aqulus · 6 years
    ❛Despair and hope are two sides of the same coin - one idolized and striven towards, thought of to be humanities savior, and the other demonized, fought against, no matter what the cost. ...blah, blah, blah, insert some more poetic stuff about good and evil because really, there’s no difference in this archetype, it’s literally the same damn thing! Y’all! C’mon now!
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...what’s with the look? Were you seriously expecting a monologue? That’s just sad. Alexa, play Despacitta. ...too early? Too early.  ❞
send 😈 to meet the sh!kyouko, a living, breathing, murderous shitpost and a comment/question if u would like
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multiversatile · 6 years
⁎⋆.✳ @postumbrarex
         A THEATER NESTLED IN THE DEPTHS OF THE CITY  ! The Songbird was no stranger to the stage in the slightest. Making the world of show business her home in the depths of Rapture — But how those glimmering nights felt like a lifetime ago. As she paced the aisles a tune arose which she hummed in her stride. Though faint, the melody carried through the vacant space until another pair of footsteps accompanied her own. Her song soon trails away and she is quick to address her newfound company.
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         ❛ And here I thought this place abandoned. What a... pleasant surprise. ❜ 
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noheartstrings · 6 years
–「 The routine of washing and ironing his own suit on a daily basis was frankly, getting stale. Now, this isn’t to say he didn’t enjoy the process of ironing. The electric, steaming iron was more than pleasant to utilize. But at this rate his favorite suit would fade, and he would not be deigned to be seen in the rags left in his closet by those scientists. He’d sooner use them for kindling a fire.」
「 A gentleman strolls by him, and Mordecai quirks a brow. His suit is well tailored, sharp. Cleanly printed pinstripes. He’d be remiss if he didn’t follow, and get at least get some information.」
“You look sharp,” –「 he comments, hoping that a stroke of the ego will help things slide along. This is how you keep a conversation light, isn’t it?」”Do you mind if I ask where you purchased it? Or somewhere you would recommend? The last shop I visited was just disgraceful.” 
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“I’m on a budget. Finding work has been a challenge.” 
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alchemicalvariable · 6 years
Varian had been searching for a bit and had no luck. So clearly his next resort was flagging people down on the street.
“Excuse me, sir! Uh, hey!”
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The man certainly looked like he might be knowledgeable, and even if he wasn’t, hopefully he’d know enough about the city to answer him. Varian scrambled after the tall man, feeling rather dwarfed in comparison as he bent to catch his breath, waving a hand as if gesturing for him to wait.
“Okay so I just got here and I was wondering if there was anywhere I could find a, what do I need...Reasonable quantity of vials, beakers, et cetera, a burner, some tubing, mortar and pestle...uh...I should figure out the...the kinds of plants that...”
Varian ran out of breath, doubling over again. Seemed like he was awfully worked up.
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mewmancess · 7 years
It seemed pretty hopeless to get back to Mewni, not that Star was giving up just yet, but the large city and the quantity of the people in it certainly wasn't a good sign. She wondered just how long some of these people had been here.
Instead of going off to find the place she was supposed to stay in, Star decided to take a little adventure through the sector she was apparently going to live in. It was really, really unimpressive, smoggy, with a weird smell in the air that she couldn't quite place. "How is anyone living in this place?" She wondered allowed to herself. Continuing along the street she heard a squish under her foot and looked down to see that she stepped in a puddle of green slime oozing out from under a crack in the wall. "Ah gross!!" The sole of her boot steamed and she frantically hopped away from the puddle, attempting to shake her boot off in the process.
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It wasn't coming off her boot as easily as she had hoped, and now it looked like it was eating away at her boot. "OH!! OH OH!!" Now more panicked, as these were her favorite pair of boots, she kicked her foot more violently before jumping into the gutter. A gutter that was full of watery mud. It was quite the jump, one that caused a nice big slash of mud around her. Muddy boots were a lot better than acid eaten boots. She certainly didn't care that she'd gotten her dress and stockings all muddy in the process.
Lifting her foot while still standing in the gutter, she checked her poor boot. "Oh thank corn... it's not too bad."
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dotchr-blog · 6 years
@postumbrarex ✑ ( sc. )
     “They say life is a stage and that everything is a performance!”
A gesture of her hands, for dramatic effect, before Monika dropped them to her side and let out a giggle at her own actions. Well, she couldn’t help it; she stumbled into a theater and met someone there, after all. Funny how that happened. Why not use this as a chance for some interesting conversation.
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     “... Or something like that! But that’s kind of true, isn’t it? You’re      always putting on your best performance for people around you      and sometimes you have to act your way through different situations!      What do you think? You’re an actor, right? Do you look at life      through that philosophy?”
