#forgot to mention but sunday without god is another anime with a shit fix-it end twist i am still salty about
hatefilledpoptarts · 7 years
for the salty asks: 7,10, 15, 26?
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
tough to say since my opinion is pretty flippant and I change how I feel about everything constantly (example: flipped between loving sailor moon to thinking the show sucked to liking it again) but I guess if I had to bring up something I enjoyed but absolutely hated after a certain point it’d be Hal Blu for its shitty use in a twist that did not even bother filling in for that ending whatsoever, it had no f@%*ing right to be there at all except to make a ‘clean’ ending I guess instead of you know, handling and acknowledging its core story and themes but nope it was a bs fix-it twist and it showed me what I absolutely despise in a twist, no f*@#ing clue its gonna happen just have twist out of nowhere with no character or story buildup for it to happen!!!#@! bullshit i say just bullshit (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
I also once upon a time actually watched family guy and thought it was pretty ok but then I started realizing how much of sleazy dirtbag character brian actually is and just how much I could not stand watching these ugly people anymore, now I just can’t stand it and will use every fibre in my body to shut that crap off or get the hell out of the room
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
mmm for context-wise lets go with arc v, I know s3 wasn’t a walk in the park but if I had to go with an arc I found I just didn’t like, in-spite of interesting things going on, I’d say it was the time between the 2nd half of s2 when Academia comes in and after they took off. I don’t care for that arc in the least and think was a pretty boring and disappointing arc overall just because it was the first instance when what the series had going for it was being put to waste. 
Even the fandom at its most hopeful wasn’t helping when it threw its exhilaration and dissatisfaction at the wrong places imo since the whole merging thing felt ill timely and throwing shades at yuzu was overboard since logically speaking that was what was going to happen, the writers weren’t going to own up to that subplot anyway, least of all at that time, since they didn’t even bother to explore it prior to it happening. It felt like a reminder more than being pivotal plot shit happening to move the series along.
Yuri was equal parts at his weakest during this time since he lost the intimation factor he had in s1 and was much more fun to watch in s3.  He did nothing honestly except remind us that hey he’s apart of this whole counterpart mystery thing going on too oooh *rolls eyes at the yuri fans*
just boring overall imo along with frustration at the clear sign of lack of planning on the staffs part. leaving the night escapades of that arc and heading back into the tournament felt disjointed and ran a bit of whiplash for just needing to happen but not leaving a mark on the series as a whole I guess is what i mean ;;;
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
I was born with an unpopular opinion in fandom lmao but lets go with love interest female characters, I’m going to go with my thoughts on Orihime’s role in Bleach which was her development both hinged but was not defined by her interest in Ichigo.
ok I have actually haven’t dealt with the fandom in any way but I feel like orihime might be considered a poster child for how to degrade your female into love interest role exclusively but i don’t feel that way, the only thing that degraded her was kubo not following through on the development he set her up for, orihime could have grown as a character from all lot of her negative attributes about being jealous, feeling like she couldn’t contribute and falling behind. she could have taken initiative for her actions and could have pulled through on the merit of her choices but kubo going back to status quo just sucks and brings down an actually steady romantic development. she doens’t have the catharsis to make it go from alright/boring to ‘i may not ship them but they earned it for its exploration.’ He made her role pointless and he made her feelings unimportant and thats a shame because it would have felt less like her role was set from the start to just end up with Ichigo.
She was an enjoyable character with little personalities quirks that made her charming even to a ichiruki shipper like myself so i’ve never found her to be a bother and her docile nature was perfectly in line with who she was, sometimes I enjoy docile character but thats based on certain criteria she luckily didn’t tread on. 
Orihime going from a decent 5-7 in exploring her feelings for him to falling short by going back to the starting point wasn’t the fault of being a shonen love interest, her ‘kuns’ or eventual marriage aren’t the issue, its kubo giving up on her that is.
And I think its important to have some kind of development for it whether it be big, small, nuanced or full heartedly simple. The only thing wrong with a female character in love with the mc is not giving it enough substance, I’m both fine and can enjoy that type of archetype so I’m not one of the more vocal fans who say love interest heroines just suck outright or are pointless. Its fine and if done right can actually be enjoyable.
26. Most shippable character?
since theres no specifications I’ll go into a list of character I find myself shipping most outside of my main ship:
Midoriya Izuku gets way more ships than he has any right to have but I just end up putting him with whoever it seems, I have about 2 otps with him, which is never a thing with me i’m a 1 otp kinda girl, but there are plenty of rare pairs I find that appeal to me with him involved
Yuzu Hiragi is the most shippable imo and I’m constantly finding plenty of matches I like, probably put her with anyone and it just works thanks to who she was is
England from hetalia bizarrely ended being my most shippable character and I don’t know how that happened
Maka Albarn hands down went ahead and just owned everyone ok, best mc and best relationships with whoever fight me on this (งಠ_ಠ)ง girl can have whoever she wants k bye
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