#forzalando 3k
forzalando · 3 months
take my hand
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another 3k celebration blurb! this time, best friends to lovers with lando for my dear friend lee @scuderiahoney 💛 i hope you all love this one, it's an apology for unrequited love!lando lol no heartbreak this time, folks!!! i'm being nice!!!! set at the 2024 spanish gp but definitely some inaccuracies with the post race timeline and also please pretend max fewtrell was there pairing: lando norris x fem best friend!reader word count: 3.2k (this was supposed to be a blurb wtf is wrong with me) summary: it can be so easy to fall in love with your best friend, and it can also be incredibly hard to imagine a world where they love you back. in this world, you're one of the lucky ones. tw: short but steamy makeout scene, mild cursing
Loving Lando Norris was so astonishingly easy. It came as naturally as breathing for you and has for over half of your life.
You met so many years ago but it still feels like yesterday that he reached out to you and said, “take my hand”, pulling you gently off the ground while the other children laughed at your clumsiness. He told you that they laughed at him too – he was short, shorter than you even at that age, and he struggled to read and write. You vowed that day to always pick each other up when you fell or faltered, always stand by each other’s side even when everyone else was laughing, and although it was a promise made between two children, neither of you had ever broken it.
Smiling at the memory, you were off in your own little world – thinking about the days when he would pick you “flowers” at recess (you didn’t have the heart to tell him they were weeds) and you would always share half of your cookie at lunch.
A voice pulled you from your trance, making you jump slightly at the sudden interruption.
“What are you thinking about? Or should I say who are you thinking about with that dopey smile on your face?”
You turned to face Max Fewtrell, a staple in both yours and Lando’s lives for just as long as you’d known each other.
“I was just thinking about where we’ll go for a celebratory dinner after the race. I’ve been craving gourmet pasta and a fruity cocktail.”
“Right, and my name is Willy Wonka. You don’t have to tell me the truth, it’s fine! Just thought I’d let you know he’s looking for you, he wants you in the garage for the race.”
Your heart swelled – even though Lando asked you to be there for every race you could attend, it never failed to make you giddy. You nodded your head at Max, he smirked back at you, and you walked as quickly as possible to the McLaren garage without calling attention to yourself.
As soon as you stepped into the garage, you ran straight into Oscar and the force almost knocked you to the floor.
“Oh thank god you’re here,” he groaned. “Lando’s insufferable, asking where you are every five minutes.”
“Where is he? In his driver’s room?”
“Yeah, that’s where I last saw him headed,” Oscar yelled over his shoulder, walking towards his car. “Go work your magic on him!”
You rolled your eyes as you walked the familiar route to Lando’s driver’s room, your heart rate picking up a bit the closer you got to it. As soon as you were in front of the door, you knocked once and paused, then twice in quick succession, and once more after another brief pause – the secret knock you’d been using for years to let each other know you were there.
The door swung open almost immediately after your last knock and a frantic Lando yanked you inside. He flopped down on the couch behind him and covered his face with his hands – even though you couldn’t see his face, you knew he had a frown and furrowed brow.
“Thank god you’re here now, I’ve been going insane. I need you to tell me that I’m going to win this race – now that I’ve won once, it’s fucking brutal being so close yet so far. Canada was a nightmare and today I’m starting on pole. They’ll eat me alive if I don’t convert it into a win and I don’t know if I can handle that.”
You sat next to him and gently peeled his hands from his face, glassy green eyes, flushed cheeks, and, just as you predicted, a frown and furrowed brow.
“I can’t tell you that you’re going to win, Lando,” you started to say until he interrupted you with a groan, pushing your hands away.
“Hey,” you whispered. “I can’t tell you that you’re going to win, but what I can tell you is that no matter what, I’m proud of you. Max is proud of you. Your family is proud of you. Your fans are proud of you. So many people love you and see what you’re capable of – winning a race, not winning a race, it doesn’t define you. You’re the hardest worker I know, you’re kind, you are the most wonderful friend. I’ll celebrate you even if you come plum last pushing a burning, front wing-less car across the line and so will everyone else who knows and loves you.”
By the time you’d finished rambling, Lando’s shoulders had visibly relaxed and he was smiling. Not the goofy smile with his teeth on full display but a smile was a smile, you would take what you could get.
“Thank you for always being there for me. I can’t promise I won’t be pissed if I lose today but at least I feel better now, thanks to you.”
You punched his arm lightly, jokingly, and rolled your eyes. “We made a promise, didn’t we? I’ll always be there for you, always there to pick you up, even if your inability to see how wonderful you are makes me want to scream.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m perfect, you love me, I’m the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you, your days are miserable without me, tell me something I don’t know,” he jested, nudging your shoulder before standing and holding out his hand to help you up.
“In your dreams, Norris,” you scoffed. “Make sure that big head of yours still fits in your helmet before you get in the car.”
He laughed loudly as he led you out of his driver’s room, finally smiling the goofy smile you loved so dearly. The moment was short-lived – someone from his team called his name and he hugged you briefly before jogging towards them, yelling over his shoulder that he wanted you waiting for him in Parc Ferme after the race.
You shouted your agreement, hoping and praying he hadn’t noticed the rapid beating of your heart or how warm your cheeks were when he pulled you into that brief embrace. Although he had said it all to rile you up, you truly did think the world of him. He was the greatest thing that had ever happened to you. In your eyes, he was as perfect as a person could be, and oh, did you love him. You loved him far more than a friend should and it was getting increasingly more difficult to keep that to yourself.
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As Lando pulled his car in front of the P2 sign, you felt the familiar burning of guilt running through your veins.
Maybe you should have told him he would win. Insisted on it, actually. You should have been adamant that he would rise to the occasion and to the top step of the podium once again.
He wouldn’t want to see you, you were quite sure of that, and despite your promise to be waiting for him with his team, you tried to sneak away unnoticed. You’d slowly made it far back enough to be swallowed by the sea of people until an arm blocked you from getting any further.
You looked up to see Lando’s race engineer with a disapproving look on his face and instantly felt like your father had just caught you trying to sneak out after curfew.
“He wants you here and he’s going to need you here,” Will shouted over the noise of the crowd.
“I think I’m the last person he wants to see right now, I wouldn’t promise him that he would win. I basically jinxed his whole race trying to keep him from being so hard on himself. What if he thinks I don’t believe in him?”
“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response,” Will snorted. “Now please get back up there quickly so you’re the first person he sees when he gets out of that car.”
With the help of Will, you were pushed gently back to the front just in time to see Lando haul himself out of his McLaren. His body language was obvious – disappointment, sorrow, embarrassment, and your heart ached as you listened to the roaring cheers from the Red Bull team as Max launched himself into their arms.
