#task: 111
kedreeva · 2 years
Task done: worked for over an hour on my wip!
MOST excellent!! I completed a task: cook and eat dinner, for your writing. I also committed writing for your writing task.
“How would I know that, Thomas?” Rhiley asked, giving him a scrunched up look even as Osker said: “That’s what I asked.”
“What did they say?” Thomas asked of Osker.
“He didn’t answer me, but I think they can,” he said. When everyone else looked at him, he shrugged. “Well, think about it! Have you ever seen a shifter with a chopped off leg or something? They can change their whole body’s shape, what’s a limb?”
The group mumbled agreement, subsiding back to what remained of their dinners. Osker watched until Rhiley relaxed, and then looked over the others in turn.
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cunni1inguistics · 2 years
just exhibited a lethal combo of eating disorder x autism in getting overwhelmed by the simple task of choosing the amount of pasta to cook and also putting it in the boiling water while the kitchen around me was full of stuff and chaos and also loud music playing and my friend talking
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wonder2realities · 6 months
cici's meditation guide 4 beginnerz <3
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whether it's the void state or just guided meditations ; it seems like meditating is a pretty helpful thing to learn when wanting to shift/meditate. for some, they shift instantly and for others it helps them sleep better but noone ever really explains how to meditate so here's my attempt at a beginner's guide as someone who uses meditation 24/7 !
in my eyes, meditation is not only helpful for manifestation or shifting but is also just a good way to unwind after a really long day - it can be a bit scary if you aren't used to it so don't worry if you're a bit intimidated ~
as a disclaimer, i will say that meditation is all based on what works for you and what you can personally handle ! for some, they meditate for hours and for others they do 5 minute sessions - figure out what works for you and stick with it !
1. clearing your mind
this isn't a needed step but it's something that helped me a lot when i was first starting meditating and that's clearing your mind a bit before you start. you can listen to music or even watch a show, just relax a bit beforehand and don't think about anything that would cause you stress. my way of doing this is i usually write down what i want to achieve during the meditation first (am i shifting? am i just meditating to relax? am i planning on meditating and then sleeping afterwards?) and then listen to music to relax and address any thoughts or things that i feel like would distract me whilst meditating (ie : overdue assignments).
11. choosing ur method
do you like listening to music peacefully, can you focus well with it? — make a playlist of songs that you can meditate to. are you better at following instructions and can focus better on that? — find a guided meditation (personal tip ; go with a shorter one first that is just for the sake of meditation so you can get used to it). you can choose ambience, white noise or even just listen to nothing ! it's all based on what works for you ; if you don't know what works for you, test out different methods.
111. focus !!!
something that seems to be the hardest for most people is focusing, having to sit down or lay down in a position and focus can be a bit hard BUT one way of making it easier is some basic breathing exercises & i'm not talking about the ones where you hold your breathe for 20 seconds - i'm talking about the ones where you simply take deep breaths. spend as long as you wish, allowing yourself to relax until you feel like you're calm enough and then jump into what you're meditating for. for example , lets say you're meditating to manifest a day off school :
if you dont feel calm, take a few deep breaths until you feel a bit emptyheaded & allow yourself to get comfortable in that space (comfort is key !!!)
focus on wanting your day off & live in the end in whatever way you prefer (visualisation, affirmations etc) for as long as you wish !
you can drift away from your thoughts here and there and that's okay ! just don't panic and go back to focusing as you wish
remember that there's not one way of focusing , go with what vibes with you !
1111. don't think of time
now that you're focusing on what you're manifesting for, you may be thinking "how long has it been? am i on track?" — rather than worrying about the time, don't even think that time exists. allow yourself to live in a timeless space, it doesn't matter if it's been 5 minutes or 5 hours — time doesn't exist.
v. enjoy it
for whatever reason you're manifesting for, enjoy it. don't turn it into a stressful task, don't worry if you're doing it the "wrong" way — enjoy yourself & allow yourself to meditate. you cannot meditate wrong, so don't worry about that possibility and unwind.
♡ if you're worrying about being disrupted during the meditation, meditate early in the morning/late at night
☆ scared of getting muscle cramps from lying down a certain way? do some stretches beforehand !
♡ struggle to be still for a set amount of time ? choose a repetitive motion and use that to replace being still (i personally rock side to side a lot, it won't make it harder for you to meditate)
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thats all ~ if u have any questions feel free 2 inbox me <333
rmbr that you're forever limitless & changing ★
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radioactive-reactions · 6 months
How would the companions react to discovering not only Vault 111 but also the frozen Sole Survivor
Whether they saw it as a potential treasure trove, a nostalgic relic, or just a safe, quiet refuge, Vault 111 always seemed to attract the odd scavenger or adventurer. After slipping past the door, however, this particular intruder would end up stumbling upon something far stranger than they could expect...
Cait hadn't really taken the time to scope out the Vault before diving into it headfirst- having a pack of feral dogs nipping at your heels will do that to you. Coming face to face with the frozen Sole Survivor down there is freaky enough to give her a heart attack, but as the perfect audience for her rambling stories and a nonjudgmental drinking buddy they soon become the centerpiece of her impromptu hideout. As for actually getting them out? Fuck if she knows how.
Codsworth knows full well what the Vault up the hill contains, of course. How could he not? Much of the aging robot's time is spent tending to his owners' pods: tightening every bolt, polishing the glass, keeping the steel casing free of even a single speck of rust. The only thing that keeps him going is the thought that on some level, under that thin layer of frost, they might know he's there for them.
Curie's unbridled excitement at making contact with another Vault is quickly tempered once she actually sets eyes on the denizens of said Vault. With nothing but time and centuries' worth of medical expertise to work with, she immediately sets to the task of bringing Vault 111 back to life- not just the Sole Survivor, but everyone consigned to a cold and inglorious fate in those cryopods. This is a mission worth spending another two hundred years on.
Danse has been assigned to scour the Vault as part of a routine sweep for useful technology- a task entirely beneath a Paladin, but what he finds there more than makes up for it. Immediately, a whole field research team is dispatched to the vault and the cryopods are airlifted out one by one. The Sole Survivor's first memory of the new world is waking up to the harsh white light of a Brotherhood lab, bombarded with questions and shoved blearily through a battery of tests. Not a great first impression.
Deacon still thinks the Vault would make an ideal fallback hideout, even with the rows of corpsicles. The eerie blue glow and residents in cryosleep are pitched to Desdemona as enhancing the ambience, but the suggestion is soundly denied for the Vault's visibility. Even so, Deacon maintains a post outside, just in case one of those poor bastards stumbles out one day.
When Hancock inexplicably wakes up in the Vault after partying a little too hard, he immediately assumes he's still hallucinating- that, or he's been picked up by Zetans. It takes him hours of trying to pry the Sole Survivor's pod open in a hungover haze to finally give up, writing the place off as another of the Old World's many sins and decent subject matter for his next speech.
MacCready almost feels at home in the vast underground chambers of the Vault. Almost. No matter how convenient the Vault is as a last-ditch hideout, its residents creep him out too much to stay there for any real length of time. He tries his hardest to avoid their frozen stares, endlessly grateful that it's them in there and not him.
