#for the duration of the period of socialist construction
apas-95 · 1 year
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most anarchists don't outright say they want to abolish building codes (or organisations) - but, practically, when the question of enforcement comes down to it, it's a different story. building codes that are not enforced are not building codes, they're fun suggestions. if you are not ensuring that all, in this case wheelchair ramps, are up to code, you functionally do not have building codes. it's the same issue as with organisation - without a concept of democratic centralism, 'what if the organisation decides to do something that a small subset disagree with' generally receives no solution other than just 'those people just won't do what the organisation decides', which in practice means there does not exist an organisation at all, just a group of people who currently happen to all agree on something, and will disintegrate when they stop happening to agree. in practice there can be no actual collective action, no ensuring wide conformity to codes and programs, without some form of central authority to make reference to. 'just let the village's Ramp Inspecting enthusiast decide if it's fine' does not a building code make.
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theculturedmarxist · 4 years
Latin America
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature
Chilean health care workers launch strike
Chilean health care workers went on strike Nov. 23 demanding more resources with which to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
The National Federation of Health Workers demand that a meager increase of 8,000 pesos per capita be budgeted for basic health (US$10.40) have been rejected. “Following 8 months of negotiations, three national mobilizations, and two one-day strikes, we have decided to strike for an indefinite amount of time,” declared a union spokesperson.
Federation president Patricia Valderas declared that the strike would last until the union receives a “decent” response to their requests. “We will not compromise our demands; 80 percent of the population depends on the public health system; we need supplies and resources.” She also indicated that health workers are paid little and risk becoming infected with the coronavirus, victims of the lack of resources and low wages. Valderas also noted that 30,000 health workers have been infected with COVID-19 due to overcrowded hospitals and clinics alongside an increase in deaths.
Meanwhile, strikes and protests continue across Chile. At issue is the defense of basic rights. As a first step workers and youth are demanding that President Sebastian Piñera resign. Mobilizations are also taking place demanding freedom for political prisoners and for all those swept up by the police during months of protests.
Rally by Ecuadorean hospital cleaners
Ecuador public hospital cleaning workers rallied in Quito, demanding back pay. About 600 workers employed as cleaners at public hospitals rallied on Thursday demanding that the government pay them for 8 months of back salaries they are owed.
The demonstrators rallied at the Finance Ministry, carrying signs and chanting their demands for their back pay. The ministry, responsible for the payment of these back wages, has imposed bureaucratic administrative barriers to the payments of the arrears.
Paraguay farmers and farm workers demand land reform
About 7,000 small farmers and landless farm workers from across Paraguay protested last Tuesday in Asunción, Paraguay’s capital city, demanding that the government carry out a long stalled land reform.
The demonstrators are calling on the Supreme Court to redistribute land “in the hands of very few wealthy landowners.”
In addition, the demonstrators are demanding that the government carry out other promises, such as: the cancellation of debts, land for the landless, and subsidies for farmers affected by an ongoing drought.
Paraguayan president Mario Abdo Benitez opposes the requests, vaguely claiming that farmers and farm workers are being “manipulated.”
Demonstrations in Peru demand hike in education budget
Education workers in Peru demonstrated in Lima and other cities on Tuesday and Wednesday. The teachers are demanding that six percent of Peru’s gross domestic product be apportioned to education.
Joining them at the Lima protest were employees from several local colleges.
In the cities of Puno and Tacna they were joined by education administrative employees and by construction workers, who are also calling for a new constitution.
Strike by Nuevo León, Mexico teachers
A strike, of indefinite duration, began on Nov. 25 by teachers in the state of Nuevo León demanding back wages. The 5,000 strikers represent 144 regular high schools and 9 night high schools.
District 21 of SNTE union, which represents education workers in Nuevo León, indicated that the government has ignored teachers’ demands over several weeks.
State authorities have responded to the strike with threats and repressive measures against all those that publicly oppose their current working conditions, unemployment and pay delays. The response includes layoffs and denying contracts for teachers, secretaries and other education workers.
The SNTE also reported that, since online instruction began, many of the education workers have not been called back to their posts. This is not just an issue of lack of respect, said the SNTE: the non-payment of wages and lack of employment affects the well-being of teachers’ families, it also bars them and their families from the public health services amidst the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
San Salvador, Argentina transit workers on strike
On Friday, Nov. 27, over 500 striking public transit workers marched in San Salvador de Jujuy, capital of Jujuy Province in Northwestern Argentina, demanding the payment of back wages.
The protest took place on the fourth day of a transit strike. The transit workers walked out in defiance of a conciliatory arbitration ruling from the labor ministry. The public transit companies have resisted paying back wages. Instead they are lobbying for transit fare increases and government subsidies.
United StatesTacoma, Washington health care workers strike over PPE and staffing
Over 100 doctors, physician assistants and nurse practitioners who work at 20 clinics operated by the MultiCare health system in the Tacoma, Washington, area carried through a two-day strike starting Nov. 23, protesting a lack of essential protective equipment, excessive hours and patient overload. In particular, the workers have been demanding management provide secure and tight-fitting N95 masks, as opposed to the loose-fitting surgical masks that do not sufficiently protect against aerosolized coronavirus.
The company has forbidden doctors from bringing personal N95 masks in to work. And to add further insult, MultiCare announced as the strike unfolded that it would provide increased access to N95 masks to other workers in its system, but not to striking clinic workers.
The Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD) called the “selective distribution discriminatory.” The UAPD charges, “MultiCare’s assembly-line approach and emphasis on profits poses a serious public health threat, especially as COVID-19 cases spike throughout the region.”
Matthew Carey, a striking physician assistant, came down with the virus after the first day of picketing. He says he sees between 15 and 30 COVID-suspected cases on a daily basis.
Meanwhile, MultiCare was hit by a coronavirus outbreak at its Auburn Medical Center that killed two patients. During the period Nov. 5–20, over a dozen patients contracted the infection while 12 workers tested positive.
MultiCare has sought to sidestep the strikers’ demands concerning masks by claiming its providers “have adequate PPE.” The Centers for Disease Control loophole calls N95 respirators a “preferred” PPE, but labels other lose-fitting face masks as an “acceptable alternative.”
ACLU files suit against Hasting, Nebraska meatpacker for failure to take measures to protect workers against COVID-19
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a federal lawsuit Nov. 23 against the meatpacking plant Noah’s Ark Processors in Hasting, Nebraska, charging the company with a “shocking indifference to its employees and the community by failing to take common-sense steps to protect them from the spread of COVID-19.” The suit represents a number of workers from the plant.
The ACLU said Noah’s Ark made no effort to socially distance the more than 300 workers in the plant or replace soiled facemasks. The company has not installed plexiglass dividers, checked employees’ temperatures upon arrival to the plant or established higher sanitation precautions in the plant. Workers who contracted COVID-19 were pressured to continue working, despite visible coronavirus symptoms.
CanadaLabour board forces end to Hydro-Quebec overtime ban
A provincial labour tribunal ruled last week that the refusal of workers at the Bersimis hydroelectric generating station and dam to perform evening and weekend overtime was illegal. The workers at the complex 300 kilometers northeast of Quebec City had refused overtime assignments since Nov. 4. Workers had complained of the grueling working conditions, but Hydro-Quebec management merely told the court that the overtime refusals would “affect production.” This was enough for the tribunal to outlaw the job action.
