#forgot there was like. a strength number applied to each ally and they need to have a certain amount to survive at the door
enkisstories · 5 months
The wrecking of the Steadfast
I just published Chapter 4, in which
…Finn must come to terms with his undiagnosed force sensitivity
Hux corrected the tugboat’s course to avoid collision with a large piece of scrap metal from the Steadfast that came tumbling their way. Then he took up the conversation again:
“Damn… Why didn’t Ren ever say something this useful! You’d think he’d be capable of doing the same things an untrained force sensitive can? But, no, all he ever contributed was swordplay to achieve victories a blaster wielding unit would have scored just a minute or so later. That, and keeping the maintenance crew busy.”
“Venturing a guess, I’ve heard tell that the Dark Side dishes out quick and easy power, but exerts a heavy price later. The more Ren lost himself in it, the more he might have lost an idea of the big picture, too, and forgot all the small ways to nudge things into the desired direction.”
“Makes sense.”
The way I’m paying the price for my folly now. Let’s face it, for all practical purposes I’ve become what I’ve been fighting: a rebel, the distinction between having joined the Resistance and acting as its ally being near meaningless in our situation. I really need to take care not to get too comfortable in this role.
…the rebels dismantle a Star Destroyer
Rose yanked a control panel off a console and gave it a little momentum. The panel soared towards the navigation station, where Hux had removed the remains of that one’s destroyed panel. He caught the replacement and slammed it into position with a little more force than was advisable, unable to correctly judge his strength or lack thereof in the vacuum of space. Losing no time, BB-8 plugged it in. When the computer lit up again, Hux pulled up a navigation software and maps of New Harvest. Unfamiliar with working in a zero G environment he lost his footing a few times, until BB-8 spat out a liquid cable, that he subsequently tied loosely around the human’s hip. “I can’t tell whether that was supposed to be help- or spiteful…” Beeping the equivalent of an impish giggle, BB-8 went to help Rose re-establish the connection between the navigation computer and the systems that received their instructions from it.
…Hux becomes housetrained
“Wait, are you saying that we are something like noble barbarians to you?” Rose uttered.
“With an innocent charm. Those last few days I felt… sheltered. But it cannot last. It’s cute, just not sustainable. The Resistance is doomed to fail same as the republics failed.”
“Then help us create an environment in which our way of life will be sustainable! Even if only to scoff at each of our ideas, prompting us to improve them just to shut you up!”
“That would be the day, wouldn’t it?”
“Let’s finish this mission. And stop being so damn paranoid about me killing you guys left and right already! It’s irritating!”
…and Poe struggles with the aftermath of his concussion.
“I take it as a tactician you rarely leave your bridge? This is going to be rough! I need a co-pilot, especially one who understands what each of the screens is trying to tell me.”
It wasn’t just that everything was arranged completely different, although still making sense, as there were only so many ways one could put the different panels and still be efficient. The damn First Order font, that was so similar, yet different, irritated Poe to no small degree. He had no muscle memory to apply to the Upsilon, and additionally would have to waste precious split seconds just deciphering the unfamiliar letters. No, he definitely needed a co-pilot now, and something primeval and ancient within Poe insisted that this co-pilot being Armitage was a huge bonus.
Five minutes later Hux once again knew what Poe had meant when he had said things would become turbulent. The world was spinning way too fast, with far too many opponents coming at them (or the same opponent appearing to be in several places at once). He held fast to the console and kept focusing on the numbers, for the first time in his life grateful to be the second row player only. Keeping track of all the information and relaying the most important bits to the actual pilot was the co-pilot’s main task, as expected, but equally important was to snarl “Breath!” regularly, whenever Poe started looking a bit too green around the nose. The last thing they needed now was him retching all over the cockpit.
“Too many… too fast…” Poe gasped, painfully aware that no enemy craft would be left by now, were he sitting in his trusty Freitek T-70.
Also: the first kiss!
“Yes. Pondering where to go from here, I think I’d like to extend this alliance until I can see Ren’s corpse with my own eyes. That, or sufficient proof of his passing.”
“Still that obsessed…”
Hux shrugged. Poe suspected that the General had practiced even this oh-so natural looking gesture in front of a mirror a lot.
“Clinging to that obsession is the easiest way to retain my sanity right now. My head is spinning, differently from yours, though. Nothing’s quite fitting into place anymore.”