You knew Lando would be running every possible scenario through his mind – what if he had gotten a better start, what if he’d managed tires just a bit better, what if George hadn’t been able to sail through at the start and he hadn’t had to back off of fighting Max. All of those thoughts a natural, valid response, but if he voiced any of them out loud he’d get torn to pieces by both journalists and fans of other drivers.
When he peeled his balaclava from his face your stomach twisted and you silently begged him to look your way – for him to find a face in the crowd that was so unwaveringly proud of him through everything, but he kept his eyes trained anywhere but you or his team.
Finally, you saw his eyes flicker to you, and he walked briskly toward where you and the few members of his team were waiting. Wordlessly, he pulled you into his arms and exhaled so deeply it felt as if he’d been holding his breath since the end of the race.
“You drove beautifully,” you whispered, combing your fingers through the sweat-dampened curls on his head. “I love you, you know that, right?”
Lando’s arms immediately loosened around you and his head was turned away from you, he wouldn’t, or couldn’t, look you in the eye.
“We’ll talk later, I have to go do my interview,” he mumbled. “Wait for me in my driver’s room, okay?”
You nodded your head even though he was already walking away from you, shoulders slumped and jaw clenched. Honestly, you weren’t sure what hurt worse – the fact that you could physically see his disappointment or that he didn’t say he loved you back.
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It felt like hours before you heard an all too familiar knock on the door to Lando’s room – the door gently swinging open to reveal the tired face and frame of your best friend. He must have showered in Oscar’s room before coming to find you – the smell of champagne nowhere to be found yet his curls stuck slightly to his forehead. The sight was endearing, and it took everything in you to not pull him into you and bury yourself against his chest.
“You didn’t have to knock, it’s your room,” you spoke softly, adjusting your position on the couch.
“Force of habit, I guess.” The corner of his lip turned up when he answered you – a good sign, a sign that maybe he wasn’t angry with you at all about your earlier conversation.
Although it was Lando who asked to talk, you couldn’t help yourself from blurting out an apology as soon as he took a seat next to you.
“I’m so sorry about earlier,” you pleaded. “I should’ve said something different, I should’ve just said what you wanted me to say. I meant all of it, every word, but you asked me to reassure you in a specific way and I didn’t.”
Lando blinked a few times as he stared at you, his mouth falling open in shock? Amusement? You couldn’t tell, but at least he didn’t appear to be mad.
“Do you think I’m angry with you?”
“Well, yes,” you mumbled. “I probably jinxed your race.”
“Jinxed it? If anything, you’re the reason I finished second. I kept thinking about what you told me instead of focusing on how I screwed up – it kept my head in the race.”
“But, but,” you stammered, “you didn’t say you loved me back. In Parc Ferme, when you were hugging me. You always say it back, I thought you were furious with me.”
“Would I have walked over only to hug you if I was furious with you?”
You felt a little embarrassed at your panic – “I suppose not, you probably would’ve stayed as far away from me as possible.”
“Exactly, you silly muppet,” he teased, a ghost of a smile gracing his lips. “I didn’t say it back because I realized that it means something different for both of us and I, believe it or not, got scared.”
Your eyes widened and you felt like you were going to be sick. He knew. You shouldn’t have been surprised, everyone had figured it out – his pit crew, Will, Zak, Oscar, Oscar’s girlfriend the literal first time you met her, all of your friends and family, even drivers on different teams had made comments to you in passing over the years.
“Lando, I,” you tried to get ahead of it, ahead of the rejection and the awkwardness, but he cut you off with a raised hand and a pleading look.
“Please, just let me get this out or I never will,” he begged. “I think I’ve always known, or at least everyone around me has just always told me that it’s painfully obvious, but I didn’t fully realize it until earlier today. You care about me so much, more than anyone, and I’m almost positive I could be the lousiest driver, lawyer, engineer, teacher, architect, whatever, and you’d still always be proud of me. You’d be there for me regardless with a giant smile on your face, an “I love you”, and a hug that would heal any self-doubt or negative thoughts. You mean everything to me and I don’t know what I would do without you but – ”
You waited with bated breath, your leg bouncing uncontrollably and heart hammering in your chest. Waiting for the “but I don’t feel the same”, “but I see you as a friend”, for the inevitable heartbreak.
“But I can’t keep my feelings a secret anymore, even if it might ruin everything, but I have to believe it won’t because we can get through anything together. I love you, Y/N, more than anyone in this world, more than a friend, more than I ever thought it would be possible to love someone. I’m saying it back now, hoping that you feel the same because it’ll be incredibly awkward if you don’t, but that’s what I had to tell you first. I love you. I think I always have.”
It felt like the earth had stopped moving, time frozen and only you and Lando existed in this moment, only you existed in the entire universe. Your thoughts raced with what to say back – something romantic? Should you just jump into his arms and kiss him senseless like you’d dreamed about for years? Unfortunately, you landed on something far less eloquent.
“You what?” Your shout echoed in his driver’s room, if anyone was within a ten-foot radius they surely would have heard you.
“Well, I guess that’s not the worst reaction,” Lando pondered, looking away from you bashfully. “Nora Powell stomped on my foot when I told her I liked her. Do you remember that? I think it was Year 10?”
You did remember – it was quite a horrendous memory for you, actually, as that’s the year you realized you had a crush on your best friend.
“Oh, I was so jealous of her,” you blurted. “I cornered her at lunch the next day and told her she was the luckiest girl in the world and a certified idiot for turning you down.”
His head snapped back to look at you, a hopeful glint in his eye.
You smiled at Lando, tentatively cupping his cheek. “I suppose I’m the luckiest girl in the world now, to love and be loved by the most incredible man I’ve ever known.”
“Oh no,” he insisted, “I promise you, I’m the lucky one.”
He kissed you once gently, tentatively, his lips barely brushing yours before he pulled you into his lap and slid his hands to rest on your neck, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. In an instant, he was kissing you breathless, licking into your mouth as you whined and pressed yourself against him.
One roll of your hips had him panting, a hand leaving your face to slide under your shirt, leaving a trail of fire until he stopped and squeezed just under your breast. You were dizzy with desire and full of so much love for the man underneath you – he was intoxicating, you never wanted to stop kissing him, you never wanted to know the feeling of his hands not wandering your body.
You tugged his hair lightly, just enough to disconnect his lips from yours even though it pained you to do so.
“I love you so much,” you muttered, a tear escaping from your eye. “I never thought – ”, you couldn’t even get the words out, choosing to bury your head into Lando’s neck as he gently rubbed your back.
