#for the fiest time in almost three weeks
justaliciathings · 4 years
I've mentally been really good the past couple weeks. I knew the fall was coming. I don't know it would bee when I was drunk. And I didnt expect it to be with my boyfriend.
I politically disagree with the majority of my family, and a lot of his family. I got in an argument we with my boyfriends uncle (a bottle and a half of wine in...). I replied to his comment on a Facebook post, that was shared by another family member. Seconds after I posted my comment, I realized "oh shit, I probably personally attacked instead of remaining factual." I screenshot my comment, deleted it from the post, and sent it to the uncle personally with a HUGE apology message for "if I was rude, I'm sorry. I don't want us to be the reason the family is torn apart." Politically his uncle seems to be right-center; I am left-center. I told my boyfriend about our fight, because it's his family and his serious girlfriend- I felt like he should know about it. He seems to be mad at me now. I've had two bottles of wine, and I'm crying for the first time in 2 and a half weeks. Great. That's EXACTLY the reason I dressed in my favorite provocative outfit and drank two bottles of St. James sweet wine. Thank you.
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gatheringofdawn · 4 years
Akumatized!Adrien Agreste x Reader: “In the Name of Justice and Love”
(Non-canon Miraculous Ladybug & Miraculous Ladybug AU: Akumatized victims can stay akumatized for days or weeks and their activity is darker than what the show shows—also in special circumstances, a close loved one to the akuma victim can gain powers to counter the akuma’s/Hawkmoth’s powers.)
[This is only a work of fiction and not to be taken as non-fiction]
“Saturday night. You. Me. And an oversized bucket of buttered popcorn,” Adrian finished up your idea on what the two of you were going to do after school. “There’s a new film from oversees. American. Heard the reviews were mostly near 100 percent in the worth it category.”
“Black Panther?” you asked, remembering the French trailer that played on multiple YouTube videos as ads.
“Exacta-mundo!” Adrian smiled.
“Is it in English or French?”
“Can’t say. We can always wait for the English adaption to come out. I can wait.” Knowing that you preferred watching movies in your native-born tongue, Adrian added, “I heard there’s some other movies preceding it. Wanna check ‘em out?”
You shook your head. “Do you wanna see it?”
Adrian rubbed the back of his head and smiled meekly, blocking out the dozens of times he watched the trailers and might have fantasized a couple of fantasies of Black Panther meeting Chat Noir, being the test subject of Shuri’s experiments for an upgraded suit...
“Well, I’d be a lion if I didn’t.” Did he let that slip out?
You blinked multiple times. “Nice try.”
Adrien chuckled.
“Then yeah, lets go see it,” you bumped his shoulder with yours. “It’d be nice to see something from home, and it’d be nice to show you what it’s like there.”
Adrien nodded. “See you Saturday night. 8pm. Out in front.”
You agreed, then both you and your friend parted ways, back to your houses.
Mud. Grime. Stale old popcorn and sticky soda spills splattered everywhere on your back, in your hair, on the back of your neck......
.......................sweat stains, rancid-smelling drool sticky on your cheeks and swollen lips. White and clear male bodily fluids falling from trembling thighs. The memory echoes of sensations long gone but ghosting over your paralyzed body. A male. Pale, sickly, sweaty, cursing, deep nasally voice, tall. A brown beard scratching up and down your neck and cheeks. Thin, slender, and physically strong from one hand holding down your mouth from screaming and the other violently, violently stimulating himself on you by whatever means got him off...
—You explained over and over to the police officers. Their faces were grim, asking for your parents phone numbers. You told them of your foreign exchange program in return for leaving their abusive home. There was no one of bloodline to call for help.
Around the fifth or seventh time you repeated the violent rape and violent rapist, did you notice Adrien standing there. Right in front of you with wide eyes.
Words scrambled out of his mouth and towards you. And you scrambled them back to him. A mess of blurry, fuzzy scrambles.
Alya and Nino were conveniently there. And watched after you the moment Adrian pushed a police officer into his car with surprising strength. Other officers physically restrained Adrien, yelled at him warnings and more scrambles to your ears.
He fiested himself out of the officers’ grip and tasked Alya and Nino with the duty of watching over you the moment he spotted the familiar black butterfly fluttering in his direction.