Valentine relates to the frozen Sole Survivor a little more than he'd like to admit. Two abandoned relics, used to serve a greater purpose and then thrown out like so much junk when they were done. He knows more than anyone what a harsh awakening they're going to have- if they do wake up. Every so often, he'll wander back to check on them, sharing a yarn about his latest case and watching for any progress. On the day that pod does unseal, he'll be there to lend a helping hand... but until then, all he can do is maintain a file. It's one hell of a cold case.
Piper feels a little guilty that her first thought is how good of a story this will make. 'Pod people slumber among us', maybe? She doesn't want to risk the Sole Survivor's life by touching anything, but maybe if she spreads the word someone out there will be able to help them. That's how she justifies it to herself, anyway- now if only there was some concrete link to the Institute she could work in...
Preston has been surveying the area around Sanctuary for potential threats to the burgeoning settlement... and he still isn't entirely sure that this doesn't count as one. It takes a moment to line up the resident registry with the names on Sanctuary's rusted-out mailboxes, but once he does, he has the Vault sealed up again out of respect for those who came before. If he and his scant resources can't help them, he can at least let them rest in peace.
Strong hammers away at the pod to no avail before stomping off in a huff to seek his next victim somewhere else. Canned food clearly isn't his thing.
X6-88 is here for a routine checkup - nothing more, nothing less. Although the Director had been cagey about what exactly he wanted to be kept safe down here, there was nothing X6 wouldn't be prepared for... so he thought, at least. The sight of a person, frozen and contained, gives him a rare moment of pause and elicits an uncomfortable, involuntary comparison to the dormant synths rolling off the assembly line. Nevertheless, he makes sure the cryopod is still functional and returns home, all the while trying to forget their strange resemblance to the Director.
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nasa · 1 year
Soaring into Aerospace: NASA Interns Take Flight at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
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Sustainable Aviation Ambassadors Alex Kehler, Bianca Legeza-Narvaez, Evan Gotchel, and Janki Patel pose in front of the NASA Pavilion at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.
It’s that time of year again–EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is underway!
Boasting more than 650,000 visitors annually, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, or “Oshkosh” for short, is an airshow and fly-in held by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). Each year, flight enthusiasts and professionals from around the world converge on Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to engage with industry-leading organizations and businesses and celebrate past, present, and future innovation in aviation.
This year, four NASA interns with the Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration (EPFD) project count themselves among those 650,000+ visitors, having the unique opportunity to get firsthand experience with all things aerospace at Oshkosh.
Alex Kehler, Bianca Legeza-Narvaez, Evan Gotchel, and Janki Patel are Sustainable Aviation Ambassadors supporting the EPFD project, which conducts tests of hybrid electric aircraft that use electric aircraft propulsion technologies to enable a new generation of electric-powered aircraft. The focus of Alex, Bianca, Evan, and Janki’s internships cover everything from strategic communications to engineering, and they typically do their work using a laptop. But at Oshkosh, they have a special, more hands-on task: data collection.
“At Oshkosh, I am doing some data collection to better estimate how we can be prepared in the future,” said Janki, an Aerospace Engineering major from the University of Michigan. “Coming to Oshkosh has been an amazing experience… I can walk around and see people passionate about the work they do.”
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The NASA Pavilion at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is full of interactive exhibits and activities for visitors to engage with. NASA Interns Alex, Bianca, Evan, and Janki are collecting data in the pavilion to help improve future exhibits at Oshkosh.
In addition to gathering data to help inform future NASA exhibits and activities at Oshkosh, the interns also have the opportunity to engage with visitors and share their passion for aviation with other aero enthusiasts. For Evan, who is receiving his Master's in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, “being able to be here and talk with people who are both young and old who are interested in what the future of flight could be has been so incredible.”
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Alex, Evan, Bianca, and Janki pose in front of NASA’s Super Guppy, a specialized aircraft used to transport oversized cargo.
At Oshkosh, one memory in particular stands out for Alex, Bianca, Evan, and Janki: seeing NASA’s famous Super Guppy in person. With a unique hinged nose and a cargo area that's 25 feet in diameter and 111 feet long, the Super Guppy can carry oversized cargo that is impossible to transport with other cargo aircraft. 
“We had a very lucky experience… We were able to not only see the Super Guppy, we got to get up close when it landed,” said Bianca, who is receiving her Master's in Business Administration with a specialization in Strategic Communications from Bowling Green State University. “From a learning experience, it gave me a way better basis on cargo aircraft and how they operate.” 
For Alex, who is receiving his Master's in Aeronautical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, it was exciting to see the Super Guppy’s older technology integrated with newer technologies up close. “There have been a lot of good memories, but I think the best one was the Super Guppy. It was cool to see this combination of 60’s and 70’s technology with this upgraded plane.”
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Evan and Janki pose for a photo while walking around EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.
With Oshkosh coming to a close this Sunday, July 30, Alex, Bianca, Evan, and Janki also reflected on advice they have for future NASA interns on how they can get the most out of their internship: be curious and explore, connect with people who work in the field you’re interested in, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Alex advises potential NASA interns to “dream big and shoot for your goals, and divide that up into steps… In the end it will work out.” For Bianca, being open and exploring is key: “take opportunities, even if it’s the complete opposite thing that you were intending to do.”
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“Ask questions all the time,” said Evan. “Even outside the internship, always continue asking people about what they are knowledgeable on.” And Janki encourages future interns to “Follow your own path. Get the help of mentors, but still do your own thing.”
Visiting Oshkosh and want to see NASA science in action? Stop by the NASA Pavilion, located at Aviation Gateway Park, and see everything from interactive exhibits on sustainable aviation, Advanced Air Mobility, Quesst, and Artemis to STEM activities–and you may even meet NASA pilots, engineers, and astronauts! At Oshkosh, the sky’s the limit.
Interested in interning with NASA? Head over to NASA’s internship website to learn more about internship opportunities with NASA and find your place in (aero)space.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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media-illiterate · 7 months
Fallout 4 Alternate Timeline
Because @datura-tea asked about my tags on this post, and I already have it sitting in my wips folder, I thought I'd post my alternate timeline of events for Fallout 4! It always bothered me that the Commonwealth is still so underdeveloped while the West Coast has trains and a working electical grid. So I tried to come up with a coherent narrative of how it could have backslid into its current state.
Timeline under the readmore because it is, not short.
2077: The Great War occurs. The surviving students and faculty of CIT take refuge in the institute’s underground particle-physics labs, locking the rest of the wasteland out. They live in fear of being discovered by other survivors and raided for their tech, making them paranoid and isolationist.
2097: Building on prewar research, CIT survivors complete development of their Mass Relay teleportation device. Dubbing themselves simply as The Institute, they fully wall themselves off from the surface world and embark on an ambitious plan of underground expansion, scavenging what they need from the surface.
2131: The Institute develops gen-1 synths to act as surface operatives, mostly removing the need for Institute personnel to go to the surface. Now mostly insulated from violence, the Institute much more callous and combative towards surface dwellers.
2163: The Institute isolates samples of FEV from the air, and begins a program of carefully controlled mutation. The resulting supermutants are found lacking, and the program is put on hold.
2176: The Commonwealth People's Government is formed from several prominent settlements. The new nation takes steps to protect its people from the Institute’s aggressive scavenging methods, earning its ire. Though the institute takes steps to try and destabilize the CPG, their new gen-2 synths prove insufficient for the task.
