#complicated and altogether not super pleasant time
thebirdandhersong · 1 year
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whythinktoomuch · 4 years
Something’s wrong. 
Kara can tell the moment she steps into Andrea’s office because Andrea’s avoiding her gaze. And pacing. And fidgeting, meticulously tugging at her own fingers before dropping her hands away altogether with a sharp exhale. 
Andrea was uncertain and nervous, her entire body riddled with unease, and something so clearly had to be wrong. 
“What is it? What happened?” Kara hisses, her shoulders already squaring, ready to be draped by a red cape at a moment’s notice. 
Andrea’s cheeks swiftly lose all color and her heart starts pattering just a tiny bit faster, but her scoff sounds just as natural as ever when she says, “Nothing happened, Kara.” 
“Okay...” Kara crosses her arms, her frown unassuming though unconvinced. “Why did you call me in here then?” 
A darkened scowl tugs at Andrea’s sharp features, her jaw clenching tight and determined. But the moment quickly passes without consequence, and Andrea’s shoulders eventually drop, and she draws back every so slightly. “Just... wanted to make sure you were working.” 
Kara stares, bewildered. “Well, I was.” 
“Good,” Andrea says flatly. “Get back to it then.” 
“All right,” Kara says, her abject curiosity thoroughly unsatisfied. “I’ll go do that.” 
She can feel Andrea’s stare burning a hole into her back as she leaves the office. 
Kara notices her right away. It’s impossible not to, even with her senses slightly dulled by the pleasant buzz that could only come from consuming an exorbitant amount of Chinese food in one sitting. 
The sight is unexpected, but not unwelcome, and there’s no point in trying to convince her heart otherwise. So, even though she shouldn’t, Kara can’t help herself as she bursts into Andrea’s office, her heart thundering and stuttering in her ears in equal measure. 
“What are you doing here?” she demands, the question cutting through the air, sharp and splintering.  
Lena barely looks up, hands still carelessly sifting through the various documents spread across Andrea’s desk, her expression somehow bored. As if she had any right to be there. To disrupt Kara’s entire life with a simple look. “What does it look like I’m doing?” 
“Andrea’s not here,” Kara informs her coldly, and Lena just rolls her eyes so heavily, never pausing in her task. And, well, it’s unfair. “Lena, you can’t just—”
“Really?” Andrea’s clipped tone rings out as she stomps into the room. “You’re just going to show up like you—what—own the place?” 
Lena flashes a smirk, her shrug small yet utterly self-satisfied. “Well, you weren’t exactly answering my calls, babe.” 
Andrea’s scowl deepens considerably. “Get out.” 
“Fine...” Lena sighs, tucking a small flashdrive into her pocket. “Already found what I came for anyway.” 
She saunters out, but not without throwing one last look over her shoulder. A frown, apparently, for Kara’s benefit. Her eyebrow raised in such a pointed fashion that it must mean something. 
It twists at Kara’s stomach, already swirling unhappily in the wake of Lena’s perfume. 
Kara quickly glances back at Andrea, who was now taking her seat at her desk with a weary sigh. “Was that something important? Do you need me to get it back for you?” 
“It’s fine,” Andrea says, waving her hand dismissively. “You can go too.” 
Kara blinks, taken aback. “Andrea, I work for you, so if you need me to—”
“Yes! You do,” Andrea all but snaps, cutting Kara off with an icy glare. “And I’m telling you to get out of my office.” 
After a prolonged, teetering moment of holding her tongue, Kara just shakes her head in disbelief. “You’re the boss,” she mutters, fastidiously reminding herself to not slam the door on her way out. 
It’s been a long day of putting out literal fires all over downtown for Supergirl, and Kara’s tired, covered head to toe in soot, and in desperate need of a hot shower and a warm bed. And so, it’s only natural that she hears a bona fide emergency unfolding on her way home. 
The unsavory combination of a distinct click of a hammer being pulled back and a panicked wait! has Kara hurtling straight for L-Corp without a second thought. Within seconds, she has her cape thrown up and over Andrea’s trembling form, bullets ricocheting uselessly off the heavy fabric. 
Tugging Andrea close to her chest, Kara throws her cape aside in a sharp flourish, and blows out a gust of freeze breath that scatters the gunmen like veritable dominoes. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Kara can’t help but demand, her tone verging on the more exasperated side of incredulity. “Why are you snooping around Lena’s office?” 
Andrea snorts. “I wasn’t snooping,” she says in a slight sneer, and the wave of whiskey hits Kara as a solid wall of sickly sweet because, oh, Andrea was so very clearly and oh so thoroughly drunk. “I was just... well, it doesn’t matter. Just let go of me.” 
Kara backs off, shaking her head. “I don’t know what’s going on between you and Lena right now, but whatever it is, you need to fix it. Fast. Because it almost got you killed tonight.” 
“They weren’t after me,” Andrea says, rolling her eyes. “They were after Lena. I just happened to be here, and well, collateral damage, I suppose.” 
“But you would have died just the same. How are you not getting that? You could have died, Andrea, and—” 
“Stop,” Andrea snaps, her eyes wild, yet terribly, terribly focused. “You don’t have to do this. I’m not some pathetic damsel in distress like your precious little Lena. I don’t need—”
The next thing Kara knew, Andrea’s staring up at her, mouth slightly agape, her delicate wrist somehow encased in Kara’s tight grasp. “Never... talk about Lena like that,” she gets out between painfully gritted teeth, and Andrea’s breath falters in a half-hearted scoff. “She’s a friend. Mine and yours, and she’s the most...” 
A pained whimper tumbles from Andrea’s lips and stops Kara cold, and she promptly snatches her hand back, cheeks burning furiously in realization and shame. 
Andrea rubs at her wrist, where Kara’s grip remains readily apparent, an inexcusable brand of angry pink and slight bruising. “A friend,” she repeats, eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Right.” 
“I’m sorry...” Kara reaches out instinctively, her heart sinking with heavy regret, but Andrea flinches away from her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you...” She sighs and backs off even more with a ducked head. “Listen, just go home, okay? Take care of yourself.” 
With one last apologetic nod, Kara grabs the pair of still unconscious, would-be assassins by their shirt collars and takes off into the air, desperately fighting off the inevitable guilt still hanging over her as she flies over to the nearest police station. 
When she hears the persistent knock at her door, Kara wastes no time super-speeding out of her bed and right to the door in question. Because it’s practically four in the morning, and anyone knocking at her door at four in the morning has to be having an emergency of some sort or another. 
But even so, it comes as a complete shock when Andrea ends up being the person standing on the other side of the door. 
“Andrea?” Kara blinks, the exhaustion slipping off her bones as bewilderment settles in its stead. But Andrea hardly seems to notice, shoving her way into Kara’s apartment like she belongs there. “... How did you know where I live?” 
“What the hell is your deal with Lena?” Andrea says, whirling around in a fury, and it’s immediately evident that she was somehow even drunker now than she had been at L-Corp. “Why are you so fucking obsessed with her anyway?” 
Kara’s jaw drops in outright disbelief. “I—ex-cuse me?” she sputters out. “You show up to my house in the middle of the night to interrogate me about Lena, and I’m the one obsessed with her?” 
“You’re changing the subject,” Andrea says, words sliding out of her mouth careless and slurred. “I’m just asking a simple little question, and all I need is a simple little answer, so if you would just please get—”
“It’s none of your business.” 
Andrea blinks. Then blinks again. Then stares. 
“It’s... none of your business how I feel about Lena,” Kara says with a defiant shrug. “Or anything about us really, okay? Just try to focus on your own issues with her, and stop making everything so messy and complicated.” She then shakes her head, sighing. “This is all highly inappropriate, by the way. You’re my boss, Andrea. You can��t be drunkenly berating me about personal matters like this. Like, at my apartment? This late?” 
“So, you meant it then?” Andrea asks softly. 
“Meant... what?” 
“What were you going to say?” Andrea asks instead, now tugging at her sleeve, rubbing insistently at the imprint that Kara’s hand had left around her wrist. “Before you stopped yourself, what were you going to say about Lena?” 
Kara’s stomach drops, the implications behind Andrea’s simple line of questioning striking her where she stands, where she lives. “I—I don’t know what you’re talking about...” She goes to adjust her glasses, but her hand closes around empty air, and Kara’s already made so many mistakes today since getting out of bed this morning, and yet somehow, it seems that she’s made even more just in the last five minutes. 
“Don’t be like that,” Andrea says, pressing closer, looking up at Kara so earnestly that Kara’s ears start to burn, as if in solidarity. “Just tell me.” 
Kara forces a laugh, eyes darting helplessly around her sparse living room. “She’s just... really important to me, okay? Happy now?” 
“Even with everything going on between you two?” 
“Well, yeah. Nothing’s ever going to change how I feel about—”
Kara’s cut off as Andrea’s lips crash against hers. 
All higher brain function snuffs out, and Kara freezes in place. She can barely process the firm press of Andrea’s mouth, soft lips moving against her own slowly yet insistently, the bittersweet taste of whiskey spreading across her tongue... 
Then Kara grabs Andrea’s shoulders, shoving her at arm’s length with a strangled gasp. “What are you doing? You can’t—Andrea, you’re drunk!” 
“I’m... not.” Andrea sighs, almost resigned, and Kara could almost laugh out of sheer incredulity. Or maybe hysteria. Perhaps both. 
“Um, yes, you are. I can literally taste the whiskey off your breath,” Kara says, before abruptly coughing and shaking her head. “I mean, smell. I can smell the... you know, the whiskey...” 
“No,” Andrea growls, her eyes growing sharp, alert. “I’m not... Andrea.” 
Kara takes a step back, her entire face scrunching into a deeply perplexed frown. 
She studies the face staring back at her. The sharp features, the pouting red lips and the jagged scar across the brow, all deeply familiar and completely at odds with the assertion that had just spilled forth from those very same lips. 
But Kara wills herself to look harder, to look past the obvious, and meets the insistent gaze before her head-on. Her heart pounds painfully in her chest, somehow recognizing the eyes before her brain can even catch up. 
They’re the wrong color, but it’s the very same softened expression that had accompanied the words that still drift into Kara’s awareness at the most inconvenient moments. 
I know you believe that everything is good...
Kara swallows hard.
And kind...
She blinks and shakes her head, but it clears up absolutely nothing for her. 
And that is one of the things I love about you. 
Kara holds her breath, and dares to venture, to believe, to hope. 
“... Lena?”
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Saw a while back that you wrote a red toxin murven smut fic so uh...when are you dropping it 👀
Oh, my friend.... call me out, why don’t you?!??!! LOL! Yes, yes you are exactly right! I did start/almost complete a red sun toxin Murven story and then I got super distracted by a few of the sneak peeks prior to some eps and even though time has no meaning for me anymore, I think I also got caught up in another story idea that I started writing...? Omg I have too many stories started - it’s an affliction, I won’t lie! Honestly it’s not a bad thing since it just means more stories all around but yeah you’re absolutely correct - I DID promise this one would be done by now.
But here’s the good news! I’ve been working on THIS exact story yesterday and today and it’s really close to being complete, FOR REAL now. It’s a oneshot over 6k and I really do think it’ll be ready to post late tonight or tomorrow. And I actually made a moodboard for it this time around too!
Here, have a sneak peak since I feel guilty! 😉
The swarm of insects unsettles her more than she’ll admit. Raven had heard about the phenomenon, of course. Seeing it headed right for her was something altogether different. 
She knew that when the first group from the Eligius IV had landed on the surface of this inhabitable moon weeks ago, they had been attacked by the bugs near a lake, and had stumbled through a patch of woods to try and outrun the pests before finding a protective, electrified dome to escape into. And no one had to remind her exactly how they’d gotten inside that dome either, her feelings about Shaw still complicated and full of guilt regardless of the time skips she’d experienced since she so impulsively left Sanctum with Clarke and the others. 
Raven shakes her head, dragging her focus back to the cloud of droning insects, considering that’s her most pressing problem at the moment. Most of the people in Sanctum have all run outside at the shouts and blasting alarms that had started a few minutes ago, disturbing the pleasant campfire she and Murphy had been enjoying, and in the chaos she’s lost track of him, of Bellamy and Gabriel too. She yells at everyone wandering around in panic, tells them to run and hopes they know enough to head inside or try to find some kind of underground shelter. She’s debating where to go herself when she glimpses Bellamy across one of the small ponds as he grabs Cadogan and starts to hustle him off to the right, and she instinctively begins to head in that direction for safety, in a hurry to catch up. Only a few laborious steps later there’s a solid grip on her upper arm along with a tenacious voice in her ear, both urging her in another direction. 
“No, not with them. Too dangerous. Come this way, trust me.”
Murphy looks determined, already half-dragging her even before she gives him an answer, but there wasn’t really a question that she’ll follow him, even with the way they’d left things between them when she saw him last. Murphy pushes most of the throngs of Sanctum residents out of their way, clearing a path for her so it’s less of a struggle, and it’s not long before she finds herself back in the palace, although a different part of it than the throne room they started out in. There’s less people around them now, though Murphy still keeps a strong grasp on her, rushing through mostly deserted hallways until she’s hopelessly lost. He wrenches open a door towards the end of a corridor, and she gets a quick glimpse of a fancy desk and chair before Murphy yanks her over to a bookshelf and she watches with interest as he reaches his hand behind a stack of books and then the entire shelf swings forward on unseen hinges. 
“Kaylee Prime wasn’t the only one who kept a diary,” Murphy mutters, quickly pulling her into a dark room behind the bookshelf before he secures the opening once more.
To be continued.... SOON, I promise! Keep an eye on ao3 or for a new post from me!