To you or him? He backed out of the scene, and the butterfly followed him. You watched him leave the scene altogether.
“I’m sorry-I’m sorry this happened to you...” the whispered utterings, so frail, so soft crept into your ears, like warm milk on the tongue. Adrien held your hand with frailty. His forehead against the hospital bedside.
Your own consciousness dripped in and out of his mutterings. But it was darkness when he was there, and morning when he was gone.
No trial.
The very next day, in the morning, what lay at your doorstep was the mangled dead body of the rapist. Mangled and maimed, almost recognizable save for that rancid scent of his doused in overpriced cologne... mixed with the heavy scent of his blood.
All your emotions numbed out. The shock from last night carried over to the morning, numbing out your response. Alya, who stayed the night as a comfort support, yelped in shock for you and immediately began dialing 1-1-4.
You kicked the body, making certain of its permanent state then closed the door. You whispered faintly to Alya how you would be in your room, going back to sleep (forget school today). With the most friendliest you’ve ever experienced, Alya was accepting of your need and closed the door to your room behind you.
Two pills of sleep aid would knock you out. And so, you slipped into a deep, lukewarm sleep again. Heavy, heavy nerves as weightless as feathers....
The scratching at your door led you to wake up at... noon. The sleep aid carried over a handful of heaviness to your weight and starvation, but you opened the door anyways to find Adrian crouched like that of a cat and looking up at you.
...you thought you’d seen the black butterfly that causes akumatizatuions last night.
Adrian smiled up at you. Appearing averagely himself, save for his eyes. Like a hybrid of feline and human. Round, green orbs with giant black irises within them, made him look excited to see you.
“Did you like my gift?”
Instead of answering, you backed against the doorway and slid to the floor. Adrian cautiously approached you on all fours, as best he could with a human body.
“I...I heard that, males like me, after an attack like this...” he said very clearly, eyes downcast. “I can leave if you want. If that’ll make you more comfortable.”
On the news was the last remaining body camera video of the rapist’s last moments.
“In case you’re wondering, I took the videos he made of you. Everything in his apartment too like the computer in case... well... I burned everything else in there.”
And in that video was his torturer. A large male in all-black, fighting and fighting ferociously and more violent than soldiers in the trenches, than mercenaries on the hunt, than boxers would ever hope to reach for in the ring. Glowing green feline eyes, howls and yowls of that of a lynx.
The news accused an overzealous Black Panther fan of going too far.
“Well, a fan, yeah! What could be a better match up in partnership than Black Panther and Chat Noir, milady?” He scooted up from your lap and pressed the side of his head against your chest, and purred. He hummed in pleasantry, the soothing coo of his purrs softening. “For you, to protect you—that guy had it coming.”
Your answer fell soft on your lips. Words you tried to form but to no avail. The depths of your hiding heart knew the answer and if only Adrien could hear it echo.
And he returned his eyes to the television, resuming his comfortable cat position in your lap. You held his hand, squeezing affectionately.
Over the weeks, Adrian eventually stopped coming to school. You met him and found his appearance has yet changed again.
He spoke from the shadows that coated so well with him they could’ve been him, and he would’ve been everywhere under this bridge in the dark of the night. “I’ve gotten rid of a few more. For all women, men... children... for you.”
You shook your head. No longer were you in the daze of trauma. An accusing voice shouted that you should’ve stopped him that very day this all started.
“The rapists and white supremacists, two of them are hanging from the US Embassy’s flagpole. God bless America. Home of the brave enough to corrupt justice and land of free to oppress.” His outline in the shadows, you could see him on all fours, slithering closer to you in a manner paralleling a lioness on the hunt. “The rest are spelled out clear as modern truth on their pavement. Starting with the first American rapist that terrorized you—“
A vibrant and loudly attentive purr elicited from Adrien. “My friend~”
A shiver ran up your spine. His glowing green feline eyes showed complete delight towards you.
How could you have stopped him? What could you have said to the akumatized feline-Adrien in those moments? Dazed in trauma, depersonalize to reality and even your own sense of self. Then, you’ll just have to say it now as Adrien stood much taller, much bulkier, much more alive right in front of you, with his clawed fingers resting underneath your chin to lift it up.
