#forgot mako tsunami. he just draws a fish
kaibacorpintern · 1 year
duelist celebrity autographs
atem: painstakingly writes "WITH LOVE FROM YOUR FRIEND, ATEM" in all caps. he says yes to everyone who asks.
yuugi: always a brief, cheerful message that feels both incredibly generic and deeply personal, resulting in endless variations on "keep chasing your dreams!" or "your dreams are waiting for you!" or "believe in yourself!" he says yes to everyone who asks, unless they have "weird" vibes. then he politely excuses himself and gossips about them to anzu later.
jounouchi: a wild, exuberant, and barely comprehensible JOUNOUCHI KATSUYA, surrounded by stars and maybe a little scapegoat or two (draw cloud, add sleepy face, horns, four little feet, done) if he has time. carries a glittery marker for this express purpose. says yes to everyone who asks, and also people who don't ask.
kaiba: a swift little BEWD he's practiced so many times it takes him approximately 3.2 seconds, plus an extravagant KAIBA SETO. always says yes to children and gets into long conversations with them. adults, on the other hand, must first make it past his entourage of body guards and/or mokuba, who will get over-protective (understatement) over the fact that you're breathing too much of niisama's air.
mai: a beautiful cursive KUJAKU MAI, and then she kisses the autograph and leaves a kiss mark over her name in red lipstick. if she's wearing sunglasses, she'll sign. if she's NOT wearing sunglasses, she won't sign. it's her day off, leave her alone, please!! no one has caught on to this signal, giving her a reputation for being diva-ish and mercurial instead of someone with clear boundaries.
pegasus: carries around a little stack of pale cream thick parchment business cards that are "pre-signed" and embossed on the back with some personal emblem. he will toss one at you without looking at you. he has much more important things to do. kaiba is looking quite calm today and we can't have THAT! ta-ta!!
inspector haga: signs his name. whatever insect or arthropod you want him to draw, he can draw that, too. can someone please ask him for his autograph. please. he can draw so many different insects and arthropods and they're really good. please?
dinosaur ryuzaki: his signature just looks like this: D~~~~~ R~~~~~. again, can someone please ask him?
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