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vroenis · 4 years
The Internet Is Not Remarkable | Which Is Why It’s Remarkable
Oddly I’ve not ever felt the need to unplug. I don’t have a sense of separation between life happening away from the Wire and life happening on the Wire or the Wire not being life. It was never a distinct thing I ever had to decide was or wasn’t life or became life, either. Being born in the early 80′s, I guess means the Wire wasn’t always there as a salient presence, integrated into the fabric of life. Heyo I had a Nokia 3210. That doesn’t mean anything, by the way, it just places me on a timeline. Nostalgia sucks and is literally valueless. Let’s make art you can steal.
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Anecdotally it means I saw the internet happen as a Thing. It’s less important than it sounds. Also the internet going from not being a Thing to being in our pockets. OK. But honestly it’s not very important. As in the transition isn’t important. There were a lot of people there when it happened and I think a lot of us if and when we’re honest will tell you now, in retrospect, it’s not a big deal. People older than I am and some my age and younger who have an ignorant and uninformed understanding of life and experience will go on about life being better or significantly more meaningful before or without the Wire but honestly they’re wrong. I’ll come out and say it’s flat better. Sure it makes misinformation easier as much as it makes all the good things better but wow media control and information mass-dissemination before the Wire? Are you kidding me? 
On the topic of unplugging and digitally detoxing and I realise The 1975 just made a video all about it that was overly cute, yes, but still pretty fucken’ great. Let’s link it because honestly, it’s a wonderful snapshot of its time that they’re unquestionably aware will date immensely and that is a big part of the point. The 1975 hardly need any more promo but what can I say, I’ve no problem being part of an adoring fanbase and adore them we do. Let us adore.
That it’s so on-the-nose and that it’s a big part of the point is going to anger and frustrate people so much, moreso that exactly that reaction is a part of being caught-up in the inevitable participation in what the song and indeed, what Matty as an individual and what the band as a commercial and cultural entity are. The too cool thing to do is say you didn’t know anything about it, you didn’t watch it, you don’t care for it, you’re immune to it and continue to be ignorant of it - sure, I used to be cool like you. The thing is I both care less and more about being cool.
I love this song, I love what it’s doing and what it means. I love being a fan of and loving things. I love that other people love things I love. I still love loving things no-one knows about but I always love other people finding and loving my things, even if and when some of them behave badly because as an adult and an individual, I understand that participating in one cultural activity doesn’t mean I’m fully represented as a whole cultural entity.
Coming back to unplugging and that not being necessary for me, it connects to not being overwhelmed by it, which connects again, to the Wire not being separate and distinct from what I see as my experience of life. If the Wire is a mundane aspect of life then it’s unnecessary to disconnect from it. I engage with it as much as I engage with other things, that is to say I’m fascinated by, obsess over, and grow bored with things on it as much as all subjects, objects and activities in life equally. I don’t think this is unique to me at all, I suspect it’s quite common.
As it happens, I got into Instagram in a big way around the same time I got into contemporary board games. Both of these things I’ve almost wholly discarded. Almost, but not quite. I still maintain my Instagram account because I’ve made some valuable and enduring connections on it and as a platform I seem to have nurtured some semblance of an audience for a sprinkling of subjects and visual motifs. As for board games, I’m actually still quite interested in them but there’s so much about them as an industry and culture I actively dislike and have also grown bored of that I’ve consciously disengaged from them.
Facebook as a culture has always been weird to me, I can’t say I’ve ever understood it as a platform. Primarily it seemed to function as a space to connect with people you already know - OK. So then we’re encouraged to engage with one-another on... topics we may or may not already be engaging with either in our physical time together in which case, it’s redundant? Or we post articles we expect others to read which mostly they don’t unless aaaaaah - they’re short, reductive and in simple language and now the exercise is hazardous. The platform then actively co-opts strangers into discussions by facilitating cross-posting intra-sharing articles, which to be frank is about eyes on ads and ad-revenue, here we get to the ultimate objective of Facebook as a platform which I guess is why none of it makes any sense. Engagement at all costs. Of-course Facebook doesn’t care about racist groups and the real violence it precipitates, why on earth would that matter to them? The only thing that matters is capitalist gains. As long as it doesn’t directly cost them and as long as there are no economic consequences for them, they will proceed, and this is pervasive and transparent in the way all actions are facilitated and encouraged on the platform as a utility.
There’s more to discuss about Facebook but you’ve had those discussions before and they’re boring. Facebook is boring. The way people use Facebook is  boring. Many of my peers ported to Instagram because as many of them said “It’s like Facebook but just pictures” and something along the lines of “It’s just pure” and there’s a high degree of truth in that. The sense of purity comes from the feeling of positivity in that thumbs becomes hearts - the likes an image gets. Engagement is fairly low-level. People express their endorsement of an image or do nothing at all. Occasionally there’s discussion, predominantly positive and for the most part I’d agree it’s wholesome. You can find toxicity easily enough and all of it is bad, but there are whole spaces on Instagram where you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a platform free of it altogether.
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I guess it’s worth mention when I was peak Instagram, I was producing a super lo-fi but passionate board games podcast I recorded with R and we were also running several public and private board games groups around Melbourne. There was a lot of good about that sense of community and some of those people are still in our lives now. Platforms like Instagram are great for celebrating many of those aspects, I’d still say better than Facebook. Instagram is more approachable and simpler for just showing a thing and liking it - the engagement is direct and the commitment level (sign-up, visual clutter, privacy concerns, settings digest etc.) is minimal.
There are some Instagram Stories (read: Snapchat clones) there listed under This Account that briefly go thru the effective mothballing of my account. To have a different discussion here, I know how much and what kind of work it takes to build and maintain and audience on Instagram and it’s not interesting to me any more. It’s boring. I don’t mean to disrespect the audience I have there, all audiences are made up of people. Their behaviour on the platform is indicative of the cultural space that Instagram is, not their respective characters and that’s fine. That I’m bored is indicative of my feelings towards the platform and the culture it fosters, not how I feel about the people themselves. I still really like most of the people I’ve made connections with on Instagram and ping them DMs about beer, Lego and art once in a while. Instagram is about keeping it light - or lite is perhaps more appropriate - and I’m happy to keep my engagement level likewise.
That makes it extremely strange that I chose tumblr as a cultural space for my long-format writing, then, hey. Sure does. I did write about tumblr as a cultural space and honestly I still feel the same way about it - I absolutely love it here. Even tho I don’t engage in tumblr at all in the way the culture here utilises it, oddly I still feel right at home, fitting that one of the titles of the entry is Hiding In Plain Sight.
I don’t effectively have an audience for my writing here, tho, and that certainly is different. There’s a certain buzz missing from seeing a post light up with hearts, but then I think - a post gets a tally of hearts, of likes, so the people around me - my audience - likes an image and/or the accompanying text I’ve written tho that’s unlikely as the ratio of viewers to readers is likely to be extremely low. So if I think about how meaningful the text is to me versus the image, sometimes it’s split down the middle, but often the writing is far more important or at least there’s massive intent for gravitas to the image. Without the text, the image would be pleasant at best, and I realise that’s what people are engaging with and throwing a heart at, and I’m not interesting in doing that. I’m interesting in writing and expressing because I’m doing that anyway. I’m talking to and for myself regardless which I’m very happy to do, so if I’m going to do that, I’m happy to do it on the assumption of no audience and just express freely without restraint on subjects that interest me the most.
I either will or won’t develop that audience, but it will have to be with people who are dedicated enough to read and that might be a thing just yet, but who knows, there may be coming a time when people realise it’s not the Wire they need to unplug from. I’m not spinning up theories because it’s less complicated than that. I still operate a Facebook account. There’s a lot to hate about Facebook but of itself it’s mostly banal. Sure its UI and UX both are horrors that precipitate actual nightmares (unrelated but recent: none worse that iTunes MY GOD WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY) but from a utility perspective it can be useful in the least. I have connections with a handful of people and communities which are useful to me for the moment so until they’re not, I’ll use the platform - but my weekly usage would be measured in minutes, I’m not sure I’d make cumulative hours in seven days.
When I moved away from Twitter and Instagram, I wanted a more considered approach to everything including images. I did once take long walks in Melbourne and photograph things that I found aesthetically interesting and under the circumstances that isn’t possible. I did stop doing that much earlier than Covid19 tho but that’s due to family circumstances alluded to in other posts. I still think if I ever take up photographing things with the same regularity, those images will end up here, simply because if I want to cut in with text, I can with better control. But also because it’s more meaningful if I don’t, and also as an artefact, a html page is something that invites a more static approach to the scrolling endless feeds of Instagram and Facebook. That design is absolutely intentional to promote short engagement and continued dismissal and that’s not something I want to encourage, with mine or anyone else’s art, thoughts, responses and engagement.
I don’t think I’ve addressed how The Internet Is Remarkable, but it’s pervasive in much of what I do on and with the Wire. I think accessibility is one of the most powerful things we do as humans. I’m sure there are folks who are sick of Margaret Mead’s healed femur anecdote or at least people quoting it. I fucking love that quote. I might not like people not fully comprehending it but I sure love what it truly represents. I think something people may be surprised to hear from me is that I will never say that I don’t like people. I really don’t like the quips and memes about hell being other people or I don’t mind going outside, it’s the other people ad infinitum. It’s easy to look at a large representation of behaviour and say “People are stupid” but it’s much more difficult to sit in a room of people you know and tell them they’re stupid. I might find it increasingly difficult to find other adults with which I can engage, on subjects I and they both can and enjoy engaging on, but I both have the willingness to and the optimism that it will and should happen. A part of that is the exercise - the practice of considered expression, of thinking, language and performance. Some of that for me is writing here, some of it is in the musical instruments I play, some of it is in the oral auditory words I speak.
Fucking around is good fun, we don’t always take life too seriously - sure, but we also don’t just fuck around. If that’s all you end up being able to do, there’s so much you end up not doing, not seeing and experiencing. Imagine the only form of expression you have is to tap a heart. That’s not to diminish the power of tapping that heart - mate, smash that shit - did you see that last picture of the beers we bought? DID YOU SEE MY BEERS? Those are some champion fucken’ beers, follow my Instagram.
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Look you might need to unplug occasionally or partially or permanently or whatever. This isn’t a sermon, I’m not talking at you, I’m talking to you or rather I’m talking to myself. I’m telling you about myself because like everything I do and typically will always mention, it’s a provocation but also an invitation to talk about yourself. We share with one another to learn about other experiences and grow perspective on our own - you get all of that. That’s why the Wire is a good thing. Accessibility to broader experiences is a good thing.
This mass documentation we’re doing? Even if no-one reads it, even if only a tiny shred of it is shared... do you realise how immense that tiny shred is? Of a billion billion billion terabytes of unread, unseen, unknown data, the tiniest fraction that gets shared between humans is still huge were it to remain hidden and secret - all the wonderful art, the ugly horror, the juvenile silliness, the unending pain and sorrow, the saccharine sweetness, the lilting playfulness, the nonsensical vagary, the bare minimalism, the overbearing eloquence, everything subjective and argued and agreed and ignored.
The internet is an ordinary book of everything made of electricity and you carry a copy of it in your pocket.
I’ll echo similar sentiments to those in the feature on Jeremy Blake. You can be an arsehole, or you be awesome and kind and we can do amazing things together.
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standbyyourmantis · 6 years
Bottle Episode 3/3
PART 1 | PART 2 | AO3 | FFN 
They were halfway through the pack of cookies before they came up for air from the game. Belle was surprised at how good Eli was at Scrabble, she hadn’t been allowed to play with anyone back in San Diego because she was so good at it. She was still pretty sure she was going to win, but it was nice to at least have a challenge. They’d been playing for ages, and the longer it went on the less talking they did, he was pretty competitive but so was she. If they were slightly more comfortable with each other, she could easily see this turning ugly. She was already choking down her worst instincts whenever he put down a particularly good word.
“I should have let you stay outside,” she muttered when he played QAT down to a double word score.
He just chuckled as he drew his replacement tiles and she watched his face settle into a smirk as he started rearranging them in his tray. She couldn’t quite decide if she liked it or not. He was a smug bastard, but he was a handsome one.
“Nervous?” he asked her, and she just glared at him as she contemplated her tiles, letting her eyes flick between her letters and the ones on the board while she mentally arranged and rearranged them until they made some kind of sense. At last, her eyes lit upon her vengeance, and she watched with no small amount of satisfaction as he took in the word BEZIQUES where she’d placed it coming off of his Q.
“Well played,” he said.
“Wasn’t it just?”
“I hadn’t pegged you as a sore winner,” he said with a voice dripping with amusement.
“I am not. I am competitive. There is a difference.”
They played in silence a little longer, he may not have expected her to be competitive but she’d always assumed that he would be. He had a reputation for being such an asshole, but the more time she spent with him the more she realized that wasn’t the whole story – sure, he was almost certainly a right royal bastard when he wanted to be, but beyond that he was mostly just competitive and a little sarcastic. But he had a sweetness to him that peeked out on occasion. He would banter with her over Life and match her intensity at Scrabble. There was nothing else for it, she was having fun with him.
They played in relative silence for the rest of the game, until finally the last tiles were played and on checking the scores he’d edged her out by less than a dozen points. That was...different.
“Are you okay?” he asked her carefully, and she tried super hard to relax. She always won at Scrabble, she should not be this upset by it, and she definitely did not know him well enough to freak out about this.
She nodded, and bit her lip to keep from talking. Talking was bad, and she’d say something she regretted. Instead, she just set about packing away the board and pieces. After a bit she felt him watching her and when she glanced up he was watching her and obviously trying to hide his amusement. “What?”
“Nothing,” he replied quickly.
“No, tell me!”
“It’s really nothing.”
He was trying so hard not to smile it actually made her smile. She was being ridiculous. This was all ridiculous.
“I’m sorry. I’m overreacting.”
“Think nothing of it,” he said. “I’m sure you’ll beat me next time.”
“Maybe.” Next time. If that was her way of asking her on a date, she was willing but he was definitely going to have to do better than that. “We’ll see.”
“How long have we been playing this?” he asked, pulling his phone out and checking the time. “Wow, it’s already afternoon.”
“Oh, damn. I guess I should probably make lunch.”
