#forensic pathology is a passion of mine and i want to show my love for it to the world. i want it to be visible. physical
divine-construct · 1 year
saw a cool post abt how loved books look worn and have stuff written it and things like that and. now i’m sad i don’t have my forensic medicine/pathology books on paper so i can highlight passages and write notes and put dog-ears onto the pages that mean the most to me :(
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outrebanx · 4 years
helping hand
Pope Heyward x female reader
Summary: Whilst Pope is delivering your groceries for his dad, he injures himself and you help him out and end up spending the day with him (oof another bad summary)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: none other than a small bit of swearing
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A/N: this isn’t amazing (there are almost definitely grammar mistakes in here and I’m not sure about how I’ve written it as a whole) but I love Pope so much and there are not nearly enough fics with him so I tried my best - and again any feedback would be great!
Since finishing your school year, you were having less and less things to do and it was beginning to drive you insane - so today you had decided to spend the whole morning cleaning all the rooms downstairs in your house. Cleaning your house generally took quite a long time because your house is pretty big (which in your opinion is one of the only benefits of being a kook) and you would get distracted by almost anything, whether that was your phone, music or something you found in the cupboards. Despite this though,  you always kind of enjoyed cleaning - the feeling of helping out your parents was nice and you could listen to your music very loud and sing along as badly as you wanted without anyone else hearing.
Another good thing about being home alone was you didn’t have to look presentable and when you clean your appearance is very simple and usually consists of clothes that don’t matter if they get dirty - today you were working with a messy bun, a simple black sports bra and some grey shorts which showed off you figure quite nicely.
As it was now lunch time, you decided to have a small break before tackling the rest of the house and apparently there was also a grocery order coming in from the Heywards which you’d have to pay for with your parent’s money as they were out on a business trip.
You were washing up the dishes you’d used for your lunch when you saw Mr Heywards boat pull up to your dock, quickly grabbing the money off the counter you made your way to the front door. Just as you opened the door and began to step out to help the guy making his way up the dock, he fell over suddenly, dropping everything he was holding to try and stop his fall - clearly this didn’t work as the next thing you heard was him swearing whilst holding his wrist.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit”
Running towards him you shouted, “hey are you okay?”
You had reached him by the time he looked up to reply, “I should be fine, I’m so sorry about all this though” he waved his hand indicating all the shopping scattered over the floor, some rolling into the water beneath the dock.
You had to admit now you were closer to him, you could appreciate how attractive he was, his dark brown eyes reflecting the sunlight nicely, making your heart jump a little. But he seemed more preoccupied with the scattered groceries than you, so you were quick to reassure him that it wasn’t an issue.
“It honestly doesn’t matter, most of this I can pick up and I guess we’ll just have to survive without the stuff that fell in the water - and hey at least the fish are eating like kooks” You laughed at your own joke, but all he did was stare at you, surprised you hadn’t lashed out at him for his ‘carelessness’ like most people on this side of the island would; and he had just noticed how pretty you were, your smile lighting up your whole face.
Unfortunately, he had apparently been staring and not listening because you were now waving in front of his face to get his attention.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you were alright, because not sure if you’ve noticed but you’re still sat down and not gonna lie your hand is starting to look a little swollen.”
You both looked at his hand again, it seemed to be getting bigger by the minute and now some of it was turning purple - in your opinion that wasn’t good but the boy was still to say anything about it, so you waited.
After about a minute he finally spoke up, “I think it’s a sprain, nothing as serious as a broken bone or it would feel worse, but my dad may kill me because now I’m gonna struggle to finish the deliveries.”
“I could always help you do your deliveries, but only if you let me treat your wrist until you can get it checked out properly.” You say as you reach your hand towards him to help him up, he grabbed it with his good hand and stood up.
“Are you sure?” He said stepping back from how close your two had been standing, “I don’t want to take up any of your day.”
You smiled, “Trust me this is the most exciting thing to happen to me today, and I wouldn’t just send you back without helping - that would make me a bitch, which I like to think I’m not.”
He chuckled at this before quickly speaking again, “I’m Pope by the way.”
“Y/N, nice to meet you Pope, even if the circumstances aren’t too great for you”
Laughing you both headed up towards your house, making him sit at the kitchen counter whilst you went to collect a bandage and some painkillers from the bathroom.
“Okay I think the best I can do is wrap it up and give you some ice and some ibuprofen for the swelling.” You say as you head back into the kitchen.
“Thanks that would be great”
As you were wrapping his wrist, you began speaking again, “So, Pope, when you’re not delivering groceries and falling over, what do you do?”
“Um, I spend a lot of time with my friends, like surfing and going out on the marsh and stuff, and I study quite a lot as well to get my scholarship for college.”