Hydro-Quebec is the fourth largest producer of hydroelectric power in the world. As a state-owned crown corporation it employs 20,000 workers across the province. It annually provides at least $2.3 billion in dividends to its sole shareholder—the Government of Quebec—which also sets and enforces the labour regulations that the Bersimis workers revolted against.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Tenants may request loans from the State to pay up to six monthly payments | Economy
A real estate agency announces a rental, this Tuesday in Madrid.Marta Fernández Jara / Europa Press
The Council of Ministers gave the green light on Tuesday to a new decree that provides aid for tenants in situations of vulnerability due to the health emergency. After two weeks of push and pull within the coalition government, a consensus was reached on Monday that will be reflected in the final text. The basic idea is that the aid will be given in the form of a loan, as the Socialist wing of the Executive defended, through credits from the ICO with a state guarantee. But the Podemos sector has made it possible to distinguish between large and small owners when it comes to applying the solutions and has also introduced direct aid in some cases, which will soon be specified in the State Housing Plan. “If the situation occurs in which there are tenants who finally cannot pay (the credits), the State will not leave them lying around,” said the vice president of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Pablo Iglesias.
For troubled tenants, the first step will be to see who their landlord is. If the house is rented to a company, a public entity or a large owner (defined as one with more than 10 urban properties, excluding garages and storage rooms, a constructed area of ​​more than 1,500 square meters), they may automatically request a moratorium payment for a maximum of four months. The owner of the house will then be able to offer two options: lower the rent to 50% for a maximum of four months or offer a moratorium on payments for the same period that will then be fragmented to be returned for a maximum of three years.
When the lessor is a small holder, who are majority in the Spanish rental market, there will also be the possibility of agreeing to a moratorium, but the owner may refuse. Then the second mechanism is activated, to which all tenants can avail, which consists of microcredits at zero interest that will be given by the Official Credit Institute (ICO). These loans will cover a maximum of six monthly payments and will then be repaid for six years, expandable by four more if the borrowers fail to pay off their debt in the initial period. If after the initial term and the extension the tenant has not been able to pay it and his vulnerability is proven, the State will directly assume that amount, Iglesias explained. In all cases, the agreement between the tenant and the owner can only be reached if, prior to the publication of the decree in the BOE, no other agreement has already been reached to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus crisis on the payment of rent.
The decree will also expand the vulnerability criteria by which tenants will be able to avail themselves of the aid compared to those approved for mortgage moratoriums. The program is aimed at the unemployed, people affected by a temporary employment regulation file (ERTE), who have reduced their working hours to care for others or similar circumstances that have led to their income being reduced. For this, they must prove that in the month prior to the request for the aid, the income of all the members of the family unit does not reach triple the IPREM (the Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income, which is equivalent to 537.84 euros per month) with some multipliers in case they have children or dependents. Another assumption that will be considered will be that the rental income plus common expenses exceeds 35% of the net household income.
The Government has also agreed on other additional measures to alleviate the situation of households with difficulties in paying for their homes. Evictions of vulnerable people are suspended for six months and that same period is for which all rental contracts that expire during the term of the alarm state, which began on March 14 and will last at least until 11 will be extended. of April. In addition, the Executive has extended the ban on cutting water, electricity and gas supplies to the entire population (until now it only affected vulnerable families) during the duration of the health emergency.
As for direct aid, they must wait for the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (the former Promotion, on which fall the State responsibilities of Housing) to develop an order that will include in the current State Housing Plan 2018- 2021 a new specific program to reduce the impact of the crisis on the rental of habitual residence. This program will directly award aid to some vulnerable tenants and will be in charge of the credits that some citizens cannot return to the ICO.
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from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/31/tenants-may-request-loans-from-the-state-to-pay-up-to-six-monthly-payments-economy/
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oyomistri · 6 years
The father of economics Amit is the Indian economy. Kaushik III World War is used. In the context of developing countries, the first country to adopt capitalist and socialist system was America. It was the world's largest economy. America's second biggest economy in the world is the gross domestic product vision India has a place in the world, the meaning of India based on the action power capacity Location of the World is the World's Third Economy Economy World's First Country Explain the Meaning of India Mixed Mixed Economy means the existence of private and public sectors Mixed economy started in 1948 Human Development Report releases UN Development Program Human Development Index is the basis of life expectancy in the per capita income development. The location Planning Commission India's first Human Development Report was released in April 2002 Who releases the Human Development Report of India Information Commission First State of India to issue state-level human development report Madhya Pradesh First of all, National Income was burnt in 18 seats in Dadra Bhai National Income Committee was formed by Naoroji August 1950 National Income Committee was one of the best of any country, the amount of per capita income The first income of 1948 national product of national income estimates is the base year for the calculation of national income 2011. The contribution of agriculture in the national income of India is the main source of national income of India comes nationally May 2 The main source of national income of India is the service sector writing of national and gross domestic product. CS Central Statistics Organization was established on May 2, 1991. Who was the first person to do the economic calculation? The headquarters of the CSO in 1970 was in New Delhi. One of the most contributing state in GDP is Maharashtra National Accounting Statistics called white paper white paper Indian Army Institute is Kolkata's contribution to primary sector sector sector in Kolkata in 2015, respectively, is the highest contribution of 7% national income, the primary sector of the services sector is related to the concerned Agricultural Animal Husbandry Fisheries II sector. Power supply is related to the area. Japan is the leading country in terms of income, highest in India in 2013 Per capita income is the state of Bihar in the year 2013, the highest per capita income in India is the basis of a governed state in rural area. Poverty in India is assessed, the timber formula was approved on the basis of logarithmic formula. On March 11, 1997, the objective of the Antyodaya program by the Planning Commission is to assist the poorest of the poor. The Antyodaya Program first started in Rajasthan, in India, unemployment Related data are prepared by sample samples found in agriculture sector in India Unemployment by Ane invisible unemployment Unemployment in India weather The period of financial year is from 1 April to 31 March The first financial commission formed in 1951 The Finance Commission is formed in 1951 by the President, by the President, the first chairman of the Finance Commission, KC Niyogi, appointed the chairman of the Finance Commission, the term of the President's Finance Commission There is a number of members in the 5-year finance commission, including the number 5, the number of commissioned by the 14th Finance Commission constituted 14th Finance Commission 2013 Yash Duration 2015-2015 The Finance Commission's Chairman in Research, Y Y Reddy The main function of the Finance Commission is to split the state between the Center and the State. The sixth Pay Commission Chairman BN Krishna Planning Commission was constituted on March 15, 1950. The Planning Commission was the organization, the consultant donor was the chairman of the non-constitutional Planning Commission, the Prime Minister was the first Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission respectively. The main work of the Jawaharlal Nehru and Guljari Lal Nanda Planning Commission and the formulation and construction of the Five Year Plan. The new institution formed in place of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia Planning Commission. Policy Commission Commission came into existence 1 January 2015 Is the Chairman of the Policy Commission, the first Chairman and Vice President of the Prime Minister's Policy Commission Narendra Modi and Arvind Pangarh Or the Policy Commission is a non-statutory liability special institution The Planning Commission presented the document of India Vision 2020 on January 23, 2003, in the India Vision 2020, the gross domestic product is set up. The Planning Commission National Development Council was formed on August 6, 1952. The institution is the president of constitutional NDC, Prime Minister's National Development Council members include central voters Members of the Rimandal are the Chief Minister of the State of the Union Territory and the members of the Planning Commission are the members of the National Development