2177: Reactivating their FEV program, the Institute begin producing supermutants from kidnapped wastelanders and releasing them into the commonwealth with the intent to destabilize the CPG. Through careful false-flag attacks using disguised synths, they manage to spark a state of war between the mutants and surface humans that will last for more than a century.
2180: The newly formed Commonwealth Minutemen, a volunteer citizen’s militia created by the CPG, help drive off the initial wave of supermutants from central Boston.
2180-2224: Tensions between the Institute and CPG continue to escalate. Though the efforts of the Institute’s FEV project hampers the young nation’s expansion, the supermutants are too disorganized and scattered to topple the government. Faced with an increasingly cohesive and rapidly developing CPG, the Institute begins work on its Gen-3 synth infiltrator project.
2225: The Institute discovers information on Vault 111. Preparations are made for an expedition to recover a pristine pre-war genetic code from one of the pre-war vault dwellers in cryostasis.
2227: The part where they murder your spouse and steal your kid happens.
2229: An early model synth infiltrator "malfunctions" in downtown Diamond city, exposing the existence of Gen-3 synths to the world. The cause of the malfunction is never found, though escaped synths often claim that it was an intentional suicide-by-cop.
2230: Realizing the security threat posed by the new Gen-3 synths, mid-ranking members of the CPG's nascent spy corps founds the town of Covenant over top of an abandoned tunnel network. Posing as a new settlement, almost no one outside the project know its true purpose: the town is actually a front for researching a method to discern humans from Gen-3 synths.
2233: The Institute begins its infiltration of the CPG using upgraded Gen-3 synths, killing & replacing key individuals at all levels of power. Though paranoia about synths continues to build, most fail to anticipate just how far the tech has advanced.
2235: The Institute finalizes development of an advanced model of Gen-4 synth, dubbed Coursers. Incorporating FEV and cybernetic enhancements, Coursers form an elite corps of assassins that eliminate anyone who learns about the Institute’s plans.
(Side note: I think coursers should have been so much weirder)
2237: Having completed their infiltration of the CPG, the Institute kicks off their plan to topple the CPG.
August 4: The Executive Chair of the CPG council, Robert Gray, is assassinated by his secretary in broad daylight. During the assassination and subsequent arrest, the secretary loudly declares that the Chair has been replaced by an Institute Synth.
August 12: Scandal breaks out as evidence of massive financial corruption is leaked to the public. Protests occur across the commonwealth as the full scope becomes clear.
August 26: A special election is held, and voters elect minister of transportation Patricia Weiss as Chair. She delivers a hawkish election speech warning the Institute to back down.
September 10: A portion of the CPG stages a coup, using claims of mass election fraud as justification amid mass public unrest. They capture most of the CPG council members, and declare them traitors to the people of the commonwealth. Weiss escapes and sets up a government-in-exile out of Quincy with the remaining CPG military. She issues a two week ultimatum to the coup’s leaders, demanding that they release the counselors and surrender.
September 20: Before the date of the ultimatum passes, the CPG council is executed via mass firing squad in the CPG council chambers. Public dissent boils over into active civil war. The Minutemen quickly declare neutrality, but their attempts to protect outlying settlements are hampered by the widespread violence and lack of volunteers.
October 30: Under the guise of a ceasefire negotiation, the coup regime arrests Weiss. She is put through a kangaroo court and hanged as a synth infiltrator, to the shock of the public.
November: Multiple settlements withdraw from the CPG as the violence escalates, Bunker Hill and Goodneighbor first among them. The CPG civil war begins to peter out as both sides lose support, and numerous CPG military units defect to become raiders in search of pay.
December: Loyalist forces gain the upper hand, begin a reign of terror style purge of the remaining CPG officials, and declare the coup defeated. Weakened by the withdrawal of numerous settlements in reaction to the violence of the purge, the Loyalist government promptly collapses. Remnants of the rebel CPG forces attempt to declare a new government out of University Point, but fail to attract any major settlements.
2238: The CPG totally collapses. The remnants of its military forces, both loyalist and rebel, defect to the gunners en masse; many, disillusioned with military life, become raiders. Only the Minutemen command staff, operating out of Fort Independence, remain cohesive.
The collapse of the CPG ushers in an era of violence lasting decades as raider warlords exploit the chaos to carve the Commonwealth up into bandit fiefdoms.
Rumors begin to circulate that several of the key players of the CPG’s collapse were secretly synths. In truth, the entire chain of events was planned to a T, and leaders on all sides had been replaced. Only the Minutemen were overlooked, being seen by the Institute as just ragtag volunteers.
Several synth infiltrators defect from the Institute, seeking a way to free themselves and their peers. The organization they found will eventually grow into the Railroad.
Covenant, its secrecy miraculously intact, becomes radicalized by the fall of the CPG. Their methods become more desperate and more barbaric as time goes on.
2240's: The Minutemen begin rebuilding support for the CPG among the populace, striking back against the raider warlords and defending settlements from their depredations.
2250: Supermutant attacks increase sharply as the Institute releases more and more mutants onto the surface in an attempt to stop the Minutemen from reforming the CPG.
2274: After weathering two decades of freaquent supermutant attacks, Fort Independence finally falls at the hand of a mirelurk queen; unknown to anyone on the surface, this was the work of the Institute, who used their advanced signals technology to drive the creature into a frenzy.
2282: General Becker dies, leaving the Minutemen leaderless. The militia quickly declines, becoming disorganized and factional; raiders quickly exploit the chaos.
2285: Disgusted by his role in the Institute’s FEV program, Doctor Brian Virgil sabotages the program, mutates himself, and escapes into the glowing sea with the accumulated research. Distraught by the sudden lack of new reinforcements, the commonwealth mutants face an extinction crisis. Many begin to question their way of life, among them a mutant named Strong.
2288: The Sole Survivor wakes up.
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sodabranch · 2 months
This may be a longer post than normal, so feel free to ignore my ramble and just look at this dumbass lolololol <3
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You may call me a bozo, but today I've just learnt that in order to progress with my art skills I actually have to enjoy doing it.
After 10 years of being a digital artist (and more than 14 of being an artist in general), I finally owned up to the fact that I really was not having fun doing it anymore. And it's not like I hated it, but at some point I did start questioning if this was still a hobby I used to decompress and not just a task I felt I had to finish by the end of the day.
It's a bit gut wrenching to accept such fact, but it simply didn't spark joy to me, I didn't feel I was being creative enough or innovating. I always put myself in the place of "your art has to be this 100% flawless fully-rendered piece to be valid!!!!!!!!!!!111", and like;;; Validation from whom exactly? Why do I have to seek it so I can feel satisfied with it? I can finally say I feel free enough to just draw whatever I want, and to go at the pace I set for myself.
It just made me feel a bit better to understand that art is not something I have to excel at, I can just do my silly things and not worry so much about the end result.
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kitkatkitchen · 2 months
The Magnus Archives - Fave episodes and final thoughts
I have just done the incredible task of finishing The Magnus Archives. Idk what to really do with myself now besides tell you all about my fave episodes and highlights of the series. So, without further ado, statement begins:
MAG 4 - Page Turner
A classic season 1 episode. A great introduction to Leitner! I originally loved this episode because I love books and loved the gothic and creepy vibes of Mary Keay’s book shop. I now love it because of my beloved GERRY KEAY!!!! You heard it here first, folks, I’m a Gerry Keay stan and will not apologise.