“I know,” he whispered, lifting your head to kiss you senseless once again.
The two of you were so wrapped up in one another that neither of you heard a knock at the door or the turning of the knob. You did, however, hear the blood-curdling scream.
“Oh my god, my eyes,” Max groaned, slapping a hand over his face while he dramatically dry-heaved. “Get a room, you deviants!”
“Mate, we are literally in a room!” Lando shouted back, lifting you gently off his lap before he leapt to his feet and pushed Max backward. “We will see you back at the hotel.”
“Great, I’ll be bleaching my eyes out when you get there. For the record, I’ve always wanted this to happen, but I never wanted to see it.”
“Well, that’s your own fault,” you scolded. “Next time wait for a response before barging in somewhere.”
“Oh, believe me,” he stressed, “I’ll never be walking into any room you two are in ever again. Not even if there’s another fire and I’m the only one who can warn you to get out.”
“The dramatics are unnecessary but you do need to leave,” Lando insisted, pointing out the door.
“Yes, absolutely, but before I go, who confessed first?”
“Lando did,” you said proudly. “I’m just irresistible, I guess.” Lando winked back at you, which you took to be an agreement.
“Damn it, I owe Piastri, Sainz, and Verstappen $100 each,” Max groaned. “Like they need my money. See you two lovebirds later!”
He shut the door so quickly that neither you nor Lando had time to react to the fact that your friends had been betting on you. It took a few rounds of looking back and forth at each other and then the closed door before you burst into giggles and fell back into the couch, clinging onto each other. You laughed a bit too hard, your hands leaving Lando to clutch at your ribs. Almost instantly, you felt yourself sliding off your seat, your bum hitting the floor with a thud.
You looked up to see Lando with his arm outstretched, a cheesy smile on his face as he repeated the same words he said to you so many years ago.
“Take my hand.”
And just like you did that fateful day, you grabbed on, let him pull you up, and fell in love all over again. 
taglist: @scuderiahoney @lam-ila @anaviieiraaa @nebarious @chocolatepoetryfun @maxlarens @coff33andb00ks @katsu28 @sof1shticated @viikysmile
if you would like to be added to my taglist please refer to this post!
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forzalando · 3 months
anyone can cook
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max + cooking date - 3k celebration driver scenario for @foreveralbon !! liyah, i do not know what happened but somehow this turned into just jokes and banter. i am so sorry, i hope you still like it!!!! special bonus scene at the end that is the most unserious thing i have ever written and i apologize profusely for it but i was writing this past bedtime and couldn't get it out of my head this is the end of the 3k celebration blurbs, i am kind of sad but also feel accomplished🥹 i only had to write 6 but i am notorious for not finishing things. patting myself on the back today! pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader word count: 660 words tw: none, unless boxed pasta offends you
“MAX! I said salt the water, not create the sixth named ocean,” you said through giggles. “Here, let me help.”
You cupped your hands under his, leading him to the sink to dump a considerable amount of salt under the rushing water.
“Use about…this much,” you mumbled, tongue poking out and concentrating on dumping the granules into his hands without spilling any onto the floor. Jimmy and Sassy were weaving in between your legs and you didn’t want them tracking salt into every room or, heaven forbid, rolling around in your bed.
After guiding Max to the boiling water, you turned your attention back to your blistering tomatoes and garlic, but not before passing a cheese grater and block of parmesan over to him.
“Cooking is so much work,” he whined. “How do you enjoy this?”
“Max, you’ve literally done two things. You filled a pot with water and salted it, how many things do you have to do simultaneously while in the car?”
“That’s different, it’s fun!”
“Cooking can be fun! Cuisine is an art – it’s therapeutic, calming, and you get to eat something delicious after all your hard work!”
“Yeah, and do a million dishes,” he grumbled under his breath. You immediately shot him a steely glare and he smiled big enough that his eyes crinkled. “But I love doing dishes with you! Quality time, right?”
“Nice save, Verstappen.”
For the next few minutes you worked in tandem and in silence – Max furiously grating cheese and hissing every few seconds when he accidentally caught a finger against the sharp holes, you stirring and perfecting your sauce with ease.
The stove timer interrupted the peace and you called Max over from his place at the countertop.
“Ok, lesson number three of the evening – ”
“What were one and two?” He interrupted you, hints of hesitation and guilt in his voice. When you turned to look at him, your mouth open in exasperation, you saw the teasing look in his eye and rolled yours in return.
“If Gordon Ramsay were teaching you, you’d have been called an idiot sandwich twice and kicked out of the kitchen by now.”
“Lucky me, you’re way nicer, way more patient, and way prettier than Gordon.”
He tickled your ribcage lightly, causing you to flip a spoonful of pasta water across the room.
“New lesson number three – no tickling the chef when boiling water is nearby. Lesson number four, previously lesson number three – never trust the cook time on the pasta box. A true pasta chef also finishes cooking their pasta in the sauce, so we’re taking it out a few minutes early.”
“Wouldn’t a true pasta chef use fresh-made pasta?”
“You’re on thin ice, Max.”
He leaned in swiftly to kiss your cheek and stole the pasta spoon from your hand. “I’ll be dumping the water, I don’t want it to splash on you.”
“Don’t forget to – ”
“Reserve a cup of pasta water, where is your faith in me? I pay attention to everything you say, mijn liefje.”
It wasn’t long before you had served up plates of pasta as fresh as you could make considering you’d just gotten back to Monaco that morning, slightly burnt garlic bread because Max forgot to set a separate timer, and a mixed greens salad so Max’s trainer wouldn’t sue you for mistreatment and neglect.
“I’d say this was a very solid date night,” Max said between chews. “Thank you for teaching me and being patient with me – I take for granted how much you do for me when we’re home.” He pressed another kiss to your cheek, this one longer and messier than the one before.
You couldn’t help but grin at him, a devastatingly lovesick grin, and your stomach fluttered when he returned the exact look. He had a tomato sauce stain in the corner of his mouth and a droplet of spilled wine on his shirt but to you he’d never looked more beautiful.
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bonus snippet (i couldn’t help myself, please accept my apology)
“Y/N, I cannot cook. I can count on one hand the number of times I have cooked for myself in the past ten years. I will blow up the kitchen.”
“Relax, I’ll guide you the whole way! You’ll never be near an open flame unsupervised, no sharp knives, we can even start with something simple! Pasta al pomodoro – you’ll love it!”
“When the rat said anyone can cook, he did not mean me, I promise.”
You looked at him quizzically – “Max, what rat?”
“The little French rat, not Esteban, the one who lives in the chef’s hat and makes soup for him.”
