laopiniononline · 1 year
Nuevos actores se incorporan a "Juego de Ilusiones".
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/8M
Nuevos actores se incorporan a "Juego de Ilusiones".
A más de seis meses de su debut el 16 de enero de 2023, la teleserie Juego de Ilusiones incorporará tres nuevos personajes a su trama que encarnarán los actores Camila Hirane, Mauricio Pesutic, Dayana Amigo y Carlos Díaz.
El regreso de Camila Hirane, después de un año alejada de las teleseries, la vuelve a instalar en la franja de las 15.30 horas luego de haber registrado durante cinco años la producción más larga de la ficción nacional: Verdades Ocultas. Esta vez la actriz será Valentina García, una atractiva y ambiciosa mujer de negocios que llegará a la vida de los Mardones cambiando para siempre el destino de la familia. Martín Lara (Carlos Díaz) será clave en este proceso que sólo acentuará la naturaleza criminal y el pasado difícil de Valentina.
Carlos Díaz interpretará a Martín Lara, abogado y ex marido de Victoria (Alejandra Fosalba) y padre de Rubén, quien se ha radicado en diferentes partes del mundo asumiendo casos emblemáticos que ha podido resolver gracias a su actuar siempre al filo de la ley. Por lo mismo no dudará en introducirse en la familia Mardones Nazir con un objetivo claro, para el que contará con Valentina como aliada.
Después de tres años también alejado de las producciones dramáticas, Mauricio Pesutic vuelve a Mega en el rol de Rodolfo Millán, un afamado diseñador que se hará cargo de la sastrería ocupando un lugar importante en el strip center. Es ahí dónde revive una historia del pasado que involucra a Susana (Nathalia Aragonese) y que le permitirá encontrar las respuestas que quedaron inconclusas hace décadas.
Por último Dayana Amigo será Alana Rumián, una mujer altamente peligrosa, fría e implacable que se crió en un centro de menores luego de la muerte de sus padres. Por diferentes razones conocerá a Mariana (Carolina Arregui) lo que la acercará aún más a su objetivo delictivo.
Juego de Ilusiones ha tenido un importante liderazgo en sintonía desde su estreno. Un ejemplo de esto ocurrió este viernes 28 de julio, donde la historia que protagonizan Carolina Arregui y Julio Milostich se quedó con el primer lugar entre los programas más vistos del día con 14.1 unidades.
Los resultados generales de la apuesta dramática -desde su estreno hasta hoy- la posicionan entre los 10 espacios franjeados más vistos de este 2023 con una sintonía general de 12.3 puntos.
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yoyagif · 7 years
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of September 15th to October 15th being Latinx Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 620+ Chilean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Belgium Castro (1921) Chilean - actress and teacher.
Carmen Barros (1925) Chilean - actress and singer.
María Teresa Fricke (1927) Chilean - actress.
Teresa Münchmeyer (1928) Chilean - actress and landscape painter.
Shenda Román (1928) Chilean - actress.
Delfina Guzmán (1928) Chilean - actress.
Mario Lorca (1930) Chilean - actress and director.
Violeta Vidaurre (1930) Chilean - actress.
Mireya Moreno (1931) Chilean - actress.
Luz Jiménez (1934) Chilean - actress, theater director, and teacher.
Gabriela Medina (1935) Chilean - actress.
Sonia Mena (1936) Chilean - actress.
Grimanesa Jiménez (1937) Chilean - actress.
Gloria Münchmeyer (1938) Chilean - actress.
Isabel Parra (1939) Chilean - singer-songwriter and interpreter of Latin American musical folklore.
Gabriela Hernández (1939) Chilean - actress.
Silvia Santelices (1940) Chilean - actress.
Palmenia Pizarro (1941) Chilean - singer.
Dagmar Lassander (1943) Chilean, German / French - actress.
Coca Rudolphy (1943) Chilean - actress.
Monica Carrasco (1947) Chilean - actress.
María Elena Duvauchelle (1947) Chilean - actress.
Gloria Laso (1947) Chilean - actress and director.
Ana Reeves (1948) Chilean - actress and director.
Gloria Benavides (1948) Chilean - actress, singer and comedian.
Patricia Maldonado Aravena (1950) Chilean - television presenter.
Teresita Reyes (1950) Chilean [Palestinian / Unknown] - actress.
Jacqueline Boudon (1951) Chilean - actress, comedian, director and pedagogue.
Elsa Poblete (1952) Chilean - actress.
Rosa Ramírez (1953) Chilean - actress and director.
Consuelo Holzapfel (1954) Chilean [German] - actress and director.
Silvia Novak (1955) Chilean - actress.
Malucha Pinto (1955) Chilean - actress, theater director and dramatist.
Claudia di Girolamo (1956) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Fedora Kliwadenko (1956) Chilean - actress.
Loreto Valenzuela (1956) Chilean - actress and director.
Maricarmen Arrigorriaga (1957) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Marcela Medel (1957) Chilean - actress.
Roxana Campos (1958) Chilean - actress.
Carmen Disa Gutiérrez (1959) Chilean - actress.
Maria Izquierdo Huneeus (1960) Chilean - actress, director and screenwriter.
Paulina García (1960) Chilean - actress, theatre director and playwright.
Esperanza Silva (1960) Chilean - actress and director.
Adriana Vacarezza (1961) Chilean [Basque, Italian] - actress.
Magdalena Max-Neef (1961) Chilean - actress.
Andrea Tessa (1961) Chilean [Italian] - singer-songwriter, TV presenter, and actress.
Irene Llano (1962) Chilean - actress and singer.
Elena Muñoz (1962) Chilean - actress, dramatist and scriptwriter.
Luz Croxatto (1962) Chilean - actress, director and screenwriter.
Sandra O'Ryan (1962) Chilean - actress.
Graciela Araya (1962) Chilean - singer.
Pilar Cox / María Pilar Cox Balsamina (1963) Chilean [Uruguayan] - ex-model, television presenter and actress.
Ximena Rivas (1963) Chilean - actress.
Coca Guazzini (1953) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Valentina Vargas (1964) Chilean [French] - actress.
Carmina Irrigation (1964) Chilean - actress and manager.
Lisa Guerrero (1964) Chilean / English - actress, model, tv host, sportscaster, and journalist.
Viviana Rodríguez (1964) Chilean - actress.
Marcela Osorio (1964) Chilean - actress.
Katty Kowaleczko (1964) Chilean [Polish] - actress.
Carolina Arregui (1965) Chilean [Crotation, Basque] - actress.
Amparo Noguera (1965) Chilean - actress.