“That’s pretty cool - I’ve never really tried surfing because I know I would struggle to balance myself on the board, but come to think of it, from what I’ve seen today you don’t seem to have good balance either so hey maybe I’ll give it a go at some point.” You joked, earning a huff from him but you could see the smile he was trying to hide which made you laugh slightly more.
“Anyway, what are you planning on studying in college?” You continued to question him.
“Well I want to become a coroner so forensic pathology, what about you, are you planning on going to college?”
“I am actually, I want to study medicine and become a doctor, which is why I kind of know how to help with your sprain”
He looked down at his arm which you had now finished wrapping and whistled appreciatively, “I have the feeling you will be a great doctor because this already feels like it’s working, so thank you.”
“No problem, and it will feel even better with some ice, so I’m gonna quickly grab that for you and some water so you can take the ibuprofen - and then we can continue your deliveries!”
Pope shouted after her, “You seem too enthusiastic to be doing work, should I start worrying about who’s house I’m in?”
You laughed at that but didn’t respond until you were back in front of him, holding the ice and water, “there’s nothing wrong with wanting to do work and if you keep talking like that I might just decide to abandon you on your boat, which would be a shame.”
“Such a shame” he smiled back.
After Pope took the pills, you both headed out to his boat, him jumping in first and holding out his hand to then help you in, you thanked him and then set off to the rest of Figure 8, jumping out at each house with him to take the heaviest bags. For the whole day, the two of you just chatted about anything and everything and it was the most fun you’d had in a while, made even better by the feeling you’d get in your stomach whenever he smiled at you or laughed at your stupid jokes.
By the time you had finished making the rounds, the sun was starting to set and with this the temperature was slowly decreasing too. This was starting to become an issue as you were still just in a sports bra and shorts, but you did your best to hide your shivers and instead focused on Pope’s back as he steered the boat back through the marsh with his good hand.
Apparently you were worse at hiding how cold you were than you thought because in the next few minutes Pope had noticed and was handing you his hoodie from a compartment in the boat.
“You don’t have to give me this we’ll be back at mine soon, and besides aren’t you cold?”
“Only a little and besides you’ve really helped me out today so the least I can do is stop you from freezing to death.”
“Wow, such a gentleman,” you teased whilst pulling the jumper over your head, encasing your body in warmth with the added benefit of it smelling like Pope - you couldn’t pinpoint what he smelt like, but it was really nice and it made you feel all nervous and happy in one go.
You were now approaching the dock to your house, sad that your great day with Pope had come to an end and just as you went to take off his hoodie, he stepped closer, putting his hands over yours, stopping your movement.
“You can keep it for now”
“I can’t do that, surely you need it more than me - I mean my house with heating is right there.” Moving your head in the direction to emphasise your point and also because you didn’t want Pope to let go of your hands just yet.
“No, I’ll be fine and if you have my hoodie we’re gonna have to see each other again so you can give it back, which in my opinion is a great plan, wouldn’t you agree?"
You laughed, “It’s not an awful plan, shows you definitely have some smart things going on in your head which is always promising.”
At this he just leant in towards your face, waiting for you to make up the distance, which you did without hesitation. The kiss was gentle at first but then became more passionate, you moved your arms behind his head, standing on your toes slightly so you were closer to him, his hands moved onto the small of your back as the kiss deepened even more, still being careful with his injured hand. Sadly you both had to come away for air, but you stayed close, his hands still on your back, yours on his neck, and you just stared at each other, smiling at what just happened.
“Um that was -“ Pope began,
“It was something I wouldn’t mind doing again at some point” you finished for him, still smiling, your heart seemed to be beating out of control, you had only met him today but you felt like you had known and loved him for years.
“Yeh I wouldn’t mind that either” He smiled back, not wanting to let you go just yet, but unfortunately you both had to go back home eventually, so you stepped back, ready to step off the boat.
“If you ever need help with your job or company when you’re doing it, you know where to find me.”
“I will hold you to that offer don’t you worry” he replied, “oh and if you were serious earlier about trying out surfing, you could come along with my friends and me one day and I could teach you.”
“I would love that, especially so I can see if you’re better at standing on water than you are on land,” you chuckle.
Just as you were about to step off the boat, you quickly turned around, stealing one last kiss before you leave. Moving away from him you smiled more brightly than you had in a while, leaving Pope in awe of the kind and beautiful girl who had helped him with his hand and made his day the best he’d had in a while.
Walking back up to your house, you turned around one more time to wave him goodbye, and continued to wave until he had pulled out of view. Your heart was still beating fast, you still had the feeling of his lips on yours, and he seemed to already occupy most of your thoughts, already counting down the days until you could see the cute clumsy boy again.
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