Council. The approval and final approval of the Five Year Plan is the nature of the plan in India. Write the planned economy for mixed India. Biryani Gandhi scheme. The planned Sri Munnarayan Mumbai plan was implemented in 1944 The nature of the plan in India is the planned economy book for the Indian nation. The World Area had prepared the Gandhian scheme. The plan was implemented by Shree Mannarayan in Jan. 1944. Jan Yojna was prepared by Mr. MN Roy in Sarovya Yojana in April 1945. Jai Prakash Narayan's appointment was Jai Narayan's meaning. Economic planning was the first thing that made the economic planning illuminated. Planning topic is a schedule related to economic planning in the concurrent list. 7 days planned economy development is launched. In 1951, the implementation of the Five Year Plan in India is the National Planning Committee on Central and State Government established in 1938 was the Chairman of the National Planning Committee; Pandit Jawaharlal The Nehru National Planning Committee's report was published in 1949, in India, the five year plan is inspired In the form of the first five year plan, the first five year priority was given in the first Five Year Plan for the second Five Year Plan. ICP Mahalanovis Model of the Second Five Year Plan, the highest priority was given to the heavy and basic industries in Rourkilla Bhilai Durgapur Steel plant was set up in the second scheme In the era, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru gave more slogans for more distribution of more production. In the third year plan, the third five year plan was based on the Domemar Model III scheme, the priority given economy was self-supporting and Shivam support is the most successful scheme till now. Development of the third plan scheme 5 point 5 point India Pak war The cause of the success of the third plan was the cause of the success of the third plan. India-Pakistan war. India-China war fierce call 3-year plans Kolkata 1976 3 years This plan is given to the scheme Green Revolution of Plan Vacation Bokaro Steel Plant commenced 4th Plan during the Plan period 1969 The 4th Five Year Plan Framework was prepared under the scheme, the main objective of the scheme IV was to develop the fifth plan of the scheme with the victim The story was outlined in the Fifth Five-Year Plan. The main purpose of the BP lesson plan was to eliminate self-reliance in the elimination of poverty in the year 1 year ago. The fifth Five Year Plan, Indira Gandhi was slogan of Garibi Hatao, during the fifth Five Year Plan period. The program National Minimum Needs Program was implemented. There was a plan of continuous planning in my plan. * When was the plan from 1978 A scheme based Gandhian model Nabard was established between 80 and the scheme 1985 National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme was launched during the plan period. The 7th Five Year Plan was outlined. The Queen Holidays Scheme, Indira Awas Yojana and Jawahar Rozgar Yojana started the seventh Plan Colony Nehru Employment The scheme was started in the planning period of the Eighth Five Year Plan. GG was the main objective of the eighth plan. Human resource development was the most successful scheme till now. Development of Lakshmi receipts and suffixes of 8th Five Year Plan Scheme and Six Point 8% Women's Prosperity Scheme started. In the text plan period, Pradhan Mantri Yojana scheme started. During the planning period, the main objective of the movie scheme was to increase economic growth with social justice and equality during the 10th Plan period Received the development plan from 2002 2007 far Tenth Plan Development Goal
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Paper代写:Corporate financing management
本篇paper代写- Corporate financing management讨论了企业融资管理。企业融资管理,就是在满足企业资金需求的前提下,为实现融入资金的成本与风险的双重控制,企业通过风险分析选定可行的融资战略和选择相适应的融资模式,���而建立更有弹性的资本结构。在企业融资的时候,要注重融资结构的合理选择,有效地降低资金成本,提高所有者权益资金利润率,促使企业价值最大化,实现企业财务管理的最优目标。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
​With the implementation of accounting standards for new enterprises, new requirements have been put forward for enterprise financing management. This paper discusses how to strengthen enterprise financing management under the accounting standards for new enterprises. Firstly, the role of enterprise financing management is expounded. Secondly, special audit investigation is carried out from the financing platform determined by enterprises. To formulate measures on financing management for enterprises; Reasonably determine the capital requirements and control the time of capital investment; Carefully select financing sources and strive to reduce the cost of funds; Properly arrange the capital structure and correctly use the debt management; It is of certain reference value to promote the innovation of financial system and mechanism, especially to vigorously develop small Banks.
Due to the complexity and changeability of the international and domestic market operation environment and the unprecedented fierce competition, the implementation of financing management can expand the production scale of enterprises and develop into diversified operation, which can reduce the operation risk of enterprises and improve their competitiveness. Financial management is the most important part of enterprise management. With the improvement of enterprise management technology and the continuous development of information technology, financing management based on financial information data has been paid more and more attention. Financing is the capital operation behavior of an enterprise to guarantee the normal operation and development of its own assets by participating in the financial transactions in the capital market and obtaining certain funds through the guarantee of its own assets' value-added capacity or value-added potential value. Financing is one of the basic functions of modern enterprise financial management. In order to realize the dual control of the cost and risk of capital integration, enterprises select feasible financing strategies and appropriate financing modes through risk analysis in order to build a more flexible capital structure on the premise of meeting the capital needs of enterprises. With the implementation of accounting standards for new enterprises, new requirements have been put forward for enterprise financing management. This paper discusses how to strengthen enterprise financing management under the accounting standards for new enterprises.
To raise funds scientifically and reasonably is to improve the efficiency of financing. First of all, timely and appropriate financing to meet the investment needs of enterprises is conducive to increasing profits and ensuring the normal operation of production and operation activities, shortening the construction period of fixed assets, and improving the utilization efficiency of limited funds. Secondly, timely and appropriate financing is conducive to reducing or avoiding unnecessary idle funds and effectively controlling the opportunity cost of funds caused by idle funds. Third, on the premise of timely and appropriate financing and paying attention to the reasonable choice of financing structure, it can effectively reduce the capital cost, improve the profit margin of owners' equity capital, promote the maximization of enterprise value and achieve the optimal goal of enterprise financial management.
We will focus on examining whether the financing activities of enterprises adhere to the principle of total volume control and comprehensive balance. We will, in accordance with the needs of local key projects and social development, reasonably arrange the scale, duration, methods and USES of capital integration within the scope of financial capacity. Whether the financing scale is appropriate, the capital structure and the term are reasonable; Whether the fund integration process is standardized, whether it is financed according to the project, whether it is allocated in batches and in stages according to the project progress, and whether it is wasted or not. Whether to adhere to the principle of "unified decision-making, strict and standardized operation of enterprises, and strengthening supervision according to law", clear management responsibilities, scientific and standardized operation, legal operation of funds, and efficient use. Whether to establish a long-term debt repayment mechanism and early warning mechanism for enterprise financing, set up debt repayment reserve, and perform debt repayment obligations uniformly to creditors in accordance with the contract.
In order to make full use of their own funds, debt financing is reasonably arranged. Enterprises should formulate financing management measures in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and relevant industrial systems. According to the new regulations, the enterprise finance department is the functional department of financing management. Financing shall be included in budget management. Annual financing budget shall be combined with monthly financing plan, and financing needs shall be reported in accordance with the budget procedures. The capital needs of construction projects are mainly long-term funds, supplemented by short-term financing, combined with cash flow management to achieve a dynamic balance of funds. At the same time, according to the characteristics and policy requirements of different financing methods, different financing methods, such as bond financing and borrowing by financial institutions, will be classified and managed. The financing of major projects shall be decided by the board of directors of the enterprise in accordance with the specific conditions of the project whether it is unified planning and integrated management. According to the change of economic and financial environment, enterprises can take measures such as borrowing new loans to repay old ones, replacing debts and paying off loans in advance to adjust and optimize the debt structure. At the same time, enterprises should also establish a financing risk assessment system and a major risk reporting system. Without the approval of the board of directors, enterprises are not allowed to raise external financing. In case of any financing act in violation of these measures, the enterprise shall, according to the seriousness of the case, investigate the person responsible.
