#forgive any typos i’m not rereading allat
syrupgirl · 5 months
Hi!! this post might be is a bit of a long one but it might help to explain a few things to those who have been wondering <3
so it’s been a real long time since i’ve been active on this blog, an even longer time since i’ve published any writing here. I want how ever many of you who loved my writing to know that I haven’t forgotten about this blog. (i think you would be hard pressed to find a fic writer that can forget about any of their writing lol)
There are a lot of really boring reasons as to why i’m not writing at the moment. For example, when I started this blog it was during my summer holidays. I had so much spare time on my hands and I love to write, so combined with my love of fandom I naturally turned to fic writing. This isn’t me announcing an indefinite hiatus, at least I’m not planning on it, but a lot of things have changed and I really just don’t have time. I’m also a full time student and this year i’m going to be flat out, I also have a job lols.
Another thing is, I cycle through different fandoms so often I think I made a mistake boxing myself into exclusively the avatar fandom. I don’t regret writing for it whatsoever, but I do regret not pacing myself and not exploring into other fandoms earlier as now most (if not all) of you follow me for my Avatar works which I really don’t feel that inspired to write for anymore. That does make me a little sad, both for the boxing myself in and not feeling inspired by Avatar anymore, but that’s just how the cookie crumbled!!
I want to say a huge huge huge thank you anyone who reblogged something i wrote, anyone who left a comment (i LOVE going through comments) , anyone who even just read what I wrote. Writing makes me so happy and to share it with people who love and appreciate it just as much as I do made me so happy, it still does!!
Like I said, this isn’t a forever goodbye. I’m still such a geek and my love of storytelling has not faded in the slightest! If when I come back, I intend to have a fresh slate and to remind myself that this is all about finding community. Maybe i’ll even move to a completely different blog!! Idk!!
I don’t think many of you will see this but I still thought it was important to make because you were the ones who gave me confidence in my writing journey. I’m going to still be writing behind the scenes, hopefully get better so I can knock some socks off but for now, it’s going to be pretty quiet here. Feel free to unfollow if that doesn’t float your boat!! I hope you enjoyed your time here if you do, genuinely, wholeheartedly, no hard feelings :)
that was so many words when all I wanted to say was that ‘this isn’t the end, life just happens’ but idc. I love you ALL!!! MWAH MWAH!!!!💋💋💋 SEE YOU SOON MY DARLINGS💋💋💋💋
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