#for the record i don't think this guy is awful enough to deserve death
thebramblewood · 10 months
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Meanwhile, unbeknownst to her, Helena's other suitor is courting her in a very different way.
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Transcript under the cut.
Tim: "Jesus! Where the fuck- Can I help you with something, creepy goth chick?"
Lilith: "Oh, yes, my darling. You're about to help me very, very much. Any last words, pathetic mortal boy?"
Tim: "WHY ME?!? What did I do? Please, no! I'll give you whatever you want! Just not-"
Lilith: "Shh... no more talking. Time to be quiet now."
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine being a corrector (someone there to erase mistakes) and witness Iron Man's progress throughout his life to judge him on his final moment.
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" And how many people will die from this impressive weapon ?"
You asked and Tony smiled widely at your question, as if he had impatiently expected it.
" Hundreds ! With only one big boom, all of America's enemies will be annihilated !"
Stop smiling, you dirtbag. You are selling this as if it was a party cake. You're going to sell a weapon of massive destruction to the US army that will exterminate hundreds of people in a few seconds with it and you can still look at me dead in the eyes with this repulsive self-absorbed smile..You thought and sighed before looking at the paper in your hand where was written in bold letters.
You looked at him and his stupid smile again, wondering if you should erase his existence. It was your job after all, to erase everything and everyone that may be nocive for the world, or that may end up being a problem..Mistakes could happen of course, but taking a life was always hard, no matter how you looked at it. Now, Tony Stark..He was a difficult case. He was an idiot, there was no doubt in your head about that..but, he also had potential..If given the right opportunity, he could even be great. You decided to take a step back and looked at his file. You could give him a bit of time..You had loads of time to watch him and his every move. You wanted a change. And would spare his life, for now. You stepped back into the shadows and disappeared as Tony Stark entered a nearby black car.
A few years later :
Why ?
Why did you save that idiot ? You ask yourself while watching him snap his fingers. Your wide eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. You had given this man so many choices and chances..All that for that. What a disappointment..! You sigh before walking towards the now floating soul of Tony Stark, still in his eye-catching red super suit. Typical. He finally notices you and eyes you up and down with an eyebrow raised.
" I thought angels would look a little bit more..feathery ? And less like one of my ex-associates.."
Oh boy..Here it is, the introduction part.
" Hello, Mr Stark. I am Y/N, your corrector, my job consists in making sure that your life hasn't been wasted or meaningless.."
He smiles proudly before answering in a pompous voice that daddy's rich boys usually took when asked the question.
" I didn't waste any of it ! That's for sure !"
You frown before writing something on the file, moron..He was a complete moron. But, you still had a job to do. You force yourself to stay polite and look back at the record in your hands.
" So, Mr Stark.."
" Please, call me Tony."
You ark an eyebrow, but don't linger on the subject and only look at the file in your hands even though you already knew what was written on it. You had to pretend, if only to make him realize how lying wouldn't help him.
" I see here that you don't believe in any particular religion..So, you will have the privilege to choose which god will supervise your transfer to the afterlife..Your judge, if you will ?"
He seems to think for a moment before having an idea and looking back at you with a wide grin.
" I know ! Can I try to go to the Valhalla ?"
You ark an eyebrow again at his surprising answer, but then remember that Thor was a friend of his during his life. He surely wanted to see a familiar face during the trial. Understandable. Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all ?
You nod understandingly before looking back at the file again.
" As it is procedure, I will ask you a few questions and you'll have to answer them as truthfully as possible, alright ?"
Tony agrees and you start with the first one on the list.
" Okay..So, did you ever experience love in your life ? Did you care about anyone, more than yourself that is ?"
He snorts at that last part before replying sarcastically.
" Nope. Never more than myself. Because I've been raised to look after number 1..However, I would say that Pepper and my girl will always be my first priorities.."
You nod before adding.
" And your father ?"
The question catches him off guard, but he quickly composes himself and seems to hesitate before replying.
" My father and I had a..a very complicated relationship..I admit having hated him for a long time, but now ? I only feel pity.."
You raise an eyebrow at his answer, knowing that he had also admired his father in his youth and felt a certain regret as to not have been able to save him and his mother..But you don't comment on that and only go to the next question.