MAG 16 - Arachnophobia
I honestly just love the image of this guy aggressively killing this spider over and over and going mad.
“Perfectly natural explanation for why his body was encased in web”
Thanks Jon… helpful.
MAG 26 - A Distortion
I love the plot slowly starting to thicken during season 1. We ❤️ Micheal on this account.
MAG 32 - Hive
I love the genuine unsettling nature of this statement. A real look into the maddening mind of Jane Prentiss and our lovely Archivist branching out with his acting abilities.
MAG 39 - Infestation
“Statement of Jo Spooky”
All of our season 1 babies fighting it out with a bunch of worms!! Plus Tim being a legend as per usual. This was the episode that I fell in love with Tim. Idk the image of him kicking through a wall while being high on gas is always iconic to me.
MAG 61 - Hard Shoulder
DAISY >>>>
Also Breakon and Hope being creepy boyfriends.
MAG 65 - Binary
This was the episode that scared me the most out of all the series. It made me physically sick and I almost considered turning it off. But that’s all the more reason to love the incredible writing of it.
MAG 80 - The Librarian
Oh yeah Kit must love this episode because of all the big reveals and lore dumps!
I love this for Gerry beating up Leitner and the sounds of brutal pipe murder!
MAG 96 - Return to Sender
We also ❤️ Breakon and Hope on this account.
Also Jon doing a Cockney accent is so inherently funny to me.
MAG 101 - Another Twist
MAG 111 - Family Business
You will not be shocked to find out that this is my favourite episode. I am in love with Gerry Keay and this episode made me so sad yet so happy to finally hear his voice.
Also I get gender envy from him. No, I will not be taking questions.
MAG 119 - Stranger and Stranger
Such great sound for this episode plus I’m a sucker for dramatic moments.
MAG 128 - Heavy Goods
Once again, we love Breekon and Hope. Boyfriends.
MAG 154 - Bloody Mary
Eric is so cute. Also once again we get Gerry lore.
Incredible. We love John and Martin. And those last two episodes were INCREDIBLE. I have no words
Sorry that was so long!
If anyone has any other podcast recommendations I’d really appreciate them!
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tinydefector · 4 months
Klik Away 4
Prowl x human
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: swearing
Prowl masterlist
Sorry for such a long break between updates was meant to edit this then had meetings that got postponed along of phone calls and now energy, alot of updates will be slow until probably mid June due to so much happening in real life atm.
 "What's in there?" They inquire while watching Prowl with a large boxes of who knows what. Prowl glances at them with an expression of mild annoyance, his optics narrowing slightly. He continues to open the crates.  "That, is none of your concern," he replies curtly, his voice laced with a cold and snarky tone. He carefully unpacks various items from the crates, strategically placing them around the room. 
Their eyebrow remain raised. Prowl meets their gaze briefly before returning his attention to his task. "Gess God you're a prick today, and I thought we were becoming friends, I see you can't wait to get rid of me" they huff out. "At least green likes me, don't you girl, you're the best flyt aren't you" they coo to the flyt.
"Friendship is not a priority," Prowl states matter of factly, his voice still carrying a hint of snark. He turns to watch as they play with his pet. "Then what is your priority? One moment you're taking me out to the markets and then you're snarling at me for standing on the bench, The bench you placed me on!" They state back frustrated at him. 
Prowl goes to snarl back but holds himself from arguing, he knows he's become even more foul but he found it easier than dealing with his own feelings at that moment. “if you don't like it then get down” he states, not even looking at them. 
"Why are you such a fuckin asshole" They hiss before turning their back to him.  If he wanted to be an ass they were going to give him the silent treatment. 
Prowl doesn't know how to put his feelings into words, he doesn't want to let them go but he can't get anymore attached to them they couldn't stay with him forever, and in his processor it was easier to push them away than trying to talk things out. They yelp as he grabs them by the waist holding their smaller form, His optics meet theirs, a mix of conflict and longing evident within them. For a moment, Prowl's stoic facade cracks, his cold and snarky demeanour momentarily forgotten. He presses his helm gently against their forehead, cupping the side of their face, allowing his actions to speak volumes where words fail him.
They blink slowly as they lean into the touch. "What are you doing?" They ask, eyes lingering on his pretty optics, they don't understand the gesture but still lean into it. But as quickly as the moment arrives, Prowl's walls resurface, his grip on the human loosening. He pulls back, his expression once again returning to its usual stoicism.
“Forget about it” he says as he goes to put them back down on the bench. 
Prowl's optics flicker with a mix of frustration and longing as he realises that they don't understand the significance of his gesture."Just forgot about it, it was stupid" he says, his voice distant and guarded. His attempt at initiation courtship, a rare vulnerability for him, seems to have gone unnoticed. causing him to pull away and maintain his distance. "It seems I have misinterpreted the situation." He grumbles to himself as he moves to walk away and retreat. 
"Prowl wait!" They call out trying to grab onto any part of him they can. Prowl hesitates at the sound of their voice, his steps faltering slightly. He turns his helm to glance back at them, his optics searing into them. Reluctantly, he pauses, his posture tense as he waits for them to speak. 
"What is it?" he asks, his tone guarded but softened ever so slightly. His optics linger on their eyes.
"You do remember I'm human right, did you take a moment to think I might not know what you did?" they state while motioning between them both. They cross their arms over their chest as they watch him. “So please explain, instead of sulking and becoming even grumpier, communicate please!”. It makes Prowl stiffen and his optics go wide for a moment. 
"I... apologise," Prowl admits, his voice softer than before. He takes a step closer, his posture less rigid. Prowl takes a moment to collect his thoughts, his optics focused on them. He slowly wraps his servos around them again pulling them back up to face level. His thumb comes back up to their face. His optics hold an almost sad light to them and in that moment they have a decent enough idea to understand what's going on. 
“Prowl, look, we are going to have to work on this because each time you get grumpy and angry for no reason isn't going to work" they state while gripping his thumb as they lean into it. “please talk to me” he stays silent and it makes them sigh. 
"Prowl, is the forehead thing like an intimate act for you?" they ask ever so softly,  Prowl's optics widen slightly, he nods feeling as if it's too hard to talk at that moment. They lean up more, bringing their hand to his face and slowly press a kiss to his lips. 
Prowl's optics widen as their lips meet his, the sensation is both foreign and intriguing. 
As they pull back, their eyes meeting his optics, Prowl finds himself captivated by their gaze. “I like you Prowl, but we are going to have to have a long talk about your communication skills and issues.” they state while holding his face. Prowl's stoic demeanour cracks as he leans into their hand as the soft rumble resonates from his chest almost like a purr. “I don't want you to leave” he says just above a whisper. 
 "you have been counting down the day" they reply softly back. 
“I have been, at first I wanted you gone, now. Now I don't think I can let you go. But you have to go home” He wants to deny it, to assure them that their departure is inconsequential, but he can't bring himself to lie. The truth is that their departure weighs heavily on his mind, stirring up a mixture of fear, longing, and a sense of impending loss.
"I have become attached to you, more than I anticipated," Prowl confesses, his voice laden with a mixture of regret and longing. "
"Is that why you have been an ass, you were trying to push me away?" There isn't any accusation in their voice but they can guess it's the reason he had become so hostile towards them. Hoping it would make it easier to separate.
"Yes," Prowl admits, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and vulnerability. 
