#for those of you who are new we had 2 real gas leaks and several false alarns due to management incompetence at the old place
Screw it I had a rough day (false fire alarm just before I had to leave for work, which I think some of you have been around long enough for the saga of My Cats and I Now Have High Anxiety/PTSD Responses to Fire Alarms After Repeat Exposure), so I'm curling my hair and flipping a coin on if I'm watching anime or spooky stores on YouTube while I do it since I can't sleep.
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thetravelerwrites · 5 years
My Real Life Story, with Pictures! (Graphic, Long Post)
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So, I’m not sure exactly why I decided to do this, or what I expect the outcome to be, other than the fact that I’ve never actually committed the information to print or written any part of it down. I’ve never made a record of it. Maybe it’s because it’s 2 A.M. and I can’t sleep or maybe I just need to get it all out, but here we go. If long posts and personal stuff isn’t your thing, feel free to scroll on.
Most of you know that I am not well. You may not know why, and if you know why, you may not know how. You might even have curiosity about it but feel nervous about asking me questions, worried that you might offend me. Let me reassure you: you can’t. I have been asked every possible question people can thing of. More to the point, I want you to ask. I want you to be curious and brave enough to come to me and ask me to my face questions about my condition because you want to learn. If you ask, I can explain, and then you can understand. I want you to understand.
Graphic retelling of childhood accidents and trauma under the cut:
In October of 1986, my mother, father, older brother, and I were living in a very small mobile home on my great-uncle’s property out in a rural area of Mississippi. We were poor and struggling, so my uncle offered to let us stay in in his spare rental until we got on our feet. My dad had just gotten a job, Mom was in the middle of her ninth month of pregnancy with my younger brother, and my older brother, who has autism and got chronic pneumonia, was doing better both medically and behaviorally, so things seemed to be looking up for us.
Before I go further, I should explain that out that deep in the country, the mobile home was not connected to any main gas line, but the stove and heater were gas-reliant, so we were using large propane tanks to fuel them. There were gas connections in every room, so that other gas fed things, like additional heaters, could be placed in those rooms. All of those outlets were connected to the propane tanks, but they were capped to prevent the propane from leaking into the home while the tanks’ valves were open.
The propane tank that was fed to the heater was usually shut off in the spring and opened back up in the fall. Sometime during the summer of that year, however, the cap to one of the outlets had broken. It wasn’t a big deal at the time, since that tank's valve was shut, so my grandfather, who stayed with us periodically, decided he would go and get a new one when he had the time.
Except he forgot.
October 14th came, and the first cold front of the season rolled in. Forgetting that the cap hadn’t been replaced in one of the bedrooms, my grandfather turned on the tank for the heater in the living room, planning to use it later that night when it got cold. For several hours, propane leaked unchecked into the home. Like natural gas, propane on its own does not have a smell. Most companies add a smell for detection purposes, but it seemed we were not using tanks from those companies, as there was no smell. The only clue we had that something was amiss was that our eyes were burning. My mother did in fact call the gas company to ask if there was a problem, but the gas company, not realizing we weren’t using natural gas, told her that if she couldn’t smell anything, that it probably wasn’t a big leak, and that she should just open up the windows to let it dissipate and they’d send someone out the next day.
About 3:30 P.M., my mom was getting ready to go an get my dad from work. I was in the kitchen with my grandfather, helping him prep dinner, and my older brother was outside in the yard playing. My grandfather was going to make a roast with potatoes and carrots, and I was bring him to the fridge. I had turned two years old that August. Some gas stoves have pilot lights, but some you have to manually light with a match after turn the gas on. We had one of those. As soon as my grandfather struck the match, the entire house went up like a bomb.
My grandfather threw up his arms and was blown out of the window behind him. My mother was thrown 15 feet away and landed on her stomach, instantly forcing her into labor. My older brother was far enough away that he was minimally injured, just scrapes and bruises. I was blown against the wall and knocked unconscious while still inside the house. During which, I began to burn.
There was a fire station not far from our house who saw the fire, so they were there before the neighbors even called 911. My mom was hysterical, trying to find her children. Ross managed to get back to the front of the house, but I was nowhere to be seen. The firemen were not going to go into the burning mobile home, assuming anyone who had still been inside must have been killed in the initial blast.
Imagine their surprise when I walked out under my own power. While I was unconscious, my nervous system went into shock, so when I woke up, I couldn’t feel the fact that I was not only grievously injured, but also still on fire. Having woken inside a burning house, my first instinct was to get out of it. So I did.
If you’re squeamish, please skip this paragraph. Burns do strange things to the human body. One of the most gruesome and painful is what happens to your skin. The outside layers shrivel and dry out because of the heat, but the inside layers swell and collect fluid because of the injury as a way of protecting your insides. What ends up happening is the outer skin splits open in various places, most commonly in places that crease, like your elbows, knees, hips, neck, and ankles. The intense heat may also temporarily blind you, whiting both the irises and pupils of your eyes completely. So, I walked out, my hair and clothes burned away, wearing only my diaper, which are surprisingly fire-retardant, my skin split open and bleeding, and my eyes whited over, still aflame.
One of the firefighters/paramedics came up with a thermal blanket to put me out, and as soon as it touched my skin, I went into full systemic shock, had a heart attack, and my heart stopped. They managed to resuscitate me, though my skin kept sloughing off. I was taken to the local hospital, where I was emergency airlifted to the Delta Medical Center in Louisiana. My heart stopped again in the helicopter, and I was again resuscitated.
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What they weren’t telling the newspapers is that my condition was worse than that of my mother and grandfather. My mother was told that there wasn’t much they could do for me. I was on so much pain medication that giving me more would have killed me, so all they could do was put me in a chemical coma for three weeks. They predicted that my right hand would be useless, that there would be significant brain damage, that I would be on a ventilator for the rest of my life and would never speak again, and that’s if I survived. My mother decided that wasn’t good enough for her, and looked until she found Dr. Frederick Stucker, a pediatric otolaryngologist and facial reconstructionist.
He was willing to experiment and try things that, at the time, were experimental. He told my mother that I would likely die, so at the very least, they could say they had tried everything. My mom agreed.
I had 14 surgeries in the first six months, and 21 by the first year. I spend the next two years at the LSU Medical Center burn ward, where I had a lot of painful procedures to keep me alive and mobile. My airway was completely destroyed and required a complete reconstruction using tissue and cartilage from my leg, which is commonplace nowadays, but was cutting edge in 1986. I was the first person to have their airway reconstructed from harvested tissue. I had many skin grafts and a tracheotomy put in just in case the reconstruction failed.
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After the first year, I was allowed to go home one weekend a month, but for the most part, I stayed in the hospital in a sterile environment. Infection could have killed me, and precautions had to be taken to prevent me getting sick. I couldn’t get my normal immunizations until I was completely healed, which wasn’t until I was 6 years old.
I’ve done much better than the doctors ever expected. I can speak, I have no brain damage, my right hand is my dominant hand, and I’m doing very well, considering. My airway is collapsing, as the tissue from the reconstruction is deteriorating, which is why I had the trach reinstalled, as it had come out when I was seven.
Now, if anyone has further questions about any of this, I welcome them. But, this is my story. I just thought it would be cathartic to actually write the story down. And now I’m not sure how to end it. Probably because it’s not over yet.
Me and my brothers:
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artdjgblog · 4 years
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Innerview: Chad Tomas Johnston / The Stained Glass Kaleidoscope ​
June 2008
Art: DJG​
​Note: ​Questions on creativity for a book​.​
The big thing I want to know from you is this: You have worked as a janitor and a data-entry clerk (or something to that effect). Neither of those is highly prestigious. At the same time, you are creating art.
0​1) What drives you to create? Since a young age, I’ve always been fortunate to have outlets for creation. Naturally, almost every child has the freedom to play. But, my formative younger years gave me not only the freedom but also the cow and the whole farm. Growing up a farm boy product of the middle of the mid-west, I had room to romp and to roll. Lots of corn row cuts on my face. Lots of bicycle tire tattoos on the hot summer crater face of the black top road. Lots of holes in boots. Lots of arm snags on the rickety tree house scrap wood and nails. Lots of gold nuggets discovered in the cat poop sandbox. I still get kicks from all these things. Fast approaching thirty, I still plan to never grow a harder and complete “adult” shell. If I do it better be candied and with lots of decorative engravings in it. Though, I’m positive I’d just eat it. I have always been housed in my own little shell. I’ve been a big fan of my inner world since I was old enough to process it. The beauty of life is that people can pile a peel of tires on me all they want, but they can’t touch what morning glories I’ve got crowing and climbing inside. And someday when I’m gone perhaps the seeds I do sew on the outside will spread a bit and people can figure out what the heck my insides were all they want. I don’t know and don’t care. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t think about it. I hate to talk this way, like I’m a thinking man. But, I guess I shouldn’t be ashamed to say that I think about the inner tick-tocks. A lot of it is clogged cogs though. Some by me, some by others. I just have to create. It’s how I get oiled and weathered. It’s my lightning and lightning rod. It’s my confessional. It’s my testament. It’s how I scrub my own floors and stink them back up. There is creation in everyone and thing and evolution of that creation at the same time. We’re all positively guilty of dragging a blade, feather duster or spilt paint bucket behind us into the every day world no matter what business is plowed, pillaged or plundered. Every day is different for me. Every day or every time I make something I think about what that certain something would have looked like or would have had me feeling like had I made it yesterday or tomorrow, a month from now or even an hour ago. It’s hard not to think about that stuff, but I can’t help from it. Though, at the same time I generally feel that I’m always making what I need to be making at that time, even if something isn’t a direct hit. I’d like to have the mindset that I’m always making my best work. And after a number of years of making stuff, the act of it almost becomes second nature. In some ways when I’m working and alone, I am closer to MY maker. I feel I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. I just have to take the life in, chew it and spit it back out. The process of each stage can be quite the intoxicating affair. But, it’s when I’m in the thick of it, that’s where there is real visual communication for me. I just have to take it in decent strides. I have been at stages with this where it can be controlling. That’s not a good shake. I love how every day is new and unique to the subject of life. Even if it feels the same as other days, it’s still a different notch in the meter. Even after expiration date, one can still influence the path of somebody else’s day by the things or thoughts they’ve left on by the side of the road for somebody else to either run over or stop to pick up. True, sometimes the things people leave behind can be a free tank of gas to the soul, gum on tires, rocks in the rims or a whole darn spike strip. My insides feel different each day. Some days I’m full of gas and some days I’ve broke down all over. I still get up on the same wall that I hug through the night and I eat breakfast with my mouth every morning and put the socks on my feet (unless I feel like an impromptu puppet play). But, my head is always in a different spot and sometimes my gut and my heart too. Sometimes I’ve got a big ol’ mess of ice scream soup and one heck of a brain freeze fart. I tend to approach the make things table under this same light. That is, with always being all over my own map, not with brain freeze farts. And each night I try to get to sleep with my spots smoothed out flat and run together. Though, not always easy. I love how baby dalmation pups don’t have spots for the first little bit of life. I love how they look like little blind wigglin’ rats during those first weeks. They don’t need the spots at first to differentiate one from the next or to say who they are. They just are. All of those little things that I do without conscience, the getting up and the eating and the sock putting…and right now, talking and blahking…these things are flat color like the baby fireman dogs. But, it’s the spots that are inside of me. The spots talk back and forth with light oozing in and out. Each day it seems like there has been a whole new troop of moths infesting and eating away. Making spots is what they do. There is always a new picture debuting in my picture house and sometimes shot with three cameras in several angles (like in the great classic film, “How The West Was Won”). Some days I break the box office. Some days I just break the piggy bank and scrape nothing but dust bunnies and boiled turnips. But, “scraping by” is not just reserved for the bad term. Each day these spots leak a different solution to the make table problems and sometimes you have to go scraping around for them to mix just right. Sometimes it just all comes just right. But, I don’t really see the approach to the way I make things as problems. Of course, sometimes it can be a problem to have something to do with creation and to have others involved. There are times that I don’t see how GOD sleeps at night knowing that he simply just chooses to love me (or his other creations for that matter)…even with all of these spotty feelings and things sloshing around in me. I’m sure that by reading this and/or knowing what you know of me, you’re probably noticing my constant teeter and totter. I’m like a mixed fountain drink at the corner gas station. And there are some days I’m the little left-over sugar water puddle you find rotting out the bottom of a styrofoam cup in the back floor board of a 1984 Ford Tempo. You know? The one with the sagged burgundy roof fabric that always gives you a cow lick as you get into and out of her womb? Back in the ’80s when life was a lot simpler and a week felt like a month and things felt like they actually felt like something, my older brother and I would find the blackest piece of advertising gloss in Mom’s “People Magazine”. I still have dry scalp problems to this day. I don’t have color in my wardrobe, so I suppose I was blessed with an eternal snow day every day. Anyway, what I’m getting at is that despite the little defective box of frosted flakes we clutched to our brows as we hopped out of the womb, my brother and I found an outlet to creation with this. We would place that black space of advertising on the living room end tables (during a break in cartoons and when there wasn’t an audience of MOM, of course) and shake out a snow storm. It looked like a big bang from my personal perspective. An entire little universe of ourselves. I must confess that I’ve been known to still possess this other-worldly talent of creation. I’d love to do a daily blog of this. Why not?! Or, maybe my new goal should be to get into advertising and demand to make more glossy black space for rent to hire those young kids out there itchin’ to get their big galaxies and universe down patty caked on paper… There has been something in me for a long time itching to get out. Maybe my creativity is like a big beautiful bundle of mysterious male peacock feathers that just keeps on wiggling and growing those magnificent colors. I’m always cutting off bits and plucking. Sometimes the bits tickle me good and sometimes they dust me and smack me over. ​0​2) Was there a relationship between your janitorial work and your art? That is, did one influence the other? I was raised with a blue collar. I sure do wish I could say it was turned up and in “cool” mode. But, in a weird way I think it’s the coolest because it is part of my building blocks. And no matter where you go or what you do, you’re roots are still alive and growing. Farming is in my blood. In some ways I don’t feel janitorial work is too far down the line from tending pasture, mending fence and plowing fields. In many ways an employee of a janitorial service is his own boss because he-she is alone and in solitude, just doing what they feel needs to be done to spruce up the place. I feel the work I do as a designer or maker of things is similar. I dust out the mind’s stairwells and kick things down them too. One of the things that would lure me to farming would be this comfort in being alone and just doing the thing. I miss that about being a janitor or groundskeeper. I miss having that freedom of choice of going to a hard to reach spot or a parking space that cars or people rarely touch, though it’s dirty from pure existence, and just being alone and making it look good. There is a pride I take in making things look the way I want them to look. Janitorial work will never go out of style. And neither will people’s idea that a janitor or a farmer, even a graphic designer these days is a low denominator of work and intelligence among the common people. I don’t aim to sound bitter here. I was never bitter in the many years as a janitor. I may have been a bit bitter as a farmer’s son, and only at 16 to 18 as a typical disgruntled teen dying to retreat…now I love and respect my upbringing and my former vocation. I’m made of it all and it has all helped shape me to who I am now. I just find it fascinating how people find it their need to put others in a particular place. While I had some great reception when working as a janitor, it also garnered a lot of talk. Even on the job people confessed to me that they had been trying to figure me out. I found this oddly fascinating that I could consume some of their mind with the fact that I was just working a trade to pay the bills. One woman I bumped into regularly at the parking garage cigarettes station each afternoon said to me, and after researching my story for months, “I just couldn’t put it together. It didn’t make no sense to me why you’d be wanting to do this kind of work. You seemed friendly and intelligent and come to find you’ve got things you’re doing on the side, well it just had me wondering.” I wasn’t upset with her telling me this. I appreciated her honestly and she just had me oddly curious…even within my own person and broom shuffling. I even feel that people in the art world (what little puddle I’m in) found this janitorial aspect of my creating as quite fascinating or strange. It’s not that I chose janitorial jobs as a means to put myself on display nor to play a particular “ideal” in order for people to talk or raise eyebrows. I just enjoyed cleaning house, I suppose. Many people close to me didn’t know how to handle my dropping out of design school to work bottom rung janitorial jobs in the early hours of 2002. But, I knew in my heart that it was exactly what I needed to be doing and it was crucial for me to do it right then. It was my time. I also knew that I needed to place trust in something at the time. There was at least to me a blind comfort in cranking the somewhat padded strings up on around the empty spool of a heart I had at the time. It made things make a bit more sense and comforted me just to try to get settled the stirred dust of my head while my body pushed a makeshift mop or broom on autopilot. And if it didn’t make sense to others, well, let’s just say I just tried to hold my head up the best I could and stay focused on ahead down my own paper trail odyssey. Openly, I would recommend anybody to try janitorial work, especially if you are looking for a simple care-free environment. It’s still a job though and can still wear you thin at times. But, for the most part janitorial positions are pretty easy going if taken with the right mixture of work ethic, responsibility and frame of mind. Maybe I’ve just been fortunate to work in some great places? Of course there are always the literal “crap” jobs. Cleaning out women’s restrooms at a 24-hour call center is possibly the worst, but it still paid the bills for a bit. And if you do a great job scrubbing those bathrooms, you can get moved up pretty quick like I did. And sometimes you’ve got to find the humor and ridiculousness in mopping up overflowing toilets. One time in a men’s restroom with over an inch of standing toilet water, I came out of the stall with my mop in hand as somebody passed by. Now, if I walked into a restroom with standing water, I’d definitely just hustle to another restroom to do my business. But, some people don’t care and just make obvious comments like, “Geesh, that there’s a lot of water on da floor”, as they look at me oddly. I followed this with, “I’m just waiting on Noah now”. It took some time for what I said to register. The guy was probably thinking of if he knew anybody with the name of Noah. But, after a few minutes it had him laughing as we shared urinal cakes and rubber duckies. I’ve worked in many various places with my janitorial jobs and have gotten to meet a lot of interesting, hardworking and diverse individuals that have all helped fuel my extra-curricular in some odd way, shape or form. I was even involved with monthly potluck dinners at one janitorial job. It was an amazing way to fellowship and bring together our little piece of the night shift community. The job site environments themselves were very inspiring to me as well. From junior high to my last year of high school I wanted to be an architectural designer of sports stadiums. That is, until I realized I was horrible at mathematics. Coincidentally, I got to somewhat fulfill my early dream as I pulled the trash for one day at my favorite baseball stadium design, Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City Royals. I once won a Royals baseball essay competition about my love for the sights and sounds of going to this ballpark and here I was getting to pull the trash! It floored me when I got to the ballpark at dawn on that Tuesday in April of 2002 and could see the sun hit the green grass of the infield, and to think I was one of the few people there in that gorgeous testament to modern architecture and design, watching the natural elements bounce into and out of it. Moving on, I pulled the night trash and buffed the floor at an award-winning sports architectural firm for a couple of months. This was incredible as I got to see the pre-production and scale models and I sneaked a few little things home from the dumpster. I can honestly say that I did some work for a sports architectural firm. My longest post at cleaning was at the Kansas City Board of Trade. This was a unique place to work and oddly connected me to my farming past as this was the building that all the trades went on. It still dumbfounds me how that whole system of loud talking works, but I just enjoyed being there cleaning up and running errands. It was a job that I could have easily stayed at forever. And I was appreciated and people even took an interest in what I did out of uniform. I even designed a few posters, sketched and studied while I was on the clock. And there was a ton of great stuff to create with or to collect. But, one of my favorite things was to find things while cleaning, like hand-written letters or notes. I even found money a few times. I also enjoyed finding creatures that spoke to me from their confines in the pavement cracks. Certainly, it was a scary thing to just up and quit college to become a professional cleaner, to go into hiding to tan a new hide. But, for the first time in my life I was really carving my own initials. It may have been a selfish beginning, but I think that everybody needs to follow their heart more. If you trust in that, then you’re putting your trust in something higher that the heart strings are connected to. I just trusted that and worked hard at work and at play and kept my eyes open. In some ways janitorial jobs taught me to open up my lids even more. Design school had opened up new worlds within and around me. But, I think a lot of kids go straight from the comforts of the design lab and into full-time positions at design firms and they end up losing something that they had a good grip on months prior. It’s not that those types of professional atmospheres are bad. I think that everybody has a different approach to their life’s work or trade. Working in a design firm just never spoke to me at all and I’ve always been very protective of my craft since the early days of voluntarily locking myself up in my room or sandbox to create. Visiting many design firms from 1999 to 2001 had me worried sick about the idea of being stuck in a career that didn’t feed me the way I wanted to be fed. I didn’t want to eat at a trough. I wanted my own mini buffet and at my own leisure. And by the last couple of semesters of college, I was a wreck of a slushed soul from this and everything else that life had to offer. All of my eyes had become a bit closed up again except for the one that shown to me that something inside of me needed to explode. And I only knew of one way that could get me out. I suppose it’s safe for me to say in tree sap honesty that my brain has always been running backwards and forwards and catty-whompus since day one. I realize this now especially because I have come to see some of the ice bergs upstairs a little bit better that took me years to get to know. I sometimes wish I was in my early twenties again (only to have more time to MAKE), but I think I’ve gotten a better grip with age and life learning. Even though I still don’t quite understand what exactly makes me tick-tock and run, I can at least try to appreciate my masonry work and work at mending it in small clumps. Sometimes I think what makes me really run are hounds nipping at my ankles. Though, the dogs are sometimes good as they snap with ice pick claws the clamps that can chain me to some things. But, those same claws also dig into me. It’s not that I ran from problems or obstacles nor did I take the easy out and quit something important like a college education to sweep parking lots. I had exhausted myself in that particular stage of my early twenties and needed to mobile my shell before I got dragged down for more than good. I had something screaming inside and I needed to find the right spit can to collect it all in. Despite my own understanding of my actions, I do feel that a lot of people felt I was throwing myself away in order to pick up garbage. Actually, what I was doing was saving myself. With janitorial positions, I just knew that they were speaking to me just right and I was able to speak through them with my own work and I found comfort at that important place in my life. My design odyssey had me working for independent musicians. I knew of the occupational wallet hazards of such a sound decision before I made my move from slacker college design student to slacker somewhat professional designer. I just knew I was supposed to be in a Kansas City, MO ghetto living with a band (and some) in an old decrepit pile of an orange house and making stuff through the night and sleeping in my janitor outfit to go have some peace with thinking and making on the job too. And I wanted the stability of a fixed income, yet without a lot of the baggage that most people deal with in the day job day dream. Being young and dumb is one thing, but I felt that what I was doing was justifiable to my pocket book, the work force, my real work, and most importantly to my sanity (and others’ sanitation). ​0​3) What is your goal when you are creating something? That is, what are you striving to achieve? The marriage of a man’s inner workings to a blank space is incredible to me…when it hits just right and is of the moment and a spark of life happens. You can tell when something’s speak is whole and true because of the immediate connection you share with it. I gather this whether it’s a piece of art, a song, a movie, a writing or a bowl of sugary cereal. Heck, I can walk seven minutes to work and feel something so much bigger turning the keys and mashing buttons all around me. And when something man made speaks, you can tell that there is soul source material. There might be a hand-me-down system for putting it together on the outside, but you can tell when the halls of sincerity and honesty are opened up. You can tell when somebody’s exposing their bones and-or studying their bones and sharing observations of their world in a much bigger world with other smaller worlds encased. Whenever an incredible song, movie, writing…piece of nature or thought…speaks with just the right lens it can be like unwrapping a gift made special for the birthday boy or girl. And every day could essentially be a birthday in this way. I love the discovery of new things and to think that I could have found this many moons back, yet wasn’t in the right frame of mind or reference or reflection until the day I consumed it. I think that we should celebrate every day like this idea that every day is completely new and is perfect to us because it is in the now and we couldn’t have registered with it in any other place, point or time. Every day is different with me and my inner workings are never wound the same each day. And every day I’d like to think I’m getting more and more oiled and weathered at the same time. Life’s lightning is always ready to strike and I’ve got to play lightning rod too. It’s a hard balance on some days. But, I just want to approach each day within my own little arts and crafts section of the basement with the idea that I’m doing my best work and best that I can living down here. There are moments with creativity, when one can feel like a buried burrow. Especially when the older you get, the younger the clock gets. