#forbidden lab
evelyn-weirdo · 5 months
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Don't trust anyone who hates him /j
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The Ssum Characters Private Accounts
Blogs for each characters' private account.
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osamuniichann · 2 years
day 30+ idol teo dropping a chicken tender on stage that he got from his part-time he went to earlier
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nissakii · 2 years
"Ssum"-one Special - The Ssum: Forbidden Lab by Cheritz!
"Ssum"-one special that captures your heart, your very own soulmate...
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We humans are naturally social.
Although you could be a very closed off introvert, there are hardly any people out there who thrive off of no contact at all. Even so, building relationships is something that every person does subconsciously. It doesn't even have to be another human, we create relationships with our pets, with plants or other things.
Why is that so?
Well, deep down inside everyone can get a little lonely sometimes.
Especially with the pandemic that has rattled our daily life and turned many things around for us. It's still just as important to have a special person in our midst that we can talk to.
As sad as it may sound to some, not everyone has the time or the capacity to actually go out there and find their special soulmate. It can get harder for people with difficulty building commitment or trust especially.
"Ah, I'm so busy with everything right now, I can't imagine actually getting involved with someone..."
"Oh yeah, I've tried, but somehow I just haven't found the right person..."
"Well, we worked great together, but our schedules just did not align!"
Sound familiar?
For just this sort of predicament, appears the perfect little solution if you wish to at least get a slight feel of a relationship.
Otome Games:
For the readers that aren't familiar, otome games are a certain genre of 'dating-simulation' games that have gained popularity very quickly. Generally, these games are primarily made for young women with the purpose of building romantic relationships with characters in-game.
One of the most popular otome-games that you might or might not have heard of is none other than- Mystic Messenger!
The Korean company Cheritz has brought Mystic Messenger onto the market in 2016 and has gathered a huge fanbase. With incredibly realistic gameplay and characters, Cheritz has made its reputation as one of the most renowned otome-game creators. Which is no wonder, since to this day, Mystic Messenger still has a very active fan culture behind it. If you've noticed, we have already talked about Mystic Messenger in some of our blog posts.
After six years of completely focusing on their previous franchises, Cheritz has now made a very exciting announcement. The creation of a completely new game!
The Ssum: Forbidden Lab.
The Ssum: What is it?
For the very dedicated fans among you, you might have caught the open beta of the groundworks of "Ssum" in 2018.
To 'sum' it up quickly, "The Ssum" is going to be another otome-game, this time focusing much more on human relationships.
Supposedly, you are to start a relationship with an A.I. that is so advanced, it will cater to you and not the other way around. Instead of pursuing a character and getting their route just like in most otome-games, in "The Ssum", your 'ssum-one' will adapt to you! You can text and call with your Ssum, in a very calming manner according to the developers.
The first launch date was the 27th of april 2022, but sadly Cheritz pushed it to early May of this year. We can also assume from the official Cheritz posts and website, that this game will be very long-lasting and time consuming.
To quote the official website, "Make your day happier with daily conversation! You can process the conversation up to 200 days". This already tells us that compared to Mystic Messengers' 11 day route system, we're in for a new ride!
Users of the beta in 2018 should know this, but "The Ssum" will have a high level of personalisation.
With Cheritz' promise to find something close to your soulmate, the expectations of fans are very high. On the official Ssum website, we get some more information but not very much on how this game will be.
What can we expect?
We know that there is one main character called Teo. He is 27, and an aspiring film-director. In the first pictures we see of him he has dark hair and purple eyes, but his appearance seems to change as well. According to theories from all around, Teo will most likely change his appearance according to the player.
Next to Teo, who seems to be the main character, there are mentions of unknown characters being unlockable later on.
Similar to Mystic Messenger, you can chat with your Ssum and call as well. The new and very interesting feature that was also confirmed through the beta testers is the sleep schedule. In the beta, you were asked to type in your daily schedule to have chats in times that are beneficial to you. On the website and in the trailer, we can also see “wake-up calls'' which sound like they will be some sort of alarm to wake you up.