His gaze softens, his optics locking with theirs as he continues to speak.
The day comes sooner than either of them wanted it to. They had tried coming up with other ideas to stay, to sneak off ship and stay with Prowl but at this point they didn't know if others would intervene. They both stand anxiously waiting for the ship to land. They are pressed closely against Prowl's chassis as their eyes linger on the sky waiting for the ship, despite the fact of how much they didn't wish to go now.
Prowl stands tall, his frame tense. He can feel their presence pressed closely against his chassis, their shared anxiety bouncing off each other. 
As the ship descends, Prowl's optics remain fixed on the horizon, a bittersweet ache in his spark. Their journey is about to take them apart. His grip on them tightens ever so slightly, 
Prowl's optics narrow in a mix of disbelief and anger as the Lost Light comes into view. His fuel lines run cold with a surge of frustration, realising that his Human was to be sent with them.
"No, absolutely not!" Prowl exclaims vehemently, his voice laced with a combination of concern and protectiveness. "There's no way I'm allowing you to board that ship, and I won't let you be put in harm's way."
Their eyes flicker up to his. "What?, what's wrong?" They ask not understanding. 
 Prowl takes a moment to collect himself, his anger and frustration momentarily overshadowed by their genuine confusion. 
His voice is almost a cold snarl as his optics narrow in on the ship. "There are... certain individuals on that ship, that refuse to have you near for your own safety"
When the ship lands, it's Rodimus who walks out. "YOUR CAPTAIN HAS ARRIVED!" Prowl's grip on his Human tightens as Rodimus emerges from the ship, his voice booming with an air of self importance. The sight of the Autobot captain only serves to further stoke the flames of Prowl's simmering anger and frustration.
“There is no Way in the slashing Universe they are going on that ship, go frag yourself Prime” Prowl yells, as he storms away from Optimus and the unfolding situation. His Human clings onto him tightly, 
But then, unexpectedly, a fit of laughter escapes from them once they are far enough away. Prowl's optics flicker down to them, his anger momentarily forgotten as the sound of their laughter fills the air. Confusion clouds his expression as he looks down at them, unable to comprehend the sudden shift.
"What...?" Prowl begins, his voice trailing off as he tries to make sense of their laughter. His gaze searches their face, seeking an explanation. Their laughter continues, filling the air. Slowly, a smile tugs at the corners of Prowl's mouth, mirroring the joy that radiates from his Human.
And then, he joins them.
The laughter spills from Prowl's vocalizer, a release of the pent-up tension and frustration that had consumed him moments ago. It's a mix of relief, amusement, 
Prowl's grip on them tightens, he brings them closer pressing his helm to their forehead as the soft purr echoes from his chassis. "So I guess I get to stay?" They ask eyes staring into his optics. They wait with bated breath for his answer, one hand pressed against his face plate."Yes," Prowl replies, his voice filled with an undeniable tenderness. "You get to stay. With me. You are not going anywhere. You are mine, and I am yours."
"Then you owe me a proper Date" they begin making a list of things that they wanted. "If I'm staying your taking me on a proper date, and helping set stuff up for me to live with you, if I'm not going back to earth, I still need things" Prowl's optics widen slightly at their request, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. The corners of his mouth twitch as he tries to suppress a smile, finding their boldness and determination endearing.
"I... suppose I do owe you a proper date," Prowl responds, his voice holding a mix of amusement and sincerity. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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zombiecakes · 14 days
15,17,27,28,29!!,37,49,52,55,59,64 🥺 (sorry lol)
APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED (srsly tho never apologize for making me gush about my babies lmao 💕)
This is gonna be long tho, so under cut 😂
Also some plotline spoilers in here, for those who haven't done stuff like Nuka World.
15. What is their proudest moment / accomplishment?
After he killed Mason, he got a pat on the back from Nisha. He always saw her as the biggest threat to his personal safety as Overboss, so having her support definitely helps him sleep at night.
17. Do they have a job? How do they make a living?
SHAKIN DOWN DEM FARMERS. Basically, everyone and their mother just sends him tribute now as Overboss, so he swimmin in caps 😎
27. What faction(s) are they a member of / allied with?
RAIDERS. It's actually becoming an issue, because he sees the Institute as a threat, and his own gang isn't equipped to bust their way in there. He just got a vision from Mama Murphy that he should ask the Brotherhood for help, which is probs his only reasonable option. (He's HELLA paranoid of synths and would probably burn down the Railroad if he found it DISCLAIMER I DO NOT SHARE HIS VIEWS LOL and he already alienated the Minutemen soooo yeah…) He also really respects and trust Murphy the Madwoman, so he's probs gonna take that advice… at least until he gets what he wants.
28. What faction(s) do they despise?
Oops, I already answered this one lol. See above.
29. What is their moral alignment / karma?
Not pulling punches here: Zirk is evil. He lets fear and selfishness run his life, resulting in the suffering of others. He has a small handful of people he gives a shit about, but I don't think that redeems him. Almost all “good” things he does are still motivated by selfish intentions.
37. What is the worst injury they have experienced?
Zirk has been thru some shit. He didn't turn into the shitty little monster he is because his life was rainbows and sunshine. I would say, consistently ending up as the lowest rung on the social ladder in any group he was part of, and all of the abuses that entailed (for example, his teeth tattoos), were collectively his “worst injury”.
49. What item(s) do they always have on their person?
His glasses! Boy is blind as a bat (one of the things, along with his smaller/delicate stature, that made him a target for most of his life). Finding nice, VATS-connected spectacles when he was looting Vault 111 a couple years ago was a life-changer for him.
52. Can they swim?
Well enough… although it probs isn't too pretty to watch.
55. Are they past, present, or future oriented?
This is a cool question 🤔 I would say up until very recently, present-oriented, because he was constantly scrounging around for his next meal or hit. Recently, however, his gang has swept across the Commonwealth, and he's had to think further ahead so that he can feed his raiders and maintain his safety as top dog. This is not a task he enjoys doing, so he often leaves the minutiae to Gage 💕
59. Do they idolize anything / anyone?
Mama Murphy. She is the first person he's ever met who truly knows and sees him as he is, and she cares for him anyway. This is more important to him than he could ever say, but she doesn't need him to say it 💕
He's also IN LOVE with Gage (not that he'd ever use those words, even to himself), and he really respects and relies on him.
64. How / where do they generally sleep?
The how/where is actually a similar question for him!! He usually falls asleep wherever he can (bed, sleeping bag, large pile of soft dirt), but often around 2-3am, he tends toward night terrors, and often goes sleepwalking/crawling into the nearest small, enclosed space. He knows he does this, so he rarely ever goes to sleep nearby another person. Gage has only witnessed this a couple times, and while familiar with ptsd (raiders have tough lives and rough upbringings, I suspect), he still doesn't know exactly what to do when Zirk does this shit.
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JLPT Journal 11/08 (Countdown: 111 days)
Today I:
Did ~1 hour shadowing
Watched 3 comprehensible input videos (34 minutes)
Reviewed 63 kanji
Watched 1x BNHA episode
Watched 1x grammar video
Read an article from NHK Easy
N3 vocab:
国境(こっきょう)border (between countries), national border
親戚(しんせき)relative, relation, kin
許可(きょか)permission, approval, authorization, license
墓(はか)grave, gravesite, tomb
手段(しゅだん)means, way, measure
被害(ひがい)(suffering) damage, injury, harm
I intended to do more today but other tasks were more pressing. Still managed to do a good 2+ hours though.