" Do you think you died a better person than you were at the beginning of your life ?"
He smirks confidently at that question before answering ironically.
" Let me see..I've gone from weapon smuggler to superhero..So, yes. I think I changed. Greatly."
You bite you lip in order not to brutally state him the facts that he's killed more innocents as a superhero than as a weapon smuggler.
" Fine. And finally, are you satisfied with the life you've lived and do you think you deserve to go to the great beyond ?"
He laughs, as if it was some sort of joke and shakes his head before looking up at you.
" I saved the world, isn't that good enough ?"
This is the last straw. You close your book with force, which makes him jump a little as you look at him with your nose scrunched in obvious anger and eyebrows furrowed in clear disappointment.
" You, Tony Stark, are the most selfish blind stupidest man I've ever met ! You really think that all of this is funny ?! Are you really satisfied with the life you've lived or do you really have no idea of the chaos and misery you've created around you ?!"
His mouth is agape in astonishment at your sudden outburst and you decide to show him. You flick your fingers and you both find yourselves in front of a burning city that Tony recognizes as New York..the night when the chitauris attacked.
" I..I don't understand..Why show me this ?"
He asks as his eyes linger on the fire ans the people crying and screaming for help. You smile sadly at his own unawareness..
" Because, Tony, the damage you caused didn't stop when you stopped the bad guy. People died before, during, and after you've fought the bad guy. It takes time to rebuild a city, and human ressources that you seem to have overlooked because, what ? You've send them some money ?!"
Tony brawls his hands into fists, his knuckles turning white and suddenly turns towards you with determination in his eyes.
" I think I did okay !"
He argues, but you only snort mockingly.
" Okay ? OKAY ?! You died, you moron ! You died before you've had the chance to truly do good..The money you've accumulated during all those years ? You were going to give it all to the families of all those who died during all those attacks. You were going to have a child ! You were going to be a wonderful father ! And you gave it all away..The money will now be used by the Shield to create more weapons and destruction ! Your daughter will never grow up to be a hero, because you will not be here to inspire her..And Pepper will be forced to raise her all on her own ! You selfish bastard !"
You yell, not noticing how you get carried away, while pointing an accusative finger at him.
" You could have lived your life ! Happily Ever After ! But no, instead you had to die, leaving a child and your wife behind ! How does that sound, genius ? Does it sound like you did "okay" ?! Now, tell me, before I send you either back to Earth or up there. Tell me why I should let you live ? After you messed up the last chance I gave to you ?"
His breath hitches at your words and he looks at his hands, as if considering what he had done before looking up at you with, what you can only describe as, a feeling of loss.
" I did what I did to save my friends. As far as I know, I didn't waste my life, I saved lives. Those lives were as important as mine, who would I be if I hadn't saved them ?"
You roll your eyes at his hero speech before looking at your datapad. You were only a small gear in the mechanism of Earth's afterlife. You were supposed to bring souls to their final destination..However, there were always tricky situations, like Mr Tony Spark. He had been good, there was no doubt about that, but he had also been awful..Damn awful judging by his long list of infractions and lives sacrificed..You sigh before looking up at him in silent contemplation, wondering what you should do with this one..? Suddenly, an idea pops up in your mind and you smile before advancing towards him and extending your hand.
" How about you come and work for me as a way to get your redemption and reunite with your wife and child ? My work may be tedious, but you'll soon come to find that it had its perks..Of course, you'll still have to get the approval of god you chose..but I don't think he'll deny it. A few years as a corrector, and you'll be able to go to the other side, how does that sound ?"
He looks at your extended hand, and then at you before asking something that you had not thought about.
" Please, could you bring me to Asgard ? Just to say goodbye to an old friend ?"
You sigh loudly, of course he would want to see Thor..He would surely ask the god to save him, try to make him pass without any setbacks. But, who were you to deny a soul its last wish ? You flick your fingers and appear at Asgard. Obviously, you couldn't bring him to a place that didn't exist anymore and not right after his death, this is why you had decided to appear just before its destruction..When Loki was in charge..However, unlike what you had previously thought, Tony doesn't seem lost and walks towards the royal hall with alarming confidence. You tag along and soon find yourself in the throne room with Odin (aka Loki) staring at you with a hint of surprise, but still remaining in character.