The amount of funds raised by an enterprise and the time of its investment are determined by the reasonable amount and time of its capital measures. No matter through what channel, take what way to raise fund, all should determine the amount of capital requirement, have a reasonable quantity limit. Insufficient financing will affect the reasonable need for capital for production and operation. Excessive financing will increase the cost of financing and affect the use of funds. Therefore, before financing, enterprises must determine the amount of capital required according to the reasonable needs of production and operation, and then determine the amount of equity-set capital according to the utilization status of their own capital. When approving the capital requirements, we should not only pay attention to the production scale of the products, but also pay attention to the sales trend of the products, so as to prevent blind production and lead to overstocking of funds. Throughout the year, the use of corporate capital is not constant, increasing or decreasing month by month. Therefore, we should not only master the annual capital input, but also measure the capital input in different months, so as to reasonably arrange the capital input and recovery, reduce the capital occupation, accelerate the capital turnover and improve the effect of capital use.
With the establishment and development of the socialist market economy system, especially the development and improvement of the capital market, enterprises have more and more channels to raise funds and diversified financing methods, such as bank loans, private loans, creditor's rights and equity. No matter what kind of channel, what kind of means, raise fund to all must pay certain price, have different capital cost namely. The cost of funds from various sources is different, and its scope of application is also different. For example, the bank loan fund supply is relatively stable, the private loan is relatively easy to obtain, the cost of funds through government support is relatively low, the equity financing is advantageous for large amount of funds, and the creditor's rights are suitable for the financing of small amount of funds, etc. When an enterprise collects funds, one party shall fully comply with the relevant national policies, policies and financial systems, and choose reasonable financing channels and other financing methods. The other side must also pay attention to the cost of financing. It is necessary to comprehensively investigate the financing channels and ways of various funds, study the composition of various sources of funds, weigh advantages and disadvantages according to different capital needs and constraints, and find the best combination of financing methods, so as to reduce the comprehensive capital cost.
The economic resources available to enterprises come from owners' equity and liabilities, that is, assets equals liabilities plus owners' equity. The enterprise borrows money to carry on the production management activity, namely the liability management. Because the debt interest can be paid in the front of the income tax, it has little impact on the after-tax profit of the enterprise. Therefore, when the investment yield is greater than the debt interest series, the debt management can not only ease the tension of the own capital, but also improve the series of self-owned capital gains. However, if there is too much debt, it will bear greater financial risks, affect the ability of enterprises to refinance, and even face bankruptcy due to the loss of debt paying ability. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the enterprise loan business, and actively reform and innovation, the establishment conforms to the characteristics of the enterprise loan business credit rating, business process, risk control, human resource management and internal control system, build the corresponding incentive constraint mechanism, gradually establish adapted to small and medium-sized enterprise loan business credit culture.
Developing small Banks can not only effectively concentrate social capital and private capital and give full play to the important role of "grassroots finance" in serving the "grassroots economy", but also help solve the problem of information asymmetry between the two sides of credit. The United States has a large number of community Banks, for example, they in the target market is mainly in the service of small and medium-sized enterprises, individual businesses and households around, in the aspect of customer relationship and mid-level managers can contact residents, in-depth understanding of community affairs, thus have a more complete the lender in the loan approval information, effectively solve the information asymmetry between Banks and enterprises. For another example, the silicon valley bank of the United States is familiar with the operation status and development prospects of technology enterprises in the region, so as to effectively avoid the disadvantages of traditional commercial Banks that place too much emphasis on security and profitability, and better meet the financial needs of technology enterprises in the technology research, development and growth stage. In addition, the development of small Banks is also conducive to the development of private finance. In China, private finance is becoming more and more active with the development of private economy. Regulating and guiding the healthy development of private finance, effectively releasing the vitality of private capital, and developing small Banks will be an important channel and export. At present, the development of small Banks has three key points: first, vigorously develop urban commercial Banks. China's 283 prefecture-level cities have 136 urban commercial Banks. More qualified prefecture-level cities should be encouraged to establish urban commercial Banks. Second, we will continue to standardize and develop rural financial institutions. By the first quarter of 2009, China had only 22 rural Banks and 163 rural cooperative Banks. Eligible counties should be encouraged to establish their own rural Banks or rural cooperative Banks. Third, we will focus on developing small regional and industrial financial institutions, such as community Banks, science and technology Banks, village and town Banks, small loan companies and rural mutual aid agencies, and constantly increase the coverage of small financial institutions.
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shakeel786blog · 6 years
EU tightens law on foreign temporary workers
Image copyright PA
Image caption There is fierce competition among construction firms in the EU
The EU has passed a law requiring firms to comply with local standards when they post workers temporarily to another EU country.
The revised rules adopted by the European Parliament mean posted workers will be entitled to the same level of pay as their local counterparts.
In France, the UK and Germany there have been complaints of unfair competition from cheaper eastern European labour, said to undercut locals.
It was an issue for the Brexit lobby.
Brexit campaigners argued that EU freedom of movement was undermining British workers in sectors such as construction and food processing, with some firms cutting costs by importing workers from the newer EU states, such as Poland and Romania.
Many firms, however, argue that they hire foreign workers for jobs that Britons cannot fill, for lack of the necessary skills.
Under the new rules, firms sending workers to another EU country will have to cover their travel, board and accommodation costs – not deduct those costs from the workers’ salaries.
The accommodation provided will have to meet local standards.
The duration of the posting has been set at a maximum of 12 months, with a possible extension of six months. Beyond that period, a worker who stays on will have to be governed by the host country’s labour rules.
Read more on related topics:
The 28 EU member states now have two years to transpose the rules into national law.
It is the culmination of years of EU wrangling over the issue. Many politicians argued that the sense of injustice over posted workers was fuelling hostility towards the EU.
Dutch Socialist MEP Agnes Jongerius, one of the leading lawmakers involved, called it “an important step towards creating a social Europe that protects workers and stops companies from engaging in a race to the bottom – a Europe that does not cut corners and that looks out for ordinary, working people”.
According to the European Parliament, in 2016 there were 2.3 million posted workers in the EU, and posting increased by 69% between 2010 and 2016.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2L5HkuO via IFTTT
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eurasiafactbook · 7 years
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р); derived from морити голодом, "to kill by starvation"), also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, and—before the widespread use of the term "Holodomor", and sometimes currently—also referred to as the Great Famine, and The Ukrainian Genocide of 1932–33 was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed an officially estimated 7 million to 10 million people. It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.
During the Holodomor millions of inhabitants of Ukraine, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine. Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine and 15 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.
Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials varied greatly; anywhere from 1.8 to 12 million ethnic Ukrainians were said to have perished as a result of the famine. Recent research has since narrowed the estimates to between 2.4 and 7.5 million. The exact number of deaths is hard to determine, due to a lack of records, but the number increases significantly when the deaths in heavily Ukrainian-populated Kuban are included. Older estimates are still often cited in political commentary. According to the findings of the Court of Appeal of Kiev in 2010, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million direct famine deaths, and a further 6.1 million birth deficit.
