#forever regretting the square brackets in that tag sighs
picnokinesis · 6 months
Hi what Do you think of bi!Clara? Do you think its canon and what are your headcanons for (canon or Campervan/any of your other AUs) Clara?
Pretty sure Clara is bi in canon, right? And ngl, anon, I don't really think about Clara all that much (she's cool, but not my favourite companion). I've mostly only really thought about her in redacted!au, where she's Koschei's ex boss and also like, his only friend lol. They meet up once a month for coffee because she says that if she didn't and then he died somewhere or went missing, then no one would notice. She's also his emergency contact. I do know that he told her about John/The Doctor from when they were kids, though, which is interesting.
Canon wise, I have a softspot for spyclara as a ship - I haven't read much of it but I think that Clara and Missy/The Master have a really interesting dynamic compared to other companion/master duos (although Yaz and the Master are also interesting, especially Yaz and the Master!Doctor). Clara's just the right amount of unhinged for her to be really interesting when paired with the Master - especially Missy or Dhawan, who are also unhinged. I also think the Master could actually talk to Clara about the Doctor and she would actually be more objective (or, maybe, more open to hearing about the less than nice sides of the Doctor) than some of the other companions sksksks, which is interesting to me.
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picnokinesis · 10 months
HEllo!!!! I’ve been rewatching Wolf and I just,,, I need more info on AU 6 cause I can’t stop thinking about it since you mentioned it! Like, how far along does it actually follow the Wolf plot - or is it more like Redacted AU with Wolf vibes??
au6 does not follow the plot of wolf at all - mostly because it has no plot at the moment, only vibes - but I would definitely say it's like redacted au with wolf vibes. That said though, au6 and redacted actually hinge on completely different divergence points, despite their apparent similarity. I really do wish that I could tell you more about au6 but it's even more spoilery than redacted, somehow - which is excessively spoilery HAHA like how much do you guys even know about redacted at this point? redacted!doctor has a knife. just imagine that koschei has a knife too and they're partners in crime but everything is utterly awful, and that's basically the au HAHAHA
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