“How so?”
“Ever since we joined forces, I felt liberated. As if an invisible whip in my back just wasn’t there anymore. The prospect of going back from that to my old life too soon is unpleasant.”
The good news is that you wouldn’t go back to your old life, but to prison, the moment you called the alliance off, Poe thought. Out loud he said: “We’ve gotten used to have you around”, then his eyes went wide. “Bucket!” he cried, followed by a gurgle.
“Well”, Hux commented while handing the bucket back without looking at it. “It was worth a try.”
One vomiting fit later, Poe raised his head.
“I once had a near-boyfriend”, he said, feeling silly for withholding the name, when the whole galaxy knew who that man had been. “But I was too indecisive, or maybe took things to be for granted too much, so nothing came from it and now he’s spoken for by another. I don’t want that to happen again. I… Uh… somebody hold that bucket for a spell? It kinda gets in the way of the message.”
And with these words, he slung his arms around the other man, looked up and kissed him. Given what Poe had spent his time with before, the contact could have been more pleasing. A lot more.
Why, Hux wondered. Why does this keep happening? I have the skills, the determination and the patience, but something in the universe must be against me. Every time I get what I want, it gets delivered in the worst fashion imaginable.
“One day, little rat, you’ll be the end of me. And I of you.”
Read it here: Chapter 1-4 or only Chapter 4
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moonybadger · 2 years
In all the times I’ve messed up on the collector base attack in ME2, it’s ALWAYS Tali I end up getting killed, usually cause I always end up forgetting who I need to leave on the final door 😔
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Xayah, the Rebel build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Holy shit they actually just flip the artwork. No this is genuinely Xayah’s “official” artwork it’s just a flip of Rakan’s...
So uh I had this build prepared back in August... and then I forgot it. Luckily I did write it down! See? I’m smarter than Rakan!
Honestly I’m quite thankful for Tasha’s coming out because it made my Xayah build a lot better. So I’m happy that I’m publishing it now in February instead of back in August when I made the first draft. A lot of things get better with age and love’s also one of them~ 💓
Dodging seems to be a weak spot of yours - Sick of only hitting one enemy at a time? Make some Clean Cuts to strike behind your enemy. That’s what’s known as efficiency!
Move your feet, or lose some toes - Ever tripped on a feather? How about having your heels slashed?
A thousand cuts is only the beginning - In case of emergency push R button to dodge damage, and send a ton of feathers at your foes!
Xayah is half bird, but her taunt flat out shows she can’t fly which leaves Aarakocra out of the picture. She’s also very chatty (holy shit have you seen how many voice lines Xayah and Rakan have?) so Kenku is definitely not an option. So when in Rome as a furry look no further than a Shifter.
All Shifters have Darkvision and their Shifting ability to gain temporary hitpoints, but everything else is determined by their subrace: you’re the girl with the plan for the hunt. The Wildhunt that is! Your Wisdom increases by 2 and your Dexterity increases by 1. You’re a Natural Tracker with proficiency in Survival. And your Shifting Feature will let you become one with nature for advantage on Wisdom checks, and you can up your dodging game so no enemy can hit you with advantage.
15; DEXTERITY - You’re a marksman. That means attacking with a ranged weapon, which takes nimbleness.
14; WISDOM - Wisdom will let you connect with the natural magic of the world. Most literally as you’re going to be using Wisdom to cast spells!
13; INTELLIGENCE - You’re the one with the plan.
12; CONSTITUTION - Ha ha ADC health bar go brrrr, but even if Xay is squishy in LoL that doesn’t mean we can’t grab Grasp for a bit more health.
10; CHARISMA - Xayah has a degree of rough charm to her. But I mean hey: you got Rakan to fall for you?
8; STRENGTH - As much muscle as dancing takes you don’t need it to cut through your foes.
You’re a freedom fighter. A rebel with a cause fighting as a Faction Agent for the Vastayan cause. You get proficiency in Insight along with any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma ability. For a dance under the moonlight with Rakan get Performance proficiency: it takes two to tango after all! You also get proficiency in two languages: unfortunately Aarakocra isn’t an option but Auran (or rather Primordial) will serve well to speak the Vastayan-bird language. And to learn the ancient language of Ionia I’d recommend Sylvan.