Small simmers of memories between the two of you, hiding on the roof at school during lunch, from Nino, Alya, and Marionette, reading to each other whatever either of you had on hand and by the flip of a coin: Adrien’s fashion magazine, your “Spirited Away” graphic novel, Adrien’s “The Boy and the Beast” graphic novel, Adrien’s “The Wind Rises”, your “The Raven”, Adrien’s “Sherlock Holmes”...
Adrien chuckled, a soupy mix of harsh purr and his own lighthearted chuckles. “Around 36 Americans criminals have already been rounded up in less than three days.” His neck cracked, revealing a thin layer of a black pelt under his obsidian bodysuit. “And I haven’t even moved on to Purr~risians yet~”
“Adrien, that’s the Akuma talking, not you.”
“I let Hawkmoth akumatize me, ______, and it was all for you.” He cranes his neck and spine down, leveling eye to eye with you. The gesture would’ve been normally sweetly teasing, friendly, if not for the malice and stench of blood perforating from Adrien like cologne. Heavy in his messy, unkempt black hair where matted pieces held together by brown-crust. Stained red in his whitened-yellowing sharper teeth. And his eyes danced with delight, but all you could see was potential betrayal. “Seeing what that putrid, evil man reduced you down to, how could I have taken that? How could I, even as Chat Noir, be okay with that guy walking free?”
You blinked, confused but for a second before it clicked in your head what he had been subtly expressing. “You’ve seen him. The way he looks. Influential, charming, intelligent, and a promising college student. I looked up his background on his computer, and no way would your country have prosecuted him. Justice would not have been served, ma chérie.”
His quick switch to English with that phrase threw you off into dozens of memories from America. Flashbacks. And you said, “My friend, my best friend,” and you gently slid your hand into his, scratching yourself only slightly on his claws and feline pads. “Adrien. Just please. Let me know where the akuma is.”
In a sudden, his arms wrapped around you. His heavier and bigger body towering, entrapping you. “My best friend...” his silky, sultrier than warm milk voice slid into your ears. “I’m not Adrien anymore. That weakling gave himself to me because he knew what had to be done and what could be made.”
“So now, and forever, all there is, is Dark Justice.”
And he disappeared with the shadows helping me.
He barged into school, having changed more into a feline-human hybrid and wielding a sword 🗡, that had once only been a lasso at his side, pointed at Chloe Bougarais. With kind, alight feline eyes, he spoke, “Even despicable women like you will be served justice, so tell me, Chloe Bougarais, who was the male that assaulted your privates?”
It took most of the class by shock and storm, hearing their gasps and whimpers. You lowered your chin. This was too much, so much. Your rape, your best friend akumatized into a twisted justicebringing mass murderer, Chloe’s hidden sexual assault...
And with her chin upturned, lips twisted but trembling, Chloe appeared to murmur out a name. Adrien sheathed his sword and crept down on all fours, sitting like a cat would with his tail swishing nonchalantly below the desk. “Don’t worry, he will never see another daylight. As have others.”
Adrien coughed out spittal and obvious pain. He glared at the ground then at Hugh, who’d just ran out of the courtyard by the aid of Ladybug.
“Have you any idea what that boy has done?" Adrian gasped, voice purring-rumbling in anger. "My lady?"
"Chat Noir?" Ladybug gasped.
"Not even you will stop me from taking his life. I won't allow it. Not now," he raised his sword and charged. "Not ever!"
Ladybug and Chat Noir clashed. Sword and dodging, she was doing really well. "Adrian Agreste, snap out of it! This isn't you. You wouldn't do this! Not even if someone hurt you enough that you were in the hospital, you would never hurt anyone! You always forgave them, you always found a way to deny their evil ways in a peaceful manner!"
Dark Justice had Ladybug pinned against the wall. "I changed for my best friend over there, for my lady. So do not think I won't go to extremes to supply justice. You've no idea what legal systems let him go free despite the evidence larger than a mountain."
The cameraman was filming all of Adrian's rant. All of Paris would see this.