Tomorrow's plan is:
Listening test practice
Write a mini essay or some sample sentences ahead of my italki lesson the following day
Watch a bunch of grammar videos
Comprehensible input
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prettieinpink · 1 year
How to salvage a half wasted day ✨
I know, for everyone, sometimes we may just spend an extra two hours scrolling, or procrastinating on a certain project then feel miserable from all the time we wasted in the morning or half afternoon. Whether it’s 5, 6,7 or 9 o’clock, we can still make the most of the hours left. 
STEP 111
Don’t beat yourself up for not being productive. Chances are most of the time, you actually needed that time to not be productive and rest. Even if you didn’t, it’s okay.  
If you’re feeling extra, you may want to journal to what made you not be productive. Are you under anxiety? Are you avoiding a specific task or person? Is the idea of your day too daunting? 
STEP 222
see what tasks you are still able to complete based on the amount of time you have and you willingness to do the task. Even though it’s tempting, don’t force yourself to do tasks when you are not physically/mentally:emotionally capable at the moment. 
If there’s no tasks you can do straight away, you can read a book or meditate. Both are productive, but still calming. 
STEP 333 
Change your environment accordingly. Sometimes we procrastinate because our environment allows us to do so. If there’s any distractions, remove them. If it’s not clean, clean your area. And so on.
I think the best thing to do is to actually go on a walk of your choice. Whether it’s around your neighbourhood, a supermarket or a nature walk, just walk outside if time allows. 
STEP 444
after all of those tasks you’ve completed, reflect on the day. How can you prevent this next time? What made you want to procrastinate? Etc etc. There’s a bunch of journaling prompts on pinterest for this.
You’ve made it to the end! Now, go start on your todolist. 
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brrrkdslek · 7 months
hear me out. mafia san. mafia san that is only soft to you. jealous mafia san that is only soft to you. jealous mafia san that is only soft to you sex. hard jealous mafia san that is only soft to you sex. 💥💥💥💥
THANK YOU FOR 400!!!!!111! OH MY G
big bad mafia boss
that's san's identity.
big fluffy huge dick bf
that's also san's identity.
yes, juggling mafia and the love of your life is a very very hard task and there were multiple instances where you had threatened to end it
but of course, he's a great boyfriend and potential hubby so you stayed,
even if you're always being kidnapped and whatnot
like you'll just b walking on the streets and suddenly pass out fr
u wake up like ????????
ur face is literally huh and super groggy n shit
san's at the office freaking out and the others have NEVRR and i mean NEVER seen the man tweaking like that before
immediately calls all his men to the designated place to retriever the loml
super duper angy and in the mood to blow some brains out cuz who tf touches the loml??????
obvs the kidnapper comes out and yaps his shit? ransom ransom blablabla and suddenly dies
yunho sniper slay!!!!!!111!!1!2!2!22'
man's literally fuming as he picks you up in his arms and leads you to the car, his fingers twitch when he sees your brows furrow slightly with each small brush against the bruises
but as the car doors close, his eyes soften and he brings you in for a gentle embrace, mumbling sweet nothings into your ear
he's gently rubbing your thigh the entire ride home
neither of you say anything but you can feel how much san's rushing as he speeds through the road, trying to reach home as soon as possible
you could see the blood splatters on his cheeks but you didn't care, he looked absolutely stunning
he doesn't waste a second and leads you to the bedroom as fast as he can, sweeping you into his arms and plopping you onto the bed
he gets on too often you and holds you gently, like you're fragile glass and can break very easily
that's one of the few things san tends to forget
that despite how strong he is, you're vulnerable to any threat others have against him
and just like every other time you were kidnapped, san fucks you slowly and sensually
making sure to go gentle and slow so that he wouldn't hurt you
he would have his face nuzzled deep into your neck the entire time he makes love to you
that's it idfk cuh
you end up on a wheelchair the next day
should i make a mafia san and gf text
i think that would help funnier
ok byebye
thx for 400million again!!!!!11!1!1
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emiefluff · 7 months
•┈••✦ What We Love About You!✦••┈•
Tumblr media
Characters- Rui Kamishiro, Tsukasa Tenma, Emu Otori, Lee!Nene Kusanagi
Ships- Polysho
Summary- Nene comes to the Wonderland SEKAI upset, prompting her beloved partners to attempt a "cheer up operation"
A/N- Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I decided to collaborate with Py (@pink-tk-a-latte) On this little silly goofy fic! I think this actually took us like 5 days LMAO | But it was worth it!!!!111 (it's partially proofread by me and py so)
Tags- @ziniszombie @pink-tk-a-latte @justaposibblytransgirl @nekoma-not-lee
Fic Under The Cut!
It was Valentine's Day, a day of love, appreciation, and happiness. Everyone at Kamiyama High School in Class 2-A was tasked with writing a letter to who they loved and appreciated the most, and what they loved or liked about them.
As they were promptly shared with the class, everybody was waiting patiently for their name to be said by the other students. This also included Nene, who had been waiting the entire class to hear her name. Despite her kindness towards the other students, her name was not called by anybody.
Nene listened to the pleasantly embarrassed laughs and appreciative coos from the recipients. They hid their faces in their hands, smiled wobbly smiles, and put their hands on their hearts with tearful faces.
Nene awaited her turn for the burst of surprise, giddiness, gratitude at hearing her name from someone else’s mouth. It never came.
Maybe she shouldn’t have expected anything. She was kind, sure, but she was no one’s best friend. She shouldn’t mind. She understood. Maybe she didn’t want that extra attention anyway.
Still, in her lonely desk in the corner, Nene felt her heart sag.
After the bell rang to mark the end of class, Nene was nowhere to be seen. She had run out of school at the end of the day, not caring who saw her as she waited until the right moment alone to enter the Wonderland SEKAI.
Miku and KAITO, who had been working together on a show idea for Tsukasa and the others, noticed Nene enter. Something, however, was off about the grayish-green haired girl. The two vocaloids realized that Nene wasn't feeling her best, but before they could ask about it, she'd run off to hide.
Nene didn’t know how long she’d spent curled up backstage of the theatre, before she heard a bright and bubbly but concerned voice through the curtain.
“Nene-chan? Nene-chan, please come out!”
Slowly, she peeled her head from the wall.
Ah, and that earth-quaking volume…
“Perhaps she’s behind the stage?”
And the most familiar voice of all.
Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, Nene called pitifully, “I’m here…”
Her sore eyes beheld a ball of pink bouncing into the lightless hollow. She gasped and was at Nene’s side in a flash.
“Nene! What’s wrong? My sadness senses were tingling, and then Miku went ‘Brrrrrrrllllll— brrrrrrrlllll—’ which meant someone was lost in Sekai!!” Emu threw herself around Nene, who could only hiccup in protest.
Nene felt so bad about burdening the others with her bad mood, but nothing could really come out. Finally, in tears, she'd speak in a quavering tone, her voice breaking and cracking. "S-Sorry....I-I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to w-worry anybody...I-I just..."
"Nene-chan..." Emu held her tightly, rubbing her weeping partner's back gently as she let Nene express her current emotions to the three of them. Nene would sniffle, squeezing her eyes shut when she felt Rui gently stroke her hair with his fingers.