Cecilia Bolocco (1965) Chilean [Italian, Arbëresh / German] - actress, tv host, and Miss Universe 1987.
Myriam Hernández (1965) Chilean - singer-songwriter and television presenter.
Carmen Gloria Arroyo (1965) Chilean - tv host.
Claudia Celedón (1966) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Elvira López (1966) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Cuevas (1966) Chilean - singer, comedian, impressionist, and actress.
Ana María Gazmuri (1966) Chilean - actress.
Lorene Prieto (1967) Chilean [New Zealand] - actress.
Charlotte Lewis (1967) 1/4 Chilean, 1/4 Iraqi, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 English - actress.
Macarena Mina (1968) Chilean [Italian] - Miss Chile 1989.
Javiera Parra (1968) Chilean - musician and singer.
Francesca Ancarola (1968) Chilean [Italian] - singer and songwriter.
Catalina Saavedra (1968) Chilean - actress.
Alessandra Guerzoni (1968) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Paulina Gálvez (1969) Chilean / Spanish - actress.
Andrea Freund (1969) Chilean [German] - actress, director and producer.
Catalina Guerra (1969) Chilean - actress.
Karen Doggenweiler (1969) Chilean [German, Swiss / Spanish, Aragonese] - tv presenter.
Paula Urrutia (1969) Chilean - actress and director.
Claudia Burr (1969) Chilean - actress.
Aline Kuppenheim (1969) Chilean [French] - actress.
Paola Volpato (1969) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Colombina Parra (1970) Chilean - musician and singer.
Alejandra Fosalba (1970) Chilean - actress
Alex Castillo / Alexandra Castillo (1971) Chilean - actress and dancer.  
Cecilia Amenábar (1971) Chilean [Basque] - actress, model and artist.
Paz Bascuñán (1971) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Acuña (1971) Chilean - jazz vocalist, songwriter and arranger.
Magdalena Matthey (1971) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Heidrun Breier (1971) Chilean [Romanian, possibly German] - actress and director.
Ángela Contreras (1971) Chilean - actress.
Katyna Huberman (1971) Chilean Jewish - actress.
Leonor Varela (1972) Chilean [Syrian, Hungarian, French / Galician, possibly other] - actress and model.
Tamara Acosta (1972) Chilean - actress.
Karla Constant (1972) Chilean - tv host.
Amaya Forch (1972) Chilean [German, English] - actress and pop singer.
Ivette Vergara (1972) Chilean - tv presenter.
Francisca Imboden (1972) Chilean - actress.
Tilde de Paula / Anatilde de Paula Diaz (1972) Chilean [Brazilian / Cuban] - tv presenter, journalist, and author.
Berta Lasala (1973) Chilean - actress.
Paola Bruna / Paola Åhlund (1973) Chilean - singer and artist.
Francisca Merino / Pancha Merino (1973) Chilean - actress and television presenter.
Andrea Eltit (1973) Chilean - actress.
María Eugenia Larraín (1973) Chilean [Basque, German] - model and socialite.
Taira Court (1973) Chilean - actress and designer.
Francisca Gavilán (1973) Chilean - actress and singer.
Sigrid Alegría (1974) Chilean - actress.
Antonella Ríos (1974) Chilean - actress and presenter.
Angelica Neumann (1974) Chilean - actress, producer and designer.
Blanca Lewin (1974) Chilean - actress.
Ingrid Isensee (1974) Chilean - actress , director, broadcaster and industrial designer.
Yazmin Vazquez (1974) Chilean - tv host.
Renata Bravo (1974) Chilean - actress, comedian and radio presenter.
Úrsula Achterberg (1974) Chilean - actress.
Carolina Paulsen (1974) Chilean - actress.
Victoria Gazmuri (1974) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Pérez (1974) Chilean - actress.
Javiera Contador (1974) Chilean - actress, comedian and television hostess.
Mariana Loyola (1975) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Cabezas (1975) Chilean - actress.
Itatí Cantoral (1975) Chilean, Mexican [Spanish, including Andalusian, possibly other], French / Argentinian [Italian] - actress, singer, dancer, and producer.
Gabriela Aguilera (1975) Chilean - actress and singer.
Íngrid Cruz (1975) Chilean - actress.
Antonia Fernández (1975) Chilean - actress
Jenny Cavallo (1975) Chilean - actress.
Paola Giannini (1976) Chilean - actress
Ilona Elkin (1976) Chilean / Finnish - actress.
Elvira Cristi (1976) Chilean - actress and model.
Daniela Aleuy (1976)  Chilean - singer and songwriter.
Denisse Malebrán (1976) Chilean - singer, songwriter and vocalist.
Tonka Tomicic (1976) Chilean [Croatian] - model and television presenter.
Daniella Campos (1976) Chilean [English] - TV presenter and beauty pageant titleholder.
Mónica Godoy (1976) Chilean [English] - actress.
Deetah / Claudia Ogalde (1976) Chilean - rapper and singer.
Alicia Ika (1976) Rapa Nui [Chilean / Unknown]  - actress, musician and surf instructor.
Carolina Nissen (1976) Chilean - singer.
Paola Bontempi (1977) Chilean [German, possibly other] - actress and tv host.
Ana Tijoux (1977) Chilean - musician.
Charissa Chamorro (1977) Chilean - actress.
Paula Sharim (1977) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Connie Achurra (1977) Chilean - tv host.
Diana Bolocco (1977) Chilean [Italian, Arbëresh / German] - tv host.
Sussan Taunton (1977) Chilean [English, possibly other] - actress.
Ana Sol Romero (1977) Chilean - tv host.
Nicole  / Denisse Lillian Laval Soza (1977) Chilean [Spanish]  - singer-songwriter.
Patricia López (1977) Chilean - singer and actress.
María José Prieto (1977) Chilean - actress.
America Olivo (1978) Chilean, Mexican, Italian, Basque, Spanish / Belgian, Irish - actress, singer, and model.
Carla Ballero (1978) Chilean - actress and reality tv personality.
Daniela Jacques (1978) Chilean - actress.
Carmen Gloria Bresky (1978) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Contesse (1978) Chilean - folk musician and historian.
Siboney Lo (1978) Italian, Chilean - actress.
Jennifer Mayani (1979) Chilean [Sindhi] - actress and model.
Daniela Lhorente (1979) Chilean - actress and singer.
Francisca Ayala (1979) Chilean - tv host.
Catherine Mazoyer (1979) Chilean / French - actress.
Mane Swett / Maria Elena Swett (1979) Chilean - actress.