As a vastayan rebel you can gain access to a Safe Haven for you and your allies. By using secret signs and passwords you can identify other rebels who can bring you to a safe house, give you a free place to stay, or assist you in finding information. They won’t risk their lives for you but as long as you remember the password they’ll be willing to help. Be sure to remember the password by the way. Because Rakan definitely won’t.
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(Artwork by XhiliaJP on DeviantArt)
Starting off as a Fighter for a few things known as saving throws, but also for skills like Acrobatics and Perception to see incoming skill shots and dodge them with grace. You also get Second Wind to heal for a d10 plus your Fighter level for some health pots in lane.
Your main choice as a Fighter at early levels is your Fighting Style and we’ll be grabbing a Bladecaller root very early thanks to Superior Technique from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. You learn a Battle Master Maneuver from the Battle Master subclass: we’ll be going for Trip Attack to hinder enemy movement. You then get a d6 Maneuver die to use on Trip Attack, and nothing else because spoilers: we won’t be getting other maneuvers.
Second level Fighters get their Action Surge, allowing them to take two actions in a turn instead of 1. For now that only means two attacks. For now.
Third level Fighters get to choose their Martial Archetype and to channel some magic into your “blades” (read: arrows, because you should be using a longbow) go for the magic of the Arcane Archer. Arcane Archer Lore will give you proficiency in Arcana or Nature (we’re actually going to be going for Arcana) as well as either the Prestigiation or Druidcraft cantrip (naturally as a naturalist we’ll be going for Druidcraft.)
"How can humans not hear the magic?"
"They're too busy building things."
"Because... they're afraid."
Of course the main feature of the Arcane Archer is their Arcane Shot. Once per turn when you fire an arrow from a bow, you can apply one of your Arcane Shots to that arrow. You decide to use the option when the arrow hits a creature, unless the option doesn’t involve an attack roll. You have two uses of Arcane Shot that come back after a Short or Long rest.
Let’s talk about your Arcane Shots then, hm? To root your foe (sorta) Grasping Arrow does an extra 2d6 Poison damage and lowers the target’s movement speed by 10. Additionally if they try to move without Flash (or other means of teleportation) they’ll take an extra 2d6 slashing damage. The target can use its action to remove the brambles with a successful Athletics check against your Arcane Shot save DC, or ask their support to do it for them. Otherwise, the brambles last for 1 minute or until you use this option again.
Piercing Arrow meanwhile doesn’t require an attack roll. Instead you target all enemies in a 30 foot line and force them to make a Dexterity save. On a failed save they take damage as if they were shot by the bow, along with an extra d6 of piercing. On a successful save however they only take half, but realistically if you’re hitting 3 or more people with this arrow it’s still worth it even if you miss.
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(Artist unknown. Made for Riot Games.)
Feel free to take one more level in Fighter for an ASI but I’m going to go to Ranger now and grab Nature proficiency from the class, which is why we took Arcana earlier!
Also thank god Tasha’s is out because instead of the meme known as Natural Explorer we get Deft Explorer. Canny gives you Expertise in one of your skills (I personally opted for Acrobatics to evade any Shadow Assassins who may try to kill you, but honestly any one of your skills make sense for Expertise so feel free to pick whatever you think will be useful) and two language proficiencies of your choice. (Choose whatever you think will help your cause.)
But the more interesting feature is Favored Foe. When you hit an enemy you can choose to mark them to make your feathers just a little more sharp. The first time on each of your turns that you hit the marked target and deal damage to it (including when you first mark it) you can do an extra d4 of damage to them.
The bond lasts for 1 minute unless you get hit hard enough to lose your concentration because yes: this feature takes your concentration for some reason which is why we went into Fighter first for proficiency in Constitution saves. You can use the mark a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Second level Rangers get their Fighting Style, and since we didn’t take Archery from Fighter we’ll instead be taking it here.
But more importantly you get Spellcasting. You can learn two spells from the Ranger list: to keep enemies in place with Bladecaller take Ensnaring Strike. Alternatively if you want to increase your evasion with your Deadly Plumage Zephyr Strike will make it so enemies can’t make attacks of opportunity against you, and you can end the spell’s effects to do more damage with an attack and then increase your movement speed afterwards.
