#found out today he's already married 😂😂😂 i have NO idea how i missed the ring
thebirdandhersong · 1 year
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goldie90 · 3 years
Hello Nubbins, for the F/O ask game🐞, ⭐, 💘
Nubbins: Hi. Seems like all the ladies wanna talk to me today, hm?😉 Although, I don´t know why you all want to talk about my wife, but well, it´s okay I guess.🤷‍♂️
💘(What is S/I´s way to show affection?): Umm... Goldie is pretty physical. She often just walks up to me randomly and hugs me, or kiss me, or just gets on my lap. Also, she tells me that she loves me quite often. Oh, and sometimes she bakes cookies🍪 or cake🥧 for me, which is pretty cool, because she´s really good at it, but I´m not sure if that even counts.🤔 I mean, she´s my wife, so it´s simply her duty to do so, right? Just like she brings me a drink🍺 or a snack🥪 when I tell her to do so. It´s just how it have to be.🤷‍♂️ Heh heh, it´s kinda cool to be married. You know, sometimes. 
🐞(Does S/I do anything for you on special occasions? Do you do anything for them?): What kind of special occasions are we talking about here? Something like christmas or our birthdays? If so then yes, of course we exchange gifts🎁 on christmas, otherwise it would be pretty boring, right? Christmas without gifts, that´s like.... dunno, why should you even celebrate it then?🤨 Same goes for birthdays. Goldie always gets me something and she always bakes me a cake,🎂 but like I said, that´s goes without saying, also my grandma did this too, when she was still alive. 
⭐(Tell us a random moment you had with S/I that you enjoyed?): Umm... I don´t know if Chop already told you this story, but it´s the first thing I can think of, because it was so much fun. You know, one time back when we were teens - how old were we? Fifteen? Sixteen? I´m not sure, doesn´t matter. Anyways, one night me and Chop stealed Drayton´s keys for the gas station before we sneaked out and met up with Goldie (I wasn´t dating her back then, that only started years later, but I guess it still counts, right?) So, the three of us then went to the gas station and get in with the keys. Ha ha, and then we spent almost the whole night there, just hanging out and listen to the radio and we drank so much of the alcohol from the assortment, that at some point we ended up so damn drunk, that it´s almost a miracle that we were even able to get back home. Also, I´m pretty sure that I puked behind the store counter at some point.😅
Well long story short, when we got back home, we put the keys back at their place and Drayton never found out about the whole thing. I mean, okay he found out, but.. Heh heh, that was actually the best part! Listen, the next day when he went to work, he of course noticed the missing alcohol and also that some snacks were missing, also because we were all so damn drunk, we didn´t thought of cleaning up before we left the gas station, so yeah, it was kinda obvious for him what happened. BUT Drayton never suspected us, no he thought it was the employee he had back then, because this guy was the only one beside Drayton who´s got a key for the gas station, also Drayton always complained that he was pretty unreliable and unreasonable anyways, so yeah, guess what happened? He fired him!🤣🤣🤣 How funny is that? Ha ha! That was so cool! And then when Drayton came home that evening and told us “what his employee did” me and Chop acted all shocked, like “No, he didn´t! Damn Drayton, that´s really bad - we´re so sorry that this happened to you.”😂 That was so cool. Probably one of the funniest things we ever did. 
Okay, I think we´re done now, aren´t we? I have to work on my new art project now. You know, I found this dead opossum today and I have some ideas for it. 😃 Oh, I almost forgot, my wife want to know if you got the ask she sent you, because she´s still waiting for an answer. I guess it´s for a writing project or something, dunno I wasn´t really listening when she talked about it, because it´s so damn boring.🤷‍♂️
Okay, bye. 
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