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and hard to match the pace of what the inside is screaming to the race outside. And I can’t pull the all-nighters like I used to. With my own art I try not to make it a chore. I try to make time for it and to always keep it in my saddlebags, within reason. I wish to give a paper trail that is of me and for others at the same time. I’d be a liar if I said my art wasn’t for me. It is and if I didn’t get something out of it or enjoy it, then I shouldn’t be doing it. But when others can wring something from my wash cloths, then that means so much to me. I really want to leave my little print on every leaf I pass, that is, if they all wish to hold my ink. Though, sometimes with deadlines and a full schedule that houses a day job, marriage and life stuff…well, making stuff can get a little rushed out and flushed out. It can start to feel like a same ol’ song and dance side show. Though, to look at the other side, you just do your song and dance while you’re here. We’ve all got one and some people never fully see it realized. I’m thankful to have what I feel are the proper fitting shoes and I just now would love to find a way to keep them on in a full-time manner. But, to keep on poking at the other side, I feel that there should never be a set switch to creativity. It’s not something that should be crammed into an eight hour day. My creativity doesn’t tune-out the minute I leave the house or get set in my current cubicled job of data entry. It can sometimes be charged in different ways and in peculiar ways. Though, sometimes with making things you’ve just got to recharge from over-exposure. I found out last year that it’s ok to say NO and it’s ok to take a time away from the table. I even learned this with a personal eating diet and schedule change. You can probably tell from a lot of my past work or “periods” when I’ve either been struggling or am bored, tired or am just way too constipated by life’s tap dance and life only. I think it translates to the end product, but I also believe it’s very much a testament of the experience and sometimes it can really speak in good and bad scoops. I think that it can happen to anyone and any profession, even full-time moms and dads. It’s not just something that happens to an artist or graphic designer. However, sometimes with art, the exact opposite can occur when you can feed off the energy of life and turn it into something else…something positive. It’s not a smooth relay, but fortunately I’ve been able to feed life to the creative torch. I’m at a place in my life where I just want to set my fire to everything. Stacking up seven years of attacking what it is I do in a professional manner, I’ve received a shiny little brush fire of praise and achievement. I’ve got a small band of pilgrims around the globe attracted to my blemishes and blandishments. I’ve been very appreciative and excited, even though some of my past responses or replies to this sort of thing have been a bit sheepish. I’ve always had trouble taking praise because I’m extremely hard on myself and it can be a very surreal experience when people take up with something that I’ve made and make it part of their experience. What could be worse, I’m always in strict competition with myself, but it’s also part of the discovery and making nature, I think. Again, a healthy balance is needed. Lately though, I’ve just been more excited for the idea of creation and making things and sharing things. But, sometimes it can be easy for things to lose their context and meaning with everything so I’ve got to start believing in umbrellas and nap time blankets again. The minute you make something and put it out there on the platter (more like, the buffet) you’re giving up a huge chunk of yourself exposed to the world. It’s just part of the game. That is, unless you’re painting in a cave or somebody out of connection with society just making stuff without an audience. I guess it would be like folk art. Things made by untrained folk artists really floor and inspire me. Their education is from life or from a higher calling and they must tell this story and a lot of them don’t start telling until later in life. It’s almost like they go back to being a kid again. I love this. They simply must MAKE and play. I try to strive to make for making’s sake. But, it can at times be hard being that I have had formal training and have had a fair amount of praise from the art and design community, so it’s easy for ideas to be pushed too hard and easy for the world to interfere. I do my best though at just doing what it is that I doo-doo. Finding beauty and inspiration in folk art makes me just find something inside of me and lead it on out at its own will and without whips and horse wranglers. Last summer I went from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City to just across the street to the American Folk Art Museum. Both are incredible houses for the arts, but it was the stuff in the less crowded, less artsy-fartsy American Folk Art Museum that really floored me the most. I had been studying a lot of the work for a few years, but to see it in the flesh was astounding. There is something very immediate and wholesome to it. Something so pure that is rarely touched by a so-called “professional” artist. And it can really challenge the thinking as to why we are making and putting outrageous price tags on things. But, it inspires myself to just try to speak the best I can and from a place inside of me. Talk. Talk. Talk. Talk. Blahk…I’m not skilled enough to strike up much debate on the issues here and I hate over-doing-it. I just enjoy folk art and regular art…and whatever else speaks. Anyway, the results can be ugly sometimes when you release something out there into the world. It can be personal poison when you clean out your ears. Everybody’s got an opinion and the opinion inside the messenger can be the worst. Everybody these days is a critic. I’m guilty. But, I don’t make stuff to be recognized or critiqued. I don’t make stuff so others can save me some glossy pages in their design annual. That stuff is great, but the work to me would be dead and done if I ever got to that point. And it would be hollow if I was just cranking stuff out for the approval of others. That’s one of the reasons I feed off of everyday influences and mood swings. I don’t want to spin the same wheels over and over. That’s one of the reasons I don’t wish to chase another man’s dream working in a design firm. I wouldn’t mind helping to hold the ladder on some cloud shaping a bit, but I’m not going to be their spotty dog that fetches design over and over and over. I’ve felt that once before even within the confines of music design and am just now at a comfortable place again with what I’m doing. But, there’s always a different dog nipping. Sometimes it can be pretty dumbfounding whenever something of myself comes out of me and then transcends the basement steps and flies the coop. It’s great to share the stuff, but I’ve felt an unexplainable emptiness at events like award shows or my own solo exhibition openings. The only way I can decipher it after much chewing is that, once it leaves the basement and my little world it’s really beyond me. I’m not a parent, but I suppose the feeling is similar to releasing a child to winds of the first day of school. Once they leave you, they are vulnerable to the rest of the world. And now all of this has got me thinking about what I’m really doing. See, my struggling is out in the open now as I’m passing myself back and forth with this writing and I’m on display for all to gawk at. Still, it’s just part of the trade. I’d love to be able to not have a clock tower and to not be hanging from it. I have a hunger to just make stuff all day and on my own time (well, when I’m not watching movies, eating or doing life stuff). I do have a hunger to share the work after the hunger to create it has passed, but at the same time it’s hard to get a good grasp on that too. And to do my work full-time I have to get the work out and about even more. A lot of my work has seen more of the world than I have and it’s all really exciting. If it can affect others and make somebody stop to get an itch of inspiration or a tickle, especially in our short attention span world, then that is a wonderful thing, I guess. That is a great thing and something that I don’t really have any control over. I just try to be a human being with a hunch back that needs its juices popped. And I’m dangling from that clock tower right now as Sunday supper is almost on the table and the dusk is dawning…and a new week of the day job sits and starts to melt me in my own stomach acid. -djg
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vacationsoup · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/full-face-or-traditional-snorkeling-masks/
Full Face Snorkeling Masks Or Traditional Snorkeling Equipment For Your Hawaii Vacation
Researching the differences between full face snorkeling masks and traditional snorkeling equipment has been a real eye-opener for me. Thousands of visitors each year hit the beach with snorkel gear in hand. Who doesn't want to see what lies below the ocean surface? Heck, many have never even been in the ocean before. Warm water, tropical fish and sea turtles make for some impressive vacation memories.
But, unfortunately, for many reasons, this Hawaiian experience can be very dangerous. In fact, from 2008 to 2017, in the state of Hawaii, there were 183 drownings which occurred during snorkeling. 93% were non-Hawaii residents. More Hawaii visitors die from snorkeling than from motor vehicle crashes, aircraft crashes, falls or homicides combined. We want you to be safe!
Since 2018 there has been an increase in snorkel related deaths. Some of these deaths (at least 2) are believed to be linked to the full face snorkel mask, causing quite a controversy in the islands. I will start by saying that I have read several articles and watched quite a few videos and there does not seem to be a consensus on this issue, mostly because only recently was a snorkeling mask investigation started by the Hawaii Department of Health. Up until recently there have been no snorkeling regulations or records kept about the masks used in snorkeling deaths. The HI DOH Snorkeling Safety Brochure states, "Snorkeling-related drownings occurred before full-face masks became available. There is currently no evidence proving that a specific type of snorkel equipment is dangerous.* The truth is, snorkeling can be more dangerous than swimming - so be careful! *Causes are currently under investigation and may include: challenges with equipment, fatigue, changes in oxygen/carbon dioxide concentration, medical conditions, effects of air travel or other factors."
What People Like About the Full Face Snorkel Masks
 Visibility - on most masks the lens curves behind the eye giving the swimmer a clear uninterrupted 180 degree view. The frame does   not alter the view.
 Water Barrier - the mask seals around the entire face, decreasing the chance of water coming in. A wide strap in the rear holds the   mask tightly in place.
 Natural Breathing - you can inhale and exhale through either your nose or your mouth. The absence of a mouth piece makes it more   comfortable for some people.
 Go Pro cameras can be mounted on the top breathing tube.
Concerns Regarding the Full Face Snorkel Masks
 As reported by Hawaii Civil Beat, Dr. Philip Foti, an Oahu physician who specializes in pulmonary and internal medicine, addressed   a conference, regarding drowning prevention, in 2017, and stated this about full-faced masks: “…there is dead space ventilation in   the device that seems greater than in the standard snorkel tube. That dead space can cause carbon dioxide buildup.” This CO2   buildup could cause a person to become disoriented, or, even lose consciousness.
 Full face masks tend to be prone to leaking and fogging up. When it leaks water fills the mask making it impossible to breathe   through either the nose or the mouth.
 With straps that go completely around the head, removing the masks can be difficult. In a panic situation, remembering the steps to   remove a full-faced mask may be forgotten.
 Without taking off the mask, it is hard for other people to hear calls for help.
The original makers of the full face snorkel masks, Ocean Reef, claim their products have none of these defects. Jon Wilkins, Ocean Reef USA's Sport Division Manager had this to say,
"Since 2014, there have been more than 1 million full face snorkeling masks, which have been designed and manufactured by Ocean Reef/Italy, sold into the world marketplace. 
The design comes from more than 25 years of experience in the military, professional and recreational full face mask gas and scuba markets. These masks were designed to increase the enjoyment of snorkelers.
Ocean Reef’s masks are designed so that users breathe in fresh air, and eliminate spent air containing high CO2 content, safely and comfortably. 
With reference to 'knock-off’ versions, we believe that those which have been produced without understanding of, or non-adherence to, the same safety designs as Ocean Reef’s, may be a cause of reported discomfort to users. In addition, some of those products could be dangerous because of those design flaws, primarily related to inadequately eliminating carbon dioxide build up."
This last paragraph raises concerns about the variety of manufactures selling full face snorkel masks. Robert Wintner, founder of Snorkel Bob's, says, “I get three or four inquiries a week from Chinese manufacturers. ‘You must carry these. Please send your address. We’ll send samples.’ And my response is always the same, ‘No, thank you. Please put them in the dumpster.'”  Wintner decided against carrying any of the full face masks after his researchers tested them.
Reviews are mixed. Some say the full face mask has allowed them to participate in something they were never able to do before with the traditional snorkeling equipment. Others report problems.
"I’ve been using a HEAD full face mask for two years. I’ve snorkeled in the Florida Keys, The Galapagos Islands and the British Virgin Islands. I’ve not had a bad experience. The mask is more comfortable that conventional mask and snorkel, the viewing area is greater and there is less fogging. My HEAD cost $99 and I’ve seen knock-offs for as little as $29. In this case you get what you pay for. Nothing but great comments for this mask."
Mike Horn, July 2018
"We bought some Tribord masks for our trip to Maui a couple years ago. My wife likes hers and swears by it. I could never get mine to fit/seal properly and was constantly struggling with the adjustments. Once water enters, it fogs up fast. Also, I felt that breathing was a bit more restrictive and difficult at times. Unlike a traditional setup, it’s very difficult to remove and/or readjust it without getting out of the water completely. Personally, I’m much happier with a traditional snorkel setup, but I do see their attraction for new/inexperienced users. On a side note, we also purchased a no-name brand mask from Costco while we were in Maui (looking for a better fit). It was horrible compared to the Tribord. The water valve would randomly get stuck, and it had difficulties expelling the CO2 gasses (which made me nauseous and light headed). I returned it once we got back to the main land."
Bill, July 2018
I would suggest you do your own research. If you decide to try a full face snorkel mask, be sure to:
 Buy a high quality product! The circulation system on good full face masks keeps fresh air for inhalation completely separate from   the carbon dioxide exhaled.
 Try it out at home without water and/or in a pool.
 Make sure you can breathe comfortably and practice quickly removing  your mask.
 Make sure the mask does not leak at all.
 Stay close to shore until you are sure the mask is working properly.
 Always snorkel with a buddy at arm's length and check on one another frequently, regardless of the mask you use.
 Breathe slowly and move calmly.
 Monitor your body throughout your snorkeling excursion. It you start feeling tired or get a headache - come to shore!
Interestingly, some ocean tour companies are not allowing full face snorkel gear on board.  One reason is that if a snorkeler is calling for help, without taking off the mask, the crew can not hear them. Here is one company's rationale with pro and con comments following. I found them quite interesting and informative.
In May of 2018, after a rash of snorkeling deaths on Maui, CBS did this story about the full face snorkeling masks.
So whichever snorkel mask you decide to use, please watch the water conditions, observe all posted beach warning signs and know your limits. Make smart decisions. With caution, like thousands each year, you can have a wonderful experience snorkeling the reefs of Hawaii.
For more of my blogs, or to subscribe, go to the right-hand side of this page (full screen computers). For more information about our north shore luxury vacation rental, go to any other page of this website.  Mahalo!
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Diesel Quotes
Official Website: Diesel Quotes
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• And she ran out of the diesel combustion and right to me and we held each other and we were not empty at all. “Holling,” she said. “I was so afraid I wouldn’t fine you.” “I was standing right here, Heather.” I said. “I’ll always be standing right here. – Gary D. Schmidt
• By increasing the use of renewable fuels such as ethanol and bio-diesel, and providing the Department of Energy with a budget to create more energy efficiency options, agriculture can be the backbone of our energy supply as well. – John Salazar • Clearly, there are many places where diesel is king or gas-turbine is king, or IC engines will win, but there are many places in the world where, as we’ve seen, they just won’t do the job. The modern version of the Stirling engine has some very, very attractive characteristics, and we’re trying to optimize it for some of those applications. – Dean Kamen
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Prodcut', keywords: 'Diesel+', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_diesel').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_diesel img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Cows provide approx 100 million tonnes of dry dung a year costing Rs 5000 crores which saves 50 million tonnes of firewood which again means that many trees saved and more environmental damage prevented. It is calculated that if these 73 million animals were to be replaced, we would need 7.3 million tractors at the cost of 2.5 lac each which would amount to an investment of 180,000 crores. In addition 2 crore, 37 lakh and 50 thousand tonnes of diesel which would mean another 57,000 crore rupees. This is how much we owe these animals, and this is what we stand to lose by killing them. – Maneka Gandhi • Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody. – Pat Buchanan • Diesel fuel is too important to our farmers at harvest time and to the truckers delivering commerce across Nebraska to allow a bureaucratic hurdle to slow the delivery of fuel. – Dave Heineman • Diesel is back,” Ranger said. Yes. How did you know?” I woke up with a migraine this morning.” Ranger said. – Janet Evanovich • Diesel pioneered the idea of luxury denim, and we still drive this market. But it encompasses more: the consumers love the brand, the lifestyle, the mentality of Diesel. – Renzo Rosso • Don’t know if Boston was real or lucid dream. When they chanted Diesel, it sure as hell felt real for ME! You make decisions in life, sometimes never getting proof that it was the right decision. The crowd in Boston on Sunday night assured me that I MADE THE RIGHT DECISION. – Kevin Nash • Had we had all the money in the world to spend and we were doing another studio movie, we probably would have jumped quickly into the Necromonger universe and done an Orpheus Descending movie there. We didn’t have that kind of resource. So, we said, this time, “If not that, this time, then what is it? What does this new movie look like?” Quickly, just in talking about it very simply with Vin [Diesel] in his kitchen, we decided on a survival, left-for-dead story, where Riddick could, as a character, reclaim the animal side. – David Twohy • Have you eaten?’ I asked Diesel. When?’ Recently.’ No. – Janet Evanovich • He doesn’t look very smart,” Diesel said. “He’s not even giving me the finger.” “Can monkey’s do that?” Hal asked. Carl gave him the finger. “Cool!” Hal said. – Janet Evanovich • High gas prices are eating away at consumers disposal income and could lead to a further economic downturn, especially for those whose livelihood depend on gasoline and diesel fuel. – Major Owens • I am kind of like a diesel. It is the cyclist in me. – Clara Hughes • I don’t think there is any place in football for drinking. I have said on several occasions to players: You don’t put diesel in a Ferrari. – Harry Redknapp • I even had success with commercials, which is strange, because out of the six ideas, two won the platinum Minerva in France – it’s the Oscar for their commercials. One was about the Renault diesel and the other about the regular Renault. – Sergio Leone • I hate my Visa card but have to use it for diesel, insurance and big items. I prefer paying by cash whenever possible because that way I feel as if I’ve got a better grasp on what I’m spending. – Geoff Capes • I strongly support the Bush Administration’s clean diesel rules, which will reduce air pollution from diesel engines by more than 90 percent, and reduce the sulfur content of diesel fuel by more than 95 percent. – Steve Buyer • If I’m not going out, my go-to outfit is some comfortable pants, Vans, and a fitted tee. But if I’m going out, definitely some Diesel jeans, either some super cool boots or nice shoes, and then a button-up. – Sterling Beaumon • If we can produce more ethanol and bio-diesel to help fuel our vehicles, we will create jobs, boost local economies and produce cleaner burning fuels. This will keep dollars here at home where they can have a positive impact on our economy. – Rick Renzi • If you’re looking at distributing alternative energy in Nigeria, for instance, what gets in your way is not people’s ability to pay, not people’s desire for a clean solar lamps or biomass opportunities. But there is a strong status quo that really depends on selling diesel. – Jacqueline Novogratz • I’ve always found it difficult to start with a definite idea, but if I start with a pond that’s being drained because of a diesel fuel leak and a cow named Hortense and some blackbirds flying over and a woman in the distance waving, then I might get somewhere. – Bobbie Ann Mason • Jesus is a powerful guy in Hollywood. Not quite as powerful as Vin Diesel, but powerful. – Christian Finnegan • Marijuana makes the best bio-diesel fuel on the planet, so it can make you energy. It grows 15 feet a summer, so it’s a renewable resource. It makes better paper than wood does. It makes clothing. Medical-wise, it’s stopping seizures, it’s working for post-traumatic stress, they’re even finding that it’s curing cancer in certain cases. I mean, this is a remarkable plant. Now, for those that smoke it recreationally, to feel good, what’s wrong with that? That’s mental health. – Jesse Ventura • Most people are really stunned to find out that the technology has been around for more than 100 years, and that the diesel engine was in fact invented to run on vegetable oil. – Daryl Hannah • Natural gas is the best transportation fuel. It’s better than gasoline or diesel. It’s cleaner, it’s cheaper, and it’s domestic. Natural gas is 97 percent domestic fuel, North America. – T. Boone Pickens • Proving that the best villains have the charisma of a hero, (Jason) Statham makes a strong impression, supplying the kind of menace that permeates the movie even when he’s not on screen. His fight with (Dwayne) Johnson doesn’t have the bang you’d expect from a The Transporter versus The Rock match-up, but the climactic Statham-(Vin)Diesel battle more than delivers. – Alonso Duralde • Rhode Island works hard to reduce air pollution in our communities. We passed laws to prohibit cars and buses from idling their engines and to retrofit school buses with diesel pollution controls. But there is only so much a single state can do, particularly against out-of-state pollution. – Sheldon Whitehouse • Say you’re working for a big overseas aid organization. You can’t leave home in a Mercedes Benz, travel 80 kilometers to work in a great concrete structure where there are diesel engines thundering in the basement just to keep it cool enough for you to work in, and plan mud huts for Africa! You can’t get the mud huts right if you haven’t got things right where you are. You’ve got to get things right, working for you, and then go and say what that is. – Bill Mollison • So far, I’ve only sailed in the Caribbean. I’ve sailed the Virgin Island and The Grenadines. I liked all that. We charted some really crummy boats in the Grenadines. That made for an exciting sailing trip (laughs) when everything goes well. When everything goes well. When sails rip, engines freeze up and you find there are organisms growing inside the diesel, it’s terrible and amazing stuff. – Bill Murray • Sometimes I feel people think I live on a commune but I don’t. We are all solar, though. There are no power lines. It’s mostly farmers, so everyone who has tractors uses bio-diesel. – Woody Harrelson • Stephanie,’ Valerie said. ‘She’s going to have a baby, and she’s getting married.’ My father was confused. He looked around the room. No Joe. No Ranger. His eyes locked on Diesel. ‘Not the psycho,’ he said. Diesel blew out a sigh. My father turned to my mother. ‘Get me the carving knife. Make sure it’s sharp. – Janet Evanovich • The diesel engine industry has illegally poured millions of tons of pollution into the air, .. It’s time for the industry to clean up its act, and it’s time for it to clean up the air. – Janet Reno • They shoulda called me Little Cocaine, I was sniffing so much of the stuff! My nose got big enough to back a diesel truck in, unload it, and drive it right out again. – Little Richard • To me, growing up in South Wales, a pair of Diesel jeans were the thing to have – if you could afford them. – Luke Evans • Usually, a Range Rover would be beaten away from the lights by a diesel powered wheelbarrow. – Jeremy Clarkson • Vin Diesel and I have different approaches to life. We found a respect for one another but we were such opposite ends of the spectrum. The reason why it’s worked is because we are so different. I don’t know if we necessarily found a stride together because there are certain days I still want to crack him in the head! But he looks at me and there are days he wants to crack me in the head too. Then there are times he’ll look at me and say, ‘Man, I wish I could be more like you,’ and I’m like, ‘F**ker, I wish I could be more like you!’ – Paul Walker • Vin Diesel had to hire a babysitter. – Vin Diesel • Vin Diesel is the best kisser in the world, better than anyone else I’ve ever had. The most attractive thing about Vin is his brain. That’s his most attractive muscle. – Asia Argento • We want stuff done right. As long as it’s my team, I’ll voice my opinion. Yep, it’s my team. You media guys might give it to him, like you’ve given him everything else his whole lifetime, but this is the Diesel’s ship. And if we’re not right, I’m going to go out there and try to get it right… Just ask Karl and Garywhy they wanted to come here. It was because of one person, not two. One. – Shaquille O’Neal • We’re making new investments in the development of gasoline and diesel and jet fuel that’s actually made from a plant-like substance-algae… We could replace up to 17 percent of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel that we can grow right here in the United States. – Barack Obama • What are you doing back at the bakery?” I asked [Diesel]. “Did you know Wulf was here?” “No. I knew food was here. – Janet Evanovich • When I came to town and saw the price of diesel went above regular gas, that burnt me up. – Ron Ziegler • Whereas an elephant that was scared to death that diesel powered equipment, equipment that ran on a gas engine, was just fine. Because somebody had attacked it with construction equipment. But if it had a diesel engine, it was bad. – Temple Grandin • Women in bed are like Diesel engines. What I mean by that is, it may take them a while to get going, but when you do, they can go for a long, long time. Whereas men are like… bottle rockets. – Jeff Foxworthy • You guys are related to Jonah Wizard?” Jake asked, his lip curled disdainfully. “And the other guy,” Dan grumbled. “Vin Diesel’s stunt double. – Peter Lerangis • You know what is good about these Dixie Chicks burnings or bashings? It’s a wonderful, wonderful way for really stupid people to hook up. They meet, they throw some things on the fire, they talk about Vin Diesel, they tell stories about who their favorite Fox anchor is, they exchange phone numbers and in some cases has led to marriages. – Janeane Garofalo • You’re also looking at a global warming solution here in Europe: smaller vehicles, more energy efficient, many which use diesel fuel which is more efficient. And the price of gas here is $6 a gallon to discourage guzzling. A lot of big ideas and innovations coming out of Europe. – Chris Cuomo