Third level Rangers get to choose their Ranger Archetype, and with Tasha’s Cauldron out we have an explanation for Xayah’s Deadly Plumage. Why, it’s a swarm of feathers of course! Xayah’s a Swarmkeeper! After hitting an enemy you can use your Gathered Swarm for a variety of different effects. You can do an extra d6 of piercing damage, force a Strength save or be pushed up to 15 feet horizontally in a direction of your choice, or you can move yourself 5 feet horizontally in a direction of your choice.
You also get Swarmkeeper Magic for a variety of spells. For one you get Mage Hand, and you also get Faerie Fire to light up all your enemies’ weak points. You can also learn another spell like Hail of Thorns for Clean Cuts through any foes who may be bunched up.
And to top it off you get Primal Awareness for a few extra spells. You learn the Speak with Animals spell, and cast it once per Long Rest without spending a spell slot.
4th level Rangers get an Ability Score Improvement. Increase your Intelligence by 1 and your Dexterity by 1, because why not replace one uneven ability score with another? "And an F, for effort."
5th level Rangers get an Extra Attack. Two attacks per round for a bit more attack speed.
You also get access to second level spells, and from your Swarmkeeper Magic you get the Web spell, which perhaps isn’t too fitting but you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Additionally Primal Awareness adds Beast Sense to your spell list, and lets you cast it without spending a spell slot. Perhaps not the most useful spell, but as Xayah would say: "Spiders are my spirit animal." And finally you can learn another spell too like Lesser Restoration for some QSS in case of emergency.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
6th level Rangers see their Favored Foe damage increase to a d6. Additionally they get Roving from Deft Explorer for 5 additional moving speed and some help with swimming and climbing.
7th level Rangers can at least try to fly thanks to Writhing Tide. As a bonus action you gain a flying speed of 10 feet and can hover. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. It perhaps isn’t the most useful thing for mobility but it’s good to use your feathers to get the perfect angle on your foes, or to keep away from melee bruisers looking to slice your chicken.
You can also learn another spell at this level like Enhance Ability, for a boost to give 120% when you need it.
8th level Rangers get another Ability Score Improvement: to maximize the deadliness of your plumage take the Piercer feat from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. Along with a +1 increase to your Dexterity you can also reroll one attack roll that did piercing damage (your longbow does piercing damage) to hopefully turn a low roll into a high roll. But to top it off when you score a critical hit (that deals piercing damage) you can roll one additional damage die when determining the extra piercing damage the target takes. Any ADC can attack an enemy but Clean Cuts is what lets Xayah stand out from the crowd.
9th level Rangers get more spells. From Primal Awareness you get Speak with Plants, to understand why the land of Ionia is upset at the humans. You can also grab Conjure Barrage for a Featherstorm to cut down a full crowd. But if you want to evade with Featherstorm your Swarmkeeper Magic grants you the Gaseous Form spell, to become untargetable (to an extent) and still be able to move and dodge (to an extent.)
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(Artwork by SplashBrush on DeviantArt. It’s considerably easier to find artwork of Xayah than it is to find artwork of Rakan :c)
Back to good ol’ Fighter to pick up that ASI I ignored. +2 to Dexterity? That’ll max out your hit chance and attack damage!
5th level Fighters get an Extra Attack... which you already have. "I can't even... I don't know where to begin."
6th level Fighters get more Ability Score Improvements! Since your Dexterity is maxed out you can choose to increase either your Wisdom for better Ranger spells or your Intelligence for better Fighter Arcane Shots. Pick whatever suits your fancy but remember that your Arcane Shots come back on a Short Rest while your Ranger spells are restricted by Long Rests.
Do you have a Magic Weapon? Well you do now! 7th level Rangers get Magic Arrow, which makes their shots magical for the sake of overcoming resistances and immunity. Is total level 16 way too late to be getting this? Yeah probably.
Good thing you also get Curving Shot! If you miss an attack you can redirect it with Clean Cuts, spending a Bonus Action to roll an attack on a different enemy within 60 feet of the original target. And to top it off you get another Arcane Shot option: Seeking Arrow is a good way to target backline enemies, but it’s also really useful to deal with any invisible foes. "Did they deserve it?" "They deserved it."
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
8 is the magic number for more ASIs. Intelligence is nice; so is Wisdom. Increase what you want.
9th level Rangers can pick up Mercurial Scimitar and get out of CC with Indomitable. If you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it! But it’s only once per Long Rest. Note that you can reroll death saves, so don’t die or that would make Rakan sad.
