#forgive me if i misspelled anything I'm not paying attention
newmsies · 5 months
"oui oui baguette hon hon hon i eat snails" thats you thats what you sound like
au moins je n'ai pas eu à me faire enlever mes dents de sagesse /j
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Kiss me [P. C]
Prince Caspian x reader
Word counts: 2.6k
Warnings: I’m from Mexico so sorry for any misspelling or grammar. If you have any advice tells me!
N/A: I’ll post more Caspian stuff, in case you want to follow me :) (sorry for the scene and narrator changes I hope it's not tedious, haha)
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"Run!" Caspian listened, and the peculiar talking animal did not have to repeat it.
Everything was happening so suddenly. First he had had to flee the castle from a threat he did not know existed, then he had found himself in the home of those strange creatures he thought extinct and was now running for his life from his own army.
The arrows on their crossbows soon arrived and the three had to dodge them as they advanced. Caspian advanced a couple more yards and then heard a scream.
"Oh, no”
"I'll go! The young man shouted, worried about the badger lying on the floor with an arrow stuck in his thigh. When he got to him the soldiers were close, so much so that his aim would not fail this time.
"Take it and run! It's more important than me!” the Narnian shouted, giving him the horn that hours earlier he had touched in the hope that something would happen. Why was it so important, anyway?
He watched the animal and then the troops. A panic attack invaded him and he adopted a grimace of terror. He didn't know what to do, he was trapped, he wouldn't save his friend, and he couldn't confront the men either.
Out of nowhere, the soldier leading the troops was defeated, wounded by a warrior who seemed invisible to human eyes. Caspian wasted no time, so he took trufflehunter in his arms from him to start running.
He kept advancing, with the little animal's complaining on his shoulder and suddenly heard the squeal of a horse. He turned completely frightened because he imagined it would not be difficult for that man to shoot and kill him, but when he watched the person on the beast it was not a uniform.
He was an extremely thin complexion warrior, but with his mouth covered in a cloth and a hood that prevented him from identifying him. He wore worn trousers and a shirt that looked like his, as well as a sword in his right hand with which he had already begun to hurt men. The few who tried to shoot him were in vain, for the invisible warrior seemed to know who wanted to hurt his companion and killed them before the arrows could rub him.
For a moment the presence of both mysterious figures was reassuring, but a second later he was already alarmed again.
If your uncle's men couldn't with them, what was waiting for him?
"Get him out of here!” he yelled at his other companion. He drew his sword and turned the other way, but was surprised to no longer see a single soldier. He frowned rather troubled, but out of nowhere the hooded warrior appeared to attack. He fell gracefully from his horse and pushed Caspian with his sword, causing him to fall from his back to the ground.
"Your last words?” he asked, pointing at his neck with the tip of the sword. Caspian was surprised to hear her voice, which looked not masculine at all. Did you look at the... person? That threatened him and swallowed scared-dead saliva. If his destiny was to die at the hands of the warrior in front of him, then he would.
But before sticking the sword around his neck, the warrior paid a little more attention to him and Caspian saw it pale. On his side appeared a small talking mouse with a sword, which encouraged him to kill the telmarine at once.
"You are a mouse" Caspian said, forgetting for a moment the swordsman in front of him.
"Very original to be your last words" he mocked, but Caspian was more focused on how the warrior's knees in front of him faltered and saw him stumble until he fell backwards.
He had fainted.
Caspian tried to get close but the mouse wouldn't let him. Instead he threatened him with the sword while running to help his companion. He took off his hood, cloth and that's when Caspian also felt him faint.
The warrior was a girl.
You opened your eyes and observed a beautiful field, one that definitely did not belong to the forest of Narnia in which you lived.
You were dreaming or, rather, remembering.
You looked at your clothes, smaller than you expected, and you knew what I remember it was. Actually, a very special one.
"Y/N!” somebody screamed behind you, with joy. When you turned, you saw a long-haired teenager running in your direction with a huge smile. “I found you! You're terrible at this game, if you don't mind me saying so" he murmured, smiling more as he stood in front of you. “What's the matter?”
"Caspian" you whispered gently. Despite the years you couldn't help but remember even a single detail of his face. His pale skin, his black hair up to his shoulders, his red lips and cheeks blushed by physical activity. You sighed with relief and threw yourself into his arms, feeling his scent. It smelled like gardenias and linen.