“Nene,” Rui called lowly, voice soothing and gentle as milk. At that one word, a dam broke within Nene’s chest.
Sobbing, Nene buried her face in Emu’s pink sweater. “It’s really not that big of a deal. I-I think… I’m just being dramatic.”
“Nonsense!” Tsukasa, who had been quietly panicking as soon as he saw her crying, nestled into her other side. His star-like warmth was like a plush, constellation-patterned blanket. “You’re never dramatic! Even I would be upset if no one thought of writing for me.”
“You can be honest with us, Nene.” Rui pulled his fingers through her hair again, a massaging tug on her scalp. Emu rubbed her cheek against her head.
Nene let Tsukasa pull her legs into his lap. “Maybe there’s just nothing to say about me… Nothing to-” Nene swallowed. She didn’t want to voice her thoughts, but she’d promised to be honest. “Nothing to love…”
Nene buried her face into Emu's shoulder once more out of shame, scared of what her partners would think. To her surprise, however, they showed her nothing but absolute kindness, Emu leaning her head slightly to kiss Nene's cheeks, Tsukasa rubbing her back, and Rui knelt down to hold her hand and massage her shoulders.
"Nene, you don't have to deal with this alone, y'know that, right?" Rui would ask softly, his fingertips gently tapping and drumming on her shoulders. "Yeah, Nene-chan! You know that whoever said that there wasn't anything to love or write about you is wrong, right? They're just jealous of you!" Emu pouted softly as she planted many tiny kisses all over Nene's forehead, nose, and cheeks.
Nene would reluctantly nod to their questions, still feeling down in the dumps about today. She didn't know what to do in order to feel better, so she'd just listen to her partners soothe her hurting pains, and comfort her.
Rui hummed, sensing that Nene still didn’t quite believe them. “There’s plenty of things to love about you, that we love about you.” Rui leaned over to nuzzle into her cheek.
His feather-like breaths and kisses pushed Nene to squirm away and giggle. As she shoved at Rui’s head, he chuckled.
“For example, your cute little laugh.” Rui grinned like a cat. “And your peculiarly ticklish cheeks.”
“Ruhuhuhihi!” Nene whined, finding refuge in Emu’s shoulder. “Stahahap, you meheheanie!”
“I didn’t know your cheeks were ticklish!” Emu’s eyes sparkled in a truly terrifying way. “I’m gonna getcha~! Let’s see that smile we love-love-love so much!”
Emu peppered noisy smooches all over Nene’s skin, even blowing a small raspberry on her blushing cheeks. Nene squealed and ducked away. “AhaEHEmuhuhu!”
“Oho? You didn’t know, Emu?” Rui raised an amused brow. “It’s her deepest, darkest secret. Oops!”
“RuihiHIHIhiiii! You traHAhaitor!” Nene managed to land a considerable slap on Rui’s face, and he gasped in offense.
Rui sniffled performatively. “Nene! My dearest friend, how could you?”
“Ah! I see my inventive partners have come up with an answer to our sad Nene plight.” announced Tsukasa, who noticed the drying tears on Nene’s well-kissed cheeks. “Look at that radiant smile! A wonderful muse!”
"Nohohohoo i-it's nohohohohohot!" Nene giggled nervously, covering her face in embarrassment as she tried to move away from her partners. This caused Emu to persist and continue her tickly antics, her fingers gently stroking Nene's cheek in a tingly way.
"Awwweeee~ Nene-chan is so cuteee, it's so wonderhoy~!" Emu exclaimed happily, continuing to stroke Nene's cheeks. The grayish-green haired girl would finally manage to turn away completely, hiding her face with her hands.
“Well, we can’t allow that!” Tsukasa took advantage of Nene’s legs in his lap and skittered his nails over her knees. Nene shrieked and jumped but couldn’t escape his hold. Cheering, Emu bound Nene in a hug and squeezed her like a balloon.
“You’re so fluffy-fluffy toasty-toasty, Neneeee, I just wanna squeesh you forever!” With exuberance, Emu kneaded Nene’s sides, watching her squirm back and forth and try to kick her legs.
“LEHEhehet mehehe goho! You dAHAdohorks!”
Rui muffled a snicker and teased at the back of Nene’s neck; now she was twisting every which way like a faulty folding chair.
Rui simpered. “Go for her iliac crest!”
“Her what?”
"What's an eye-lii-ack crest?" Mused Emu, who was very curious to know what Rui was talking about. Nene knew exactly where this was going as she flailed her arms about in protest. She'd have no choice but to squeak and hiccup as she spoke through giggle-induced words.
"Nohoho-No! R-Ruhuhuhuhuii! D-Don't tehehell thehehehemmm!"
Tsukasa and Emu couldn't help but wonder what was about to happen, both of them listening intently to Rui. They'd wait for an explanation, curious what has Nene giggling so nervously.
Rui shrugged and decided that showing was better than telling. Slowly, his hands descended, curling into claws, as Nene hugged her knees as close as she could to her chest in defense.
“Dohon’t- Rui! D-Don’t! NohoHOHAHA!”
Rui’s thumbs massaged the top of Nene’s hip. She exploded from her ball and grabbed onto the nearest thing — Tsukasa — to stabilize herself against the ticklish shocks traversing her nerves.
“You remembered what it was, Nene! Such a clever pupil. Isn’t she amazing?” Rui sounded tearfully proud. Desperately, Nene shook her head.
With Rui gently but cruelly digging into one of her worst spots, Tsukasa boldly drawing on and under her knees, and Emu pinching sporadically around her middle, Nene’s face began to ache from how wide she was laughing. Her stomach pretzeled, warm from the giddiness of love and fluster.
"Guysss! We should go over more things we love about Nene-chan! I'll start! I love how red your cheeks and nose get! I love how you hide your cute little smile~! Who's next!
"I also love how softspoken you are when you tease, it's so unexpected to me, but I love those moments nonetheless." Tsukasa would chirp in, gently squeezing her calves every now and then. "And as for me, I love it when you giggle so hard that your nose scrunches up and you end up snorting, and I especially love how cute and tiny your dimples are. Such an adorable sight, is it not~?"
"NohoHOHOHOAhahaha! N-NOHOHOHOhohohot adohohoHOHOHOHORAblehehehehe! IHIHIHIhihit tihihiHIHIHI- NAHAhahahahahahaha!" Nene couldn't finish her words out of embarrassment. She hated saying that she was ticklish. But, unfortunately for her, Rui caught onto this, and teased lovingly out loud to catch Nene off guard.
"Oh? It what, Nene? What are you trying to say? What t-word are you referring to?"
Nene completely combusted, trying to prevent this from happening. "NOHOHOHohohoho! D-DohohohoHOHOHON'T YOHOHOHOUHUhuhuhu dahahaHEHEHEHEARE STAHAhahahart thihihihis!"
"Are you saying touchy~? Or teasy~? Or even tastyyyy~?" Rui grinned widely, knowing exactly what his ass was doing. He was trying to trick Nene, and it was clear that Emu and Tsukasa were both in on this.
Nene immediately tried to cover her mouth, realizing what she had gotten herself into. "W-WahahahaHAHAIHIHIHIT NOHOHOhohoho! DohohoHOHOAHAHAHAN'T!"