Jani Duenas / Alejandra Duenas (1979) Chilean - actress and comedian.
Cote de Pablo (1979) Chilean - actress and singer.
Macarena Teke (1979) Chilean - actress.
Paulina Mladinic (1980) Chilean [Croatian, Basque] - model.
Celine Reymond (1980) Chilean - actress and singer
Javiera Hernández (1980) Chilean - actress and director.
María Paz Jorquiera (1980) Chilean - actress and comedian.
Adela Secall (1980) Chilean - actress.
Mariana Derderián (1980) Chilean [Syrian / Unknown] - actress and singer.
Francisca Lewin (1980) Chilean - actress.
Elita Löfblad / Helita Mariam Löfblad Letelier (1980) Chilean - model and reality tv star.
Maria Luisa Godoy (1980) Chilean - tv personality.
Paola Lattus (1980) Chilean - actress.
María José Bello (1980) Chilean - actress.
Gabriela Barros (1980) Chilean - actress, model and Miss Universo Chile 2004.
Adriana Barrientos (1980) Chilean [Yaghan, Spanish] - model, actress, vedette celebrity.
Fernanda Urrejola (1981) Chilean - actress.
Michelle Morgan (1981) Chilean - actress.
María Luisa Mayol (1981) Chilean - actress.
Begoña Basauri (1981) Chilean - actress.
María José Illanes (1981) Chilean - musician, model and actress.
Isabel Bawlitza (1981) Chilean - fashion model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Ignacia Allamand (1981) Chilean - actress.
Dayana Friend (1981) Chilean - actress.
Fernanda Urrejola (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - actress.
Ximena Abarca (1981) Chilean - pop singer and actress.
Pamela Díaz (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - model and media celebrity.
Elisa Zulueta (1981) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Catalina Aguayo (1981) Chilean - model and actress.
Carolina de Moras (1981) Chilean [French] - model, actress and television presenter.
Nathalia Aragonese (1981) Chilean - actress and theater director.
Andrea Velasco (1981) Chilean [Italian, possibly other] - singer.
Javiera Díaz de Valdés (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - actress.
Medina / Medina Valbak / Andrea Valback (1982) Chilean, possibly other - singer-songwriter.
Lucy Cominetti (1982) Chilean - actress.
María Dalmazzo (1983) Colombian / Chilean, Italian - actress.
Yamna Lobos (1983) Chilean - dancer, television host, and actress.
Manuela Martelli (1983) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Belén Montilla (1983) Chilean - Miss Universo Chile 2006.
Javiera Mena (1983) Chilean - singer and guitarist.
Pia Mechler (1983) Chilean, German, Polish, Scottish - actor.
Sofia Garcia (1983) Chilean - actress
Mon Laferte / Norma Monserrat Bustamante Laferte (1983) Chilean [French] - singer-songwriter and actress.
Loreto Aravena (1983) Chilean - actress.
Belenaza Mora (1983) Chilean - comedian and tv personality.
Emilia Noguera (1983) Chilean - actress, theater director and playwright.
Pia Miller / Pia Loyola (1983) Chilean - actress, model, and tv presenter.
Alison Mandel (1983) Chilean - actress.
Rocsi Diaz (1983) Chilean / Honduran - television personality and model.
Charmaine / Charmaine Náyade Carrasco (1984) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Natalia Lafourcade (1984) Chilean, French Basque / Mexican, possibly small amount of English - singer and songwriter.
Maura Rivera (1984) Chilean - dancer and tv personality.
Carla Jara (1984) Chilean - actress and animator.
Renata Ruiz (1984) Chilean - model.
María Gracia Omegna (1984) Chilean - actress.
Camila Hirane (1985) Chilean - actress.
Karla Souza (1985) Chilean [likely Portuguese] / Mexican - actress.
Eliane Gagnon (1985) Chilean, French - actress.
Daniela Aranguiz (1985) Chilean - tv host.
Nataly Chilet / Nataly Chilet Bustamante (1985) Chilean [Ukrainian, possibly other] - beauty pageant titleholder.
Andrea García-Huidobro (1985) Chilean - actress and director.
Juanita Ringeling (1985) Chilean - actress.
Oona Chaplin (1986) Chilean [Mapuche, Spanish, Romanian] / Irish, Scottish, English - actress.
Vale Ortega / Valeria Ortega Schettino (1986) Chilean - model and tv host.
María de los Ángeles García (1986) Chilean - actress.
Tomasa Del Real / Valeria Cisternas (1986) Chilean - singer and rapper.
Vanessa Ceruti (1986) Chilean [Italian, Russian] - model, actress, Miss Universe Chile 2011 and Elite Model Look Chile 2004.
K-Réena / Katherine Macarena Contreras Contreras (1986) Chilean - pop, soul, and R&B singer.
Gianella Marengo (1986) Chilean - model and tv host.
Ximena Huilipán (1986) Chilean [Mapuche] - model and actress.
Cat Rendic (1986) Chilean - dancer.
Majo Martino (1986) Chilean - tv host.
Viviana Shieh (1986) Chilean [Taiwanese] - actress and singer.
Tanya Del Solar (1986) Chilean - model and Miss Piel Dorada 2010.
Oona Chaplin (1986) Chilean [Mapuche, Spanish, evidently Romanian] / English, Irish, 1/16th Scottish  - actress.
Luli Love / Nicole Moreno (1987) Chilean - model, dancer, and panelist.
Nicole Polizzi (1987) Chilean - reality television personality, author, dancer and professional wrestler.
Daniela Ramírez (1987) Chilean - actress.
Maira Bodenhöfer (1987) Chilean - actress.  
Snooki / Nicole Polizzi / Nicole LaVelle (1987) Chilean [Romani, Unspecified Middle Eastern, Unspecified South Asian, Unspecified East Asian, Jewish, Russian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovakian, Spanish (including Andalusian)] - tv personality, dancer, and author.
Francisca Valenzuela (1987) Chilean - singer, poet, and multi-instrumentalist.
Isidora Urrejola (1987) Chilean - actress.
Sofía Viacava (1987) Chilean [Italian] - model and Miss Chile Continente Americano 2010.
Maite Orsini (1988) Chilean [French, Italian]  - actress, model, and reality tv personality.
Valeska Díaz (1988) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Reddersen (1988) Chilean [German] - actress.
Sara Paxton (1988) Chilean, Mexican [Spanish and Dutch Jewish, some German] (born into the Jewish faith) / Irish, Scottish, English, very distant French (convert to Judaism) / - actress, singer and model.
Daniela Vega (1989) Chilean - actress and singer. - Trans!