"Hey, I'm not going to forgive you, this victory no matter how mellow you are, you understand?” he said funny, but you didn't seem to want to say anything. You just wanted to hold on to him, you wanted to feel it close to you as much as possible.
At that point, after reliving so many times that moment, you no longer knew it was real and that it was a lie as to words, but the sensations never changed.
"Never leave me" you asked with a lump in your throat, feeling his hands sneak down your back until he held your waist
"Why would I?” he asked gently, near your ear.
"Just promise me, will you?" you whispered. You separated a little from him and both came face to face, with your noses barely rubbing. “Promise it.”
"Sure, I promise" he gasped. The words that came out of his mouth no longer mattered, but the feeling of your breath against his. “But again, why do you think I'd leave?”
"Because you already did" you murmured short, holding back tears.
"What do you mean...?”
"Kiss me" you demanded, taking the cloth from his shirt. You were a little aware that you had both kissed in that meadow when you were younger, but you weren't so sure it was exactly after you told him I'd abandoned you because you weren't even close to knowing it.
"What do you say?” Caspian asked in a trembling voice, but paying a little more attention to your lips. Without wasting time you pulled it a little towards you, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat.
You felt him respond to the kiss for a second, his lips velvety in contrast to yours, but the next second you opened your eyes and he was gone.
You were no longer in the beautiful meadow where your first kiss happened. You were in the woods, at night, alone.
You called him, yelled his name, but he never answered. You started crying and took a couple of steps just to bump into something heavy.
It was a lifeless body. He was...
"Caspian!” you screamed discouraged, waking up from the fading you had experienced.
When your eyes clear, you realized your feet didn't touch the floor and a couple of arms held you carefully.
"I'm here, calm down" someone whispered, hugging you more against him. When you saw the young man holding you, you let out a high-pitched cry and from the impression he dropped you against the moss on the floor. “Y/N! Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?”
"You're not real!” you said raising your voice, sticking your back against a nearby tree. “You're not... you... Caspian is dead," you murmured frightenedly, watching the man squat and approaching with the intention of reassuring you a little.
"It's not like that, look at me. I'm here" he said kindly, holding one of your hands. “Come, feel my heart” carefully placed your hand, small compared to his, on the left side of his chest. “It's beating. I'm real, I'm here" he repeated, worried about your expression of terror.
"He told me you were dead.”
"I was told that you...” and he was silent, unable to complete the sentence. He never believed that lie, so he had never said it out loud. “How did you survive all this time?” He asked short.
"Do you know this telmarine?” Someone said beside him. You looked at the three creatures present and realized that Reepicheep was the one who had spoken.
"I..." you hesitated. What if it was all just another dream?
"She's a little shocked by the falls, give her space," trufflehunter said. You thanked internally for not having to answer questions.
"We have to go, we can't waste time" Nikabrik said now. You had a little trouble breathing.
"Can you walk?” Caspian asked, looking at you again. Damn, when was the last time you saw those bright eyes? now it seemed like an eternity. “Or I could charge you, if you like.”
"I can walk" you said quickly. You stood up and walked as far away from the man as possible, hoping that the emptiness in your stomach would also go away. Without waiting for an answer you started walking without a course and heard Caspian follow in your footsteps. Apparently your sword was no longer in place, but at a glance you noticed Caspian was wearing your belt.
"Where's my horse?" you asked worried. Caspian came over already took the opportunity to hold you by the waist.
"Calm down, he's fine" he said quietly, looking you in the eye again. “God, I can't take it anymore. Would it be too much trouble if we rested for a few minutes?” he asked the others, still holding you. “I want to talk to you alone," he continued, but now kinder.
"How do we know you're trustworthy?” Reepicheep asked, in an attempt to take care of his friend.
"It's all right. He's good, he'd never hurt me" you said in his direction to reassure him. And so it was, you couldn't blame Caspian for all the suffering you'd faced during those years. “I know a river near here, we can talk there" you said. Caspian nodded and let you go, waiting for you to guide him.
"Don't be late" Reepicheep warned, pointing the sword at you.
You started walking and Caspian followed you, both quietly for a few minutes. When you were far enough away, he came a little closer to you until his little finger grazed your hand. He wanted to take it, but he didn't have the courage to do it.
"Why didn't you ever look for me?” you said by slowing down your footsteps, in your broken voice. “All this time I thought he was dead... I blamed myself for it, even did you ever look for me?”