“Ticklish, you say~?” Rui’s grin was chilling. “Is that so? Well well well… isn’t that just prrrrecious?”
Suddenly, all the tickling stopped. Nene could only feel the phantom tingles of what had just passed and the force of her lungs heaving in air. But she couldn’t trust it. She knew what was about to happen.
Sweet breath fluttered over her ear. “Aww, you should have told us, Nene~,” Emu whispered. Nene muffled a squeak. Rarely was Emu a menacing presence, but this time, Nene’s heart only pounded in dread.
A finger brushed a slick strand of hair behind her other ear. Nene shivered. “She seems nervous. Isn’t the suspense just killing you?” She never thought she’d fear Tsukasa’s quiet voice.
Someone else was pulling her in. Something warm teased at her neck.
“Doho- don’t. Guys! Plehease! Nonono—“
Shrilling in ticklish laughter, Nene wriggled about to try and get away as Rui planted tickly kisses all over her neck. Giggling along, Emu would scribble her nimble fingers under Nene's armpits as the light tickles got to the poor girl.
All Nene could get out was an "EhehehEHEHEEK! NOHOHOHohohoho!" as she squirmed and flailed about. She was so ticklish, but would never admit to it.
Nene squealed, thrashed, blushed, cried for mercy, and slapped aggressively at Rui’s shoulder and elbowed Emu as best she could.
The sounds of Rui’s lips trembled up to her ear in waves and she crushed Emu’s fingers beneath her upper arm. Tears washed over her eyes and her laughter became so screechy that even Tsukasa was concerned.
He rested his chin and a kiss on Emu’s shoulder and pinched Rui’s cheek. Both of them received the memo and slowed their attack. Rui smoothed the sides of Nene’s shirt. Emu fixed her hair and moved aside to let Nene fall into Tsukasa’s lap. Nene hiccuped on a breath and covered her face, giggles interspersed.
“I’m sorry… to get so sappy on you guys,” Nene slurred.
Smiling, Rui purred, “Nene, we love you when you’re happy. We love you when you’re sad too.” He coaxed her hands away to reveal her pink nose and pursed lips.
Tsukasa cupped her face with a grin that was difficult to take seriously, but cute. “Yes! Your crying face is charming!”
“But when you smile, you’re even more charming! Cuz we know you’re happy.” Emu’s chipper face popped in from the side of her vision.
“Forget it. You guys are sappier than the ending theme of a video game.” And together, they laughed.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
A face hidden in her hands, a tearful face, a burst of surprise, giddiness, gratitude.
But mostly embarrassment.
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bracketsoffear · 8 months
I came up with more last night sorry
"Something is Wrong, Everything is Wrong" Statement of Madoka Kaname, regarding the girl who showed her around her new school. (Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion; Spiral)
“Tourist Trap” Statement of anonymous, regarding the July 4th 2007 incident at the Permian Basin Super-organism Natural Preserve, also known as the “Mystery Flesh Pit National Park.” (Mystery Flesh Pit National Park; Flesh, Vast)
"Apple of Eden" Statement of Goro Akechi, regarding being trapped in a false reality. (Persona 5 Royal; Web, Stranger, Spiral)
"Third Book on the Left" Statement of anonymous, regarding the fire that burned down the old Winchester house. (111 Winchester; Spiral, Desolation)
"City Maintenance" Statement of Bridger Morse, regarding a set of underground tunnels connected the city sewage systems not recorded on any map. (Mayfair Watcher's Society - Underground; Flesh)
"Burn the Witch" Statement of Norman Babock, regarding the restless soul of a child who cursed his town and the task of putting her to rest. (Paranorman; End, Desolation)
“War Without Reason” Statement of an entity only identifying itself as “The Ferryman”, regarding humanity’s end and the resulting fallout in the kingdoms of heaven and hell. (ULTRAKILL; Slaughter, Extinction, Flesh)
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frostcoldhere · 1 month
DJ HALLYBOO NOW!!111 /silly
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Microphone Slam (Active Ability):
DJ Hallyboo uses his microphone to send out a powerful shockwave that stuns all survivors in a radius around him. This ability disrupts survivor actions and causes a temporary blackout on their screens.
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Host Hoedown (Active Ability):
DJ Hallyboo forces all survivors into a minigame where they must quickly type an apology letter to escape. Failure to complete the task in time results in a major debuff, such as slowed movement and reduced vision.
Duration: 15 seconds
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Attack Method (M1 - Left-Click):
Animation: DJ Hallyboo swings his microphone like a club, striking the survivor with a forceful blow. The microphone emits a loud, distorted sound upon impact, emphasizing his role as an enforcer of piracy punishment.
Kill Animation:
Triggering a Kill (Final Blow): The screen glitches, and DJ Hallyboo pulls the survivor into a distorted version of the Host Hoedown minigame.
Animation: DJ Hallyboo raises his microphone high, and the survivor is forced to type an apology letter in a futile attempt to survive. As the survivor types, the words on the screen become jumbled and unreadable, symbolizing their impending doom. DJ Hallyboo then smashes the DS console (representing the survivor) with his microphone, causing the survivor to shatter into digital fragments.
Sound: The kill is accompanied by the sound of a DS shutting down, mixed with distorted laughter and the eerie echo of DJ Hallyboo's voice.
Entering the Map: "Ladies and gentlemen! Let's give a warm welcome... to the fool who thought they were above the law."
Activating Microphone Slam: "Har har har!"
Using Host Hoedown: "Let's see how fast you can apologize, kid!"
Killing a Survivor: "Looks like you didn't learn your lesson."
When the Last Survivor Remains: "You were always destined to fail, just like Luigi."
Default Skin:
DJ Hallyboo in his standard blue outfit, with his mischievous grin and iconic microphone.
Burgundy Manifestation (Epic Skin):
A more realistic version of DJ Hallyboo, wearing his burgundy top and black trousers, as seen when he manifests in reality. His hat's evil face is more pronounced, with glowing yellow eyes.
Rarity: Epic
Cost: 750 coins
Retro Host (Legendary Skin):
A pixelated, retro-styled version of DJ Hallyboo, resembling an 8-bit game character. His colors are more vibrant, and his microphone is a pixelated sprite.
Rarity: Legendary
Cost: 1,250 coins
Phantom DJ (Rare Skin):
DJ Hallyboo appears as a ghostly figure, with transparent, swirling shadows around him. His microphone emits a haunting echo, and his hat's face has a sinister, spectral glow.
Rarity: Rare
Cost: 450 coins
Corrupted Code (Ancient Skin):
DJ Hallyboo's form is heavily glitched and corrupted, with digital distortions constantly shifting across his body. His hat's face flickers between expressions, and his microphone crackles with static.
Rarity: Ancient
Cost: 2,100 coins
Leveling Rewards:
Level 10 (Bronze Skin): DJ Hallyboo gains a bronze-tinted version of his default skin, with a slight metallic sheen.
Level 20 (Silver Skin): A silver version of DJ Hallyboo, with glowing blue accents and a polished look.
Level 55 (Gold Skin): DJ Hallyboo's outfit takes on a golden hue, with his microphone emitting a bright golden glow.
Level 100 (Diamond Skin): DJ Hallyboo is transformed into a dazzling, diamond-like figure, with a prismatic effect on his body and a radiant microphone.
Coins: 1,200 coins
Robux: 250 Robux
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