stories of ranpo edogawa and agatha christie for their plots, since no good story is not without a plot twist and their murder mysteries are really fun :p
3. visual novels
if books arent your thing, i also played tons of visual novels which helped me to learn how to describe objects since there are many limitations to these types of games :p
i recommend games like doki doki literature club, your turn to die, and danganronpa!
4. anecdotes
most of my stories are acc stories from my life! if not, then they have some aspect of reality. my lipstick fic was actually from a time i was in math class and i was testing if my lip gloss was smudge proof by kissing my friend on her hand (it smudged 🙁). getting stories from your real life helps to make the plot more dynamic, especially if you’re quoting real people 😋
if not, you can try to make it real (if youre weird like me). i have a request rn for kokichi with a reader who basically follows him around like a puppy, so i did this with my friend since shes a close match for kokichi, and i followed her around everywhere to see what her reactions were (she didnt have any bc we follow each other everywhere 😣)
and, if you’re having a hard time with characterization, this works as well!! i like to find a part of myself that is similar to the character and work off of that. for example, im writing a little niffty fic and both her and i are really psycho when it comes to cleaning, so i’m using my past experiences as a basis for that story and my friends’ reaction as a placeholder for reader :p
5. confidence!!
i tried cooperating with other people on fics, but it never really worked cuz i like to butt heads 😋. beta reading doesn’t really work for me either because everyone has their own taste when it comes to writing and you can’t please everybody. so, i only really reread my stories to check for grammatical errors, since i’m pretty pleased with my plots. people will always have something to criticize when it comes to your work, so it doesn’t really matter. plus, this is the internet. if a fic flops, it flops! if you think that your story is good, then upload it! someone is bound to like it 😋😋
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emprexchaotica · 7 months
Oh, hi!
I'm Snowliss! Nice to meet you! This is my first post, so why not introduce myself by giving some random facts about me?
At a very young age I started drawing.
My first ever handheld console was actually the Game Boy Advanced Micro! I can't remember what was my first game... 😞
First Mario game was Mario Kart on the Nintendo DS - LOOOOVED the Mission Mode, disappointed that it was never brought back... 😭
Pokémon Pearl was the very first Pokémon game I have ever played (though we don't talk about that time because I did the unforgivable... 😣)
Then, my knowledge of Nintendo characters, games, etc. was expanded through playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl! I mained the angel from Kid Icarus Pit (to the point where I did developed anime/video game husbando crush so I created an OC named "Blair", just for me to put her and him together😳)
Because of my imaginations and such, I began to write some stories (though I never published them because I didn't have a phone or laptop back then)
And then a good few years later I was given a Nintendo 3DS during one of my summer holidays, with Fire Emblem Fates being my very first game ever.
A follow-up on the last point; I played as Male Corrin, regretted everything because I hated Takumi at the very beginning, but after I saw the supports I regretted everything, so jump ship to playing as Female Corrin (and also created a new OC) and married Takumi. Who knew that he was such a sweetheart? 😍
My main OC's name went from "Eyra" to "Blair", then to "Asha" to "Kagura" and then now to "Kaori". Quite a huge jump of names just for one original character, don't you think? 🤔
I also have Fire Emblem Heroes - huge Takumi fan, and really wanting a Brave and Legendary Takumi alt! 🤩
Speaking of Fire Emblem spinoffs, I also have Fire Emblem Warriors, and of course I main Takumi as always, no surprise. 😏
I also am the writer of Fire Emblem: Fated Elements, which is an afterstory of Fire Emblem Fates with my OCs being involved. This was rewritten too many times during the making of it, to the point where I had to completely abandon the book/idea, until around a month ago, due to personal reasons.
So yeah, that's all about me so far, I'm open to ask any questions but anything personal I will have to decline. I'll also throw in some of snippets/chapters of Fire Emblem: Fated Elements into this, and would probably make some silly polls based on Fire Emblem, and maybe complain about life lol so... I hope I'll be able to get to know you more as you know me!
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euphor1a · 1 year
💘💫🎀🎈💌 for the ask thing <3
Thank you for sending thru <3
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💘 Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
→ Nope. If you asked me this question on my old blogs, I’d probably say yes. But since then I’ve moved blogs and am in the process of rewriting pretty much everything I had 😭, so no. Maybe 2 years later I’ll say yes to this question again (as I post more new stuff) but it’s a very big no for now.
💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
→ Just so you know, I’ll take everything and anything from long essay to a paragraph to a single sentence or even emojis as feedback!!!!! But, if we’re talking about favorites, I must say reviews that quote certain dialogues or paragraphs or some random sentences and proceed to gush about that specific part are very, extremely dear to my heart 😭! I haven’t received feedback like that since forever sjdhjfhj but previously, I used to be part of this small fandom and reblogs with such comments were the norm there. I genuinely cannot tell you how much it means to an author when you pin-point something you liked and go ham over it ahgdgkjsfjkdfjksfjk it’s so 😭😭😭😭 wholesome and endearing </3 !!! And p.s: a comment or some sort of feedback can NEVER be annoying to a writer as long as it’s positive!