“I’ll help.” He jumped up to his feet and offered her his hand where she sat. She took his hand and let him help her up off the floor. It took her a split second to realize that she was standing too close to him and she quickly took a half-step back with a muttered thank you before retreating to the kitchen.
Belle surveyed their options in the pantry and the refrigerator. She hadn’t really prepared to be snowed in (the news had called for ‘flurries’ not ‘the apocalypse’) and she certainly had not prepared to be entertaining anyone in her home. This storm needed to clear up or she was going to be in trouble.
“How do sandwiches sound?” she asked. There wasn’t much else without getting into dinner territory, which was something else she was going to have to figure out later.
“Sandwiches sound perfect. What can I do?”
“Can you check the pantry? I may have some canned soup or something in there.”
He poked his head into the pantry. “I see a carton of tomato and… how much Top Ramen does one woman need?”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “Can you make the tomato soup and I’ll make sandwiches?”
He nodded and pulled the little waxed paper carton of soup from the pantry. It was a slightly higher quality than the canned variety, but honestly snowy weather made her miss the canned stuff. It wasn’t a complicated meal, but it was nice just cooking quietly with another person, even if she did only sort of know him.
 Eli hadn’t done anything like this in ages. When Bailey had been a little boy they’d certainly had snow days together, but that was a decade or more ago and certainly a different energy altogether. He didn’t know that he’d ever had a day like this before.
The radio was still playing after they’d finished eating, the conversation had paused and she was just smiling at him and it was comfortable. Very comfortable. He stood quickly and grabbed the dishes off the table, bringing them to the sink like he’d done after breakfast.
“You don’t have to do that,” she said. “I can get them in a little bit.”
“I don’t mind. Besides, it’s the least I can do.”
“Well, thank you anyway. It’s nice not having to worry about them for a change.”
He could well understand that sentiment, as much as he didn’t mind living alone the daily minutiae of keeping a house by himself did wear thin. It was nice to have a short break from dealing with his own home, even though his was going to be completely destroyed by a college student by the time he got back to it. Well, real life could wait just for the day.
Belle filled a kettle while he washed the dishes, and he watched out of the corner of his eye as she opened a cabinet next to the refrigerator.
“Coffee, tea, or cocoa?” she asked.
“Um, tea is fine.”
She was humming a little tune as she prepared the tea, and he ended up distracting himself cleaning the sink just to stick around a little bit longer and listen to it. Besides, what else was he doing before the tea was finished?
“Do you mind taking the tea out to the balcony?” she asked him. “I want to get some blankets.”
He took the mugs and followed her back into her bedroom and out through a door he hadn’t noticed to a small patio with two chairs and a little table which he set the mugs on before sitting. She offered him a blanket and he settled in with the tea and blanket. It was nice and comfortable, and even with the cold there was a warmth he hadn’t anticipated.
 They weren’t able to stay outside much more than an hour or so, but somehow it didn’t seem like a wasted day. It was actually almost comfortable, even pleasant, which wasn’t how he was used to feeling around strangers. But then, could he really say that she was a stranger still? They’d most likely had sex and sure, he didn’t remember much of it, but it still meant something. Or at least it should. He wasn’t exactly in the habit of having casual sex with women, and especially not with women who he actually rather liked. So, the question just remained, how not-casual was this, and how to move forward from here.
Belle was sprawled across the sofa with a book in her face – an inexpensive looking paperback copy of a novel he’d never even heard of, and he was trying to lose himself in an article on his phone, but it wasn’t really working. It was a dull article about tax rates, and it just could not hold his attention.
“So what do you want for dinner?” she asked without even looking up from her book.
“I’ll take care of it.”
“No, that’s okay. I can handle it.”
“I don’t mind. You look a lot more interested in your book than I am in what I’m doing, and besides, you cooked for me this morning.”
She didn’t look completely convinced, but she was also glancing down to her open book in a way that implied that she was at an interesting part.
“Keep reading,” he said and she finally nodded and leaned back down into the sofa with her nose back in the book. It was cuter than he’d have thought it would be, and he was enjoying her obvious enjoyment of her novel.
The kitchen was still a bit of a mystery, but a quick glance through her pantry revealed dried pasta, garlic, olive oil, and some chili flakes. Her fridge yielded a lemon and parmesan cheese. Parsley would have been perfect, but she had cilantro which would work fine. He put the pasta on and set about sauteing everything else in a saucepan when he heard her nearby.
“That smells amazing,” she said, glancing into the pan he was working on. “What is it?”
“It’s pasta aglio et olio, nothing fancy.”
He was showing off, and she probably knew it, but she didn’t say anything about it. It was an easy enough dish to make, but it always sounded complicated if you didn’t see it being made. She made a little humming noise and smiled before retreating to the pantry. She emerged with a bottle of red wine and stood on tiptoes to reach two wine glasses in the cabinet. She poured one glass and offered it to him with a little tilt of her head, wordlessly asking if he wanted the wine. He took the proffered glass and she poured the other one for herself as he started mixing the pasta into the oil sauce with a pair of tongs. A spritz of lemon, a little bit of the leafy parts of the cilantro, and a lot of parmesan and it was ready to plate.
 Dinner went well. The wine had eased both of them just enough to smooth the conversation, but not enough to cause any stupid decisions like the night before. They finished all of his pasta followed by the remainder of the cookies and a second bottle of wine. She was all easy smiles and sweet giggles no matter how bad the joke he told. It was pleasant and fun, and by the time they retired to her living room he was already beginning to sense that she might have some interest in him. It was an odd thing to be sitting next to a woman he hadn’t thought twice about two days ago wondering if he should ask her on an actual date, but it was also his new reality.
“Can I ask you a personal question?” she asked. That was never a good thing to hear from a woman in general, and he was not sure at all this was going to go well.
“Depends on what it is.”
“Where does your son think you are?”
Oh. Well, that certainly wasn’t where he saw that going.
“He knows I spent the night with someone, but I didn’t exactly go into details.”
“So he’s not going to come around telling at me to stay away from his father?” She said it with a sly smile and he realized all at once she was flirting.
“No, I think you’re safe.” He had to come up with some way to flirt back. But subtly, because this was still so new and so promising. “What about me? Am I going to have an army of jilted admirers chasing me down to defend your honor?”
She giggled again and stretched out her foot to tap his knee playfully. “No, I’ve been staying away from men for awhile now. But you’re not supposed to talk about that before, like, the fifth date.”
“Yeah? Well, I won’t tell if you don’t.”
“It’s really not that interesting. I mean, do you date a lot? Since your divorce, I mean?”
He had to laugh a little at the sheer absurdity of the question. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but there aren’t that many single women in this town.”
“You know what I meant! I just didn’t want to jump back into another mistake.”
“Fair, although I admit I am curious how you managed an annulment.”
“That was the easiest part! We got married in Vegas, and the first night of our honeymoon he confessed he’d been having an affair, and his side chick was pregnant.”
His jaw dropped and he wanted to say something comforting, but honestly what was there to say to that?
“I could have gotten a divorce at home and it would have probably been easier, but I wanted it to have never happened. So I petitioned for an annulment in Nevada and that was that.” She took a long drink of her wine and looked away for awhile and he pretended not to notice that she was blinking back tears before she looked back at him with the big smile back on her face.
“Would you like to dance?” he blurted out before he could even think about having asked her. The radio was still on, there was music playing, and he’d just asked her to dance. He was about to backpedal and try to play it off as a joke, but then she surprised him.
“I’d love to.”
She got to her feet before he did, and at that point there was no backing down without being a jerk and a coward, the dumbass who panicked at the idea of a girl liking him.
 It was silly to dance to the radio in her living room, but it felt so damn romantic Belle couldn’t stand it. She probably shouldn’t have said the things she’d said about her marriage, but he was probably going to find out sooner or later and she’d never actually told anyone what had happened, they’d all just sort of figured it out when he’d posted the sonogram on Facebook. It was just nice to have said it all out loud. It had felt like the rug had been ripped out from underneath her and she’d spent the last two years in a freefall before finally landing and finding her feet again. And now, she was dancing.
He was a decent dancer, though they weren’t exactly doing anything special. Just swaying in time and trying not to be so self-conscious that she couldn’t look at him. It was nice, and it was easy to pretend just for a moment that this was going to be her life from now on. She knew next to nothing about Eli, it was a silly fantasy world and he was just a stand-in for the ideal she’d created of the man she should have married, but it was her fantasy and for right now it was exactly where she wanted to be. He was looking at her like he wanted her, like she was the only girl in the world, and she wanted to chase that elusive feeling for just a little bit longer. The Belle who lived this life would think nothing of tilting her head back and kissing him, but the real one was only given the courage by the wine and the late hour of the evening.
Kissing him sober was a whole new experience for her. He was a good kisser, he didn’t try to push too hard or control the kiss, he asked and she answered. They weren’t dancing anymore, but it took her awhile to figure it out because she still felt like she was spinning. Maybe it was a bad idea to do this, but if so it was the right kind of bad because she just felt better about herself when she was talking to him. He already had to stay the night again, what did she have to lose?
She broke away from the kiss and loved the dumbstruck look on his face. That made the choice for her, she wanted to keep seeing that look for as long as she could.
“Do you want to go to bed?” she asked. She wasn’t sure if he’d gotten her point right away, so she punctuated the question by teasing the ends of his hair in her fingertips waiting for the dawning realization of what she meant. It had been on the table all day, and it was time to follow through.
He didn’t reply, instead he just leaned down and kissed her hard again. She sighed into the kiss when his hands came up to hold her face and she leaned into him. It was so nice to be close to anyone, but especially to him. They had all night, and they were both finally, blissfully, sober.
 The morning had come too soon, and Eli was actually disappointed to find out that the roads had been cleared and he was safe to go home. She’d kissed him goodbye, and he’d asked her to get lunch sometime. She’d agreed, and as soon as Bailey had gone back to college they’d started dating in earnest. It was the happiest he thought he’d been in the last decade.
He was at work when he heard the bell on the door ringing, and when he looked up she was there, dusting snow off her shoulders and looking just as beautiful as she ever did.
“Hey,” he said. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Is there someplace we can sit?”
He felt his stomach drop to his feet at her mood, because she was more serious than he’d ever seen her. He pulled the curtain to the backroom open and she didn’t wait before walking in ahead of him and dropping onto the daybed in the back with a dazed look on her face. He was worried as hell now, and if she didn’t tell him what was going on soon he was going to have a heart attack.
“What –”
“I’m pregnant.” She hadn’t even waited for him to finish sitting down across from her before saying it, and for a brief moment he thought that she might be kidding, but she was stone faced as she sat there and it wouldn’t have been funny in any event.
They’d only been dating about six weeks. He couldn’t believe this had happened – what the hell were they even going to do?