"He would be stopped. If not by the ones we put our faith in, then by me. That's all there is to it, Ladybug; Justice!" Adrian clipped off Ladybug's ponytail. "The right to get what is earned! The right to end evil once and for all! Aren't I just a descendent of the French Revolution, savior of Paris?! Aren't I just barging down the mansion to drag the pigs who are protecting their fellow pigs out of their comfortable, lush halls -- I am dragging them, my lady, and they don't want that but I've kept dragging them out--"
Ladybug's other ponytail fell to Dark Justice's sword. She was looking panicked. Dark Justice's moves were obviously too much for her, and she was already crippled without Chat Noir to help her -- but instead, had to fight her well-experienced partner, akumatized and fueled higher and more terrible than the sun.
"And I will slice open their bellies, I will gut them in the center for all of Paris to see at the slaughter that'll never end! Never will it end! Not by you, not by the military, not by the president of the fucking United States of America, not by my father once I find him and gut him too!"
You stumbled backwards.
You heard an agreement somewhere, two, multiple.
You heard a loud cheer somewhere outside of the school.
Adrian dominated Ladybug in power and strength. His fangs clenched, not even a smile, he was too into this, too attentive to his justice. Ladybug would have to activate her winning move -- her Lucky Charm -- as her last shot.
"Is this what you want to do forever!" Ladybug screamed.
"Until the last droplets of evil is extinguished and the pigs can no longer breed, I will be their inevitable reckoning!" Dark Justice responded, "Don't you get it by now, Ladybug? I can do something about the people who escape the system, the ones who deserve to be punished and to the ones who contiuosly cause harm to other people without mercy. All I have to do is be given a name. I will hear them. I will avenge them. I will end their tormentors!”
Dark Justice's growls increased in volume, like the growling of a tiger and a chainsaw merged as one. He grunted and arched his back as his body increased in muscle mass — and slenders of black protective silky fur spread across his skin. Dark Justice completely overwhelmed Ladybug's strength as he threw her over his head. His pants tore and a loincloth grew from the sudden belt around his waist. His anatomy now that of an anthropomorphic big cat as his face violently changed into that of the creature's, and two masses formed on his abnormally large shoulders. He hissed and clenched his fangs as the masses broke from the surface. His growls and howls of agony of the transformation as the two masses shaped into similar heads like his own and roared upon their birthing.
Adrian really was no longer there, now there was Dark Justice -- the Judge, the Prosecuter, and the Executioner.
“WILL REIGN FOREVER!” yowling from all three mouths simultaneously.
And his sword glowed a bright silvery-white and transformed into a massive Hammer of Justice.
You watched all of this, falling to your knees, and knew how far this was going. But you would get your best friend back.
(POV switches and changes)
“Adrien!” I shouted his name like a vehicle was about to run him over, but that love and warning combusted in and through my veins like fire poppers. The pressure, the height in sensation, I continued walking towards my changed friend, slowly gaining speed until I was in a sprint.
Then I collided paws with Adrien’s. Mine and his. Locked in strength. My jaws stretched open to show their gigantic, lethal lioness teeth and let out a warning yowl.
Adrien was forced back by my strength. I held the form nearly identical in stature and prowess to him, but I was a lioness. Surprise clear to see on his feline features, but then your strength held steady against his.
“I’m not going to fight you, ______. I refuse to.”
Your nostrils flared. The scent of him permeated with blood, old blood, sweat from sudden shock and anxiety, rotting flesh. You growled, "I won't fight you either."
Adrian's eyes showed recognition. "What are you doing then?"
"Doing justice.” Her teeth locked on Adrian’s neck and held. One of his heads yowled. Adrian appeared surprised. Her teeth didn’t dig too far into him but just long enough to immobilize him... and discover where his akuma was hiding.
She spotted the oddity on his loincloth. Some sort of ticket. Their movie ticket. She grabbed at it but missed. It was lodged into his side right.
In all this, Dark Justice struggled to free himself. But her lioness form was much to integral against him, and she hurried. She grabbed the ticket and punched a hole in it with her claws. Dark Justice felt as if his heart had stopped. He fell forwards into her arms as Ladybug began to purify the akuma and the damage done.
Adrian stayed in most days after his akumatization. He played video games with ________ and talked with only a few of his classmates. Most everyone at school was wary of him now, but he still went, he enjoyed his time on the roof with _______ and learning new things in class, staying out of the house, finishing his homework and ignoring the near constant hammering of what he had done.