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Diesel Quotes
Official Website: Diesel Quotes
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• And she ran out of the diesel combustion and right to me and we held each other and we were not empty at all. “Holling,” she said. “I was so afraid I wouldn’t fine you.” “I was standing right here, Heather.” I said. “I’ll always be standing right here. – Gary D. Schmidt
• By increasing the use of renewable fuels such as ethanol and bio-diesel, and providing the Department of Energy with a budget to create more energy efficiency options, agriculture can be the backbone of our energy supply as well. – John Salazar • Clearly, there are many places where diesel is king or gas-turbine is king, or IC engines will win, but there are many places in the world where, as we’ve seen, they just won’t do the job. The modern version of the Stirling engine has some very, very attractive characteristics, and we’re trying to optimize it for some of those applications. – Dean Kamen
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Prodcut', keywords: 'Diesel+', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_diesel').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_diesel img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Cows provide approx 100 million tonnes of dry dung a year costing Rs 5000 crores which saves 50 million tonnes of firewood which again means that many trees saved and more environmental damage prevented. It is calculated that if these 73 million animals were to be replaced, we would need 7.3 million tractors at the cost of 2.5 lac each which would amount to an investment of 180,000 crores. In addition 2 crore, 37 lakh and 50 thousand tonnes of diesel which would mean another 57,000 crore rupees. This is how much we owe these animals, and this is what we stand to lose by killing them. – Maneka Gandhi • Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody. – Pat Buchanan • Diesel fuel is too important to our farmers at harvest time and to the truckers delivering commerce across Nebraska to allow a bureaucratic hurdle to slow the delivery of fuel. – Dave Heineman • Diesel is back,” Ranger said. Yes. How did you know?” I woke up with a migraine this morning.” Ranger said. – Janet Evanovich • Diesel pioneered the idea of luxury denim, and we still drive this market. But it encompasses more: the consumers love the brand, the lifestyle, the mentality of Diesel. – Renzo Rosso • Don’t know if Boston was real or lucid dream. When they chanted Diesel, it sure as hell felt real for ME! You make decisions in life, sometimes never getting proof that it was the right decision. The crowd in Boston on Sunday night assured me that I MADE THE RIGHT DECISION. – Kevin Nash • Had we had all the money in the world to spend and we were doing another studio movie, we probably would have jumped quickly into the Necromonger universe and done an Orpheus Descending movie there. We didn’t have that kind of resource. So, we said, this time, “If not that, this time, then what is it? What does this new movie look like?” Quickly, just in talking about it very simply with Vin [Diesel] in his kitchen, we decided on a survival, left-for-dead story, where Riddick could, as a character, reclaim the animal side. – David Twohy • Have you eaten?’ I asked Diesel. When?’ Recently.’ No. – Janet Evanovich • He doesn’t look very smart,” Diesel said. “He’s not even giving me the finger.” “Can monkey’s do that?” Hal asked. Carl gave him the finger. “Cool!” Hal said. – Janet Evanovich • High gas prices are eating away at consumers disposal income and could lead to a further economic downturn, especially for those whose livelihood depend on gasoline and diesel fuel. – Major Owens • I am kind of like a diesel. It is the cyclist in me. – Clara Hughes • I don’t think there is any place in football for drinking. I have said on several occasions to players: You don’t put diesel in a Ferrari. – Harry Redknapp • I even had success with commercials, which is strange, because out of the six ideas, two won the platinum Minerva in France – it’s the Oscar for their commercials. One was about the Renault diesel and the other about the regular Renault. – Sergio Leone • I hate my Visa card but have to use it for diesel, insurance and big items. I prefer paying by cash whenever possible because that way I feel as if I’ve got a better grasp on what I’m spending. – Geoff Capes • I strongly support the Bush Administration’s clean diesel rules, which will reduce air pollution from diesel engines by more than 90 percent, and reduce the sulfur content of diesel fuel by more than 95 percent. – Steve Buyer • If I’m not going out, my go-to outfit is some comfortable pants, Vans, and a fitted tee. But if I’m going out, definitely some Diesel jeans, either some super cool boots or nice shoes, and then a button-up. – Sterling Beaumon • If we can produce more ethanol and bio-diesel to help fuel our vehicles, we will create jobs, boost local economies and produce cleaner burning fuels. This will keep dollars here at home where they can have a positive impact on our economy. – Rick Renzi • If you’re looking at distributing alternative energy in Nigeria, for instance, what gets in your way is not people’s ability to pay, not people’s desire for a clean solar lamps or biomass opportunities. But there is a strong status quo that really depends on selling diesel. – Jacqueline Novogratz • I’ve always found it difficult to start with a definite idea, but if I start with a pond that’s being drained because of a diesel fuel leak and a cow named Hortense and some blackbirds flying over and a woman in the distance waving, then I might get somewhere. – Bobbie Ann Mason • Jesus is a powerful guy in Hollywood. Not quite as powerful as Vin Diesel, but powerful. – Christian Finnegan • Marijuana makes the best bio-diesel fuel on the planet, so it can make you energy. It grows 15 feet a summer, so it’s a renewable resource. It makes better paper than wood does. It makes clothing. Medical-wise, it’s stopping seizures, it’s working for post-traumatic stress, they’re even finding that it’s curing cancer in certain cases. I mean, this is a remarkable plant. Now, for those that smoke it recreationally, to feel good, what’s wrong with that? That’s mental health. – Jesse Ventura • Most people are really stunned to find out that the technology has been around for more than 100 years, and that the diesel engine was in fact invented to run on vegetable oil. – Daryl Hannah • Natural gas is the best transportation fuel. It’s better than gasoline or diesel. It’s cleaner, it’s cheaper, and it’s domestic. Natural gas is 97 percent domestic fuel, North America. – T. Boone Pickens • Proving that the best villains have the charisma of a hero, (Jason) Statham makes a strong impression, supplying the kind of menace that permeates the movie even when he’s not on screen. His fight with (Dwayne) Johnson doesn’t have the bang you’d expect from a The Transporter versus The Rock match-up, but the climactic Statham-(Vin)Diesel battle more than delivers. – Alonso Duralde • Rhode Island works hard to reduce air pollution in our communities. We passed laws to prohibit cars and buses from idling their engines and to retrofit school buses with diesel pollution controls. But there is only so much a single state can do, particularly against out-of-state pollution. – Sheldon Whitehouse • Say you’re working for a big overseas aid organization. You can’t leave home in a Mercedes Benz, travel 80 kilometers to work in a great concrete structure where there are diesel engines thundering in the basement just to keep it cool enough for you to work in, and plan mud huts for Africa! You can’t get the mud huts right if you haven’t got things right where you are. You’ve got to get things right, working for you, and then go and say what that is. – Bill Mollison • So far, I’ve only sailed in the Caribbean. I’ve sailed the Virgin Island and The Grenadines. I liked all that. We charted some really crummy boats in the Grenadines. That made for an exciting sailing trip (laughs) when everything goes well. When everything goes well. When sails rip, engines freeze up and you find there are organisms growing inside the diesel, it’s terrible and amazing stuff. – Bill Murray • Sometimes I feel people think I live on a commune but I don’t. We are all solar, though. There are no power lines. It’s mostly farmers, so everyone who has tractors uses bio-diesel. – Woody Harrelson • Stephanie,’ Valerie said. ‘She’s going to have a baby, and she’s getting married.’ My father was confused. He looked around the room. No Joe. No Ranger. His eyes locked on Diesel. ‘Not the psycho,’ he said. Diesel blew out a sigh. My father turned to my mother. ‘Get me the carving knife. Make sure it’s sharp. – Janet Evanovich • The diesel engine industry has illegally poured millions of tons of pollution into the air, .. It’s time for the industry to clean up its act, and it’s time for it to clean up the air. – Janet Reno • They shoulda called me Little Cocaine, I was sniffing so much of the stuff! My nose got big enough to back a diesel truck in, unload it, and drive it right out again. – Little Richard • To me, growing up in South Wales, a pair of Diesel jeans were the thing to have – if you could afford them. – Luke Evans • Usually, a Range Rover would be beaten away from the lights by a diesel powered wheelbarrow. – Jeremy Clarkson • Vin Diesel and I have different approaches to life. We found a respect for one another but we were such opposite ends of the spectrum. The reason why it’s worked is because we are so different. I don’t know if we necessarily found a stride together because there are certain days I still want to crack him in the head! But he looks at me and there are days he wants to crack me in the head too. Then there are times he’ll look at me and say, ‘Man, I wish I could be more like you,’ and I’m like, ‘F**ker, I wish I could be more like you!’ – Paul Walker • Vin Diesel had to hire a babysitter. – Vin Diesel • Vin Diesel is the best kisser in the world, better than anyone else I’ve ever had. The most attractive thing about Vin is his brain. That’s his most attractive muscle. – Asia Argento • We want stuff done right. As long as it’s my team, I’ll voice my opinion. Yep, it’s my team. You media guys might give it to him, like you’ve given him everything else his whole lifetime, but this is the Diesel’s ship. And if we’re not right, I’m going to go out there and try to get it right… Just ask Karl and Garywhy they wanted to come here. It was because of one person, not two. One. – Shaquille O’Neal • We’re making new investments in the development of gasoline and diesel and jet fuel that’s actually made from a plant-like substance-algae… We could replace up to 17 percent of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel that we can grow right here in the United States. – Barack Obama • What are you doing back at the bakery?” I asked [Diesel]. “Did you know Wulf was here?” “No. I knew food was here. – Janet Evanovich • When I came to town and saw the price of diesel went above regular gas, that burnt me up. – Ron Ziegler • Whereas an elephant that was scared to death that diesel powered equipment, equipment that ran on a gas engine, was just fine. Because somebody had attacked it with construction equipment. But if it had a diesel engine, it was bad. – Temple Grandin • Women in bed are like Diesel engines. What I mean by that is, it may take them a while to get going, but when you do, they can go for a long, long time. Whereas men are like… bottle rockets. – Jeff Foxworthy • You guys are related to Jonah Wizard?” Jake asked, his lip curled disdainfully. “And the other guy,” Dan grumbled. “Vin Diesel’s stunt double. – Peter Lerangis • You know what is good about these Dixie Chicks burnings or bashings? It’s a wonderful, wonderful way for really stupid people to hook up. They meet, they throw some things on the fire, they talk about Vin Diesel, they tell stories about who their favorite Fox anchor is, they exchange phone numbers and in some cases has led to marriages. – Janeane Garofalo • You’re also looking at a global warming solution here in Europe: smaller vehicles, more energy efficient, many which use diesel fuel which is more efficient. And the price of gas here is $6 a gallon to discourage guzzling. A lot of big ideas and innovations coming out of Europe. – Chris Cuomo
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That Time a WWII German U-Boat Sank as a Result of Flushing a Toilet
In the 1970s, BP oil pipeline workers came across a curious item about 12 miles southwest of Cruden Bay, Aberdeenshire sitting about 86 meters under the surface- an old German U-Boat. In fact, one of the last U-Boats ever sunk in WWII. Unlike so many of its fellow subs, however, this one's demise came about owing to a sequence of events all stemming from someone flushing the toilet incorrectly... So what exactly happened here?
U-1206, a Type VIIC submarine, was officially ordered on April 2, 1942 and ultimately launched on December 30, 1943. About a year and a half later, On April 6, 1945, the shiny new craft with its crew of 50 men departed from Kristiansand, Norway on its first non-training patrol machine.
Pertinent to the topic at hand is that while most submarines at the time used a storage tank to stow the product of flushing on board toilets and other waste water, with stereotypical German engineering efficiency, U-boat designers went the other way and decided to eject the waste directly into the ocean.
On the plus side, this saved valuable space within the submarine while also reducing weight. The downside, of course, was that ejecting anything into the ocean required greater pressure inside than out. As a result, U-boats had long required that, in order to use the toilets, the ship would have to be near the surface
Of course, being so close to or on the surface is generally to be avoided when on patrol if a sub captain wants to see his ship not blown up. This resulted in crewmen who needed to purge their orifices while submerged needing to do so in containers, which would then be stored appropriately until the sub needed to surface and the offending substances could be ditched over board.
As you can imagine, this didn't exactly improve the already less than ideal smell of the air within the sub while it was plodding away down under. But there was nothing much that could be done about this...
That is, until some unknown German engineers designed a high pressure evacuation system. As to how this system worked, in a nutshell, the contents of the toilet were piped into an airlock of sorts. Once the offending matter found its way into said airlock, this would be sealed and subsequently pressurized, at which point a valve could be opened which would eject the fecal matter and fluids into the sea.
This all brings us to eight days into the patrol mission, on April 14, 1945.
Now, before we get into this, it should be noted that there are two versions of the story of what happened next- one version is stated by literally every single source we could find discussing this event on the interwebs, as well as repeated on the show QI and found in countless books on the subject. As for the other version, if you dig a little deeper, thanks to the good people at the Deutsches U-Boot Museum Archive, you can actually find the official account from 27 year old Captain Karl-Adolf Schlitt, who, minus a couple letters in his last name, couldn't have been more aptly named for what was about to occur.
All this said, in both cases, the root cause of the sub's sinking were the same- improper use of the toilet's flushing mechanism.
That caveat out of the way, as the vessel was cruising along at around 70 meters below the surface and about eight miles from Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, the popular version states that Captain Schlitt had need of evacuating his bowels and so, no doubt with dignity befitting a man of his stature and rank, did his business in the toilet. That done, he was now left to try to flush the thing.
Unable to figure out the complicated contraption, Captain Schlitt called in help from the "W.C. Waste Disposal Unit Manager"- literally the only guy on board officially trained in how to flush the toilet, apparently also known among the crew as (translated), "the shit-man".
Unfortunately for the men that would soon die as a result, for whatever reason the crewman who was supposed to know how to flush the toilet made a mistake and turned the wrong valve...
That's the popular version to which we could not find any primary document to support it, despite it being widely parroted. As for the official version, Captain Schlitt himself claimed,
In April 1945 U-1206 was in the North Sea off Britain. On board the diesel engines were faulty. We could not charge our batteries by the snorkel any more. In order to get the diesels working again we had put down about 8-10 miles from the British coast at 70mts, unseen by British patrols... I was in the engine room, when at the front of the boat there was a water leak. What I have learned is that a mechanic had tried to repair the forward WC's outboard vent. I would say - although I do not have any proof - that the outer vent indicator either gave false readings or none at all.
As to why said mechanic was attempting to work on the toilet's outboard vent while deeply submerged, that's every bit as much of a mystery as to why an engineer trained in how to properly flush the toilet would have screwed it up so badly in the Captain Schlitt pooping version of the story.
Of course, it is always possible that the good Captain made up his version of things to avoid personal embarrassment and perhaps the other version came from crew members giving a very different account, but we could not locate any crew member's version of events to verify that.
Whichever story is true, the result in either case was the contents of the toilet, if any, and the ocean outside shooting like a jet stream into the submarine.
Things were about to get a whole lot worse.
You see, as alluded to in Captain Schlitt's account, the U-1206 was a diesel electric sub, featuring twin Germaniawerft F46 four-stroke engines, which charged a bank of batteries which, in turn, powered two electric motors capable of producing 750 horsepower combined. The problem was that the batteries were directly below the toilet area. According to Captain Schlitt, when the water rushed in, "...the batteries were covered with seawater. Chlorine gas started to fill the boat."
As this was all happening, Captain Schlitt ordered the vessel to be surfaced. He then states, "The engineer who was in the control room at the time managed to make the boat buoyant and surfaced, despite severe flooding."
So here they were, diesel engines down for maintenance, batteries soaking in seawater, having taken on a significant amount of said water, chlorine gas filling the ship, and on the surface just off the coast of enemy territory.
The nightmare for Captain Schlitt was about to get worse. As he noted in his account of events, "We were then incapable of diving or moving. At this point, British planes and patrols discovered us..."
With few options available, Captain Schlitt ordered various valves on the U-1206 be opened in order for it to fill with water, after which the crew abandoned the sub, with it shortly thereafter sinking.
The crew made their way to the Scottish coast on rubber rafts, but things didn't go well here either. Schlitt states, "In the attempt to negotiate the steep coast in heavy seas, three crew members tragically died. Several men were taken onboard a British sloop. The dead were Hans Berkhauer, Karl Koren, and Emil Kupper."
Ultimately 10 crewmen did make it shore, but just like their surviving compatriots at sea, were promptly captured.
In the aftermath, thankfully for just about everyone, just 16 days later, on April 30, 1945, Hitler bravely, and with no regard for his own personal safety, infiltrated the Führerbunker and single handedly managed to rid the world of one of the most notorious individuals of all time by putting a bullet through his own brain. About a week after that, Germany finally surrendered.
As for what happened to Captain Schlitt after, this isn't clear, other than he appears to have lived to the ripe old age of 90, dying on April 7, 2009.
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itsworn · 6 years
A Cannonball Record Attempt in a 47-Year-Old Station Wagon: The C2C Express Part Three
Safety and logic are perhaps the greatest enemies of getting out and doing something worthwhile— at least that’s what I kept telling myself in a vain attempt to rationalize what I was about to do. After all, there was a chance this venture could end with me behind bars or—even worse—with my car on its roof in a ditch, but having gained approval from my superiors I pressed on regardless. A proper cannonball from the Red Ball to the Portofino is one of those bucket list type of items that is surrounded by legend making it all the more tantalizing to a collector of stories such as myself. This is the last true outlaw race there is in America and definitely the most epic—a sort of middle finger to the powers that be. The scofflaws and degenerates who have run this race before me have always been modern day folk heroes in my eyes, and the opportunity to be even remotely associated with their names was more than enough to lure me in.
While perhaps not the ideal vehicle for a trip of this magnitude—both in distance and in speed—maybe the quirky charm of my wagon would help with the police officers we were sure to encounter.
After a whirlwind three week span of prepping my 1972 AMC Sportabout wagon and subsequently road tripping it across the country to HOT ROD Drag Week, I was back in Atlanta where the car and my co-drivers to be were waiting to head north for the start of a modern day cannonball record attempt. Throughout the entirety of Drag Week, sleep is a luxury that is often forgone,so saying I was tired may be an understatement, yet early in the daylight hours, friends Justin G., Lee E., and I climbed into the Hornét with an nearly 900 mile drive to New York ahead of us.
The speedometer is 10% slow due to the larger-than-stock rear tires, and for the majority of the trip, the needle sat at 90 mph because 99 looks better on a ticket than 100.
After a quick stop at a local gas station to go over the fuel stop procedure with my friends who were eyeing the whole setup suspiciously, we hit the road as I took the first leg and answered a flurry of questions from my wide-eyed counterparts. A little while later, I let Lee take the helm of the car to get a feel for it on the freeway, and we got into Virginia by early afternoon before stopping at a rest center to swap drivers and stretch our legs. That’s when Justin took over, and we experienced our first hiccup. Only about five minutes into his stint, he may or may not have blown by a well-hidden cop while doing 88 mph in a 65 mph zone. The officer was not amused with our attempt to go back in time like Marty McFly and wrote a pretty hefty ticket as a result. So at least the first run in with law enforcement was out of the way, though I feared there would be more to follow in this foolish, yet somehow necessary, endeavor.
Our radar detector was on the fritz and therefore didn’t pick up any sign of this hidden officer in Virginia. He didn’t find us amusing and therefore issued Justin, who was driving at the time, a citation for speeding.
Graciously offering to switch places so he could have some time to recover from the experience, I jumped back in the driver’s seat and drove the rest of the way, crossing the bridge onto Long Island just after midnight. There, we filled up the fuel tanks for the first time since leaving Georgia as the gas station attendant watched us warily the entire time. We arrived at the hotel where the rest of the C2C Express competitors were staying around 1:00AM, and boy was it a ragamuffin group of cars if I’d ever seen one. I chatted with Charlie Safari, the organizer of the event, for a couple hours before heading to my room to try to get a little last-minute planning in as well as a few hours of sleep. Like a kid on Christmas Eve, though, I was far too excited to sleep nearly the entire night. I was up early the next day snapping photos of the contraptions that fellow competitors had assembled. We checked over the car one last time and picked up snacks and beverages for the long trip at a local Walmart before heading to the Red Ball Garage in Manhattan after lunch.
Loaded down with 64 gallons of fuel and enough snacks to carry us across the entirety of the continental United States, we staged the car in front of the Red Ball Garage ready to hit the open road.
I had decided on a 3:00PM departure time, hoping that would allow me to slip out of New York City between rush hours and land me in Los Angeles about 10:00 pm, assuming I made the journey in the amount of time I wanted. After snapping a few more photos in front of the garage, we took a minute to steel our nerves then punched a time card at exactly 2:56 pm before sprinting to the car and hitting the road. For a glorious two hundred feet we were cannonballing with the C2C Express before hitting the very first red light. Trying to sit patiently at a traffic light when racing a clock makes every agonizing second motionless feel like minutes. Getting out of the city at 3:00PM proved to be an absolute nightmare, but once we were through the Lincoln Tunnel nearly 30 minutes later,we had a much more open road in front of us.