"I did" he admitted. Now he did take your hand. “You don't know how long I've been touring every corner of the kingdom looking for you, but all in vain. I never imagined you'd be... well, here" he said. They were silent again until he asked. “Why did you say you blamed yourself? Why did you think I was dead in the first place?”
"Your uncle told me" you exclaimed tremblingly. “He found out about us. He said a woman like me would never be with her nephew. You were, you're an heir to the throne, and I'm just an ordinary girl. He forbade me to see you or swore I'd kill you. Days later he told me that you had received a letter that I never sent and also told me you were dead. That he'd blame me for it if I didn't run away from there. Your guards brought me here to die and... Reepicheep found me, then I met more Narnians and they welcomed me. They taught me everything I know and I in return began to protect the forest from the telmarines" you explained, looking down. “So many years thinking you were dead, Caspian. So many years I missed you and cried for you. I... God, I was just a kid when your uncle did that. If I'd known you were okay, I'd have looked for you" you finished, now you're in tears bathing your cheeks.
Caspian grabbed your chin and raised your face. He was crying too.
"My uncle told me you abandoned me. If it's any consolation, I never believed it. That's why I looked for you so long, because... I thought something very bad had happened to you. And I see I wasn't that wrong" he admitted followed by a sob.
When you saw he like this, you felt all the pain accumulated over those years bursting into you and breaking down in tears. Caspian hugged you against his chest and you cried together, expressing more in that embrace than with all the words of the world.
After a long time you felt a huge peace and even though you didn't know Caspian's reasons for being there, you didn't care anymore.
You didn't care because he was pursued by the guards or because it was in the hands of your friends. All you cared about was feeling his arms around you and the constant beat of his heart.
He was Caspian, after all, your Caspian.
"There's something I still don't believe, you know?” he began to say in a low tone.
"And what is it?” you also responded in a whisper, fearing altering the peace that surrounded them.
"You're better at riding and with the sword than I am. I don't know if I should be afraid for my life" he joked and forced you to smile broadly.
And then, no place for a smile came laughter of jubilation. Caspian didn't get it, but his chest swelled with love when he heard your laughter again.
"Caspian for God's sake you are alive! You're here with me... Are you ok. I didn't kill you.”
"Kill me? You are crazy?” he asked, worried, hunching a little to keep up with you. “You said it about me: ‘he would never hurt me’ And now I'm telling you; I know you could never hurt me in any way in life. On the contrary, you are the happiness that was taken from me and that I longed for. Here you are, in front of me and I can finally tell you that I loved you every day of your absence. There wasn't a single day when he didn't expect to see you again” he carefully placed his hand on your cheek and admired your face for a moment. “You're beautiful, you haven't changed a bit. You're still the love of my life" he finally expressed, tears filling it up another little bit.
"Kiss me" you said in a whisper, taking the collar of his silk shirt as at some point, when they were younger, you did.
Caspian wasted no time and took you by the waist to lift you up a little, forcing you to tangle your legs in his hip. He was very strong now, because with one hand you held by the thighs and with the other it caressed your cheek, unsure if your skin really felt as usual.
And finally, he kissed you.
He walked a few steps until your back collided with the trunk of a tree and he continued to kiss longer than you would have expected.
This time, when you opened your eyes, you saw a Caspian completely in love and with bright eyes full of life.
You weren't alone in the woods anymore. Now you finally had him.
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wisteriasposts · 4 years
Tsukasa’s death theory time
... hey, how y'all doing?...
i don't how to start posts, but here I go: I have a theory on what happened/lead hanako to kill tsukasa.
(disclaimer: I'm not very good on explaining theories because at some point I get everything tangled, so if this happens here, I am very sorry, and it does contain spoiler, so be aware 🥺)
so, the thing is, I've read this one theory about the relationship between the twins and something came to my mind, because what it said really makes sense to me so hear me out:
hmm... to summarize, the theory brought to me that tsukasa was never violent to hanako (directly, because I do believe that the things that he did caused an affect in hanako, and psychological violence it is violence, isn't it?), and he is a little less feral with nene (even tho he says it was because she is a girl, something makes me believe that he is thinking in hanako too), but the point is: what if the relationship between him and hanako was not that akdhjajdjs (i don't have a better way to put it) before his death?