Lorenza Izzo (1989) Chilean [Spanish, Italian, English, possibly other] - actress and model.
Karla Vasquez (1989) Chilean - actress and singer.
Daniella Monet (1989) Chilean [Spanish, Croatian] / Italian - actress, singer, and tv personality.
Catalina Vallejos (1989) Chilean - model, television personality and Miss ATP in 2009 and Calle 7 in 2010 and 2011.
Jena Lee / Sylvia Garcia (1990) Chilean - singer and composer.
Carolina Vargas (1990) Chilean - actress.
Ana Luisa König (1990) Chilean [German, Irish] - model and Miss Universo Chile 2012.
D-Niss / Denise Rosenthal (1990) Chilean - actress, model, dancer and singer-songwriter.
Mariana di Girolamo (1990) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Catalina Cáceres (1990) Chilean - model, Nuestra Belleza Chile and Miss Universo Chile in 2016.
Dominique Gallego (1990) Chilean [Galician. English] - media model, television reality personality, promoter and actress.
Kathy Contreras (1990) Chilean - actress, model, and dancer.
Miranda Bodenhöfer (1990) Chilean - ballet dancer and actress.
Tanza Varela (1991) Chilean [Spanish] - actress and model.
Camila Recabarren (1991) Chilean [Basque] - model and Miss World Chile 2012.
Maria del Pilar (1991) Chilean - singer.
Kel Calderón / Raquel Calderón (1991) Chilean [Basque] - actress, singer and lawyer.
Luciana Echeverría (1991) Chilean - actress, model, singer and television presenter.
Natalie Sifferman (1991) Chilean / Unspecified White  - actress.
Luciana Echeverría (1991) Chilean [Basque] - actress, singer and television presenter.
Carolina Mestrovic (1991) Chilean [Croatian, Italian]  - singer, actress and TV host.
Alma Jodorowsky (1991) 1/4 Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish], 3/4 French - actress, singer, and model.
Camila Andrade (1991) Chilean - model, TV Host and Miss World Chile 2013.
Piyoasdf (1991) Chilean - singer and youtuber.
Kika Silva (1992) Chilean [Spanish] - model and television panelist.
Constance Piccoli (1992) Chilean - actress and singer.
Alicia Rodríguez (1992) Chilean - actress.
María Jesús Matthei (1992) Chilean - TV Host, model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Valentina Villagra (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Ilonka Obilinovic (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Claudipia Chic (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Ivica Llanca (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Diandra / Diandra Flores (1994) Chilean / Finnish - singer-songwriter.
Cecilia Sanchez (1994) Chilean - model (Instagram: cecisanmar).
Fernanda Sobarzo (1994) Chilean - model and Miss World Chile 2015.
Hellen Toncio (1994) Chilean - volleyball player and Miss Universo Chile 2014.
Camila Cuevas (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Bramty Juliette (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Camila Gallardo (1996) Chilean - singer.
Rogue Anastasia (1996) Chilean - youtuber.
Catalina Joy (1996) Chilean - Tik.Tok and Musical.ly star.
Belén Soto (1997) Chilean - actress and model.
Inna Moll (1997) Chilean - youtuber.
Trinidad de la Noi (1998) Chilean [French] - model, actress and Elite Model Look Chile 2012.
Xiomara Herrera (1998) Chilean - dancer.
Christell / Christell Jazmín Rodriguez Carrillo (1998) Chilean - singer.
Nuvia_OuO (1998) Chilean - Twitch star.
Teresita Commentz (2001) Chilean - actress.
Jeannette Pualuan (?) Chilean [Lebanese, possibly other] - singer-songwriter.
Macarena Darrigrandi (?) Chilean [Egyptian Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Clara Lyons Parsons (?) Chilean [Spanish, Italian, English, possibly other]  - model.
Daniela Gomez (?) Chilean, Colombian - actress.
Allie Escaffi (?) Chilean, Argentinian - actress and model.
Tamara Almeida (?) Chilean, Ecuadorian - actress.
Kaylah Zander (?) Chilean / Unspecified European - actress.
Daniela Manyoma (?) Chilean - Miss International Queen Chile 2014. - Trans!
Tatiana Leiva (?) Chilean, Unspecified Other - writer and actress.
Macarena Carrere (?) Chilean - actress.
Lizzy Snaps / Lizzy Sullivan (?) Chilean - tv host.
Alexandra Dionelis (?) Chilean  / Greek - actress.
Marina Catalán (?) Chilean - actor.
Clara Aranovich (?) Chilean / Argentinian - actress, writer and director.
Bella Wholey (?) Chilean - actress.
Camila Correa Soya (?) Chilean [French, Hungarian] - actress and singer.
Alicia Ceron (?) Chilean - actress.
Karen Sotomayor (?) Chilean / Brazilian - actress.
Catalina Palacios (?) Chilean - actress, singer and television presenter.
Violeta Vidaurre (?) Chilean [German, Beligan] - actress.
Melissa Araya (?) Chilean - actress.
Francie Perez (?) Chilean, possibly other - actress.
Danielle Marina Jones (?) Chilean / African-American - actress.
Javiera Beltrami (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: javibeltrami).
Millie Wood V (?) Chilean, Russian - actress, model, Playboy Spain (Instagram: millie_wood92).
Jose Cruz (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: josefinacruz.t).
Monica Ramos (?) Chilean - harpist.
Bea de Tapia (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: beatapias).
Chiara Leone (?) Chilean - model.
Rosa Labordé (?) Chilean / Unspecified Eastern European - actress, playwright, director, and screenwriter.
Agustina Schwember (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: agustinaschwember).
Elizabeth Schall (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist.
Grace Barrejon (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: gracebarrejon).
Carmen Aguirre (?) Chilean - actress and writer.
Em Meades (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: emmeades).
Domi Palacios (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: domipalacios).
Jocelyn Osorio (?) Chilean - actress and model.
Emmanuelle Lussier-Martinez (?) Chilean / French - actress.
Daniella Tobar (?) Chilean - actress.
Uranía Haltenhoff (?) Chilean [German / Greek] - beauty pageant titleholder and Miss Chile 1990.
Constanza Silva (?) Chilean - model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Camila Stuardo (?) Chilean - model and a beauty pageant contestant.
Cecilia Echenique (?) Chilean - singer.
Cristina Gallardo-Domâs (?) Chilean [French] - singer.
Pascuala Ilabaca (?) Chilean - singer and songwriter.
K-Bust / Karla Bustamante (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Verónica Villarroel (?) Chilean - soprano.