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing
→ I think I’m pretty good at writing emotions and how a character is feeling in different circumstances. Also, my style is relatively simple but I guess that’s not necessarily a bad thing? My grip on the english language isn’t so good that I can be super poetic or something, but I have my moments!!!
🎈 describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
→ I don’t exactly have a way to describe my style as a writer because it’s literally never the same (specifically the actual writing process). I am genuinely more of a daydreamer than writer 😭! My imagination has no bounds and I can spend days picturing a novelworthy fic but the moment I try to write it.... 🤕😣😵 It’s a massive reason why my progress is so slow and why I’m never satisfied with what I end up typing. It’s like... the whole thing is SO GOOD in my head. But when I try to type it down it just never turns out the way I want to :( ?! This is also why you guys don’t see longer fics from me often. Ahgdgkjsfjkdfjksfjk it’s SO FREAKING annoying 😔!
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
→ You know what, the amount of longer fics I have in my wips is insane. If only I could EVER finish them n share with you guys :( ... All sorts of aus and pairings and genres are in there. And it’s all so exciting but 😭😭 sigh... If you want some tea on for sure upcoming stuff though, I only have bf chronicles’ next part to talk about as I’ve been focusing on it entirely as of late. Let me just say that it’s painful to work on. Cause bfc!mingyu is way too much for my own mental well being and it’s extremely hard to work on it without going through a manic episode of a delulu kpop stan. Yes, I said it. If you’re asking for something entirely brand new though,,,, I’ll be posting something no one expects from me. (Read a fic for a group I don’t write for; also, misc. masterlist coming soon)
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— let’s get real! fic writer asks ✉️ ( inbox )
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batri-jopa · 2 years
Hello mutuals and random visitors!❤ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
I'd like to say that as a visual artist I sometimes like to draw some stuff with undressed human bodies including arms, hands, bellies, buttocks, tights, knees, calves and sometimes even weird looking feet.
Only I do prefer to show them in action...
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...for why should only writers have all the fun?🤷
Anyway, sometimes these drawings turn out good enough to share and if you'd like to check it out you can visit my another blog:
>>> @co-ma-piernik <<<
- that's where I will try and post some of my Adults-Only Stuff (e.g. searching for two pictures hinted above - you can look🔍 for keywords: unbearable and no tomorrow Unless it will get reported and hidden. But then I'll just try to post it again some other way)
Believe me, posting visual art like this on tmblr really is not an easy game: imagine spending one whole day drawing and then - another whole day trying to post it... AND not be hidden right away... numerous times over and over again😩 (Even though it got Community Labels! I really wonder what these are for anyway?!)
And yes, I know that the easiest way seems to be censoring my pics - but at the same time it's the very last thing I want to do!😣 Because what am I supposed to censor in the first place? What piece of your finished work's composition would you consider unimportant? Should I cut out buttocks? Blurr a hand that squeezes? Cover the belly tattoo that was placed too low?
Oh, you fic-writers have it good and you probably don't even realise your luck...😅 I wonder how many times a fic-writer gets blocked for "vulgar" content even when writing about intercourse?
And trust me, I really am not trying to make my visual art vulgar, it's just that... Well, lets say I really have seen worse things here already. Like photographs showing body parts and poses in a much more explicit way than what I want to share. And they are even tagged properly! I have no idea how they made it. Because whenever I try to tag my art the same way, so that it actually could be found - it gets found indeed and... blocked immediately🙄
So, I'm always a rebel. But I just don't like anybody (including myself) to be discriminated against for any reason. Be it nationality, age, gender, skin tone, religion, what one likes, who one loves, height, weight or kind of art. I don't understand that policy can block my visual art while written art stays free (which is absolutely great, don't get me wrong!) AND even visual art pieces are okey if they are "historical" ! (now how does this work, when those ancient pictures from India or China are 10times more explicit than my art??? I have no idea...)
If we want to share our ART, if it is not p o r n, if it hurts nobody and if it's labeled properly - we should have a right to! ✌️
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maerenee930 · 2 years
man, i have all these ideas in my head for Klaus and Peyton and can play those ideas and little scenarios out in my head all the time, but i can’t seem to get myself to actually write any of them down. 😓 like i just don’t get why i’m letting my anxiety stop me from actually making fics for them and using the ideas that i come up with in my head for anything to write about them. and like why do i have to make it so much more of a thing than it actually is? why do i second guess myself the moment i do try to start writing something and then let my anxiety convince me that everything i’m thinking about or whatever i want or am going to write, is gonna be horrible and no one is gonna like it or even think it’s interesting 😣
i’m so mad at myself and really tired of not putting anything out there/on here because i’m convinced no one will like what i write. or because i’m worried that i won’t get klaus right or do him justice and that peyton won’t be interesting or she’ll be too generic, too cheesy or just not a good enough character 😣 (and tbh, i’m really worried that she’ll come off as not well enough thought out, you know? 😓) and i’m pretty sure i’m not a good writer. like at all. you know how some people just have a way with words (you know, like many of my amazing friends/mutuals who are so extremely talented and have written some of the best fics i’ve ever read!) and they just really know how to make you feel like you’re actually in or are apart of the story? or how they can paint a perfect and gorgeous picture with their words? that’s what i want to do but don’t think i can. i just feel like i ramble to much in general and i worry that’s gonna happen in whatever i write 😓 or there’s going to be so many typos or it’s just not gonna make any sense 😣
gaaah! i wish i could just act those little scenarios out 😅 like as silly as that sounds, for some reason that seems soo much easier to me to do than to write them down or actually post what i would write lmao. (i mean although, i feel like i would kind of need Robert Sheehan to act with so i could really have Klaus with me lol. you know, to like make it really bring the story or scenes or ideas to life by having the actor who play’s Klaus there with me lol. and to help bring Peyton to life more, if that makes sense? 😅 but yeah… idk how realistic that is to actually make happen at this moment in time 😅 plus, i really feel like i would kinda need to be an actual like established and well known actress and be on tua so i could act with him. or be friends with him and act out and record those little scenes/stories/scenarios with him in our free time 😄 if that’s something he would even do lol. not trying to say he would for sure do that, even if we were actually good and close friends 😅 don’t mind me, just letting myself get carried away in my thoughts lol.)