“…Are you talking about Remy? From Ratatouille?”
“I don’t remember his name, I just know you made me watch a movie one time about a French rat that could cook.”
“Ok, well, that’s an animated kid’s movie, and actually Chef Gusteau said anyone can cook, but he's right! Anyone can cook, Remy is proof, so get ready to cook on date night.”
“Thanks a lot, Remy,” Max huffed, crossing his arms in defeat.
taglist: @scuderiahoney @lam-ila @anaviieiraaa @nebarious @chocolatepoetryfun @maxlarens @coff33andb00ks @katsu28 @sof1shticated @viikysmile @scuderiarossa @littlegrapejuice @alexxavicry @priopp123
if you would like to be added to my taglist, please refer to this post!
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forzalando · 4 months
what makes the sunset?
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3k celebration blurb for @katsu28! you can find my celebration post here if you'd like to celebrate with me :) title inspired by the song what makes the sunset? - frank sinatra. if you’d like, give it a listen! that’s the vibe of lando x reader in this💛 word count: 845 summary: sappy sunset with lando. obvious they both love each other but no established relationship (i love idiots in love).
The time was nearing 8:00pm – you’d already cooked and cleaned up dinner, thrown a load of laundry in the washer, changed into comfy PJs, and vacuumed your entire living space.
The tick of your tv remote was beginning to drive you mad. Each time you scrolled to the next tv show or movie in your recommended, the sound grew louder and louder. After ten minutes of searching, you reached for your phone and went to the last text thread in your messages.
what should I watch? I literally can’t find anything that looks interesting and it’s driving me insane
The reply bubbles appeared on your screen almost immediately, but your (hopefully) saving grace decided to call instead of respond via text.
“What are you in the mood for?” Lando asked, his mouth clearly full of his dinner.
“Did you call me so that you wouldn’t have to take a break from eating to text me back?”
“Maybe, but I’m the one asking the questions here. What are you in the mood for?”
“Hmm,” you paused, “something beautiful, passionate, emotionally stirring. I want to feel something.”
“And you came to me for suggestions?” Lando’s laugh rang through the speaker, the sound filling you with warmth.
“Well, excuse me, Mr. ‘I’m a Scorpio and let me tell you all about it’! Aren’t you supposed to be passionate and emotional?”
“Alright, give me a minute to think!”
The silence was brief, not even 30 seconds had passed before Lando began speaking again.
“Be ready in 15 minutes, I’ve got the perfect idea.”
Before you had a chance to ask what he meant, the line went dead. You huffed out a breath and made your way to your room to change out of your pajamas – which, quite honestly, soured your mood a bit.
Exactly 15 minutes after your call ended, Lando Norris was furiously knocking at your door.
“Come on, come on, hurry up!!!” You could hear him yelling from outside your apartment – thank goodness it was early enough that your neighbors wouldn’t complain about a nighttime disturbance.
Swinging your door open, you came face to face with Lando, his arm raised to knock incessantly once again.
“You are insufferable,” you huffed. Those were the only words you could get out before Lando was practically dragging you towards the elevators.
“Where are we even going?”
“It’s a surprise,” he sang. You couldn’t help but laugh at his giddiness, following him blindly down to his car sitting outside your building, still running and somehow not stolen.
You tried to guess – ice cream, a friend’s place, a movie theater. With each guess, Lando shook his head and teased that he wasn’t going to tell you. Soon, Lando had parked his car in a familiar lot, one you’d driven to many times before when the weather was nice and he was miraculously home.  
The sand was white and inviting – it squished underneath your toes as you stepped onto the beach, soft and still slightly warm from the sun beating down on it all day. You began to sit down when you heard Lando shouting behind you.
“NO sandy bottoms in my car, I brought a beach blanket you heathen!”
Sure enough, you turned around and there he was with the beach blanket you’d bought for him last summer. It had papayas on it, you simply couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
“So what are we doing here, Lan?”
He gestured towards the view in front of you. “You said you wanted to watch something beautiful and emotionally stirring.”
You looked at him quizzically, his hint completely lost on you. He rolled his eyes teasingly, scooting closer to you and bringing his arm up to look at his watch.
“The sun should start setting in about…five minutes? If I timed this correctly.”
“You brought me to the beach to watch the sunset?” A soft smile graced your lips, and it was your turn to scoot closer to Lando, only a few centimeters separating your legs.
“It just kind of popped into my head, but I should have asked you. I didn’t totally think this through, I’m sorry – ”
“Lando,” you interrupted him. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
He smiled at you and breathed a sigh of relief as he looked out towards the water, his shoulders visibly relaxing. It was silent for a few moments until he tensed again, turning to face you with wide eyes.
“Are you cold? The temperature is going to drop like twenty degrees, I have an extra hoodie in my car, let me go grab it.”
As he started to get up, you gently grabbed his arm and pulled him back down, finally closing the tiny gap of space between you.
“I’m fine, Lando,” you insisted, leaning your head on his shoulder and linking your arms. “You’re everything I need.”
He relaxed again and lowered his head slowly to meet yours, intertwining your fingers at the same time. As the two of you sat in silence, unspoken words and feelings swirled around in your minds.
Emotionally stirring was an understatement.
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forzalando · 4 months
the element of surprise
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3k celebration blurb for @mvk1ma! friends to lovers!max with a bit of blurred lines friendship. you can find my celebration post here if you'd like to celebrate with me! open until the 16th :) wc: 1064 summary: max always throws you a birthday party - this year, he'd decided on a surprise party. however, the surprise isn't exactly what you expected.
Birthdays were never really your thing until you met Max Verstappen – somehow he’d turned the day from a reluctant celebration into something you looked forward to every year.
He always planned a party, attuned perfectly to what you’d be in the mood for whether it was a game night with close friends, a massive party at a club, or a dinner out with the few most important people in your life.
This year he’d planned a “surprise” party at his place – but was it really a surprise if you knew that something was going to happen?
You had lied when he asked you if you were surprised, and he knew you were lying, but he still smiled and fist-pumped like he’d just won some grand prize.
The party had been in full swing for a few hours and Max hadn’t left your side except to wait on you hand and foot. If he wasn’t refilling your glass or getting you a snack, his arm was wrapped around your waist. You were both in the kitchen chatting to Oscar, a newcomer to your friend group courtesy of Lando, about his past year working for McLaren as an automotive engineer.
The conversation lulled naturally, Oscar’s eyes drawn to Max’s thumb rubbing circles on your waist.
“So,” he chirped, “how long have you guys been together?”
“We’re not,” you answered coolly. “Why do people always ask us that?”