A popular police countermeasure for cannonballing teams to use is a passenger keeping an eye on the horizon with a pair of binoculars. This allows cars to be identified well before the driver can with the naked eye so the average speed can be kept higher.
It took a good 20 minutes or so for me to gather the nerve to lay some real speed down, but once I resolved myself, we really started laying tracks. As the traffic thinned, the average speed of my plucky little wagon steadily climbed, and we made up for any time lost leaving New York. The engine was humming, Justin was in the passenger seat with binoculars looking out for what we’ll call “smokies”, and we had the wide-open American interstate system in front of us! Across Pennsylvania we may very well have averaged triple digit speeds, and miraculously duplicated the feat through Ohio, a state that is notorious for catching speeders. Once we entered Indiana, we were coming up on our first fuel stop, and despite having gotten a ticket before the event started, Justin sounded like he was game for a go behind the wheel. Just past Indianapolis, we pulled off the freeway for the first time in over 750 miles to fill up the car. Lee and I each swiped a credit card on the front and back of a fuel pump and double-stuffed the factory tank as well as one of the fuel cells while Justin cleaned the windshield and checked the oil. Ten minutes later and 57 gallons of unleaded gasoline heavier, we were back on the road with Justin driving, Lee on lookout, and myself stretched out across the backseat completely exhausted, mentally and physically.
The rear of the car left very little room for luggage with twin 22 gallon fuel cells taking up most of the cargo area, but if your car isn’t necessarily fast, you might as well make it have endurance—tortoise and the hair comes to mind.
I had set an alarm to wake me two hours from the time we left the gas station, and when I awoke from that much needed na,p I found Justin driving at a leisurely 65 mph. Apparently that ticket spooked him than I thought. That, combined with some road construction slowdowns and narrowly-avoided speed traps made Justin loose some of his enthusiasm for the adventure. So I got him to pull over and jumped back behind the wheel, immediately hovering the needle of the speedometer back around a hundred. From there, we drove straight through the night, encountering more construction while having to play cat and mouse with several police officers. Still, the average speed continued to rise as we approached our second planned fuel stop west of Oklahoma City. Dawn broke in the rearview mirror and upon asking Lee if he was willing to drive as fast as I had been, he honestly admitted he probably wasn’t up for that inherently risky task. Luckily, I’m able to function on virtually no sleep at all, so after the second fuel, we were back on the road with me still in control of the Green Hornét.
After driving all night, the sun rising behind the car was a welcome sight, even though it meant we would encounter more cars on the road than we did in the hours before.
Our next fuel stop would be the last, and we were now slated to cross Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona—wide open landscapes with laser straight asphalt where we would further be able to increase our time. Small sections were slimmed down to one lane for construction, and more than a few semis cut us off as we all jockeyed for position, but overall our progress was incredibly quick, allowing us to lay down our fastest top speed of the trip yet. The sun rose higher in the sky as we blazed across the desert, and I noticed a gradual increase in engine temperature just when our average speed hit 84 mph. I was mildly concerned, but at the same time, I figured it was a result of working the engine harder than I had before. However, by the time we made our final fuel stop, it was evident that there was a bigger issue to blame. Pulling into a truck stop just outside Flagstaff, Arizona for our final fuel stop, I could hear a strange noise coming from the front of the car. Upon further inspection, I could see that the electric fan I had installed to conserve a few precious horsepower had gotten into an altercation with the radiator, causing more than a few leaks in several rows of the core that were letting coolant drip onto the concrete below. After a few brief moments of panic, I ran inside to buy seven gallons of water and a concoction from Bar’s Leaks that optimistically promised to seal my coolant leaks while Justin and Lee filled up the fuel. I ripped the cap off, letting coolant spew everywhere, and dumped the stop leak, a hope and a prayer, and a gallon of water in the radiator, then tore out of the gas station.
The 258ci AMC inline six was an absolute mess after the radiator lost its integrity and began spewing coolant under the hood as we sped across the desert. Lucky for us, it’s a resilient little power plant.
That final stop took about five minutes longer than the previous two as a result of that debacle, but we were still on pace to break the classic car record of 34 hours and 17 minutes. Forgoing any sympathy I held for the poor little straight six under the hood, I pinned the throttle to the floor as we buzzed across the desert, keeping the car just shy of that triple digit barrier. As we drove, the needle of the temperature gauge steadily climbed until it was pegged on the “H”. There it remained for almost an hour until steam suddenly and violently poured from every seam of the hood, forcing my mechanical sympathy to finally take over as I pulled the tired car over to the shoulder. A quick inspection revealed a radiator with even more leaks than before, forcing us to question if the car would be able to finish the trip, even at a leisurely pace. Refusing to quit, we added four gallons of water to the almost bone-dry cooling system as the radiator bubbled and hissed in an attempt to get us to leave it alone.
When you’re in the middle of the desert, this is generally the last thing you want to see, and it was a crushing blow to the entire team as we realized there was no way we would be setting any records that day.
We limped the car to a gas station up the road where it puked its guts out again, much to our dismay. We bought every gallon of water off their shelves and, after letting the car cool, we topped the coolant off and gingerly drove to the nearest auto parts store to decide a plan of action. Any chance of beating the record we had set out to had disappeared, much like the car’s ability to hold water, but we still wanted to finish and at least beat one of our competitors. Somehow, the stop leak took hold as we removed the broken electric fan and reinstalled the mechanical fan that I had fortuitously kept in the car, just in case. I bought the boys a high quality meal from an adjacent Burger King and let Lee take over behind the wheel, now that running all out was pointless. Once we had established that the car wasn’t going to overheat again I passed out in the back seat for a couple more hours, and woke up as we crossed into California.
This many hours cooped up inside the cramped passenger compartment of a small station wagon could make anyone go insane; luckily, whoever wasn’t driving or spotting was generally passed out in the backseat.
A little while later, I got back behind the wheel so I could be the one to cross the finish line as LA got ever closer. We arrived at the Portofino to a warm welcome from several of the other competitors who were celebrating with some cold beverages at 12:49 am. This gave us an (alleged) overall time of 36 hours and 53 minutes from coast to coast. Nothing about it was easy, and it’s even more difficult to sum it up in a succinct and digestible way. We drove more than 2,800 miles in just over a day and a half, crossing the entire country in a 47-year-old station wagon- a feat most would never think to attempt. We didn’t quite meet the lofty goal I had laid out beforehand, but we were nevertheless able to check off one of those elusive bucket list items without kicking said bucket ourselves. We joined a short list of names that have run a proper coast-to-coast rally against the clock, gaining a very exclusive membership to a “Fraternity of Lunatics,” as the overall record holder Ed Bolian refers to it. Overall, we came in 5th out of 16 cars that ran with the C2C Express this year, and I personally learned a lot about what I’m capable of and have an ever-growing respect for the reliability of that straight six that refuses to die. Who knows, the Green Hornt and I may just have to make another attempt at that record next year. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Despite the cooling system being patched together using the smallest of band-aids, the car finished the trip in just under 37 hours making it the fastest AMC to ever take part in a cannonball style event, and no, it is not the only one to do it.
One of our fellow competitors, Zack Millard, snapped this shot of us rolling through Arizona after our cooling system decided it didn’t want to be cool anymore.
To make things even more ridiculous than they already were, our team wore Hawaiian shirts on the trip. From left to right we have Justin G., myself, and Lee E.
To read about this history of the Cannonball Run click here 
To read about Jacob prepping for this record attempt click here
The post A Cannonball Record Attempt in a 47-Year-Old Station Wagon: The C2C Express Part Three appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/cannonball-record-attempt-47-year-old-station-wagon-c2c-express-part-three/ via IFTTT
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blogparadiseisland · 6 years
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections http://www.nature-business.com/nature-everything-you-need-to-know-for-the-midterm-elections/
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Nature When are the midterms?
Nov. 6, 2018. Bring a friend.
days, hours, minutes and seconds left.
Nature What’s at stake in Washington?
435 U.S. House seats and 33 U.S. Senate seats.
Matters of interest include: which party controls the two chambers of Congress and has oversight power of President Trump and his administration. (Hint: Democrats will investigate far more aggressively than Republicans have, if given the chance.) Also, voters are generally eligible for those little “I Voted” stickers, which tend to be crowd pleasers.
Good to know: House seats are up every two years. But because senators serve six-year terms, which are staggered, 33 states have Senate races this fall.
Nature What about outside of Washington?
6,665 state positions and thousands more local ones.
Don’t forget the governorships, state legislative seats and scores of other nonfederal offices, down to the municipal level. Thirty-six states will elect governors this year.
Nature Who’s going to win the House?
Definitely the Democrats.Definitely the Democrats.Or the Republicans.Or the Republicans.Definitely one of those.
There has been talk of a so-called blue wave lifting Democrats to majorities in the House and Senate. And there are credible signs that Democrats are intensely energized this year. But a strong economy and protectiveness of President Trump will motivate plenty of Republicans. So there’s no guarantee which party will win big — there are just too many tight races. Take a spin through these poll results, and see for yourself.
Nature If Democrats take the House, what happens?
Politically: investigations, lectern-pounding, maybe impeachment proceedings. Legislatively: probably next to nothing, with a return to divided government. Which Democrats would consider a significant upgrade.
Nature If Republicans keep the House, what happens?
Politically: more one-party rule in Washington, perhaps an even more emboldened Mr. Trump, almost certainly no impeachment. Legislatively: more deregulation, maybe more tax cuts, maybe another run at repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Nature How many House seats do Democrats need to pick up to take over the House?
Nature How do they get there?
Start with many of the 23 Republican-held seats in districts that Hillary Clinton won in 2016.
But Democrats see plausible openings in dozens of districts, from diverse metro areas and suburbs — where many college-educated voters think little of Mr. Trump — to some rural seats. Here, we created a field guide to the main battlefields for control of the House.
Nature How many Americans live in competitive congressional districts?
More than 50 million or so.
There are about 75 competitive races out of 435 House seats. Districts are each intended to have about 700,000 people. So that gives us more than 50 million in competitive districts.
Nature Which states have the most competitive House races?
These 30.
There are consequential races all over: California, the northeast (Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey), the Midwest (Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota), even traditional Republican strongholds like Texas. We’re keeping track of the tightest ones.
Nature Does my vote matter?
I mean, sure, it is unlikely that your vote will be the literal tiebreaker in a given election. But this is not impossible! And the whole exercise can be civically meaningful even in races decided by more than one vote.
Plus, midterm turnout generally lags well behind presidential year turnout. So it’s a great opportunity for contrarians to undercut statistical expectations, if that’s your thing.
year turnout
year turnout
year turnout
Nature Can I vote early?
Depends on where you live. Early voting has already started in some states. Here’s a good roundup.
Nature How late can I register? Where do I vote?
Rules vary by state. This page is a useful guide.
Nature Will my vote be safe?
Probably. Maybe.
But really: There are serious questions about protecting the integrity of the vote — and the election process. And, as ever, the White House has been a wild card. Mr. Trump, who has often questioned the intelligence community’s consensus on Russian interference in 2016, has signed an executive order to punish foreign meddling, but lawmakers in both parties have been pushing for something more aggressive.
We broke down what we know about the Russia story for you here and here.
Nature What role is social media playing in the midterms?
A large one.
The prominence of platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat is nothing new for campaigns, but never before have politicians had more options to circumvent traditional media. One critical example: Candidates are aiming to produce the next viral video as a proxy for pricey television commercials, and often sharing the message largely through social media.
Nature What is Facebook doing differently?
Between expansive data leaks and (actual) fake news, in 2016 and since, it has not been a great run for Facebook. Besides the ubiquitous ads vaguely apologizing, the company has said it is on the case, on both fronts, but already the threat of influence on campaigns has proved very real in 2018.
The company has cited outside attempts to affect the midterms, with tactics that bear a strong resemblance to the Russians’ in 2016. One of many challenges for Facebook, as my colleague Kevin Roose wrote recently, is “to separate the ordinary rants and raves of legitimate users from coordinated, possibly state-backed attempts to sway public opinion.”
Nature How does the special counsel investigation affect the midterms?
Hard to say.
Many Democratic candidates have largely avoided the Russia affair to date, preferring to talk about domestic issues. But Nov. 6 is still a long way off, in political terms, and a major breakthrough in the investigation led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III (or other inquiries into the president and those close to him), could become an “October surprise.”
Nature What kinds of policy discussions have dominated races?
Healthcare is universally a biggie, often with debates on two tracks: between Democrats and Republicans on the merits of the Affordable Care Act (still) and between Democrats and Democrats on whether Medicare for all is the long-term answer. Others: immigration, education, gun control.
Nature Do Democrats have a chance to take the Senate, too?
Sure, but the road is long.
Ten Democrats are up for re-election in states that Mr. Trump won in 2016, several of which he won bigly. By contrast, Democrats have a realistic chance to gain seats in only a few states, so their margin for error is close to zero, with Republicans already holding a slim majority.
Nature Which Republican-held seats must the Democrats win to have any shot at capturing the Senate?
Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee.
Texas is also on the radar, with Representative Beto O’Rourke running a strong race against Senator Ted Cruz, the man Democrats love to really, really not love.
Nature If the House and Senate split, what are the odds of any major legislation getting passed for two years?
Nature What sort of Republican candidates made it through the primaries?
The ones who seemed the most like Mr. Trump.
They did quite well in Republican primaries, often with an endorsement assist from the president himself.
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
Subtlety has been rare, particularly in ads. In Florida, Ron DeSantis’s successful bid for the nomination for governor included a spot that found his young child wearing a “Make America Great Again” onesie. In another ad in Georgia, Brian Kemp, the Republican nominee for governor, sat in a truck he pledged to use “just in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself.” But do voters in a general election want more Trumpism? We’ll find out.
Nature Is it really the “Year of the Woman”?
Certainly looks that way.
A record 257 women are running for the House and Senate this fall, and more women have won House primaries than in any year in the nation’s history — 235.
women won House
primaries in 2018
women won House
primaries in 2018
women won House
primaries in 2018
Women have also broken records in primaries for governor’s offices, and there are more woman vs. woman contests than ever before. And in many competitive races, women have emerged from crowded primary fields filled with men.
But despite a record number of female nominees, Congress remains a long way from achieving the gender breakdown of the country itself. Many of this year’s female nominees are running against men in competitive districts, or as long shots against male incumbents.
Nature What candidates are making Democrats excited?
The Democratic future appears to be young, progressive and racially diverse — from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic socialist who toppled a longtime House incumbent in a primary in New York; to Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for governor in Florida; to Stacey Abrams, who is trying to become the nation’s first black female governor, in the Georgia race.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Stacey Abrams
Andrew Gillum
Nature What candidates are making Republicans excited?
Nature Who can make history this year?
Lots of folks.
Andrew Gillum would be the first African-American to lead his state.
Stacey Abrams would be the first African-American woman to lead any state.
In Tennessee, Representative Marsha Blackburn, the Republican nominee for an open Senate seat, could become the state’s first female senator.
In Vermont, Christine Hallquist, a Democrat, is the first transgender candidate ever to be nominated for governor by a major party.
Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, each seeking House seats, would be the first Muslim-American women in Congress.
Jared Polis of Colorado would become the first openly gay man to be elected governor.
Nature Have scandals affected the House outlook at all?
Two Republican congressmen from solidly red districts — Chris Collins of New York and Duncan Hunter of California — were indicted recently. Republicans, including the president, have expressed some worry about losing those seats now. Mr. Trump blamed Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, for the Justice Department’s decision to bring charges so close to November.
Chris Collins
Duncan Hunter
Nature Is it common for a president to defend those accused of crimes on political grounds?
Nature Which Washington power players stand to lose the most on Election Day?
If Democrats fail to win the House, it’s hard to imagine Nancy Pelosi holding on for long as the party’s leader in the chamber. If Republicans somehow lose the Senate, their majority leader, Mitch McConnell, will probably not love life back in the minority. Confirming another conservative Supreme Court justice, for instance, would be quite difficult without 50 Republican votes.
Nature Are there ballot measures worth watching?
Among them: A handful of conservative states — Utah, Nebraska, Idaho — will consider proposals to expand Medicaid, with supporters hoping to outflank conservative lawmakers who have blocked the efforts legislatively. Some Western states have ballot initiatives involving energy pricing — including one in California about the state gas tax and another in Washington State on carbon emissions. And in Florida, a closely watched measure would re-establish voting rights for convicted felons who have served their time.
Nature Are the midterms just a referendum on Mr. Trump?
Largely, but not exclusively.
Local issues always matter, sometimes quite a bit. And policies from the Republican Congress — like the tax overhaul and the push for health care repeal — might be powerful motivators for many voters, for reasons that have little to do with Mr. Trump alone.
Nature Is Mr. Trump a boon or a liability for Republican candidates?
It’s like the real estate market: all about location, location, location.
Generally, the president is useful where he’s popular and less useful where he’s not. (Stunning, yes.) But many Republicans all over the map are welcoming his help. In 2016, Mr. Trump mocked Ted Cruz’s wife, his father and his faith.
Now Mr. Cruz, facing a tough re-election, plans to have Mr. Trump headline a rally in Texas.
Nature Can I trust the polls?
Yes and no!
Generally, polls are more revealing about the electorate and issues than highly accurate predictors for Election Day. This year, many projections suggest that Democrats have a better than 50-50 chance of taking back the House. And no one is saying it’s a sure thing. Here at The New York Times, the Upshot’s live polling project is a great example of both compelling data and radical candor about what we do not (and cannot) know for certain.
Nature O.K., the midterms end and then what?
Joy, relief, despair. And the 2020 presidential campaign basically starts immediately.
days, hours, minutes and seconds left.
Graphics by Sarah Almukhtar. Russian translation by Yuliya Parshina-Kottas.
Sources: United States Elections Project (voter turnout); Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University (female primary winners); Cook Political Report (states to watch).
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/2018-midterm-election-guide.html | Matt Flegenheimer, Grant Gold, Umi Syam
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections, in 2018-10-07 01:39:59
0 notes
blogcompetnetall · 6 years
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections http://www.nature-business.com/nature-everything-you-need-to-know-for-the-midterm-elections/
Instructions for using this form
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Nature When are the midterms?
Nov. 6, 2018. Bring a friend.
days, hours, minutes and seconds left.
Nature What’s at stake in Washington?
435 U.S. House seats and 33 U.S. Senate seats.
Matters of interest include: which party controls the two chambers of Congress and has oversight power of President Trump and his administration. (Hint: Democrats will investigate far more aggressively than Republicans have, if given the chance.) Also, voters are generally eligible for those little “I Voted” stickers, which tend to be crowd pleasers.
Good to know: House seats are up every two years. But because senators serve six-year terms, which are staggered, 33 states have Senate races this fall.
Nature What about outside of Washington?
6,665 state positions and thousands more local ones.
Don’t forget the governorships, state legislative seats and scores of other nonfederal offices, down to the municipal level. Thirty-six states will elect governors this year.
Nature Who’s going to win the House?
Definitely the Democrats.Definitely the Democrats.Or the Republicans.Or the Republicans.Definitely one of those.
There has been talk of a so-called blue wave lifting Democrats to majorities in the House and Senate. And there are credible signs that Democrats are intensely energized this year. But a strong economy and protectiveness of President Trump will motivate plenty of Republicans. So there’s no guarantee which party will win big — there are just too many tight races. Take a spin through these poll results, and see for yourself.
Nature If Democrats take the House, what happens?
Politically: investigations, lectern-pounding, maybe impeachment proceedings. Legislatively: probably next to nothing, with a return to divided government. Which Democrats would consider a significant upgrade.
Nature If Republicans keep the House, what happens?
Politically: more one-party rule in Washington, perhaps an even more emboldened Mr. Trump, almost certainly no impeachment. Legislatively: more deregulation, maybe more tax cuts, maybe another run at repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Nature How many House seats do Democrats need to pick up to take over the House?
Nature How do they get there?
Start with many of the 23 Republican-held seats in districts that Hillary Clinton won in 2016.
But Democrats see plausible openings in dozens of districts, from diverse metro areas and suburbs — where many college-educated voters think little of Mr. Trump — to some rural seats. Here, we created a field guide to the main battlefields for control of the House.
Nature How many Americans live in competitive congressional districts?
More than 50 million or so.
There are about 75 competitive races out of 435 House seats. Districts are each intended to have about 700,000 people. So that gives us more than 50 million in competitive districts.
Nature Which states have the most competitive House races?
These 30.
There are consequential races all over: California, the northeast (Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey), the Midwest (Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota), even traditional Republican strongholds like Texas. We’re keeping track of the tightest ones.
Nature Does my vote matter?
I mean, sure, it is unlikely that your vote will be the literal tiebreaker in a given election. But this is not impossible! And the whole exercise can be civically meaningful even in races decided by more than one vote.
Plus, midterm turnout generally lags well behind presidential year turnout. So it’s a great opportunity for contrarians to undercut statistical expectations, if that’s your thing.
year turnout
year turnout
year turnout
Nature Can I vote early?
Depends on where you live. Early voting has already started in some states. Here’s a good roundup.
Nature How late can I register? Where do I vote?
Rules vary by state. This page is a useful guide.
Nature Will my vote be safe?
Probably. Maybe.
But really: There are serious questions about protecting the integrity of the vote — and the election process. And, as ever, the White House has been a wild card. Mr. Trump, who has often questioned the intelligence community’s consensus on Russian interference in 2016, has signed an executive order to punish foreign meddling, but lawmakers in both parties have been pushing for something more aggressive.
We broke down what we know about the Russia story for you here and here.
Nature What role is social media playing in the midterms?
A large one.
The prominence of platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat is nothing new for campaigns, but never before have politicians had more options to circumvent traditional media. One critical example: Candidates are aiming to produce the next viral video as a proxy for pricey television commercials, and often sharing the message largely through social media.
Nature What is Facebook doing differently?
Between expansive data leaks and (actual) fake news, in 2016 and since, it has not been a great run for Facebook. Besides the ubiquitous ads vaguely apologizing, the company has said it is on the case, on both fronts, but already the threat of influence on campaigns has proved very real in 2018.
The company has cited outside attempts to affect the midterms, with tactics that bear a strong resemblance to the Russians’ in 2016. One of many challenges for Facebook, as my colleague Kevin Roose wrote recently, is “to separate the ordinary rants and raves of legitimate users from coordinated, possibly state-backed attempts to sway public opinion.”
Nature How does the special counsel investigation affect the midterms?
Hard to say.
Many Democratic candidates have largely avoided the Russia affair to date, preferring to talk about domestic issues. But Nov. 6 is still a long way off, in political terms, and a major breakthrough in the investigation led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III (or other inquiries into the president and those close to him), could become an “October surprise.”
Nature What kinds of policy discussions have dominated races?
