#forgotten starter
fisheito · 4 days
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everyone gets a turn in the ridiculous skintight edmondsuit. or at least, .everyone SHOULD
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desultory-novice · 1 month
Sorry Noir, I'm the one who said Gooey could eat the fish. I didn't know it was for you
"...Eh, it's on brand for me. As long as he enjoyed it."
(I guess I could try using my powers on it to make another, but I've never done that for, like, food and living stuff. That was always more Adeleine's thing...)
But trying once couldn't hurt, right? A test to see if you can still use your "gift" of materialization?
((...Mom, Dad, I know that on the list of bad things I've done you're horrifically ashamed of me for, using the Power Most Dark to materialize a fish ranks really, really low, but still...))
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((...Also, you weren't REALLY watching from heaven during all that, were you? God... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I failed you and I failed myself and I'm such a...!!)
"...Huh. Damn. It's just another fish bone..."
If you wish, you can have an awkward teen in an ugly scarf transport to YOUR OC a perfect duplicate of this EXACT fish bone, because *SOMEONE* may have let his intrusive thoughts mess up his experiment and now has way, way too many.
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It only carries a mild Aura of Darkness.
[Noir's Field Trip Masterpost]
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forgottenluck · 4 months
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Honestly....he should really stop trying by this point. He'd tried to do something, anything.....possibly to get people to believe in him again...and of course, of course it backfired.
Opened a rift, and sucked him through.
He really should have known by this point that he shouldn't be trying to do big magic anymore. Not with his energies as low as they were. He could only grit his teeth and hold on until the universe decided to deposit him somewhere.
He had not been expecting a shallow puddle.
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So here he was, sitting on...what looked like some ruins, a broken pillar or something, wringing his capelet out with burnt hands. He'd managed to dry the rest of himself off fairly easily with his flame....but the silk of the capelet would have to air dry. Laying it beside him, he took the quiet moment to look around at his surroundings.
Ruins. Definitely ruins. How....ironic. He pressed a hand into the pillar under him, humming to himself. This place felt....different. It was likely he was very very far from home....probably not even in the same universe anymore. Great.....He'd have to do some recon then. Figure things out.
At the very least he could make himself appear as a regular person using his illusions. They hadn't abandoned him yet. He went ahead and did that, offhandedly waving a hand to himself.
"This....sucks." he muttered to himself, golden hued eyes stareing at his damp cloth, narrowing them slightly. Though he guessed it was for the best. The Humans of his world had long since abandoned the Gods.....maybe, just maybe he could find someone in this one that would believe him.
Unlikely as it was.
He was so caught up his own musings that he didn't really realize that he wasn't alone.
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toxooz · 4 months
i Need to take up embroidery now rIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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highevar · 17 days
alright. who wants a bridgerton/regency verse thea starter.
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forgottnseccnd · 3 months
Open Starter.
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A Primarch's rage was perhaps one of the worst things to experience. It was perhaps the Emperor's Wrath incarnate, a piece of the very Master of Mankind's own anger placed so carefully within one of his creations, a sign of what the Primarchs were meant to be. Perfect generals. Perfect warriors.
Even worse when the ones with such a calm demeanor finally lose the filter they kept for so long.
" THAT IS ENOUGH! " Roared the Stars Repentant Primarch, his knuckles turning white. His grip tightened upon his swordspear-banner, STABBING the very bottom of the pole into the rockcrete. Cracks splintered along the ground, forming spiderwebs of broken rockcrete. Aurelius's hand pulled away from his banner, all to begin grasping the large greatbow that been on his back. He held the grip of his bow, icy eyes now flashing with pure anger.
" You will HOLD your tongue IMMEDIATELY. How dare you... how DARE you? "
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mezzomorendo · 2 months
Uh oh, Zack has fallen asleep in the sunshine. He didn't intend to, judging by the phone on his chest.
What do you do?
>wake him
>kiss him
>nap with him
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outofthiisworld · 3 months
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💜// My Ophelia muse is SKYROCKETING THROUGH THE ROOF but my spoons are low right now— LIKE THIS IF YOU WANT HER IN YOUR INBOX from your meme tag most likely after i’m free from work !!!
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poisedfm · 10 months
“This is not Paris, France. This is not where I live. Do you know what is going on around here? And do you happen to know where Hawk Moth is right now? I mean, if you’re from Paris, too,” Vicky Gibson said to the other person. She frowned as she looked at the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters “My name is Vicky Gibson. What is your name?” Vicky asked the other person.
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cosmicangsts · 3 months
just wanted to thank you all for the support on this blog and the way i've been welcomed back into rpc as a whole after years and years of being away, epecially from writing doctor who. the fifth doctor is my doctor and is especially important to me, so seeing the support for me writing him has been FANTASTIC! you guys are the greatest and i enjoy writing / can't wait to write with all of you! and everyone's blogs are so beautiful too, i never thought i'd learn how to use caard LMAO. don't ever be afraid to holler at me if you want to write <3
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 5 months
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forgottenluck · 8 months
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The Kitsune let out a breath, stareing out the window.
".....Winter is almost here, isn't it?"
The words are mostly muttered to himself, but there's an edge to his voice.
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beforecreation · 9 months
// man i really actually gotta rewatch the battle of gods movie i don't know if i'm doing beerus any justice.
but since i did make this blog more of less on a spur of the moment sorta thing, if anyone has any criticisms to provide, feel free to tell me! Hell, even later down the line if you have any critique, don't be afraid to share it, I won't mind in the slightest
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tamarasmultimuseblog · 7 months
“This is probably a silly question, but can anyone explain to me what Halloween is? I couldn’t be more confused about that. We didn’t have that in Equestria, where I was originally from. Thank you! And my name is Izzy Moonbow, and it’s a great pleasure to meet you! What is your name? And where were you originally from?” Izzy Moonbow asked the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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forgottnseccnd · 3 months
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" I still remember those starry skies. Of the wondrous Hyperborean cold, the aurora borealis that lit up the very stars... and how my sons hoped to tell me which stars they hoped to be named after. "
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burnedself · 4 months
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who wants a lil' somethin' somethin'?
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