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sciencysciences · 7 years
@postumbrarex liked for a starter!
Wilson had turned ‘round a corner, the cliche of destiny, and stopped. He was carrying his equipment for his science experiment when a familiar figure came into focus. He squinted a bit, not sure if he was seeing everything, and sure enough he saw Maxwell.
But he wasn’t going to bow down before him. Nope, not at all. Setting down the ham he also opened up the carton of eggs and grabbed one. His eyes narrowed, he raised his arm and called out.
“I don’t think so! I’m not falling for any of your magic tricks!”
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erizipel-archive · 7 years
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🌹 : A natural calling, if she’d confess. While to proclaim few things caught her eye.. would be an utter lie, admittedly if there was one location she could easily claim for home it be the theater. Certainly not as glorious as domain once realized for her own, but beauty existed with none the less(perhaps too soft to heart, as she hadn’t even entered yet). Approach all the same to doors, albeit with an air of caution to. Though guard immediately drop.. noticing a bit of absence. Ah? Early perhaps? Denote character occupying to withhold information, to what other reason would he remain after all?
“Pardon. Are there no ongoing performances today?”
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crimedynamics · 6 years
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All fun places for lucrative “accidents” of course.
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murdergorounds-blog · 7 years
( wow, what’s with that getup, @postumbrarex? )
      Something about this guy rubs Peacock the wrong way already—who in their right mind wanders a dirty city dressed to the nines, anyway!? Maybe he’s one of those obnoxious rich guys, or he just wants to be. It’s hard for her to tell from here, but she’ll find out soon enough!
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      “Hey, pal,” she says, “you normally go around dressed like a jackass? What’s your deal?”
      That’s not a good way of asking, Peacock.
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einwish · 7 years
👀 + "Why are you so dismissive of me, the Amazing Maxwell, the greatest magician who ever graced this city?"
§ Maxwell who? § Never heard of you around here buddy
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§ There are thousands of human subjects from hundreds of different worlds residing in this city. The truth is that you simply don’t stand out enough when compared to the rest. §
Wrong age, wrong gender, wrong level of need—a poor investment for any Incubator, and a poor choice for Kyubey indeed if he actually took the man seriously.
§ If anything, I have a better memory of what Robin got from the menu during the last time we ate out. §
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§ What do you have to offer me, Maxwell? Nothing I can’t manage on my own. If that’s the case, why should I waste my time on you? §
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fallingpetcls · 7 years
“...” Ib blinked slowly as she looked at the man. What was he wearing? She knew she was bad at choosing clothes that looked good, given how many times her mom had to change her outfit so it matched or was normal, but she was fairly certain his outfit was weird. 
She watched from the edge of a roof, not intending to make her presence known. Then she saw the tiny monster trying to sneak up on him and even with the wait of her failures crushing her tiny shoulders she had to act. She dropped from the ledge, landing lightly on her feet thanks to whatever the scientists had done, and shot a beam at the monster. Unfortunately for her, dark magical beams didn’t have the same power as light ones when it came to defeating the monsters.
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mewmancess · 7 years
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Boom! Star kicked open the door to apartment number C-2, that had to be where Maxell lived, cause it sure hadn't been E-2 or D-2 which she had learned moments before kicking this door open. "MAX!" She shouted as she let herself in, a little hurried. "MaaAAaaAaaX!" She wasn't being immediately yelled at and kicked out, so that had to mean he lived in this one, but she also didn't immediately see him.
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hepride-blog · 7 years
olive: is your muse prone to feeling envious of others? if yes, what is it that they typically feel envious over?
yes! he can be a very envious person due to the fact that there’s many things that he couldn’t get/feel and some people have, he gets a pang of envy when he sees people being happy, mostly due to the fact that sadness is something that comes really easily to him and he used to be someone who really valued happiness but things change. he hates feeling like that but he’ll never ever admit, he’s too prideful.
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Sector 001 was like, objectively the worst sector. And yes, she was just saying that because everything moved again and now she couldn’t find that hat shop she wanted to go to! The frustration was enough to make her kick a nearby trash can.
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“ARGH! How am I supposed to plan new costumes if I can’t get a new hat?! Does anyone in this Empyrean forsaken city know where that hat shop went??”
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headmastering · 7 years
Examine! Maxwell
Examine: [Maxwell]
> You do so.
> He’s not looking so nearly miserable or mopey these days. Lamenting his fate, how it is or isn’t his fault. He almost seems.. confident. It’s nice to observe. He’s always had dramatic moods, but unfortunately most of what you recall is sad.
> Though speaking of the dramatic...
Remember: [The Theatre]
> Oh right. You wonder if that ever got rebuilt. The city should’ve done it automatically over time, of course, but then again with Hive City who can be sure of anything?
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