Some scholars believe that the famine was planned by Joseph Stalin to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement. Using Holodomor in reference to the famine emphasises its man-made aspects, arguing that actions such as rejection of outside aid, confiscation of all household foodstuffs, and restriction of population movement confer intent, defining the famine as genocide; the loss of life has been compared to that of the Holocaust. The causes are still a subject of academic debate, and some historians dispute its characterization as a genocide.
Scope and duration
The famine had been predicted as far back as 1930 by academics and advisers to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic government, but little to no preventive action was taken. The famine affected the Ukrainian SSR as well as the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (a part of the Ukrainian SSR at the time) in the spring of 1932 and from February to July 1933, with the greatest number of victims recorded in the spring of 1933. Between 1926 and 1939, the Ukrainian population increased by 6.6%, whereas Russia and Belarus grew by 16.9% and 11.7%, respectively.
From the 1932 harvest, Soviet authorities were able to procure only 4.3 million tons as compared with 7.2 million tons obtained from the 1931 harvest. Rations in town were drastically cut back, and in the winter of 1932–33 and spring of 1933 people in many urban areas were starved. The urban workers were supplied by a rationing system (and therefore could occasionally assist their starving relatives of the countryside), but rations were gradually cut; and by the spring of 1933, the urban residents also faced starvation. At the same time, workers were shown agitprop movies, where all peasants were portrayed as counterrevolutionaries hiding grain and potatoes at a time when workers, who were constructing the "bright future" of socialism, were starving.
The first reports of mass malnutrition and deaths from starvation emerged from two urban areas of the city of Uman, reported in January 1933 by Vinnytsia and Kiev oblasts. By mid-January 1933, there were reports about mass "difficulties" with food in urban areas, which had been undersupplied through the rationing system, and deaths from starvation among people who were withdrawn from the rationing supply. The withdrawal was to comply with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Decree of December 1932. By the beginning of February 1933, according to reports from local authorities and Ukrainian GPU, the most affected area was Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, which also suffered from epidemics of typhus and malaria. Odessa and Kiev oblasts were second and third, respectively. By mid-March, most of the reports of starvation originated from Kiev Oblast.
By mid-April 1933, Kharkiv Oblast reached the top of the most affected list, while Kiev, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Vinnytsia, and Donetsk oblasts, and Moldavian SSR were next on the list. Reports about mass deaths from starvation, dated mid-May through the beginning of June 1933, originated from raions in Kiev and Kharkiv oblasts. The "less affected" list noted Chernihiv Oblast and northern parts of Kiev and Vinnytsia oblasts. The Central Committee of the CP(b) of Ukraine Decree of 8 February 1933 said no hunger cases should have remained untreated. Local authorities had to submit reports about the numbers suffering from hunger, the reasons for hunger, number of deaths from hunger, food aid provided from local sources, and centrally provided food aid required. The GPU managed parallel reporting and food assistance in the Ukrainian SSR. (Many regional reports and most of the central summary reports are available from present-day central and regional Ukrainian archives.) The Ukrainian Weekly, which was tracking the situation in 1933, reported the difficulties in communications and the appalling situation in Ukraine.
Evidence of widespread cannibalism was documented during the Holodomor.
Survival was a moral as well as a physical struggle. A woman doctor wrote to a friend in June 1933 that she had not yet become a cannibal, but was "not sure that I shall not be one by the time my letter reaches you." The good people died first. Those who refused to steal or to prostitute themselves died. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat corpses died. Those who refused to kill their fellow man died. Parents who resisted cannibalism died before their children did.
The Soviet regime printed posters declaring: "To eat your own children is a barbarian act." More than 2,500 people were convicted of cannibalism during the Holodomor.
The reasons for the famine are a subject of scholarly and political debate. Some scholars suggest that the man-made famine was a consequence of the economic problems associated with changes implemented during the period of Soviet industrialization.
Collectivization contributed to the famine. In 1929–1930, peasants were induced to transfer land and livestock to state-owned farms, in which they would work as day-labourers for payment in kind. Collectivization in the Soviet Union, including the Ukrainian SSR, was not popular among the peasantry and forced collectivization led to numerous peasant revolts. The first five-year plan changed the output expected from Ukrainian farms, from the familiar crop of grain to unfamiliar crops like sugar beets and cotton. In addition, the situation was exacerbated by poor administration of the plan and the lack of relevant general management. Significant amounts of grain remained unharvested, and – even when harvested – a significant percentage was lost during processing, transportation, or storage.
In the summer of 1930, the government instituted a program of food requisitioning, ostensibly to increase grain exports. Subsequently in 1932, food theft was made punishable by death or 10 years imprisonment.
It has been proposed that the Soviet leadership used the man-made famine to attack Ukrainian nationalism, and thus the man-made famine may fall under the legal definition of genocide. For example, special and particularly lethal policies were adopted in and largely limited to Soviet Ukraine at the end of 1932 and 1933. According to Snyder: "Each of them may seem like an anodyne administrative measure, and each of them was certainly presented as such at the time, and yet each had to kill."
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joel-furniss-blog · 7 years
The Dérive and Laura Oldfield Ford
During a presentation at the beginning of my course, when the idea of space was first dealt to me, we were given a myriad of different artists to explore. One particular artist caught my eye, as well as an idea paired with her: Laura Oldfield Ford and the Dérive.
For this moment I shall focus on the idea of the dérive.
Stemming from the Latin word derivare (which itself is a combination of the Latin prefix ‘de-‘  meaning down or away and the Latin word ‘rivus’ meaning brook or stream), the French word dérive translates to derivative in English, a phrase meaning to drift from an original source. The word remained innocuous until it was adopted by French theorist and philosopher Guy Debord, a keen Marxist and creator of Letterist International, a conglomerate of radical artists and theorist grouped after a split with a previous group entitled the Situationists, who their combination of socialist and libertarian ideals were spawned from, while also taking them to much more radical anarchic and borderline terrorists fronts. They based themselves in an apartment in Paris, although often instead of collecting there to collaborate and discuss their ideas, they would often find themselves simply wandering the streets doing so.
This way of traversing the urban landscape based on avoiding patterns of ‘emotive forcefields’ and seeking locales with more acceptable ambiences spawned Debord’s Theory of the Dérive, a text written in 1958 that discusses in detail the process of the ‘dérive’. The dérive heavily involves a playfully-constructive behaviour and helps build an awareness on how the environment one lives in directly impacts onto the psychology of the individual and the society that lives there. To fully accept into the dérive the participant must drop their current relations, outside fascinations, and current activities to inhabit that of a fully drifting being that is drawn and repulsed by their environment. It is also needed that the participant rejects the notion of chance leading or pushing them to/away from certain areas and realise that the urban environment has invisible and psychogeograpical pushes/pulls.
My utilisation of the dérive is to build an understanding of my environment that is not solely based on the lens of my window, to break from my routine footstep and actually feel the city of Salford and understand if my idea of it is truthful. This visible interpretation of the routine was dissected in a 1952 study by French sociologist Paul-Henry Chombart de Lauwe entitled Paris et l’agglomération Parisienne (Paris and the Paris conurbation) which notes that “an urban neighbourhood is determined not only by geographical and economic factors, but also by the image that it’s inhabitants and those of other neighbourhoods have of it” he illustrated his own point in the same text by diagramming all the movements made in the space of one year by a student, which only formed a small triangle with no significant deviations. This is heavily evident within my own student life, I move back and forth from my flat, the New Adelphi Building, and Aldi, with the only deviations coming on some special occasions.
