#forget QB u dun need him anyways
einwish · 7 years
👀 + "Why are you so dismissive of me, the Amazing Maxwell, the greatest magician who ever graced this city?"
§ Maxwell who? § Never heard of you around here buddy
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§ There are thousands of human subjects from hundreds of different worlds residing in this city. The truth is that you simply don’t stand out enough when compared to the rest. §
Wrong age, wrong gender, wrong level of need—a poor investment for any Incubator, and a poor choice for Kyubey indeed if he actually took the man seriously.
§ If anything, I have a better memory of what Robin got from the menu during the last time we ate out. §
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§ What do you have to offer me, Maxwell? Nothing I can’t manage on my own. If that’s the case, why should I waste my time on you? §
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