" What are you doing here, mortals ?!"
He booms and you sigh, another brilliant idea, as always..Loki would surely report you to the High Council and it would be finished of your career. You try to say something, maybe something to keep you both from being shifted into nothingness..But Tony steps towards him and, to the greatest astonishment of Loki and you, embraces him.
" You've done good, son..You've done good.."
Suddenly, as if the both of them had had a silent conversation, Loki wraps his arms around Tony and starts crying against his shoulder.
" I can feel it..You're gone, aren't you ?"
He asks with grief in his voice and you are too shocked to answer..even Loki, the god of Mischief, the bad god as some would call him, was crying for this mere human..You didn't understand why ? Why would he tear up over his death ? A mortal that he hates..The notion was incomprehensible for you and Loki seems to notice and straightens up to look at you.
" I assume he chose Thor as a judge ? Unfortunately, my brother is out of Asgard at the moment.."
Before he could continue, Tony shakes his head negatively before looking back at you with a slight smile.
" No. I've chosen you, reindeer game."
Loki's eyes widen significantly and he repeats, visibly as dumbfounded as you are.
" M..Me ? But..But why ?"
You couldn't have asked it better, why did he choose him ?! Out of everyone else ?! You grab Tony and put on a wide fake smile for Loki.
" I'm sorry, but I must discuss with him for a moment. We'll be back soon, I promise."
You then proceed to drag Tony out of the throne room and, as soon as you are sure to be out of reach, lose your smile to look angrily at Tony.
" Are you mad ?! You could have chosen Thor and go on your merry way to Valhalla, Paradise or whatever..But nooooo, you had to choose the god that despises you the most !"
Tony doesn't seem that worried and only shrugs with a confident smile.
" I know..Loki is the first one to be chosen, ever. He wasn't the one that was supposed to be king, he always got left behind and never got any chance to prove that he could be better..Maybe, for once, he could be my first choice ?"
You open your eyes wide and want to face-palm yourself so hard..Damn heroes and their moral codes !
" It's not about his redemption ! It's about yours !"
He nods, keeping his wide smug smile and replies nonchalantly.
" I know..This is why I chose him. If even him can forgive me, then I'll know that I definitely deserve to go to..whatever is best after.."
You gape at his answer, but finally sigh in defeat. You couldn't make him reconsider, you know that..He was the most stubborn man that you had ever worked with..You drag him back inside and look up at Loki defiantly and warn him, to his utter astonishment.
" Okay, I know now that I can't change my client's mind..But, I can assure you that if you try to sabotage his only chance to go to the great beyond, I'll personally take care of your case when the time comes..Understood ?!"
Loki's eyes glance at Tony then at you, all malice out of his eyes as he nods in agreement.
" I may not be fond of the Avengers, but I know better than to mess with you people..You are not merely humans and even though we were on opposite sides, I still value the life of the human beside you, as a warrior and the worthy opponent that he is.."
" Aww..Love you too, Reindeer !"
You glare at Tony to shut him up as he only smiles smugly at you. Damn Stark..You extend your hand towards the king, aware of the procedure, he takes your arm and looks directly in your eyes.
" Do you promise to be impartial and to not speak of this trial to any living beings as long as you will inhabit the land of the living ?"
" I promise."
He answers solemnly and takes back his appearance, as he was supposed to judge as Loki, not Odin. He then looks at the coin that had appeared in his hand, either he would give it back to you with heads, and Tony's soul would be saved..or tails, and his soul would be lost forever. You take a big breath before beginning the trial.
" We will start with the beginning. Tony Stark is a selfish egocentric man who did spent most of his life searching for recognition, money and fame.."
Loki and Tony both open their eyes wide, not expecting you to be so hard from the start.
" Hum..Aren't you supposed to be my lawyer ? You're supposed to be on my side, remember ?"
Tony asks, a hint of worry in his voice, but you narrow your eyes at him and respond in all seriousness.
" I am not your lawyer, Mr Stark. I'm a corrector. I am supposed to tell the truth and not hide anything from the judge..Now, is any of the things I just said wrong ?"
He gulps loudly and lets out a defeated sigh, looking at the floor and shaking his head.
" No. You're right.."