________ grabbed his hand in class. He tightened his group. Soul shaken, but smiling. Things could’ve gone worse.
Thanks to the Paris-Catacomb Accords of 2015, Adrian was completely clean of any and all wrong doing he had brought on everyone, as every Akuma victim was given.
_______ and Adrian looked each other in the eye. “One day, we’ll catch Hawkmoth and make end his reign of terror.”
[This is only a work of fiction and not to be taken as non-fiction]
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hookysblog · 7 years
 Back to Italy….this is becoming a lovely habit;)
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An evening flight the night before seems like a lovely treat, but when we get to Manchester airport it is MADNESS! In all my years of travelling I have never seen Terminal 3 this crowded! There is nowhere to sit and all the restaurants are completely full. Is every fecker having their hen/stag this weekend???
Ryannair get us to Rome a bit late, well a lot late, so we don't get the bugle on landing thank god. Lovely weather here….It’s boiling, sadly there is now a three hour drive which, for some reason seems to take forever. Eventually we land at The Nicotel, 4 star in 1975;) I reckon, but liveable with and minutes from the gig. I have had a tough day and crawl to bed at 4a.m. Sleep very deeply until 10.20….Shit just missed breakfast! Grab a snack bar and before I know it I am asleep again. Then the bloody phone rings and I am offered a better room?
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 ‘I’d rather have the sleep at the moment love!’ I bark!
 ‘Ok. But is very nice room with view!’ She barks back!
 Can’t get back to sleep, luckily the lads ring asking if I want to go to the beach. This is a great idea. The beach is beautiful and a lovely couple of hours and some Pasta later, I feel almost human;) Get some well-needed rays and a nice relax, which is very welcome after a very, very tough week.
 Later back at the hotel I think ‘Feck it’ I will change rooms and end up with that beautiful view for my troubles….Gorgeous! I grab a bit more sun on my balcony and end up as red as a bloody lobster! Shit! Gig time approaches and I prepare myself.
How I hear you ask?
 One pair tight dark blue jeans (preferably Zara, True Religion or G-Star Raw) Dr.Marten boots (black or brown, non-slip sole very important)
Three guitar picks, safely in my ticket pocket.
Watch (preferably silver).
Wristband - leather.
Inhaler (my asthma reacts badly to some smoke machines!)
Disposable T-shirt (daft message preferably:)
and ……off we jolly well go!
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 O.M.G. This venue is amazing, a small amphitheatre right on the beach, facing out over The Adriatic. You can hear the surf from the stage. By far the best Venue’s I have ever played have been here in Italy. We are on the floor and so I have the whole floor circle to run round in, I show off madly. Gig goes great! By the time we get to Joy Division Substance they go nuts and LWTUA finishes them off completely, they even invade the floor! We have a fag and a pizza, in that order, and watch the waves and the full moon, a heady combination.
Bed beckons, sleep well until about 6 a.m. when it’s like someone has switched a huge searchlight on outside my bloody room…..SHIT….it’s the sun, bollocks! That bloody view! Can't win them all eh?
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 Wake at 8.45 to the worst breakfast I have ever seen. I honestly don’t know why they bothered? I am in a hurry so grab a coffee and jump in the van because the lads are all waiting and we have a long way to go. With the first jerk the first jerk gets his coffee all over him…..Balls! Now a 6 hour journey flies by, aided by good company and beautiful scenery. We are in a district just outside of Florence called Fieste, which my driver assures me is the very upmarket district. It is lovely I must admit, very Beverley Hills. The venue is another amphitheatre from the Etruscean era (????) and is surrounded by many Roman Ruins and one Salford Ruin. It is hot and steamy but delightful. This arena is bigger and we get double the audience of last night, it rocks right from the start to the finish. I am delighted.
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The boys play fantastically and our only distraction is the mosquitos. We get back to the hotel at 2a.m. and have to be up early for our 3 hour drive back to Rome for the return flight. As you can imagine….it’s a quiet drive. Weirdly I don’t feel too bad, I must admit. But after flying back to England I am wiped out…… completely!
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Sanatogen anyone please?
 Arivaderci Roma, Gratzi.
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