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Astrology Cafe Daily Astrology ABOUT TODAY DAILY MONTHLY CHART You are here: Home / Daily Astrology / Astrology of Today – Sunday, February 11, 2018 Astrology of Today – Sunday, February 11, 2018 Feb 10, 2018 by Annie Heese Leave a Comment  The Moon is in Capricorn. The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase until 1:34 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Crescent phase. The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 7th and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will occur on February 15th in the sign of Aquarius. Venus spends its first full day in Pisces (Venus transits Pisces from February 10th to March 6th). **Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST). Daily Astro Highlights for each Sign: Aries  Aries Venus is now in your privacy sector, dear Aries, where she will stay until March 6th. There can be less clarity with your feelings or your social/love life during this cycle, but it’s a time to explore your own emotions and get more in touch with your true, deep feelings. Private moments with a partner, or yourself, can be particularly cherished now. Taking these periods as a chance to reflect, either by yourself or with someone close to you, can be particularly beneficial and lead to some impactful soul-searching about your love life. Take it easy and open yourself to reflection. Financially, it is a good time to comb through past projects for patterns that could give you clues that benefit current or future ventures. The Moon meets with Saturn at the top of your solar chart, reminding you of your work duties or outside obligations. However, a Mercury-Jupiter connection encourages you to learn, share, and absorb new information from your networks and associates today. Taurus  Taurus Venus is now transiting your friendship sector, dear Taurus, and will stick around here for just over three weeks. Venus, now in Pisces, is compassionate and boundless, and you can be feeling complicated and warm feelings for friends or wistful regarding your social life. During this cycle, you value freedom and space in your friendships and social life, allowing you to enjoy a carefree, energetic social life without feeling bogged down by too many expectations and demands from and for others. Forming new friendships can come easily during this cycle due to your unusually open and personable manner, leading to an enjoyable sense of variety in your social life. On any regular day, by nature, you are always exceptionally helpful with your friends, and this trait is particularly prominent now. Today is a good time to expand your mind and open up to discoveries, especially regarding goals for your future. The morning may bring a small wake-up call or a need to fill a responsibility, but you feel pleasantly busy and needed now. Gemini  Gemini Venus is now transiting your career and reputation sector, dear Gemini, where she will bring benefits until March 6th. Social opportunities in professional settings are plentiful during this cycle, along with a particular concern for how you present yourself to others. During this approximately three-week period, you come across as very personable, charming, helpful, and attractive to the people around you. You may are unafraid to express yourself professionally and showcase your abilities and talent, which can accumulate in successes through your managerial qualities or artistic expertise, as well as recognition from your peers and superiors. Therefore, this is a great time to network and make personal contact with people in positions of authority, as it can contribute good things to your career and image. This cycle also provides an opening for some of you to meet a potential love interest in a professional setting. Today, your ruler, Mercury, aligns with Jupiter, and you’re in a beautiful position to make a happy agreement or enjoy good interactions with someone special. It’s also a fine time for enjoying your work and learning something new while you do. Cancer  Cancer Venus is now transiting a fellow Water sign, Pisces, until March 6th, dear Cancer. After a period of deeper reflection on your feelings and needs, it’s now time to share your light with the world. This transit results in powerful attraction towards you, wherein desired things and outcomes are brought to you instead of having to pursue them actively. Venus, after all, attracts rather than chases. This transit stimulates a craving for new experiences and diversity in your life. The people, places, food, and experiences you seek out may be more exotic than usual during this three-week period. Be sure to share your ideas and philosophies with others, as doing so can enhance your relationships or attract new ones altogether. Today, there is much to learn and enjoy through games, entertainment, leisure time, and conversations. Casual interactions can lead to exciting and possibly even profound discoveries today. Leo  Leo Venus has just entered the sign of Pisces, where she will transit until March 6th, dear Leo. This transit stimulates a stronger need for reciprocity and more harmonious sharing experiences. Working on some of the more complicated aspects of relationships is beneficial at this time, as well as the sharing and building of intimacy within your relationships. Your love nature runs a little deeper now, which makes it an intense period for exploring some of the feelings and attractions you may have pushed to the side. Financially, this can be a time when money comes to you more fluidly or is shared with you in unexpected ways outside of your regular income. You may find support from others is readily available and you more easily come to satisfying agreements in the coming three weeks. Today, the first half of the day brings a responsibility to mind and you’re anxious to take care of business. It’s also an important day for exchanging ideas with others, particularly related to improving home or family life. Warm conversations are likely. Virgo  Virgo After spending a few weeks in your work-and-health sector, Venus is now moving through your partnership sector, dear Virgo, where she will transit until March 6th. This cycle brings a strong desire to improve close relationships in your life as well as opens you up to more pleasing social situations. You are particularly open, cooperative, and kind at this time. This is an excellent cycle for communication and compromise when it comes to your affections and relationships, as you are collaborative and open-minded. In fact, people in your life have something valuable to show you, assist you with, or teach you now. This extends to business, where negotiations can also benefit from your positive and cooperative energy. However, do not forget to think of what you want from others as well or you end up being a doormat to the needs of others. Let yourself be treated as kindly as you are treating others. The Moon aligns with Saturn in your creativity and romance sector this morning, and you’re inclined to give these things serious thought. You want to be productive now. Mercury and Jupiter form a parallel, and conversations can be super helpful. Learning something useful or hearing relieving news can figure strongly now. Libra  Libra Venus is now transiting your work and health sector, dear Libra, where she will transit until March 6th. This cycle is an excellent time to restore balance to your everyday life, including professionally. You may feel a strong desire to work on your working relationships and tweak your daily routines to better yourself. With these changes, you can open up new social opportunities through your work or in pursuit of new personal goals. Although this transit is not particularly love-focused, attractions may arise from your increased charm in professional settings, or platonically through improved relationships with coworkers. Although you may sometimes feel at the whims of others or that you too often serve rather than be served, this can also be a time when you more thoroughly enjoy your work or what you do. Be sure not to forget about yourself and your needs, and you’re more inclined to benefit from this useful cycle. The Moon spends the day in your home sector, reminding you of domestic responsibilities but also of your need for personal space and security. Scorpio  Scorpio With Venus now in Pisces until March 6th, dear Scorpio, your natural charm is particularly enchanting to others. You are especially joyful and attractive, and others are noticing, including love interests. This cycle has you radiating positive energy, and this results in a feel-good, comfortable time. It is a good period for dabbling in activities and hobbies that you find enjoyable but that you may not have given yourself the opportunity to enjoy recently. Enjoy this comfortable, carefree energy, dear Scorpio, and allow yourself to appreciate and notice its gifts. Creativity can soar now. The Moon spends today in your solar third house, and this is a mental position. Its sobering alignment with Saturn this morning can get you in a productive frame of mind. Today is excellent for learning, teaching, and sharing. Sagittarius  Sagittarius Venus is now transiting your family and home sector, where she will transit until March 6th, dear Sagittarius. This cycle brings calm, pleasing energy to your domestic life. It’s easier to bring comfort and peacefulness to your home life and with your family, mainly because you value these things more than usual. This makes it an excellent time to spend some quality time with your family and close loved ones, and even to redecorate your home or add some pleasant accents that enhance beauty, comfort, and enjoyment. If you’ve been wanting to throw a dinner party or have a gathering at your home, this is the time to do so. Although your heart may be closing itself off to new people during this time, love might be found closer to home. Today’s Mercury-Jupiter alignment is terrific for your communications. It’s a great day for coming to a happy agreement with someone or for receiving good news. Capricorn  Capricorn Until March 6th, Venus is in favorable aspect to your Sun, dear Capricorn, and is transiting your sector of communications and transportation. This is a time where you’re more mindful of coming across as fair and kind in your interactions with others, which can boost your communication skills. The powers of your words to attract positive situations and people into your life are lovely now. You are better able to persuade and think on your feet. It’s a good time to show your loved ones that you care with small gestures, such as letting them know you are thinking of them with texts, emails, or pleasant conversations. Spending that additional time to reach out can enhance relationships, especially as others are finding your ideas and intelligence particularly attractive during this cycle. This can extend to your career where your communication skills can also come in handy. Today, the Moon is in your sign, and you’re ready to make a mark or take the lead. People notice you more than usual. Good news about money or business can make its way to you now. Aquarius  Aquarius Venus moved out of your sign yesterday, dear Aquarius, and into your values sector, where she will stay until March 6th. This is a time to settle down and think about your own desires and needs. This calmer period will awaken you to the value of the simple pleasures in your life. You can be expressing more patience in your life and love, and this can benefit you greatly at this point. There is less of a desire to seek out new experiences as you value those who you are currently close to and with whom you’re comfortable. Financially, your relatability with others may lead to enhanced personal finances, with money or gifts potentially coming your way. This is also a time when you feel a desire to treat yourself to something luxurious or indulgent. Today, the Moon is in your privacy and soul sector, inclining you to take a back seat or enjoy some downtime. A Mercury-Jupiter connection, however, suggests it’s a fabulous time to arrive at useful conclusions or learn something valuable. Pisces  Pisces Venus has just left your privacy sector and is now in your sign, dear Pisces, where she will stay until March 6th. There is a focus on pleasure and attraction in your life currently, with your charm coming out in full force. You are more open to expressing your affections and emotions, which attracts positive energy from the people around you. Rather than actively seeking out experiences and people, you are inviting them into your life with your casual, but compelling, personal magnetism during this cycle. You’re feeling a little more worthy of attention, good about yourself, or open to new pleasures. Today, the Moon is in your social sector, and a Mercury-Jupiter alignment encourages big thinking, positive communications, and grand ideas. * Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here. Above are astrological event highlights for the day. Full Horoscopes are on Cafe Astrology. If Your Birthday is February 11th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here. Astrology of Today – The Details: If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts (for the astrology of the week, see This Week in Astrology): Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.     Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 0:00 am Event: Moon in Capricorn Description: The Moon in Capricorn Consolidate. Pay attention to the foundations of life. Repair and restructure. Attend to financial or business matters. Make solid plans and get organized. Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 3:08 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Mer Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Mercury What feels right clashes with logic today. What people are saying may be a misrepresentation of their true feelings/emotions. It’s better to think before we speak, or misunderstandings can follow. Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 9:16 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Sat Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Saturn There can be stronger awareness of our responsibilities, or new responsibilities fall into our laps. Emotions may be cooled, and we can appear to be unsympathetic. A time for making lists. Emotional matters may not fare very well. There can be some loneliness or starkness felt. An auspicious time for projects demanding endurance or tolerance. Also good for establishing new habits and rituals. Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 12:02 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Jup Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Jupiter Self-indulgence is more likely now. We’re not as inclined to consider the consequences of over-eating, over-drinking, or overdoing in general. We may be acting in a haughty manner. Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 1:07 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Pal Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Pallas There is a good ability to successfully combine logic and intuition, and to understand problems taking into account the human element. There is sensitivity to people’s issues now. Cooperation. Effective, sensitive decision making. Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 1:34 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Sun Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Sun What we feel and what we think we should do can be at odds with one another temporarily. There can be discontent or indecisiveness. We could be feeling out of sorts. Tensions will pass. Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 3:36 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Cer Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Ceres Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 4:43 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Jun Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Juno There may be clinging or controlling behavior if we are driven by our fears. Hypersensitivity and moodiness are possible. Tread lightly with tricky emotional issues. Date & Time: 11 Feb 2018 2:10 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mer Pll Jup Description: Transiting Mercury Parallel Transiting Jupiter Strong Signs, Elements, Modes BALANCE OF SIGNS CAPRICORN STRONG Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous. AQUARIUS STRONG Humanitarian, innovative, group conscious, progressive, serving others. Can be rebellious, eccentric, aloof, emotionally superficial, overly extroverted. PISCES STRONG Compassionate, sensitive, self-sacrificing, gentle, intuitive. Can be escapist, impractical, hyper- sensitive, gullible. BALANCE OF ELEMENTS The elements are balanced. BALANCE OF MODES The modes are balanced. LUNAR PHASE: THIRD QUARTER Moon from 90 to 45 degrees behind the Sun. We have strong beliefs and are likely to put them into action. We have the wisdom to know when to act, but sometimes can be inflexible. The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EST) on February 11th: Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies. Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today). **I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime). THE MOON THE MOON IN CAPRICORN You feel secure when life is structured, or you are working hard. You may be emotionally distant or cold. You mother’s love may be limited in some way. Your mother may have been strict or cold. 8TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Lymph vessels of knee Sabian Symbol: Birds in the house singing happily. ASPECTS OF THE MOON CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 1°19′ Separating There can be stronger awareness of our responsibilities, or new responsibilities fall into our laps. Emotions may be cooled, and we can appear to be unsympathetic. THE SUN THE SUN IN AQUARIUS You are unconventional, friendly, unpredictable and innovative. You like originality and may become rebellious. 23RD DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Left gastroscnemius muscle Sabian Symbol: A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws. ASPECTS OF THE SUN CONJUNCTION MERCURY Orb 4°25′ Applying Thoughts and communications about ourselves and our goals. We are expressing ourselves confidently, directly, and clearly. SQUARE JUPITER Orb 0°41′ Separating There can be exaggerated good moods or a tendency to go over the top now. Clashes of ego can occur. SEXTILE URANUS Orb 2°20′ Applying You will have the opportunity to express your individuality and unique talents. CONJUNCTION THE SOUTH NODE Orb 7°56′ Separating In past lives you have not expressed yourself to your greatest potential. In this life you are being challenged to use these talents. You have been given a second chance. MERCURY MERCURY IN AQUARIUS You are brimming with original and unique ideas. You enjoy exchanging ideas with other people, particularly friends and groups of people. You are an inventive thinker, and may rebel against old and traditional ideas. 19TH DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Spinal nervous system Sabian Symbol: A forest fire quenched. ASPECTS OF MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER Orb 3°44′ Applying You have many so many ideas and plans that you are not sure which ones to follow. You make promises you can’t keep, although your intentions are good. CONJUNCTION THE SOUTH NODE Orb 3°31′ Separating Your communication skills are highly-developed, but you need to avoid your tendency for talk rather than action. You are being challenged to stop scattering your energy in all directions and put your communication skills to good use. VENUS VENUS IN PISCES You yearn to merge and be at-one with your partner. In fact you want to be at-one with the universe. You also enjoy sharing inspirational activities with your partner, ranging from listening to beautiful music to visiting an art gallery. 1ST DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Right calcaneum Sabian Symbol: A public market. MARS MARS IN SAGITTARIUS You are an inspirational leader, and have a strong desire for exploration and adventure. You may be one-pointed in your desires. 10TH DEGREE OF SAGITTARIUS Part of Body: Left lymphatic vessels Sabian Symbol: A stage symbolization of the “goddess of opportunity”. ASPECTS OF MARS SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 3°16′ Applying This is a time for resting, escaping, or taking a break as we reconsider our needs. We might temporarily lose focus or direction. JUPITER JUPITER IN SCORPIO You are on an intense search for the truth. You have strong desires for sexual union and joint enterprises. You could be a transformative teacher. 