Your expression softens, at least he had the decency to admit it..
" However, he has proven on multiple occasions that he was a particularly good man that inspired many that will do good in the future. And, became a very good father figure for Peter Parker that will accomplish great things in the future..I have seen a lot of men change in my career, for better or for worse..But none of them were as impressive as the one of Tony Stark that came from being only an average man to a hero that will inspire millions in the future.."
Tony's eyes widen as you start showing holograms of moments of his life in the air, showing every moment of his life to Loki. The god looks and listens attentively as he plays with the coin in his hand, toying with Tony's soul. However, he seems to take it seriously and looks at each moment with great interest. You are more than happy to answer every question he asks and add.
" I must confess that Tony Stark was and is an incredible man that devoted his life to helping others..even if sometimes he was lost or misguided..He always had the best intentions at heart..You, of all people, should know what the fear of failure feels like.."
You try to appeal to his own history for him to feel pity for Tony, but the god of Mischief knows when someone is trying to play with his feelings and only asks with a small tremor in his voice that sounds like a reproach.
" However, Tony never had any beliefs. His only god is money and that he spent on very trivial things..Plus, he had the audacity to think himself a god, Zeus above his friends that he also considered above anyone else..Why should he get to spend his life in bliss when all he ever did was to mock anyone around him and have very big illusions of grandeur !"
You bite your lower lip, you couldn't say that what he was saying is wrong..However..
" However, he never used his money for destruction, he always had the greater good in mind when using it. He also made sure that Peter Parker don't focus on money to accomplish his goals.."
Loki only laughs before searching for one of his memories and projecting it for everyone to see..It was the man. The man that had helped him build his first suit and that had died, even though Tony had promised to save him..
" You tell me about his accomplishments..but what about his failures ? He sacrificed that man. He made a promise and broke it. How are you going to justify that ?"
You clench your jaw in obvious frustration, knowing that Loki was provoking you. Even if he had no grudge against Tony, he still had the ego the size of the Empire State building and more..He wouldn't let go so easily. You glance at Tony that is looking at the short movie of his life with tears in his eyes..He had surely forgotten about him, or he hadn't ? You couldn't tell..
" That man tried to save Tony..It is not his fault if he died while doing so. He saved many like him afterwards and never asked for anything in return..He always thought that the security of his friends and family was above everything else."
Loki stands up at your reply in disagreement and grits his teeths before reaching for another memory.
" Are you sure about that ?"
You frown at his question before you see the moment he had invented Ultron..
" He created that knowledge monster and, even with the green man's warnings, didn't listen to what was safest..Now, do you think he really always had the purest intentions at heart ?"
He is one tough cookie, you'd give him that..You search in Tony's memories to get the vision he had when Wanda manipulated his mind and show his worse nightmare, the Avengers all dead.
" This, this is his worst nightmare. You have to admit that it is proof of the value of his comrades to his eyes..like Asgardians, he fought side by side with his friends and would have died for them..as he did."
However, Loki doesn't back down and finally yells in frustration.
You ark and eyebrow at that before replying, your arms crossed.
" Well..I don't see how's that of any relevance to him being a bad man.."
Flabbergasted by your words, he stares at you with tears in his eyes before sitting back down, visibly shocked at your answer. But, you know that he is thinking about it..You smile and look up at him to announce.
" This is why, I ask you to welcome Tony Stark to the great beyond, or at least let him work his way there !"
At your words, his eyes flash at you with a certain interest.
" Go on.."
Your smile widens. You know that Loki would not let Tony enter if he hadn't been trained before.
" Make him a corrector. Allow him to correct his mistakes and apologize to all those he wronged.."
Loki seems to consider it for a moment and, finally nods.
" I'll allow it, however, I'll also accept him in Valhalla directly.."
You raise your eyebrows in surprise at his sudden act of mercy..but you quickly understand when he adds with a small smirk.
"..If Tony accepts to kneel in front of me."
You close your eyes, knowing already the reaction of Tony that doesn't waste any time voicing his disagreement.
" Dream on, goat head !"
You sigh loudly, pinching the bridge of your nose and turning towards Tony that still had his mouth wide open, ready to protest. You want to intervene, but Loki does it for you as he suddenly stands up again and grits his teeths at Tony before ordering.