Healthcare is universally a biggie, often with debates on two tracks: between Democrats and Republicans on the merits of the Affordable Care Act (still) and between Democrats and Democrats on whether Medicare for all is the long-term answer. Others: immigration, education, gun control.
Nature Do Democrats have a chance to take the Senate, too?
Sure, but the road is long.
Ten Democrats are up for re-election in states that Mr. Trump won in 2016, several of which he won bigly. By contrast, Democrats have a realistic chance to gain seats in only a few states, so their margin for error is close to zero, with Republicans already holding a slim majority.
Nature Which Republican-held seats must the Democrats win to have any shot at capturing the Senate?
Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee.
Texas is also on the radar, with Representative Beto O’Rourke running a strong race against Senator Ted Cruz, the man Democrats love to really, really not love.
Nature If the House and Senate split, what are the odds of any major legislation getting passed for two years?
Nature What sort of Republican candidates made it through the primaries?
The ones who seemed the most like Mr. Trump.
They did quite well in Republican primaries, often with an endorsement assist from the president himself.
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
Subtlety has been rare, particularly in ads. In Florida, Ron DeSantis’s successful bid for the nomination for governor included a spot that found his young child wearing a “Make America Great Again” onesie. In another ad in Georgia, Brian Kemp, the Republican nominee for governor, sat in a truck he pledged to use “just in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself.” But do voters in a general election want more Trumpism? We’ll find out.
Nature Is it really the “Year of the Woman”?
Certainly looks that way.
A record 257 women are running for the House and Senate this fall, and more women have won House primaries than in any year in the nation’s history — 235.
women won House
primaries in 2018
women won House
primaries in 2018
women won House
primaries in 2018
Women have also broken records in primaries for governor’s offices, and there are more woman vs. woman contests than ever before. And in many competitive races, women have emerged from crowded primary fields filled with men.
But despite a record number of female nominees, Congress remains a long way from achieving the gender breakdown of the country itself. Many of this year’s female nominees are running against men in competitive districts, or as long shots against male incumbents.
Nature What candidates are making Democrats excited?
The Democratic future appears to be young, progressive and racially diverse — from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic socialist who toppled a longtime House incumbent in a primary in New York; to Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for governor in Florida; to Stacey Abrams, who is trying to become the nation’s first black female governor, in the Georgia race.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Stacey Abrams
Andrew Gillum
Nature What candidates are making Republicans excited?
Nature Who can make history this year?
Lots of folks.
Andrew Gillum would be the first African-American to lead his state.
Stacey Abrams would be the first African-American woman to lead any state.
In Tennessee, Representative Marsha Blackburn, the Republican nominee for an open Senate seat, could become the state’s first female senator.
In Vermont, Christine Hallquist, a Democrat, is the first transgender candidate ever to be nominated for governor by a major party.
Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, each seeking House seats, would be the first Muslim-American women in Congress.
Jared Polis of Colorado would become the first openly gay man to be elected governor.
Nature Have scandals affected the House outlook at all?
Two Republican congressmen from solidly red districts — Chris Collins of New York and Duncan Hunter of California — were indicted recently. Republicans, including the president, have expressed some worry about losing those seats now. Mr. Trump blamed Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, for the Justice Department’s decision to bring charges so close to November.
Chris Collins
Duncan Hunter
Nature Is it common for a president to defend those accused of crimes on political grounds?
Nature Which Washington power players stand to lose the most on Election Day?
If Democrats fail to win the House, it’s hard to imagine Nancy Pelosi holding on for long as the party’s leader in the chamber. If Republicans somehow lose the Senate, their majority leader, Mitch McConnell, will probably not love life back in the minority. Confirming another conservative Supreme Court justice, for instance, would be quite difficult without 50 Republican votes.
Nature Are there ballot measures worth watching?
Among them: A handful of conservative states — Utah, Nebraska, Idaho — will consider proposals to expand Medicaid, with supporters hoping to outflank conservative lawmakers who have blocked the efforts legislatively. Some Western states have ballot initiatives involving energy pricing — including one in California about the state gas tax and another in Washington State on carbon emissions. And in Florida, a closely watched measure would re-establish voting rights for convicted felons who have served their time.
Nature Are the midterms just a referendum on Mr. Trump?
Largely, but not exclusively.
Local issues always matter, sometimes quite a bit. And policies from the Republican Congress — like the tax overhaul and the push for health care repeal — might be powerful motivators for many voters, for reasons that have little to do with Mr. Trump alone.
Nature Is Mr. Trump a boon or a liability for Republican candidates?
It’s like the real estate market: all about location, location, location.
Generally, the president is useful where he’s popular and less useful where he’s not. (Stunning, yes.) But many Republicans all over the map are welcoming his help. In 2016, Mr. Trump mocked Ted Cruz’s wife, his father and his faith.
Now Mr. Cruz, facing a tough re-election, plans to have Mr. Trump headline a rally in Texas.
Nature Can I trust the polls?
Yes and no!
Generally, polls are more revealing about the electorate and issues than highly accurate predictors for Election Day. This year, many projections suggest that Democrats have a better than 50-50 chance of taking back the House. And no one is saying it’s a sure thing. Here at The New York Times, the Upshot’s live polling project is a great example of both compelling data and radical candor about what we do not (and cannot) know for certain.
Nature O.K., the midterms end and then what?
Joy, relief, despair. And the 2020 presidential campaign basically starts immediately.
days, hours, minutes and seconds left.
Graphics by Sarah Almukhtar. Russian translation by Yuliya Parshina-Kottas.
Sources: United States Elections Project (voter turnout); Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University (female primary winners); Cook Political Report (states to watch).
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/2018-midterm-election-guide.html | Matt Flegenheimer, Grant Gold, Umi Syam
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections, in 2018-10-07 01:39:59
0 notes
computacionalblog · 6 years
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections http://www.nature-business.com/nature-everything-you-need-to-know-for-the-midterm-elections/
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Nature When are the midterms?
Nov. 6, 2018. Bring a friend.
days, hours, minutes and seconds left.
Nature What’s at stake in Washington?
435 U.S. House seats and 33 U.S. Senate seats.
Matters of interest include: which party controls the two chambers of Congress and has oversight power of President Trump and his administration. (Hint: Democrats will investigate far more aggressively than Republicans have, if given the chance.) Also, voters are generally eligible for those little “I Voted” stickers, which tend to be crowd pleasers.
Good to know: House seats are up every two years. But because senators serve six-year terms, which are staggered, 33 states have Senate races this fall.
Nature What about outside of Washington?
6,665 state positions and thousands more local ones.
Don’t forget the governorships, state legislative seats and scores of other nonfederal offices, down to the municipal level. Thirty-six states will elect governors this year.
Nature Who’s going to win the House?
Definitely the Democrats.Definitely the Democrats.Or the Republicans.Or the Republicans.Definitely one of those.
There has been talk of a so-called blue wave lifting Democrats to majorities in the House and Senate. And there are credible signs that Democrats are intensely energized this year. But a strong economy and protectiveness of President Trump will motivate plenty of Republicans. So there’s no guarantee which party will win big — there are just too many tight races. Take a spin through these poll results, and see for yourself.
Nature If Democrats take the House, what happens?
Politically: investigations, lectern-pounding, maybe impeachment proceedings. Legislatively: probably next to nothing, with a return to divided government. Which Democrats would consider a significant upgrade.
Nature If Republicans keep the House, what happens?
Politically: more one-party rule in Washington, perhaps an even more emboldened Mr. Trump, almost certainly no impeachment. Legislatively: more deregulation, maybe more tax cuts, maybe another run at repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Nature How many House seats do Democrats need to pick up to take over the House?
Nature How do they get there?
Start with many of the 23 Republican-held seats in districts that Hillary Clinton won in 2016.
But Democrats see plausible openings in dozens of districts, from diverse metro areas and suburbs — where many college-educated voters think little of Mr. Trump — to some rural seats. Here, we created a field guide to the main battlefields for control of the House.
Nature How many Americans live in competitive congressional districts?
More than 50 million or so.
There are about 75 competitive races out of 435 House seats. Districts are each intended to have about 700,000 people. So that gives us more than 50 million in competitive districts.
Nature Which states have the most competitive House races?
These 30.
There are consequential races all over: California, the northeast (Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey), the Midwest (Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota), even traditional Republican strongholds like Texas. We’re keeping track of the tightest ones.
Nature Does my vote matter?
I mean, sure, it is unlikely that your vote will be the literal tiebreaker in a given election. But this is not impossible! And the whole exercise can be civically meaningful even in races decided by more than one vote.
Plus, midterm turnout generally lags well behind presidential year turnout. So it’s a great opportunity for contrarians to undercut statistical expectations, if that’s your thing.
year turnout
year turnout
year turnout
Nature Can I vote early?
Depends on where you live. Early voting has already started in some states. Here’s a good roundup.
Nature How late can I register? Where do I vote?
Rules vary by state. This page is a useful guide.
Nature Will my vote be safe?
Probably. Maybe.
But really: There are serious questions about protecting the integrity of the vote — and the election process. And, as ever, the White House has been a wild card. Mr. Trump, who has often questioned the intelligence community’s consensus on Russian interference in 2016, has signed an executive order to punish foreign meddling, but lawmakers in both parties have been pushing for something more aggressive.
We broke down what we know about the Russia story for you here and here.
Nature What role is social media playing in the midterms?
A large one.
The prominence of platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat is nothing new for campaigns, but never before have politicians had more options to circumvent traditional media. One critical example: Candidates are aiming to produce the next viral video as a proxy for pricey television commercials, and often sharing the message largely through social media.
Nature What is Facebook doing differently?
Between expansive data leaks and (actual) fake news, in 2016 and since, it has not been a great run for Facebook. Besides the ubiquitous ads vaguely apologizing, the company has said it is on the case, on both fronts, but already the threat of influence on campaigns has proved very real in 2018.
The company has cited outside attempts to affect the midterms, with tactics that bear a strong resemblance to the Russians’ in 2016. One of many challenges for Facebook, as my colleague Kevin Roose wrote recently, is “to separate the ordinary rants and raves of legitimate users from coordinated, possibly state-backed attempts to sway public opinion.”
Nature How does the special counsel investigation affect the midterms?
Hard to say.
Many Democratic candidates have largely avoided the Russia affair to date, preferring to talk about domestic issues. But Nov. 6 is still a long way off, in political terms, and a major breakthrough in the investigation led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III (or other inquiries into the president and those close to him), could become an “October surprise.”
Nature What kinds of policy discussions have dominated races?
Healthcare is universally a biggie, often with debates on two tracks: between Democrats and Republicans on the merits of the Affordable Care Act (still) and between Democrats and Democrats on whether Medicare for all is the long-term answer. Others: immigration, education, gun control.
Nature Do Democrats have a chance to take the Senate, too?
Sure, but the road is long.
Ten Democrats are up for re-election in states that Mr. Trump won in 2016, several of which he won bigly. By contrast, Democrats have a realistic chance to gain seats in only a few states, so their margin for error is close to zero, with Republicans already holding a slim majority.
Nature Which Republican-held seats must the Democrats win to have any shot at capturing the Senate?
Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee.
Texas is also on the radar, with Representative Beto O’Rourke running a strong race against Senator Ted Cruz, the man Democrats love to really, really not love.
Nature If the House and Senate split, what are the odds of any major legislation getting passed for two years?
Nature What sort of Republican candidates made it through the primaries?
The ones who seemed the most like Mr. Trump.
They did quite well in Republican primaries, often with an endorsement assist from the president himself.
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
Subtlety has been rare, particularly in ads. In Florida, Ron DeSantis’s successful bid for the nomination for governor included a spot that found his young child wearing a “Make America Great Again” onesie. In another ad in Georgia, Brian Kemp, the Republican nominee for governor, sat in a truck he pledged to use “just in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself.” But do voters in a general election want more Trumpism? We’ll find out.
Nature Is it really the “Year of the Woman”?
Certainly looks that way.
A record 257 women are running for the House and Senate this fall, and more women have won House primaries than in any year in the nation’s history — 235.
women won House
primaries in 2018
women won House
primaries in 2018
women won House
primaries in 2018
Women have also broken records in primaries for governor’s offices, and there are more woman vs. woman contests than ever before. And in many competitive races, women have emerged from crowded primary fields filled with men.
But despite a record number of female nominees, Congress remains a long way from achieving the gender breakdown of the country itself. Many of this year’s female nominees are running against men in competitive districts, or as long shots against male incumbents.
Nature What candidates are making Democrats excited?
The Democratic future appears to be young, progressive and racially diverse — from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic socialist who toppled a longtime House incumbent in a primary in New York; to Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for governor in Florida; to Stacey Abrams, who is trying to become the nation’s first black female governor, in the Georgia race.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Stacey Abrams
Andrew Gillum
Nature What candidates are making Republicans excited?
Nature Who can make history this year?
Lots of folks.
Andrew Gillum would be the first African-American to lead his state.
Stacey Abrams would be the first African-American woman to lead any state.
In Tennessee, Representative Marsha Blackburn, the Republican nominee for an open Senate seat, could become the state’s first female senator.
In Vermont, Christine Hallquist, a Democrat, is the first transgender candidate ever to be nominated for governor by a major party.
Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, each seeking House seats, would be the first Muslim-American women in Congress.
Jared Polis of Colorado would become the first openly gay man to be elected governor.
Nature Have scandals affected the House outlook at all?
Two Republican congressmen from solidly red districts — Chris Collins of New York and Duncan Hunter of California — were indicted recently. Republicans, including the president, have expressed some worry about losing those seats now. Mr. Trump blamed Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, for the Justice Department’s decision to bring charges so close to November.
Chris Collins
Duncan Hunter
Nature Is it common for a president to defend those accused of crimes on political grounds?
Nature Which Washington power players stand to lose the most on Election Day?
If Democrats fail to win the House, it’s hard to imagine Nancy Pelosi holding on for long as the party’s leader in the chamber. If Republicans somehow lose the Senate, their majority leader, Mitch McConnell, will probably not love life back in the minority. Confirming another conservative Supreme Court justice, for instance, would be quite difficult without 50 Republican votes.
Nature Are there ballot measures worth watching?
Among them: A handful of conservative states — Utah, Nebraska, Idaho — will consider proposals to expand Medicaid, with supporters hoping to outflank conservative lawmakers who have blocked the efforts legislatively. Some Western states have ballot initiatives involving energy pricing — including one in California about the state gas tax and another in Washington State on carbon emissions. And in Florida, a closely watched measure would re-establish voting rights for convicted felons who have served their time.
Nature Are the midterms just a referendum on Mr. Trump?
Largely, but not exclusively.
Local issues always matter, sometimes quite a bit. And policies from the Republican Congress — like the tax overhaul and the push for health care repeal — might be powerful motivators for many voters, for reasons that have little to do with Mr. Trump alone.
Nature Is Mr. Trump a boon or a liability for Republican candidates?
It’s like the real estate market: all about location, location, location.
Generally, the president is useful where he’s popular and less useful where he’s not. (Stunning, yes.) But many Republicans all over the map are welcoming his help. In 2016, Mr. Trump mocked Ted Cruz’s wife, his father and his faith.
Now Mr. Cruz, facing a tough re-election, plans to have Mr. Trump headline a rally in Texas.
Nature Can I trust the polls?
Yes and no!
Generally, polls are more revealing about the electorate and issues than highly accurate predictors for Election Day. This year, many projections suggest that Democrats have a better than 50-50 chance of taking back the House. And no one is saying it’s a sure thing. Here at The New York Times, the Upshot’s live polling project is a great example of both compelling data and radical candor about what we do not (and cannot) know for certain.
Nature O.K., the midterms end and then what?
Joy, relief, despair. And the 2020 presidential campaign basically starts immediately.
days, hours, minutes and seconds left.
Graphics by Sarah Almukhtar. Russian translation by Yuliya Parshina-Kottas.
Sources: United States Elections Project (voter turnout); Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University (female primary winners); Cook Political Report (states to watch).
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/2018-midterm-election-guide.html | Matt Flegenheimer, Grant Gold, Umi Syam
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections, in 2018-10-07 01:39:59
0 notes
internetbasic9 · 6 years
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections https://ift.tt/2ObHrLk
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Nature When are the midterms?
Nov. 6, 2018. Bring a friend.
days, hours, minutes and seconds left.
Nature What’s at stake in Washington?
435 U.S. House seats and 33 U.S. Senate seats.
Matters of interest include: which party controls the two chambers of Congress and has oversight power of President Trump and his administration. (Hint: Democrats will investigate far more aggressively than Republicans have, if given the chance.) Also, voters are generally eligible for those little “I Voted” stickers, which tend to be crowd pleasers.
Good to know: House seats are up every two years. But because senators serve six-year terms, which are staggered, 33 states have Senate races this fall.
Nature What about outside of Washington?
6,665 state positions and thousands more local ones.
Don’t forget the governorships, state legislative seats and scores of other nonfederal offices, down to the municipal level. Thirty-six states will elect governors this year.
Nature Who’s going to win the House?
Definitely the Democrats.Definitely the Democrats.Or the Republicans.Or the Republicans.Definitely one of those.
There has been talk of a so-called blue wave lifting Democrats to majorities in the House and Senate. And there are credible signs that Democrats are intensely energized this year. But a strong economy and protectiveness of President Trump will motivate plenty of Republicans. So there’s no guarantee which party will win big — there are just too many tight races. Take a spin through these poll results, and see for yourself.
Nature If Democrats take the House, what happens?
Politically: investigations, lectern-pounding, maybe impeachment proceedings. Legislatively: probably next to nothing, with a return to divided government. Which Democrats would consider a significant upgrade.
Nature If Republicans keep the House, what happens?
Politically: more one-party rule in Washington, perhaps an even more emboldened Mr. Trump, almost certainly no impeachment. Legislatively: more deregulation, maybe more tax cuts, maybe another run at repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Nature How many House seats do Democrats need to pick up to take over the House?
Nature How do they get there?
Start with many of the 23 Republican-held seats in districts that Hillary Clinton won in 2016.
But Democrats see plausible openings in dozens of districts, from diverse metro areas and suburbs — where many college-educated voters think little of Mr. Trump — to some rural seats. Here, we created a field guide to the main battlefields for control of the House.
Nature How many Americans live in competitive congressional districts?
More than 50 million or so.
There are about 75 competitive races out of 435 House seats. Districts are each intended to have about 700,000 people. So that gives us more than 50 million in competitive districts.
Nature Which states have the most competitive House races?
These 30.
There are consequential races all over: California, the northeast (Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey), the Midwest (Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota), even traditional Republican strongholds like Texas. We’re keeping track of the tightest ones.
Nature Does my vote matter?
I mean, sure, it is unlikely that your vote will be the literal tiebreaker in a given election. But this is not impossible! And the whole exercise can be civically meaningful even in races decided by more than one vote.
Plus, midterm turnout generally lags well behind presidential year turnout. So it’s a great opportunity for contrarians to undercut statistical expectations, if that’s your thing.
year turnout
year turnout
year turnout
Nature Can I vote early?
Depends on where you live. Early voting has already started in some states. Here’s a good roundup.
Nature How late can I register? Where do I vote?
Rules vary by state. This page is a useful guide.
Nature Will my vote be safe?
Probably. Maybe.
But really: There are serious questions about protecting the integrity of the vote — and the election process. And, as ever, the White House has been a wild card. Mr. Trump, who has often questioned the intelligence community’s consensus on Russian interference in 2016, has signed an executive order to punish foreign meddling, but lawmakers in both parties have been pushing for something more aggressive.
We broke down what we know about the Russia story for you here and here.
Nature What role is social media playing in the midterms?
A large one.
The prominence of platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat is nothing new for campaigns, but never before have politicians had more options to circumvent traditional media. One critical example: Candidates are aiming to produce the next viral video as a proxy for pricey television commercials, and often sharing the message largely through social media.
Nature What is Facebook doing differently?
Between expansive data leaks and (actual) fake news, in 2016 and since, it has not been a great run for Facebook. Besides the ubiquitous ads vaguely apologizing, the company has said it is on the case, on both fronts, but already the threat of influence on campaigns has proved very real in 2018.
The company has cited outside attempts to affect the midterms, with tactics that bear a strong resemblance to the Russians’ in 2016. One of many challenges for Facebook, as my colleague Kevin Roose wrote recently, is “to separate the ordinary rants and raves of legitimate users from coordinated, possibly state-backed attempts to sway public opinion.”
Nature How does the special counsel investigation affect the midterms?
Hard to say.
Many Democratic candidates have largely avoided the Russia affair to date, preferring to talk about domestic issues. But Nov. 6 is still a long way off, in political terms, and a major breakthrough in the investigation led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III (or other inquiries into the president and those close to him), could become an “October surprise.”
Nature What kinds of policy discussions have dominated races?
Healthcare is universally a biggie, often with debates on two tracks: between Democrats and Republicans on the merits of the Affordable Care Act (still) and between Democrats and Democrats on whether Medicare for all is the long-term answer. Others: immigration, education, gun control.
Nature Do Democrats have a chance to take the Senate, too?
Sure, but the road is long.
Ten Democrats are up for re-election in states that Mr. Trump won in 2016, several of which he won bigly. By contrast, Democrats have a realistic chance to gain seats in only a few states, so their margin for error is close to zero, with Republicans already holding a slim majority.
Nature Which Republican-held seats must the Democrats win to have any shot at capturing the Senate?
Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee.
Texas is also on the radar, with Representative Beto O’Rourke running a strong race against Senator Ted Cruz, the man Democrats love to really, really not love.
Nature If the House and Senate split, what are the odds of any major legislation getting passed for two years?
Nature What sort of Republican candidates made it through the primaries?
The ones who seemed the most like Mr. Trump.
They did quite well in Republican primaries, often with an endorsement assist from the president himself.
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
primary candidates
endorsed by Trump won
Subtlety has been rare, particularly in ads. In Florida, Ron DeSantis’s successful bid for the nomination for governor included a spot that found his young child wearing a “Make America Great Again” onesie. In another ad in Georgia, Brian Kemp, the Republican nominee for governor, sat in a truck he pledged to use “just in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself.” But do voters in a general election want more Trumpism? We’ll find out.
Nature Is it really the “Year of the Woman”?
Certainly looks that way.
A record 257 women are running for the House and Senate this fall, and more women have won House primaries than in any year in the nation’s history — 235.
women won House
primaries in 2018
women won House
primaries in 2018
women won House
primaries in 2018
Women have also broken records in primaries for governor’s offices, and there are more woman vs. woman contests than ever before. And in many competitive races, women have emerged from crowded primary fields filled with men.
But despite a record number of female nominees, Congress remains a long way from achieving the gender breakdown of the country itself. Many of this year’s female nominees are running against men in competitive districts, or as long shots against male incumbents.
Nature What candidates are making Democrats excited?
The Democratic future appears to be young, progressive and racially diverse — from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic socialist who toppled a longtime House incumbent in a primary in New York; to Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for governor in Florida; to Stacey Abrams, who is trying to become the nation’s first black female governor, in the Georgia race.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Stacey Abrams
Andrew Gillum
Nature What candidates are making Republicans excited?