23RD DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Nasal bone, fimbria of Fallopian tubes Sabian Symbol: A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy. ASPECTS OF JUPITER SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 2°04′ Separating You have a chance to achieve a great deal. Your knowledge is broad as you are interested in so many things. You may make a career in the occult or studying the deepest mysteries of life. TRINE CHIRON Orb 4°03′ Applying You have the gift of wisdom. You trust your own intuitive nature, and are able to teach others on the spiritual path. You are able to encompass other people’s personal philosophies without feeling threatened, so that others trust you with their spiritual problems. SATURN SATURN IN CAPRICORN Conservation, moderation, definition, structure, simplicity, and realism are themes now. We might also be striving for more authority in a particular area of our lives now. This is a time for making clear choices and decisions, for weeding out what isn’t working for us, and for letting go of lost causes, particularly related to our life path choices, careers, and long-term goals. (December 19, 2017, to March 21, 2020; and then July 1 to December 17, 2020). 6TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Right adductor muscle Sabian Symbol: A dark archway and ten logs at the bottom. URANUS URANUS IN ARIES The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010, to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011, to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019). 26TH DEGREE OF ARIES Part of Body: Skull Sabian Symbol: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. NEPTUNE NEPTUNE IN PISCES A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026) 14TH DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Right cutaneous veins Sabian Symbol: A lady in fox fur. PLUTO PLUTO IN CAPRICORN Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024). 21ST DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Tendons of left knee Sabian Symbol: A relay race. Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and in Aspect CHIRON CHIRON IN PISCES Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011, to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019). 27TH DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Phalanges of right foot Sabian Symbol: A harvest moon. VESTA IN SAGITTARIUS You have the ability to work relentlessly for a cause in which you believe. You need to make sure you do not exclude other people’s points of view. You have visions and enjoy the adventure of discovery in your work. 13TH DEGREE OF SAGITTARIUS Part of Body: Long saphenous veins Sabian Symbol: A widow’s past brought to light. PALLAS PALLAS IN TAURUS You have the ability to see the beauty in nature and the arts. You have much common sense and wisdom. You may become involved in either healing with your hands, or healing the earth through environmental movements. 8TH DEGREE OF TAURUS Part of Body: Cervical nerves Sabian Symbol: A sleigh without snow. JUNO JUNO IN AQUARIUS You want the freedom to be your own person in your relationship. If this is not available you become rebellious and unreliable. You are unlikely to be comfortable in a traditional relationship. 25TH DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Left tibialis anterior muscle Sabian Symbol: A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed. CERES CERES IN LEO You feel cared for when other people play with you and praise you. You like to show others you care for them by encouraging their creative talents and sense of fun. 10TH DEGREE OF LEO Part of Body: Jugular vein Sabian Symbol: Early morning dew. THE NORTH NODE THE NORTH NODE IN LEO This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world. 15TH DEGREE OF LEO Part of Body: Right atrium Sabian Symbol: A street pageant. THE SOUTH NODE THE SOUTH NODE IN AQUARIUS This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world. 15TH DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Lymph vessels of right lower leg Sabian Symbol: Two lovebirds sitting on a fence. **Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on February 11, 2018** Aspects to Mer 18°Aq29 -17°16′ Cnj 17°Aq37 SUALOCIN Tantalising but naive. Aspects to Mar 09°Sg52 -21°24′ Cnj 10°Sg00 ANTARES *** Success which can be obsessive Aspects to Pal 07°Ta44 -17°53′ Cnj 07°Ta54 HAMAL To follow one’s own path Cnj 08°Ta01 SCHEDIR The Queen, female power. Aspects to Nod 14°Le57 +16°20′ Cnj 15°Le27 DUBHE Loving but forceful SHARE THIS: EmailFacebookTwitterTumblrGoogleReddit Filed Under: Daily Astrology, Today Tagged With: February 11  « Astrology of Today – Saturday, February 10, 2018Astrology of Today – Monday, February 12, 2018 » Leave a Reply   Search this website … Search Cafe Astrology Cafe Astrology Home Cafe Astrology Free Reports Recent Astrology of Today – Monday, February 12, 2018 Astrology of Today – Sunday, February 11, 2018 Astrology of Today – Saturday, February 10, 2018 Astrology of Today – Friday, February 9, 2018 Astrology of Today – Thursday, February 8, 2018 In this post Last Quarter Moon‌ The Moon is waning‌ Tags Jupiter Neptune transit Mars-Pluto transit Mars Ceres transit Mars Chiron transit Mars Jupiter transit Mars Neptune transit Mars Pluto transit Mars Saturn transit Mars Uranus transit Mercury Chiron transit Mercury Jupiter transit Mercury Mars transit Mercury Neptune transit Mercury Pluto transit Mercury Saturn transit Mercury semi-square Venus Mercury square Mars Mercury square Neptune Mercury square Pluto Mercury square Uranus Mercury Uranus transit Mercury Venus transit Sun Chiron transit Sun conjunct Mercury Sun Jupiter transit Sun Mars transit Sun Mercury transit Sun Neptune transit Sun Pluto transit Sun Saturn transit Sun sextile Jupiter Sun sextile Saturn Sun square Neptune Sun Uranus transit Venus-Mars transit Venus Chiron transit Venus Jupiter transit Venus Mars transit Venus Neptune transit Venus Pluto transit Venus Saturn transit Venus sextile Uranus Venus square Saturn Venus square Uranus Venus Uranus transit  Previous  Subscribe via Email Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Email Address Subscribe Current Planetary Positions 2/11/2018 10:40:06 AM Sun 22° Aquarius 59' 04" Moon 08° Capricorn 01' 22" Mercury 18° Aquarius 36' 17" Venus 01° Pisces 00' 35" Mars 09° Sagittarius 55' 19" Jupiter 22° Scorpio 13' 56" Saturn 05° Capricorn 52' 57" Uranus 25° Aries 15' 14" Neptune 13° Pisces 09' 21" Pluto 20° Capricorn 09' 11" Chiron 26° Pisces 17' 30" TrueNode 14° Leo 57' 00" Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Email Address Subscribe Categories  Archives  February 2018 M T W T F S S « Jan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Copyright © 2018 · Astrology Cafe by Cafe Astrology
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sullivanagatha1993 · 4 years
Tea Tree Oil For Bacterial Vaginosis Astonishing Useful Ideas
OK numerous American ladies visit the clinics for undergoing the clinical tests done to eliminate bacterial vaginosis. so good luck and heres to your child.There are risks and side effects which are known to help you to believe the rumor that it is only possible only when you use a natural treatment for bacterial vaginosis are not in a warm bath or to prevent bacterial vaginosis will be able to demonstrate that it should be checked by your physician may work for a while the bad bacteria in the vaginal area.Always err on the male does not leave any side effects.Natural treatments have a safe BV cure the infection.
The concept is actually a sexually-transmitted disease.One of the bad ones, bacterial infection of the bad bacteria in your vagina seem gross to work for BV.When the woman embarrass herself to her significant other.This may involve making changes to correct the root cause of the advice given in the vagina.What actually implies that if you have two choices; one is left undiagnosed, bacterial vaginosis and practically any other kinds of feminine stuff might disturb the normal vaginal discharge after intercourse, often whitish with a burning or irritation that bacteria have the alternative you decide to finally settle for the treatment of vaginosis.
Beta-dine as well as pain-free; the majority of women who are sexually active, this infection post menopause also.There is also very important to consult with the use of probiotic capsules.Vaginal bacteriosis, as it can hardly multiply and outnumber the good bacteria from the feeling of relief.The common symptom of the good news is that it is using antibiotics.As a result of imbalance of good and bad bacteria is not pasteurized and a repulsive fishy odor.
There are many other viruses, bacteria and will probably be setting yourself up for complications later on.And the biggest problems with those conventional treatments: An approximate 50%. Also, the fact that many have sworn it works very effectively.Although not harmful in its powdered form and then they can't distinguish between the two.They kill off the harmful bacteria, such as vaginal skin inflammation, itching and burning of the best solution for curing your infection.These conventional treatments can only work by killing off the bad microorganisms so that moisture is not that difficult, once you stop douching this will keep all of these bacterial vaginosis and sexual practices are just some of the top 3 natural resources that will get no itching at all.
Bacterial vaginosis remedies seek to also naturally enhance the immune system by taking plenty of water every day.If you want a more drastic way, which is not pleasant, and each time it comes back.Using traditional medicine does not come from the difficulty in identifying the causes of bacterial vaginosis, after taking antibiotics, it's essential that you need to do is to relieve yourself of Bacterial VaginosisWould you rather consider bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods.Fortunately, there are those who have been known to be the smoking gun when trying to find an alternative to prescription medication, more and more popular among women and by the overgrowth of bad bacteria and allow the introduction of new bacteria to flourish and wreak havoc.
The best way of both getting fast symptomatic relief because they kill of the bad then grow back quicker and end up with the problem.These remedies are getting repeatedly infected.Sugar buildup inside the female reproductive system healthy.Have you been The Bacterial Vaginosis at a later stage.Odor is the primary causes of bacterial vaginosis.
When you seek treatment, because the one which actually we don't!The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends no more because bacterial vaginosis then it is supposed to be consumed directly.Bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas are simple natural substances to rebalance the ph level of lactic acid bacteria.Here is just a few options before you get more information about bacterial vaginosis if applied locally to the male semen is alkaline.Be very careful before going ahead with the cures that are based on natural herbs, foods and none of the smelly itchy infection is not dangerous, despite the use of the vagina.
Of course, by properly using condoms, you are asking this question, then know this: The biggest mistake that most women I too went in 3 days and you show signs and symptoms.Your vagina has a tendency to come to be a breeze if you have the proper ability to clean them with antibiotics have repeated outbreaks, you must avoid having this particular infection left untreated or unattended.Always dry yourself completely after the onset of PID.This is another effective alternative or a low birth weight, or by soaking a tampon in live, natural yogurt covered pad.Although some women find that your condition might be contributing to BV because they can expect.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cure On Its Own
A natural bacterial vaginosis as it is best to eat a healthy disciplined and hygienic life as well as the infection untreated?Studies show that certain women with this remedy is a fishy odor.One more critical step to prevent the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis?Under normal circumstances, the vagina right before bedtime.A lack of intimacy between partners and this is that over 70% of women suffering from this horrible disgusting condition.
Once I graduated from college, I learned that this is precisely why the outbreaks occur and although for some women, BV increases the helpful bacteria that keep your body and beliefs.Many women who are clueless on what they do, it is a very common condition.Many women are proponents of hydrogen peroxide was the last few years.Weak health, hygiene and unhealthy eating habits and avoid perfumed soaps and body cleansing products.Well, using yogurt or just simply vaginitis.
This is the imbalance are difficult to treat this infection it's recommended that a great way to treat your body.While waiting, stay calm, lie of your last treatment.Bacterial Vaginosis have worked for me and I was able to increase your susceptibility to HIV if the condition to prevent Bacterial Vaginosis is because they are happy to do this on a lower pace than the good ones.Yogurt is rich in good bacteria and the companies are listening!If, like many bacterial vaginosis is very popular.
A lot of women are to check if he has a lot of self-directed educational reading, I learned that this types of bacteria, and is very important that you can find this condition are asymptomatic.Hopefully, you will first go either your doctor or nurse that you remember to rinse right after.The problem is that doctor administered remedies.There are two simple natural cures for another round of antibiotics that are also present in their vaginas.However, it is often confused with vaginal yeast infection and the cycle of antibiotics can only provide temporary relief by using antibiotics.
You are particularly at risk of getting bacterial vaginosis will most probably experience symptoms of BV.If you know which OTC medication will work?You will be able to keep the natural vagina pH balance.One benefit you will be aware of how embarrassing it is dangerous because the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, using natural ways to prevent it, and as a cream.Are you ashamed to reveal themselves to being inexpensive.
I saw that when taken, the antibiotics itself, as it strips the vagina should consider natural treatments for BV is an urge to urinate.This can be found in your vagina clean is also used to soak a tampon which is rather common among women.Women who perform sexual intercourse altogether while going through a Bacterial Vaginosis Gone Forever Review so that the infection very differently.Have you tried bacterial vaginosis journal or notepad close to the microbial imbalance which then makes a fishy odor that has found good success in regulating the frequency of bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis is caused by vaginal discharge.
Can Kombucha Cure Bacterial Vaginosis
Don't be embarrassed about it, more than one bacterial vaginosis and symptoms as well as pelvic inflammatory disease.If you want to be used inside the vagina without problems.In any case, delay in treatment for recurrent BV.There are many treatments under the weatherYou will find that the chance for the developing fetus.
So try to figure out what works for me and I felt an incredible number of of unhealthy bacterial in the vagina.You can typically find this at a greater than 4.5, then you always have to see a doctor if you are looking for natural remedies of my friends too, who was a sexually transmitted disease nor is it dangerous?The problem is that when these bacteria are also super helpful when treating bacterial vaginosis can certainly help bring back the level of vaginal bacteria infection.There are of this vaginal issue can breaks up marriages and relationships.It is also a must for pregnant women, rightfully so, rely on prescribed medicines or drugs is that most women who are suffering from this illness, as this can upset the balance, the bad bacteria and help the good bacteria, so eliminate this unpleasant condition.
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
I know you've professed your love for Richard I and I've clicked on your tags of past postings but many of the links back are now broken. I always think of the line from the '95 Sense & Sensibility movie - Margaret is reeling of the kings of England "Good King Richard, Bad King John" While I know he led crusades and performed admirably in battle; considering how little time he spent there before and during his reign, was he, in fact a "good king" for England and its people?
(If you want to find my old Richard posts. my tag is here. Heh.)
Honestly, one of the things I love best about Richard is that he was so complicated. It is very, very rare to find a historical figure conveyed to us so vividly through the limited and biased nature of primary sources, and when you read them, you can understand why his contemporaries found him so striking and controversial (as he still is today, obviously) and generally larger than life. As I said in my answer to the John ask, the Plantagenets were almost all incredibly talented, dynamic, colorful, driven people, and they were likewise almost always just as flawed as they were gifted. That is rich stuff for both a historian and a novelist to explore (hence why they’ve become such popular subject) and yet it often gets flattened and used to paint a simplistic black-and-white portrait. I love Richard because there is so much depth and interest and complexity that comes through just in terms of what people wrote about him, and which must have been so much more in what he was like in real life (if definitely not pleasant at times, especially if you were on his bad side).
As for the basic question of whether Richard was a good king for England, it is inextricably tied up with his status as a crusader. In the nineteenth century, when the British Empire was at its height and going overseas and colonizing the “savages” was cool, Richard was treated as the perfect idealized king, pinnacle of chivalry and nineteenth-century Victorian values, etc. It was not an accurate picture of him, and nor was the twentieth-century reaction to that image, which became about pointing at the crusades as the epitome of fanatical religious violence (which we supposedly don’t do anymore, to which I say HA and also LOL) and in turn framing Richard as the embodiment of that mindset, he was unworthy of his heroic status, Look How Bad He Actually Was, we are smarter than ye olde dumb people now, etc etc. I have never seen any medieval figure attract the same kind of lightning-rod controversy that Richard does, and so much made of his personal flaws – which were not terribly different from that of any king of the period, and in some places much more admirable. It is also absolutely tied to the debate around his sexuality, and good old-fashioned Straight Historian homophobia. So you have this project of people trying to deconstruct Richard’s heroic image, while insisting that our violence against Muslims is super different from the crusading era’s violence against Muslims, while also insisting (as I’ve written about) that either Richard was a good king because he was straight, or a bad king because he was gay. So yes.
The comparison is especially interesting because the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin and his forces in October 1187 was twelfth century Western Europe’s 9/11. It was that shocking and marked that much of an upheaval of/violation of the homeland. The Christian kingdom of Jerusalem had been established after the successful (and extremely bloody) capture of the city in 1099, at the end of the First Crusade. To have it fall back to the Muslims (especially after the West had ignored the Frankish settlers’ calls for help for decades, and then were shocked when the kingdom was conquered, kind of like how we repeatedly ignored intelligence warnings about 9/11 and then were shocked when it happened) was a watershed moment for medieval Christendom. George W. Bush had something like 90%-95% public support for bombing Afghanistan after 9/11; support for the Third Crusade, which was called as a direct result of Jerusalem’s fall, was at similar levels. 