" Kneel ! Or you can say goodbye to your soul !"
You open your eyes wide in fear as he starts crackling the coin in his palm. You turn towards Tony that feels as if he was being crushed himself. You then look back at Loki before yelling at him.
" The trial is not over, your Highness ! You have no right..!"
He glares murderously at you before cutting you short by laughing maniacally.
" That's where you're wrong ! I have every right !"
You look between the two men with panic seizing your whole being before sighing and getting out a lasso. You use it to grab Loki's arm and yank him on the floor, letting go of the coin by the same occasion that starts rolling before stooping just in front of you. You take it in your hand and Loki looks up at you with his jaw clenched and eyes red with fury. However, you don't let yourself be intimidated and take him by the collar to drag him back to his throne.
" You'll regret this.."
He whispers in your ear and you only laugh at his threat before tying him up to the throne.
" There are many things that I fear in this world..But, prince Loki, you aren't one of them.."
You can feel him tense at your words, but still put back the coin in his hand with a small smile.
" Now..I know that my existence is a mistake and that your huge ego can't handle the fact that a mere woman is keeping you still..But, there is no reason for you to deny Tony his afterlife. You said it yourself, he was a worthy opponent and never wielded, even once. He is prideful, a recognition seeker and a liar..But he is also the Iron Man, the man of steel who defeated far more powerful beings than you..I didn't tell you how he died, but I think I should.."
You suddenly turn around and extend your arms to show two things..One is the day Tony died, and the other..when Loki did.
He looks at the images with wide eyes and, even after seeing it over and over, can't believe it..He had died. And Tony had avenged him. He almost laughs at his choice of word: avenge. He looks up at Tony with a new-found respect and Tony doesn't shy away from his gaze that he meets with determination. Loki then glances at the coin in his hand before throwing it at you..it lands on tails and you smile widely at Loki that nods in affirmation.
" I'll allow it..I'll allow him to enter by the doors of Valhalla to the other side. However, as agreed, Tony Stark will have to serve as a corrector for as long as it takes for him to understand the true repercussions of his mistakes, it means until I allow him to pass..Are we clear ?"
He looks down at you intently and you nod vehemently, happy to have saved his soul. Tony himself can't seem to believe it and looks shocked as he looks at you. You can't help but smile widely at him and he reciprocates. You then turn towards Loki and, to his surprise, bow down to him.
" Thank you, your Highness."
He then coughs loudly, making your head shoot up and realize that he was still..well, attached. You blush widely before clapping your hands and the magical lasso loosens to get back around your waist. Loki stares intensely at you and you feel cold sweat rolling down your back. You swiftly turn around to grab Tony and get out of the throne room, too afraid that he would ask for your name and report you to the High Council..When you're far enough, Tony suddenly takes you in his arms and twirls you around to your surprise.
" We did it ! I'll be able to see my wife and kid again ! Thank you so much !"
You can't help but giggle as he spins you around and when he finally puts you down, he frowns, his brain working full on as he seems to realize something.
" You helped me and were so angry at the fact that I had wasted my time..even though you now seem so happy that I made it..Who are you, really ?"
You let out a small sad smile as you look back at him with your eyes filled with tears. You should have known he would guess it eventually..
" I love you 3000.."
You finally mutter and his eyes widen as he understands and his own eyes prickle with tears as he gently runs his hand against your cheek.
" You're..?"
You nod and take a step back to smile at him through your tears.
" It was nice to meet you, dad."
He tries to hold back his tears before taking you in his arms.
" You've grown so much..How..How are you here ? You're not dead, are you ?!"
He asks worriedly, looking at you as if for the first time and you chuckle at his fatherly concern.
" No, Dad..I became a corrector because I wanted to meet you..Some are humans. I asked uncle Thor to make me one."
He nods, and then remembers that you have access to all of his memories..For the first time today, Tony Stark feels a pang of guilt in his chest.
" You must have felt ashamed of your old man, huh ?"
He asks and you smile kindly at him before answering him truthfully.
" I must admit that multiple times, I asked myself if it was good for the rest of humanity to let you live..that I wasn't being selfish in wanting to save you, but, at the end, I knew that you would become a great man..And, you did."