Isidora Cabezón (?) Chilean - actress.
Tichi Lobos (?) Chilean - actress.
Nadia Milton (?) Chilean - actress and singer.
Valentina Muhr (?) Chilean - actress.
Javiera Ramos (?) Chilean - actress.
Claudio Spies (1925) Chilean [German Jewish] - musician.
Lucho Gatica (1928) Chilean [Basque] - bolero singer, film actor, and television host.
Leon Schidlowsky (1931) Chilean [Russian Jewish, Polish Jewish] - musician.
Fernando Farías (1932) Chilean - actor.
Nissim Sharim (1932) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish] - actor.
Alejandro Sieveking (1934) Chilean - actor, director, and playwright.
Jorge Aravena Llanca (1936) Chilean - photographer, writer, researcher and singer-songwriter.
Héctor Noguera (1937) Chilean - actor and teacher.
Patricio Manns (1937) Chilean [French, German] - composer, author, poet, novelist, essayist, play writer and journalist.
Julio Numhauser (1938) Chilean [German Jewish] - musician.
Germán Casas (1939) Chilean - singer.
Lorenzo Aillapán (1940) Chilean [Mapuche] - poet, actor, film producer, anthropologist.
Eduardo Carrasco (1940) Chilean - musician, university professor of philosophy, author, and one of the founders of the Chilean folk music group Quilapayún.
Julio Jung (1942) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Hernández (1942) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Parra Pizarro (1943) Chilean - musician.
Hugo Medina (1943) Chilean - actor.
Nelson Brodt (1943) Chilean  - actor, director, playwright and teacher.
Buddy Richard (1943) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Willy Benítez (1946) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Pepe Soza / José Soza (1946) Chilean - actor, tv host, and director.
Benny Mardones / Ruben Mardones (1946) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Óscar Castro Ramírez (1947) Chilean - actor, playwright and theatrical director.
Mario Mutis (1947) Chilean - musician.
Óscar Hernánd (1947) Chilean - actor.
Patricio Contreras (1947) Chilean - actor.
Exequiel Lavandero (1947) Chilean - actor.
Alejandro Castillo (1948) Chilean - actor.
Raúl Sendra (1948) Chilean - actor and tennis player.
Mauricio Pesutic (1948) Chilean [Spanish] - actor and director.
Pepe Secall / José Secall (1949) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Gatti (1949) Chilean [French, Italian] - singer-songwriter.
Osvaldo Silva (1949) Chilean - actor, director, and producer.
Antonio Macia (1950) Chilean / Argentinian - actor and screenwriter.
Paco Saval (1950) Chilean - keyboard player, producer, composer and singer.
Humberto Gatica (1951) Chilean - musician.
Anderson Cooper (1951) 1/16 Chilean [Unspecified Indigenous, Bantu, Spanish], 17/16 mix of English, Dutch, Scottish, Irish, French Huguenot - tv personality, journalist, and author.
Gonzalo Robles (1952) Chilean - actor.
Cristián García-Huidobro (1952) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Patricio Strahovsky (1952) Chilean - actor.
Rodolfo Pulgar (1953) Chilean - actor.
Fernando Ubiergo (1953) Chilean - singer-songwriter and musician.
Mauricio Redolés (1953) Chilean - singer-songwriter, musician, and poet.
Oscar Lopez (1953) Chilean - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Francisco Reyes (1954) Chilean [French] - actor.
Alfredo Castro (1955) Chilean - actor, screenwriter and theatre director.
Cristián Campos (1956) Chilean - actor.
Alejandro Goic (1957) Chilean - writer, actor and director.
Felipe Armas (1957) Chilean - actor , producer , television director and businessman.
Joe Vasconcellos (1959) Chilean [Brazilian] - singer-songwriter and composer.
Erto Pantoja (1960) Chilean - actor.
Tom Araya (1961) Chilean - singer, songwriter, and musician.
Luis Gatica (1961) Chilean [Basque, possibly other] / Puerto Rican - actor.
Pablo Ausensi (1961) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Bastidas (1961) Chilean - theater director, dramatist, screenwriter, broadcaster and actor.
Luis Gnecco (1962) Chilean - actor.
Alain Johannes (1962) Chilean [Austrian, Dutch] - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Otilio Castro (1962) Chilean - actor and director.
Renato Munster (1962) Chilean - actor.
Fernando Larraín (1962) Chilean [Basque] - actor , broadcaster, comedian and animator.
Brontis Jodorowsky (1962) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / French - actor and director.
Sebastián Dahm (1963) Chilean - actor and teacher.
Fareed Haque (1963) Chilean / Pakistani - guitarist.
Cristian Amigo (1963) Chilean - guitarist, composer, improviser, and ethnomusicologist.
Luis Dubó (1964) Chilean - actor.
Álvaro Rudolphy (1964) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Izquierdo (1964) Chilean - actor, comedian, communicator and businessman.
Pablo Striano (1964) Chilean - actor.
Andrés Díaz (1964) Chilean - cellist.
Luis Jara (1965) Chilean [Spanish]  - singer, ex-actor and TV host.
Cristóbal Jodorowsky / Axel Jodorowsky (1965) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / Mexican - actor, writer, playwright, trainer, painter, and tarologist.
Álvaro Scaramelli (1965) Chilean [Italian] - singer, composer and therapist.
Boris Quercia (1965) Chilean - actor, director, screenwriter, producer and writer.
Claudio Narea (1965) Chilean - rock musician, singer, and songwriter.
Alfredo Perl (1965) Chilean - pianist.
Remigio Remedy (1965) Chilean - actor.
Juan Falcón (1965) Chilean - actor.
Carlos Embry (1966) Chilean - actor.
Juan Carlos Valdivia Lena (1966) Chilean - tv host.
Daniel Muñoz (1966) Chilean - actor and folklorist.
Jordi Castell (1966) Chilean [Palestinian, Catalan] - tv presenter and photographer.
Francisco Melo (1966) Chilean - actor and producer.
Ramón Llao (1967) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Macaya (1967) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Muñoz (1967) Chilean - actor and comedian.  
Beto Cuevas (1967) Chilean - singer, plastic artist, painter, and actor.
Rodrigo Andrés González Espíndola (1968) Chilean - musician.
lvaro Morales (1968) Chilean - actor, theater and television.
Marcelo Alonso (1969) Chilean - actor.
Claudio Valenzuela (1969) Chilean - guitarist, singer, and composer.
Anton Reisenegger (1969) Chilean [German] - singer and guitarist.
Horatio Sanz / Horacio Sanz (1969) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Alejandro Silva (1969) Chilean - guitarist, bassist, and songwriter.