I mean, I don't think that Tsukasa was a little angel that only loved his big brother to death, I still believe he is the personification of that meme 'I lost my bitch ass dog', annoying as possible, really push over, curious little bitch (mom i love him, can I keep him?), but he was Amane's little brother, so they loved each other with all that, you know? bros being bros.
but let me point out things that came to my attention:
y'all remember that one promise that Amane did when he was alive, right? When he said 'you know what? I am not gonna leave' while sitting under the pale moonlight and all that? And if I'm not wrong that scene is the same one that brought to us the fact the he was being bullied/abused.
so we all thought at some point that it was Tsukasa's doing (because yeah), and maybe it was idk, but how come Tsukasa be violent before but not after death? I know that sounds really shallow, but I don't believe that death, with all the rage that he have, was the one to change this trait. If Tsukasa did something to Amane, I am starting to believe it was more psychological than physical (he pass me that vibe, very manipulative, not harmless, but I don't think he would get physical with Amane, it was pointed out several times that Hanako is somewhat of athletic, he was even interested in P.E.¹ when he was alive, and even if he does not fight back Tsukasa, he would get in a defense position, you know what I mean?)
I did not find the part where Amane said he has interest in P.E., but I do know it exists (right?), I think it was one of the memories of Spider-sensei, if I'm not wrong.
next, once we got know that nene's fate is death, we also get to see how Hanako tends to be desperate when his plans doesn't go the way he expects to, he goes way beyond everything just to make things work, he prioritize the thing he wants to do/get, if he can do it in a good way he'll do, otherwise he'll do it in the same way, even if upsets someone, it's something like the greater good, I think.
I don't know if he was like that when he was alive or if is what he said about God forgiving him¹, but the thing is: he does what he needs to get to his objective, he is very obstinate by all means, like if the price is sacrifice himself and someone else to keep nene safe he'll do kind of situation, it comes with the atone of his sins.
by this point, it was showed two times that something like that was said, but with two different tones, the first one when he was fighting with kou in the begging and the second one when he was in the meeting with other supernaturals.
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and in the second you get something like a demanding vibe, like 'the god has to forgive me', at least that's what I thought reading that, but occurred to me 'who is this god?', and with this, I think you remember this scene:
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and here is what I thought: even if we don't know who this god is, i don't believe that it is tsukasa, but I do believe it is the same who bullied/abused him whoever it is this person, so sounds like they are exchanging forgivings, something in the line of 'I forgave all you did to me, so now, pay it back, or consequences'.
Moving to Tsukasa's death:
starting with the promise Amane did, I do think it was because of Tsukasa and the 'god', he wouldn't leave his brother neither the person who did those things to him whatever the reason is, but the point is what if Amane was between these two figures, his younger brother who was very clinging but was all he got as family and love and the person who bullied him, here we got two types of manipulations, from his brother and from that other person.
(I know this is starting to sound crazy, I know)
talking about the relationship with Tsukasa, I do think his manipulations were the family type, like "i am your only brother, so won't you let me do [the thing he wants to do]?", bringing up the soft spot kind of thing, even if it was a bad thing.
the 'god' I don't have much to say about the relationship, because, you know, so far the god was only talked-about in these panels I brought up, this god could be literally nothing at all, but if it is I think their manipulation were both psychological and physical to the point to get into Amane’s mind.
by saying all this, what if the abuse by both sides was too much to Amane? I mean I don't know with the god was a living person by the time Amane was alive as well, but considering it wasn't let's forget about it now and focus on Tsukasa; I'm not going to put a context because I don't have enough to elaborate one (lol), but supposing that there was a fight/misunderstanding between the twins and Tsukasa pushed really hard on Amane, making him believe that the only way out was killing Tsukasa¹, I don't know, maybe he told Amane that everything was going back to normal if that happened, or maybe that something was going to happen if didn't do it, I really don't know, but the I really to point out is that I think Amane killed Tsukasa out of desperation, nor rage or something like that, I don't know why he would be desperate, but I do believe that that's what he was feeling at the time, I mean...
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this is not an angry expression, it's pain, remorse, desperation, sadness. I don't know what Tsukasa did or said to Amane, but that didn't stopped Hanako from hating what he have done, but (maybe) he believes that what he did was what he needed to, maybe to keep his promise or i don't know, and in the end the guilty was so much that he ended up ending his own life (in which I think that the god influenced by saying he would forgive hanako from his wrong doings if turned into the seven wonders and solved problems no matter the price, this would be hanako mask, but that's something for later on).
so this is it everybody, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
if there is any misspell I'm sorry, english is not my first language, I do use it here to help me improve in this matter. if anybody has anything too add up or could share so it can reach to more people, please do, I love hearing about theories
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