In research I have found that there are specific standards, details, and variables that need to be accounted for to be considered ‘dérive’:
The average duration is one day, between two periods of sleep
The last hours of the night are generally unsuitable
Prolonged rains are unsuitable, however storms are favourable
The spatial field is controllable by the dériver
Other than these simple rules (which themselves can be disregarded at a whim), the dérive is a free-form exploration of environment and can be interpreted by whoever in however way. Personally, while my research on the dérive has been a very rewarding experience into psychological and even spiritual moving’s that the act is based on, the idea of it and the executive writing by Debord himself seems flimsy to say the least, and personally I believe he overstuffs his musings with redundant wording to the point of saturation, maybe because he wishes to deliberately make it difficult to read for audiences as part of his chaotic neutral stance on society or if he himself has a poor understanding on his own excuse to bum around Paris with his mates. Despite the critiques on Debord’s ideas, I still wish to explore the dérive, not only for my project as a way to understand Salford in-depth, but to see if there is in fact any validity to Debord’s writings and his method of understanding psychogeography isn’t just lifeless blabber.
Elements of the dérive and psychogeography have manifested themselves in the work of modern artists, especially one I wish to look at, the art of Laura Oldfield Ford, a British artist, writer and pyschogeographer. Her 2005-2009 work Savage Messiah was heavily inspired by the Situationists, Letterist International, and importantly the technique of dérive. The work focused on the different postcodes of London with Oldfield Ford amassing multiple works produced with ballpoint pen, acrylic paint and spray paint paired alongside self-written and found texts with the purpose of capturing events, people, and importantly locations in London which were all sourced from Oldfield Ford’s drifts into her urban landscape. The texts and works from her dérives were amalgamated into a book, captured with a style reminiscent of late punk and early rave culture with rough edges, distressed collages and harsh typeface, which Oldfield Ford herself has described as reminiscent to her. Oldfield Ford’s work represents something that I wish to establish within this project, a focus on the urban environment in order to gain enlightenment past my initial understanding through not only production of relevant artwork, but through more physical and psychological means by removing myself from my safe space and submerging into the city.
On Sunday 08/10/2017 I physically explored the idea of the dérive, departing my flat at eight o’clock in the morning and returning five hours later at one o’clock after traversing randomly throughout northern Salford, journeying through near abandoned industrial states, by the River Irwell, over bridges, through fields of rundown recs, and through the streets of terraced housing, past modernised student accommodation before heading back. I documented some scenery and objects I found visually interesting using my drawing equipment, sketchbook and a camera but on this initial dip into the dérive I wanted to embrace the more psychological and spiritual ideas relevant to Debord’s original theory rather than Oldfield Ford’s utilisation of the method for inspiration and documentation. I found that achieving Debord’s idea was surprisingly difficult, to separate the dérive from a casual stroll was difficult as many times I found myself planning my route by what I saw instead of following my feet as it was supposedly meant to be. I gained some sense of understanding for the idea of psychogeography, there being places I saw that intrigued me and others that didn’t but I feel that Debord’s saw it as a much more subconscious idea, while I found myself much more mindful of my surroundings. The sketches and drawings I produced were interesting although, maybe another dérive is in order with a more focused approach and outcome.
But the dérive was not entirely squandered time, it has confirmed my idea that Salford is in fact, scum. However, walking through the near-empty streets I felt a certain charm and almost a nostalgic feel, for the freedom and livelihood of a young child journeying with little care as well as the signature British stiff-upper-lip for plodding through the rain with soaked-through socks and aching shoulders. It certainly helped me immerse myself in the location a significant amount, and that was an intended purpose so I’d rate this a success.
Sources used:
Theory of the Dérive, G. Debord, 1958
Théorie de la derive, Les Lèvres nues No. 9, G. Debord, 1956
Paris et l’agglomération Parisienne, P.H. Chombart de Lauwe, 1952
Savage Messiah, L. Oldfield Ford, 2011
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superprofitz · 7 years
NASDAQ Tops 6000 For the First Time! It’s the Stock Trader Weekly Recap.
A “relief rally” (gap up style) occurred Monday after the French Election showed centrist Macron to be the most likely winner in the final vote in May, helped indexes push to higher ground for the week.
A poll from Ipsos/Sopra Steria showed Macron leading Le Pen head to head, 62% to 38%.  Conservative François Fillon and Socialist Benoît Hamon — the mainstream candidates defeated in the first round — both threw their support behind Macron. Their support is seen as fending off nationalist Le Pen, who has called for scrapping the euro and exiting the European Union, a prospect seen as hugely destabilizing for the region.
There was a smaller version of that gap up Tuesday on positive earnings pre market from the likes of Caterpillar and McDonald’s.   The rest of the week was relatively quiet despite the unleashing of the Trump tax “plan” (i.e. many bullet points on 1 sheet of paper).  For the week the S&P 500 finished up 1.5% and the NASDAQ 2.3%.
On the economic front, U.S. house prices continued to show no signs of slowing, hitting their highest level in nearly three years as demand remained hot. Meanwhile, sales of newly-constructed homes rose to the highest in nearly a year in March as the housing recovery picked up steam.
A first reading on U.S. economic growth in the first quarter at a 0.7% rate was below forecasts, but market reaction to the report was muted.
No surprises Thursday from the central bank front – spigots on full:
The European Central Bank, as expected, made no changes to interest rates Thursday and repeated that it could increase the size or lengthen the duration of its asset-buying program if inflation looks set to fall far back below its target of near but just below 2%.  The Bank of Japan, as expected, left its ultra-accommodative monetary policy unchanged and offered a more upbeat tone on the country’s economy.
We made our own 5 day weekly “intraday” chart of the S&P 500!
Marissa Meyer of Yahoo did little to change the fortune of the company in her 5 years at the helm.  That said she is walking away with a $186M payout by selling the assets to Verizon.  Just part and parcel with how the compensation system of the C-class executive is not really that aligned very much with performance.
San Francisco is apparently not the most expensive place to live in the U.S. based on average incomes – this place is.
The week ahead…
Earnings season will continue but we’re getting to the tail end of the S&P 500 and some smaller companies will now join in – that said Apple (Tue) and Facebook (Wed) will be the normal doozies.
The first week of the month brings the big economic data points so some to follow:
Monday – ISM Manufacturing: 56.5 expected (down from 57.2 last month)
Wednesday – ISM Non Manufacturing: 55.8 expected (up from 55.2 last month)
Friday – Employment data – 190K jobs created and 4.5% unemployment rate (vs 98K jobs created last month and the same unemployment rate)
We also have a Federal Reserve meeting / announcement (Wednesday) which is expected to lead to nothing this time around.
The government kicked the can down the road for a week in terms of a government shutdown, so we’ll see if they do that again.
Index charts:
Short term: Last week we said there was some bifurcation among the 2 indexes with the S&P 500 under some resistance while the NASDAQ was looking stronger.  This bifurcation continued this week with the NASDAQ still leading but both indexes obviously are in stronger shape than a week ago.
The Russell 2000 finally exited this multi month stay in “the yellow box” but returned into it Friday!
We took a short break from the NYSE McClellan Oscillator last week as it was giving us rapidly changing signals but things seem more sanguine now so we’ll return to it.
Long term: Here are 5 year charts on the major indexes; we are a broken record here but it would take a very severe selloff to change prospects here.  Short term the NASDAQ is actually above the channel it has been trading in, since early 2016.
For the month the Nasdaq finished up 2.3%, representing its six straight monthly gain—the longest stretch of monthly gains since a seven-period ending in May 2013.