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
Hello, Moon! This is my first time sending you an ask, and I want to start by saying I love your work. You are definitely one of my favourite writers out here, and I’m glad I was able to find your blog! :)
I saw the post you reblogged about followers telling you what they remember you for as a writer - and I thought of answering it. What immediately struck me about your work is your writing style: the register you employ, and your use of figures of speech conveys extraordinarily well the stunning, soulful feeling that is common in many of your works. I must admit I have a soft spot for your Toji pieces and your Jujutsu Kaisen ones - they just have a way of permanently imprinting themselves in my mind ..
One could say writing is my only true passion - and I am very happy of having found a writer who expresses so well the spiritual feeling I attach to it. I think this is the reason why, ultimately, your work has left me so captured: your use of language deeply speaks to me and resonates with me. :) I hope I don’t sound pretentious if I say I found some similarities between the way we write - although I would never claim to be such a good writer, to be honest! My preferred field has mostly been poetry, and I only recently have given in to the wish of starting to write fanfiction of my own.
I am sorry for the long message, though, and the eventual mistakes; English is not my first language. Nevertheless, I wish you well and hope you have a great day - if you are comfortable with it, I will definitely stop by in the future to send some other asks!
Hello you fantastic human💜
you made my day, week, and month with this ask😭 thank you from the bottom of my little heart, really 💜
thank you so much for the feedback on my writing🥺 especially that you like the feel of it - I like to play a lot with language and learning that some of my experiments work make me so happy
and I'm so glad that you like the Toji's!!! my first love!! my big bad man!! I want to return to him in the new year, work on some bigger JJK projects in general 😣
and never apologize of being proud of your writing! I'm honoured that you think my writing is something to aspire to💜 and I would love to read your writing! being able to be proud of and be satisfied with your creations is truly wonderful and I'm in awe - also poetry is a liberating basis for writing, I feel, mostly because you can say 'to hell with the rules!' and that creates the most groundbreaking writing🥰
lastly, never apologise for your English, being able to speak any language (esp English) as a secondary, tertiary, etc language is way beyond me and I bow down to your brain😣 and my inbox is always open! even if you wanna scream about a character or if you read something really cool💜
love and headpats to youu
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sabrinamichele · 2 years
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Isn’t it amazing, the things that we think matter? I’m reminded recently (again) how so many things just stop becoming things that matter when something truly big happens. I’m also reminded recently just how perfect the lives we post look, even when real life can be messy and hard. I’ll be honest, life is messy and hard right now, really fucking hard. And I don’t even have the words or space to share it here quite yet, at least not until things resolve themselves. But in the in between I have felt like I needed to speak to it. If for no other reason than to say, no, everything is NOT okay, and I’m having a really hard time of it lately. Here’s the truth of it: I am strong, and I am resilient, but even so, I am only able to do this for so long before something breaks. Either the situation or me (and hopefully not the latter). The truth is it’s so much scarier and harder when you face things like this alone. Yes, I am strong, and resilient, and capable, but…BUT, I am also human, and it’s okay to feel this way. To feel lost, and like you just want to fall apart, even when life says, no, you can’t. 😔 Because there is no pause, no person to lean on. It’s just me. And I honestly never expected for it to still just…be me. 🥺 I definitely plan to write more soon, because this whole experience has left me craving the pen and paper. And I will…soon. But for tonight, I wanted to share this. Because at least some of the words needed to be said, and hopefully heard. For those that know already, thank you for being there in this. It all, ALL means so much. And for those that don’t, it’s not personal, it’s just been a lot. 😣 Here’s to next steps—to figuring what the hell that looks like—and continuing to live this amazing life I’ve created, even when it’s scary, in authenticity and vulnerability. ❤️ Love always, me 🤍 #vulnerability #thisisme #writer https://www.instagram.com/p/CcHcgXvLaIjcPb9OPchJ8whWZujCYDgb3xJBdc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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