10th level Fighters get another Arcane Shot option. Yup that’s literally it. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, I guess. Regardless this late into the game some CC would probably be good, so take Banishing Arrow.
Our capstone is the 11th level of Fighter for an Extra Attack that does stack, giving us three total! Cap off that attack speed to slice through foes like butter! "I love watching you kill." "I love killing for you." "Let's make out."
Hurray; they all died - You’re really good at Fighting, almost like you multiclassed Fighter with a half-Fighter. You’re incredibly precise with a +13 to hit with your longbow and have plenty of tools to increase your overall DPS.
What? They were in my way - You’ve also got plenty of tricks up your sleeve. Arcane Shots, one use of Trip Attack, Gathered Swarm shenanigans, and plenty of dangerous utility spells.
Oops, your bad! - You’ve got quite a few aces up your sleeve to stop you from being blown up. Higher than average movement thanks to being a Ranger, and your Swarmkeeper abilities lets you increase your movement. Not to mention utility spells like Gaseous Form. And you also have two different ways to boost your health (Second Wind + Shifting), 17 AC with Studded Leather... oh and did I mention you have +17 in Acrobatics?
Can I just hate you to death? - You’ve got limited resources on top of limited resources on top of limited resources. Two Arcane Shots per Short Rest, spell slots that are limited by Long Rests, healing and temp HP that’s tied to a Short Rest... Be sure to ration out your abilities so you don’t run out when you need them most.
Chaos is the preferred state of nature - All your saving throws are rather mediocre, notably your Charisma which is a nice flat +0. Rakan’s the talker, but a beautiful smile will keep you out of any banishing spells.
Magic is not some river - So it turns out multiclassing two sorta-casters means that you can’t focus on either stat. If you can easily get a 19 in Intelligence (such as with a Hextech Headband) perhaps focus on Wisdom. If not? Well Point Buy is an option.
But if you were perfect why would you need Rakan? He’s there to pick up your slack, and you’re there to make sure he doesn’t screw up. Dance along with him and cut down anyone who stands in your way. There’s nothing you can’t defeat with the power of love... But a good plan is also helpful, so make sure Rakan actually remembers it this time.
"Hey, I have a plan."
"You... have a plan?"
"Yeah! I'll go on instinct!"
"That's the opposite of a plan."
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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mikeyd1986 · 7 years
If ever there was a time I needed to “listen to my body”, it’s today. I woke up on Monday morning feeling rundown and having muscle tension that was keeping me awake from around 1-3am. I’ve also been having ongoing sinus issues from nasal congestion and phlegm in my throat and sneezing due to the weather. So I decided not to attend my Healthy Cooking on a Budget class today and rest up instead as I feel like I need to slow down before I burn out. http://www.naturallivingideas.com/banish-muscle-tension/
Late Monday morning, I decided to go down to YMCA Casey RACE with Mum and did some gentle exercises in the warm pool and free play pool. Despite the soreness in my muscles, it actually felt good to be moving around in the pool. I wisely didn’t do any swimming as I didn’t want to push my body too hard but any exercise is better than no exercise. It’s great for mobility, strength, releasing tension from the muscles and joints. Sadly the spa/sauna/steam room area was closed off due to flooring renovations but at least I got to use some of the aquatic facilities. https://www.caseyrace.ymca.org.au/aquatics/aquatic-facilities
On Tuesday morning, Mum and I dropped into the doctors at Narre Gate Medical Center. The pressure and soreness in the back of my head and along the sides of my face was still really annoying me and I needed to get it checked out. I also had a lot of scabbing and redness on the outside of my left ear. As expected, I had a bacterial infection and the doctor prescribed me a course of Amoxicillin 500mg to take over the next few days. https://www.drugs.com/amoxicillin.html
I think my levels of stress and getting myself rundown can be attributed to the full-on week I have coming up. My VCAT hearing and mediation session in the city. Birthday shopping, A workshop on the Victorian Autism Plan. My birthday plans next weekend and my Mum’s birthday the week after that. I have a lot on my plate and the last thing I need is to get myself sick before it all happens.