Charts of interest:
Shares of C.R. Bard (BCR) closed up nearly 20% Monday after Becton Dickinson & Co. said it would acquire the medical-supplies maker.
Tuesday, Caterpillar (CAT) lifted its full-year revenue outlook and reported better-than-expected results, sending shares up 7.9%.
Fast-food giant McDonald’s (MCD)  gained 5.6% Tuesday after it served up first-quarter earnings that beat expectations.
Also on Tuesday, Netflix (NFLX) rallied 5.8% after reporting it struck a licensing deal with a Baidu subsidiary to start streaming original content into China.
Steel stocks had rallied the week prior to last on an announcement of a government probe on whether foreign steel imports are harming national security (i.e. a random way to inflict protectionism) but U.S. Steel (X) crumbled Wednesday, after the company reported a surprise quarterly loss.
The company reported late Tuesday an adjusted loss per share of 83 cents, compared with the consensus for a profit of 35 cents a share. Revenue of $2.73 billion also missed expectations of $2.95 billion.
Under Armour (UA) had been in the dumps since it’s last earnings report but Thursday soared 10% after the maker of athletic apparel reported a loss for the first quarter, but a loss that was smaller than expected.
Google (GOOG) surged Friday on earnings.
Have a great week and we’ll see you back here Sunday!
Original article: NASDAQ Tops 6000 For the First Time! It’s the Stock Trader Weekly Recap..
from Blog – StockTrader.com http://ift.tt/2oXjOEy via IFTTT
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universeinform-blog · 8 years
Every House Republican who could sink the GOP health care bill
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/21/every-house-republican-who-could-sink-the-gop-health-care-bill/
Every House Republican who could sink the GOP health care bill
On Thursday, House Republicans are slated to vote on the Yankee Health Care Act, the Republican plan to update Obamacare. Residence Speaker Paul Ryan can have the funds for to lose 21 Republican votes if he needs it to skip.
For the reason that Residence Republicans have long been united via their disdain for Obamacare, that would seem clean. But it ain’t be. Whilst the invoice turned into first brought on March 6, it drew criticism from a wide variety of companies — Fitness enterprise lobbies, conservatives, and moderate Republicans all came out in opposition to the regulation. The Congressional Budget Workplace expected that 24 million human beings would lose coverage if the bill had been enacted. Still, Ryan turned into able to unexpectedly usher his plan through 3 committees, from time to time inside the lifeless of night time.
Over the weekend, Ryan promised in reaction to the ongoing complaint to come up with a new edition of the legislation in time for the Thursday evening vote. It’s not but clean what, exactly, Ryan’s next version of the Yankee Health Care Act will trade. However, those Residence Republicans are the audience he’ll win over Even if Republicans are capable of passing the invoice within the Residence, the plan faces many challenges moving ahead. The margin of support wanted for the invoice skip is an awful lot tighter in the Senate, and 12 GOP senators have already expressed criticism. Furthermore, because Republicans are trying to skip their plan via the Budget reconciliation procedure, which might permit them to avoid a Democratic filibuster, they are restricted in what they are able to and can’t include the law. Should the bill make it to the Senate, Democrats will nearly simply argue that the plan violates these rules.
Is a House a Good Investment For You
Are you most of the crowd who is still taking into consideration in which to make investments the cash they earned from years of operating difficult? There can also have been unsolicited advises convincing you to place your proportion on various networking groups. A few may have even informed you to place up a startup employer. However is that this the maximum realistic element you may likely do to your money? Possibly, yes, if it’s your choice.
But, investing has its u.S.A.and downs relying upon the industry you’ll delve into. But, do that shopping for a residence or owning one is one of the maximum smart investments you’ll probably make. Why?
Homes may become apartment properties. With essential adjustments and with right leasing or condo documents, you could flip your home into a further profits stream. What is even proper is apartment charges have a tendency to increase on regular durations. There are men and women who regularly pass because of job modifications. They continuously look for Homes which they can hire, and yours can be their next condo Houses.
Depending on a home’s area, it may also be a super vacation residence.
Normally, households, in particular, those with kids, and those which embrace the idea of prolonged families – do like to have holiday houses. During unique durations of the yr, the house can serve as a reunion spot for spouse and children to accumulate. So, thinking of having a holiday residence? Must it be close to a beach, the woods, or Possibly one which offers mountain view or city view otherwise?
Home values Commonly growth. Consequently, in case you’re going to put your home for a resale – possibilities are you are going to get suitable profits. So that you higher ask your local real property agent which regions have markets wherein home charges enjoy surges. Typically, these regions consist of the ones wherein experts flock because of employment opportunities.
Buying a residence is likewise visible by using economic houses as a better funding than credit score cards. That is one motive why there are many lenders that charge low-hobby rates on home mortgages.
Are these reasons nonetheless no longer sufficient to persuade you ways correct of a funding is owning a residence? Any other bonus benefit of owning a house is the local community attachment you will construct. You’re starting to have pals who’ll later turn out to be your friends. Your acquaintances will possibly turn out to be near you want the own family. There can be A few form of emotional attachment.
Rebuilding the Republican Party – 2013 Flashback
Again in 2013, I don’t forget to have a conversation about politics at our think tank, the Republicans had simply misplaced and Barack Obama became reelected for another 4-years and each person in the media informed us that the Republican Celebration might not ever win another election and that it became over. Rapid forward nowadays and we see that it is the Democratic Celebration that is splintered and in need of a rebuild. So, allow’s talk about the pendulum of American Politics lets?
Returned in 2013 my fellow think tanker become considering precisely how the Republican Birthday celebration should win in 2016 and take Back the White House. He stated;
“If we truly focus on growing the energy of the states, it might finally gain traction and come to be increasingly more popular with the human beings. The Democratic Party is exceptional at playing the political game; for my part, I trust they may be ways extra aggressive than the Republican Party. There are strategies to without a doubt even out the struggle, however, we can talk that in the destiny.”
Indeed, Back then the media had allowed the Democrats to break out with way too much inside the way of populist socialist rhetoric. Of direction, maximum media is left-leaning so that is to be predicted. The Republican Birthday party doesn’t get it, crony capitalism is a part of the problem and the energy base is too into Neo-Conservatism as opposed to freedom, liberty and efficient and responsible governance, so I think this state is about prepared for a Ronald Reagan type, I just haven’t met all and sundry that has that level of passion or the capability to project it in the Birthday party. I for my part do, however, I don’t like politics, I see it as a rotten manner to run humanity,
But it does beat the alternative alternatives, doesn’t it? How approximately you, do you have political goals?
The assume tanker and I agreed, and we also took into consideration the troubles of time period limits and profession politicians, revolving doors and pay to play politics as properly. He pondered; “Is it viable that lots of them are out of contact with present day society?”
The extra I consider it, I agree with Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Franklin, and Mason on this one. Our leaders ought to be of the people and do their duty for the human beings after which go Lower back to their homes and retire or be to be had if needed in the destiny as gentleman statesmen mentors as wanted. That’s what I suppose. And yes, I recoil at the revolving door too. that is so un-American, and it wreaks of corruption.
Tom Daschle is one that comes to mind, but there are so many instances now, I just need to puke; Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Franks, and the Clintons.
Controlling Your Health Care Costs in Retirement
It is no mystery that health care will become a bigger challenge for maximum folks as we get older. Greater ailments are probably to increase, this means that more money spent to go to fitness professionals and buy the medicinal drug. Even in case you remain healthful thru your later years, the costs of preventative care and preparing for capability unexpected health situations are growing.