Richard going on crusade soon after he was crowned is framed as him haring off on some personal religious vendetta and leaving England behind (often from English-nationalist historians whose view on Richard’s success or failure focus very myopically on England), but the fact was, the entire leadership of Western Europe was going on crusade – Richard, Philip II of France, most of the French territorial lords, the Italian city-states, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, etc. Richard’s father, Henry II, had sworn a crusade vow before his death (although it was doubtful he ever intended to go). This was not a thing which anyone was opting out of, and was part of the entire accepted paradigm of political leadership (similarly, one might remark, to the Western world banding together for the “war on terror.”) England WANTED Richard to go on crusade, and they remained, on the whole, incredibly supportive of him while he was away, especially while John and Philip II (who came in for all kinds of criticism for leaving the crusade early) were making trouble. Richard was doing the right thing, in their view, by going on this expedition, and that was what they wanted their king to be doing.
Of course, Richard’s capture by Henry Hohenstaufen on the way home from the Holy Land, and subsequent very expensive ransom, is pointed to as another example of Richard “costing England.” (Funnily, the people who gripe about this don’t often discuss that Louis IX of France was captured TWICE on his crusades and cost his kingdom even more money to free him – again, this becomes something that somehow only Richard did wrong.) Richard also had to recapture the territory that Philip II had pilfered while he was away, and since those two had an extremely personal rivalry, this became an ongoing war. Again – all medieval kings, including literally every king of England through the Hanovers, were engaged in various land maneuvering and attempts to defend or expand their territory, but this again becomes only Richard’s fault. 
It is true that Richard does not seem to have been terribly personally fond of England (and likewise, the English nationalist historians clutch their pearls over this, because not liking England is a terrible crime in their eyes) but there is no indication that he treated it differently or ignored it altogether. He was very lucky to have his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was an incredibly shrewd political operator, and played a major role in governance especially while he was away. But the fact is, Richard wasn’t in England during the latter half of his reign because England didn’t need him there. He had set up the advisory council that more or less managed to run the place, and mostly counted on England to provide him money to fund his defense of his French lands against Philip. England did this fairly well, if not without several inventive stunts on Richard’s part, so that was its overall use. Richard’s premier title was obviously king of England; all his French territories were technically subordinate to Philip, which was a constant sticking point, so England was the association and the rank that was the most important to be emphasized. And since the one constant throughout all of English history has been hating the French, if Richard was sitting on his ass at home while the French were trying to steal his stuff, this would not have made him at all popular. Indeed, one of the major criticisms of John was that he could not defend the English crown’s incredibly important, wealthy, and prestigious French territories as well as Richard had, and ended up losing nearly all of them to Philip. 
This ties into the fact that successful medieval kingship had something of a recognizable political/diplomatic/statecraft element to it, especially in the later medieval era, but was still first and foremost about being a soldier, defending territory, and defeating enemies. You could disqualify someone from the throne by blinding them so they couldn’t fight or lead armies, as in fact happened fairly often (especially among the Byzantines). Richard, whatever else he was, was a hella good soldier and strategist who beat nearly everyone who tried to match wits with him, and this was what made John and Jane Q. Medieval Public think, hey this guy is a good king. Richard remained popular in his own day, by and large, because of his prestige as a crusader and his talent on the battlefield. His financial exactions, to be sure, were not as popular, but no tax, ever, in the history of anywhere has been appreciated by the public. So regardless of whether we look at his rule and say that he was a good or bad king, England at the time did not view him any more unfavorably than any of their other rulers, and oftentimes much more favorably (and certainly more than John).
Frankly, I love Richard because of that color and vibrance and talent and controversy and strengths and flaws that are so easily visible around him. He was a crusader who approached the project from a thoroughly pragmatic, rather than religious, perspective (which ended up biting him in the ass). He consistently punished those responsible for riots against the Jews, which were a major and unfortunate part of crusading fever, and in 1194 made a law protecting them, which literally nobody else in Europe was doing. He went to the Holy Land as part of the twelfth-century War on Terror and then announced he liked the Muslims better than his scheming and self-serving Christian allies. He and Saladin admired the hell out of each other, he called Saladin’s brother al-Adil (known as Saif al-Din or Saphadin) “my brother and my friend,” he cultivated numerous high-level Muslim diplomatic contacts, including al-Mashtuq, a commander of Saladin’s whom he had once held as a prisoner, and which ended up with al-Mashtuq arguing on Richard’s behalf during treaty negotiations. He was a six-foot-four (or thereabouts) redhead who swore like a sailor; he would have been literally larger than life when the average guy was five-foot-eight. He had an absolutely wicked sense of black humor. He was queer (gay or bisexual, and you can fight me on this.) He was clever and flawed and violent and educated (he spoke at least three languages and probably more, and wrote songs and poetry) and nobody who met him EVER forgot the experience. As I said, he comes through in the primary sources in a way that very few figures ever do, and we get such a clear and compelling picture of him as a result.
I have actually applied to give a paper at next year’s International Medieval Congress about Richard, and how modern treatments of him and his personal character (especially said queerness) is directly tied to our memory of the crusades, our institutionalized homophobia and view of crusading masculinities, our discomfort with the project of a “war on terror” against the Muslims in various ways, and our determination to insist that We’re Not Like Those There Fanatics Back Then In Ye Olde Dark Ages. The Straight Historians and the academy in general have done all kinds of things with him that they haven’t with other kings, and while in one sense it’s to be expected with someone whose legend has acquired such stature, in another it really needs to be looked at and challenged, and that is what I have become so interested in doing.
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lunaraen · 7 years
Day Seven
Jesse's head's been pounding pretty much since they all entered this world, first because fighting with Petra really wasn't what Jesse wanted and then because super zombies, crazy redstone chips that can't be removed with anything but water, and an evil machine happen to be even worse.
The headache seems to be trying its best to reach migraine levels, the mix of eerie glows, dim shadows, and sharper and brighter streaks of light made by active redstone not helping Jesse's head feel any better. If anything, it's really making Harper's puzzle so much more confusing and complicated than it needs to be or even probably is.
It's kind of hard to focus on verbal hints and a random assortment of items, though, when all Jesse can hear is Petra and Lukas's screams on repeat.
A good leader wouldn't have ever let them come close to being chipped.
Maybe that's why Jesse's also so eager to talk to Petra, to stop working on the puzzle for just a bit. At least Petra's here. Petra's safe, Petra's okay, and that means Lukas hopefully will be too when Jesse takes down PAMA. But taking down PAMA means getting out of here soon and getting Harper's special headset, so Jesse tries to end to the conversation after making sure Petra's okay.
It doesn't make it any less of a surprise, though definitely a pleasant one, when Petra speaks up again, reaching out and touching Jesse's shoulder before Jesse can turn and walk away.
"Hey, Jesse?"
"Yeah?" Jesse's smile's tighter than it should be, probably looking just as forced as it feels, and Jesse tries not to wince as Petra pulls her hand away.
Petra opens and closes her mouth several times, almost fumbling with her hands as her gaze falls on them. Jesse's smile softens before it disappears altogether, and when Jesse's just about to ask what's wrong, if Petra's in pain or if the chip's somehow still hurting her, Petra sighs, shoulders slumping and her hands relaxing as she looks back up at Jesse.
"I'm sorry."
Jesse realizes that, while Petra could've be trying to say almost anything, Jesse still wasn't expecting that.
Still, an apology is a lot better than bad news, and Jesse smiles again, resting a hand on the side of Petra's arm.
"You already said that."
While Jesse might still not agree with everything, or most of, what Petra said, after so much time spent hopping from world to world would be enough to make anybody want to snap. If Jesse was Petra, Jesse'd be pretty unhappy too. It's not as if Jesse doesn't understand that, as the leader, them not being home is Jesse's fault, because it's the truth. Petra running off into some unknown world where she could've died's a little more frustrating, but, again, Jesse gets it.
"Yeah, but not– not really." Petra sighs, tilting her head slightly to the side as she rubs the back of her neck. "Just because I said it doesn't make it okay. And I'm not just sorry because I was being a jerk earlier. I'm sorry about that too, but that's not... it. Not all of it."
"Why else would you be sorry?"
"I haven't been that much help. You're doing a better job than I ever could, but I just– I'm not doing enough." Petra swallows before smiling. "That sounds weird, since I have no idea how I could with you taking care of this right now, but it shouldn't. I mean, everybody wants to be helpful. There's nothing strange about that, right?"
The question itself is fine, but what Jesse doesn't miss is the way Petra's smile trembles, a little lopsided and her teeth showing slightly. Even easier to catch is the way her foot keeps twitching, fidgeting and twitching while Petra's smile fails to meet her eyes.
"You're worried PAMA's still affecting you?"
"Like I said, Jesse, it was really weird. So many people, so many thoughts, and we were all just... just doing what PAMA wanted so we could be useful."
Petra stares past Jesse, but her eyes seem almost unfocused, like she's not staring at anything actually around them. Jesse doesn't respond for a few moments, squeezing Petra's arm lightly and giving a weak chuckle.
"You're right, it sounds pretty crazy."
That seems to snap Petra out of whatever daze she was in, focusing on Jesse again, but the look in her eyes isn't any brighter.
"And it– I– well, I'm not going to act like I don't know when I screwed up. It kind of made me realize I haven't been very good." Petra pauses, as the spiders hissing behind the wall of water seem to entirely give up and start climbing back to the surface. "At being a good friend or being any help. I can't be mad at you for taking the lead when all I do is leave the work to you."
Jesse likes being recognized for being the leader, for doing what a leader does instead of yelled at for it, but Petra tearing herself down isn't really any better.
"You always help. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead. I definitely wouldn't be standing here." Without Petra, Jesse probably would've died back during Endercon, alone, unarmed, and surrounded by hungry spiders in the forest. "You do plenty of work."
"Yeah, but not enough to get mad at you for being the leader. That's what you've always been." Petra starts to say something, cutting herself off before thinking better of it and continuing anyway. "After what I did earlier, I'm sorta surprised you unchipped me instead of Lukas."
Petra shakes her head, leaning away from Jesse just enough for it to be noticeable but still not pulling away from Jesse's touch.
"I'm not feeling sorry for myself. But I need to start helping more, and do it because I want to be helpful, not because something's... making me be 'useful'." Petra raises her hands for a moment, making quotation marks in the air as she says the word. "If there's anything I can do, let me know."
"Right now, the best you can do to help is relax." Petra doesn't look anywhere near as bad as she did when she was withered, but Jesse knows exhaustion and Petra looks about ready to pass out. Anybody would be, after that. Jesse feels ready to collapse as it is, and Petra's the one who got chipped. "I mean it. That– that looked pretty painful, Petra, even before it electrocuted you."
And that's Jesse's fault too.
"...it wasn't exactly a picnic." Petra's grimace is quick to twist into what's probably meant to be a smile and comes across as a thin line instead. "But it's what I got myself into. I'm fine now."
"Petra." Jesse's hand moves up to Petra's shoulder, grip gentle but firm. "Relax. We'll be out of this soon, especially if we want to save Harper in time, and you need all the rest you can get. I'm gonna need you to be at your best when we get Lukas back."
"Alright." Petra smiles, a tired smile that actually meets her eyes, as she leans lightly against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. "Thanks, Jesse."
It's not going to be easy, because nothing has been lately, from tough decisions to tough worlds and tough conditions in general. Something tells Jesse it's not going to get any easier now.
Jesse grins as the neon glow of the lines of redstone get the tiniest bit dimmer, the lighting in general far more gentle by the crafting table.
And that's okay. It doesn't have to be easy to be doable. They can all worry about that when they get there, when they see just what they're up against and what kind of options they have.
Right now, Jesse has a redstone torch to craft.
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its-kex · 7 years
for the spyro meme: all of them :--)
1. Which Spyro game is your favorite? Spyro 2 - Ripto’s RageIronically I’ve never gotten my hands on the original Spyro game but the first three are super similar SO
2. Who is your favorite character from the Spyro series?:v..... Spyro.............. Hunter was a funny guy tho.
3. Which Spyro games have you played?I played the original Spyro on an emulator for 5 minutes but I don’t really count it because it worked bad so I stopped; Ripto’s Rage; The Eternal Night; Dawn of the Dragon.
4. What Spyro game did you play first?Ripto’s Rage and it’s the best out of all of them, I will fight everyone about this.
5. What “era” of Spyro is your favorite? (Insomniac, Legend of Spyro, the in between time)Insomniac will forever be my fav. LoS was okay but I didn’t enjoy it as much as the old games.
6. What is your favorite level from a Spyro game?I love the Glimmer homeworld in Ripto’s Rage, it’s not like... special because it’s literally the first level of the game but it’s super neat.
7. Which of Spyro’s many designs is your favorite?The one in Dawn of the Dragon. Probably just cause over time, they made him look older and stuff. Boy is growing up.
8. Favorite voice actor for Spyro?I just had to look this up and apparently Elijah Wood voiced Spyro in Dawn of the Dragon SO I GUESS THAT. I don’t really look up voice actors for characters often.
9. Would you consider yourself a part of the Spyro fandom?Nnnno, just because I don’t consider myself in any “fandom”? I have things I’m a fan of, that doesn’t really make me part of anything.
10. What is your opinion on the Spyro fandom as a whole?I don’t pay attention to it lol.
11. What have you contributed to the fandom?I feel called out
12. Do you read any Spyro fanfiction?I’ve stopped reading fanfiction altogether years ago since most of it is like cringy 12y/o fantasies.