“You’re joking, right? You’ve been attached at the hip all night, there was cheek kissing! I saw you sitting on his lap earlier!”
“That doesn’t mean we’re together – we’re just close friends!”
Oscar’s eyes were wide, flicking back and forth between you and Max with a look of pure shock written on his face. His eyes finally settled on Max and his expression softened before he spoke.
“Good luck, mate,” he sighed, before walking away to join Lando, Carlos, and Alex in, what seemed to be, a very intense conversation about men’s football.
You twisted out of Max’s grip to face him – “That was weird, right? Oscar assuming?”
“What do you mean by weird?”
“It just never occurred to me that people would think that about us, so it felt weird.”
“The idea of being with me is weird to you? Why is that weird, would there be something wrong with that?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his immediate defensiveness catching you completely off guard.
“Oh gosh no, Max, I just…I hadn’t considered it.”
In truth, you had considered it quite often, practically every minute that you spent with Max you thought about it. But, you’d been friends for years, his only dates were with models, and he was wildly successful. The idea itself wasn’t weird to you – only the thought that someone deemed it possible for Max to look at you that way.
“Never? You’ve never considered it? Never seen me that way?”
“Of course I have! But you haven’t so what am I supposed to do about it?”
He blinked rapidly, like his eyes were adjusting to the light, and then turned and walked away from you. Your mouth dropped open, you were sure you looked like a fish out of water, and of course everyone within earshot was staring at you with wide eyes.
“What the hell was that about?” Charles whispered from somewhere on your right. You heard a swatting sound and figured it was courtesy of Alex, a silent “shut up”.
Before embarrassment could fully set in, Max came storming back into the room with an envelope in hand, your name printed on the front with a heart. He didn’t even have to tell anyone to leave, just one look at his face had everyone scurrying into the living room.
“Read this,” he whispered, passing you the card in his hand.
You opened it carefully, slipping your finger under the seal and pulling out a copy of a photo of you and Max that Lando had taken of you two earlier this year. You were both smiling ear to ear, your faces smushed together and arms squeezing tight around the other. Just looking at the picture brought a smile to your face, and you almost protested when Max reached out to flip it over until you noticed the familiar scrawl of his handwriting.
Happy Birthday! I hope you were surprised, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Instead of a traditional card, I asked Lando for a copy of this picture – my favorite picture. Seeing you happy means everything to me and knowing that I put this smile on your face is the world’s greatest treasure. I hope to always make you smile this wide, feel loved beyond measure, and throw your birthday parties for the rest of our lives.
All my love,
When your eyes lifted up from the photo, Max was looking at you the way he always did – soft eyes and a small smile, but the energy felt completely different.
“Does that sound like I only think of you as a friend? That I only care about you as a friend? You mean everything to me, I thought I was pretty obvious about it.”
“I guess I just never thought you’d see me that way, I never imagined that you cared about me as something more than a friend. I’ve always loved you, but I’m just me.”
“Exactly,” Max whispered, enveloping you in his embrace. You could feel the rapid beating of his heart in his chest and smiled knowing your heart was beating just as fast. As quickly as the moment began, a familiar accent sang through the air.
“Well, it’s about damn time,” Daniel shouted. Caught up in Max, you hadn’t noticed that the music had been turned down and your friends, although you loved them dearly, had been eavesdropping on your entire conversation.
“Alright, alright, everyone back to partying. And everyone say thank you to Oscar for asking the question that’s been on everyone’s mind since these two first met,” Lando gestured towards you and Max, as if anyone needed a visual to know who he was referring to.
As you looked around at all your friends here to celebrate you, decorations in your favorite colors and your favorite playlist now playing again from the speakers, all courtesy of Max, you decided that there was an element of surprise tonight: how shockingly oblivious you both had been.
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forzalando · 3 months
what if?
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unrequited love, best friend!lando blurb request from @foreveralbon! liyah gave me the choice of which side the unrequited love came from and unfortunately, i chose to break lando’s heart. please forgive me. i tried to find a pic where he looked a little sad but i don't want him sad so i strayed completely from the vibe of this blurb. also yes, if anyone was wondering, i named the male oc aaron because of aaron hotchner. can't tell if i love or hate this so go easy on me lol pairing: fem!reader x best friend!lando (platonic), fem!reader x oc male word count: 2.1k summary: it’s finally time for your friends to meet someone special. you’re in love with him, and lando has to come to terms with that. tw: unrequited love, heartbroken lando
Your phone buzzed from across the room, a familiar ringtone echoing through the air letting you know that Lando was finally returning your call.
“I sincerely hope you haven’t been avoiding me because you’re planning on ditching my dinner party tonight,” you scolded as soon as you picked up the phone.
“I would never,” Lando gasped. “I was on the sim and had my phone on silent – do you need me to bring anything? How many people will be there?”'
“Oh, not too many at all, I’ve got everything I need. I asked Max, Pietra, Carlos, Rebecca, Charles, and Alex. Oh, and Maxie is coming and bringing someone, can you believe it? I’m so glad he’s finally moving on from Kelly. Oscar and Lily can’t make it – he’s got a family thing, but he promised a double lunch ‘date’ when they’re back in Monaco next week.”
“Geez, why are all of our friends in loving relationships or dating except us, huh? Look at us, the old spinsters!”
You didn’t miss the sadness in his voice even though he tried to mask it with a joke, which made your next admission even harder than you thought it would be.
“Actually, I have someone I want you to meet,” you said quietly.  “His name is Aaron and he’ll be here tonight.”
“Really?” Lando coughed, hoping to mask the sound of himself choking on air. “It must be pretty serious for you if he’s meeting all of us – how, um, how long? Have you been seeing him?”
You knew he’d ask and you didn’t want to answer, afraid that he would be upset you’ve kept this from him for so long. You’ve always shared everything with him for the past five years, but for a few subjectively good reasons, you’d kept this a secret until now.
“Please don’t be mad,” you mumbled. “I’ve been seeing him for about seven months but I wasn’t hiding it on purpose or anything, I swear, I just didn’t want to ask you to prioritize meeting my boyfriend during the season. It was too soon to introduce you over summer break, now was just the best time.”
You heard Lando exhale on the other end of the line – whether it was a sigh of annoyance, relief, or anger, you couldn’t tell.
“I get it, don’t worry,” he forced out. “I know I’m never around. I’m excited to meet him, I’ll see you in a bit, yeah?”
Before you could say anything else, Lando ended the call.
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Lando hadn’t taken his eyes off of you the entire evening – introductions had gone perfectly, all of your friends seemed to love Aaron, conversation was flowing smoothly, but it was painfully obvious, at least to you, that something was up with Lando.