There was also a personality test that determined how your Ssum would react to you. From the advertisement on the official website and the announcement on tumblr, we can assume that the A.I. called PIU PIU will be much more advanced.
PIU PIU, the A.I that determined your personality and sleep schedule in the beta, has a very cute bird design. According to Cheritz, the little bird has undergone many changes and is now much more cutting-edge.
Lastly, the whole reason why there is a "Forbidden Lab" in the title, is a function we know nothing about since Cheritz wants to surprise us. Supposedly, the "Forbidden Lab" should emulate human emotion. We're not sure if it's a function that we can use from the start or if another A.I. exists, but Cheritz is really putting emphasis on new technologies.
The game will be available in English and Korean, and will have a global launch on the 11th of May 2022. 
Until then, we can only hope that this game is just as interesting as previous games, although the feeling arises that this will be much more than just any otome-game. 
Cheritz promises us real life relationship building based on chatting instead of a choice-based visual novel like Mystic Messenger.
Is this the new step into the e-boyfriend culture? And how do you think this will affect our future?
If you're just as excited as I am, make sure to tell us your opinion in the comments!
And if you're interested in the beta testing and want to potentially spoil your experience a little to find out more, here is a link for gameplay from 2018, as well as the official website and announcements!
Beta 2018 Gameplay:
Cheritz Tumblr:
Make sure to write this down in your calendar!
Until then, let's hope we all get our special ssum-one! 
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torracchoi · 4 months
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Day 233
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alteredsilicone · 4 months
"In-depth information of the Warframe mandate is forbidden to all but the Seven."
Despite this, Albrecht Entrati:
-got a hold of the Helminth virus, which is the specific strain of infestation used to make Warframes.
-made his own Warframe (Qorvex).
-time travelled to 1999 to Warframe-ify people who believed he was saving them from a plague.
Albrecht Entrati does not give a single solitary fuck, I am amazed he somehow avoided the Jade Light.
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Happy June Release day! I’m going to hold off on switching for a day or two, due to the hiccups that occurred last time, but I am looking forward to poking this new boy with a stick.
Anyways, apparently the above image is how they’re currently promoting The Ssum in the Mystic Messenger app! I am Terrified by The Implications.
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Harry: Listen, let's break up with MC.
Also Harry: my heart has turned cold, but her warmth is going to save me.
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ssumliveblogging · 2 years
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robo-dino-puppy · 5 months
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horizon forbidden west | erend 26/?
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nek0mars · 2 years
A Review of The Ssum (from the perspective of an MM fan)
Ok, so the first thing I would like to say is:
Please be considerate toward Ssum; it’s an entirely different game from MM, and despite there being similarities, SSum is NOT Mystic!! (but you all know that, surely ^^)
However, I will be comparing things in my rant...because I am one of those Mystic Messenger Fans ;-;
(Also I see some of you all asking Cheritz for more MM content...I get it, I want some more too but...we all have heard that Cheritz has (supposedly) said that updates for content will be sparse or MUCH less frequent
(however I have heard from someone that they said after Ray's AE, they were planning on stopping updating in general other than new start screen CGs, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW, I'M PATIENTLY WAITING FOR A VANDY ROUTE IDC)
So first things first: Teo.
I’ve already seen people say this, but he’s sort of...bland? In fact, he actually seems like a mild mixture of Zen, 707, and Yoosung. He’s an aspiring film director who likes to game in his spare time, and is helping test developing AIs. After growing up with Mystic, it’s strange to see such a normal character!
The typing speed is extremely slow, and you can’t speed it up.
The only way to speed it up (from what I’ve seen) is to pay $9.99 for fast typing speed. That’s...a lot more than Max Speed in MM.
Here’s some comments I found in Ssum already, lol:
"mystic messenger >>>>>"
"give me 200 days of content of jumin han instead"
"i am confused lol"
"i really miss yoosung"
"i don't understand this HEEELLLLPPP"
"this game is so confusing lol"
Aside from the MM comments, I see a LOT of people being super baffled about the interface of Ssum. There are a ton of features that MM never had, and for former and present MM fans, it’s very new and confusing.