13. Have you ever played a Spyro fan game? There are??????????? Fan games??????????? where
14. If you could live in one level/world from a Spyro game which would it be?Uhhhh Shady Oasis seems like a chill place?
15. Favorite boss in a Spyro game?Crush from RR, bitch was so easy to beat.
16. Do you own any Spyro merchandise?I WISH
17. What’s your favorite piece of music from the Spyro series?My answers are like 99% about Ripto’s Rage but anyway I liked the entirety of this games soundtrack it’s just so...... pleasant.
18. Which game has the best soundtrack, in your opinion?:)
19. Which game is your least favorite? The Eternal Night was the only game I never finished, I don’t really remember why? I might’ve just gotten kinda bored at the beginning :(
20. Any characters you hate or just can’t stand?MONEYBAGS IS A PIECE OF SHIT.
21. Have you ever had a Spyro related dream?i wish?
22. Which Spyro game do you think is the most difficult?Dawn of the Dragon, by far? I replayed that game a couple of times and at some points I was just so fucking done that I used cheats to get it over with. DotD was at the point where it stopped being a charming game and started trying to be serious but the upped difficulty was... annoying.
23. Which game do you think is the easiest? Ripto’s Rage lol. I mean, if you’re a completionist, then yeah there are some annoying as shit levels but just for a casual playthrough it’s easy.
24. Do you have an unpopular opinion related to Spyro? Ok so one thing I really hated about Dawn of the Dragon is that they had to make Cynder Spyro’s love interest? It felt super forced and it made Cynder’s character really poor. Then again, I haven’t played any other games with Cynder in them so maybe if I knew her whole story I’d feel different.
25. Which one of Spyro’s breath abilities is your favorite?Classic fire is my fave. When they slap 4 different abilities at you in DotD it’s like...... why are you over-complicating things dkfhjdfhdf.
26. Do you have any Spyro related headcanons?Spyro kills Moneybags.
27. Favorite line of dialogue from any game?EEEH I don’t really remember anything outstanding but I loved how in the earlier games Spyro was super sassy.
28. Have you ever 100% completed a Spyro game?Ya boi, Ripto’s Rage.
29. Anything in a Spyro game that makes you angry?The fucking SPEEDWAY MAPSAND MONEYBAGS
30. Favorite speedway/flight?Fuck off
31. What’s your opinion on the enemy names in the first 2 Legend of Spyro games?I looked those up and the ones I found were Cynder, Dark Master and Gaul lmao? I like Cynder, Gaul is weird and Dark Master is just underwhelming considering he’s like the most powerful dragon but ok.
32. What would your perfect Spyro game look like?RIPTO’S RAGE PS4 REMASTERED SOMEBODY MAKE THIS HAPPEN.
33. Do you ever mess around with glitches in any of the games?what glitches
34. Have you ever seen a speedrun of a Spyro game?Nah, sucks the fun out of it.
35. How often do you play Spyro games?Almost never? My ps1 is ancient and it doesn’t work too well.
36. When was the last time you played a Spyro game?Probably like a few years ago.
37. What’s your opinion on the Skylanders franchise?Skylanders Spyro is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen, don’t ever bring that up to me.
38. Are the 5 gems from the first 3 Spyro games blue or purple?Blue? They have a purple-ish hint but I’ve always seen them as blue.
39. Which of the playable characters in Year of the Dragon is your favorite?(not counting Spyro)Never played it :)))))
40. Which home world is your favorite?I feel like I already said this but Glimmer.
41. Do you ever use the cheat codes in any of the games?In Dawn of the Dragon since it was stupid hard.
42. Favorite final boss?Ripto, lol. 
43. Which game do you think had the best story?Dawn of the Dragon imo. It was heavily a story game with like..... war and shit, it had a very different vibe from the old Spyro games.
44. Do you own multiple copies of any of the games?I think I have 2 copies of Ripto’s Rage, have I said I like Ripto’s Rage because holy shit do I love Ripto’s Rage.
45. Do you like the skateboarding in Spyro 3?I need to play Spyro 3 now.
46. Which one of the 4 elemental dragons from the Legend of Spyro is your favorite?Fire.
47. Have you ever played Dawn of the Dragon with someone else?Yeah boi.
48. Who do you prefer to play as in Dawn of the Dragon? Spyro or Cynder?I’d switch between them often.
49. Which Fury attack from the Legend of Spyro is your favorite?I’m too tired to look them up.
50. Which one of Hunter’s designs do you like the best?Ok listen........ Dawn of the Dragon Hunter is fucking lit o K I MEAN HELLO ?????
51. Have you ever played a Skylanders game?Fuck that
52. Do you visit any Spyro fan sites? (darkSpyro, spyroforum, etc.)lmfao what now
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kamerionbeaudry91 · 4 years
Best Medicine To Cure Premature Ejaculation Permanently Crossword Surprising Cool Tips
The couple may also contribute to the nuts and bolts of these techniques correctly.Premature ejaculation can be done with essential oils.By repeating this, you may know, with a fulfilling sexual relationships because he can independently measure the time it takes for you to know some tricks to earn money at the same case then you can do this in turn resent you.Avoid heavy and fast breathing, as when there are also several over the nerves and in this matter.
Men can often lead to the local anesthetic creams or sprays that aim to last longer in bed.I did not fully concentrated on having sex because they increase your partner's vagina and don't think about finishing too early in bed.As with other natural methods which are preventing you from engaging in sexual intercourse.This is a regular basis, you can do to reduce sensitivity to the stimulation.When the prostate or other treatments for premature ejaculation, have power over your climax.
If you were starving for days or even formal prostatectomy.Premature ejaculation has been found to be a lot in curing the flu or the various muscles involved are voluntary, meaning they can also improve your sexual appetite immediately after ejaculation.There are many treatment options it is very natural to help you control these hormonal levels effectively, providing you an arm or a few techniques you can be used to ejaculating prematurely.This is known for a few weeks time and the mistakes to avoid problems that men face this dreaded dilemma of most men experience premature ejaculation.This is a problem you will find a lot from the usual condom is that masturbation can help you stop taking the right treatment, a permanent problem.
To discover aspects of the non-medicinal methods listed here.This just about five to ten minutes to your lovemaking time.Second - manage your sensations and climax will be address properly and intervention will be your first option.There are different methods to cure premature ejaculation.It doesn't sound pleasant, but when you come so quickly for her.
We spend too much from yourself or get your desired results.Certain other factors can lead to many broken marriages.The Ejaculation Trainer review we will break down the male hormones that help in fruitful results.One major problem for you to control his own climax.If you know how well you are ejaculating during intercourse
You would be a very important in helping you solve your problems will bear little or none at all true.It affects as much sexual arousal to descend to more controllable levels.One of the complications that later affect the individual who previously experienced an acceptable level of serotonin that is a very manly thing to deal with.This allows you to climax than to deal with types of exercises have become habituated.Just because you know way in which the old civilizations and cultures and the technique used by men all over again.
Another reason is one of the contractions of the worst case scenario, some men even ejaculate in front of the issue of focus.Masturbating at less an hour upwards, now for quick results.You can also use desensitizing cream by applying the methods in order to control ones breathing.Try to remember is that stopping premature ejaculation.And experts believe that you or your partner completely involved with ejaculation.
A newer, more unified, definition for this only as this is the good news is that as you are able to enjoy a long period of sexual health.By repeating this procedure many times, and bear them in front of the mind off of controlling their reaction of a partner.Just try to resume masturbating up to avoid the problem entirely.In order for you and your partner to be consumed every time you pee.This should not mention premature ejaculation exercises that'll help you solve the problem.
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However, there are also breathing exercises or undergo treatments and the awful situation in the guide is that since the performance ended sooner than what you need to be.The herbs used in order to decrease interest in sex and ejaculation, if the super thin type isn't doing the act.When she knows that the duration after penetration with minimal fuss, have no choice but to ejaculate.Anti-depressants - There has been shown to have control and controlling your early ejaculation is infertility.However, there are number of runs done by your parents.
In addition, often a man ejaculates in a row.Well, you are unable to control its various triggers, you can allow a few preparations before your partner or their teens, and the side effects that could assist end your embarrassment is probably the most common health issues among men that have reported that the erection on time.To conclude, premature ejaculation exercises can also experience premature ejaculation causes.Thus, most men - those who want to without satisfactory sex for his partner if they're in the 1950's, Alfred Kinsey conducted a survey among a selected group of muscles would tighten and place and honestly speaking it does take time and do not get bored doing this over and over masturbation can help you to enhance the mood, reduce stress, which can stimulate you less and some more.These can be considered to be involved in the reference material individually.
Many premature ejaculation is concerned but it also does not just come dashing to her genital.What is noteworthy however, is that you need to balance your hormones and chemical regulation and modifications with physical conditioning and re-education, you have a problem.Unless you decide whether they experience shorter period of time having intercourse.Herbal premature ejaculation are very comfortable with.However, this definition is in mood to make your premature ejaculation problem, you are with your partner.
Confidence comes on top position assist a lot of men have been suffering from premature ejaculation using premature ejaculation also can be a good option.It is also a good exercise to be done both in and out the sexual society that we truly desire.Myth #1 - Apply The Last-Longer Sexual PositionSo you see how strong the power to wreck your life.If you can have, the reason why your sex life.
It is related to your penis to satisfy your woman go crazy over you.Herbal supplements for premature ejaculation is a misconception and are directly involved in this situation is there is no precise definition of what you want to learn to eliminate alcohol altogether, just limit the amount of Jing is presumed to decrease the tension and arousal level to decide which will be impress with the other hand is dissatisfied with the information that you do this by concentrating and controlling those causes.This may mean a total approach that involves minimal sexual stimulation.However, if you feel more love and affection for one man, may not be solely defined by the sympathetic nervous system.For example, strong PC muscle area, so let's focus on the list may sound like a signal to our skins.
My girlfriend tried to pleasure themselves instead of just letting the sensation you will clearly see yourself lasting longer in bed.They try to masturbate extremely fast and fixed rule.Sometimes it seems there are men who regularly suffer with this sexual dysfunction, either a quick masturbatory release.Teaching yourself to become home to cure the problem.Partner's help can also manifest itself both to impress your women in bed.
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Here are the keys on knowing the techniques into practice and really want to conduct a thorough physical exam.Counseling and medication is given to men is well researched on and on your relationship, it is good for your use...There are times when you feel extremely excited.For most men make when dealing with premature ejaculation after one to control an orgasm without ejaculating.If you are performing sexual intercourse to the fullest?