Rafael Araneda (1969) Chilean [Basque, possibly other] - tv presenter.
Adam Buxton (1969) Chilean / British - actor, comedian, writer, and broadcaster.
Manuel García (1970) Chilean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Fernando Solabarrieta (1970) Chilean [Palestinian / Basque] - tv personality.
Carlos Patricio Díaz (1970) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Schwarz (1970) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Braun (1970) Chilean - actor.
Ricardo Villalobos (1970) Chilean - DJ.
Luis Uribe (1970) Chilean - actor.
Francisco Pérez-Bannen (1971) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Viel (1971) Chilean - actor and tv presenter.
Frank Pando (1971) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Lagos (1972) Chilean - musician and tv presenter.
Michio Nishihara Toro (1972) Chilean [Japanese, possibly other] - musician.
Álvaro Véliz (1972) Chilean - singer.
Juan Pablo Sáez (1972) Chilean - actor.
Cristián Sánchez (1972) Chilean - tv presenter.
Daniel Alcaíno (1972) Chilean - actor.
Pedro Carmona-Alvarez (1972) Chilean - musician, poet, and novelist.
Claudio Espinoza (1973) Chilean - actor.
Promis / Jose F. Promis / José Francisco Promis Hoyuelos (1973) Chilean - singer-songwriter, keyboardist, pianist, and composer.
Jason Liebrecht (1973) Chilean - actor.
Carmen Disa Gutiérrez (1973) Chilean - actor.
Marcial Tagle (1973) Chilean - actor.
Juan Pablo Ogalde (1973) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Sepúlveda (1973) Chilean - tv personality.
Carlos Díaz León (1973) Chilean - actor.
Víctor Montero (1973) Chilean - actor.
Claudio González (1973) Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Layseca (1974) Chilean - actor and director.
Pablo Francisco (1974) Chilean - comedian.
Cristián de la Fuente (1974) Chilean [French] - actor, presenter, model and producer.
Lincoln Cáceres (1974) Chilean - actor.
Patricio Castillo (1974) Chilean [Spanish] - actor, singer-songwriter, and performer.
Nicolás Fontaine (1974) Chilean - actor and director.
Álvaro Espinoza (1974) Chilean - actor.
Daniel Rojas (1974) Chilean [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - pianist and composer.
Andrés Gómez (1975) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Salinas (1975) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Néstor Cantillana (1975) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Ríos (1975) Chilean - actor and director.
Pedro Pascal (1975) Chilean - actor.
Nicolás Saavedra (1975) Chilean - actor.
José Martínez (1975) Chilean - musician, comedian and actor.
Andrés Palacios (1975) Chilean - actor.
Leo Quinteros (1975) Chilean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Méndez / DJ Méndez / Leopoldo Jorge Méndez Alcayaga (1975) Chilean - DJ, singer-songwriter, and producer.
Diego Muñoz (1976) Chilean - actor.
Daniel Valenzuela (1976) Chilean - tv host.
Andres Burgos (1977) Chilean - youtuber.
Iván Álvarez de Araya (1977) Chilean - actor.
Américo / Domingo Jhonny Vega Urzúa (1977) Chilean [Basque] - singer.
Pablo Díaz (1978) Chilean - actor and producer.
Marko Zaror (1978) Chilean [Palestinian, possibly other] - actor, martial artist, and stuntman.
Francisco Celhay (1978) Chilean - actor.
Jesus Cosialls (1978) Chilean - actor.
Gonzalo Valenzuela (1978) Chilean - actor and model.
Benjamín Vicuña (1978) Chilean - actor and buisnessman.
Luciano / Lucien-N-Luciano / Nicol Et Lucien / Robert Crazy / Luciaen / Lucien Nicolet (1978) Chilean / Swiss - DJ.
Benjamín Vicuña (1978) Chilean - actor.
Gonzalo Valenzuela (1978) Chilean - actor and boxer.
Ricardo Fernández Flores (1978) Chilean - actor.
Santiago Cabrera (1978) Chilean [Spanish, Basque, small amounts of French, Belgian, Flemish, 1/32 English, 1/64th Irish, 1/64th German, possibly other] - actor.
Pablo Vargas Becerra (1978) Chilean - dancer and choreographer.
Sebastián Silva (1979) Chilean [Basque] - director, actor, screenwriter, painter and musician.
Diego Casanueva (1979) Chilean - actor.
Nick Puga (1979) Chilean - actor, writer, and producer.
Leo Rey (1979) Chilean - singer.
César Sepúlveda (1979) Chilean - actor.
Adan Jodorowsky (1979) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / Mexican - actor, musician, and director.
Ignacio Franzani (1979) Chilean - tv presenter.
Christian de la Cortina (1979) Chilean - actor, producer, director, and writer.
Rodrigo Diaz Rioseco (1979) Chilean - dancer.
Álvaro Gómez (1980) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Freire (1980) Chilean  - actor,comedian, and screenwriter.
Fille Danza (1980) Chilean - rapper.
Pablo Cerda (1980) Chilean - actor, director, and screenwriter.
Matías Novoa (1980) Chilean - actor and model.
Arap Bethke / Ricardo Arap Bethke Galdames (1980) Mexican [Chilean / German] - actor.
Fernando Milagros (1980) Chilean - singer.
Alvaro Estrella (1980) Chilean - singer and dancer.
Cristián Arriagada (1981) Chilean [Basque, Croatian] - actor.
Mario Horton (1981) Chilean - actor.
Alain Soulat (1981) Chilean - tv host.
Cristóbal Tapia Montt (1981) Chilean - actor and producer.
Tiago Correa (1981) Chilean / Brazilian  - actor.
Gepe / Daniel Alejandro Riveros Sepúlveda (1981) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Kanata Irei / Daniel Irei (1982) Chilean / Ryukyuan - actor, singer, and model.
Chinoy  / Mauricio Castillo Moya (1982) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Mathias Alvarez (1982) Chilean, Italian, Scottish, Irish - actor.
Héctor Morales (1982) Chilean - actor and director.
Raul Peralta (1982) Chilean - dancer.
Gabriel Peralta (1982) Chilean - dancer.
Eduardo Paxeco (1982) Chilean - actor.
Stefan Kramer / Stefan Kramer Solis (1982) Chilean [Swiss, German] - actor, comedian, impressionist, and announcer.
Pali (1982) Chilean - musician.
Fernando Godoy (1983) Chilean - actor.
Andrés Reyes (1984) Chilean - actor.
Santiago Tupper (1984) Chilean - actor and model.