You’d barely gotten through dessert when the onslaught of relationship questions started coming your way – mainly from Charles, if you can believe it. Aaron had started on cleaning up the kitchen and Charles didn’t hesitate to bombard you as soon as Aaron had left the room.
“So, how did you guys meet? How did he ask you out? Tell me everything.”
“Charles!” Alex scolded. “Don’t interrogate her, she’ll tell us if she’s ready!”
You smiled in thanks at Alex, although you knew she was just as eager to hear you tell the tale.
“Actually, I have Lando to thank,” you smiled at Lando, turning your attention towards him for a brief moment. “The day we met, I was supposed to be having lunch with him but he got caught up in a meeting and was running way late. Aaron saw me sitting alone and thought I’d been stood up, introduced himself, and then gave me this cheesy line about how someone was missing out on a date with the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Rebecca sighed and fixed her gaze on Carlos – “why aren’t you that romantic?”
“I’m perfectly romantic,” Carlos countered. “Remember when I – ”
Pietra interrupted and shushed him abruptly, “Y/N isn’t done talking, you can defend yourself later.”
“Anyway,” you laughed, “I told him that I was waiting for my best friend and he offered to buy me a drink while I waited, but Lando had texted about five minutes before that he was on his way. So, I turned him down, but he left a note with the hostess and asked her to give it to me when I was on my way out. It was just the next day’s date, a time, and the name of a wine bar nearby signed with his name. I showed up and the rest is history, he charmed me.”
“I didn’t know it was Lando you were waiting on,” Aaron chimed in, walking into the dining room. He stopped next to Lando’s chair, holding his hand out for a handshake. “As a lifelong McLaren fan, I never thought I’d be thanking Lando Norris for arriving late, but thank you. You changed my life that day.”  
Lando slowly shook his hand and with gritted teeth responded, “Yeah, man, no problem. Glad I could help, seriously.”
From the looks on everyone’s faces, it was now clear to you that you weren’t the only one who noticed something was wrong with Lando.
He’d barely said a word all evening, and from the tone of his voice, it definitely was a problem and he was not glad he could help.
“It’s a little stuffy in here, I’m going to get some air,” you announced, rising quickly from your chair. “Lando, come with me? Aaron, I’ll finish up in the kitchen later, why don’t the rest of you get comfortable in the living room?”
Begrudgingly, Lando followed you out to your patio. It was surprisingly chilly for mid-December and the sudden gust of wind that pulled a shiver from you wasn’t helping at all. You had barely stopped shivering when you felt Lando’s jacket drape across you, his hands smoothing the shoulders down before he took his place next to you against the balcony.
“There he is,” you crooned. “My kind and considerate best friend.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You turned your head to face him rather than look at the view, your eyebrows furrowing together and a sick feeling creeping into your stomach.
“Do you not like Aaron?” You asked quietly, the frown on your face deepening. “Everyone else seems to love him, did he say something to you? You were a little…off just now, are you mad he’s a McLaren fan? I promise you, he is not dating me to get to you or any other crazy idea you may have concocted. He didn’t even know we were friends for the first three months.”
Lando didn’t answer you, his eyes still trained on the Mediterranean Sea in the distance. He was picking at his fingernails – something he only did when he was anxious or upset.
“Please say something,” you pleaded. “I, gosh I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I'm in love with him, Lando. If you have reservations or concerns, please be honest with me. Your opinion means a lot to me, more than I thought it would.”
The silence was deafening – still no response for what felt like ages, the sick feeling in your stomach growing more prominent with every passing second.
“You love him?” Lando finally spoke, looking down, out, away – anywhere but at your face.
“Yes, I do. Like, a scary amount. I’m terrified, actually, but in the best way. I never thought I’d find love like this, Lan.”
“Well, that’s a problem, isn’t it?” Lando laughed, a humorless laugh, and backed away from the railing to sit on one of your deck chairs – his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.
Before you could voice your confusion, he looked up at you, a sadness in his eyes you’d never seen before.
“He’s annoyingly wonderful and perfect for you, Y/N,” he began. “As soon as I walked in tonight, I knew. He barely let you lift a finger, remembered facts about everyone in there and was sincerely happy to get to know everyone. He gravitates towards you, smiles whenever you speak, always wants to be near you, and holds you like you’re the most precious thing in the world to him. He treats you how I would treat you if I were lucky enough to be in his shoes. And the way he looks at you? I know that look,” he paused, closing his eyes tightly. “It’s the way I look at you.”
The sick feeling in your stomach turned to dread and you felt your heart squeezing in your chest, a mix of a gasp and a sob climbing out of your throat.
“Lando, I – ”
“It’s ok,” he smiled, staring directly at you with watery eyes. “I love you. I know it’s one-sided, and that’s ok. I promise you, it’s okay. I just needed you to know, and not because I thought it would change your feelings for him or to confuse you, you just deserve to know. I’ve kept it from you for far too long and I wish this wasn't how or why I finally told you.”
Tears spilled from your eyes, your hand shaking as you reached for Lando’s, gripping it so tight you thought you might leave a bruise.
“I’m sorry, Lando,” you cried. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know, I – I never would have made you come or said those things if I had known.”
Guilt crawled its way into the mix of emotions swirling inside you. Some of your friends and family members had alluded to his feelings for you over the years, but you always ignored them, insisting that you were just friends, best friends, but you secretly sometimes felt that there may be some truth in it. You wished more than anything in that moment that you had taken that feeling more seriously.
“I didn’t want you to know, it’s my fault you didn’t know,” Lando insisted. “You have nothing to apologize for.”
“If you need some time, some distance, I can respect that,” you offered, though the thought of Lando agreeing to that was unbearably painful.
“No, no, I’ll be ok. It’ll take some time for me to move on but I’d rather deal with the pain of being close to you while I get over you than not have you in my life for however long it takes. All that matters to me is that you’re happy, and if Aaron makes you happy, I can live with that.”
Selfishly, you sighed in relief, squeezing the hand you were holding before pulling away from him. Your friendship would feel different for a while, but you could manage different; you could manage anything as long as Lando remained a fixture in your life.
“I think I’m going to go,” he whispered, rising from the chair and sliding his hands into his pockets. “I’ve made things awkward enough for one evening, don’t you think?”
You started to assure him he did no such thing, but when you saw the smirk on his face you knew he’d said it to try to relieve the heaviness that had settled over you. You handed him back his jacket, smoothing the shoulders down once he’d put it on just as he did for you earlier. Small, tentative smiles graced both of your faces before you pulled him into a gentle hug, hesitating just enough to allow him to back away if it was too much for him.
