#my salt
zorosnavigator · 7 months
All the people complaining abt Katara not being 'angry', 'passionate' or 'raging' enough in the live action and then then you'll see Katara in s2 being the angriest motherfucker ever (against the fire nation, Zuko, or Sokka, even Aang... whatever they'll decide to do) and people will still be like 'wait. wait. no! nononono! angry, but not like that! '.
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reasonreblogs · 2 years
The thing that really grinds my gears, really irks me, really fucking annoys me is when people frame not supporting party candidates as “being picky and expecting a perfect candidate.”
Nah bro, I’m looking for a car that drives.
Every election, I go to whatever god forsaken lot looking for something that will wheel from point A to point B. Saying people are expecting the perfect candidate is acting like people go to the lot and are saying “aww this car would be perfect but it’s BLUE, I can’t buy it if it isn’t RED.”
No, I come up to this lot and get told “this is the car you want!” I ask if it turns on and get told it has a back up camera, three whole doors and only half the bottom rusted out. I ask if it runs and get told I need to focus on how it can seat five. Then tacit admission that there is an engine but no keys to the car available and there will be legal trouble if I try to get them made.
I just want a damn car that runs. I want something that goes from point a to point b. It can be a FLINTSTONES CAR because then at least pushing it with my own fucking feet is BY DESIGN. Instead the lot is trying to tell me it’s my moral duty to buy this one that’s electric even though there’s no charger to speak of and no way to take it off the lot. All the options we’re getting is a burned out husk or all the cosmetic features with a drawing of an engine under the hood and told we’re being spoiled, selfish, and privileged for expecting better.
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fieriframes · 2 days
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dithorba · 6 months
favorite thing about them
I really like how Lewyn was, and still is a prince who actively shirks his duty. A trait only shared by Joshua. His arc is all about accepting his responsibilities and the consequences that his choices made. And it's not like he would be a bad king or anything, he just believes he's incapable and leaves it to his frankly shitty uncles. There is a potential in that
least favorite thing about them
People making his drama about his relationships. Boo.
favorite line
The evil in men's hearts speech because that actually feels like something Lewyn would say. Forseti, I think, is a little cavalier about killing the remaining Loptians.
August, Sigurd, Pamela
Dithorba only
Anyone but Dithorba
random headcanon
He's very flirty and impersonal in his relationships but actual commitment scares him.
unpopular opinion
Unless I know you, I don't trust Erinys/Lewyn shipppers.
song i associate with them
Like A Friend by Pulp
Favorite picture of them
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emerald-dragonflame · 2 months
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I had a vision
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myclericalromance · 1 year
i went to a tiny counterserve diner once and accidentally poured sugar instead of salt all over my hashbrowns and was eating them sadly anyways. the waitress took them away and started making me another one and I tried to protest, but she just snorted and said "we're not catholic here". now every time i'm doing something painful out of obligation i think about how that is not repenting, this body is not a catholic establishment, there is no nobility in suffering.
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utilitycaster · 8 months
I should note, I hate the soulmates "we would fall in love in every universe" trope for the aforementioned "where's the tension and interest and really anything worthwhile" reasons. However, "we would find each other in every universe" fucking rips. We would interact meaningfully in every universe but sometimes we are lovers and sometimes we are friends and sometimes we are bitter enemies and sometimes we'd simply both be in the same HOA.
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foolsocracy · 4 months
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identity reveals are always fun
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saltedsnailstudio · 10 months
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“becoming” banner by jasper alexander
linocut print on fabric, home sewn utilizing recycled textiles
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hinamie · 26 days
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brighter days ahead
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kaijutegu · 1 year
If you've ever wondered if my swimming tegu gets in the water voluntarily: yes and good luck keeping her out of it.
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 11 months
I'm not sure why crispy chickpeas aren't everywhere as like a top ADHD snack because they are:
Delicious (so you will actually seek them out/want to eat them)
Crispy (a good stim for texture people)
Easy to make (super hands off, they just roast for like 30 minutes while you do something else)
Healthy (it's literally just beans! Such protein!)
Versatile (you can switch up the seasonings if you get tired of one flavor; you can also put them on/in a bunch of different dishes)
Cheap AF & forgiving of your timeline (a can of chickpeas won't go bad in your pantry if you don't have the energy to make something with them this week)
So here's the resippy.
Cooked chickpeas (I usually use one can)
Olive oil
Paprika or curry powder or rosemary or your favorite spice (optional)
Drain and rinse your chickpeas.
Dump them onto a towel or paper towel and rub them dry a bit.
Remove any loose skins. If you're feeling extra you can remove all the skins; this makes them slightly crispier. I do not find this to be worth it.
Put them on a baking sheet (lined with parchment paper if you want to save yourself some cleanup). Toss with a drizzle of olive oil, a generous pinch or two of salt, and your seasoning.
Roast in your oven. I usually do 400°F for about 25-30 minutes, but this is pretty forgiving and you can do 425 for 20 minutes or whatever you want to do
Taste a chickpea. It should have an audible crunch. If it doesn't, put it back in until it does
When done, taste for seasoning and add any additional salt or seasoning you want. Proceed to devour them.
These are best fresh, but I still like them later on (if I don't eat them all right away). Store in an airtight container for a couple days at room temp or a few days in the fridge.
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cynnoct · 3 months
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wish things could stay like this forever
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buggachat · 8 months
im gonna be honest i think the "adrien being a sentimonster was randomly thrown in season 4 with no planning on the writers' part" theory is really funny. like the writers of this show are just so bad at their job and so stupid that they tripped and fell in season 1 episode mr pigeon and accidentally spilled "a strange relationship to feathers" all over adrien by accident. they stubbed their toe on the coffee table and accidentally set up a mystery surrounding emilie's relationship to a feathery miraculous in season 1 volpina before we even knew what its powers were. then they spilled coffee all over their favorite shirts and at the same time spilled more white feathers around adrien in season 2 episode gorizilla. while writing the same episode someone had a really nasty sneeze and got boogers all over the script that said "use the imagery of two twin rings intertwined as the opener for the film of adrien's dead mother". they forgot to look both ways before crossing the street while writing the season 2 finale and were struck by a truck labeled "the peacock miraculous gives life" and then by a second truck with the license plate "it does so using white feathers identical to the white feathers that surround adrien in his ads" at the same time. they plummeted down an open manhole and hit the ground with a loud whack that sounded like "sentimonsters like bugette are just as real as any human..... and isn't bugette so...... perfect?" in season 3. on their way to the hospital they slipped on ice that had frozen in such a way to perfectly resemble the sentence "the word 'perfect' is consistently used throughout the series and by the creator ominously to denote how characters like adrien and kagami are 'different from everyone else', ever since season 1 episode simon says". during season 3 someone on the team got food poisoning and when they threw up felix came out instead and started another whacky series of comedic errors. the answer to the mystery of "how and why did emilie die? what life did adrien's loving mother create that she was willing to die for?" was originally gonna be "idk maybe she just exploded or somehting" probably, but then there was a really painful rock in one of the writers' shoes while walking to work that put them in a mood so bad that they forgot their original plan and instead made some bullshit up that somehow ended up being something that made sense with what we knew and put all the puzzle pieces together and actually made the show even more interesting and impactful on a rewatch because it put a lot of shots that at the time seemed random into a new and logical perspective as clear foreshadowing. it's actually impressive how stupid these silly clown writers are that they put strangely specific things so consistently throughout the entire series that resembled foreshadowing while never actually having intended it a single time! like........... really.......... really impressive............... i think..............
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so ii16 huh
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98chao · 2 months
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