Ariel Levy (1984) Chilean Jewish - actor and singer.
Emilio Edwards (1984) Chilean - actor and dancer.
Ariel Levy (1984) Chilean Jewish - actor.
Fernando Mena (1984) Chilean - actor, dramatist, director and writer.
Sergio Járlaz (1985) Chilean - singer.
Nano Stern (1985) Chilean Jewish - singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer.
Jean Philippe Cretton (1985) Chilean [French, Swiss] - tv presenter and musician.
Nicolas Linan De Ariza (1985) Chilean - youtuber.
Eyal Meyer (1985) Chilean [Kalaripayatu, German] - actor, model and dancer.
Gastón Salgado (1985) Chilean - actor.
Julio César Serrano (1986) Chilean - actor.
Martín Castillo (1986) Chilean - actor.
Justin Page (1986) Chilean - actor.
Luz Violeta / Sebastián Aguirre (1987) Chilean - drag performer.
Diego Ruiz (1987) Chilean - actor.
Karol Lucero (1987) Chilean - radio personality and televisión host.
Alejandro Fuentes (1987) Chilean - singer.
Samuel González (1987) Chilean - actor.
Michael Silva (1987) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Holman (1988) Chilean [Cornish] - musician.
Pedro Campos di Girolamo (1988) Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Ayala (1988) Chilean - actor and director.
Matías Assler (1989) Chilean - actor and model.
Ignacio Susperreguy (1989) Chilean - actor.
Fabrizio Copano (1989) Chilean - actor, comedian, tv presenter, and writer.
Alex Pino (1989) Chilean - rapper.
Omegaevolution (1989) Chilean - youtuber and Twitch star.
Nicolas Jaar (1990) Chilean [Palestinian / French] - composer and recording artist.
HolaSoyGermán / Germán Alejandro Garmendia Aranis (1990) Chilean [Spanish, possibly other] - youtuber, comedian, and writer.
Cristian Moreno (1990) Chilean - youtuber.
Sebastián Badilla (1991) Chilean - film director , screenwriter , producer and actor .
Paolo Ramírez (1992) Chilean - singer.
Nicolas Yunge (1992) Chilean - reality tv personality.
Hernan Arcil (1992) Chilean - dancer.
Fabricio Vasconcelos (1992) Brazilian [Chilean] - dancer.
Kevin Vasquez (1993) Chilean - actor, singer, producer, and composer.
Juan Francisco Matamala Reyes (1993) Chilean - dancer.
Pollo Castillo (1994) Chilean - facebook star.
ZeRo / Gonzalo Barrios (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Sebastian Gomez (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
David Montoya (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Keean Johnson (1996) 3/8 mix of Chilean, Mexican, 5/8 English - actor.
DeGoBooM (1996) Chilean - youtuber.
Matu Fuschloches (1996) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Dylantero Sin Imaginacion (1998) Chilean - youtuber.
Alfred.Okay (1998) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Camilo Elzo (1999) Chilean - youtuber.
Benjamin Mora (1999) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Cristobal González (2000) Chilean - youtuber.
Victor Klugg (2000) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Dani Ride (2001) Chilean - musician and youtuber.
Toshiro Murata (?) Chilean [Japanese] - singer.
Kiuge Hayashida (?) Chilean [Japanese] - bassist.
Alexander Nunez (?) Jamaican / Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Gálvez (?) Chilean [Spanish, Italian] - actor.
Leonardo Fuica (?) Chilean - actor.
Cesar Erba (?) Chilean - actor.
Iván Cabrera / Manuel Iván Cabrera Salinas (?) Chilean - dancer and actor.
Daniel Kemna (?) Chilean / Dutch - actor.
Sean Morales (?) Chilean, Unspecified - actor.
Oscar Morales Sánchez (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: moralessinmoral).
Aki / Aleksi Swallow (?) Chilean / Finnish - rapper-songwriter.
Paulo Felipe Casanova (?) Chilean - model, Candidato Mr Chile 2018 top 12, Mr Chile World Pacific and Mr gala viña 2017 (Instagram: paulocasanovaoficial).
Carlos Sanz (?) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Pereira (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: felipepereirarojas).
Roberto Díaz (?) Chilean - violinist.
Cristobal Jesus Lopez (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: tobal.lopez).
Lucio Prado (?) Chilean  - model (Instagram: lucio_prado).
Daniel Andres Parraguez (?) Chilean  - model (Instagram: iamdaniv).
Pablo Salvador (?) Chilean - model, gay activist and blogger.
Memo Aguirre (?) Chilean [Basque] - singer and musician.
Rodolfo Parada (?) Chilean - musician, composer, engineer and anthropologist.
Daniel Puente Encina (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, film composer, producer and actor.
RodStarz / Rodrigo Venegas (?) Chilean - rapper (Rebel Diaz).
G1 / Gonzalo Venegas (?) Chilean - rapper (Rebel Diaz).
Aldo Parodi (?) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Cumar (?) Chilean - actor and theater director.
Juan Carlos Bistoto (?) Chilean [Argentinian] - actor.
Roberto Prieto (?) Chilean - actor.
Don Francisco / Mario Luis Kreutzberger Blumenfeld (1940) Chilean [German Jewish] - tv host - Sued for sexual harassment.
Tito Beltrán / Ernesto Beltrán Aguilar (1965) Chilean - singer. - Charged with the rape of an underage child as well as the rape of an additional 18-year-old woman.
Jorge Garcia (1973) Chilean, Cuban - actor and comedian - played a Native Hawaiian in Hawaii Five-0.
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kristinzervos · 3 years
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andreabarja · 6 years
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Dancing Queen
Antes de ser modelo y obtener el segundo lugar en el concurso Elite Model Look 2017, Fiona Jaederlund (15), la hija de la actriz Alejandra Fosalba, debutó en el ballet clásico a los 3 años. En su Instagram ambos intereses se funden en sus fotografías de street ballet. Esta es su primera producción en las páginas de Paula.
Por Álvaro Renner / Fotografía: Rodrigo Chodil / Maquillaje y pelo: Yani Urbina / Modelo: Fiona Jaederlund (Elite) / Agradecimientos: Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones de Alameda
Paula 1250. Sábado 5 de mayo  de 2018.
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peppermintstranger · 6 years
henlo Pepper!!! could you lend me a hand? I'm trying to looking for a chilean actress / model over 39 years old
Hello there!
You have: Coté de Pablo, Leonor Varela, María Elena Swett,Alejandra Fosalba, Javiera Contador.