He squeezed you once tightly and then let go – the quickness of it expected, but the fact he accepted it at all gave you hope that everything would be ok.
You watched him as he reached for the door handle to go inside, but he paused and turned around just before he grabbed hold.
“Would it have made a difference? If I had told you before you met him?”
You weren’t sure which answer would hurt him more, but you were always honest with him and that wasn’t going to change now.
“No, Lando, it wouldn't have. I do love you, I always have and always will, but I'm not in love with you. I've never thought of you in that way, I'm sorry.”
He nodded once, accepting your answer, and then he was gone. You were being truthful, and Lando knew without a doubt that you were, but he also knew in his heart and soul that you would always and forever be his biggest “what if?”.
taglist: @scuderiahoney @lam-ila @anaviieiraaa @nebarious @chocolatepoetryfun
if you would like to be tagged in any of my fics please refer to this post or send a message to my inbox!
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forzalando · 4 months
I am obsessed with this idea and also my favourite activity (as of recently lmao) is drunk karaoke and of COURSE my dream would be to do it with lando !!!!
drunk karaoke with Lando would, and i'm not exaggerating, mean everything to me. i am in love with just the idea of this.
thank you for supporting me through the many phases of this blog and for entertaining my every thought/idea. adore you, mel💛 i hope you enjoy this blurb that was meant to be 300-400 words but ended up being 800+ lol
celebration post: here
Drunk Karaoke with Lando Norris under the cut😊
You quickly downed the shot thrust into your hand – sambuca, which meant it absolutely came from Lando since he was the only one who knew of your preference.  
He was on your left, sweaty and somehow wide awake despite the fact you’d been out for hours. Oscar was on your right, slowly swaying to the music with his eyes half shut. Somewhere across the club Charles and Pierre were dancing on an elevated surface while George videotaped them like a suburban soccer mom at her son’s first game. Here in Monaco, everyone partied post-race as if they themselves had made it to the top step over the weekend.
Out of nowhere, Lando fell into you as he shouted in your ear – “Do you know what I’ve always wanted to do?”
Oscar caught you before you could topple over, steadying you on your feet before shooting Lando a dirty look.
“Sorry, sorry,” Lando giggled. He centered himself and then put his hands on your shoulders, looking the most serious you’d ever seen him. “Anyway, do you know what I’ve always wanted to do?”
“Win at Silverstone? Become world champion?”
“Well, yes, but think smaller, you lunatic. Something I could do right now.”
“Out drink Max?”
“What? No, I don’t care about outdrinking Max, where did that come from?”
“Well, I just thought since he usually wins every race that you’d want to beat him at something – ”
“Oh my god, you’re impossible,” Oscar interjected. “He wants to do drunk karaoke. When we went out in Miami he was practically on his knees begging me to sing with him.”
A giant grin spread across your face as you playfully swatted Lando’s chest.
“Why didn’t you just say so? I happen to be an excellent karaoke partner,” you boasted.
Lando clapped his hands and jumped around like a toddler at your remark – “So, you’ll do it with me?”
Instead of answering, you snatched his hand and pulled him through the club at an impressive speed. You weren’t in a karaoke bar, quite far from it, but you planted yourself in front of the DJ booth and gestured to Lando. Security immediately pulled you both into the booth, perks of having Lando at your side, and the DJ of the night asked what she could do for you.
“Hi! Lando Norris wants to do drunk karaoke and I’m trusting that you can make that happen. It’s very important to him,” you professed.
“I think I might have a couple instrumentals or could make some magic happen. Any specific requests? You won’t have any lyrics on screen, though. And you’ll have to share a mic.”
Before you could ask what your options were, Lando was shouting, once again, in your ear.
“Lando, we won’t have the lyrics,” you reminded him.
“I don’t need them,” he declared, crossing his arms with attitude. “Maybe you need them, fake fan.”
“I most certainly do not,” you yelled back to Lando. “DJ, roll the track. Pretty please. You're amazing."
She chuckled and handed you the singular mic, Lando immediately snatching it from your hands.
“It’s my dream, I get to hold the mic.”
You rolled your eyes and fought back a smile, stepping into his side as he threw an arm around you.
The deafening bass from the speakers grew quiet as the DJ addressed the crowd of people – “we’ve got a special surprise tonight! These two lovely friends of mine up here are going to perform a special number for everyone. Please welcome – ”
She paused, waiting for you and Lando to introduce yourselves.
“Please welcome Lando Norris and Y/N Y/L/N to my booth. Show them some love!”
The clapping and cheering brought the volume in the club back to an obscene level – the loudest cheers coming from a VIP table not far from the booth where all of your friends had gathered.
Before you had a chance to feel the slightest bit self-conscious, the infamous laugh rang through the speakers and Lando was scream-singing into the mic.
The two of you in perfect sync, passing lines back and forth, singing (if you could call it that) in unison during the chorus. You could have sworn you heard George shout out that this was “his song” and Max was most definitely telling anyone who would listen that he personally knows Ginger Spice.  
You tore your eyes from the audience to look at Lando – the smile on his face rivaling the brightest sunny day. With his arm around you, squeezing you to his side, your closest friends cheering for you, your heart was sure to burst from happiness. There was no place you’d rather be in that moment than making a drunken fool of yourself with the most important person in your life by your side.
And if Lando was thinking the same thing, about how he was happier in that moment than he’d ever been, podiums and race win included, he’d keep that to himself for just a minute more.
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forzalando · 4 months
forzalando 3k celebration
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anddddd maybe a bit of a celebration for charles winning in monaco🤭🇲🇨 (i’m still crying)
thank you to everyone that has read anything i’ve posted, interacted with me, sent me a kind message or comment - truly, it means the world💛 i adore you all so much!! special shout outs to @scuderiahoney and @sof1shticated, thank you for everything💛
this celebration will be open starting today (may 26th) and will remain open until june 16th! feel free to send in as many asks as you would like😊 options below the cut!!
🐬 - get to know me! send in any questions you have (within reason lol) and i will answer them!
🌷- send me a trope + a driver (please refer to my request rules in my pinned post) and i’ll write a short blurb or potentially table the idea for a full fic!
💛 - send me your favorite driver + favorite activity and i’ll write a short blurb of reader x driver doing that activity! (any driver you choose, not limited to the drivers in my rules)
📚 - ask for any recs (music, movies, tv shows, books, snacks, etc.)
💫 - game time! fmk (k for kiss!), would you rather, cym, podium ranking (ex: what’s your tv show podium, cuisine podium, color podium, etc. and i’ll choose my top 3!)
🎶 - playlists! send me a driver and i’ll choose some songs that remind me of them!