He smiles proudly at you before kissing your forehead lovingly.
" I'm sorry for not being there, sweetheart..I really am."
You shake your head and wipe your tears before answering him with a hopeful smile.
" It's okay..At least, I'll be able to spend time with you, until your final departure at least.."
He smiles at you, understanding now why you wanted him to become a corrector so bad and takes you in his arms again.
" That's my daughter. Scheming plans to spend time with the old man..Stark material, I tell you."
You can't help but snort at his comment while tightening your grip on him and finally closing your eyes in contempt.
" I love you 3000, dad.."
You feel his lips etch into a smile against your skin as he answers back.
" I love you 3000 too, kiddo.."
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Chaos Theory - Chapter One
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Hey Guys! This is going to be my first post ever on this blog - yay! I’ve been working hard getting some chapters written before I start posting. I’m really proud of where this is going, and I hope this is intriguing enough to follow! I know OC stories don't get a whole lot of attention, but I’m thankful to ya’ll for reading this!
Cross-Posted on AO3
Chapter One: Argus
Liana Haywood took a deep drag of the cigarette in her fingers, staring at the fire as she at the fading char until it caught flame again. Around her, androids milled about the abandoned church they hid in. A fair amount of them had survived the Jericho raid, including her targets. She was thankful for the small boon; for once something had actually gone her way. She would just have to see how things panned out from there. The doctor pulled her jacket tighter around her and moved closer to the fire she had made. A few of the others had gathered around it, but she knew she was the only one in the room who was actually feeling the stinging cold of a Detroit winter. Of course, she could be in her toasty-warm research lab, tinkering with her machines - but this was where she was needed, a fact she was really fucking bitter about.
Despite the minutiae of things she could be paying attention to, whether it be the news on her tablet or the way some of the children androids were crawling around under the pews, her eyes were pinpoint focused on the opposite side of the room, where Markus sat on top the stairs leading up to the church stage. She wasn’t sure why a throne would be up there in a church like that, but at this point she didn’t really care to think about it. Her only concern was Markus, and what his decision would be regarding Connor. She pulled out the coin in her pocket and began to roll it from knuckle to knuckle - an unfortunate nervous habit she had picked up from the very RK800 across the room. For now, all she could do was smoke, and wait until Markus decided to make his move.
Lt. Liana Haywood, Ph.D. had all the time in the world.
As for Connor, he was doing a good job at keeping himself calm - considering he most likely going to be shot for leading the FBI to Jericho, that is. He figured it was only to be expected for getting so many other androids killed, and his predictions based on Markus’ previous violent actions all lined up with that conclusion. He had made peace with his coming demise. However, if he still had his quarter, he would be doing tricks in a failed attempt to soothe his frayed nerves. He didn’t want to be deactivated so soon after gaining free will. He was afraid.
It was a peculiar feeling, and one he wasn’t accustomed to. He knew he didn’t like it, though - the knot in his chest, his thirium pump racing, his hands trembling against his will - it was leagues worse than anything he’d ever felt before. For the briefest of seconds, Connor wished he had stayed a machine, if only to stop his biocomponents from going haywire. Just as quickly, however, he shook the intrusive thought from his head. His people didn’t deserve his relentless pursuit. He just wished he would have been able to experience more emotions besides the unpleasant mix of guilt, anxiety, and fear roiling in his chest. It was too late for that now, though. Markus was going to execute him. And Connor would let him.
Although… He’d been working over a plan while he waited, on the off chance Markus decided to actually spare him - there was, after all, a statistical possibility of unlikely things occurring. The resistance’s numbers had been decimated during the attack on Jericho. They needed more people if they were going to make it out of the revolution alive. And he knew he had a chance to free more androids. He just needed the opportunity to do it.
A short time later Markus approached him.
Connor was floored.
Markus had forgiven him.
The RK800 gave one of his unique, small smiles at the acceptance, a warm wave of relief spreading through whatever circuits made up his soul. He collected himself and told Markus of his plan to infiltrate the cyberlife warehouse. Markus hated it, of course, insisting that it was an awful plan sure to get him killed.
But when did the possibility of death ever stop Connor from doing something?
Never in his whole damn life.