Health-associated fees will possibly be one of the biggest additives of your retirement budget. You want to be organized to pay for complete coverage insurance and capability out-of-pocket prices for care. Here are 3 strategies that will help you manage this crucial expense in retirement.
Apprehend how Medicare works
The best information for Americans age 65 and older is that you qualify for Medicare. That makes extended dependence on health care offerings Extra low-priced. At age 65, most people mechanically qualify for Medicare Element A without charge, which in general provides coverage for sanatorium stays and professional nursing care. Medicare Component Bought to be purchased (about $109 consistent with the month in 2017 for maximum retirees). Element B covers the prices of visiting a medical doctor, however with a few deductibles. Many human beings buy extra insurance to use for out-of-pocket charges, along with a Component D prescription drug plan or a Medicare Complement policy.
With Medicare, timing is critical. Signing up while you first qualify for insurance will hold expenses at the bottom stage. in case you maintain insurance through your organization after turning 65, you can put off Medicare enrollment without risking past due penalties.
In case you retire prior to age sixty-five, you will want to buy insurance at the open marketplace to cover fitness-associated fees till you end up eligible for Medicare. Individual coverage tends to get Greater pricey as you grow older, so paintings the price into your retirement price range. some employers provide retiree medical health insurance as an advantage. Test together with your human sources branch to see if this feature is available to you.
Allocate sufficient finances for health care expenses
As you expand your retirement profits approach, ensure you have money set aside for health charges with a view to be your responsibility. By way of one estimate, the common sixty six-year-vintage couple will want to faucet Greater than 1/2 of their lifetime pre-tax Social Protection blessings to pay for health care fees in the course of retirement. the majority will probably have to rely on, in Element, on their personal financial savings to assist offset a few scientific fees.
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北美作业代写:Western marxism
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Western marxism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西方马克思主义。西方马克思主义思潮的出现是对20世纪初以来发生的一系列重大社会历史事件的批判和反思。20世纪30—60年代末,是西方马克思主义繁荣发展时期,而法西斯主义的出现,使西方马克思主义的发展获得了新的动力,大家也从马克思的手稿中吸取精神养料,对马克思主义作以人道主义的解释。
Western marxism is not only one of the western social thoughts with international influence in the 20th century, but also an unorthodox marxism with non-marxism tendency. Its development has gone through three stages of formation, prosperity and transformation, and has formed many schools. It has contributed to the study of marxist philosophy, social history theory, historical dialectics, ideology and alienation.
The concept of "western marxism" first appeared in the supplement material of kirsch's 1930 edition of marxism and philosophy. Put forward at the beginning of the 20th century is the background of the marxist camp debate on western revolutionary road, cole use of "western marxism" to represent the Russian marxism with the new tendency of marxism.
1955, mellau ponti in the second chapter "the adventures of dialectics", "western marxism", this paper discusses the "western marxism" and Leninism, and called the lukacs "western marxism", the founder of the lukacs's "history and class consciousness" referred to as the "bible" of western marxism. He attributed western marxists influenced by this work and inclined to understand marxism from the perspective of humanism and social theory to this trend of thought.
1976, perry Anderson in the western marxism to explore, expand the scope of the use of "western marxism", the main themes and concerns of the transfer from the theory to the analysis of "western marxism", thought theory theme of western marxism has moved from the traditional focus on economic focus on philosophy, and will have a common academic tradition theory of marxist scholars will be included in the "western marxism".
Chinese scholars use the concept of "western marxism" is more [xu chongwen in 1982 in the journal of "western marxism", meaning "after the first world war, the victory of the October revolution and the background of western revolution have failed, produced in the western capitalist countries, both against the second international new kantianism, and against the communist international 'mechanical materialism; In the analysis of modern capitalism and the prospect of socialism, in the revolutionary strategy and strategy and other issues, put forward different views from Leninism. In philosophy, it puts forward different from Engels and Lenin, marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism, which was set forth, rediscover Marx's original design, main show is "left" ideology ".
At present, the concept of "western marxism" is still developing and enriching, and there are many controversies, but its existence as an ideological trend is an indisputable fact.
The emergence of western marxism is a critique and reflection on a series of important social and historical events since the beginning of the 20th century. In the course of more than 90 years of development, western marxism has experienced three periods, and there have been many schools of thought with different tendency and emphasis on different issues in different times.
From the 1920s to the end of the 1930s, western marxism was formed. After the first world war, the proletarian revolution succeeded in Russia, but failed successively in many countries in western and central Europe, which were more advanced than Russia. Lukacs, cole, gramsci marxists to rethink influenced western workers' movement of marxist theory of the second international, reflection, Leninism and stalinism formed different from Hegel's doctrine of marxism Leninism. They suggest should be restored marxism and dialectic relations, restore the marxist philosophy of consciousness, in the west to take, including economic, cultural and political revolution, overall strategy revolution. However, western marxism at this time is only an unorthodox marxist view within the international communist movement, and has not become an independent social thought.
The period from the 1930s to the end of the 1960s was a period of prosperity and development of western marxism. In the 1930s, the publication of Marx's economic -- philosophical manuscript of 1844 and the emergence of fascism gave new impetus to the development of western marxism. Marcuse et al. drew spiritual nourishment from Marx's manuscripts and interpreted marxism humanitarianism. For the proletariat has not been a significant development, but the fascism of the phenomenon, Reich's mass psychology of fascism, Bloch's legacy of this age, the hawk hammel "dictatorship", frome "escape from freedom" and so on a large number of works carried on the thorough analysis. After the 1950 s, the drawback of the Soviet socialist system becoming obvious, the rapid development of the western developed capitalist countries a lot of social problems, have brought the western marxist new confusion and thinking. Marcuse's Soviet marxism, Sartre "and critique of dialectical reason frome the marxist concept on people are against the Soviet union socialist mode and made a special analysis of the phenomenon of stalinism. Based on the reality of the development of capitalist society, western marxists believe that the basic contradiction of capitalist society still exists, but it is no longer an economic crisis, but mainly a human spiritual crisis. They reflect on the spirit of enlightenment, instrumental rationality, science and technology, mass culture, and are committed to the criticism of developed industrial civilization. Construct the philosophical foundation of critical theory and explain, supplement and reconstruct marxism with various western social thoughts. In the past three decades and more, western marxism has gradually evolved into a social ideological trend that combines unorthodox marxism with non-marxism with international influence. The main schools are: Frankfurt school, existentialist marxism, freudian marxism, structuralist marxism, new positivist marxism, etc. Among them, the Frankfurt school has the longest duration and the biggest influence.
After 1970s, it was the turning stage of western marxism. Increasingly acute contradictions between human and nature, the negative effect of science and technology is becoming more and more prominent, so a new generation of the western marxist social effect of science and technology revolution, and ecology problems as its research subject. Western marxism appeared diversified development, the Frankfurt school, existentialism, Freud's doctrine of marxism and marxism structuralist marxism divided, and the analysis of marxism, ecology marxism, post-modern marxism, etc. In the course of study, they transition from unorthodox marxism to non-marxism. This period are the common points of western marxism theory of marxism one or more of the main features of chronic rejection, these features include the historical materialism, as a social power and the method of dialectics, as the main characteristic of class of human society and the mode of production. Instead of trying to revise and supplement marxism, they abandoned it completely.
Western marxism various schools did not form a unified ideology, can only say that put forward from different angles and think about some common problems, and formed some theoretical hot spot in the development of western marxism.
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