✏️ - fic titles! send me a random fic title and i’ll share what i’d write about + which driver i think it fits
everything will be tagged with #forzalando 3k !!
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forzalando · 3 months
🐬 - get to know me! 
okay, two things: i’d love to know your favourite animals AND if you could go scuba diving at any beach in the world with any driver of your choosing, where would you go and with who? 
oh, i love animals🥹 picking favorites is so hard but dolphins are my number one and always have been. i love giraffes, foxes, whales, sea turtles, meerkats, dogs, cats, otters, wolves, elephants, sharks. a much, much shorter list would be animals i don’t care for lol
scuba diving is a dream of mine and on my bucket list! i would go anywhere, and i’d love to dive somewhere off the coast of every continent (sans antarctica lol), but i’ve always wanted to scuba dive near the great barrier reef! also indonesia - i’ve read that it’s one of the best places to dive for diverse marine life! i don’t know specific beaches so when the time comes i’ll need to do a bit more research😊 i’d probably choose to go with oscar or max💛
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forzalando · 3 months
💫 - game time!
podium ranking of your favourite desserts!
ok genuinely i’ve thought about this every day since you sent this in and this is the hardest ranking i think i've ever done. i am such a dessert girl.
🥇 pie. i love pie. big fan of key lime and french silk but i love all flavors/types.
🥈 frozen custard/ice cream. there’s a pretty famous frozen custard place in my city and i would go there every day if i could. i also love a classic hot fudge sundae with pecans😋 only hot fudge, neverrrrr chocolate syrup.
🥉 ok i can’t choose between cake or s’mores. but specifically lemon cake with raspberry or strawberry filling. vanilla buttercream. the best ever.
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forzalando · 4 months
✏️ days in the sun
oooo i love this!!! this screams oscar to me, he's so sunshine baby (i'm also on an oscar kick right now so i'm a little biased hahaha)
first thing that popped into my head - i'm envisioning summer break and oscar keeps planning outdoor activities - bike rides, reading in a park, beach days, hikes, walks, lunch where there's a patio, golfing, literally anything outside. he's begging to be outside. and the reader is like "i love all of this but what's the obsession with being out in the sun" and he says something so cutesy like "you're happier out in the sun"/"your eyes are so beautiful in the sunlight" and of course reader is like omg i have the sweetest boyfriend ever. and then he follows that with "plus lando made fun of me and said i'm too pale" HAHAHA
come celebrate with me!
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forzalando · 4 months
📚i’m trying to get back into reading so how about some book recs?
admittedly, i have been slacking in the reading department lol but here are some of my favorites!
the invisible life of addie larue - v.e. schwab
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo - taylor jenkins reid
the folk of the air series - holly black
red queen series - victoria aveyard
anything by leigh bardugo (not a book title, i mean literally anything she has ever written hahaha)
if you want something easy/romance, i like emily henry. beach read or people we meet on vacation are probably my favorites :)
my want to read list on goodreads is unfortunately a LOT longer than my read list lol but i'm hoping to make a dent in it over the next few weeks
come celebrate with me!
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forzalando · 4 months
congrats on 3k!
🐬 if you could drive for any team, which team would you wanna drive for?
also related, who would you want as your teammate?
hi maleeha!!! :) thank you so much for celebrating with me, it means the world!!💛
i thought this was going to be an easy question to answer but when i thought about the logistics of this i got so sad hahaha i'd love to drive for ferrari and have lewis hamilton as my teammate so we're just going to pretend i didn't kick charles out of his seat lol my second choice would probably be mercedes with alex albon or mick schumacher
i could never be teammates with charles, oscar, or lando because i'd fall in love and that's too messy hahaha
come celebrate with me!
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forzalando · 4 months
💛 - lando + watching sunsets would be sooo cute
hiii kait :) thank you so much for joining my celebration and for always being so lovely and kind to me!! i took some liberties here, i hope you don't mind, but the idea struck me and it was stuck lol
here is your blurb, i hope you love it!!!💛
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forzalando · 4 months
marissa! huge congrats again on 3k!! for your celebration:
🎶 because today is his day, what are some songs that remind you of Charles??
💫 top 3 book series?
and finally, if you feel like it, a blurb request:
🌷 how about childhood bestfriend!lando? or- use this as your free excuse to write any trope & any driver you’d like to 💛
love ya!!! -lee
lee🥹💛 love you so much, i am so glad to call you a friend!! thank you for sending in, the first two requests are below but ill be posting the blurb separately when i finish it😊 once again, choosing songs was way harder than i thought hahaha and choosing a top 3 for books was almost impossible, i love so many books/series’
celebration post here! if you see this and would like to celebrate with me!!
🎶 charles leclerc songs
green eyes - coldplay
golden - harry styles
friday i’m in love - the cure
paper rings - taylor swift
convertible in the rain - brynn cartelli
if and/or when - ruel
unknown/nth - hozier
saturn - sleeping at last
light - sleeping at last
nonsense - sabrina carpenter
close my eyes - luke hemmings
real love baby - father john misty
sunshine baby - the japanese house
sweet victory (from spongebob. had to include it.)
💫 top 3 book series
🥇 the grishaverse (shadow and bone, six of crows, king of scars)
🥈 throne of glass
🥉 percy jackson
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forzalando · 4 months
💫 - what is ur current hyperfixation podium?
kait!! you’re a gem💛 thank you for sending in some celebration asks and for your kindness!
i’m a bit all over the place lately in every aspect of life hahaha but these three things stuck out the most!
🥇 meiji hello panda cookies, the chocolate creme ones (they have little pandas doing sports printed on them😭😭😭). i impulsively bought 4 boxes and i hope i don’t get tired of them before i finish them hahaha
🥈 hot girl walks! i bought myself a track pad and standing desk since i usually wfh and i’ve been busting out some nice walks
🥉 letterboxd lol i love to go to the movies/watch movies and writing my little reviews is so fun
celebration post: here
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forzalando · 4 months
💫 okay the podium thing is such a good idea (and i may be theiving it for my next celebration) BUT i definitely want to know tv show podium AND f1 driver who are most likely to hide their eyes during a scary movie podium lmao
have to admit when i thought of it i patted myself on the back lol
tv shows:
🥇 criminal minds
🥈 new girl
🥉 modern family
driver most likely to hide their eyes during a scary movie:
🥇 george russell (i am supremely confident he hates them)
🥈 lando norris (plays it off extremely well but gives off big “i’m scared to sleep alone” vibes)
🥉 alex albon (i don’t think he’s scared as much as he hates seeing gore or people d word-ing. either way. hiding behind his hands)
celebration post: here
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