Nature Who can make history this year?
Lots of folks.
Andrew Gillum would be the first African-American to lead his state.
Stacey Abrams would be the first African-American woman to lead any state.
In Tennessee, Representative Marsha Blackburn, the Republican nominee for an open Senate seat, could become the state’s first female senator.
In Vermont, Christine Hallquist, a Democrat, is the first transgender candidate ever to be nominated for governor by a major party.
Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, each seeking House seats, would be the first Muslim-American women in Congress.
Jared Polis of Colorado would become the first openly gay man to be elected governor.
Nature Have scandals affected the House outlook at all?
Two Republican congressmen from solidly red districts — Chris Collins of New York and Duncan Hunter of California — were indicted recently. Republicans, including the president, have expressed some worry about losing those seats now. Mr. Trump blamed Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, for the Justice Department’s decision to bring charges so close to November.
Chris Collins
Duncan Hunter
Nature Is it common for a president to defend those accused of crimes on political grounds?
Nature Which Washington power players stand to lose the most on Election Day?
If Democrats fail to win the House, it’s hard to imagine Nancy Pelosi holding on for long as the party’s leader in the chamber. If Republicans somehow lose the Senate, their majority leader, Mitch McConnell, will probably not love life back in the minority. Confirming another conservative Supreme Court justice, for instance, would be quite difficult without 50 Republican votes.
Nature Are there ballot measures worth watching?
Among them: A handful of conservative states — Utah, Nebraska, Idaho — will consider proposals to expand Medicaid, with supporters hoping to outflank conservative lawmakers who have blocked the efforts legislatively. Some Western states have ballot initiatives involving energy pricing — including one in California about the state gas tax and another in Washington State on carbon emissions. And in Florida, a closely watched measure would re-establish voting rights for convicted felons who have served their time.
Nature Are the midterms just a referendum on Mr. Trump?
Largely, but not exclusively.
Local issues always matter, sometimes quite a bit. And policies from the Republican Congress — like the tax overhaul and the push for health care repeal — might be powerful motivators for many voters, for reasons that have little to do with Mr. Trump alone.
Nature Is Mr. Trump a boon or a liability for Republican candidates?
It’s like the real estate market: all about location, location, location.
Generally, the president is useful where he’s popular and less useful where he’s not. (Stunning, yes.) But many Republicans all over the map are welcoming his help. In 2016, Mr. Trump mocked Ted Cruz’s wife, his father and his faith.
Now Mr. Cruz, facing a tough re-election, plans to have Mr. Trump headline a rally in Texas.
Nature Can I trust the polls?
Yes and no!
Generally, polls are more revealing about the electorate and issues than highly accurate predictors for Election Day. This year, many projections suggest that Democrats have a better than 50-50 chance of taking back the House. And no one is saying it’s a sure thing. Here at The New York Times, the Upshot’s live polling project is a great example of both compelling data and radical candor about what we do not (and cannot) know for certain.
Nature O.K., the midterms end and then what?
Joy, relief, despair. And the 2020 presidential campaign basically starts immediately.
days, hours, minutes and seconds left.
Graphics by Sarah Almukhtar. Russian translation by Yuliya Parshina-Kottas.
Sources: United States Elections Project (voter turnout); Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University (female primary winners); Cook Political Report (states to watch).
Read More | https://ift.tt/2y66DI8 | Matt Flegenheimer, Grant Gold, Umi Syam
Nature Everything You Need to Know for the Midterm Elections, in 2018-10-07 01:39:59
0 notes
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Basically, I just want to know currently, how much is a 24250 violation fine in California (San Jose). Also, do insurance companies take into consideration what the violation was when raising your insurance rate, or do they just look at how many points are on your record? Reading the rest of the question is not important, I just wanted to rant :P ---------- Here is what happened...had a long day, was starving, so stopped at a drive thru for food. Food took too long, so I turned off the engine and lights to save gas/battery. Forgot to turn lights back on. Drove about 100 meters where I got pulled over and the cop wrote me a ticket. Unfortunately, my circumstances did not make a difference and I got a ticket for not having my headlights on. Cop did not know the fine amount, the consequences, or even what category my violation was in. He thought it would not be as severe as a speeding ticket, so to teach me a lesson he gave me a ticket. If he just let me go with a warning, the same lesson would have been learned...just sayin'. Just looked it up...looks like it is just as bad as a speeding ticket, and a point will go on my driving record since I already had gone to traffic school for speeding June 08. Its completely unjustified for something this minor to be equivalent to speeding, but of course, the law has no compassion. Can't really do anything about it now...""
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I'm thinking of retiring early. I would utilize COBRA for the full 18 months. After that, I would purchase an individual plan. I'm extremely healthy, no preexisting conditions. My concern is, if I were to become ill after purchasing the individual policy, could I be dropped? I would, of course, make sure payments are always on time. I live in California. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!""
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I have a terminal illness but I am still able to work, however, I am on COBRA because my last job wrongly fired me. I am not poor but I simply cannot keep paying for COBRA. I cannot go for Medicaid because my good doctor does not accept Medicaid and I do not want to owe lots of money and have to worry about paying it off. I heard there is a program with either Social Security or Medicare where all you need to do is fill out a few forms and get a letter from your doctor stating that you have a terminal illness. Then you will receive health insurance for little or no cost and your doctor has to accept the insurance. Does anyone have any info on this? I am not disabled to the point where I cannot work, but my bills are a lot of money even with the COBRA coverage.""
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""If you were non-insured for health coverage, what would you prefer?""
Would you rather be under a government-run option that decide who you could see, what procedures are allowed and when you were allowed to have those procedures done? Or would you prefer a tax credit that would allow you to choose a private plan that you want, that allows you to see who you prefer, have the coverage that you need and treat you in a timely fashion? Today the Republicans have proposed an option that would give you such a choice, but Democrats have shut them out and don't want Americans to know that they have such a choice in healthcare.""
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Is this what we can hope for? Affordable or even free health care for all Americans, rich and poor?""
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I'm working on transferring my current car insurance to Geico and am filling out the electronic form to get a quote. My car is brand new, and I have had it for like eight months. I don't know much car insurance; in the electronic form, what coverage do I pick for full insurance instead of liability? Thanks.""
""If someone wrecks my car and I have full coverage, would that person have to claim on their insurance also?""
Today I went about an hour away to purchase a second car. On the drive back it began snowing and the roads got very bad. I was driving my old car and a friend was driving the new one. He was in front of me, the car he drove hit a patch of ice and slid into the curb, I tried to stop but when I hit the brakes my car slid too and ran into the back of the one he drove. I have full coverage on my old, and minimum coverage on the new one. If I claim this on my insurance to cover damage, will he have to claim it on his too, or would mine cover it completly? Because I don't want to file a claim if it will effect his insurance, since it was both my vehicles. Any input would be helpful. Thanks!""
Progressive auto insurance problem !?
I need an opinion on what should i do in this case. 3 weeks ago , as I was driving home , on the freeway , from the truck in front of me fell big peace of ice and hit my car from underneath. Less than 1 minute later i noticed blue smoke behind , luckily there was and exit with gas station right there. By the time i pulled up to the gas station car was barely moving. After staying parked for 20 min , it leaked oil and tranny fluid . I called towing , had them pick the car up , called progressive made the claim. All of that happened in WI near Milwaukee , before i used to leave in Chicago , so I never dealt with progressive from WI. After couple days adjuster came out and gave shop 1100$ to start the repairs , shop diagnosed everything and came to a conclusion that its the transmission leaking because of the damage inside. Adjuster was extremely slow to give shop any kind of approvals to do anything , So after 3 weeks they finally allowed them to take transmission apart , another adjuster came out took pictures , then shop owner want around , called me and said that he will call me next day. Next day shop owner calls me asking if I heard anything from progressive ? I call that guy back , but he went on vacation. Call my first adjuster , she says that the guy who went on vacation concluded that it wasn't related to impact , so they wont pay for anything and I owe 500 for taking down transmission. I called shop owner right away asking if its possible , not being related to impact , he says of course not , otherwise your car wouldn't break after impact. He also said some technical explanation what caused it to break , i just don't know what. he also said that no one ever called him and asked him what was the cause if that. I dealt with progressive in Chicago twice , when i lived there , and i had greatest experience ever , but it seems that in Milwaukee , they are playing games , making me pay , and not taking responsibilities. I figured somebody might know what should I do in this case , I just want them to do what they should do , especially when Im paying 200$ a month.""
GAP insurance on finance car?
I paid 400 for GAP insurance on my new car around 6months ago when taking it out on finance I have just been made redundant does GAP cover this?
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
health insurance in south carolina
Do men drive better then women or women better then men or even steven?
Do men drive better then women or women better then men or even steven?
Amherst Junction Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54407
Amherst Junction Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54407
Car Insurance for a 16 year old in California?
I am gonna get either a Used 03-04 Nissan 350z and would like to get a rough estimate of how much insurance is gonna cost. Thanks in advance. Also what would happen to my insurance if the car is on a salvage title?
""How much is car insurance supposed to be for people or just me, im 18 (i turn 19 in nov.)?
drove some cars afew times but never had a permit and i am trying to get my license so ill be ready to move out immediatley after i graduate next year (2013) but my stepdad keeps saying no i dont have the money for the insurance your gona have to get a job. but if insurance is under $600 for new 19 year old drivers than i have that money in my drawer. will that be enough for me to pay for my own insurance policy ?
""My family makes 80,000 but can't afford health insurance. I have loans and all, what do I do?""
We are currently living in Pleasanton CA because I want my daughter to go to a good public school (cant afford private schools)We have no family here in California, its just the two of us with our 5 year old daughter.(my husband is an only child, both of his parents died) It is very expensive to live in Pleasanton, but we rather live someplace nice where the school system is good and we are also interracial couple. We have credit card loans,(25,000) and my husband has a student loan. My daughter is on a Kaiser individual plan which is 300 a month. We have a car payment of 312 a month and still have 6000 left to pay off. We have a low interest rate on the car loan like 4%. We tried consolidating our loans but it did not work. Now my job offers health insurance, but it is very costly, 280 a month which I can't afford, and we are not qualified for the covered California. Please anyone has any advise we would love to hear some feedback.""
Where did the myth that the color of your car is an insurance factor come from?
Where did that come from I hear lots of people saying that. That would be a sad day if the inusuance companies had that much say into how my car should look.
What's the cheapest auto insurance and do you need it to have a permit?
it speaks for itself what company has the cheapest & most reliable auto insurance company for a 16 year old driver (not 16 yet but I should have my driver's license by February 25th if I go after my birth day)
Which Insurance Company?
I am a 20 year old male and i'm looking for insurance for my car. The prices range from 1000-3000. I know it depends on Claims, how long you've been driving, your age etc etc but just wondering does anyone have any suggestions about which insurance companies are quite cheap for people around my age?""
Daily car insurance for a 18 year old?
Hi, I don't really know where to look, but my friend said that it is possible to get daily insurance for my age... I guess the question is where can I get daily insurance that allow 18+ If it helps, the car is a bmw 5 series m sport.""
Claiming Back car insurance?
Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks..""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
Learner car insurance?
I will be supervising a learner with a provisional licence, i have been driving for more then 5yrs and hold a full Uk license.. Do i have to have the car insurance in the learners name too?""
""How do I get this auto insurance issue taken care of? Possible Law Suit, advice needed.?""
I originally had State Farm and was paying $232 for a Hyndai Tiburon, had a traffic accident for, Improper Lane Change, the other person did not file a claim, had to spend $500 to get my car fixed and $89 on municipal court fees. I was told that the incident, since I paid it in full and did not receive probation would not be held on my license, however it did make my insurance go up to $302, because of the deduct able, very understandable. This was in Ga. I moved to Ok. I looked at new insurance here and found one with Mercury Auto Insurance through a 3rd party company and received a quote for full coverage at $232 a month, so back down to normal price. They ran my license and everything, everything was fine, I even told them about the accident and they said that it would not change rates. Well, it did. I got my first statement and my bill was $314! I called up to the 3rd party company and they said that the insurance company charged my Improper Lane Change, as an Erratic Improper Lane Change, and as such it was classified as a traffic accident on my license and that's what made it go up. She said she would call me back, but she never did and I have been working so much, I haven't had a chance to call back. So here is what I need to know, and please no stupid insurance companies trying to solicit. 1. Who do I call in Ga. and have them dismiss those charges on my license and if they can't, how do I go about filing a lawsuit for illegal allegations after trial? 2. Who do I contact, when I have the proper information, the 3rd party company, or the actually insurance company....or both?""
Motorcycle Insurance 16yr Old?
I am 16, I am thinking about getting a crotch rocket, and just wanna know about insurance. State: Minnesota Year of bike: 1995-2005 I am thinking 650cc - 750cc I have experience on motorcycles (dirt bikes) I do realize their is some difference I have a grade average of B's or higher.""
If i have insurance on my driver s license do i have to have insurance on my car in Maine?
I am now told that it is mandatory for me to have insurance ON my license... does that mean I need it on my car as well?? I could use all the help I can get on this. THANK YOU!
What is the cheapest in car insurance to got with in europe?
Me and a friend have just got to the uk and plan on going traveling thru Europe in it Who is the cheapest company to go thru ?
On average what is my auto insurance going to cost if I go with geico or progressive in los angeles?
I need to know seriously
Health Insurance in US?
I would like to know if health insurance is mandatory in some states of the US.
""How cheap can car insurance go, and how long does it take to reach it's cheapest, how much do you pay?""
How cheap can car insurance go, and how long does it take to reach it's cheapest, how much do you pay?""
Would car insurance be less if i got an older car/truck?
like from the 1980 to 2000? and would a pickup truck cost less to insure than a small car? im 18 if that helps any.
Can I get really cheap insurance for my bike if I only use it for a couple of weeks per year?
I live in Argentina, and only go back to the U.S. for a few weeks out of the year. What's the cheapest way to insure my motorcycle while I'm there?""
Insurance coverage for home birth?
I know some insurance companies will cover home birth as an out of network cost which mine will as well but I have a high deductible so that's pointless. I was looking for a back up insurance that will cover home birth. I have had no luck locating one. Does anyone know of one or small insurance company that does? I am in AZ. Thanks!
Can anyone recommend an insurance carrier for insuring the contents of a house move (besides the movers)?
I am moving the contents of my house from California to Colorado using the PODS mover and storage - PODS insurance is very expensive and covers virtually nothing so I would like to find a reliable insurance company that will cover my belongings during transit and storage
16 year old first car - Camaro?
I just turned 16 a few days ago and am looking to buy my first car. I really want a 2010 camaro ss with the 6 speed manual, but i am open to any suggestions. I'm a really responsible kid and i get all A's and B's in school. Plus i own my own business and can definitely pay for a new car, insurance, and gas on my own. Your thoughts and any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
How much will car insurance cost me a month?
Maine, 16 years old, 11 (almost 12) year old car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver's ed course taken. About how much will my car insurance cost me a month? Thanks.""
Average cost of insurance and registration in Utah?
My husband and I are looking into getting two different vehicles and I am just trying to get an estimate on how much its going to cost to register them and how much I may need up front for insurance. I am 24 years old, my husband is 23 and a former truck driver. The two cars are a 1996 grand caravan (red if needed) and a 1980 Chevette (black if needed). I do not know mileage yet for either one.""
Amherst Junction Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54407
Amherst Junction Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54407
2006 Dodge Charger R/T insurance?
I'm 19 years old, and I am very interested into buying a 2006 Dodge Charger R/T. 5.7L V8. I'm a responsible driver with a flawless driving history and have taken (and passed) a driver's education course. The thing I'm concerned about though is the insurance for the vehicle. What makes a car (in itself) have high insurance? Is it based on the performance and power alone, or do other factors come into play such as the size and number of doors? Would a V8 Charger in particular have ridiculously high insurance compared to a more sporty car such as a V8 Mustang of the same year? Well, you probably understand what I'm trying to ask. Someone please enlighten me, thanks. I appreciate it =)""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada and I am looking to buy cheap car insurance. I have been driving for 30 years, any ideas, good websites, great companies? Your help is greatly appreicated.""
What is the best Dental Insurance in California?
I live in orange county, ca. I need to see a dentist, and I will probably need major dental work. I was thinking of doing payment plans with my dentist, but someone suggested I pay for dental insurance, and pay the rest with a payment plan. I dont really know much about this, so what is the best dental insurance I can get? Like I said I need major dental work, close to 10,000 dollars.""
What is the Mustang classed under for insurance?
i was told that insurance companies class it as a sports car and will the insurance be high for a driver who: has slight ADD, 20 years old, just got my drivers license (2 months ago), lives with parents, has not the best grades, works part time, and isn't going to school at the moment? if it will be expensive what would you say would be a good first car? I'm driving a V8 4.0 litter engine Durango (year 2000) so i am familiar with a big powerful heavy car but i want a small car that drink a lot of gas and is cheap to insurance! thanks (please no smart A** remarks please)""
Which Car Would be Cheaper to Insure?
2001 Celica 1997 Spyder Eclipse Neither are GT! I'm just wondering which would be cheaper. ((BTW Yes I would pay for everything myself!) Sorry for the all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME A WEBSITE OR TELL ME TO CALL AN AGENT. I'm not looking for a number I just want to know if they would be much different in insurance prices. One more question, would they be much cheaper than the 2001 Mustang Convertible, if so a lot cheaper, or a little? I got a quote on the mustang a while ago, so I know how to compare that some! 16 year old Female. Thank you for those of you who answer my question!! :)""
""How much does fire insurance cost, building damage insurance cost, more on details?
1.) Fire Insurance 2.) Building Damage Insurance 3.) Property Damage Insurance 4.) Any other insurances out there? Please name some for me. The building is 1000 sq. feet with only one floor. How much would insurance cost? HOW MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? Thanks so much!
Estimated car insurance premium for a Camaro/Corvette?
I am looking to buy either a 2002 Camaro (5.7L V8) or a 2000 - 2002 Corvette (5.7L V8). I am wondering how much insurance will cost me. The detailed information and questions are as below: 1. Age: 34 2. Have been driving in the States for little less than 4 years. No accident at all. Only one speeding ticket about 3 years ago. (I had been driving for 10 years in Seoul, Korea with no accident at all, but it didn't count) 3. I used to drive a 2007 Toyota Tundra (5.7L V8), which I sold a few days ago. I paid about 450 dollars/6 months for full coverage. Questions: 1. How much would it cost me if I buy either one mentioned above? (even ballpark number would be appreciated) 2. Do year and purchasing price (or resale value) affect premium? For example, buying a 2008 brand new Corvette or a 2000 used Corvette makes a difference? 3. I know it would be higher to have a sports car, but do my age and driving record affect premium? If yes, how much do they affect?""
Car accident and insurance procedures?
I got into a car accident yesterday. I wasn't at fault for the accident, and I know my car is totaled. I was wondering how the whole thing will go down with the insurance and what the process is going to be. I filed a claim with my insurance co. and am waiting for them to call me up. I was wondering if the other person's insurance has to pay for my car and what not. I am also wondering if there will be any consolation since the other driver was dui.""
Urgent question: car accident/ no insurance?
Let say someone gets into an accident but did not have insurance on it( it is a long story but the car needed to be repair and be sold, so he was driving it to get it fix so he can sell, unfortunatly, while he was on the highway, he tries to stop just to realisethat the brake was not working and he bumps into another car. well the car is complety a mess and the air bag even came out. As it is for the other car no need to say that it back was mess up too) ok my question now what is going to happen, can he take a lawyer to defend him and how much do you think it might be to fix the other car. Please let me know I am so worried. the person lives in dallas, Texas. Thank you for your time ( the police came and said they are are going to court, the other car has insurance)""
Question about first insurance quote for a young driver?
Last week I used autotrader to search for numerous quotes and found one for around 1450. Today I passed my driving test, and went back to the quote but it had to be renewed since last week which is fair enough. The lowest value today was 1576 which I am alright with. I refreshed the page a while later to find that quote had disappeared and the cheapest was 1620, with the company for that quote (elephant) at the bottom with an unable to find a quote detail. I thought it would come back soon, so I refreshed the page and then suddenly the price increased to 2950 minimum and many of the cheaper companies were now listed as unable to find a quote. Strange, but perhaps the websites are too busy to send data. An hour on though and the price is still 2950. Did anyone else have this problem? If so when was it fixed, the same day or next day? Thanks""
Do you need motorcycle insurance in florida?
i plan on moving to florida really soon, i am from n.j. and i heard i wouldnt need insurance, is that true? are there any circumstances where i would need to get insurance?""
Car or 125cc motorcycle for 17 year old?
So I turn 17 soon and I was wondering whether to get a car or a 125. The main downside to getting a car is the driving lessons, it will probably end up costing 1000+ in just driving lessons/tests and is likely to take ages to past where as it takes a day to do the CBT to ride a bike. I am not interested in people saying Don't get a motorbike they're deathtraps! . So what should I do?""
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
Where should I look to insure a child in another state?
I am currently doing research to find an affordable health insurance plan for a child in California, I live in Colorado. I'm not sure how to go about finding insurance in another state, especially for a child. She will be 12 in October. Any suggestions?""
Does any one know a sight where I can get student insurance?
I want to join a sport but I need insurance and I saw some sights but they don't have my school please help
Lying on car insurance...?
what are/or could be any consequences of me lying about my car insurance renewal when i do 26,000miles per year and if i put that i only did 10,000miles my insurance would be alot cheaper it would go from 240p/m to 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how would the insurers know how many miles i did per year?""
Cheap auto insurance 23 yr old female?
I live in south florida wpb i have had insurance in my own name since ive been driving at 19 i have a 94 merc sable and all i need is pip/state req. im trying to find the cheapest i can find i own my car and im getting frustrated i had progressive but they went up on rates for what reason so i dropped them and i have until the 24th of october to find insurance ive been through all the big companies please help
Car insurance so confusing?
i have car insurance just now and i pay monthly.i am changing my car on wed so need to change my policy to fully comp. i would like to pay for my year insurance in a lump sum to cut down on monthly outgoings.problem is i get car on 9th but dont have money to pay years insurance till 15th so can i pay for a month then the year or do i have to pay monthly for the whole year
Anyone in pennsylvania know of an affordable dental plan that covers everything?
Does anyone have good dental insurance for a fair monthly price? I need something that covers crowns root canals check ups fillings and xrays. I don't really know where to start. ...show more
How much is auto insurance for a minor?
I'm about to get my license, how much is it to add me (16) to my parents car insurance? Don't give me anything like, It's different for everyone. I know. Just tell me what you are paying, or what you used to pay.""
Where can I find the cheapest possible car insurance?
I'm getting my first car which is pretty crappy and cheap (<$5000) so I don't want to spend that much on insurance. Where can I look to find the *cheapest* liability coverage. I don't think the major insurance companies have very low rates so I'm looking for lesser known ones.
Car Insurance - What kind of coverage is needed for an Occasional Driver...?