Hope it helps c:   
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lescroniques · 6 years
Una extraña galaxia sin materia oscura intriga a los astrónomos
Una extraña galaxia sin materia oscura intriga a los astrónomos
Una galaxia fantasmal a 65 millones de años luz de la Tierra, tan tenue que a través suyo.[…][…] (lavanguardia.com)
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laopiniononline · 2 years
"Juego de Ilusiones" debuta el 16 de enero tras la emisión de "La Ley de Baltazar"
“Juego de Ilusiones” debuta el 16 de enero tras la emisión de “La Ley de Baltazar”
La nueva apuesta diurna de Mega, Juego de Ilusiones se apronta a aterrizar por la pantalla de Mega este lunes 16 de enero. La trama, protagonizada por Carolina Arregui y Julio Milostich, entre otros, se estrenará luego de la emisión de La Ley de Baltazar. Juego de Ilusiones tiene destacadas figuras en su elenco como Hugo Medina, Loreto Valenzuela, Magdalena Müller, Alejandra Fosalba, Patricio…
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yoyagif · 7 years
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elgodmaster · 7 years
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arxt1 · 5 years
Estimates of Fast Radio Burst Dispersion Measures from Cosmological Simulations. (arXiv:1903.07630v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
We calculate the dispersion measure (DM) contributed by the intergalactic medium (IGM) to the total measured DM for fast radio bursts (FRBs). We use the MareNostrum Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio (MICE) Onion Universe simulation (Fosalba et al. 2008) to track the evolution of the dark matter particle density over a large range of redshifts. We convert this dark matter particle number density to the corresponding free electron density and then integrate it to find the DM as a function of redshift. This approach yields an intergalactic DM of $\rm DM_{\rm IGM}(z = 1) = 800^{+7000}_{-170}$ pc cm$^{-3}$, with the large errors representative of the structure in the IGM. We place limits on the redshifts of the current population of observed FRBs. We also use our results to estimate the host galaxy contribution to the DM for the first repeater, FRB 121102, and show that the most probable host galaxy DM contribution, $\rm DM_{\rm host} \approx 310$ pc cm$^{-3}$, is consistent with the estimate made using the Balmer emission lines in the spectrum of the host galaxy, $\rm DM_{\rm Balmer} = 324$ pc cm$^{-3}$ (Tendulkar et al. 2017). We also compare our predictions for the host galaxy contribution to the DM for the observations of FRB 180924 (Bannister et al. 2019) and FRB 190523 (Ravi et al. 2019), both of which have been localized to a host galaxy.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2Cs3zsI
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Guapa! Actriz Alejandra Fosalba cautiva con sensual bikinazo #Alejandra Fosalba, Belleza, Espectaculo, Faranduleras vía DianaSpa https://dianaspa.com.ve/blog/2018/12/29/guapa-actriz-alejandra-fosalba-cautiva-con-sensual-bikinazo/ …pic.twitter.com/EQa04sABwh
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rodrigoslay · 6 years
Los emblemáticos 8 actores y actrices que TVN tiene en la cuerda floja y podrían abandonar el canal
Los emblemáticos 8 actores y actrices que TVN tiene en la cuerda floja y podrían abandonar el canal
Amparo Noguera fue el primer gran nombre de la histórica área dramática de Televisión Nacional que se confirmó salía del canal luego de que no le renovaran contrato. Pero estaría lejos de ser la única, ya que otros ocho actores y actrices le seguirían sus pasos y algunas tan emblemáticos como ella.
Las teleseries de la factoría TVN estarían a puertas de sufrir un profundo rediseño, según reveló La Tercera. La última de la “camada” previa a los cambios es “Amar a Morir”, producción que fue presentada a la prensa a comienzos de septiembre y que comenzó a publicitarse unas semanas después. Se especuló que podría estrenarse a fin de año para aun no hay nada oficial.
Es en ese contexto que Francisco Reyes, Elisa Zulueta, Josefina Fiebelkorn, Alejandra Fosalba, Carolina Arregui, Marcelo Alonso, Jorge Arecheta y Delfina Guzmán podrían poner fin a su vinculo con TVN.
Actualmente ninguno de ellos cuenta con un proyecto en el canal, lo que al menos seguiría así por unos meses, ya que no hay ninguna propuesta para el área.
Por este motivo es que el plan que se baraja es el de dejar que los contratos expiren y no sean renovados. Misma estrategia que usaron con Amparo Noguera, quien tiene fijado el 31 de diciembre como su último día con TVN.
Siempre según indica el medio, el canal pretende dejar abierta la invitación a los actores y las actrices para que se sumen a proyectos específicos controlados por productoras externas. Justamente este sería uno de los cambios, nutrir de ficciones realizadas fuera de la estación y solo producir una teleserie al año del área que hoy cuenta con 20 personas.
#ExtraNews: https://www.slaymultimedios.com/los-emblematicos-8-actores-y-actrices-que-tvn-tiene-en-la-cuerda-floja-y-podrian-abandonar-el-canal/
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lesdewales · 6 years
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Saludando por su día a nuestros amigos chilenos por su día 🎉 Saludos a Macarena O C, Ignacio Garmendia, Alejandra Fosalba, Ingrid Cruz gracias por dedicarnos tiempo en la red Feliz 18 🇨🇱 (en Lima Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn5AHxuHom-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lkbsosppyg7c
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radioadn · 7 years
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FOTO | Alejandra Fosalba saca suspiros con imagen en bikini mientras disfruta de Panamá ►http://bit.ly/2EtqyXB #NoNoticia
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revo30-blog · 7 years
La guapa actriz nacional de 48 años, por estos días se encuentra disfrutando del fin de semana largo en Punta Arenas, y lo hace en un conocido hotel de esa ciudad.
Este viernes, Alejandra Fosalba cautivó a sus más de 200 mil seguidores de Instagram con una sensual fotografía en la que derritió cientos de corazones.
En la instantánea, la actriz posa con un lindo y sensual bikini, lo que inmediatamente provocó una lluvia de piropos, más de 16 mil “likes” y quinientos comentarios.
“Qué perfección guapa”, “Qué haces mujer por Dios para mantenerte asiempre tan regia???”, “Como el vino”, “Cada día más bella”, y “Qué físico Alejandra”, fueron parte de lo que le escribieron.
“Hola Punta Arenas !!! Aquí en la rica piscina del Hotel Dreams. Disfrutando con la familia”, comentó la figura televisiva en su publicación.
Alejandra Fosalba derrite corazones con nuevo bikinazo La guapa actriz nacional de 48 años, por estos días se encuentra disfrutando del fin de semana largo en 
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