splendentmoon · 1 year
Random Doodles
These are just some silly doodles, enjoy!
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splendentmoon · 10 months
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This is part of the Au, Forgotten Princes Au.
Before you tell me something there is a clarification, Bai He is of age in this Au, besides I don't know why I like this ship, but I like it, period!
Now the context.
Nezha was sent by the Celestial Realm to FFM, to guard the shadow princess, while Bai He waited patiently for her brother.
Bai He captured Nezha believing he was someone dangerous and Nezha was fascinated by the beauty of the princess, even though she wanted to kick his ass.
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splendentmoon · 11 months
Forgotten Princes Au
Shadow Princess Bai He and Monkey Prince Xiaotian.
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I haven't drawn this au for years, I wanted to draw the two of them more than anything else.
After they were separated from their parents, they both became the rulers of FFM.
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splendentmoon · 1 year
I thought it was time for the girls to shine!
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Each one has its own nickname! And Bai He from Forgotten Au is the only one who wears makeup, since technically, she is older than her other versions.
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splendentmoon · 8 months
I’ve noticed in your forgotten prince au that you have yet to mention MK and Bai He’s parents, so if you’re interested I came up with an idea that involves ShadowJadePeach that could give the story a bit more uniqueness:
Sun Wukong: Monkey King
Liu’er Mihou: Shadow Queen
Sun Nüwa: First Consort of Mount Huaguo
Wukong and Nüwa had become close friends with Wukong even sneaking her to his home on a few occasions. While planning the havoc in heaven with the brotherhood, Nüwa came to Wukong in tears, she revealed that her father had been looking for suitors for her (because of her friendship with Wukong) and that even without the true sight that Wukong and Erlang possess she could tell everyone of them were selfish people who only wanted her for her position and powers. She felt completely hopeless, as even if she brought up her worries to her father, he’d brush her off without a second thought.
Seeing his friend’s despair, Wukong came up with a plan to help (with advice and approval from Macaque). He travelled to the western kingdom and with a bit of persuasion (and a lot of pleading) he married Nüwa with the approval of Buddha, not only that but the ceremony itself was ordained by Guanyin. This basically made it impossible for the Jade Emperor to refuse or annul the marriage (much to his seething anger).
This event would cause a ripple effect in the brotherhood, with DBK deciding to settle down with PIF (who he met at the wedding ceremony) and the Camel Ridge Trio being banished from FFM after Azure suggested they use Nüwa to take down the Jade Emperor.
The three would live in (relative) peace for a long while, then came the day Macaque and Nüwa brought up the idea of children. Wukong was excited about the idea, but he was also worried that people would treat one of his spouses as inferior because the other would be the mother of his first born hair, he felt bad enough that people treated Nüwa as less than because she’s a consort and not a queen like Macaque.
(Which he feels is ridiculous because in his eyes Macaque and Nüwa are not only equal to each other, but are both equal to him as well)
He comes up with a crazy plan to avoid such an outcome, using Nüwa’s magic, the remnants of his stone egg, and a sliver of Macaque’s shadows, they craft a child that would be biologically related to the three of them.
Much to their surprise the new egg hatches into not one but two little cubs.
Their happiness was unfortunately cut short once news of the children reached the Jade Emperor who became blinded with anger. He felt it was insulting enough that his daughter married a monkey and became a consort despite being of higher status, but for her to taint their bloodline and in such an unnatural manner, was the final straw for him.
He sent his armies to capture the three of them and destroy the children. They succeeded in capturing them, but by then Nüwa had already hidden Xiaotian and Bai He away. The Jade Emperor decided it was fine as the children showed no physical indication of being related to Nüwa or more importantly him and would likely parish on their own.
He imprisoned the three rulers in specially crafted prisons with seales that could only be undone by someone of his direct bloodline (aka him, Nüwa, or the cubs). Wukong was trapped under a mountain in the mortal realm. Macaque was bound in mystic icy chains in Diyu (wild guess who is responsible for those). While Nüwa was kept under house arrest in the Jade Palace, with a collar that not only cancelled out her powers, but whenever she tried to leave the palace it would inflict unspeakable pain.
The only solace the three of them had in this new miserable existence was the fact their children were safe, far away from the Jade Emperor and that Nüwa could still dream walk despite the collar, connecting herself every night to her husband and sister-wife (idk if there’s a better phrase for two people who are married to the same spouse).
Xiaotian and Bai He grew up in (relative) isolation, fully aware of being related to the Monkey King and Shadow Queen, but unaware of their relation to the Goddess of Creation. While they shared no physical similarities with her they did inherit her powers, though they often mistook them as either an ability one of their other two parents had that no one knew of (ex: healing) or as one of their other power acting up for one reason or another (creation accidentally mixing with hair clones equals unpredictable trouble).
Around this time the Jade Emperor would send his armies to hunt the two of them down, hoping to end them before they or anyone else discovered their connection to him, what he hadn’t anticipated for was one of his soldiers developing a crush on his disowned granddaughter. (Bai He x Nezha)
How do I tell you this without making me hate myself?
First of all, it sounds great and it would be great if it were, but….
I can tell you didn't know that the story was already explained and how things were.
I'm not trying to make you feel bad, I swear, but I already have the story planned out, if I change it for me it would be like throwing a sleepless night and mumbling like a schizophrenic in the trash.
But I can tell you'd be a good writer, because that sounds like something incredible.
HERE is the question I answered telling the story of Forgotten prince, sorry and bye!
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splendentmoon · 8 months
Forgotten Prince Au (May no one please kill me for asking this)
Can I please see Bai He and Nezha sitting in a flower garden talking and having fun together.
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I hope you like it! I also drew Rumble and Savage together with Bai He.
I think I'll call the ship BlueLotus or StarFlower.
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splendentmoon · 8 months
Forgotten Prince au(Lord help me I love this ship now)
Can please see Nezha giving Bai He a flower just a little gift for her.
And is it only Forgotten prince where Bai He and Nezha are shipped.
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Nezha doesn't know much about courtship, so he is nervous most of the time.
And about the other thing, I'm thinking about it, but I think so.
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