Okay, this is the deal, I have full coverage car insurance. This means that the insurance will cover me, if I have an accident that is my fault or if someone else hits me & it's not my fault. I also have insurance that covers me if someone breaks into my car & steals any kind of important items in my car. The Question... I sometimes let other people drive my car, to run errands for me (like driving my car home, cause I'm too sleepy to drive or I'm super busy & need an item from the store & I hand my keys to a licensed driver). I talked to my insurance company & was told they do not have coverage that will cover other drivers unless they are listed under my coverage. The problem - I don't want to list everybody in my family or all my friends. Isn't there insurance coverage that will cover anybody driving my vihecle as long as they are older than 25 & has a valid license? If so, what's the name of this type coverage - I nd to know the name b4 I call other companys. thanks""
What is a good and affordable selection of health/dental insurance?
What is a good and affordable selection of health/dental insurance?
Anyone have experience with Western and Southern life insurance co.?
I am looking to purchase term insurance
With pretty good insurance what would the average cost to have?
a hospital monitor my heart over night? I have been having chest pains and went and got a EKG done my doctor said he thinks I am fine I may have just pulled a muscle. But I am having shortness of breathe and my chest has been just a little sore for over week and a half.
Amherst Junction Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54407
Amherst Junction Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54407
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
I am 17 I live in New Mexico it is April 2013 and I am financing new 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS I will be put on my grandmothers Allstate car insurance.. how much would the monthly payment be???
""Rear-ended, can I ask car insurance to compensate for inconvenience of not having a car?""
Got rear-ended in NJ by a woman and my car was determined a total loss. Her car insurance took over a week to come to a decision that they would take 100% liability for the accident. They made me an offer for the dollar amount of value of the car which was honestly more than what I thought the value was going to be. I have 2 questions... Can I ask for compensation for the inconvenience of not having a vehicle during the time that they were making their decision? And two, I went to the hospital after the accident but haven't received the bills from that yet. If I accept their offer for the damage done to the car can I still get reimbursed for my medical bills later?""
Vw r32 any idea on insurance?
hi i am 23 year old female with 2 years no claims. just lookign for a very rough idea of costs to insure an r32, any similar ppl can tell me? thanks""
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
What would be insurance on a Sentra SER/Spec?
I'm 16 and looking for a car. Im not getting this car, I just want to know. Ok, so I have no accidents or tickets and a B average student or higher. I'm a safe driver and everything. How much would it be for 6 Months?""
Car insurance question?
Can I switch insurance agents within the same company if the insurance plan I have is still in my dad's name? I'm the one making payments now, and I need an agent that lives closer to me...also, the car title isn't in my name yet- does that matter when switching agents?""
Dental Insurance Question - The Real Scoop?
While I am employed, I work at home for a company in another state, and the dental insurance options through my company were not viable. So, of course, I relied on the internet to research my options, and I looked, specifically, for dental insurance Lo and Behold, the stuff that came up, was for Dental Discount Plans. Upon first glance, it seemed like this could actually have been a better deal then anything offered through my firm. The conversation on the websites touted these plans, often with premiums of $7 to $20 per month, to be better than conventional dental insurance in every imaginable way. No issues in applying, no maximums, no deductibles, and no waiting. So, I am sitting here, reading how in EVERY possible way this is better than insurance, and it strikes me. If something seems to good to be true, maybe it is. If these were so much better than conventional insurance, why did my firm have so much trouble finding affordable insurance; they should have simply joined one of these discount programs. Well, the site even attached me to an independent article which BASHED the conventional insurance...Then it struck me...If I was a dentist, would I be happy joining these discount plans and basically getting 50% to 75% less for my services. Yeah Yeah, I am getting my payment up front and not waiting for the insurance to pay me (again, playing the role of the dentist), but is that worth the tremendously discounted amount (does not make sense when you compare the time value of money). So, I realized that if I were a dentist, I would not want anything to do with these plans...Or would I? Does being a part of these discount programs really bring in enough clients to justify that deep a cut in the fee schedule. Then I started to think...Is it possible that there is something up with these deeply discounted fee schedules I keep seeing on these sites? Are the fees just being jacked up and then discounted back down to the point where I might as well not be a member of the Discount Program, and just a regular walk in? Can I go to a dentist and ask them for the fee schedule, and then after the fact, compare it to the discount program to see that I am really getting a discount, and it is not some number playing farce. I would want to know as a dentist whether these discount programs are worth anything. I need some kind of coverage, and for the few self insurance programs I see, the monthly premiums are incredibly high, and yes, when compared to the discount programs, it seems like NO ONE would EVER join these insurance programs since they are more limited and more expensive...Yet....They are still in the insurance business. Will someone please give me the scoop...I need to have an affordable option here, but don't want to be duped into joining one of these discount programs. Thank You""
No insurance on car used to drive child around in?
How can one go about handling the possibility that a child's non-custodial parent is driving their child in a car with no insurance. Recently, a friend of mine told me that if a parent has a car accident and a child in injured in a car with no car insurance, medical insurance won't cover expenses. Is this true? If it is, how do you suggest the custodial parent go about asking for proof of insurance from the other parent. The parents don't get along very well, and the non-custodial parent doesn't like to talk details with the other parent, even when she tries. My only thought was for her to give him notice of this policy and should something ever happen, try to hold him responsible for all expenses. Still, this does not handle the safety issue at hand. Any ideas? Simply asking the non-custodial parent to show proof would not work. His style would be I don't have to show you anything.""
Insurance For My Daughters Scooter?
My 16 yr old daughter is being stupidly high prices for her scooter insurance - she has a 49cc and has past her CBT test. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
How much more does insurance for a left hand drive vehicle cost in the UK?
If I bought a left hand drive VW camper and insured it I the UK, would it be more expensive than a right hand drive one? Or just answer if you know how much more it costs for and left hand drive vehicle in the uk?""
What records are checked when deciding car insurance rates besides DMV/Previous insurance????...?
I know that there are many factors when car insurance is decided.. I understand the thing with age, sex, previous evidence that you are risk factor more accidents... however I was wondering because I have gotten into accidents when I had no insurance/the other person only had my name.. since this was all they had, was it till recorded somewhere, will this affect my future rates????...""
Used car insurance?
If you get insurance for a used car, will they still fix your windsheild?""
Is my car insurance expensive?
I have a 2008 Passat and my husband has a 2010 Nissan Sentra. We have used the same car insurance co for years and know the owners/agents well. Before I was paying $255 for my 2003 Jetta and the Nissan and now it shot way up to $283. My husband has some tickets from the past,out of state. And my driving record is so far good. Are we paying too much? Absolutely NO spam or advertisements allowed!""
Insurance: Average yearly mileage exceeded?
When I brought my car insurance (after being without a car for many years), one of the questions was average yearly mileage , I input 12,000 thinking that that figure was ...show more""
Where can i find a Low Car Insurance Rate?
Where can i find a Low Car Insurance Rate i have 2000 Toyota
Were we can apply and buy liability insurance?
We are managing 300 units condominium.What approximately liability insurance will cost?
How can I receive free or low price health insurance ?
I am 21 and a type 1 diabetic ... My father recently got laid off so I do not have insurance anymore I tried to apply online for free medi-cal but it says I have to have at least 1 pregnant person on my application... I'm running out of insulin and need to insurance ASAP. Can anyone help me with any advice or where to apply for free or low price health insurance I only make 600 a month
Will my insurance go up when someone hits me?
I was driving on the highway, suddenly traffic slows down and we were driving at regular speed (65). i check my side mirror's, and the next thing i know my brand new car has no bumper. some idiot did not pay attention and he hit me. total repair is $1538. now, will his insurance call my insurance and let them know about it? will my insurance rates rise even though its not my fault?""
Where is the best place to get an auto insurance quote?
Where can I get a free auto insurance quote?
I work for a company that provides insurance through Health-net. Since the rates aren't that great (ya, what a surprise for Hyundai) I was wondering if could I deny the company insurance and just go with an outside provider? Or if I half to take what ever my company provides me.""
What's the cheapest car insurance?
& are add-on cars cheaper than the main car?
Car insurance question following dui arrest?
If you were arrested in 2009 for dui and your case was dismissed :1) will your insurance rates go up once insurance company sees you were arrested (it's now 2012 and rates never went up but is this because insurance company never noticed the arrest record?). I would like to get a new car but when I am renewing insurance, it will ask if I ever had a dui. How do I answer this? Can I say no if the case was dismissed? Will I have to wait for 5 years to pass since I was arrested? I know it was a stupid thing to do but any advice would be appreciated.""
Im 18 how much would insurance be on a 2006 330 i bmw?
Buying it
What is full auto coverage in California?
I have a new 2010 Smart Fortwo that I am financing. What is considered full coverage in the state of California? In other words, what are the main components of the insurance that I need, and what can I do without? Please help, I need an answer quick...""
How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old on a kawasaki ninja 250?
please don't tell me to go to an online calculator or quote site.
Amherst Junction Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54407
Amherst Junction Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54407
0 notes
How much is the cost for California motorcycle ..insurance for 17 year old?
"How much is the cost for California motorcycle ..insurance for 17 year old?
How much is the cost for California motorcycle insurance for 17 year old?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance for 1998 Corvette for 18 Year Old Male?
Okay, so this question is one of those, if you have to ask you can't afford it type of questions. Now I have loved Corvette's since I was old enough to identify cars. I have always dreamed of owning on, and the opportunity is upon me. After selling my car, and saved money, and saved funds, I can afford a 1998 Corvette Silver Automatic. Now it's a V8, and is pushing over 300HP easy. Insurance is ridiculously high, even with 2 and a half years of perfectly safe driving. (I hate the stereotype of just because I'm young, I'm an unsafe driver. Alas, all the idiots ruin it for us safe young adults.) Anyway the Vette clears out and is mint shape, no accidents, and is selling for $14,900 with 74K miles, a steal if you ask me. Anyway I have over $16,500 saved up, which leaves me with an issue. I can afford the car no problem, but I just know the insurance will be through the roof. However I was wondering if any of you have any idea on the cost. I have Metropolitan if you were wondering.""
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
Backdates homeowners insurance?r=1268786067?
Can an insurance company back date homeowners insurance?
How much should i expect in a car insurance settlement?
My chiropractor is charging 3,000 for my treatment. I was involved in a rear end accident. I was in a small honda civic coupe, when i was rear ended by a big ford F-150. My car was totaled and not driveable (the manual transmission cracked, oil leaked out, and it wouldn't go into any gear). I suffered from whiplash injuries because of the two impacts,( one small impact, then i turned around to see what happened, then the truck hit me again). the other driver got a ticket for following too closely. I was not at fault, so the insurance already paid for my car (1800). Initially they offered 1200,but i told them i couldn't accept because i paid 2500 for it, just a month before. Has anyone had a similar case? if so, how much can i be compensated for? My back still hurts. the accident was in august""
How long can you take leave for NJ short term disability?
I've been at my current job since December so I am ineligible for FMLA. However, I understand that short term disability for pregnancy gives you 4 weeks prior to your anticipated due date and then 6 weeks after. Is this correct? Can this amount of time change if your company uses a private insurance plan vs submitting directly through the state.""
By how much car insurance will go down after 1 year NCB?
I am 29, have been driving for ages, previously had another country license, got UK license last year and bought a car. My car insurance is due to expire next month. I was wondering how much it will go down with one year no claims, just looking for an estimate. or how much did your insurance go down after a year.""
""Hi, Maintenance cost for 2001, BMW 318 sei series?""
hi, I am thinking of buying my frist car, and i was thinking of a second hand year 2001 BMW, about 80000 miles, just wanted to know whats the servicing and maintenance cost for a BMW is like? Is it expensive ? does it break down often or is it a solid car? Otherwise i might look for a japanese model or a hyundai coupe. I was thinking of peugeot 206 as well and VW golf. hows the insurance for all of these car? Which car is better for a fresh graduate like me?""
Are young adults covered under their parents health insurance till 26 under the new Obama law?
Is it true that the new Obama law states that children/young adults will receive health insurance coverage until they are 26 even if they are not in school, married, and living out of ...show more""
Denied car insurance?
what happens if all the major car insurance companies deny you insurance if your a first time driver and have bad credit. geico and allstate denied me already. what can i do if they ALL deny me?
Cancelled car insurance?
My car insurance got cancelled for misrepresentation of garaging. I travel a lot for work and I had two places. My car got vandalized at my secondary place of residence and the insurance company and after I filed a claim, the insurance company treats is as a misrepresentation. I am about to get an insurance with a different company. Do i need to disclose this fact? How would that affect my rates. I have 1 week left on the policy.""
Car insurance for short locations (2-4 days)?
I usually rent a car at Rent a Car service companies once or twice per month. The insurance they offer are somewhat expensive (im 26, never got pull-over, never had an accident). I would like to know if anyone knows of an insurance company who offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank you.""
HELP PLEASE?What is the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required?
A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. $100,000""
Will I considered to drive a car without insurance?
Hi. I been driving without insurance for months because my mom told me to wait until her insurance expired and will add me to her policy in june. My mom add me to her policy a few days ago and my car insurance will only start valid on june 2, 2013. Yesterday, I was pulled over and got a ticket. Will I considered to drive a car without insurance? My mom was very mad at me because I didn't get any ticket for months and not involve in any accidents and now only 10 days until my car insurance valid, I got a ticket. Please help, I don't want to have 2 violation case especially drive without car insurance""
""My car got impounded for no license or insurance? How much, and how can i get it back?""
Hi, i got pulled over today for having my windshield cracked, now they impounded my car for 30 days because i had no license or insurance(I know) Can i get it back sooner? How much will it be at the end? I am in Arizona btw..""
Will my insurance go up?
i got pulled over for speeding 71 in a 60. with my new truck. well i don't have my insurance card yet in my truck yet. so i got a warning for the speeding so that's good. but i got a citation for not having my insurance card. but i have to go to court to show them i have it. will my insurance go up after that. also my insurance is state farm if that help.
Were can i get an auto insurance quote for cars PRE 1981?
i am thinking of buying either a 1965 mustang a 1969 mustang a 1970 mustang or a 1965-69 lincoln continental... and i wanted to get cheap insurance quotes.... but all the sites like progressive, geico, allstate only let you insure at lowest 81 any one know a good quote site""
""My car insurance, can i still pay monthly?!?! HELP!?""
my car insurance got cancelled because I missed two payments but, I always gave it to them on the same day I missed it. Anyways, I cannot afford to pay the full amount up front! its $2000! I need to pay month to month! does anyone know a car insurance company that will do this for me? I live in Canada so I need a reference for here.""
2006 cadillac cts insurance rate for teens?
i want my dad to give me his car but i wanted to know how much the insurance would be its the base 2006 2.8L cts and its salvaged , so yeah state farm rates would be a +, State of California""
Which company offers good whole life insurance?
I am sick of term life insurance and the company I am with now is abysmal. I would appreciate any help. I have a wife and two daughters, it's about them, not me....""
I'm 17 years old- how much will it cost me to get my own car insurance?
i have a 1992 chrysler lebaron im 17 years old what the cheapest i can get car insurance
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
Do you believe medical insurance should pay for breast implants?
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? Have you used it for such?""
How to tax car without insurance?!?
I bought a car recently on ebay. The gentleman said that he already cancelled his insurance as he stopped using the car in the las 6 months. I wanted to ask him to pay the tax on it but he can't. What should I do because when I buy a new car I contact the insurance company straight away but there's not tax on it so can't take it...Any advice?
Why are my car insurance quotes so high for male 17 (UK)?
i have looked on a couple of comparison websites (compare the market, go compare, confused) and have found that the cheapest for provisional licence is 900 from collingwood, but then when i change to full licence the cheapest is 3000 from ecar. none of my friends have to pay this much for a full licence and some of them even hae better cars than me. i am trying to insure a clio campus 2002 1.2""
So I'm looking into buying a Honda Element but I want to know how much insurance n gas n all that would be?
Help please lol and if overall if its worth it
How much is the cost for California motorcycle ..insurance for 17 year old?
How much is the cost for California motorcycle insurance for 17 year old?
Can I put my partner on my health insurance?
Hi there, My girlfriend and I are going to be moving to New Jersey in May of next year. We are going to get a civil union. At this point will I be able to include her on my health insurance through work? I work in Philadelphia. Wasn't sure of this since PA doesn't recognize civil unions, but didn't know if there is a loop hole since we will be living in New Jersey?? Any help would be great. Thanks!""
Annuity insurance in colorado?
what is my coverage for an annuity under Colorado law?
How much does health insurance usually cost someone in their 20's?
How much does health insurance usually cost someone in their 20's?
How can i get cheap car insurance?Compare website's don't work for me?
hi there i want the cheapest car insurance that you can get i have already used comparing websites but the quote's are too much! Is there any other website that can help me get them quotes get knocked down or another way to get around it?
How much would a BMW 325i be on insurance??? 16 year old?
Hi. I am 16... I will be 17 in september.. but I know insurance won't go lower for us until we turn 25... :( anyways! i want to get a BMW 325i cause i LOVE that car. But im willing to pay for the car but wondering how much insurance would be on it??? Like maybe for a 2001 bmw 325i cause i like that model.. i like the models up also but it will be more money and would it be more money for insurance for a newer car??? PLEASE help me !!!! I need to no. OH and ps. I live in canada, ontario - HAMILTON !!!!""
""NYers only: got a ticket, when will it go to the insurance company?""
I got a ticket last week for failing to stop at a stop sign. I will be getting points on my license, but I'm really concerned about my insurance rates going up, so I am going to take a defensive driving class. Do I have to take the class BEFORE I pay the ticket, so insurance doesn't see the ticket, or do I pay the ticket and then take the class, hoping insurance won't see the ticket??""
What's the most affordable Health Insurance for 55 yr old in California?
Not retired but paying almost 800 a month for Cobra/Kaiser and unemployed for over a year now due to knee replacements. It seems that with my new history of surgery that I am persona non grata at all the local health outlets.
How much more does insurance for a left hand drive vehicle cost in the UK?
If I bought a left hand drive VW camper and insured it I the UK, would it be more expensive than a right hand drive one? Or just answer if you know how much more it costs for and left hand drive vehicle in the uk?""
Buying a car v.s buying car insurance?
My father doesn't have credit history because he never used credit card or anything. My credit is way better than him. I'm getting an car loan but worrying about the insurance problem. I'm only 21 in college my insurance will be extremely high so i'm just wrondering can i buy a car with my name and buy insurance with my dad's name? Are we allowed to do tat?
Where can i get non-owner's insurance in houston?
i need some cheap, yet effective non-owner's insurance. if anyone knows of a smaller insurance company that provides this, preferably on the east side of houston, i would be most grateful. any info would be welcomed (but none of those sarcastic i dunnos just to get points). thanx.""
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
I'm looking for free car insurance quotes?
As I'm a new driver, my parents told me to seek on the internet for insurances quotes, to help me handle my own things. So yeah i'm looking for websites that offer free car insurances quotes.""
Nissan skyline insurance and price?
ok im 16 and wondering how much a 1990's nissan skyline cost and how much the insurance cost. im 16 a male and has never been in trouble with the police actually my dad was an officer. this is my first car...
I want to make sure the insurance isn't too much when I start riding a motorbike- how do I get a quote?
How do I get a quote from the insurance company exactly? I guess I just call them up... but what sort of things will I need to be able to tell them?
""As an estimation, how much would an 18 year old have to pay for insurance on a Mercedes Benz?""
I am 18 years old, and I have a beautiful opportunity to buy a Mercedez Benz for incredibly cheap. Problem is, I cannot buy the car until I know whether the insurance would be affordable or not. I did get a DUI when I was 17 years old, but it was reduced down to a Reckless Driving charge, considering it was my first offense, and a minor one at that. I do not have anything else on my record, including my driving record. The car is a 2002 Mercedez Benz ML320 that just barely hit the mark for 114,000 miles the other day. I have tried looking for insurance quotes but they all ask how many miles I put on it annually and how many days I drive it to work and all that junk. I cant answer these questions because the car is not yet mine. So I turned to this website for help! Somebody please help me with just a simple but relevant estimate as to how much money I would have to pay for insurance on this car. I do not wish to have the car under double-coverage. Just the cheapest form of insurance that would still cover my car if I were to get in an accident. Please and thank you! :D""
Inexpensive insurance for 25 y.o. with no prior driving history ?
She just bought a 1993 Subaru Justy. We live in Oregon. Do you know how to get quotes on the internet ? Who generally has inexpensive insurance and is not a SCAM ????????
How do you get new home owner's insurance after you were dumped?
Hypothetically speaking, say your home owner's insurance company does NOT renew your policy? How long do you have to find a new company and what if no company will take you on due to too many claims?""
Will my car insurance go down when i turn 18?
I got my license when i turned 16. I was driving a 2001 mustang. Within 6 months i got into a car accident. Long story, but wasn't my fault so don't judge me because i'm not some stupid teen who was handed a mustang and went around speeding and wrecked. I'm not like that. I was raised way better than that. Anyway... Now i'm about to turn 18 and i'm still under my parents insurance. I was wondering if my insurance will go down when i turn 18.""
Car and car insurance?
Okay so I want to buy a car. My credit score is 633. I am 19 and in january I opened 2 credit cards which I pay my bills on time. I also have a phone bill i pay on time. If i wanted to buy a 10,000 dollar car or maybe 8,000, I was wondering how much my APR would be and how much my monthly bill would be. Also how much I would have to put down on the car at first. And I was also wondering how much my insurance cost would be seeing that I am a 19 year old female with 2 tickets on her driving record. (One for speeding, one for phone use.) i just need a rough estimation... Thank you :)""
Health insurance??..?
I need it. going to pay out-of-pocket. 40 year old non smoking female, healthy. Any tips? Anything I should know? I've never shopped for health insurance, have no idea what I'm doing.""
How much would lowering my mileage by 5k save me in california?
So being a teenager(19) and a male with a ticket I'm paying around 900 for insurance. Tickets my fault I accept the punishment. However, I switched jobs and After calculating distance I'm only going to be driving around 5000 miles rather than the 10 on my insurance. Just kind of curious how much the mileage drop could save me since my insurance agency isn't being much help.""
Car recommendations for college student?
Working my way up to buy a car in the next few months, so I'm starting my search now. Keep these points in mind: -Affordable for purchase -Lower insurance rates -Good gas mileage -Something that's got some zip to it (sporty) I'm mostly looking at sedans, coupes, and hatchbacks and avoiding the SUV's and trucks. Any tips?""
Can my parents exclude me from their auto insurance?
My parents have Country auto insurance (I'm assuming Countrywide, they said the one on the commercials ) I'm 16 and I feel it's my choice whether I get my license like every other kid out there, but my parents won't let me because their rates will go up. I know some insurance company's can exclude certain people from their plans, will my parent's insurance company do that for me? I really don't want to go through the hassle of calling them going on hold explaining it correctly etc. Please let me know! Thanks.(:""
Is there a medical discount plan for surgery?
I have a friend who dislocated his shoulder and torn some ligaments and needs surgery. He does not have medical insurance, so I'm looking into a medical discount plan for this procedure. Does anybody know of a good one? Thank You.""