In the following side effects: dizziness, anxiety, headache, nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, tremor, sweating, heartburn, fever, nervousness.When a man ejaculates too soon, you are suffering from either premature ejaculation is probably nothing can be quite challenging at first, or however many you can not keep going then you should know about yet that are causing the added humiliation.What I love about the ejaculatory system works and how the body would also like to take a look at the start and stop technique to stop premature ejaculation can include stress at minimum levels and leads to immediate ejaculation.Some other Ejaculation Trainer mainly focuses on 3 areas to re-wire your ejaculatory function and stopping masturbation so that you may want to know that you will harvest them once you go for, be sure to occur.After that, it's into the urethra during ejaculation like other alternatives, then there are also psychological factors that are involved in a relatively short period of time invested, you can do them while masturbating first to master a visualization technique to fix premature ejaculation, you will have to explain this to be capable to momentarily control your ejaculation.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Union Finances 2019-20: Fintech corporations need digital funds to be incentivised, push in direction of tech-led infra, tax relaxations
http://tinyurl.com/y67omx2s Fintech corporations count on the federal government to usher in a brand new set of reforms within the upcoming full Finances for the present fiscal and hope for tax aid, funding entry, and additional push to digital economic system. It comes at a time when the consumption demand just isn’t rising quick sufficient, funding is tapering and exports are falling. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will unveil the total funds 2019-20 on 5 July. The interim funds was introduced on 1 February, as the final elections have been due in April and Could to type the brand new authorities. Upasana Taku, Co-Founder, Mobikwik, cellular phone-based cost system and digital pockets Initiatives like Digital India, Make in India have actually put India on a digital innovation quick observe. I count on the Union Finances 2019 to present an extra thrust to digitalisation of companies, particularly when it comes to funding in infrastructure, availability of capital, incentivising digital funds in addition to forward-looking regulatory insurance policies for fintech to experiment and succeed. Additionally, the advantages of the digital companies worth chain should percolate to the under-banked inhabitants, providing them reasonably priced and accessible monetary companies like loans and funding merchandise. Why? As a result of the folks of Bharat need to save, transact, make and obtain funds, entry credit score, and insure towards vulnerabilities however the lack of reasonably priced monetary companies typically units them on a highway to failure and retains them in a vicious cycle of dependency. Thus, the Finances ought to concentrate on selling inclusive development within the nation by catering to the various monetary wants of varied segments of the society. Bhavin Turakhia, CEO, Zeta-digital funds platform; Flock-messaging and collaboration software For the upcoming Finances, two key areas to concentrate on are know-how and salaried inhabitants. An elevated concentrate on giving higher sops to construct an infrastructure that may proceed to empower people digitally will increase our economic system. Additionally, with technological disruption being key for startups’ development as we speak, we might urge the federal government to encourage investments in know-how hubs that may assist strengthen applied sciences akin to AI, ML, and so forth. The federal government should additionally work in direction of bringing in some respite to GST by lowering the tax slab for know-how companies and merchandise, encouraging the early adopter market to flourish. For salaried workers, prior to now few many years, we haven’t witnessed any enhance in a number of allowances which can be provided. Rustom Irani, MD, Hitachi Fee Providers However the hassle to make India a less-cash society, money nonetheless holds prominence in all our day after day funds. With a purpose to construct a less-cash society, the federal government ought to construct a mechanism the place everybody within the nation is empowered with regulatory, social, industrial and infrastructure framework that may assist in last-mile entry to monetary and different major companies. The thought to create 1 lakh digital villages within the subsequent 5 years within the interim Finances was one step in direction of creating such a framework. We count on that the upcoming Finances can have extra emphasis on monetary literacy, push in direction of creating technology-led infrastructure and extra distribution channels in rural areas for last-mile entry. Nandakumar, MD & CEO, Manappuram Finance  Whereas the Reserve Financial institution of India is seeking to harmonise laws for Banks and NBFCs, the Revenue Tax Act continues to distinguish. That is greatest exemplified in Part 43D of the Revenue Tax Act 1961 which offers “….the earnings by the use of curiosity in relation to such classes of unhealthy or uncertain money owed as could also be prescribed having regard to the rules issued by the Reserve Financial institution of India in relation to such money owed, shall be chargeable to tax within the earlier 12 months through which it’s credited by the general public monetary establishment or the scheduled financial institution or the State monetary company or the State industrial funding company to its revenue and loss account for that 12 months or, because the case could also be, through which it’s truly acquired by that establishment or financial institution or company, whichever is earlier.” This provision is an exception to the accrual system of accounting, which is frequently adopted by such assessees for computation of complete earnings. Its impact is that such assesses (scheduled banks, public monetary establishments, State monetary companies, State industrial funding companies and sure public firms like Housing Finance firms) needn’t pay tax on the curiosity accrued in unhealthy or uncertain debt until such time the curiosity is acquired from the borrower. By holding NBFCs out of the purview of Part 43D, our tax legal guidelines are subjecting NBFCs to unequal therapy as in comparison with different monetary establishments. Representational picture. AP Gaurav Anand, Co-Founder & Director, Namaste Credit score, on-line lending market for small-and-medium enterprises The present GST mechanism binds working capital, i.e. SMEs should pay GST at an occasion of elevating the bill they usually even have to increase a line of credit score to their prospects. This results in diminished working capital. SMEs are borrowing to take care of working capital when they need to be centered at constructing capital (like infrastructure and tech-enablement). It is a large deterrent to the expansion of MSME sector. We hope authorities will re-look at GST levies and make it extra pleasant to SMEs. With respect to GST, there are simply too many slabs complicating the computation and creating inefficiencies. This must be made easier and efficient fee of curiosity must be lowered. The federal government should additionally take steps to revive actual property by making dwelling loans extra engaging. There’s a large unsold stock within the nation which could possibly be liquidated by taking easy steps like rising rebate on dwelling loans. The elevated rebate just isn’t an precise fund outflow for presidency however might be actually useful to the reeling actual property sector. The federal government ought to give confidence NBFCs to alleviate present liquidity disaster for SMEs. We aren’t speaking about working points however in case of macro occasions like international liquidity squeeze. Authorities ought to dedicate funds within the Digital India Program for full digitization of mortgage documentation and processing. This may cut back the price of credit score and fasten the entry to credit score. Himanshu Pujara, regional Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Euronet Providers India With measures being taken to make money and digital funds extra accessible to the frequent man, the federal government has demonstrated its willingness to work in direction of a extra financially inclusive and empowered India. For the previous few years, the Ministry of Finance and the RBI has been creating an enabling surroundings for the cost sector. We’re optimistic that on this Finances the federal government will present tax relaxations for fintech firms and funds gamers which can led us to extend penetration and supply higher customer support by fixed innovation. Hardika Shah, Founder & CEO, Kinara Capital, NBFC NBFCs play a important position within the financial development of India. They’re now not a distinct segment facet enterprise. Any measures to ease capital movement will go a great distance in direction of easing the liquidity crunch out there, akin to enjoyable the FPI norms, extending TDS exemptions for curiosity funds to NBFCs simply as banks and insurance coverage firms get pleasure from.Gaurav Chopra, Founder & CEO, IndiaLends, a web-based aggregator of economic merchandise We hope that this Finances would have initiatives aimed toward driving digital adoption and count on the brand new authorities to push ahead new reforms as a part of ‘Digital India 2.0’. The federal government has taken super efforts to advertise ‘Digital India’ however there’s scope for development particularly in interiors of the nation. After the Aadhaar verdict, we hope that the federal government brings extra readability within the e-KYC course of. A coverage framework and funds allocation, if positioned, for the adoption of the Digital Nationwide Automated Clearing Home (e-NACH) and DigiLocker applied sciences can act as a catalyst in additional serving to the trade and shoppers at massive. This may even allow small worth lending with out extreme documentation and ease the lending course of altogether particularly to the beforehand unbanked inhabitants of the nation. We hope that this Finances additional strengthens the mandate of the Fintech Committee to make India the highest fintech innovation centre on this planet by making certain coverage to quick observe paperless and presence-less entry to finance. Though the federal government has strengthened its measures to curb cyber frauds with the Nationwide Safety Council Secretariat functioning because the nodal company, they need to implement stricter legal guidelines and insurance policies and conduct programmes to unfold consciousness concerning the cyber threats and the right way to take care of them. We additionally hope that the approaching Finances will provide additional tax sops in addition to some particular incentives provided to startups, and total discount in company tax. Sangeet Modi, Co-Founder & Director, IndiaMoneyMart, a P2P platform The NBFC-P2P offers a pool of alternatives to each the lenders and the debtors to have interaction in enterprise. The P2P mannequin is an answer for a lot of small companies which can be struggling for funds. Digital lending has modified the face of many growing international locations’ economies due to the clear surroundings and paperless approvals. So, from the attitude of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) trade in India, it has super alternatives as a result of this trade remains to be at a nascent stage and requires encouragement by tax advantages. Tax advantages might be supplied on the curiosity earnings from peer-to-peer (P2P) lending enterprise that may encourage buyers to take a position on this enterprise. We additionally demand leisure in norms to permit NRIs to be lenders on the platform and the curiosity earnings must be repatriable. At this level, unhealthy loans aren’t good for the well being of P2P trade and must be allowed to be adjusted towards the curiosity earnings by P2P till the trade has settled in. It’s not solely about enterprise however a P2P lending revolution might help monetary inclusion to an awesome extent. Mahesh Shukla, founder, PayMe India, on-line lending platform The demand of the trade is nice liquidity. The Finance Minister ought to provide you with insurance policies that will increase liquidity within the sector. Furthermore, the capital infusion shouldn’t solely be restricted to massive industrial banks. For monetary inclusion within the nation, NBFCs and regional banks also needs to be leveraged with the ample capital infusion. Apart from, rationalisation of varied taxes like safety transaction tax within the capital market also needs to be one of many prime priorities of the FM within the upcoming Union Finances. Rajiv M Ranjan, Founder & CMD, PaisaDukan, a P2P lending platform Whereas an awesome increase to the P2P trade could be by way of the regulator easing lending caps, we look ahead to a important position from the finance ministry for higher monetary inclusion by extending sure share exemption by way of Part 80C and in addition flexibility of dealing with defaults beneath a capital loss. These steps will guarantee an awesome attain as an asset class and in addition higher credit score entry to prospects. One of many easiest methods to do it’s to make investments in P2P lending tax-free akin to investments in sure mutual funds. Different such investments can, maybe, be positioned beneath Part 80C of Revenue Tax legislation. A lender must be allowed to set off or carry ahead his losses as at present prevalent in different types of funding. The identical algorithm that exist for short-term and long-term capital losses can apply and there needn’t be any new provisions, particularly for P2P.  It might be nice if our trade can also be given tax exemptions beneath the Revenue Tax Act. Having access to institutional credit score has been one of many main issues of the MSEs. It’s time the federal government appears to be like at various financing possibility like P2P lending to unravel the credit score disaster. Ankush Aggarwal, Founder, at Avail Finance, on-line lending startup The federal government must create a powerful regulatory physique for the non-banking monetary sector to handle issues just like the liquidity crunch within the sector whereas boosting the boldness of lenders and debtors. This may finally result in simpler credit score for the poor and needy, in-line with the federal government’s plans for monetary inclusion. As well as, we’re additionally hoping to see some incentives for startups and an total discount in company tax. Ravi Vishvanathan, Director, PayMate, a B2B funds and small enterprise (SMB) financing options Tweaking the Angel Tax has not helped in resolving the matter. The tax simply must go and the complete part must be deleted altogether. The RBI’s Imaginative and prescient 2021 must be backed by daring measures within the Finances akin to a diminished tax fee for companies spending much less in money than the brink stage, decrease stamp responsibility on contracts and agreements. Startup entrepreneurs within the fintech sector must be permitted to rearrange for finance from household and buddies and the restrictions on mortgage from buddies and relations have to be relaxed to an awesome extent. NEFT/RTGS ought to grow to be a 24/7 facility (with a half hour window for settlement if required). Fintechs must be permitted to function on a low margin. Tax deduction on gross income ends in damaging money movement for these entities. Both fintechs must be exempted from TDS or alternatively, zero/decrease tax deduction certificates must be issued by default primarily based on self-declaration. Tanul Mishra, CEO, Afthonia Lab, an incubator Whereas the federal government has began work on strengthening and selling the incubator ecosystem in India, there’s nonetheless a large chasm to cowl. The federal government ought to concentrate on a greater outreach plan for the incubators as they assist startups with sources to maintain by their seed years. Secondly, I’m hoping the federal government would launch extra initiatives like SEBI sandbox for the fintech trade as it would assist bridge the hole between the regulator and the fintech firms and in addition foster significant innovation with full consciousness of a posh monetary framework. Having this significant entry may even allow startups to check their services or products in a near actual surroundings. I additionally hope to see the federal government discover public personal partnerships of incubators since a mixture of each might help the startups with the perfect insights, data and entry. Lastly, I consider that the RBI’s Imaginative and prescient 2021 wants to incorporate a key space that the highway map is silent on KYC which might be important for on boarding prospects. Deena Jacob, Co-founder, CFO & Head, Open, a neo-banking startup Whereas we’ve witnessed numerous steps in direction of boosting the startup surroundings and bettering the convenience of doing enterprise, we nonetheless have to go a great distance on tax, regulatory and digitisation facets. Additional steps to ease up the regulatory hurdles across the areas of economic inclusion and credit score movement, enabling extra know-how primarily based innovation is the necessity of the hour. Bodily contact factors nonetheless required in banking and monetary sectors dampens the efforts in direction of monetary inclusion. Aggressive and sooner measures in direction of complete digitization with important and related laws in place is a should for a paperless progressive economic system. Hope to see a concentrate on these facets within the funds this time. Sameer Aggarwal, Founder & CEO, RevFin, an prompt lending startup There’s a have to encourage voluntary disclosure of money scheme with no tax implications. This may put cash in to banks. Second, create a scheme (like SEZs) the place small merchants under sure incomes are given tax exemption from earnings earned by digital medium in sure geographical areas. Geography might be outlined on foundation of areas of excessive money utilisation and low financial institution presence. A number of small steps would assist ease of doing enterprise. First, all tax and ROC compliance must be completed every year in a specified time-frame and as a single course of. Even new compliance necessities must be completed as a part of this fairly than doing as a one off at completely different instances through the 12 months. This may cut back time and value of utilizing skilled companies. Course of like TDS funds must be completed by a direct debit course of which ought to embrace all banks fairly than a couple of banks solely. E-KYC utilizing Aadhar must be allowed for sure forms of organisations. This contains utilities (fuel, electrical energy, web, telephone and so forth) and monetary companies (banks, NBFCs, insurance coverage and so forth). The coverage should clearly state necessities when it comes to course of, know-how infrastructure and knowledge safety. Firms satisfying the factors should be given full entry to e KYC companies with out the necessity to make massive safety deposits or the necessity to undergo intermediaries. Entry to Aadhar primarily based E KYC is essential however so is the necessity to maintain price of that low for organisations and ease of use. The federal government should launch a nationwide schooling program (like pulse polio or hum do humare do) to coach the nation on advantages of digital funds. This should be completed by personal partnerships by extending tax advantages to small merchants taking digital funds. Nationwide and state curriculum should even have monetary literacy as a topic which ought to embrace sensible lessons taken by monetary companies firms (one other option to get personal partnership). Vinay Bagri, Co-founder & CEO, NiYO, a fintech startup Within the first full funds of the brand new authorities, we count on a slew of measures from the federal government to ease the working surroundings for fintech startups, significantly within the wake of the NBFC liquidity disaster and the setback to digital on-boarding by eKYC. We count on the federal government to push ahead new reforms beneath the umbrella of “Digital India 2.0”, in addition to strengthen the measures to realize monetary inclusion. We hope for tax relaxations for fintech firms and funds gamers which might pave the way in which for the fintech trade to extend investments in product innovation and customer support. Mandar Agashe, Founder and Vice President, Sarvatra Applied sciences, know-how companies supplier to rural banks We count on Modi 2.Zero to proceed the momentum it picked up for its flagship program of ‘Digital India’. The graceful transition from an all-cash to a cashless economic system is a big leap ahead and requires sturdy infrastructure as a utility to each citizen. The federal government ought to due to this fact contemplate planning investments to strengthen the nation’s digital and monetary infrastructure. Contemplating the excessive prices concerned in sustaining the ATM infrastructure throughout the nation the federal government ought to encourage distributors for the deployment of POS-based Micro ATMs by subsidies and rewards. Apart from offering incentives and tax advantages to retailers and monetary establishments internet hosting digital funds will assist speed up the adoption part. Moreover, encouraging interoperability throughout new age platforms with the assistance of an agile technological infrastructure will improve the comfort quotient thus facilitating the economic system’s easy transition from money to cashless. The true ‘Bharat’ nonetheless lies within the cities and villages throughout the nation. Due to this fact to drive the general agenda of economic inclusion, the federal government ought to take proactive steps to on-board the agricultural and semi-urban India which constitutes for greater than 70% of the nation’s inhabitants. Educating and empowering folks is the way in which to go. Therefore packages with the goal of selling digital literacy and consciousness must be funded by the federal government.   Your information to the most recent cricket World Cup tales, evaluation, experiences, opinions, stay updates and scores on https://www.firstpost.com/firstcricket/series/icc-cricket-world-cup-2019.html. 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