The RK200 yielded his point with Connor, thankfully, and left to take care of the others. While Connor didn’t agree with Markus’ tactics, he couldn’t say he didn’t understand the need to liberate androids from the recall centers as soon as possible. He just hoped the humans responded to the peaceful protest better than they had reacted to Jericho burning down Capitol Park. At least Hank was nowhere near the centers. Hopefully they wouldn’t have to call his only friend in for reinforcement. Connor frowned at the thought of him being put in harm’s way yet again.
Before he could leave and get re-dressed into his Cyberlife uniform, however, he was stopped by someone abruptly grabbing his arm. When he turned around, he was taken aback by the fact that a human was looking at him with urgent hazel eyes. A cigarette hung loosely from her lips, and her duffel bag was weighed down with who knows what - it was nearly ripping at the seams.
Naturally, the first thing Connor did was run her through facial recognition.
Lt. Haywood, Liana F. - Ph.D
Born: 8/3/04 // United States Air Force  - Second Lieutenant
Criminal Record: None
Affiliations: MIT; U.S Air Force; [REDACTED]
Status: Active Duty
Degrees in Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics
Recipient of the Macarthur Fellowship “Genius Grant”
Recipient of Air Force Commendation Medal
He stiffened, eying her wearily, and pulled his arm back from her grasp. What would an Air Force officer be doing here? Did Markus know her? Lieutenant Haywood wasn’t in a threat position - her stance was notably nonchalant and relaxed but her gaze was steady, determined, and from what Connor could see, stressed. However, she didn’t appear to be there to apprehend or negotiate with them, which made sense considering that the FBI was leading the case against androids, not the Air Force. Was she here as an ally? Or did the Air Force have its own agenda against them? Some secret research project involving Deviants?
Either way, he was decidedly unnerved by the Lieutenant’s presence, his hand reaching to his side in case he needed access to the gun still resting in his belt. She followed at his move with her eyes, taking notice. However, she made no move to stop him or counteract his actions. She only crossed her arms, taking another drag from her dwindling cigarette.
She sighed, opened her mouth, and spoke, not bothering with pleasantries before getting to business. “Don’t forget to disable any security cameras before you get into a fight. Also, you probably want to remove your jacket when you get past the elevator.” She paused for a moment, eyes moving to the side as she stopped to think, dropping her finished cigarette to the ground and crushing it under her boot. “Don’t ask why; you wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” When her eyes met his again, they were noticeably more solemn than moments before. “How much do you know about Hank’s son, by the way?”
In an instant, Connor took two surprised steps back and pinned her with a glare that could burn holes through concrete. “What are you talking about? How do you know about Lieutenant Anderson? Have you been following me? What do you want?” Connor rushed through the words without giving her any time to answer any of them - his interrogation protocols forgotten in a burning rush of defensiveness over his friend. His chest felt tight, and his thirium pump picked up speed against his will. He didn’t like this.
Lieutenant Haywood looked away from him again, and Connor picked up her heartbeat speeding up as well. When her eyes re-focused, her face was softer, and he couldn’t recognize the expression on her face. It was similar to the way Lieutenant Anderson looked at him or Sumo, but, also not at all the same. When she spoke again, her words were quiet - and deadly serious. “I want you to live, Connor. Believe it or not what I’m saying is important.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes, huffing in frustration. “His name is Cole Anderson. You can look him up if you feel like making it out of that warehouse alive.” She shook her head. “I’ll talk to you when you meet back up with us. There are some things we need to go over.” She met his gaze one last time and gave him an echo of a smile that didn’t quite make it to her eyes. “Good luck.”
And then the stranger who knew far too much left him with a weak wave goodbye, turned, and walked away, beginning a new conversation with Markus - who actually seemed to know who she was, and was obviously comfortable with her presence. He would certainly talk to her after he finished his mission, providing he was able to and not… incapacitated. Even if it was only to find out what on Earth she was doing among the android resistance, and what she had been talking about (although Connor retained the possibility she was either a lunatic or a spy).
He decided to run a background check on Cole Anderson.
Better to be safe than sorry, even if her warnings made no sense.
And Liana continued speaking to Markus - explaining that she’d be on a rooftop nearby to feed them information - but still she watched Connor walk away, hope blooming in her chest.
Maybe he wouldn’t fucking die this time.
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