Do you need car insurance if you're bonded?
If I have a SR22 bond do I need car insurance as well? I've heard about them letters the BMV sends out and I don't wanna lose my license if they ask if my car is insured.
How much is the cost for California motorcycle ..insurance for 17 year old?
How much is the cost for California motorcycle insurance for 17 year old?
Auto Insurance in Illinois?
I have my 18 year old daughter covered under my auto insurance policy. She is covered on her own car and mine as well. My question is, if she happens to get into an accident while driving her car, can the other person try and sue me since the policy is in my name? Also, if she lets someone else drive her car who has no insurance and they get into a wreck, can I be sued? She owns her own car and the title is in her name alone. We live in IL""
""If I ride my friends motorcycle, do I need insurance?""
I have my license, and will be getting my own bike at some point, but for now, if I drive my friends motorcycle around, do I need insurance for it? Or does his cover me?""
Will this lower my insurance?
Im looking at cars to buy for my first car and I was wondering what the insurance cost would be like for a 16 almost 17 year old female for a 1979's 1980's camaro I also maintain a high gpa and get a discount for it aswell and live in las vegas.
Help about choosing car insurance?
I'm 18 and I need to start paying for my own car insurance. Any suggestions for lowering the cost? I live in New York which means my parents are finacially responsible for me until I'm 21. I know that everyone says to try and stick it out but that is not an option. I'm going to be living with a close friend and we need to keep our expenses to a minimum. Any tips concerning car insurance, OR health insurance too would be great.""
How much will my Progressive car insurance increase if I add a 93 Camaro for my 16 year old?
Any idea where I can find this info? Any estimates?
What insurance do I need?
I have set up a limited company focusing on training and personal coaching. Do I need public liability insurance? Do I need insurance to cover if I am ill? Is there anything else to consider? Where do I buy these products? Thanks
What happens if I get caught without car insurance?
I'm 16 and I live in AZ. What would happen if I was caught driving my mom's car without insurance? I have my license and never got caught breaking the law. What would happen to me? Car insurance is about 150 a month and I could buy a new car instead of paying that.
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
How much would Car Insurance cost?
I've been given a Ford Focus 1.6, 5 Door Zetec 03 Plate.. First of all it has a year Insurance can that just be transfered into my name? & also how much would Insurance cost for a new 19 year old Male driver?""
I have reasontly had my car stolen and am wondering how much the insurance are going to pay me ?
my car was a red vaxaull corsa M reg (1994) very excellent condition one OAP as a previous owner it had done 95,000 miles and had 11 months mot on it i valued it with the insurers for 500 even tho i think its worth more! and i was covered for 3rd party, fire n theft! so and ideas as to how much i will get?""
What are typically the cheapest auto insurance company in Massachusetts?
I currently am with MetLife but they increased charges this year, so I'm looking to change the company. Any suggestions to cheaper auto insurance? Thanks!""
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers?
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers?
Fraudulent car insurance claim against me?
hi my problem in a nutshell is my vehicle was hit in the rear while it was parked, when i confronted the driver we had an argument and the police were called no offences were committed and the police left after me and the other driver exchanged names and addresses. A month or so later i received a claim for neck injuries to the driver and his 2 passengers for approximately 20,000 for an accident that he said i drove into the rear of him which was totally false, i have witnesses which include the police officer who attended to the fact that the other driver hit my parked unattended car, i have lost my no claims bonus and i applied for a job as a driver which i did not get because of this pending claim, my insurance company have tried to contact the other driver who has not answered for a number of months and when i spoke to my insurance company i was informed that the other parties insurance company does not have the full story i.e they have not been told that he hit my vehicle and i have witnesses to prove that i am at a loss because i have been told it can take 3 years for the claim to close if the other driver does not answer any of the correspondence he receives. any advice please""
How much would insurance cost yearly for?
for a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that would be purchased for 110,000 dollars. Thank You.""
Cheap car insurance company :D?
Guys I am a newly driver and looking for a cheapest car insurance company for my car (Cheap car insurance) :D as I spend too much money for my driving lessons I wanna save money now :D , anyone know please help me to sort it out as soon as possible. thanks""
Can car insurance charge you if you dont have a car?
state farm is charging my mom extra $$ because i got my license a few months ago (im currently 21) i got it late but they are charging her and i dont even have my own car. are they allowed to do that? how much would they increase it by?
Reasonable and Reputable Auto Insurance Companies?
What are some names of reasonable and reputable Insurance Companies in Canada for Auto Insurance?
Should i go through insurance?
Some guy jumped on and dented my hood. Its gonna cost $900.00. He is t paying. I filed a police report and will file charges. Two witnesses no video tape etc. Should i file with my insurance and pay the $500 deductible or just pay it all? Im scared that my insurance will skyrocker and it wont be worth it.
""How much is insurance for new drivers? People are saying 1000 - 3000, how can it be that much money... ?""
I am unemployed at the moment, but even with a part time job I wouldn't be able to afford that sort of money a month. I mean that is a lot of money, considering you have to also buy a Car, tax etc. Is this a true amount? I am 22 years old ( nearly 23 ) and I am planning to start my lessons, but I wanted to find out how much it would be to run a car before I started lessons. So I searched for Insurance, Tax, Fuel etc, and the prices for Insurance that people were saying on forum's were crazy! Is this right? Can it really be correct?""
Cost of med insurance for a college student living on their own?
How much does individual health insurance cost for a college student out on their own? I realize its different for each person. Lets say the person is male and 18. No health related problems, no history of any either. How much? On average.""
Young driver insurance in the UK?
how much would I need to pay for insurance if i'm 17,18,19,20 years old? and which cars are the cheapest for that age? When does it get cheaper? should I wait, when im 21? or it depends on driving experience? Thx""
How much is it likely to cost as a first time driver on familys car insurance?
Im nearly ready to take my driving test in a couple of month or so. Im 25 and hoping to pass first time in sept/oct 2012. My sister and also my brother in law are due to re-insure there cars in the next few months and are thinking about putting me on there insurance on either car fiat 500 or nisan micra. I will be not driving either car full time, just as and when. How much is it likelyto cost on top there normal insurance. Both have been driving for years with no claims as far as i know. Bit just an average amount will bw great""
Motorcycle insurance average cost in ohio?
Motorcycle insurance average cost in ohio?
Estimated insurance on 2007 alfa romeo 147 1.6?
hey just need a estimated quote on above car. Its insurance group 11, I am 18 and this is my first car. I am willing to do whatever is needed to get the quote down I just need a estimate prehaps from past experiences? Thanks in advance for any answers.""
How much is the cost for California motorcycle ..insurance for 17 year old?
How much is the cost for California motorcycle insurance for 17 year old?
Where can i get good health insurance?
ok im 18 and a college student i found out a few months ago im no longer covered by my former heath plan since i turned 18... i need a heath insurance that wont cost alot? any ideas?
""My parents are above 65 ,suggest any insurance plan?
suggest any insurance plan
Health Insurance?
This may be silly, but I saw a commercial the other day on tv that was advertising for health insurance for a little over &5.00 a day. I am currently in the hunt for health insurance so i wanted to go online and get some info. As luck may have it by the time i was able to get on the internet i forgot what the website was. I know the company starts with an e and its right at the tip of my brain, but i cant remember. Like i said this is a bit silly, but if anyone knows what im talking about please let me know! I havent seen a commercial for it sense.... I live in dutchess county, NY. Thanks!""
My license suspended cause of insurance payment were can i get a very cheap car insurance?
please help
How do you switch from motability to owning a car with the UK's new car insurance policies?
Ok we've got a small problem. At present we get a car from motability, but we want to switch to owning our own car, but we have a major problem with this new all cars must be insured at all times or declared SORN scheme. The problem we have is that our motability car goes back in October. We're in a rural location so we need a car ready for when the switch over happens. At present with the motability insurance their insurance only insures one vehicle, the motability one, and can't have additional vehicles added to it. We've got a few quotes from insurance companies who have told us that when the motability lease expires they will give us the no claim discount based on the motabiity insurance, but they wont give us that discount until the motability car goes back. So what we want to do is get the new car before October, put it on the drive, check everything is ok with it, and then insure it when we start using it on the road when the motability vehicle goes back. Only problem is with this new law we can't do that without declaring the vehicle SORN. Some of the vehicles we've seen come with a few months road tax, so we don't really want to lose that by declaring it SORN, just for a few weeks (or is the tax disc still valid when you remove the SORN on the car?), we also don't want to insure the vehicle before the motability vehicle goes back as we wont get any NCB from the new insurer and that will cost us about an extra 500 in insurance (our current insurance price is about 500-600 but with 0 years no claims it goes up to around 1,000-1,100 - we have 3 years no claims with motability and I've held my driving licence for 6 years). I've read that you don't need this compulsory insurance if the vehicle is in trade, or between registered owners. That is one option, but how long after you buy a vehicle can you keep it in that status, would we be able to keep it like that for a few weeks or is it pretty much instant when we get the car. Obviously I realise I would need some kind of temporary one day insurance to drive the vehicle home after purchase.""
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
Hi I'm 18 years old and I have no insurance and no job..I'm really sick my back feels like its on fire and my testicles has been shrinking I also feel like theres bumps on my right testicles..I've also lost 10 pounds in a month due to my sickness I really want to go to the doctors but I can't afford it....also I live in Colorado Springs..
""If you pay an annual sum for car insurance, can you get a refund on it if you buy a new car?""
I'm just wondering, let's say I bought some car insurance recently and paid the annual sum. If I decide to purchase a new car in a few months time (and I'm assuming insurance policies are tied to a particular car) would I be able to get reimbursed for the months of car insurance I didn't get (since I'd need to sign up for a new insurance policy on the newly purchased car)? Or is this why you should pay monthly instead (even though it costs more in the long term)? Don't know if it makes much of a difference but I'm also in Australia.""
Is there any health care ins.that is affordable.
because of my b.p.
If i dont have car insurance can i still drive?
my name is not on the car insurance for my dads car, and he said i cant drive because my name is not on the insurance. so i cant drive the car intill my name is on the insurance? even thou he is my father?""
""Teen males, how much was your insurance?""
I was wondering the average or ideal amount that teen males pay for insurance. I have $700 saved, & I don't know if that's enough to cover How much was your insurance?""
Insurance in Queens?
I live in Queens, New York (I'm 27). I have a Toyota Camry 1997. I only have liability insurance but for some reason I pay ridiculous insurance - I pay around $330 a month (have ...show more""
If 15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance..can 20 minutes save you 20% or more on car insurance?
i know stupid question but i've always been curious 
""In NY, do you have to have Car Insurance even if your not driving?""
I'm a NY State Resident, and I am wondering that if I have my drivers license, do I have to have car insurance? If so, is there a way to get out of this, like getting rid of my license or something, I just can't afford insurance, but I'm not driving.""
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
What would be an estimate for auto insurance on a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at auto insurances. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 1985 Corvette. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
I have a friend who say he knows a guy who works for a car insurance company and can guarantee cheaper quotes?
Does this sound normal for staff to be able to do this as I have had a similar offer from someone else a while ago. I am just worried that they may set up a policy but when I go to make a claim its not a real policy or something. Please note it is a significant discount as well and he can also get me quotes on cars I wouln't otherwise get insured on as a normal customer All sounds a bit to good to be true!
Car insurance question?
i was just wondering, i know that having a two door car cost more for insurance,but how much more on average is it. im 16 and i wanna buy my friends 03 hyundai tiburon. how much more do u think insurance will be considering its 2 door""
Will upgrading my car Increase my Insurance?
Lets say I bought a $3500 Honda Civic(Decent Condition). Now, lets say I got a paint job, new hood(sporty), redid the dash, maybe replace the engine with a faster(speed wise) one(these are just examples, not gonna do it), would that increase your Insurance because I know they increase your insurance if you buy a sporty car right off the bat. Thanks xD""
""I am turning 16 soon and I am a guy, What is a car that is sporty, but is safe and has low insurance?""
I need help selecting a car... I want a car that is sporty, has low insurance, and safe and very reliable with good MPG""
What are some affordable cars for an 18 year old to own that is 5 years old or newer?
When I say own, I mean that the individual is paying for gas, maintenance, and insurance.""
I need to find an insurance company?
I need to find Insurance that is affordable and covers Pre exisiting injuries, maternity coverage, and dental care. Anyone know a company that does that?""
Has anyone moved to pennsylvania from new jersey?
i was considering moving to pennsylvania because I've heard the cost of living is a little less expensive than what it is in NJ.And I see alot of people are living in PA that commute to work in NJ/NY so there must be some reason people would be willing to make such a long commute just to live in PA.I live in Northern NJ somewhat close to Newark with my parents and i wana move out but cant afford the rent in NJ.I need some advice and opinions on whether moving will be better or will I be better off staying in NJ.Ive been considering also Washington DC, Maryland,Virginia. Can anyone tell me what towns in PA are cheapest to live, is car insurance cheaper than NJ etc. things like that.Thanx in Advance. O yea and if i wanted to keep my job and commute how far is the drive from nj to pa.i work close to NY""
Suggestions on where to purchase good health insurance?
My husband and I are looking to purchase health insurance. We are young (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) and looking for coverage mainly for doctor's office visits and prescriptions. Can anyone recommend a good website or insurance company that we can look at to choose a plan? We live in Michigan if that makes a difference too.""
Ideas for Cheap car insurance?
17 getting a Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP endurance Anyone know?
""Car accident, neither driver has insurance?""
Was in a car accident yesterday. The other driver was completly at fault. He gave me insurance info, but has just informed me he was dropped due to lack of payment or something. I also have no insurance. YES, I KNOW ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY MOVE PAST MY QUESTION!! What am I suppose to do? Do I need to try and get a lawyer and sue? My car was totalled,my hip is in a lot of pain, so is my bfs shoulder n back. The other driver is fine and had very minimal damage. Im at a loss, any advice would be.greatly appreciated""
How much is the cost for California motorcycle ..insurance for 17 year old?
How much is the cost for California motorcycle insurance for 17 year old?
0 notes
tricksandtales · 6 years
Chapter 2:  Waiting is the Hard Part
Riley West was hard working. A good Catholic girl who’d put herself through undergrad and then law school. At 30 years old, she’d became pillar of her community working as a lawyer in Boston who championed for small businesses, people who were taken advantage of by the system, and volunteered for domestic violence clinics.
She was bright, witty, a tad sarcastic. And she had a sweet tooth. Which was why she spend much of her time off (ha!) at a gym trying to make sure the sugar did not stick to her already curvy frame.
She was disarming, and thus very good at having her opponents underestimate her. 5’3, with an easy smile that usually reached into her grey-blue eyes. Curly blonde hair, which although seemed attempted to be contained, had a few wisps escaping to frame her face and give her impish look.
Riley was attractive, in the girl next store way. But her tongue was a weapon. One she used to decimate opposing counsel in the court room.
It was a Friday. There was nothing particularly special about it. At least not yet…
Riley was on her way out of a hard-won hearing. She’d finally succeeded on getting a restraining order for a woman that had been stalked by her ex.
Riley’s plans were to entrench herself in her small office for the evening, then go home and enjoy a nice glass of wine and dinner. It was a quiet life, but a good one.
What Riley hadn’t been expecting was a young man to stop her just outside the courthouse. He was looking at her with an odd light in his eyes.
“Can I help you?” She smiled, hoping he was just lost.
“Yes, I hope so.” He smiled back. “You’re a good person.” He held out his hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Ah…” Riley stared at his hand. It was impolite not to take it, but she was also a no nonsense New England girl. And weird kid on the street sent all sorts of red flags. Good manners won out, and she took his hand anyway.
A spark, like an electric snap of energy had her pulling her hand back quickly. “Um… nice to meet you, kid, but I’m on my way back to him office. What can I do for you?” She asked, rubbing her hand.
The boy didn’t seem offended by her sudden pulling away. “A lady came out, said you saved her.”
“Oh.” Her client. “Well, I helped her get a restraining order. Do you need legal help?”
“No.” He frowned, “Not that kind of help. I need you to help save Heaven.”
Riley blinked back, flabbergasted. “What?”
“That women, she said you were on the side of angels. That you saved her.”
Riley blushed at the compliment, but a frown marred her lips. “I’m just a lawyer kid. I’m not an angel. If you need legal help, that I can do. I’ll pray for you though.”
The kids seemed satisfied with this, and turned around, disappearing down the street.
Sighing, Riley shouldered her bag and headed to her office, thinking she might that glass of wine a bit sooner than dinner.
A t-ride later, back at her office, Riley was reading over some documents. She’d told her secretary and paralegal to go home, to enjoy their weekend. As the late afternoon sunlight draped her office golden light, Riley felt a strange pang of pain. It was an alien feeling, not a pain he could name.
She tried to ignore it, but it got progressively worse, and it started spreading. She managed through the evening, the train ride home. Through people gave her strange looks at the occasional sounds of pain she made.
That night, she tossed and turned. Then, she started glowing. “Huh.” It was 3 am.
Riley was not unfamiliar with the strange, though she’d never directly come in contact with it. An acquaintance, Jody Mills, had once told her some interesting stories after they’d done some catching up and drinking… okay, more than a little drinking. Jody had called Riley a couple years back, looking for some legal advice on adoption. Apparently, Jody had taken in some kids that needed some help. Riley had been happy to offer her assistance. They’d had a good time celebrating the legal victory when the paperwork went through.
Riley liked Jody, respected her; but she had never really believed any of Jody’s stories.
Still, sitting in her office glowing a weird soft gold, Jody was the first person Riley thought of. She pulled up the number on her cell and after a brief hesitation, called Jody.
“Sheriff Mills.” It was an efficient greeting, but the voice was warm.
“Jody, it’s Riley West. Sorry to wake you.”
“Riley! Is everything okay?”
“It’s good. Er…….” A wave of pain hit her at that moment, “Okay, maybe not good.”
“What’s going on?”
“You remember those stories you told me, about the weird stuff, that night we were drinking.”
Jody sighed, “I remember.”
“I’m glowing and in serious pain.”
“Glowing?” Disbelief colored Jody’s voice. “Like?”
“Like a fricken light bright.” Riley’s retort was biting. “Sorry.” She murmured after a moment.
Jody sighed into the phone, “Did you meet a young man, looks like a teenager. Probably wearing flannel. Light brown hair?”
“On the street. Shook my hand.” Riley sighed, “What is he?”
“That’s a really long story. Where are you? How long ago did you see him. I need to get someone to you right away.”
“You owe me that story. In my apartment in Southie. Earlier today.”
“Shit.” Jody said under her breath. “Stay on the line, I’m going to call a friend.” The line went silent as Jody pulled up Sam’s number and dialed.
Dean and Sam had hunkered down in a hotel room in Rhode Island for the night. There hadn’t been sign of Jack for several days, so Castiel had taken off to continue the search for the prophet while the Winchesters continued the search for Jack.
“Hello?” Sam’s groggy voice came across the line after several rings.
“Sam. It’s Jody Mills, I have a friend. She met Jack today.” Sam sat bolt upright in bed.
“And she she’s showing signs, it’s been hours Sam. You might not make it in time.”
Sam cursed and jostled Dean, “Dude, we gotta go. Jack sighting, Boston. Jody’s friend is showing signs.”
“I’ll text you her address. ETA?”
“We’re a couple hours out.” Sam frowned.
“You won’t make it.”
“No. We won’t.” Came his sad reply.
Jody hung up with him and switched back over to Riley, “Hey, Riley, you still there?”
“I’ve got friends heading your way. They’ll be there as soon as they can.”
“Thanks Jody.”
“Of course. Want me to stay on the line?” Jody hoped her fear didn’t leak through the line.
“No. No. Go back to bed. I’ll be here.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” Riley sighed, “Thanks again. Night.”
“Night…” Jody let the word drag, and stared at her phone as the line went dead.
Sam and Dean were in the Impala within in minutes, but they already knew they wouldn’t make it. Dean called out to Cas, but got no reply.
Finally, Sam broke down and called for Gabriel.
They had a very complicated relationship with the former trickster, but still, he would help with this. Gabriel showed up for a minute but disappeared the moment the request left Sam’s lips. Dean just frowned in the rearview and stepped on the gas.
The apartment was homey. It smelled like sugar cookies and cinnamon. There were green plants by the windows and dishes in the sink. A blanket was thrown haphazardly on the couch. A glass of wine sat half empty on the coffee table. Books were stacked on the floor, with various tabs sticking out at every angle.
Gabriel took it all in in an instant, as he surveyed the home of Jack’s latest victim.  He liked it, he decided. It was warm.
Gabriel had a tendency to move faster than the other angels. This had to do with his not-vessel. When he’d left heaven and gone into his pseudo witness protection, he’d managed to strike a deal with the demi-gods for a spell that had allowed him to move about the earthly plane in his own body. He’d channeled his grace into a form. Thus, it was his body, at least, a representation of it anyway. It gave him more freedom, and having spent centuries in it, he knew his own capabilities quite well. Which included a bit faster flight than most of his siblings. Helped with the running away….
He found the girl in the bedroom, curled up on the floor in a ball, glowing like starlight in the darkness. “Hi.” He softened his voice. She jumped slightly, throwing a panicked look in his direction. “Easy sugar, I’m here to help. You called, your friend asked me to come.”
She frowned at him, “How’d you get in?”
“I flew.”
She snorted out a laugh. An endearing sound that had Gabriel’s lips quirking up into a smile.
“It’s a long story, I’ll explain later.” He walked toward her slowly, and knelt down by her side. “Okay sugar, I’m just going to touch your forehead, okay?”
Trickster, former Norse god, archangel. Gabriel was powerful and could border on cruel, but he was always the most human like of his siblings. He understood them, having spent so much time earth side. So the sympathy, the kindness, it was not fake. Which was why Riley gave him a small nod, acquiescing to his touch.
Riley was scared. She’d hoped that Jody would laugh at her off the phone, tell her she was dreaming. Instead Jody was sending help. That was scary. It meant this was real. Riley did not want to deal with it.
But here help was. A man, whom she would say was on the shorter side of tall, his features obscured in the darkness of her room. But kneeling by her side, she could see his whiskey colored eyes. His touch was warm, as his hand slid onto her forehead. He felt, maybe not safe, but something close to it.
He made a sound of displeasure, “Father damn it.” He murmured.
That could not be good. “Am I dying?” She murmured.  
“I want to lie.” He said, honestly. He already knew it was to late. The grace had already worked its way into her system, was already changing her body on a molecular level. She was likely dying, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it at this point. Just wait.
“Oh.” Riley didn’t cry. Though the sound she made was bordering a whimper.
This sound was how Gabriel found himself sliding next to the women on the floor, back pressing against the wall next to her, and arms dragging her soft form against him.
Riley thought, briefly, about resisting, but felt too weak to do much more than be dragged into the man’s arms. For his part, Gabriel did take away as much of the pain as he could, sending what healing he could. This at least allowed her to soften into his embrace, head falling against his shoulder with a sigh.
They sat in the room, waiting for the end.
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diyplumberinfo · 6 years
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