On Tuesday night, I had a Hatha Slow Flow yoga class with Tash Florance Just Be Yoga and Meditation in Beaconsfield. This was my first time in one of Tash’s classes who was filling in for Rhys Dennis tonight. Overall, I had mixed feelings about it. There was no music playing in the room at all so I had to adjust to the deadpan silence in between Tash’s instructions. And the Savasana (Meditation) at the end of the class came to an abrupt end with an informal “namaste” instead of a collective one. http://www.justbeyoga.com.au/classes/
But these negatives aside, I still managed to enjoy the class which had a decent turnout of around 8 or 9 people. Whilst we were struggling to balance and having a laugh at ourselves, Tash shared some insightful yogic philosophies that she’s learned during her journey to become a yoga teacher including looking inside yourself and not worrying to much about getting the “perfect pose”. She compared yoga to life and how oftentimes it can be really messy, unstable and imperfect.
Tash guided us through several different poses and flowing sequences including Cat-Cow pose, extended child’s pose, Downward Facing Dog, Plank on knees, Baby Cobra, Three Legged Dog, Knee to Nose, Crescent Lunge, Warrior 2, Triangle pose, Warrior 3, Chair pose, Side Angle pose and Horse pose. https://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/types-of-yoga/hatha
On Thursday morning, I had my appointment with support worker Ally at Colourfield Cafe Casey Central in Narre Warren South. Today felt a lot more productive than other weeks, perhaps because I had a list of things I wanted to discuss with her in case I forgot something. Lately I’ve been exploring different avenues for support and employment services after receiving my formal diagnosis for High Functioning Autism. So I decided to get her advice considering she works for WISE Employment so potentially become a job seeker through Disability Employment Services (DES). https://www.jobs.gov.au/disability-employment-services
I also talked about my upcoming VCAT mediation and hearing in the city next week. I guess the thing I’m most anxious about is having the confidence to stand up in a tribunal and just knowing what to say in front of the Member. Having never been through this process before, the whole thing is incredibly daunting for me even though I’m in a strong position for the ruling to fall in my directions. I have so many “What if?” questions buzzing around inside my head which I won’t know the answers to until I go through with it. https://www.vcat.vic.gov.au/steps-to-resolve-your-case/on-hearing-day
Ally also made some suggestions about managing my money and credit card debt as well as applying for the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) program which will be rolled out in the Casey area in September (hopefully).  She also recommended a program called Employ Your Mind which helps with developing cognitive skills and self-confidence. So yes lots to think about. http://www.wiseemployment.com.au/en/community/ndis-supports-and-services/
On Thursday night, I had my last Strength & Fitness Fundamentals Level 1 session at The Yard Strength & Fitness in Pakenham. Part of me felt a bit lost and confused tonight as I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do in terms of warm-up exercises so I was basically winging it. Again structure is very important to me so if nobody gives me instructions, I feel kinda hopeless and this was the case during my session tonight.
We ended up doing a partnered workout with myself and Rodney Millar pairing off. Between us, we had to do the following: 2000m row, 100 situps, 100 push ups and 100 squats. I honestly didn’t really know how many of each I was meant to be doing or when I should be start/stopping but I just tried to go with the flow. It was a tough workout even with all the rules I wasn’t fully aware of like only one person working while the other is resting but oh well.
I seemed to fare a lot better with our WOD (Workout of the Day) but then I had another distraction to deal with: time. I was constantly looking up at those red digital numbers on the display as I knew I had a train to catch soon. Our WOD consisted of doing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 reps of the following: Snatch or clean & press, box jumps or step ups, pull ups on the bar with resistance band, power cleans, dragonflies and pike push ups.
Because of how overtime the session was becoming, I only completed half the workout but I was fatigued enough and was still happy with my efforts tonight. Cue me quickly getting myself changed in the toilets and wiping myself down with baby wipes (Thank you Mandi Herauville) before making a bee-line to Pakenham station. Overall, I was generally pleased with this 4 week program despite having a few commitment issues and struggles along the way. I learned a lot of new movements like snatches, overhead presses and power cleans plus got myself back into strength training and weight lifting again. https://www.facebook.com/TheYardStrengthandFitness/
“A heart explodes every second on the street. A sister, a daughter, a lover. Who hopes they're not forgotten. You crossed the line and committed a crime. It was there from the start, from the start. Oceans of empathy. And now this is history.” Marnie (of Ladytron) - The Hunter (2013)
“There's no wrong, there's no God. There's no hard, there's no love. We are more like you Than the ones that you knew. Phantom road, erase your glares. You beg your queen, dismantled cross. We are more like you. Than the ones that you knew.” Ladytron - The Animals (2018)
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