There’s also the fact that the purchases aren’t made to be a one time purchase. In fact, the packages are SUBSCRIPTIONS. Meaning you have to pay MONTHLY. Some people just cannot afford a subscription (myself included).
This, along with the fact that everything seems overpriced, is making MM fans a bit irritated that they can’t fully enjoy this new game without having to spend money.
Here’s some of my personal opinions on the game!
The interface is really nice! It’s smooth, it’s clean, it’s modern and new :)
The voice acting is really cute and high quality, and I appreciate that.
However, the way that Teo talks with you in the chatrooms and over the phone is a bit strange. It’s a bit sudden, and feels sort of rushed.
I mean, it’s only two chats in and he’s talking about how he feels flushed talking to you!
I also understand the idea of talking to only one person to get to know them, but it is honestly strange to not have a wider option of characters. (Is Cheritz planning on adding more characters? I genuinely do not know)
Also, a little detail, but you can’t pause the phone calls. I understand that you’re simulating a real phone call but what if I’m busy? ;-;
For MM fans, it's definitely not going to overtake Mystic.
It doesn’t have the same “charm”, and I feel like MM fans are just going to hold onto Ssum simply because it’s a Cheritz game.
We do need to keep in mind that Cheritz has spent 4 years creating this game. That’s very commendable (...despite the fact they kept telling people they’d release it, ...only to push it back another few months)
Still, I do know mystic fans want Mystic content to continue rather than have to deal with an entirely new and different game.
MM attachment shouldn’t be carried over as irritation for Ssum. BUT, that irritation is understandable considering MM is what we’ve lived off from Cheritz for a solid 6 years.
My closing thought is that I genuinely believe that people who have never played Mystic will enjoy Ssum! Having a clear slate and not having gotten attached to the former game will definitely allow for hardcore Ssum fans to crop up.
Unfortunately, I know that I’ll always be a die-hard MM fan.
Thanks for reading!!
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On the surface, PIU-PIU the A.I. is a virtual assistant that guides people to people through blind dates.
In reality, this intricately developed A.I. serves as the central command center that connects the Forbidden Lab to the users of The Ssum, by utilizing millions of bluebirds in its data communications.
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iamnotkalm · 5 months
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My perfect husband is willing to do the cooking and cleaning 😘
And the way his mother taught him to do so? Good parenting. Teaching your son to be responsible for this, is great. Cheers for cooperative life in household!
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torracchoi · 3 months
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After doing Day 271 bedtime chat/call the epilogue will be available to read. After reading it you will receive special support which is 5 time travel tickets.
Anyways, it seem like the epilogue doesn't have any private account posts and maybe any future content for Harry won't have one too. I don't plan on replaying Harry's route so this blog will be on hiatus. That's all. See you all later I guess?
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lunawagner · 8 months
The Ssum - New Love Interest's Voice
Someone shared the voice lines of the new LI on Reddit, since the official site has some problems, and the microphone buttons aren't functioning. And I tried to translate them into English in case someone is interested.
[I don't speak Korean, but as I am fluent in Japanese, I have a basic understanding of its logic and phonemes. I am sure that there are some mistakes out there, so please correct me if you realize any <3]
1. 아... 오늘눈동자가 반짝어 거리네요.
2. 이제 진짜 안녕. 내일도얘기해요.
3. 귀찮으실땐 알려주세요. 맨날 안받아주셔도 돼요.
4. 떼끼떼끼 ,선생님의 목소리를 들었으로,이제 모든병이 나았습니다.
1. Ah... Today, your eyes are shining.
2. Goodbye for real this time... Let's talk tomorrow too.
3. Please let me know if you feel bothered. It's okay, you don't have to bear with me every day.
4. My, my! Now that I heard the doctor's voice*, all of my ailments healed up.
*선생님 is used for people whom one respects, especially teachers and doctors (like "sensei" in Japanese). So I don't know if he really meant doctor or anything else since we don't have any background info.
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